

新视野大学英语第二版第一册UNIT4网上学习详细答案Passage A

Vocabulary Task 1

1. conscious

2. depressed

3. ranges

4. impressed

5. encounter

6. introduction

7. match

8. physical

9. relaxed 10.contact 11.presentation 12.focus 13.reaction 14.powerful Vocabulary Task 2

1. are commit ted to

2. takes…seriously

3. was absorbed in

4. focus on

5. made up his mind

6. driving me crazy

7. ranging from… to

8. at her best

9. Lighten up 10.kept her eyes on 11. keep eye contact 12.base on

Banked Cloze




4. persuade





9.impression 10.interrupting






5. E


7. H


9.A 10.K

Translation Task 1

1. she was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone coming in.

2. He was late for almost an hour for the first meeting, leaving

a bad impression on everyone.

3. Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes.

4. Professor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.

5. Many how-to books advise you that if you want to make a good impression, the trick is to be consistently you, at your best.

6. The media sometimes sends mixed messages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear. Translation Task 2

1. 史密斯教授关于形体语言的讲座非常重要,所有的学生都认真地对待这次讲座。

2. 董事长意识到这不是好的过错,对好笑了笑来缓和气氛。

3. 她大怒,把我的杯子摔在地上,摔得粉碎。

4. 观察他的形体语言,你可以判断出他是在跟你说实话还是仅仅找个借口敷衍你。

5. 不管人们对你说些什么,记住“观其行胜于闻其言”。

6. 肢体动作是表达感情的无意识形式,能向观众传递某种信息。

Writing Task

Body language is important in many cases: trying to win an election, addressing a family party, talking business at a

conference, or giving a seminar at school.

Passage B

Reading Skills

1. Besides speech, people use other forms to communicate.

2. We communicate a great deal with our body movements.

3. The clothes you wear also communicate many things.

4. Small ornaments you wear communicate many things, too.

5. A wealth of information from body language makes snap judgments seem sound

新视野大学英语第二版第一册UNIT5网上学习详细答案Passage A

Vocabulary Task 1

1. immune

2. acquire

3. constitutes

4. define

5. infected, infect

6. illustrates

7. emerge

8. emphasize

9. represents 10. Threatened 11. solve 12.establish https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac7276723.html,cate 14.publications 15.implement

Vocabulary Task 2

1. regardless of

2. at risk

3. handing out

4. distracts…from

5. sign up for

6. be infected with

7. guard against

8. feel comfortable with/about

9. in place of 10. suffering from 11.solution to 12.provide for 13.setting up 1.epidemic 2.infected 3.accounted 4.estimated 5.access 6.diagnosed 7.threatens 8.response 9.literacy https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac7276723.html,bats

Banked Cloze









9.literacy https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac7276723.html,bats Cloze









9.B 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.C

Translation Task 1

1. I hope that the effort that we’ve made will be of some use

to the battle against AIDS.

2. Despite all the efforts form the local organizations in the battle against AIDS, the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing.

3. Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.

4. It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.

5. You’d better learn something about the course before signing up for it.

6. The policy is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of local economy.

Translation Task 2


2. 有人说我们许多人饮食太糟,缺乏维他命和矿物质,因而我们的身心都受到损害。

3. 生物医学研究将会使很多艾滋病病毒感染者延长寿命,生活少些痛苦。

4. 中央政府已经发布了一项五年行动计划,旨在鼓励社会各部门都参与艾滋病的防治。

5. 一个人感染了艾滋病毒,其症状一般要6到10年后才会


6. 许多年来,人们眼睁睁看着艾滋病泛滥成灾,争论着有效的艾滋病防治措施在贫穷国家究竟是否适用。

Writing Task

Build more tall apartment buildings. The increase in population in cities is creating a housing problem. To solve the problem, one-family houses and older ones are being pulled down to make room for tall apartment buildings. When building space on the ground is used up, we can make use of the space in the air. This will help solve the housing problem in cities.

Passage B

Reading Skills

1. 1) I hurt myself when diving

2) I hit my head on the board

2. 1) I was very worried about something serious.

2) I was very worried that my wound had left blood in the pool.

