How old is the Universe Setting new constraints on the age of the Universe

How old is the Universe  Setting new constraints on the age of the Universe
How old is the Universe  Setting new constraints on the age of the Universe

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0105384v 1 22 M a y 2001

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2001)Printed 1February 2008

(MN L A T E X style ?le v1.4)

How old is the Universe ?

Setting new constraints on the age of the Universe

Ignacio Ferreras,Alessandro Melchiorri and Joseph Silk

Nuclear &Astrophysics Lab.1Keble Road,Oxford OX13RH,United Kingdom

Draft version 1February 2008


There are three independent techniques for determining the age of the universe:via cosmochronology of long-lived radioactive nuclei,via stellar modelling and population synthesis of the oldest stellar populations,and,most recently,via the precision cos-mology that has become feasible with the mapping of the acoustic peaks in the cosmic microwave background.We demonstrate that all three methods give completely con-sistent results,and enable us to set rigorous bounds on the maximum and minimum ages that are allowed for the universe.We present new constraints on the age of the universe by performing a multiband colour analysis of bright cluster ellipticals over a large redshift range (0.3

the age of the universe to be 13.2+3.6

?2.0Gyr (1σ),in agreement both with the estimates from type Ia supernovae,as well as with the latest uranium decay estimates,which yield an age for the Milky Way of 12.5±3Gyr.If we combine the results from cluster ellipticals with the analysis of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background and with the observations of type Ia supernovae at high redshift,we ?nd a

similar age:13.4+1.4

?1.0Gyr.Without the assumption of any priors,universes older than 18Gyr are ruled out by the data at the 90%con?dence level.

Key words:galaxies:elliptical and lenticular,cD —galaxies:evolution —cosmology:Cosmic Microwave Background,anisotropy,power spectrum


Discrepancies between age determinations,such as for globu-lar clusters and from the Hubble constant,have long plagued cosmology.The situation has changed dramatically in the past three years,however,as the Hubble constant propo-nents (Mould et al.2000)have converged on a value which we conservatively take to be of H 0=70±15km s ?1Mpc ?1,and because of several other developments.Type Ia super-nova measurements have provided strong evidence for a cos-mological constant (Perlmutter et al.1999;Riess et al.1998),and mapping of the acoustic peaks in the cosmic microwave background has ?xed the cosmological parameters with un-precedented precision (Netter?eld et al.2001).Finally,de-tection of uranium in an old Population II star has pro-vided a direct nuclear chronometer for the age of our galaxy (Cayrel et al.2001).Any one of these measurements may be suspect,but the remarkable concordance that we ?nd enables to show here by a combined likelihood anaysis that combination of these constraints provides,for the ?rst time,rigorous upper and lower bounds on the age of the universe.

Consider ?rst stellar model determinations of the age of

the universe.The small scatter found in the absolute lumi-nosity of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs)over a wide

range of redshifts motivated their use as standard candles to determine cosmological parameters (Gunn &Oke 1975).However,this analysis was based on the assumption that this type of galaxy should not undergo signi?cant evolution in luminosity with lookback time.Tinsley (1976)showed that the brightening of main sequence stars poses a major hurdle in the use of BCGs as standard candles.Predicting the luminosity evolution is a rather challenging endeavour since it strongly depends both on the star formation his-tory as well as on the dynamical history.An analysis of bright ellipticals in a large sample of clusters observed in the near-infrared (Arag′o n-Salamanca,Baugh &Kau?mann 1998)concluded that the stellar mass in BCGs over a large redshift range (0




lipticals(Bower,Lucey&Ellis1992;Stanford,Eisenhardt &Dickinson1998)hints at old stellar populations,formed at redshifts z F>~3.The use of galaxy colours as a“cos-mic clock”is nevertheless a challenging task especially due to the age-metallicity degeneracy,which causes age e?ects to be mimicked by a range of metal abundances(Worthey 1994).

We focus on the brightest cluster ellipticals—which are assumed to have a simple star formation history as ex-plained below—and use stellar population synthesis models (Bruzual&Charlot,in preparation,hereafter B&C)in or-der to infer the age of the stars in these galaxies.We have compared this technique both with the analysis of the latest measurements of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation(CMBR)observed by the BOOMERanG collaboration(de Bernardis et al.2000,2001) as well as with the observations of high redshift type Ia su-pernovae(Perlmutter et al.1999;Riess et al.1998)in order to estimate the age of the universe.We also compare these ages with the ages derived for globular clusters(Salaris& Weiss1998)and the oldest halo stars(Cayrel et al.2001), to which one has to add an age for the Milky Way that must correspond to the time elapsed between the Big Bang and formation at a redshift of at least2,and more conservatively 5or even10.

We?nd that four completely independent age deter-minations—namely CMBR,galaxy colours for clusters at z<~1,stellar evolution applied to old globular clusters,and radioactive isotope dating of old stars—lead to a consistent result.These age probes represent di?erent combinations of Big Bang parameters(H0,?m,?Λ),galaxy evolution pa-rameters(star formation rate history,initial stellar mass function),stellar evolution parameters(stellar mass,com-position and mixing length),and nucleochronology(half-life of238U),respectively.In this paper we add the spectropho-tometric study of bright cluster ellipticals to the growing list of cosmological probes used to determine the age of the Universe(Lineweaver1999;Primack2000).


