



一、下面先说说初试用书。往年的帖子也写到了,语言学苗兴伟,英国文学简史刘炳善,选读是杨岂深,美国文学简史常耀信,选读龙文佩、杨岂深,还买了各种关于文学考研的参考书,我是暑假开始背诵作家作品名称对应,之后没有断过,语言学文学都是从9月一直背到考研前,最后狂背文学时,又从图书馆借了几本关于主题分析的书,总之最后是扫盲阶段,选读也要最后时再看两遍,记住选读中的主要篇章内容,今年的诗歌william blake的就被我忽视了,美国文学的还好记住了。语言学没有用参考书,都是自己总结重点,看课后题,理解为主,9月开始背诵,开始背诵感觉很吃力,但是一定要坚持,学长也叮嘱我,一遍两遍是不行的,当背到第三遍就感觉好多了,开始费时费力但是坚持过三遍之后,再背就流畅轻松了,当背到11月时,听完山大的讲座(考点老师当然不会透露),我又把课后题看一遍,被忽视的重点再背几遍,基本就没啥问题了。这门专业课是算在复试成绩里的,所以一定要好好背诵,答题时思路清晰。








五、下面讲一下复试复习。之前的帖子里也有提到,心理测试很简单,法语测试要提前几天再把笔记看一遍,背诵重点,今年的选择大部分是法语四级的题,阅读没有初试难,填空也是主要考查时态,动词变位等等,法译汉是初试的原题,句子翻译也很短。复试听力三种题型,dictation我练的不是很多,以voa新闻为主,开始半分钟的新闻能听懂都很困难,每天就坚持听,有的需要听7、8遍,再对照原文,语速和题材适应了以后就好多了,下载了1-3月的新闻上百个,每天都听10来个,积累词汇,素材,重在听懂,后来复试时,dictation 读四遍,第一遍要听出大概的内容,2、3遍开始写,写的很潦草,但是也写的差不多,填空很简单,但是笔头要跟上,速度很快。最后的概要,第一遍也是要边听边写,以听懂为主,今年是关于美国农业重要性的,提到旧式农业,现代农业什么的,写200字左右。所以听力还是很重要的,练的时候要以听懂为主。听力如果练好了,口语水平也会相应提高一些。我就是念了一些专八的interview,找找语感,发音要地道。面试时,我是第二个,老师让自我介绍,很简短的几句,说明自己的兴趣方向,然后语言学的老师提问,what is linguistics?why it is scientific? how to collect data?可能是因为排在前面,所以问题很简单,说的时候不要紧张,保持正常的语速语调,思路清晰,眼神要看着老师,发音要准确,我觉得问题不大。复试成绩出来后还是挺高的,所以复试也要好好准备,不可掉以轻心。




第2单元 2013年大学网络学习新闻英语二,网上虽然有些答案但是不大一样,也没有听力原文,这里的最全 准备 1.Exercise 1: Listen to this passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false, write T for true and F for false. 听力文本: Airport Security Screens Passengers Using New Technology Checking baggage for explosives hasn't been a problem. Airport security can put bags in x-ray machines, open them up to look inside, or use advanced machinery that that check traces of chemicals often used in explosives. But checking people's bodies isn't so easy. A TSA initiative that began last September to rigorously frisk more people led to dozens of sexual harassment complaints. So the TSA turned to technology installing what looks like a longer, more complex walk-through metal detectors in nine airports around the country. Jose Ralls is the TSA director from McCarran International in Las Vegas. Jose Ralls: The machine actually will talk to the individual, telling them to stand inside and wait, and as soon as they are cleared, it will tell them to proceed. From a distance, Mr. Ralls watches one airport passenger go