3. 1) There was something more significant that winning.

2) I was very worried that I might infect other divers with AIDS as I spilled my blood in the pool.

Comprehension Task









Vocabulary Task 1

1. assist

2. bleeding


4. confident

5. explored

6. commenced

7. intense 8. adopted 9. spill 10. confused 11. quit 12.initial 13.enjoyable 14.apart 15.trial

Vocabulary Task 2

1. Prior of →Prior to

2. confident with →confident of/in

3. by haste →in haste

4. find about→find out

5. assist his wife on →assist his wife with

6. with fear→for fear

7. competed with each other with →competed with each other for

8. thrust his knife to →thrust his knife into

9. have a shot in →

have a shot at 10. starts at →starts with Resources

Further Reading 1








8. spreading from mother to child

9.to 30 percent one year later

10.from ideas to practice, from speeches to action Further Reading 2






新视野大学英语第二版第一册UNIT6网上学习详细答案Passage A

Vocabulary Task 1

1. boast

2. registered

3. employment

4. peculiar

5. Continuous

6. graduated

7. dump

8. retreat

9. contrary 10. trembled 11. route 12.theory 13.harm 14.outdoors

Vocabulary Task 2

1. in

2. of

3. behind

4. about

5. At

6. about/of


8. by

9. on/upon 10. at 11. for 12.to 13.at

Banked Cloze









9.peers 10.yell


1. A




5. A



8. C

9. B 10.A 11. B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16. B 17.A 18.C19.B 20.A

Translation Task 1

1. The police got to the station five minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.

2. Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.

3. The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation.

4. The room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain

did not go well with the overall style.

5. Whenever we go back to the place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.

6. Contrary to his hope, his girlfriend’s parents are not as approachable as his parents.

Translation Task 2

1. 我问过好几个服务员,可他们什么也没说,只朝着我笑,直到这时我才意识到我的英语不够好。

2. 校长对那位院长非常生气,进而解除了他的院长职务。

3. 如果你当着孩子的面问这个问题,即使他想说“是”也可能会说“不是”。

4. 如果你想毕业时获得学位,你要么别玩网上游戏,要么别去打零工。

5. 虽然他未接受过大学教育,他却瞧不起那些没有大学学历的人。

6. 他曾就公司的管理问题提了好几个建议,但没有一个管用。Writing Task

People come to Beijing for different purposes. Thousands upon thousands of foreign students are studying different subjects at universities in Beijing. Every year a large number of foreign businessmen from all pats of the world visit Beijing, for various kinds of business talks or international conferences.

In addition travelers both at home and abroad come to Beijing for visiting places of historic interest during their holidays or visiting their friends and relatives in


Passage B

Reading Skills

1. spend part of his time on

2. continue to support himself with drugs and food

3. settle their accounts with the company/and money owed to them

4. nervous and worried

5. a person who is likely to suffer a heart attack Comprehension Task









Vocabulary Task 1


2. bear

3. accurate

4. manufacturing


6. afford

7. admired

8. replacing

9. retired 10. ignored 11.survivor 12.finances 13.stock 14.divide

Vocabulary Task 2

1. out

2. up

3. out

4. around

5. up

6. to

7. to

8. for

9. of 10.to Resources

Further Reading 1








8.take 10% off the hourly charge

9.back up his files

10.6 p.m.

Further Reading 2






新视野大学英语第二版第一册UNIT7网上学习详细答案Passage A

Vocabulary Task 1

1. identify

2. attach

3. instinct

4. polish

5. unusual

6. offend

7. detail

8. slight

9. foundation 10. rob 11.exception 12.enlarge 13.cautious 14.stiff 15.current 16.additional

Vocabulary Task 2

1.attached to

2. Looking through

3. hold dear

4. pulling into

5. face to face with

6. rather than

7. out of control

8. eaten away at

9. have mercy on 10. got to their feet 11. no exception 12.emerged from

Banked Cloze









9.afford 10.scared


1. G








9.D 10.E

Translation Task 1

1. The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged so that they could recognize her easily.

2. When I go to work, I prefer to take a bus rather than drive and that morning was no exception.

3. When he saw his granddaughter coming into the house

(Seeing his granddaughter coming into the house), the old man got to his feet and moved several steps unexpectedly as if he could walk by himself.

