

(2004 年 3 月)上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试
SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the ward or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once. What is a gesture? A gesture is a movement of the hand or body that expresses ______ (1) or intention. It is an action that sends a ______ (2) from one person to another. To become a gesture, an act has to be seen by someone else and has to ______ (3) some piece of information to them. There are some gestures, however, that have ______ (4) depending on when and where they are used. When an American wants to signal that something is OK, ______ (5), he raises his hand and makes a circle with his thumb and forefinger. This circle-sign has ______ (6) for him, and he might be surprised to ______ (7) that in other countries it can mean something very different. In Japan, for instance, it is the gesture for money. ______ (8), it means zero or worthless. Such differences can, of course, lead to ______ (9)when foreigners meet, But why is it that the same gesture basso many different meanings? When some people want to show that something is ______ (10), they make a sign to show they are holding ______ (11) between the tips of their thumb and forefinger. Many people from all over the world ______ (12) when emphasizing a certain point as they speak. The object they hold is ______ (13), and they simply perform the action of holding it. In this way, they ______ (14) with the thumb and forefinger. In America, this unconscious gesture grew into a ______ (15) meaning exactly right or perfect. This was how the ______ (16) was born. The Japanese sign for money comes from a completely different source. ______ (17), and coins are round. Therefore, making a ______ (18) came to .symbolize money. It is as simple as that. The French sign for nothing or worthless also ______ (19) a simple source. This time, however, the circle does not represent a coin, it only indicates nought. Nought means nothing, ______ (20).
Part B: Listening Comprehension
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you

have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 1. (A) Doris pointed out where the key was. (B) Doris doesn't want to be appointed. (C) Doris is usually a punctual person. (D) Doris doesn't know she has an appointment. 2. (A) Even though the car arrived early, the meeting began late. (B) The meeting was postponed, although we set off early today. (C) We left early today for the meeting, but we were delayed. (D) We started our journey early, so we were early for the meeting. 3. (A) Three years later, the stock market crashed. (B) Half of the stocks in the market were devalued within five years. (C) About 50 % of rite products were more expensive than they had been 3 years before. (D) The country's GNP was reduced by nearly 50% in three years. 4. (A) Tony won't receive additional payment, no matter how hard he works. (B) Tony couldn't understand why his boss is not satisfied with his success (C) Tony is unable to meet his sales quota this year because of the extra load of work. (D) Tony is confident that his work will save the firm from bankruptcy. 5. (A) Everyone knew that Jennifer was the CEO's secretary in Detroit. (B) Jennifer didn't meet the well-known CEO from the headquarters, (C) The CEO was away to meet Jennifer in our headquarters in Detroit. (D) The Detroit headquarters had decided to appoint Jennifer to be a CEO. 6. (A) The manager has refused to see you off at the airport. (B) The manager will be dealing with something urgent in prison. (C) The manager will be attending a welcome party at the airport. (D) The manager has to cancel her previous arrangement. 7. (A) The director told the secretary to finish the survey report on time. (B) The director told the secretary to wind the clock in the office. (C) The director told the secretary to take the report home. (D) The director told the secretary not to rush for the survey report. 8. (A) We intend to withdraw fund on that project, for it is necessary to do so. (B) We should proceed with the project, although we have difficulties. (C) We decide to give up the project, so that we can work on a new one. (D) We have to reject the gift and continue to raise money for that project of ours. 9. (A) High productivity may have negative effects on our own existence. (B) More and better goods and services can raise our living standards. (C) The rising prices of goods and services may lead to the damage of our environment. (D) We should produce high-quality goods to protect our natural resources. 10. (A) After three years of hard work, I have been promoted to department head. (B) After years of work, I think I need to talk with someone about my career. (C) The department head has ruthlessly turned down my request for a salary raise. (D) The department head has postponed the promotion campaign for months.

2. Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear Several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions Only ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Questions 11-14
11. (A) In her office. (B) In a cinema. (C) In her home. (D) In a restaurant. 12. (A) The assistant manager has made an appointment with her. (B) Mr. Brown is going to pay a visit to her house. (C) The man has been late for a couple of times. (D) She has to return home first to change her dress. 13. (A) They will go to a party. (B) They will attend a fashion show. (C) They will see a film. (D) They will go home. 14. (A) Because it is their only night together. (B) Because it is the last night for the film show. (C) Because it is their wedding anniversary. (D) Because it is a chance to see the woman in uniform.
Questions 15-18
15. (A) Its long history. (B) Its large library. (C) Its college system. (D) Its admission qualifications. 16. (A) The accommodation. (B) The award of degrees. (C) The examinations. (D) The programme of studies. 17. (A) They are better than those of other universities. (B) They are open to all the students of the university. (C) They can be attended by students of a particular study. (D) They are given once a week, according to the tutor's advice. 18. (A) In the Fellows' Club. (B) At the restaurant. (C) In the college chapel. (D) On college campus.

Questions 19-22
19. (A) Because she was not in a hurry. (B) Because she wanted to save money. (C) Because she could enjoy sightseeing. (D) Because she lived near the bus stop. 20. (A) Taxis. (B) The railway. (C) The tube. (D) Double-deckers. 21. (A) To show the excellence of its international air service. (B) To stress the importance of its strategic position. (C) To contrast it with internal air service of other cities. (D) To provide an answer to the problem of traffic congestion. 22. (A) Its advanced technology. (B) Its geographical location. (C) Its changing climate. (D) Its demand for oil in the North Sea.
Questions 23-26
23. (A) President Roosevelt's death. (B) President Johnson's last days. (C) Eleanor Roosevelt's retirement. (D) Presidents after World War II. 24. (A) Poor people. (B) Migrant workers. (C) Female journalists. (D) Civil rights activists. 25. (A) Because of his old age. (B) Because of his health. (C) Because of his position as US president. (D) Because of his noble family tradition. 26. (A) How to defeat the enemy in the war. (B) How to score more in a poker game. (C) What to say to make others laugh. (D) What to drink to replenish oneself.
Questions 27-30
27. (A) Because he doesn't want to stay in Bangkok. (B) Because he is tired of surface transport. (C) Because he is afraid of getting sea sickness. (D) Because he has to be back by next Tuesday. 28. (A) They have debts to pay off. (B) They live in a small flat

(C) They both work in a firm. (D) They both enjoy travel by air. 29. (A) Reading newspapers and magazines. (B) Watching surface transport on the sea and ground. (C) Lunching on a special kind of fish pie. (D) Eating and drinking his favorites. 30. (A) It is a popular means of transport. (B) It is no better than surface transport. (C) It is safer than other means of transport. (D) It is no longer enjoyable and convenient.
Part C: Listening and Translation
1. Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. (1)

SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)
Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Questions 1-5
Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child—or even an animal, such as a pigeon—can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone's personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others. Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone's personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a "nice face" looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a "nice person," you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth. There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Ports, an American psychologist, found nearly 18000 English words characterizing differences in people's behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types—people are described with such terms. People have always tried to "type" each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain's or the hero's role. In fact, the words "person" and "personality" come from the Latin persona, meaning "mask". Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys" because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions. 1. The main idea of this passage is ______. (A) how to distinguish people's faces (B) how to describe people's personality (C) how to distinguish people both inwardly and outwardly (D) how to tell good persons from bad persons without wearing masks 2. The author is most probably a ______. (A) linguist (B) plastic surgeon (C) manager (D) sociologist 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) People may have different personalities. (B) People differ from each other in appearance. (C) People can learn to recognize human faces. (D) People can describe all human features of others. 4. The reason that it is easier to describe one's personality in words than one's face is that ______. (A) many words are available to describe personality (B) a person's personality is easily distinguished (C) people's personalities are very much alike (D) a person's face is more complex than his personality 5. We learn from the passage that people are classified according to ______. (A) their way of wearing masks (B) their way of speaking and playing (C) their knowledge and behavior (D) their physical appearance and personality
Questions 6-10
Before, whenever we had health, we stated discussing poverty. Why no now? Why is the current politics of wealth and poverty seemingly about wealth alone? Eight years ago, when Bill Clinton first ran for president, the Dow Jones average was under 3,500, yearly federal budget deficits were projected at hundreds of billions of dollars forever and beyond, and no one talked about the "permanent boom" or the "new economy." Yet in that more straitened time, Clinton made much of the importance of "not leaving a single person behind." It is possible that similar "compassionate" rhetoric might yet play a role in the general election. But it is striking how much less talk there is about the poor than there was eight years ago, when the country was economically uncertain, or in previous eras, when the country felt flush. Even last summer, when Clinton spent several days on a remarkable, Bobby Kennedy-like pilgrimage through impoverished areas from Indian reservations in South Dakota to ghetto neighborhoods in East St. Louis, the administration decided to refer to the effort not as a poverty tour but as a "new markets initiative." What is happening is partly a logical, policy-driven reaction. Poverty really is lower than it has been in decades, especially for minority groups. The most attractive solution to it—a growing economy—is being applied. The people who have been totally left out of this boom often have medical, mental or other problems for which no one has an immediate solution. "The economy has sucked in anyone who has any preparation, any ability to cope with modern life," says Franklin D. Raines, the former director of the Office of Management and Budget who is now head of Fannie Mae. When he and other people who specialize in the issue talk about solutions, they talk analytically and long-term: education, development of work skills, shifts in the labor market, adjustment in welfare reform. But I think there is another force that has made this a rich era with barely visible poor people. It is the unusual social and imaginative separation between prosperous America and those still left out. ... It's simple invisibility, because of

