



1 .woman

2 .foot

3 .sheep

4 .German

5 .family

6 .radio

7 .leaf 8 .watch

9 .tomato 10 .box

11 .student 12 .mouse

13 .day 14 .child

15 .Chinese 16 .Frenchman


1 .一幅中国地图

2 .昨天的报纸

3 .玛丽的生日

4 .步行2小时的路程

5 .她的一位朋友

6 .我们班的学生

7 .工人家庭8 .教室的两扇门

9 .一瓶水10 .两双鞋

11 .三杯牛奶12 .四篮子花

13 .五袋大米14 .邮政局

15 .教师节16 .长城

17 .美利坚合众国18 .人民解放军

19 .圣诞节前夕20 .新年



( )1 .—What’s the like today ?

—Cloudy .

A .sky

B .air

C .land

D .weather ( )2 .—Who is the man in the blue car ?

—He is father .

A .Kate’s and Mary’s

B .Kate and Mary’s

C .Kate and Mary

D .of Kate and Mary ( )3 .September 10 is Day .

A .Teacher’s

B .Teachers’

C .the Teachers’

D .the Teacher’s ( )4 .There are two new doctors in that hospital .They are from .

A .Germans

B .Germen

C .Germany

D .German ( )5 .My pen is black . is blue .

A .Kates

B .Kate

C .Kate’s ( )6 .—What goes up but never comes down ?

—.A .A cat B .A car C .Water D .Your age ( )7 .There are in the field .They’re eating grass .

A .a horse

B .much horses

C .many horse

D .many horses ( )8 .John Henry Brown can’t be called .

A .Mr John

B .Mr Brown

C .Henry

D .Henry Brown ( )9 .Mr Lin often gives us by e-mail .

A .some good information

B .some good informations

C .good informations

D .a good information

( )10 .—Would you like something to drink ?

—Yes ,some ,please .

A .tea

B .bread

C .meat

D .fish ( )11 .There is not enough in the corner to put the table .

A .place

B .room

C .floor

D .ground ( )12 .How many has the old farmer got ?

A .field

B .sheep

C .mutton

D .cow ( )13 .—How great Dalian Radio and TV Centre looks !

—Yes .That’s one of the greatest in Dalian .

A .cinemas

B .shops

C .buildings

D .houses ( )14 .—Where is Tom ?

—He’s left a saying that he has something important to do .

A .excuse

B .sentence

C .news

D .message ( )15 .—What can I do for you ?

—I’d like two .

A .box of apple

B .boxes of apples

C .box of apples

D .boxes of apple ( )16 .—Whose bike is it ?

—It’s .

A .John

B .John’s

C .Johns’

D .Johns


高中名词从句练习 1. It was the hurricane ______ was called Katrina ______ destroyed the city of New Orleans. A. which; that B. what; which C. which; who D. that; which 2. _______we'll finish translating the book depends on the time. A. When B. Why C. What D. That 3. The view ____ many scientists hold is ____ too much emission of carbon dioxide is destructive. A.what; that B.that; which C.that; that D.which; which 4. The professor in the end decided to give the prize to________ command of English. A. who B. anyone C. whoever D. whomever 5.The little boy ate ________ his mother gave him. A. that B. which C. whatever D. no matter what 6.—Did you buy a dress yesterday? —No, _____ I liked the color, I didn’t like its style. A. as B. while C. if D. since 7.She asked ________. A. what I was doing when she rang me up B. what was I doing when she rang me up C. when she rang me up what I was doing D. when did she ring me up what I was doing 8.___ has a good education can apply for the job. A.Who B.Whoever C.Anyone D.Whoever 9. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ______ their parents speak at home. A. what B. that C. which D. one 10.I suggest you choose_________you think is kind and friendly. A. whom B. who C. whoever D. whomever 11.Do you know ________ A. how many populations there are in the world B. how much population there is in the world C. how many the population of the world is D. what the population of the world is 12.“Meals on wheels” is a free service, ____ hot meals are delivered to elderly people who may not be able to move around very easily. A. that B. which C. where D. what 13.We all know the truth ________ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things. A. where B. wherever C. that D. that wherever 14.The reason_______he gave for being late was_______he forgot to use the alarm clock. A.which;because B.why;because C.which;that D.that;because 15._____ he wants to say is _____ great an effort he has made to help her out. A. That; how B. What; what C. What; how D. What; that 16.---What were you trying to prove to the police? ---___ I was last night. A.That B.When C.Where D.What 17.With the number of cars increasing rapidly in cities,a major problem is_____the cars can be parked.A.which B.that C.when D.where 18.Is it, in your opinion, possible __________ new measures will be taken to improve the terrible traffic? A. whether B. what C. when D. that 19.I just wonder ______ that makes him so excited.