I. Vocabulary and Structure 1. ---Do you mind if I sit here? --- ______C_________. A. Not at all. There is plenty of room. B. Of course. Do sit down, please. C. Never mind. I’d like to have some companion. D. Sure. I’d like to have someone to talk to 2. –Why do you always tell me what to do? To be frank, I don’t like it. --- I know, but __ C__. A. I don’t like it either. B. How do I do for you? C. I just want the best for you. D. Obviously. You are right. 3. ----That was a delicious dinner. ----__ B _. A. Thank you. Don’t mention it. B. You’re welcome. C. Not so delicious, I’m afraid. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 4. --- You are most beautiful in that red sweater. --- ___C__. A. Oh, no. It’s just an old one, and I have had it for years. B. Yes. I think it goes nicely with my pants. C. Thank you. My mom knitted it for me some years ago. D. Oh, but I’m not sure if it suits me. 5. ---I missed Prof. Wang’s linguistics class again yesterday. ----_____C_____. A.Congratulations! B.How nice you are! C.What a pity! D.Have a nice weekend. 6. She couldn’t understand his _________ of country life to city life. A. liking B. reference C. preference D. loving 7. It is ___A___ to walk on the top of the wall. A. dangerous B. serious C. notorious D. vigorous 8. His parents didn’t consent to his ___A___ with Mary. A. marriage B. dependence C. reliance D. charge 9. Basic chemical knowledge is a necessary ____B_____ for research in any natural science. A. flat B. foundation C. base D. platform 10. A new ___B___ in one branch of knowledge will probably have great influence on another. A. average B. discovery C. recovery D. coverage 11. One of the main characters in Shakespeare’s play A Merchant in Venice is the ___C____ Shylock. A. greasy B. great C. greedy D. greeting


毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)题目: 姓名王氏狂生 学号20120018 学院能源与动力工程学院 专业热能与动力工程 年级2012级 指导教师 2012年12月12日


山东大学 新标准大学英语_视听说教程3答案截图 和文字版本

山东大学新标准大学英语 视听说教程答案 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 1 Unite one Activity 1 Done with this task. Your current score: 100% Watch Part 1 of the video clip and rearrange the topics in the order you hear them. Your answer Correct answer (3) why the school is special (5) the need for introducing happiness classes (4) the benefits of students being happy at school (1) the aims of the happiness classes (2) what students do in the happiness classes (3) why the school is special (5) the need for introducing happiness classes (4) the benefits of students being happy at school (1) the aims of the happiness classes (2) what students do in the happiness classes Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 2 Percent score Row 1: 2 Row 2: 1 Row 3: 4 Row 4: 1 Row 5: 2 Row 6: 1 Row 7: 3 100 Row 1: 2 Row 2: 1 Percent score Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: c Question 3 Key: c Question 4 Key: a Question 5 Key: a 100 b c c a a


山东大学研究生英语网络教学平台在线 阅读答案完整版 第一单元 1 Interconnected ; landscape ; conducive ; barrier ; foster ; brain drain ; account for ; suspended ; set off ; indigenous ; infrastructure ; trigger ; ethnic ; reverberated ; outperform ; permeated 2 which ; engage in ; concluded ; against; reacted; entered; controlling; it ; compromise; decree; as well as; subsidiaries 第二单元 1, F F F T T 2, h i a g b f e j d c 3, D B B CC D A AD B 4, N evertheless ; and ; points ; derives ; entire ; N or ; prepared ; that ; may ; were ; functions ; through ; just ; appointment ; extended ; along ; early ; which ; itself ; collection 第三单元 1 landscape ; outperform ; legitimizing ; downsizing ; polarize ; infrastructure ; sector ; fluctuating ; suspend ; potent