4. At that time we focused our attention on that painting without noticing a nything unusual around us, and we can’t offer any additional details.

5. The couple pulled their car into the parking lot and then headed for the cinema.

6. It’s a question we have to face no matter how unpleasant it is.

Translation Task 2

1. 经验告诉他,妇女的天性是保护自己而不是去伤害攻击者。

2. 自从她把墙重新粉刷了后,这房间好看多了。

3. 在这个国家的许多地方,青少年犯罪已经失去了控制,这个城市也不例外。

4. 抢劫案发生后的几周,他不敢出门,害怕自己再次与劫匪面对面遭遇。

5. 受害者向警察描述她是怎样突然遭到一个从灌木丛中出来的人抢劫的。

6. 如今,对许多美国人来说,周末工作已经不幸地成为了惯例,而不是例外。

Writing Task

I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and started the moves to thrust myself into the air. Then I dove into the pool. I enjoyed the quietness underwater, and then swam to the side of the pool. I was wondering about my score when suddenly, my coach leaped into the air. The crowd cheered, and I knew I’d won t he gold medal.

Passage B

Reading Skills

1. For self-defense

2. She is afraid that she might kill someone.

3. According to the following paragraphs, the write feels uncomfortable about the imagined robbery because she unfairly imagined the robber was a black man.

4. According to common sense, a robber must be physically strong. The writer doesn’t see women as being strong enough to rob someone, and she thinks of black men as particularly dangerous.

5. A neighborhood with a bad name because of frequent crime, violence, or safely dangerous.

6. Killing a human being just for money is wrong, according to the writer.

7. Locking the doors at the sight of a black man is really shameful.

8. This means that the writer hopes the robber takes away the money and no violence occurs.

Comprehension Task









Vocabulary Task 1

1. intention

2. advocates

3. violence

4. dominate

5. reveal


omitted 7. confronted 8. affected 9. intended 10. transported 11. handling 12.ignorance 13.injured 14.anxiety 15.endanger Vocabulary Task 2

1.is intended for

2. be capable of

3. At the sight of

4. live with

5. are immune to

6. keep… from

7. Ignorance of

8. heard of

9. affected by 10. in reality 11.believe in 12.in front of Resources

Further Reading 1








8.horrible stocking masks

9.lost his balance

10.what had happened

Further Reading 2






新视野大学英语第二版第一册UNIT8网上学习详细答案Passage A

Vocabulary Task 1

1. sources

2. stable

3. process

4. composed

5. observing

6. combination

7. explosion

8. existence

9. occupied 10. creation 11. surged 12.exemplifies 13.certainty 14.flung 15.reasonable Vocabulary Task 2

1. at





6. between

7. for


9.at 10.of 11.by/in 12.for 13.of 14.of

Banked Cloze









9.employed 10.particularly Cloze









9.A 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A

Translation Task 1

1. There are twenty universities in this city, some of which are world-famous.

2. the more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes.

3. She was filled with pity for the innocent victims.

4. He was occupied with his business matters and didn’t have time to think about a holiday.

5. The country’s economy depe nds to some degree on the import of raw materials.

6. After several discussions between the members of the committee, a new plan of action began to take shape. Translation Task 2

1. 出租汽车公司新雇了50个司机,其中有的人刚拿到驾驶证。

2. 一个人越没有智慧,就越不知道自己缺的就是智慧。

3. 暂时没有必要采取任何行动。过一晚再作决定,明天上午告诉我你的想法。

4. 近年来经济形势恶化,寻求紧急食品和住房援助的美国穷人数目去年增加了7%。

5. 我们的消息来源说,下星期有可能发生另一次袭击,也许就在城市中心地区。

6. 在这个医疗体系内,对各位医生支付的款项按照他们当月的医疗成本进行调整。

Writing Task

When I stated to learn English at my junior middle school, I had a kind and patient teacher. She was very encouraging to all of her students. Because of her encouragement, I answered every question I could eagerly, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years. In

contrast, the method by which I was taught English in senior middle school was not well suited to my learning style. My new teacher quickly punished those who gave wrong answers. Whenever we answered incorrectly, she would shout at us. As a result I lost my desire and confidence and did not make any progress in learning.