名词专题训练题 一.写出下列名词复数 leaf______ puppy_______ box_______ knife_______ fly______ fox______ bus______ bench_____ brush_____ kiss______ church______ dish_____ ruler______ peach________ glass_____ pencil________ boy______ zoo______ man______ roof_______ sheep_______ life______ lady______ key______ story______ watch______ bamboo______ city______ family______ day_____ apple_______ eraser______ speech______ thief______ mouse______ fish_____ goose____ people ______ ox_____ Chinese _______ deer _______ foot______ child_______ tooth_______ guy________ hero_______ spy______ boss_____ monkey______ city ______ goat ______ radio ________ horse ______ dog ______ 二.选择题. Part one 1. The ____ of the room were covered with ____. A. roofs, leafs B. roofs, leaves C. rooves, leafs D. rooves, leaves 2. There are three ____ in our factory. A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. woman doctor D. women doctor 3. Which do you prefer ____ or ____? A. potatos, tomatos B. potatos, tomatoes C.potatoes,tomatos D.potatoes,tomatoes 4. They are ____ of different presses(出版社). Now they are having a meeting in one of the ____ office. A. editor-in-chiefs, editors-in-chief’s B.editors-in-chief, editor-in-chief’s C. editors-in-c hiefs, editor’s-in-chief’s D.editors-in-chief,editors-in-chief’s 5. The ant has two ____. A. stomaches B. stomacks C. stomach D. stomachs 6. He doesn’t like ____ for supper. A. chick B. chicken C. chickens D. chicks 7. It was ____ hot weather that many of us went swimming. A. so B. such C. so as D. such a 8. ____ wonderful space they saw on the room! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 9. We know ____ travels not so fast as light. A. sound B. sounds C. the sounds D. a sound 10. My family raise a lot of ____, including two ____. A. cattle, cows B. cows, cattle C. cattles, cows D.cow,cattles 11. A number of soldiers ____ at he camp gate(军营门口). A. have gathered B. has gathered C. is D. was 12. The Browns have spent a large ____ of money on their new car. A. deal B. amount C. number D. size 13. ____ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard. A. Many B. A great many C. A great deal of D.A number of 14. Mr Li shook ____ warmly with a friend. A. hand B. a hand C. hands D. the hands 15. Two ____, please. A. coffee B. coffees C. cup of coffee D.cups coffee 16. I can’t pay as ____ as he asked for. A. high price a B. high price C. a high price D. high a price 17. ____ knowledge of space develops rapidly. A. Man’s B. Men’s C.Mens’ D.Person’s 18.I stayed at ____. A. Xiao Wang’s B. Wang’s home C. the Wangs D. home of Wang 19. Sister Carrie works in a ____ factory.A. shoes B. shoses C. shoe D. shoe’s 20. Have you ever read ____? A. today newspaper B. newspaper today C.newspaper of today D.today’snewspaper 21. Two ____ walk didn’t ma de me tired. A. hour B. hours C. hour’s D. hours’ 22. The mother over there is ____ mother. A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Mary’s C. Julia’s and Mary’s D. Julia’s and Mary 23. Li Ming’s handwriting is better than ____ in the class. A. anyone’s B. anyone else C. anyone’s else’s D. anyone else’s 24. The children are playing ____ on the ____. A. sand, sand B. sands, sands C. sand, sands D.sands, sand 25. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller ____. A. set B. one C. copy D. pair 26. Tom usually takes a ____ in bus on rainy days. A. walk B. ride C. trip D. travel 27. We have no ____ about where she has gone. A. information B. news C. message D. flash 28. Food and ____ are daily necessities(需要)for the people. A. cloth B. clothe C. clothes D. clothing 29. ____ has been told not to throw waste things anywhere. A. The public B. People C. Women D. Man 30. We visited him ____ when he was in hospital. A. every other days B. each other day C. every other day D. every two day 31. My friend will return in ____. A. one day or two B. a day or two C. one day or two D. a or two days 32. The police ____ looking into the matter now. A. be B. is C. are D. are going to 33. No news ____ good news. A. is B. are C. have D. has