We use the sample of Stanford,Eisenhardt&Dickinson (1998),which comprises17clusters over a large redshift range(0.3

χ2SSP= 17n=1 4i=1 c n,i?C n,i 2/σ2i+

+ Model(U?V)z=0?1.6 2/σ20.(1) The colour scatterσi is chosen to be±0.2magnitudes for all four colours,and comprises the e?ect of photometric error bars,uncertainties in the modelling of stellar populations as well as colour scatter in bright ellipticals.In order to further tighten the allowed region of parameter space,we have ap-plied a constraint at zero redshift,using high precision pho-tometry of the Coma and Virgo clusters(Bower et al.1992), adding the second term shown in equation(1).Hence,for a given age-metallicity point,we evolve the system to zero red-shift(with a given cosmology)and then compare its U?V colour with the observed(U?V)z=0=1.6with a scatter σ0=0.1mag.

Figure1shows the contours at68,90and95%con?-dence levels in an age-metallicity diagram for the brightest ellipticals in cluster Cl0024+16(z=0.39).The degeneracy between age and metallicity is readily shown,so that old populations with low metal abundances give similar results to young stars with a higher metallicity.In the?gure,we compare the result of B&C with the population synthesis models of Yi et al.(1999)who take special care in adding the contribution from core helium burning stars—horizon-tal branch(HB)stars—and their progeny.HB stars seem to be the most plausible candidate to explain the UV upturn (λ~1500?A)in elliptical galaxies(O’Connell1999).How-ever,the agreement between both models shown in Figure1 is expected if we consider that most of the contribution of the light in the spectral range considered(i.e.between U and K bands)from elliptical galaxies comes from the main sequence and red giant branch populations,which are better understood than HB stars(Bruzual&Charlot1993;Yi et al.1999).

We can impose a further constraint on the metallicity for bright cluster ellipticals.In these massive systems,the deep gravitational wells prevent gas ejected from supernovae from being thrown out of the galaxy.This feedback mecha-nism is presumed to be more e?ective in low mass spheroids (Ferreras&Silk2000a)and is the basis for the correla-tion between mass and metallicity(Larson1974).A detailed analysis of metal abundances in several Fornax cluster early-type galaxies(Kuntschner2000)shows that[Fe/H]>~0.0for ellipticals with high velocity dispersion(logσ>~2.2).The standard simple closed-box model is a good approximation to the chemical enrichment in bright ellipticals(Pagel1997). In this model the evolution of the average stellar metallicity is:

Z=p 1+μlnμ

How old is the Universe?3 to the metallicity at[Fe/H]>~?0.1,roughly corresponding

to Z~0.8Z⊙,shown as a horizontal line in Figure1.

Finally,the complete sample of17clusters can be com-

bined by assuming a given cosmology(H0,?m,?Λ)which

enables us to translate redshifts into ages.A grid of models

was run as follows:The cosmology was explored by choos-

ing0.085≤?m≤1.085and0≤?Λ≤1.,both in steps

of0.085;and0.25≤h0≤0.95in steps of0.05(with

h0de?ned as H0/km s?1Mpc?1).The stellar populations

were parametrized by the metallicity,chosen in the range

0.8≤Z/Z⊙≤1.9in steps of0.1and the formation red-

shift z F={2,2.25,2.50,2.75,3,3.25,3.50,3.75,4,6,8,10}.

We ran two such models for two di?erent initial mass func-

tions:Salpeter(1955)and Scalo(1986),using B&C and a

third one using the models of Yi et al.(1999)for a Salpeter


The metallicity is not the only factor that could modify

age estimates from broadband photometry.The reddening

caused by dust may also cause overestimates of stellar ages.

However,dust is not expected to play a signi?cant role in

cluster ellipticals,whose gaseous component is too hot to

allow signi?cant amounts of dust to be present over large

timescales.The small scatter found in the colour-magnitude

relation of cluster ellipticals would require a tight conspir-

acy between age,metallicity and dust,in order to keep the

scatter as low as observed.Furthermore,rest-frame near-

ultraviolet photometry of Abell851(z=0.41)shows that

the brightest ellipticals are not redder than the dustless

predictions of simple stellar populations(Ferreras&Silk



In the standard in?ationary framework,the cosmic mi-

crowave background power spectrum depends essentially on

3cosmological parameters(Efstathiou&Bond1999):the

physical matter density in baryons(ωb=?b h2),the overall

physical matter density(ωm=?m h2)and the parameter



[ωm a+ωk a2+ωΛa4]1/2

withωk=h2(1??m??Λ).Cosmological models with the

same values of the parametersωm,ωb and R will have nearly-

identical power spectra on degree and subdegree angular

scales.Furthermore,the age of the universe is given by

t0=9.8Gyr 10ada




Gyr.This is in agreement with estimates of the age of the universe from Type Ia supernovae at high redshift(Perlmutter et al.1999;Riess et al.1998).Using a Scalo IMF does not change the age estimates signi?cantly: the best?t gives ages less than5%compared to a Salpeter IMF,i.e.well below the error bars.

The latest measurement of the age of the oldest stars in the Milky Way through the decay of238U gives a value of 12.5±3Gyr(Cayrel et al.2001),which is consistent with the above ages if we assume the process of star formation started in our galaxy1?3Gyrs after the Big Bang,corresponding to a formation redshift z F>~2for a reasonable range of cos-mologies.Another technique which allows for a reasonably accurate estimate of the age of our galaxy involves globular clusters.The ages of globular clusters can be inferred in a distance-independent way by analyzing several features in the stellar colour-magnitude diagram such as the luminosity gap between the main sequence turno?and the base of the zero age horizontal branch,or the colour gap between the turno?point and the tip of the red giant branch.Salaris& Weiss(1998)explored a sample of halo and disk globular clusters,?nding the age of the oldest cluster(NGC6366) to be12.2±1.1Gyr.However,Pont et al.(1998)estimate an age of14Gyr for M92with a more standard distance-dependent technique,involving a?t to the main-sequence in a colour-magnitude diagram.M92is estimated by Salaris& Weiss(1998)to be11.0±1.1Gyr old.