Passage B

Reading Skills






Comprehension Task










UNIT TEST 3 ACCDD 1.at 2.section 3.connects 4.bottom 5.shining 6.As 7.cross 8.Ten minutes later, as we were looking out the window, we saw everyone was running away from something 9. A huge flood was streaming down the mountain. We were standing on a higher place, so we could see everything 10.It was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day ABBDC BDACC DABDA Unit 4 Lead in c d a e h f i g b Basic listening CBABD Listening in Task l CBDAA Task 2 Relationships marketing manager in conflict with expenses ended in vain training administrator visited establish closer relationships long-term picked up Task 3 CDDCA Let's talk


《新视野大学英语》试卷 PartⅡReading Comprehension (30 points) Directions:There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Many people, particularly recent college graduates, dream of owning their own businesses. Although such ventures are often exciting and profitable, the new entrepreneur should thoroughly investigate and plan the situation before plunging in. the first step should be to assemble a board of advisers, including a lawyer, an accountant, and an insurance representative. These individuals can provide valuable information and counsel. Securing the necessary licenses and permits is also a precondition and may require research to determine what is necessary. Most successful small-business owners have considerable experience in the field working for others before they become independent. They also begin with substantial financial backing and a good location. Renting space may be preferable or necessary at the


第一册 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last nightSharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f Sharing: Task 4 Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 5 Key(s): danced Key(s):Key(s):drink Key(s):Key(s):(1) view of(1) west(1) house(2) fun(2) delicious meal(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990Q 4 Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher

(2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player


第三版新视野大学英语 视听说 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

unite 1 Sharing T2 daredevil bungee jumping cup of tea feel good achievement T3 C-D-E-B-A T4 1 2 4 T5 B C B C B T6 started off a huge business teacher taught me so much about life imprisoned survived inpressed ability or the skills Listening T2-1 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 Viewing T2-1 3 T2-2 e g c b f a d T2-3 90 minutes true landmark 10 times focus make this challenge seven miles four months outstanding achievement

Shot conversation B C A D C Long conversation B A A C Passage1 D C A B Passage2 believe in circumstances searching for a strong sense of responsibility insecurity integrity accomplishing are longing for priorities unite test part1 B C A D C part2 D A B C C part3 B C A A D part4 opening struggled progress remaining emerged continued enlarge crawling get through as strong as unite 2 Sharing T2 mood sun smile feeling T3 b-e-a-d-c T4 3 5