历年名词解释 1、运动训练:是竞技体育活动的重要组成部分,是为提高运动员的竞技能力与运动成绩,在教练员的指导下,专门组织的有计划的体育活动。 2、竞技体育:是体育的重要组成部分,是以体育竞赛为主要特征,以创造优异运动成绩,夺取比赛优胜为主要目标的社会体育活动。 3、运动训练学:是研究和阐明运动训练规律的综合应用学科 4、项群训练理论:揭示具有共同特点的项目群组训练规律的科学理论。 5、竞技水平:运动员所具备的竞技能力在比赛中的表现称为竞技水平,是运动成绩组成部分 6、运动成绩:是指运动员参加比赛的结果,是根据特定的评定行为对运动员及其对手的竞技能力在比赛中发挥状况的综合评定,这一评定既包括运动员在比赛中的表现出来的竞技水平,也包括运动竞赛的胜负或名次。 7、竞技能力:运动员的参赛能力。由具有不同表现形式和不同作用的体能,技能,战术能力,运动智能以及心理能力所构成,并综合地表现于专项竞技的过程之中。 8、训练水平:运动员在训练过程中所达到的竞技能力的水平。反映训练中运动员竞技能力的发展程度。 9、竞技能力非衡结构的补偿效应:运动员竞技能力构成因素中某种素质或能力的缺陷,可由其他高度发展的素质或能力在一定范围内予以弥补和补偿,使其总体竞技能力保持在特定的水平,这种现象称为运动员竞技能力非衡结构的补偿效应。 10、运动训练原则:是依据运动训练活动的客观规律而确定的组织运动训练所必须遵循的基本准则,是运动训练活动客观规律的反映,对运动训练实践具有普遍的指导意义。 11、训练规律:指运动训练系统内部构成因素之间,以及它们与系统外部各相关因素之间在结构与功能上的本质联系和发展的必然趋势。 12、竞技需要原则即指根据提高运动员竞技能力及运动成绩的需要,从实战出发,科学安排训练的阶段划分及训练的内容、方法、手段和负荷等因素的训练原则。 13、动机激励原则:是指通过多种方法和途径,激发运动员主动从事艰苦训练的动机和行为的训练原则。 14、有效控制原则:是指要求对运动训练活动实施有效控制的训练原则。 15、系统训练原则是指持续地、循序渐进地组织运动训练过程的训练原则。 16、周期安排原则:指周期性地组织运动训练过程的训练原则。依运动员机体的生物节奏变化规律,竞技状态形成与发展的周期性规律。以及运动竞赛安排的周期性特点,按一定的动态节奏,循环往复,逐步提高地安排训练内容和负荷量度。 17、适宜负荷原则:是根据运动员的现实可能和人体机能的训练适应规律,以及提高运动员竞技能力的需要,在训练中给予相应量度的负荷,以取得理想训练效果的训练原则。 18、区别对待原则:是指对于不同专项、不同的运动员或不同的训练状态、不同的训练任务及不同的训练条件,都应有区别地组织安排各自相应的训练过程,选择相应的训练内容,给予相应的训练负荷的训练原则。 19、直观教练原则:是指在运动训练中运用多种直观手段,通过运动员的视觉器官,激发活跃的形象思维,建立正确的动作表象,培养运动员的观察能力和思维能力,提高运动员竞技水平的训练原则。 20、适时恢复原则即是指及时消除运动员在训练中所产生的疲劳,并通过生物适应过程产生超量恢复,提高机体能力的训练原则。 21、训练负荷:运动训练过程中,以身体练习或心理练习为基本手段,对运动员机体施加的训练刺激。运动员机体对训练负荷刺激的反应表现在心理和生理两个方面,前者称心理负荷,后者称生理负荷。 22、运动训练方法:是指运动训练活动中,提高竞技运动水平,完成训练任务的途径和方法 23、运动训练手段:在运动训练过程中,以提高某一竞技运动能力,完成某一具体的训练任务而采用的身体练习。