英语三 I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Do you want to come for a B on my motorbike? A. run B. ride C. drive D. walk 2. The repairs to my car C me a lot of money. A. worth B. prize C. cost D. spend 3. ____A_____ there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class. A. provided (that) B. supposed (that) C. opposed (that) D. proved (that) 4. She _____D____ (up ) her forehead in disgust. A. looked B. pushed C. pulled D. wrinkled 5. Something has to be done D the recent rise in unemployment. A. to counter B. to count C. to account D. to encounter 6. The party leader is an extreme left-winger, but his deputy is more B in his views. A. modest B. moderate C. monitor D. modern 7. In ____A_____ of her apology, we decided to take no further action. A. view B. fact C. idea D. opinion 8. The boy’s ______B______ development was very advanced for his age. A. intelligent B. intellectual C. internal D. external 9. You may keep the book a further week _____D_______ no one else requires it. A. as if B. even if C. even though D. provided that 10. The writer _____C______ the question of environmental pollution in his article. A. kept from B. kept to C. kept up D. kept in 11. The teacher said Tom is ______B______ average in his lessons. A. on B. above C. over D. up 12. Friendly ____C______ between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange. A. contests B. contents C. contacts D. concerts 13. He noted ____A_____ her address on a piece of paper. A. down B. on C. up D. in 14. This is a private dining room where members could ____C_____ groups of friends. A. welcome B. accept C. entertain D. receive 15. We _______A_______ to the hotel manager that the room was too noisy. A. complained B. told C. talked D. spoke 16. He was told that he was ___B______ to inquire into the cause of the accident. A. posted B. assigned C. sent D. placed 17. The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he/she has been deprived of sleep in previous days. (A) A. taken away B. cured C. rid D. ensured 18. What is really abnormal sleepiness is now almost the norm. (C) A. unique B. regular C. unusual D. odd 19. The microscope can ____C_____ the object 100 times in diameter. A. intensify B. strengthen C. magnify D. expand 20. Eating too much sugar can lead ____D____ all sorts of health problems.


山东大学简介 山东大学是中国近代高等教育的起源性大学,创建于1901年,现为中国教育部直属的综合性大学和国家“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学之一。 山东大学总占地面积8000余亩,形成了一校三地(济南、青岛、威海)八个校园(济南中心校区、洪家楼校区、趵突泉校区、千佛山校区、软件园校区、兴隆山校区及青岛校区、威海校区)的办学格局。现有各类全日制学生6万人,其中,本科生4万余人,研究生16000余人,国际学生约2000人。教职工7782人。 山东大学是中国目前学科门类最齐全的大学之一,在综合性大学中具有代表性。本科生和研究生层次教育涉及哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学等12大学科门类。拥有一级学科博士学位授权点40个,一级学科硕士学位授权点55个,专业学位博士点3个,专业学位硕士点27个,本科专业118个,博士后科研流动站38个。设有38个学院,并有4所附属医院。 山东大学高度重视国际合作,与世界上50多个国家的100多所大学建立了校际交流关系,并在“世界名校合作计划”中与耶鲁大学、芝加哥大学、多伦多大学、巴黎高师等10余所世界一流大学建立了校际姊妹关系。为推动中外文化融合和文明对话,2005年以来,山东大学在美国、法国、荷兰、澳大利亚、新加坡、韩国、蒙古建立了8所孔子学院。 济南 济南市是中国东部沿海经济大省山东省的省会,有2600年的建城史,是中国政府公布的“历史文化名城”之一,现有人口600余万。济南素有“泉城”美誉,全城遍布大小700余处天然泉涌,其中趵突泉被誉为“天下第一泉”。 曲阜 曲阜市位于山东省西南部,距济南约170公里,是中国古代伟大的思想家、教育家孔子的故乡。1982年列为首批中国历史文化名城之一。 三孔 孔庙、孔府、孔林合称“三孔”,是中国著名的“世界文化遗产”。 孔庙是祭祀孔子,表彰儒学的庙宇,始建于公元前478年,完成于明清时期。现占地


山东大学学位论文规范(试行) 为提高学位工作水平和学位论文的质量 保证学位论文在结构和格式上的规范与统一 特作如下规定 一、学位论文的基本要求 硕士学位论文一般应用中文撰写 提倡并鼓励用中、外文撰写 理学、工学、医学类博士学位论文须用中、外文撰写 人文社科类博士学位论文提倡并鼓励用中、外文撰写 博士学位论文字数一般3-10万字 摘要为3000字以上;硕士学位论文字数一般2-5万字 摘要为1000字左右 二、学位论文的结构要求 博士、硕士学位论文一般应由以下几部分组成 依次为:(1)论文封面;(2)扉页;(3)原创性声明和关于论文使用授权的声明;(4)中、外文论文目录; (5)中文摘要;(6)外文摘要;(7)符号说明;(8)论文正文(包括文献综述);(9)附录、附图表;(10)引文出处及参考文献;(11)致谢;(12)攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录;(13)学位论文评阅及答辩情况;(14)外文论文 三、学位论文的格式要求 (一)论文封面:采用研究生院统一印制的封面 封面的论文题目需要中、外文标示 用小二号加重黑体字打印封面的中文论文题目 用三号加重打印封面外文论文题目 四号加重黑体字打印脊背处论文题目和封面作者姓名、专业、指导教师、合作导师姓名和专业技术职务、论文完成时间、密级、学校代码、学号、分类号等内容 论文题目不得超过30个汉字 分类号须采用《中国图书资料分类法》进行标注 (二)扉页:论文设扉页 其内容与封面相同 送交校学位办公室、图书馆和档案馆的论文其扉页由本人用碳素钢笔填写 (三)原创性声明和关于学位论文使用授权的说明:论文作者和指导教师在向校学位办公室、图书馆、档案馆提交论文时必须在要求签名处签字 (四)论文目录:论文需要有中外文目录各一份 目录应将文内的章、节标题依次排列 并注明页码 标题应简明扼要 中文的"目录"标题字用小三号加重黑体字打印