第 1 页 共 7 页 《大学英语Ⅰ》考试试卷 (适用班级:重修) 题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 总分 统分人 统分复核人 得分 得分 阅卷人 复核人 Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks. (20 points,1 point for each) 1. A s a r e s u l t o f h i s h a r d w o r k , h e h a s g a i n e d ______ t o t h e B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y . A ) a c c e s s B ) c o m m i t m e n t C ) o p p o r t u n i t y D ) r e w a r d 2. W i t h t h e s u p p l i e s o f n u r s e s b e l o w _____, t h e l o c a l g o v e r n m e n t d e c i d e d t o r e c r u i t (招募) v o l u n t e e r s . A ) a c q u i r e m e n t s B ) a s s i g n m e n t s C ) c o m m i t m e n t D ) r e q u i r e m e n t s 3. T h e _____ t o b e b e t t e r t h a n o t h e r s d r i v e s h i m t o w o r k h a r d e r t h a n b e f o r e . A ) u n i q u e n e s s B ) e a g e r n e s s C ) a w a r e n e s s D ) e f f e c t i v e n e s s 4. F o r y o u r s t u d y t o s t a y i n a ______ c y c l e , y o u m u s t k e e p u p w i t h t h e p r o g r e s s o f t h e c o u r s e . A ) v i r t u o u s B ) v i r t u a l C ) v i s u a l D ) v i t a l 5. W e a r e e x p e c t i n g t o s e e t h a t t h e c o n c e r t e d r e s e a r c h w o r k w i l l c o m e u p w i t h a _____ s o l u t i o n t o t h e p r o b l e m . A ) p e r m a n e n t B ) p e r s p e c t i v e C ) p e r s i s t e n t D ) p e r s u a s i v e 6. A t t h e e a r l y s t a g e o f a c h i l d ’s d e v e l o p m e n t , t h e f a m i l y t e n d s t o h a v e a g r e a t e r _____ o n h i m t h a n h i s s c h o o l . A ) i n s t r u m e n t B ) i d e n t i t y C ) c o m m u n i c a t i o n D ) i n f l u e n c e 7. T h e f o o t b a l l e r m a d e a (n ) _____ g e s t u r e , w h i c h m a d e t h e a u d i e n c e ’s b l o o d b o i l . A ) m a t u r e B ) o f f e r i n g C ) o f f e n s i v e D ) h e s i t a t i v e 8. H o w e v e r , a t t i m e s t h i s b a l a n c e i n n a t u r e i s ____, r e s u l t i n g i n a n u m b e r o f p o s s i b l e u n f o r e s e e n e f f e c t s . A ) t r o u b l e d B ) d i s t u r b e d C ) c o n f u s e d D ) d i s g u s t e d 9. After the disaster, the truth ____ us that a healthy habit of living can keep one away from some terrible diseases. A) focused upon B) imposed upon C) dawned upon D) leaned upon 10. T h i s a r t i c l e _____ m o r e a t t e n t i o n t o t h e p r o b l e m o f c u l t u r a l i n t e r f e r e n c e i n f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e t e a c h i n g a n d l e a r n i n g . A ) c a l l s f o r B ) a p p l i e s f o r C ) c a r e s f o r D ) a l l o w s f o r 11. It is not polite to ____ a speaker with frequent questions. A) interpret B) intervene C) interrupt D) interfere 12. A t t h e p a r t y w e f o u n d t h a t s h y g i r l ____ h e r m o t h e r a l l t h e t i m e . A ) d e p e n d i n g o n B ) c o i n c i d i n g w i t h C ) a d h e r i n g t o D ) c l i n g i n g t o 13. T h e p r o b l e m w i t h y o u r c o n d u c t i s t h a t w h a t y o u d o i s n o t _____ w i t h w h a t y o u s a y . A ) c o n s i s t e n t B ) c o n t i n u o u s C ) c o n s i d e r a t e D ) c o n t i n u a l 14. S h e w a s s o _____ i n h e r j o b t h a t s h e d i d n ’t h e a r s o m e o n e k n o c k i n g a t t h e d o o r . A ) a t t r a c t e d B ) d r a w n C ) a b s o r b e d D ) c o n c e n t r a t e d 15. P r o f e s s o r T a y l o r ’s t a l k h a s i n d i c a t e d t h a t s c i e n c e h a s a v e r y s t r o n g _____ o n t h e e v e r y d a y l i f e o f t h e h u m a n s o c i e t y . A ) m o t i v a t i o n B ) p e r s p e c t i v e C ) i m p r e s s i o n D ) i m p a c t 16. A l t h o u g h n o t a n e c o n o m i s t h i m s e l f , D r . S m i t h h a s l o n g b e e n a s e v e r e c r i t i c o f t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s _____ p o l i c i e s . A ) e c o n o m i c a l B ) e c o n o m y C ) e c o n o m i c D ) e c o n o m i c s 17. The gloves were really too small, and it was only by _____ them that I managed to get them on. A) spreading B) squeezing C) stretching D) bending 18. When I took my car to the garage, they soon ____ what the trouble was. A) emerged B) realized C) explored D) diagnosed 19. The public has appealed to the government to find a ____ to the problem of pollution. A) result B) response C) settlement D) solution ------------------------------------------第----------------------------2----------------------------装---------------------------------------线--------------------------------------------- 班级 姓名 学号 ------------------------------------------ 第----------------------------1----------------------------装 --------------------------------------- 线 --------------------------------------------


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说1 Unit 1 Sharing (1)busy (2)friends (3)university (4)social life $ a-c-e-d-b-f (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal * (7)house