运动训练学知识点 名词解释 运动训练学:是研究运动训练规律,以及有效的组织运动训练活动的行为的科学。 运动训练:是竞技体育的重要组成部分,是为提高运动员的竞技能力和运动成绩,在教练员的指导下,专门组织的有计划的体育活动。 竞技体育:是体育的重要组成部分,是以竞赛为主要特征,以创造优异运动成绩,夺取比赛优胜为主要目标的社会性体育活动。 运动竞赛:是在裁判员的主持下,按统一的规则要求组织实施的运动员个体或运动队之间的竞技较量,是竞技体育与社会发生发生关系,并作用于社会的媒介。 运动技术:是完成体育动作的方法,是决定运动员竞技能力水平的重要因素。(特征:不可分割性,不断发展的必然性,相对稳定与及时应变的统一性,个体差异性) 特长技术:是指运动员所掌握的技术群中那些对其获取优异运动成绩有决定意义的能够展现个人特点或优势,使用概率或得分效率相对较高的技术 间歇训练法:是指对动作结构和负荷强度,间歇时间提出严格的要求,以使机体处于不完全恢复状态下,反复进行练习的训练方法。 程序训练法:是按照训练过程的时序性和训练内容的系统性特点,将多种训练内容有序的编制成由若干个步骤组成的训练程序按照预定程序组织训练活动,对训练过程实施科学控制的方法。

法特莱克:是一种速度游戏,在大自然中进行,由于地势变化,空气清新,训练方式手段丰富,可以调节运动员情绪消除不良心理现象的训练方法。 项间移植:指把某个运动项目一种或几种训练方法转移应用到其他项目上的做法(模仿型,改进型,发展移植型) 选择 三大供能系统:1,ATP-CP(100m)2,乳酸能系统(800m)3,有氧氧化供能系统(产生CO2,H2O,不产生乳酸) 训练计划:时间:课,周,大周期,年度,多年对象人数:个人,队组训练内容:模拟,热身,赛前 战术分类:体力分配,参赛目的,心理战术 项群分类: 疲劳: 填空 训练恢复手段:训练学(内容,环境,负荷),医学生物学(水浴,蒸气浴,电兴奋,红,紫外线),营养学,心理学(自我暗示,气功,生物反馈)竞技体育的现代社会价值:1.激励人类自我奋斗精神2.推进竞争合作的道德教育3.提高现代社会生活品位4.促进社会大众的体育参与5.综合国力6.促进社会经济的迅速发展7.排解社会成员的不良心绪 准备活动种类:一般性专项性 简答 体能训练:A.动(离心向心超等长)B.静(等长)