increasing geographic, occupation, and social barriers that block one group from the other's view. 6. The main idea of the passage is that ______. (A) The county is enjoying economic growth (B) The poor are benefiting from today's good economy (C) We were more aware of the poor than we are today (D) There were many more poor people tan there are today 7. The organizational pattern of the first two paragraphs of this passage is ______. (A) order of importance (B) comparison and contrast (C) chronological order (D) classification and division 8. In line 6 of the first paragraph, the word straitened means ______. (A) prosperous (B) difficult (C) relaxing (D) significant 9. From this passage, we can conclude that ______. (A) the status quo of the rich and the poor has changed (B) the good and prosperous economy will soon end (C) poverty will be removed as a result of increased wealth (D) all people benefit from good economic conditions 10. According to the author, one important reason that we do not talk much about poverty is that ______. (A) no one knows what to do about it (B) poverty really is lower than in the past (C) no one has been left out of the current boom (D) the president is not concerned about the poor
Questions 11-15
Our visit to the excavation of a Roman fort on a hill near Coventry was of more than archaeological interest. The year's dig had been a fruitful one and had assembled evidence of a permanent military camp much larger than had at first been conjectured. We were greeted on the site by a group of excavators, some of them filling in a trench that had yielded an almost complete pot the day before, others enjoying the last-day luxury of a cigarette in the sun, but all happy to explain and talk about their work. If we had not already known it, nothing would have suggested that this was a party of prisoners from the nearby prison. This is not the first time that prison labour has been used in work of this kind, but here the experiment, now two years old, has proved outstandingly satisfactory. From the archaeologists' point of view, prisoners provide a steady force of disciplined labour throughout the entire season, men to whom it is a serious day's work, and not the rather carefree holiday job that it tends to be for the amateur archaeologist. Newcomers are comparatively few, and can soon be

initiated by those already trained in the work. Prisoners may also be more accustomed to heavy work like shovelling and carting soil than the majority of students, and they also form a fair cross-section of the population and can furnish men whose special skills make them valuable as surveyors, draughtsmen of pottery restorers. When Coventry's Keeper of Archaeology went to the prison to appeal for help, he was received cautiously by the men, but when the importance of the work was fully understood, far more volunteers were forthcoming then could actually be employed. When they got to work on the site, and their efforts produced pottery and building foundations in what until last year had been an ordinary field, their enthusiasm grew till they would sometimes work through their lunch hour and tea break, and even carry on in the rain rather than sit it out in the hut. This was undoubtedly because the work was not only strenuous but absorbing, and called for considerable intelligence. The men worked always under professional supervision, but as the season went on they needed less guidance and knew when an expert should be summoned. Disciplinary problems were negligible: the men were carefully selected for their good conduct and working on a party like this was too valuable a privilege to be thrown away. The Keeper of Archaeology said that this was by far the most satisfactory form of labour that he had ever had, and that it had produced results, in quantity and quality, that could not have been achieved by any other means. A turf and timber fort built near the Roman highway through the middle of England in the first century A.D. had been excavated over an area of 14,000 square feet, and a section of turf rampart and palisade fully reconstructed by methods identical to those employed by the Roman army. The restoration of the Roman fort is being financed by Coventry Corporation as part of a plan to create a leisure amenity area. To this project prisoners have contributed work which otherwise would not have been performed and which benefits the whole community. 11. The visit to the excavation site was ______. (A) of purely archaeological interest (B) fruitful because a complete pot was discovered (C) interesting in more than one way (D) made by a group of prisoners 12. It can be assumed that archaeologists ______. (A) found that the prisoners worked far better than students (B) did not like the prisoners' carefree attitude to work (C) were willing to take only a few prisoners to work on the site (D) were often forced to discipline the prisoners 13. Prisoners demonstrated their attitude to work by ______. (A) spending most of their time sitting in a hut (B) insisting on professional guidance (C) taking no initiative (D) working voluntarily 14. When prisoners were selected for the work ______. (A) many of them refused to co-operate (B) their previous behaviour was taken into account (C) they were told they must work in all weathers (D) they were warned that there would be no privileges