(8)TV Listening (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 ' (1)teacher (2)cleaned houses (3)lost (4)visited (5)work (6)his wife (7)in his own words # Viewing

a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b (1)home (2)country (3)relatives : (4)foreigner (5)speak (6)passed on (7)heat (8)sea (9)happiness Role-playing % (1)It was great (2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 1 3 5 7 10

Presenting 。 (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 ·Conversations 一BABDD 二DBCD 三DDBA Passage 2 (1)programmes (2)very (3)decisions (4)doing laundry


《新视野大学英语1》试卷(A) 适用班级:2013-2014第1学期重修班 I. Vocabulary and Structure (20points) Directions: Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 1. She cut her hair short and tried to ____ herself as a man. A. decorate B. disguise C. fabricate D. fake 2. She watched him ____ all the handles and gears in his automobile until she thoughts she could run it herself. A. modulate B. incorporate C. manipulate D. induce 3. The French police are legally entitled to ____ anyone's movements as they please. A. confine B. restrict C. restrain D. limit 4. Some people argue that the death ____ does not necessarily reduce the number of murders. A. fine B. cost C. punish D. penalty 5. The university ____ consists of full professors, associate professors and assistant professors. A. crew B. personnel C. faculty D. staff 6. The latest edition of The Complete Works of Lu Xun comes in sixteen ____. A. copies B. volumes C. versions D. editions 7. Many students found the book ____ : it provided them with an


新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册 听力练习录音文本和答案Uint1- Uint10 Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice 1.Script W: Ok. It‘s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time. M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It‘s definitely your turn. Q: What is true according to the conversation? 2.Script M: I‘m having real trouble reviewing for this French exam. I just can‘t memorize all the vocabulary. W: Me too. I hate having to learn things by heart.I guess we just have to keep reading the texts over and over. Q: What does the woman prefer? 3. Script W: Oh look! There‘s that guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He looked great in his kit, remember? M: Him? I don‘t remember him. I‘ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recording people I‘ve been introduced to. Q: According to the conversation, what is the man‘s problem? 4. Script M: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says ―keys‖? W: It‘s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I‘m always locking myself out by accident! It doesn‘t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door? 5. Script M: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible! W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that would be! Q: What is true of David


新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册 听力练习录音文本和答案 UNIT1 II. Listening Skills 1.M: Why don?t we go to the concert today? W: I?ll go get the keys. Q: What does the woman imply? 2.W: I can?t find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it. M: Have you checked in the car? Q: What does the man imply? 3.M: Are you going to buy that pirated CD? W: Do I look like a thief? Q: What does the woman imply? 4.M: Do you think the singer is pretty? W: Let?s just say that I wouldn?t/t vote for her in the local beauty contest. Q: What does the woman imply about the singer? 5.M: Have you seen Tom? I can?t find him anywhere. W: The light in his dorm was on just a few minutes ago. Q: What does the woman mean? 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A III. Listening In Task 1: Encore! As soon as the singer completed the song, the audience cried, “Encore! Encore!” The singer was delighted and sang the song again. She couldn?t believe it when the audience shouted for her to sing it again. The cycle of shouts and songs was repeated ten more times. The singer was overjoyed with the response from the audience. She talked them and asked them why they were so much audience in hearing the same song again and again. One of the people in the audience replied, “We wanted you to improve it; now it is much better.” 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F Task 2: The Carpenters W: They play “Yesterday Once More” all the time on the campus radio. Do you like it? M: I do. I never get tired of it. I like the Carpenters. Their voices are so beautiful and clear. I guess that?s why they?re so popular. W: I like the way their voices blend. There were just two of them, brother and sister, right?