The estimates from CMBR data give values that are perfectly consistent with the analysis using stellar popula-tions.Since the new BOOMERanG data is perfectly con-sistent with present estimates of the baryon content from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis(Burles et al.1999)the prior ?b h2=0.02±0.002has little e?ect on the results as we can see in the?fth row of Table1.We note that our CMBR anal-ysis is restricted to a speci?c class of models based on adia-batic primordial perturbations and with a limited number of parameters.Assuming di?erent mechanisms of structure for-mation than those predicted by in?ation such as topological defects and/or isocurvature?uctuations would drastically change our conclusions.Furthermore,restricting our analy-sis to purely baryonic universes would yield higher values for the age of the universe,namely around~22Gyr(Gri?ths, Melchiorri&Silk2001).Thus,the consistency between the age values inferred from CMBR and those obtained by stel-lar populations can be considered as a further con?rmation of the standard in?ationary scenario.

As an interesting check of the models,we decided to invert the analysis presented here so that the formation red-shift and the average metallicity of stellar populations in bright ellipticals could be inferred from estimates to the age of the universe.With a conservative prior on Hubble’s con-stant(H0=70±15km s?1Mpc?1),we?nd the average metallicity to be Z/Z⊙=1.10±0.18and1.17±0.31for a Salpeter and a Scalo IMF,respectively,using the population synthesis models of Bruzual&Charlot.Adding the age con-straint from CMBR data does not signi?cantly change the result,giving Z/Z⊙=1.14±0.18(Salpeter)and1.14±0.28 (Scalo).On the other hand,all formation redshifts explored in this paper(2

redshift clusters(Van Dokkum&Franx2001).

Hence,we have presented the study of the colours of bright cluster ellipticals as an additional analysis to be in-corporated in the medley of cosmological probes.With a set of reasonable assumptions for the stellar populations in this type of galaxies,we infer an age of the universe of 13.2+3.6


Gyr and a?nal result—combining the results from stellar populations in cluster ellipticals,the angular power spectrum of the CMBR and type Ia supernovae—



Gyr.Without the assumption of any priors,the combined analysis rules out universes older than18Gyr at a90%con?dence level.


IF is supported by a grant from the European Community under contract HPMF-CT-1999-00109.


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c 2001RAS,MNRAS000,1–??

How old is the Universe?5 TABLE1:Constraints on the Age of the Universe

Prior B&C Yi CMBR CMBR+B&C CMBR+B&C+SN-Ia Database


Figure1:Age-metallicity diagram for cluster Cl0024+16(z=0.39)using the photometry from Stanford,Eisenhardt&Dickinson (1998).The contours are at the68,90and95%(thick line)con?dence levels of theχ2de?ned in the text.Solid(dotted)lines correspond to the population synthesis models of Bruzual&Charlot(2001)and Yi et al.(1999),respectively.Both assume a Salpeter initial mass function.The arrows and one of the top axes give the stellar ages for three di?erent formation redshifts assuming a Λ-dominated?at cosmology(ΛCDM,?m=0.3;h0=0.7).The other axes on top give formation redshifts for other popular cosmologies:OCDM(?m=0.3;?Λ=0;h0=0.6);and SCDM(?m=1;?Λ=0;h0=0.55),The horizontal line shows the lower limit

to the metallicity expected for bright cluster ellipticals.

c 2001RAS,MNRAS000,1–??

How old is the Universe?7

Figure2:Estimate of the age of the universe as a function of H0preferred by a joint analysis combining the stellar populations in bright ellipticals for a Salpeter initial mass function and the observed angular power spectrum of the CMBR.The238U

age-measurement of an old halo star in our galaxy of Cayrel et al.(2001)is also shown as dashed lines,however one should shift this age upwards by an amount corresponding to the lapse between t=0and the?rst processes of star formation in our galaxy.The age of the oldest halo globular cluster in the sample of Salaris&Weiss(1998)is also shown.

c 2001RAS,MNRAS000,1–??


Figure3:Likelihood curves for the estimates of the age of the universe using a comparison between the colours of bright cluster ellipticals and the latest population synthesis models of Bruzual&Charlot(B&C;solid line);and the angular power spectrum of the CMBR(dashed).The shaded area gives the likelihood of the combined analysis.Universes older than18Gyr are ruled out at a90%

con?dence level.

c 2001RAS,MNRAS000,1–??



攀登英语阅读系列·有趣的字母 北京师范大学“认知神经科学与学习”国家重点实验室攀登英语项目组编著 Lesson1 Frank the Rat 大老鼠弗兰克Frank the rat is in a bag. 大老鼠弗兰克在袋子里呢。 Frank is in a hat. 他在圆顶帽子里呢。 Frank is in a pan. 他在平底锅里呢。 Frank is on an apple. 他在苹果上呢。 Frank is on a bat. 他在球棒上呢。 “Oh, no!” Frank is on a cat. “噢,糟了!”弗兰克落在了猫身上! Lesson 2 The Biscuits 我们来做饼干“I’m hungry!”“我饿了!” A biscuit…一块饼干可以是...... A biscuit can be a bus. 一块饼干可以是公共汽车。 A biscuit can be a bike. 和一块饼干可以是自行车。 A biscuit can be a boat. 一块饼干可以是小船。 A biscuit can be a banana. 一块饼干可以是香蕉。

A biscuit can be a bear. 一块饼干可以是小熊。 A biscuit can be a butterfly. 一块饼干可以是蝴蝶。 But…If birds are nearby…但是…..如果小鸟恰好在旁边的话…… The biscuits can only be birds.饼干就只是小鸟啦。 Lesson 3 Cool Cat 酷猫卡里 Cary is a cool cat. 卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Cary can cut carrots like this. 卡里能像这样切胡萝卜。 Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. 卡里能像这样爬树。 Cary can clean a crocodile like this. 卡里能像这样清理鳄鱼。 Cary can catch flies like this. 卡里能像这样抓苍蝇。 Can Cary color like this? 卡里能像这样涂色吗? Yes! Cary is a cool cat. 是的!卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Lesson 4 Dancing Dad 爸爸爱跳舞