第2单元 2013年山东大学网络学习新闻英语二,网上虽然有些答案但是不大一样,也没有听力原文,这里的最全 准备 1.Exercise 1: Listen to this passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false, write T for true and F for false. 听力文本: Airport Security Screens Passengers Using New Technology Checking baggage for explosives hasn't been a problem. Airport security can put bags in x-ray machines, open them up to look inside, or use advanced machinery that that check traces of chemicals often used in explosives. But checking people's bodies isn't so easy. A TSA initiative that began last September to rigorously frisk more people led to dozens of sexual harassment complaints. So the TSA turned to technology installing what looks like a longer, more complex walk-through metal detectors in nine airports around the country. Jose Ralls is the TSA director from McCarran International in Las Vegas. Jose Ralls: The machine actually will talk to the individual, telling them to stand inside and wait, and as soon as they are cleared, it will tell them to proceed. From a distance, Mr. Ralls watches one airport passenger go through the process. Jose Ralls: Now he knows to go on through, and he just waits, and as soon as the air is analyzed he will be allowed to proceed forward. The machine blasts air downward and across whoever inside the portal. Mr. Ralls says that often startles people. Jose Ralls: That's why our focus out there is to explain to them what will be taking place,the noise that they will be hearing. The way it's supposed to work is that suspicious particles on


College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education (英语三) I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Do you want to come for a B on my motorbike A. run B. ride C. drive D. walk 2. The repairs to my car C me a lot of money. A. worth B. prize C. cost D. spend 3. ____A_____ there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class. A. provided (that) B. supposed (that) C. opposed (that) D. proved (that) 4. She _____D____ (up ) her forehead in disgust. A. looked B. pushed C. pulled D. wrinkled 5. Something has to be done D the recent rise in unemployment. A. to counter B. to count C. to account D. to encounter 6. The party leader is an extreme left-winger, but his deputy is more B in his views. A. modest B. moderate C. monitor D. modern 7. In ____A_____ of her apology, we decided to take no further action. A. view B. fact C. idea D. opinion 8. The boy’s ______B______ development was very advanced for his age. A. intelligent B. intellectual C. internal D. external 9. You may keep the book a further week _____D_______ no one else requires it. A. as if B. even if C. even though D. provided that 10. The writer _____C______ the question of environmental pollution in his article. A. kept from B. kept to C. kept up D. kept in 11. The teacher said Tom is ______B______ average in his lessons. A. on B. above C. over D. up 12. Friendly ____C______ between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange. A. contests B. contents C. contacts D. concerts 13. He noted ____A_____ her address on a piece of paper. A. down B. on C. up D. in 14. This is a private dining room where members could ____C_____ groups of friends. A. welcome B. accept C. entertain D. receive 15. We _______A_______ to the hotel manager that the room was too noisy. A. complained B. told C. talked D. spoke 16. He was told that he was ___B______ to inquire into the cause of the accident. A. posted B. assigned C. sent D. placed 17. The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he/she has been deprived of sleep in previous days. (A) A. taken away B. cured C. rid D. ensured 18. What is really abnormal sleepiness is now almost the norm. (C) A. unique B. regular C. unusual D. odd 19. The microscope can ____C_____ the object 100 times in diameter. A. intensify B. strengthen C. magnify D. expand 20. Eating too much sugar can lead ____D____ all sorts of health problems. A. in B. on C. until D. to 21. Some people like to own a car as a symbol of ___C_____.