一、基础练习 1、There are only twelve ______in the hospital.. A. woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor 2、Mr Smith has two _______, both of whom are teachers in a school.. A.brothers-in-law B.brother-in-laws C.brothers-in-laws D.brothers-in law 3、——How many ______ does a cow have——Four. A.stomaches B.stomach C.stomachs D.stomachies 4、Some______visited our school last Wednesday.. A.German B.Germen C.Germans D.Germens 5、The_______ of the building are covered with lots of . A.roofs; leaves B.rooves; leafs C.roof; leaf D.roofs; leafs 6、When the farmer returned home he found three_______ missing.. A.sheeps B.sheepes C.sheep D.sheepies 7、That was a fifty_______ engine.. A.horse power B.horses power C.horse powers D.horses powers 8、My father often gives me ______ A.many advice B.much advice C.a lot of advices D.a few advice 9、Mary broke a ______while she was washing up. A.tea cup B.a cup of tea C.tea’s cup D.cup teas 10、Can you give us some ______ about the writer?. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a57137675.html,rmations https://www.360docs.net/doc/a57137675.html,rmation C.piece of informations D.pieces information 11、I had a cup of _____and two pieces of_____ this morning. A.teas; bread B.teas; breads C.tea; breads D.tea; bread 12、As is known to us all, ______ travels much faster than ______. A.lights; sounds B.light; sound C.sound; light D.sounds; lights 13、She told him of all her ___ and ____ A.hope; fear B.hopes; fear C.hopes; fears D.hope; fears 14、The rising _____have(has) a lot of ____to the crops. A.water; harm B.water; harms C.waters; harm D.waters; harms 15、How far away is it from here to your school?”----About ______ . A.half an hour”s driv e B.half hours drives C.half an hour drives D.half an hour drive 16、The shirt isn”t mine. It”s _____ . A.Mrs Smith B.Mrs” Smith C.Mrs Smiths’ D.Mrs Smith”s 17、Miss Johnson is a friend of _______. A.Mary’s mother B.Mary’s mothers’ C.Mary mother’s D.Mary’s mother’s 18、Last week I called at my _____Last week I called at my _____. A.aunt B.aunts C.aunt’s D.auntes’ 19、The beach is a ______throw. A.stone B.stones C.stones’ D.stone’s 20、I can hardly imagine ____sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

人教版中考英语专项训练 名词专项练习题

人教版中考英语专项训练名词专项练习题 一、初中英语名词 1.Zhang Lin is a popular ______ in this school and most of her students are her fans. A. farmer B. doctor C. worker D. teacher 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。根据school和her students知道是老师,故选D。 2.—I'm looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup. —Me too. I hope the German team will be the . It's my favourite. A. player B. winner C. loser 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:---我正盼望着2018年世界杯的决赛。---我也是,我希望德国队会是获胜者。它是我最喜欢的。player运动员;winner获胜者;loser失败者。根据后一句my favorite可知德国队是“我”支持的球队,当然希望它“赢”,故答案为B。 【点评】考查名词辨析,理解句意,根据语境判断答案。 3.After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took rest. A. a few minute's B. a little minute's C. a few minutes' D. a little minutes' 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:踢了一个半小时后,学生们进行了几分钟的休息。a few修饰可数名词复数,a little修饰不可数名词,minute 分钟,可数名词,a few minutes 几分钟;这里用复数名词的所有格修饰名词rest,take a few minutes' rest,休息几分钟,故选C。 【点评】此题考查名词所有格。根据上下文的联系确定名词所有格的形式。 4.(?黑龙江龙东)Could you give me some ______ ? I tried several times but failed. A. notice B. suggestion C. advice 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:你能给我一些建议吗?我试了几次,但是都失败了。A. notice 通知,可数名词单数;B. suggestion建议,可数名词单数;C. advice建议,不可数名词。some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。结合句意,排除A;根据some的用法排除B,故选C。


1.竞技体育:竞技体育是体育的重要组成部分,是以体育竞赛为主要 特征,以创造优异运动成绩、夺取比赛胜利为主要目标的社会体育活动。 2.运动员选材:运动员选材是竞技体育的开始,是挑选具有良好运 动天赋及竞技潜力的儿童少年或后备力量参加运动训练的起始性工作 3.运动训练:运动训练是为提高运动员的竞技能力和运动成绩,在 教练员的指导下,专门组织的有计划的体育活动。 4.运动竞赛:是在裁判员的指导下,按统一的规则要求,组织与实 施的运动员个体或运动队之间的竞技较量,是竞技体育与社会发生关联,并作用于社会的媒介。 5.竞技能力:运动员参加比赛的能力 6.项群训练理论:揭示项群训练基本规律的理论命名为“项群训练 理论” 7.运动成绩:运动成绩是运动员参加比赛的结果,是根据特定的评 定行为对运动员及其对手的竞技能力在比赛中发挥状况的综合评定。这一评定既包括运动员在比赛中表现出来的竞技水平,也包括竞赛的胜负或名次。 8.竞技水平:运动员所具备的竞技能力在比赛中的表现称作竞技水 平。 9.竞技能力:竞技能力既指运动员的参赛能力。由具有不同表现的 形式和不同作用的体能、技能、战术能力、运动智能以及心理能