小学英语五年级上册期末考试题 (考试时间:40分钟;满分:100分) 班级:姓名:成绩: 听力部分(50分) I.Listen and number(5×2') II.Listen and choose(10×2') ( ) 1. A. bray B. pray ( ) 2. A. fly B. fry ( ) 3. A. boat B. coat ( ) 4. A. hair B. pear ( ) 5. A. green B. cream ( ) 6. A. door B. floor ( ) 7. A. Monday B. Sunday ( ) 8. A. go swimming B. go boating ( ) 9. A. living room B. dining room ( ) 10. A. fly a kite B. ride a bike III.Listen and number(5×2') ( ) Come to look at my new room. ( ) No, there isn’t. ( ) Yes, there is. I can study and play with it. ( ) OK. Is there a TV in your room? ( ) Is there a computer in your room?

笔试部分(50分) I.Read and choose(5×2') ( ) 1. —What day is it today? —_______________ . A. It’s Friday. B. It’s cloudy. ( ) 2. —Does Stanley love sports? —_______________ . A.Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. ( ) 3. —What would you like for lunch? —_______________ . A. I like swimming. B. I’d like some fish and rice. ( ) 4. —Where is the bathroom? —___________________ . A. It’s between the bedrooms. B. What a nice house! ( ) 5. —Are there any toys in your room? —_______________ . A.No, there aren’t. B. Yes, there is.


一年级攀登英语一级A教学计划 一年级攀登英语一级A教学计划 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调及书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯。 3、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 一年级攀登英语一级A教学计划 (20**学年度第一学期) 本学期我担任一年级4个班的攀登英语教学工作,现我对本学期教学工作做如下计划: 一、学生情况分析 一年级的孩子的年龄多为6周岁,具有好奇、好活动、爱表现、善模仿等特点。他们的学习兴趣很浓,接受能力、模仿能力很强,学习习惯初步养成,因此在本学期应注重培养学生良好的学习习惯,训练学生的听说能力,调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,营造互帮互助,共同学习英语的语境。 二、教学目标 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调及书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯。

3、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 三、教材分析 本书共由五部分构成:本册教材学习内容包括:日常英语(Everyday English)、歌曲童谣(Songs and Chants).动画英语(Cartoon English)等 1、日常英语:与学生日常生活密切相关的情景对话,共12个话题,每个话题包括2-4句情景对话。 2、动画英语:以《迪士尼神奇英语》(上)VCD为基本学习材料。 共6张VCD,12课,每课4个小节,由学生熟悉和喜欢的迪士尼动画片片段组合而成。 3、歌曲童谣:包括歌曲和童谣两大块,其中有精心制作的传统英文经典歌曲,也有攀登英语独创的童谣日常英语替换内容:以日常英语重 点句型为主线,结合歌曲童谣和动画英语中高频出现的词汇进行的开放性交替。 5、节奏英语:将日常英语替换内容编成12段朗朗上口的韵文,并 配以节奏明快的背景音乐形成的独特学习内容。 四、教学措施 1、考虑到小学生好动爱玩的特点,以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英 语学习的可持续性发展。 2、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量 的语言操练和练习。


小学英语五年级下册复习资料 Unit 1 Good Helpers 重点词汇: clean the room打扫房间wash the socks 洗袜子make the bed整理床铺do the dishes 洗碗 cook the dinner 做晚饭water the plants 给植物浇水put away the clothes 收拾衣服take out the rubbish倒垃圾 相关词汇: often 经常;常常sometimes 有时 重点句型: 1.---Do you help your parents at home? 你在家会帮助父母吗? ---Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。 2.---What do you do at home? 你在家会做些什么? ---I often do the dishes. 我经常洗碗。 3.---What can you do for your parents? 你能为父母做些什么? ---I can cook the dinner. 我会做晚饭。 4.---Does Max often help his parents? 麦克斯会经常帮助他的父母吗? ---Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.是的,他会。/ 不,他不会。 相关句型: 1.I often clean the rooms. 我经常打扫房间。 2.He often makes the bed. 他经常整理床铺。

3.Sometimes I wash my socks. 有时我洗自己的袜子。 4.I can water the plants. 我会给植物浇水。 5.Lu Hua can cook the dinner. 卢华会做晚饭。 Unit 2 At Home 重点词汇: read a book看书watch TV 看电视see a film看电影write an email写电子邮件draw a picture画画work 工作study学习eat吃drink喝sleep睡;睡觉动词原形及其现在分词形式: read --- reading watch --- watching see --- seeing write --- writing draw --- drawing work --- working study --- studying eat --- eating drink --- drinking sleep --- sleeping do --- doing dance --- dancing 现在进行时的构成: 主语+ be动词(am, is, are)+ 现在分词(动词ing) +(其它) 表示正在进行或发生的动作。“......(正)在......” 重点句型: 1.---What are you doing? 你在做什么? ---I'm watching TV. 我在看电视。 2.---What is Lu Hua doing? 卢华在做什么? ---She is reading a book. 她在看书。