15. The Keeper of Archaeology said that ______. (A) he had expected more of the fort to be revealed (B) the palisade was very primitive (C) only prison labour could produce such good results (D) the methods to construct the Roman fort were proved identical
Questions 16-20
Flats were almost unknown in Britain until the 1850s when they were developed, along with other industrial dwellings, for the laboring classes. These vast blocks were plainly a convenient means of easing social conscience by housing large numbers of the ever-present poor on compact city sites. During the 1880s, however, the idea of living in comfortable residential chambers caught on with the affluent upper and upper middle classes, and controversy as to the advantages and disadvantages of flat life was a topic of conversation around many a respectable dinner-table. In Paris and other major European cities, the custom whereby the better-off lived in apartments, or flats, was well established. Up to the late nineteenth century in England only bachelor barristers had established the tradition of living in rooms near the Law Court: any self-respecting head of household would insist upon a West End town house as his London home, the best that his means could provide. The popularity of flats for the better-off seems to have developed for a number of reasons. First, perhaps, through the introduction of the railways, which had enabled a wide range of people to enjoy a holiday staying in a suite at one of the luxury hotels which had begun to spring up during the previous decade. Hence, no doubt, the fact that many of the early luxury flats were similar to hotel suites, even being provided with communal dining-rooms and central boilers for hot water and heating. Rents tended to be high to cover overheads, but savings were made possible by these communal amenities and by tenants being able to reduce the number of family servants. One of the earliest substantial London developments of flats for the well-to-do was begun soon after Victoria Railway Station was opened in 1860, as the train service provided an efficient link with both the City and the South of England. Victoria Street, adjacent to both the Station and Westminster, had already been formed, and under the direction of the architect, Henry Ashton, was being lined, with blocks of residential chambers in the Parisian manner. These flats were commodious indeed, offering between eight and fifteen rooms apiece, including appropriate domestic offices. The idea was an emphatic departure from the tradition of the London house and achieved immediate success. Perhaps the most notable block in the vicinity was Queen Anne's Mansions, partly designed by E. R. Robson in 1884 and recently demolished. For many years, this was London's loftiest building and had strong claims to be the ugliest. The block was begun as a wild speculation, modelled on the American skyscraper, and was nearly 200 feet high. The cliff-like walls of dingy brick completely overshadowed the modest thoroughfare nearby. Although bleak outside, the mansion flats were palatial within, with sumptuously furnished communal entertaining and dining rooms, and lifts to the uppermost floors. The