力所构成,并综合得表现于专项竞技的过程之中。 10.运动能力:人体从事体育活动的能力即称运动能力 11.训练水平:运动员在训练过程中所达到的竞技能力的水平称作训 练水平。 12.优秀运动员竞技能力的结构模型:根据运动员竞技能力各组成要 素之间相互联系、相互作用方式的具体特性与功能建立的反映竞技能力构成共性的模型,是对运动员竞技能力结构的概括、归纳和抽象。 13.运动员竞技能力结构的非衡特征及补偿效应:运动员竞技能力构 成因素中某种素质或能力的缺陷,可由其他高度发展的素质或能力在一定范围内予以补偿和代偿,使其总体竞技能力保持在特定的水平,这种现象称为运动员竞技能力非衡结构的补偿效应。14.训练规律:是指运动训练系统内部各构成因素之间,以及它们与 系统外部各相关因素之间在结构与功能上的本质联系和发展的必然趋势。 15.训练原则:是依据运动训练活动的客观规而确定的组织运动训练 所必须遵循的基本原则,是运动训练活动客观规律的反应,对运动实践具有普遍的指导意义。 16.运动训练法:是在运动训练活动中,提高竞技运动水平、完成训 练任务的途径和方法。 17.运动训练手段:是指在运动训练过程中,以提高某一竞技运动能 力、完成某一具体的训练任务所采用的身体练习。是具体的有目



动名词专项练习题 Ⅰ、单项选择: 1. Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A. having been fined B. to have been fined C. to be fined D. being fined 2. He gives people the impression ____ many poems. A. of having written B. to have written C. of being written D. to write 3. The thief took away the woman's wallet without____. A. being seen B. seeing C. him seeing D. seeing him 4. People appreciate ____with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. have working 5. I've enjoyed ____ to talk with you. A. to be able B. being able C. to been able D. of being able 6. No one can avoid ____ by advertisements. A. to be influenced B. being influenced C. influencing D. having influence 7. They are considering ____ before the prices go up. A. of buying the house B. with buying the house C. buying the house D. to buy the house 8. He thought that ____. A. the effort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the job C. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job 9. If I had remembered ____ the door, the things would not have been stolen. A. to lock B. locking C. to have locked D. having locked 10. Your shirt needs ____. You'd better have it done today. A. iron B. to iron C. ironing D. being ironed 11. You can't help ____ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another. A. to hear B. to be heard C. hearing D. with hearing 12. It is difficult to get used ____ in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on. A. sleep B. to sleeping C. slept D. to sleep 13. It is no use ____ me not to worry. A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to have told D. having told 14. He is very busy ____ his papers. He is far too busy ____ callers. A. to write...to receive B. writing...to receive C. writing...receiving D. to write...for receiving 15. The suspect at last admitted ____ stolen goods but denied ____ them. A. receiving...selling B. to receive...to sell C. to receiving...to selling D. to have received...to have sold 16. She apologized for ____ to come. A. her not being able B. her being not able C. not being able D. that she's not able to 17. John regretted ____ to the meeting last week. A. not going B. not to go C. not having been going D. not to be going