重大版小学英语三年级(下) Unit3 My Favourite Food 一:单元教学分析 (一)教材内容: 重庆出版社,重庆大学出版社小学英语三年级(下)第三单元。 (二)教材内容分析: 本单元主要讲的“我喜欢的食物”。要求学生掌握部分食品和饮料的单词,学会用英语表达“喜欢…”和“不喜欢…”。本单元共有三课,Lesson one主要学习cola bread cake 等单词,句型Do you like……及肯定、否定回答。第二课进一步学习有关食品、饮料方面的单词及句型“what do you like”,第三课学习字母并能正确书写,同时也是对第一、二课的归纳复习,进一步培养学生的听说读写能力;让学生在交流中逐渐了解一些中外文化,习俗及不同文化的差异;拓展学生的文化视野,培养及发展他们跨文化交际意识和能力。如果说第一课是基础,则第二课是扩展加深,那么第三课就是拓展运用。 本单元的重点是学会用英语表达“我喜欢…”和“我不喜欢…”。助动词do构成的疑问句,否定句。What引导的特殊疑问句,字母的学习和书写。难点是有些单词及短语的发音;have的用法。运用新旧知识大胆交流既是重点,又是难点。 (三)课时安排 (4课时) 第一课时:(一课)Let's sing;Listen and say;Look and listen. 第二课时:(一课)Your time to act. Let’s chant. 第三课时:(二课)Listen and say;Listen and say; Look and listen;Let's play;Let's do 第四课时: (三课)Listen and learn;Listen and tick;Listen and circle;Miss liu ask;Miss liu says;Trace and copy. 二、课时教案 第一课时 教学目标


攀登英语阅读系列·有趣的字母 北京师范大学“认知神经科学与学习”国家重点实验室攀登英语项目组编著 Lesson1Frank the Rat 大老鼠弗兰克 Frank the rat is in a bag. 大老鼠弗兰克在袋子里呢。 Frank is in a hat. 他在圆顶帽子里呢。 Frank is in a pan. 他在平底锅里呢。 Frank is on an apple. 他在苹果上呢。 Frank is on a bat. 他在球棒上呢。 “Oh, no!” Frank is on a cat. “噢,糟了!”弗兰克落在了猫身上! Lesson 2 The Biscuits 我们来做饼干 “I’m hungry!”“我饿了!” A biscuit…一块饼干可以是...... A biscuit can be a bus.一块饼干可以是公共汽车。 A biscuit canbe a bike. 和一块饼干可以是自行车。 A biscuit can be a boat. 一块饼干可以是小船。 A biscuit can be a banana. 一块饼干可以是香蕉。 A biscuit can be a bear. 一块饼干可以是小熊。 A biscuit can be a butterfly. 一块饼干可以是蝴蝶。 But…If birds are nearby…但是…..如果小鸟恰好在旁边的话…… The biscuits can only be birds.饼干就只是小鸟啦。 Lesson 3 Cool Cat 酷猫卡里 Cary is a cool cat. 卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Cary can cut carrots like this. 卡里能像这样切胡萝卜。 Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. 卡里能像这样爬树。 Cary can clean a crocodile like this. 卡里能像这样清理鳄鱼。 Cary can catch flies like this.卡里能像这样抓苍蝇。 Can Cary color like this? 卡里能像这样涂色吗? Yes! Cary is a cool cat. 是的!卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Lesson 4 Dancing Dad 爸爸爱跳舞 Dad loves dancing! 爸爸爱跳舞! Dad is dancing with the desk. 他和桌子一起跳。 Dad is dancing with the duck. 他和鸭子一起跳。 Dad is dancing with the door. 他和门一起跳。 Dad is dancing with the dog. 他和小狗一起跳。 Dad is dancing with the deer. 他和小鹿一起跳。 Where is Dad? 爸爸在哪儿呀? Wow!哇! What a dancing Dad! 真是个爱跳舞的爸爸! Lesson 5 Red Ben 小本的红色世界 Ben likes red. 小本喜欢红色。 Ben paints the eggs red. 他把鸡蛋涂成红色。 Ben paints the eggplants red. 他把茄子涂成红色。 Ben paints the lemons red. 他把柠檬涂成红色。

重大版小学英语五年级上册our new rooms

重大版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 5 Our new rooms Lesson 1教案 学校:沙坪坝新发小学班级:5.2班教师:牟仁莉 教学目标: 1,能在情景中,听懂、会读有关家里物品的单词:TV, computer, bed, clock, photo. 2,能够在相应情景下,使用句型There is 的肯定句和一般疑问句,并能够做出相应的正确回答。 3,能够利用所学单词和句型,小组讨论介绍自己的房间。 教学重点: 1,能听、读、说、写单词:TV,computer,bed,clock,photo。 2,能灵活运用Is there a ____ in your room?询问他人的房间的物品,并作出相应的回答:Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 教学难点: 能够灵活运用所学单词和句型,和同学讨论介绍自己的房间。 教学准备: 交互式电子白板、视频、音频、单词卡片、房间图片。 教学步骤: Step1, Warm-up (3mins) 1, Greetings: Hello,boys and girls. Nice to see you again. What day is it today? How’s the weather today? 2,Sing a song: In the room. T: Before the class, let’s warm up. Let’s sing a song together. 3, 出示课题:today,we’ll learn unit 5 our new rooms. 4, 出示房间图片:Look, what’s this? Ss: It’s a bedroom. T: Can you guess whose room? Is it Du xiaomao’s room? Is it Gao wendi’s room? Is it Stanley’s room?