success of these tall blocks of flats could not have been achieved, of course, without the invention of the lift, or 'ascending carriage' as it was called when first used in the Strand Law Courts in the 1870s. 16. Flats first appeared in Britain in the middle of the 19th century when ______. (A) they were principally built for those families with several servants (B) people were not conscious of the crowded housing of the less well-to-do (C) there was increasing concern over accommodation for the poor (D) people became conscious of the social needs of the rural population 17. English upper-middle-class families preferred to ______. (A) live mainly outside London, where it was healthier and cheaper (B) live near their working place (C) live in the West End (D) live in London, but mainly not in the West End 18. One effect of the railways coming to central London was to stimulate the building of ______ (A) large and well-appointed hotels (B) blocks of self-contained flats (C) rows of elegant town houses (D) flats similar to hotel suites 19. The immediate success of the flats in Victoria Street could be attributed to ______. (A) their French style of architecture (B) their revolutionary style of architecture (C) the ease with which they could be used as offices (D) the unusual number of rooms each flat contained 20. How does the writer refer to the interior and exterior of Queen Anne's Mansions? (A) They were elegantly decorated both inside and outside. (B) They were grim from the outside and had a modest decor inside. (C) They were flashy from the street but nondescript inside. (D) They were plain outside but with lavish interiors.
Questions 21-25
Troubled by the poor performance of their investments, many people are taking steps to halt erosion of their savings and rethink their financial plans. They are not sure what to do to maximize returns in light of stock market fluctuations, new tax laws, low interest rates and skyrocketing real estate values. "On an emotional level, people are petrified of making a mistake and losing more money," says financial counselor Denise Hughes. "The do-it-yourself investor of the 1990s is more comfortable now doing nothing." But doing nothing isn't better than doing something smart, especially as college, weddings and retirement loom. Here's what financial advisors are recommending to their clients: Plan for financial aid Most parents don't save nearly enough for children's education. They assume that investing in a 529 college plan is the best place for your savings,

While a 529 plan offers tax-free growth and withdrawals for college costs—and in some cases a tax deduction—colleges look at these savings when sizing up eligibility and how much they will fork over. The same scrutiny is given to funds saved in a Coverdell IRA and in an account opened in your child's name. Do save aggressively for college in a taxable account in your name if your household income is below $ 100,000. In this case, your child will likely qualify for some financial aid. Do invest in a 529 savings plan if your income is higher than $100,000 and will likely remain at or above that level when your child enters college. In this case, the 529 plan is great because you probably won't qualify for financial aid anyway. Expect ups and downs Stung by three straight years of stock market declines, many people have been shifting to lower-risk investments. But just as taking too much risk can hurt your portfolio's growth rate, so can hiding out in ultra, safe investments; paying 1% or less. Do consider investing in funds that you'll hold on to for more than a year. Under the new tax law, long-term capital gains are taxed at a maximum of 15%, down from 20%. Do look at stock funds that pay dividends. Dividends on stocks used to be taxed at your personal income tax rate, Under the new law, they are now taxed at no more than 15%. Investing in these funds will not only hold down taxes but also sustain your portfolio's value in tough times. Forget high fees Over the next ten years, achieving the kind of double-digit returns we experienced over the past 20 years will be much harder, predicts Harold Evensky, a certified financial planner. "In the 1990s, the average rate of return for a portfolio allocated 60% to stocks and 40% to bonds was 13.2% after taxes and transaction expenses." Over the coming decade, this rate is expected to be closer to 5.5% as the 50-year historical average returns to the neighborhood of 8%. Don't pay unnecessarily high investment costs and fees. For example, if you can save half a percentage point on your fund expense ratio (the fee that funds charge you each year to manage your money), your average investment return could be 6% instead of 5%, he says. Feather your nest egg Do estimate how much cash you'll need each year to sustain your standard of living when you reach retirement and withdraw from your IRA and your other retirement accounts. With this yearly sum in mind, calculate how big your nest egg has to be to produce that income stream, assuming that your portfolio's value earns a conservative 5% to 6% a year. 21. Which of the following is NOT true about the investors of the 1990s? (A) They might need professional help. (B) They live a comfortable life now with nothing to do. (C) They are afraid of making wrong decisions and losing money. (D) They are trying to protect what they make and save rather than taking risks. 22. According to the passage, a 529 savings account ______. (A) is the best choice for low-income families (B) offers tax-free growth and withdrawals (C) works best for those who are not qualified for financial aid (D) should start in your child's name