高考名词专项练习题 一、单项选择名词 1.More than half of the participants said that getting married was not an important___________ for becoming an adult. A.tension B.restriction C.circulation D.criterion 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。句意:超过一半的受访者表示,结婚并不是成为成年人的重要标准。A. tension 紧张;B. restriction限制,约束;C. circulation流通,传播;D. criterion标准,准则。根据getting married和becoming an adult可知,结婚是成为一个成年人的“准则”。故选D。 2.His conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me, the ring of truth. A.expectation B.instruction C.response D.account 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。A. expectation期望;B. instruction指示;C. response 回应 ;D. account陈述。由“yet his story”可知,account符合句意。故D选项正确。 3.As an American living in-Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a ________ be a witness to China’s great progress. A.privilege B.preference C.priority D.principle 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个在天津生活了大约10年的美国人,克里斯说,能够见证中国的巨大进步是一种荣幸。A. privilege 荣幸;B. preference偏爱;C. priority 优先;D. principle原则。 privil ege“荣幸”符合句意。故A选项正确。 4.The broken window was the that the house had been broken into. A.evidence B.expression C.scenery D.function 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】


运动训练名词解释 2003年真题名词解释运动训练:是竞技体育活动的重要组成部分,是为提高运动员的竞技能力和 运动成绩,在教练员的指导下,专门组织的有计划地体育活动。 周期安排原则:是指周期性地组织运动训练过程的训练原则。依运动员机体 的生物节奏变化规律、竞技状态与发展的周期性规律,以及运动竞赛安排的周期性特点,按一定的动态节奏,循环往复、逐步提高地安排内容和负荷。 重复训练法:是指多次重复同一次练习,两次(组)练习之间安排相对充分的休息练习方法。 灵敏素质:是指各种突然变化的条件下,运动员能够迅速、准确、协调地改变身体运动的空间位置和运动方向,以适应变化着的外环境的能力。 竞技战术:在比赛中为战胜对手或为表现出期望的比赛结果而采取的计谋和 行动。其主要构成有战术观念、战术指导思想、战术意识、战术形式和战术行动等。 2004年真题名词解释运动训练:是竞技体育活动的重要组成部分,是为提高运动员的竞技能力和运动成绩,在教练员的指导下,专门组织的有计划地体育活动。 系统训练原则:系统地不间断地坚持从事运动训练,并有序地选择训练内容和训练手段,有序地安排训练负荷的训练原则。 重复训练法:是指多次重复同一次练习,两次(组)练习之间安排相对充分的休息练习方法。 技术风格:所谓技术风格,是指某运动员或运动队的技术系统,区别于其他运动员或运动队的技术系统的,较为成熟和定型化了的,经常表现出来的特征。训练课结构:所谓训练课的结构是指训练课的各组成部分及其进行的顺序,一般训练课通常依次由准备部分,基本部分和结束部分组成。 2005年真题名词解释运动训练:是竞技体育活动的重要组成部分,是为提高运动员的竞技能力和运动成绩,在教练员的指导下,专门组织的有计划地体育活动。 竞技水平:运动员所具备的竞技能力在比赛中的表现称做竞技水平,是运动成


高中名词练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择名词 1.Most of his works didn’t gain the international ________ they deserved until his death. A.reputation B.impression C.recognition D.measure 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到他去世,他的大部分作品都没有得到应有的国际认可。A. reputation名誉,名声;B. impression印象;C. recognition承认,识别;D. measure测量。结合句意故选C。 2.As for your ________ about the shoes, sir, I will speak to the person in charge and ask him either to give you another pair or to give your money back. A.composition B.compromise C.complaint D.concept 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. composition作文; B. compromise妥协; C. complaint抱怨; D. concept 概念。句意:先生,关于你对这双鞋的投诉,我会和负责的人谈谈,让他要么给你另一双鞋,要么把钱还给你。complaint about“对------抱怨”,故选C。 3.His conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me, the ring of truth. A.expectation B.instruction C.response D.account 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。A. expectation期望;B. instruction指示;C. response 回应 ;D. account陈述。由“yet his story”可知,account符合句意。故D选项正确。 4.The girl received no approval of his family as her marriage with an African boy was regarded as a ____ from tradition. A.violation B.departure C.withdrawal D.separation 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】