重大版小学英语五年级下册教材分析和计划 本学期教材由4个单元、1个复习检测。每单元由4课和一个自我评价组成,以4个不同话题为中心展开教学。在每个单元中第一课由三个活动组成,第二课和第三课分别有4个活动组成,第四课由5个活动组成。 Lesson 1 1.Look , listen and act 活动目的:在简单的交流语境中展示语言,学生通过看图,听对话,在语言和图画之间建立意义的联系,理解对话所表达的意义:让学生通过角色表演形式,进一步巩固所学到的语言,扩展学到的对话内容:通过上台表演,使学生树立起学好英语的自信心。 2.. Listen and learn 活动目的:听录音学习生词。学生通过听录音,学习和模仿单词的正确、自然的发音;在句子中学习词汇,可以帮助学生了解单词的简单用法。 3.Work with your friends 活动目的:鼓励学生进行合作学习、乐于用已学过的英语进行简单的交流,培养其自信心和成就感,以及乐于合作的积极态度:给学生的自由发挥,发展留有较大的空间。 Lesson 2 1.Read and answer / complete 活动目的:增加阅读量。让学生通过阅读去获取信息,并运用所获得信息完成任务。 2&3.. Listen / circle / speak / write……. 活动目的:让学生通过各种练习来复习巩固所学过的知识和技能。 4.Children’s Garden 活动目的:让学生在听、说、唱童谣、唱歌、做游戏等活动中获得语言学习的快乐,产生对英语学习的兴趣和热情。 Lesson 3 1.Look, listen and act 活动目的;在简单的交流语境中展示语言,学生通过看图,听对话,在语言和图画之间建立意义的联系,理解对话所表达的意义:让学生通过角色表演形式,进一步巩固所学到的语言,扩展学到的对话内容;通过上台表演,使学生树立起学好英语的自信心。 2.. Listen and learn 活动目的:听录音学习生词。学生通过听录音,学习和模仿单词的正确、自然的发音;在句子中学习词汇,可以帮助学生了解单词的简单用法。 3. Work with your friends 活动目的:鼓励学生进行合作学习、乐于用已学过的英语进行简单的交流,培养其自信心和成就感,以及乐于合作的积极态度:给学生的自由发挥,发展留有较大的空间. 5.Listen / choose /speak / complete / write……. 活动目的:让学生通过各种练习来复习巩固所学过的知识和技能。 Lesson 4 1.. Read for fun 活动目的:让学生借助漫画理解语言文字所表达的内容:通过幽默的故事情节,是学生在阅读中获得快乐,产生对阅读的兴趣和热情。 2.. Act the story with your friends / Tell the story to your friends 活动目的:通过表演或复述的形式,让学生把所读到的文字信息通过大脑的处理、加工,再通过口头表述的形式输送出去。


攀登英语——有趣的字母 A: Frank the rat 老鼠弗兰克 Frank the rat is in a bag. 大老鼠弗兰克在袋子里。 Frank is in a hat. 弗兰克在圆顶帽子里。 Frank is in a pan. 弗兰克在平底锅里。 Frank is on an apple. 弗兰克在苹果里。 Frank is on a bat. 弗兰克在球棒上。 “Oh/no!”F r ank is on a cat. “哦?不!”弗兰克落在了猫身上。 B:The Biscuits 饼干 “I’m h ungry!”“我饿了!” A biscuit, —块饼干 A biscuit can be a bus. —块饼干可以是公共汽车。 A biscuit can be a bike. 可以是自行车。 A biscuit can be a boat. 可以是船。 A biscuit can be a banana. 可以是香蕉。 A biscuit can be a bear.可以是小熊。 A biscuit can be a butterfly.可以是蝴蝶。 But,if birds are nearby,但是,如果鸟儿靠近 The biscuits can only be birds.饼干只能是小鸟啦。 C: Cool Cat酷猫卡里 Cary is a cool cat.卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Cary can cut carrots like this.卡里能像这样切胡萝卜。 Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. 卡里能像这样爬树。Cary can clean a crocodile like this.卡里能像这样淸洁鳄鱼。Cary can catch flies like this.卡里能像这样抓苍蝇。 Can Cary color like this? 卡里能像这样涂色吗? Yes!是的 Cary is a cool cat.卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 D: Dancing Dad爸爸爱跳舞 Dad loves dancing!爸爸爱跳舞! Dad is dancing with the desk.他和桌子一起跳。

重大版小学英语五年级下册教(学)案(Unit 5)

重大版小学英语五年级下册教(学)案(Unit 5) Unit 5 第五单元At the Shop 在商店 Lesson 1 第一课 1.Look, listen and say看,听,说 Shop assistant:Good afternoon!下午好! What can I do for you?我能为你做什么?/你要买什么东西? Hao Tian: I want to buy a box of candies.我想买/要一盒糖果。 Shop assistant:Which one do you want?你想要/买那一盒? Hao Tian:The small one, please.这盒小的,请。How much is it?多少钱? Shop assistant:Fifteen yuan.十五元。 Hao Tian:Here’s the money.给你钱。 Max:How much is this toy car?这个玩具小汽车多少钱? Rex:It’s eight-three yuan.它八十三元。 2.Listen and point听音指出单词 1)a box of candies 一盒糖果2)70 seventy 七十3)90 ninety 九十 4)80 eighty 八十5)money 钱6)100 hundred 一百3.Let’s practise 让我们一起练习吧 1)Miss Liu:How much is your schoolbag?你的书包多少钱? Lucy:It’s seventy yuan.它七十元。 Miss Liu:How much is your pencil-box?你的铅笔盒多少钱? Stanley:Thirty- six yuan.三十六元。 2)Gao Wendi:What can I do for you?我能为你做什么? Lu Hua:I want to buy one box of grapes.我想买一盒葡萄。 Hao Tian:I want to buy two boxes of crayons.我想买两盒蜡笔。 Du Xiaomao:I want to buy three boxes of strawberries.我想买三盒草莓。Boy:I want to buy four boxes of milk.我想买四盒牛奶。 Girl:I want to buy five boxes of eggs.我想买五盒鸡蛋。 4.Let’s play让我们一起玩吧 1)an exercise book一个练习本→¥ 1.20(one point two yuan一点二元) 2)a ruler一只直尺→¥2.50(two point five yuan二点五元) 3)a cup of tea一杯茶→¥24.00(twenty-four yuan二十四元) 4)a pen一支钢笔→ ¥13.00(thirteen yuan十三元) 5)a box of crayons一盒蜡笔→¥21.00(twenty-one yuan二十一元) 6)a clock一口钟→ ¥38.00(thirty-eight yuan三十八元) 7)a box of strawberries一盒草莓→¥12.00(twelve yuan十二元) 8)a box of eggs一盒鸡蛋→¥17.00(seventeen yuan十七元) 9)a box of candies一盒糖果→¥11.50(eleven point five yuan十一点五元) Stanley:I want to buy 20(twenty) rulers.我想买二十只直尺。 Lu Hua:That’s 50(fifty) yuan .一共五十元。 Hao Tian:I want to buy fifteen exercise books.我想买十五本练习本。 Du Xiaomao:OK.好的。That’s 18(eighteen) yuan.一共十八元。