23. According to the expert, which of the following can help your portfolio's return rate to grow? (A) Allocating 40% of your portfolio to stocks and 60% to bonds. (B) Hiding out in ultra-safe investments paying 1% or less. (C) Investing long term in funds that pay dividends. (D) Making high-risk and high-return investments. 24. On average, according to the experts, how much can you expect of an investment return in the near future? (A) Below 1%. (B) About 6%. (C) Above 8%. (D) Close to 13.2%. 25. What does IRA most probably refer to? (A) Investment Return Aid. (B) Individual Retirement Account. (C) Individual Refund Amount. (D) Investment and Retirement Aid.
Questions 26-30
Thinking about the upcoming holidays has given me a serious case of mixed feelings. I'm delighted that several of my out-of-town relatives are arriving in December for an extended visit. I'm not so thrilled about all the excess food that's headed my way. My metabolism—never very racy to begin with—downshifted a gear or two once I hit 40. Since then I've learned to pay close attention to what I eat and how much I exercise so I don't consume more calories than I burn. That's not going to be easy this year. The flood of free food at the office began earlier than ever—starting with leftover Halloween candy. (Some of it, I confess, supplied by me.) I love breaking bread with family and friends and don't think anyone should miss celebrating Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas, Id al-Fitr or any other holiday. But let's face it: all it takes to gain one pound (0.45 kg) is to consume 3,500 more calories than you expend. Spread out over the 40 noshing days between Thanksgiving and New Year's, that's fewer than 90 calories a day, or just one of my favorite Pepperidge Farm Lido cookies—and who can eat just one of those? One pound isn't going to kill anyone, but an extra pound every year for 20 years just might. This year, I swear, is going to be different. After talking with Nelda Mercer and Diane Quagliani, registered dieticians and spokeswomen for the American Dietetic Association, I've worked out a plan to avoid holiday blimping. If that sounds like a good idea to you, here are a few tips to help see you through the next several weeks: BE REALISTIC. No one drops waist sizes in November and December. Consider yourself wildly successful if you simply haven't gained any weight by the end of the year. KEEP MOVING. Exercise is often the first thing that goes in the holiday rush. Aim for at least 30 min. Of physical activity (brisk walking, bicycling; swimming) a day, most days of the week. If you don't already exercise regularly, start slowly and build up gradually. Weight training is a great way to kick-start a faltering metabolism, but any exercise will also help relieve stress. GO DANCING. You'll burn another 200 to 400 calories an hour and have fun doing it.

BE SELECTIVE. Scan the whole buffet table first, then choose only a few items. TREAT YOURSELF. Don't deny yourself a favorite delicacy. You'll only crave it more. Just keep the portion sizes tiny. Take a bite or two, and savor the memory. PRACTICE YOUR EXCUSES. My favorites: "I couldn't eat another slice but would love to have the recipe," or "Would you mind if I took some of this home instead?" GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. If you overindulge today, don't dwell on the lapse. Just do better tomorrow. DON'T OVERIMBIBE. Here are a couple more reasons. A 4-oz. glass of wine contains 100 calories; a cup of spiked eggnog can easily top 350 calories. DON'T GET DOWN. A lot of us feel a little blue during the holidays. Keep your spirits up with bubble baths, walks in the woods and maybe even volunteering for a local charity or religious organization. Remember, this time of year is dedicated to family and friends. Focus on nourishing relationships to make your holidays happier and healthier. 26. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? (A) How to lose weight during holidays. (B) How to avoid gaining weight during holidays. (C) How to spend the upcoming holidays. (D) How to keep fit by exercising. 27. Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage? (A) I took some Halloween candy to the office. (B) I started to pay attention to my weight at the age of 40. (C) To avoid gaining weight during holidays sounds like a good idea to the writer. (D) To eat one more Pepperidge Farm Lido cookie is likely to gain 2 pounds a year. 28. During the holiday, ______. (A) you are very unlikely to lose weight (B) you should treat yourself to your favorite delicacies (C) you'd better ask for the recipe instead of eating more (D) you must often take hot baths 29. Which of the following is closest to the meaning of "overimbibe"? (A) Eat lavishly. (B) Exercise excessively. (C) Sleep too little. (D) Drink too much. 30. What can you learn from the passage? (A) You should offer some excuses when refusing to eat certain food. (B) If you are happy every day, you will surely gain weight. (C) Stress can kick-start a faltering metabolism. (D) Metabolism becomes faster as one grows older.