---- Unit 1Listening skills(1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein (4) Laura Tish Hill (5)Anthony McDonald Listening in Task 1BDBCA Task 2 John 2,3,5Lisa 1,4,6Task 3 1.In order to gain admission to a study course. 2.To corner him. 3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult. 4.He was jolted / shocked. 5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question. Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leave Let ' s talk MajorFuture job planTuition source his wayWorkingTraveland To work for a travel Michael through schooltourismagency

four-yearComputerA To work in the IT industryJane scholarshipscience Further listening and speaking Task 1 1. new and different2. on his own 3. a bit confused4. talk with 5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFT Unit test第一单元Part I BDCDB Part II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how's(5)major(6)What about Part III DBCAC Part IV 1-5 AACBD 6-10 DCADB 11-15 CBDAD 16-20 CBCBD Unit 2Lead in task 1baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging swimmingskiing Listening skills DACBD Listening in Task 1DBCDA Task 2(1)strong and healthy(2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different(5)tastes and needs (6)careful Task 3 1.They went golfing together. 2.He was giving him tips. 3.On Hole 8. 4.The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started. 5.Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time. Task 4 1.open 2.interested 3.checkup 4.apply 5.PE Department 6. exercise opportunity Let ' s talk


菏泽学院2008级本科2009-2010学年第1学期 《新视野大学英语1》试卷(A ) (110分钟) I. V ocabulary and Structure (20%) Directions: Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 1. She cut her hair short and tried to ____ herself as a man. A. decorate B. disguise C. fabricate D. fake 2. She watched him ____ all the handles and gears in his automobile until she thoughts she could run it herself. A. modulate B. incorporate C. manipulate D. induce 3. The French police are legally entitled to ____ anyone’s movements as they please. A. confine B. restrict C. restrain D. limit 4. Some people argue that the death ____ does not necessarily reduce the number of murders. A. fine B. cost C. punish D. penalty 5. The university ____ consists of full professors, associate professors and assistant professors. A. crew B. personnel C. faculty D. staff 6. The latest edition of The Complete Works of Lu Xun comes in sixteen ____. A. copies B. volumes C. versions D. editions 7. Many students found the book ____ : It provided them with an abundance of information on the subject. A. enlightening B. confusing C. distracting D. amusing 8. Although the cyclist was unhurt, his bicycle was ____ between the lorry and the wall. A. crushed B. clashed C. crashed D. cracked 9. The children performed a very ____ dance for their parents. A. gracious B. grateful C. graceful D. greedy 10. Y ou must ask for ____ before taking any photographs inside the ancient building. A. permission B. admission C. qualification D. profession 11. To speed up the ________ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting. A. treatment B. delivery C. transmission D. departure 12. Her lip ________ like that of a child about to cry. A. quiver B. shudder C. shiver D. tremble 13. There is already ________ clear to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change. A. witness B. certificate C. identify D. evidence 14. Even then, he kept a water ________, noting the brands he liked best. A. newspaper B. magazine C. journal D. diary 15. How can ________ improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity? A. staff B. clerk C. faculty D. client 16. He got angry at being refused ________ to the conference room. A. admittance B. admission C. entrance D. allowance 17. It is delightful to ________ all the gifted students throughout the country to teach. A. resemble B. assemble C. dissemble D. ensemble 18. _________ by the superstars on television, the young athletes trained hard and played intensely. A. Imitated B. Imposed C. Insured D. Inspired 19. It may be necessary to stop ________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons. A. at a distance B. at intervals C. at case D. at length 20. In spite of the differences, they felt in love with ________ . A. passion B. projection C. injection D. reflection II.Cloze Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify 21 a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are 22 of that parent. The things parents do and say —and the 23 they do and say to them —therefore strongly influence a c hild’s 24 .However, parents must consistently behave like the type of 25 they want their child to become. A parent’s actions 26 affect the self image that a child forms 27 identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their 28 will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly 29 qualities in their parents will have difficulty 30 positive qualities in themselves. Children may 31 their self image, however, as they become increasingly 32 by peers groups standards before they reach 13 . Isolated events, 33 dramatic ones, do not necessarily have a permanent 34 on a child’s behavior. Children interpret such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, 35 , accept the divorce of their parent’s or a parents early 36 .But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events 37 a sign of rejection or punishment. In the same way, all children are not influenced 38 by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. 39 in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the 40 of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. 21.A.to B. with C.around D.for https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac7276723.html,rmed B.characteristic C.conceived D.indicative ·······································密······ ·····························封··············· ···················线········································ ·· 系 别: _____________ 年级:____________ 专业: ____________________ 姓名:_______________ 学号:________________