攀登英语-有趣的字母(中英文_纯文字_26 篇全)

攀登英语——有趣的字母 A: Frank the rat 老鼠弗兰克 Frank the rat is in a bag. 大老鼠弗兰克在袋子里。 Frank is in a hat. 弗兰克在圆顶帽子里。 Frank is in a pan. 弗兰克在平底锅里。 Frank is on an apple. 弗兰克在苹果里。 Frank is on a bat. 弗兰克在球棒上。 “Oh/no!”F r ank is on a cat. “哦?不!”弗兰克落在了猫身上。 B:The Biscuits 饼干 “I’m h ungry!”“我饿了!” A biscuit, —块饼干 A biscuit can be a bus. —块饼干可以是公共汽车。 A biscuit can be a bike. 可以是自行车。 A biscuit can be a boat. 可以是船。 A biscuit can be a banana. 可以是香蕉。 A biscuit can be a bear.可以是小熊。 A biscuit can be a butterfly.可以是蝴蝶。 But,if birds are nearby,但是,如果鸟儿靠近 The biscuits can only be birds.饼干只能是小鸟啦。 C: Cool Cat酷猫卡里 Cary is a cool cat.卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Cary can cut carrots like this.卡里能像这样切胡萝卜。 Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. 卡里能像这样爬树。Cary can clean a crocodile like this.卡里能像这样淸洁鳄鱼。Cary can catch flies like this.卡里能像这样抓苍蝇。 Can Cary color like this? 卡里能像这样涂色吗? Yes!是的 Cary is a cool cat.卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 D: Dancing Dad爸爸爱跳舞 Dad loves dancing!爸爸爱跳舞! Dad is dancing with the desk.他和桌子一起跳。 Dad is dancing with the duck.他和鸭子一起跳

小学英语五年级下册教案(重大版)Unit 1

Unit 1 Our Favorite Lessons 教学总目标 通过本单元的教学,要求学生掌握小学阶段所开设的英语名称,学会用英语表达“我喜欢的科目”、“我要去的地方”;学会用英语描述“有趣的”、“困难的”、“乏味的”等。通过“Where are you going?Which lesson do you like best?How can we get to…?”等句法的操练去获取信息,进行交流。 【教学目标】听说认读以下单词: computer,PE,math,art,ME,science,difficult,interesting,bor ing 听说认读以下短语和句型:have a lesson ——Do you like....? Which lesson do you like best? When do you have .... lessons? 能听说认读本单元第一至三课第二部分。 【教学重难点】注意math的发音 【教学用具】准备一些学生用的课本或图片,教学光碟 【教学时间】7课时 Lesson One 第一课时 【教学过程】: (一) warm-up 1.Greetings. T: Hello,boys and girls! Nice to see you. How was your winnter vocation? My vocation was interesting. (先让学生初步感知interesting ,为此单词的学习打下基础。) ( 二) Presentation 1.Review the old words T: This is our new term. We have many new books. Let’s see what we have. (展示学生们发的新书,让学生说出相对应的单词,并呈现单词。) 操练方法:齐读、快速认读、英汉互译 2.Learn new words T: We know how to say “语文书”。How can we say “语文课”? (引出lesson,并教授have a lesson) 教授方法:教读、齐读、相互替换 (二) New dialogue ----Do you like ...... lesson? Yes,I do. It’s interesting. No, I don’t. It’s difficult/ boring.


重大版小学英语五年级下册全册教案 目录 Unit1 Good Helpers《Lesson1》 (2) Unit1 Good Helpers《Lesson2》 (5) Unit1 Good Helpers《Lesson3》 (13) Unit2 At Home《Lesson1》 (16) Unit2 At Home《Lesson2》 (22) Unit2 At Home《Lesson3》 (29) Unit2 At Home《Story corner》 (35) Unit3 Seasons of a Year《Lesson1》 (41) Unit3 Seasons of a Year《Lesson2》 (47) Unit3 Seasons of a Year《Story corner》 (54) Unit4 Our School《Lesson1》 (65) Unit5 At the Shop《Lesson1》 (69) Unit5 At the Shop《Lesson2》 (75) Unit5 At the Shop《Story corner》 (79)

Unit1 Good Helpers《Lesson1》 1教学目标 五种家务劳动的表达方法,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 2学情分析 充分调动学生的各种感觉器官,激发学生积极参与课堂游戏活动。通过这些活动不仅能培养学生大胆表达的良好学习习惯,而且还为学生提供充分的语言实践机会。 3重点难点 如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】What can you do 1.Warm-up(热身) (l)Let’s chant ①教师播放Let’s chant的录音,让学生边听边看图并能理解歌谣的意思。 ②反复听2-3遍后,可带领学生小声重复。 ③拍手掌握节奏,教师将Mike变成本班同学的名字进行提问:Tom, Tom, what can you do?可提问3-4人。