SHANDONG UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 questions in this section. For each of the questions, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best answers the question. 1. Agricultural experts always caution farmers to irrigate in regions receiving only light rainfall. A. remind B. teach C. find D. warn 2. The manager __________ one of the hotel servants of stealing the money. A. complained B. blamed C. accused D. scolded 3. For a beauty competition you need a pretty face and a good ____________. A. form B. formation C. frame D. figure 4. The officer said he had a good __________ to arrest the beggar. A. mind B. head C. heart D. spirit 5. During the storm we took ____________ in the doorway of a shop. A. rescue B. comfort C. shelter D. guard 6. He was last seen in public on the __________ of his daughter’s wedding. A. event B. occasion C. chance D. affair 7. Confused by the situation, he couldn’t make his own _________. A. judgment B. payment C. complaint D. resentment 8. He ____ ___ his right hand in a car accident. A. lost B. had lost C. has lost D. losed 9. It is ___ ___ to walk on the top of the wall. A. dangerous B. serious C. notorious D. vigorous 10. Analytical chemistry lays __ ____ on the development of precise methods of analyzing the chemical composition of substances. A. heavy B. focus C. center D. emphasis 11. The ___ ____ among the various sciences is determined by the nature of science. A. interdependence B. interchange C. intervention D. interview 12. One of the main characters in Shakespeare’s play A Merchant in Venice is the ___ ____ Shylock. A. greasy B. great C. greedy D. greeting 13. Some measures must be taken to preserve the _________ of the soil. A. wealth B. futility C. fertility D. rich 14. The only songs officially approved by the Puritans were very simple hymns. A. originally B. reluctantly C. unanimously D. formally 15. Benjamin Franklin was not the first to suggest the relationship between lightning and the electricity, but his experiment with a kite was original. A. define B. confirm C. examine D. propose 16. Many of Edith Wharton’s best sto ries were completed under great personal strain. A. poverty B. privacy C. resentment D. tension 17. For three weeks the country has enjoyed very unusual winter ____ ____ and sunshine. A. heat B. warmth C. hot D. icy 18. We are right to give these movements every ______ __. A. encouragement B. enpowerment C. engrossment D. enchantment 19. Civilisation consists having a constructive attitude.


山东大学英语三 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education (英语三) I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Do you want to come for a B on my motorbike A. run B. ride C. drive D. walk 2. The repairs to my car C me a lot of money. A. worth B. prize C. cost D. spend 3. ____A_____ there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class. A. provided (that) B. supposed (that) C. opposed (that) D. proved (that) 4. She _____D____ (up ) her forehead in disgust. A. looked B. pushed C. pulled D. wrinkled 5. Something has to be done D the recent rise in unemployment. A. to counter B. to count C. to account D. to encounter 6. The party leader is an extreme left-winger, but his deputy is more B in his views. A. modest B. moderate C. monitor D. modern 7. In ____A_____ of her apology, we decided to take no further action. A. view B. fact C. idea D. opinion 8. The b oy’s ______B______ development was very advanced for his age. A. intelligent B. intellectual C. internal D. external 9. You may keep the book a further week _____D_______ no one else requires it. A. as if B. even if C. even though D. provided that 10. The writer _____C______ the question of environmental pollution in his article. A. kept from B. kept to C. kept up D. kept in 11. The teacher said Tom is ______B______ average in his lessons. A. on B. above C. over D. up 12. Friendly ____C______ between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange. A. contests B. contents C. contacts D. concerts 13. He noted ____A_____ her address on a piece of paper. A. down B. on C. up D. in 14. This is a private dining room where members could ____C_____ groups of friends. A. welcome B. accept C. entertain D. receive 15. We _______A_______ to the hotel manager that the room was too noisy. A. complained B. told C. talked D. spoke 16. He was told that he was ___B______ to inquire into the cause of the accident. A. posted B. assigned C. sent D. placed 17. The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he/she has been deprived of sleep in previous days. (A) A. taken away B. cured C. rid D. ensured