英语阅读系列·有趣的字母 攀登英语阅读系列?有趣的字母 攀登英语阅读系列·有趣的字母 北京师范大学“认知神经科学与学习”国家重点实验室攀登英语项目组编著 Lesson1 Frank the Rat 大老鼠弗兰克 Frank the rat is in a bag. 大老鼠弗兰克在袋子里呢。

Frank is in a hat. 他在圆顶帽子里呢。Frank is in a pan. 他在平底锅里呢。Frank is on an apple. 他在苹果上呢。Frank is on a bat. 他在球棒上呢。“Oh, no!” Frank is on a cat. “噢,糟了!”弗兰克落在了猫身上! Lesson 2 The Biscuits 我们来做饼干 “I'm hungry!”“我饿了!” A biscuit…一块饼干可以是...... A biscuit can be a bus. 一块饼干可以是公共汽车。 A biscuit can be a bike. 和一块饼干可以是自行车。 A biscuit can be a boat. 一块饼干可以是小船。 A biscuit can be a banana. 一块饼干可以是香蕉。. 攀登英语阅读系列?有趣的字母 A biscuit can be a bear. 一块饼干可以是小熊。 A biscuit can be a butterfly. 一

块饼干可以是蝴蝶。 But…If birds are nearby…但是…..如果小鸟恰好在旁边的话…… The biscuits can only be birds.饼干就只是小鸟啦。 Lesson 3 Cool Cat 酷猫卡里 Cary is a cool cat. 卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 Cary can cut carrots like this. 卡里能像这样切胡萝卜。 Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. 卡里能像这样爬树。 Cary can clean a crocodile like this. 卡里能像这样清理鳄鱼。 Cary can catch flies like this. 卡里能像这样抓苍蝇。 Can Cary color like this? 卡里能像这样涂色吗? Yes! Cary is a cool cat. 是的!卡里是只酷酷的小猫。 爸爸爱跳舞Dancing Dad Lesson 4 攀登英语阅读系列?有趣的字母


第一单元 Max 麦克斯Rex 雷克斯Lu Hua 卢华Gao Wendi 高文迪Du Xiaomao 杜小毛Hao Tian 郝天Stanley 史坦利Lucy 露西Miss Liu 刘老师Mr. White 怀特老师 hello 喂,你好class 班级,同学们name 名字my 我的your 你的,你们的Good morning!早安!上午好!Good afternoon!下午好!I’m = I am 我是 What’s = what is 是什么 第二单元 Boy 男孩girl 女孩cat 猫dog 狗rabbit 兔panda 熊猫bear 熊bird 鸟 frog 青蛙doll 玩具娃娃 a 一个friend 朋友look 看,瞧mum 妈妈(口语) her 她的Chinese中国的dad 爸爸(口语)English英国的his 他的who 谁this 这个it它that 那个,那nice to meet you 见到你真好how are you 你好吗 第三单元 One 一two二three三four四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine九 ten十cake蛋糕candle蜡烛balloon 气球card 卡片today 今天he他she 她you 你,你们thank谢谢put放then那么OK 好的are 是how old 多大,几岁了?have a party聚会good idea好主意happy birthday 生日快乐let’s =let is 让我们 第四单元 Schoolbag书包book书pencil-box 文具盒pencil铅笔pen钢笔ruler尺子eraser橡皮擦crayon蜡笔knife小刀sharpener卷笔刀an一(个,件)no不yes是的what多么nice漂亮的whose谁的sorry抱歉know知道excuse me对不起Here you are给你it’s=it is它是 第五单元 Red红色的yellow 黄色的blue蓝色的green绿色的pink粉红色的orange桔色的 white 白色的black黑色的brown棕色的purple紫色的Colour颜色can能,可以 help帮助little小的want想要,需要which哪个sir先生and和right正确的goodbye再见Bye-bye再见(口语)how much多少(钱) 第六单元 head头face脸eye眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子mouth嘴hair头发big大的 small小的long长的short短的pass传递,递carrot胡萝卜snowman雪人funny盖上cover蒙上good enening晚上好you’re=you are你是?


现在进行时讲解与练习 一.现在进行时概念: 现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 二. 现在进行时结构;B e+ving 三.现在进行时几种句型用法: ①陈述句(肯定句) 主语+be(am, is, are)+现在分词,如: I am reading English.我正在读英语。 He is writing.他正在写字。You are running.你正在跑步。 ②、一般疑问句 Be(Am, Is, Are)+主语+现在分词,如: 1. -Are you singing?你正在唱歌吗?-Yes, I am.是的,我在唱歌。 (No, I'm not.不,我不在唱歌。) 2. -Is he (she) listening to music?他(她)在听音乐吗? -Yes, he (she) is.是的,他(她)在听音乐。 [No, he (she) isn't.不,他(她)不在听音乐。] ③、特殊疑问句 疑问词+be (am, is, are)+主语+现在分词,如: 1. -What are you doing?你正在干什么? -I am doing my homework.我正在做作业。 2. -What is he (she) doing?他(她)正在干什么? -He (She) is riding a bike.他(她)正在骑自行车。 ④否定句 主语+be(am, is, are)+not+现在分词 I am no t reading English我不在读英语。 【注】这里的现在分词指的是ving形式;像look(看)、listen(听)、now(现在) 常出现在现在进行时态句子中。请看: 1.Look! Jack is swimming.看!杰克正在游泳。 2.Listen! She is singing.听!她正在唱歌。 3.I am cleaning my room now.现在我正在打扫房间。 四.动词加ing的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking 2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting 3.假如末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping 现在进行时基础专项练习: 一、写出下列动词的现在分词: play________ run__________ swim _________make__________ go_________ like________ write________ _ski___________ read________ have_________ sing ________ dance_________ put_________ see________ buy _________ love____________ live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________