SECTION minutes)
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET For 8 years, students at Michigan State University borrowed tuition money directly from the federal government. But last spring, university officials shucked that arrangement and signed up with private lenders and a state agency that provided loans under a separate federal plan. They guaranteed a profit to the university—something the federal government could not do. Sounds sweet for Michigan State, but it's not so terrific for federal taxpayers, who will almost certainly wind up shelling out $23.5 million more each year as a result of the change. Michigan State is not unique. Today, dozens of colleges and universities are abandoning the Department of Education's direct-loan plan, lured by the promise of a quick buck from banks, state lending agencies, and most significantly, Sallie Mae, the giant private lender based in Reston, Virginia. In all, 62 colleges and universities have dropped out of the Education Department's direct-loan program since 2000, and the list is growing. Sallie Mae has won over $1 billion in loan business from former direct-loan schools.
SECTION minutes)
Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 中华民族历来珍惜和平.中国的崛起,是和平的崛起,是依靠自己力量来发展自己.对 外关系中,我们一贯主张以邻为伴,与人为善,同各国发展友好合作关系. 中国现在是,今后相当长时间内仍将是一个发展中国家.中国有13亿人口,这是最大 的国情.中国国内生产总值已居全球第六位,但人均水平却排在第138位.我们还面临不容 忽视的失业,贫困和发展不平衡等问题.中国要赶上发达国家,还需要几代人,十几代人的 艰辛努力.


沪江英语绿宝书之 2011年3月上海中级口译考试 听力原文及解析 SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. My topic for today?s lecture is communication, culture and work. When most people use the word culture, they think of people from different national backgrounds. National cultures certainly do exist and they play an important role in shaping the way people communicate, but there are other dimensions of culture too. Within a nation, regional differences can exert a powerful influence on communication. New Yorkers and Alaskans may find one another?s styles of behaving so different that they might as well be from different countries. Race and ethnicity can also shape behavior. So can age. The customs, values and attitudes of a twenty-year-old girl may vary radically from those of her parents who were raised in the 1960s or her grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and World War Ⅱ. Still, other differences can create distinctive cultures. Gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, religion and socio-economic background are just a few. All of these factors lead to a definition of culture as a set of values, beliefs, norms, customs, rules and codes that lead people to define themselves as a distinct group, giving them a sense of commonality. It?s important to realize that culture is learned, not innate.A Korean-born infant adopted soon after her birth by American parents and raised in the United States will think and act differently than his or her cousins who grew up in Seoul. An African American who grew up in the inner city will view the world differently than he or she would if raised in the suburbs or in a country like France where African heritage has different significance than it does in the United States. The norms and values we learn as part of our cultural conditioning shape the way we view the world and the way we interact with one another. In short, culture has such an overwhelming influence on communication that famous anthropologist Edward Hall once remarked, …culture is communication and communication is culture.?


上海中级口译考试怎样准备? 中口考试分为两阶段。第一阶段笔试,一般在每年3月和9月中旬周日下午,时间150分钟,总分250分。共分四部分: 第一部分听力90分,分为三部分,均为30分。Part A是复合式听写,20个空,跟四六级考试有点类似,但区别在于全文只能听一遍,每个空要填2-4个单词,语速大约130词/分。Part B是听力理解,包括单句理解,长对话和短文。单句理解就是从四个选项中找出和所听到的句子意思最接近的一个,长对话和短文与四六级差不多。Part C是听译,分为单句听译和篇章听译,都是英译汉,即听力放英语句子和文章,然后留出一段时间,考生写出汉语翻译。 第二部分阅读60分,六篇文章,每篇文章后5个选择题。 第三部分英译汉50分,第四部分汉译英50分,要求考生不借助任何词典、参考资料和其它媒介,将一篇长度为180个单词(汉字)左右的英(汉)语文章段落译成汉(英)语。译文需忠实原文的意思,且语言通顺,符合译语规范。 合格为150分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。笔试成绩两年内有效,即笔试通过后可以参加四次口试,只要任何一次通过即可拿到口译证书。 第二阶段口试,每年5月和11月,共分两部分:口语与口译。口语部分要求考生就指定话题作三分钟左右的命题发言,话题后面有三个提示问题,但不要求一定要按照问题阐述观点。考生拿到口语试题后有五分钟的准备时间。口译分英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分均要求口译主题各不相同的两个段落。各两段,每段四断,每断两或三句,每断单独评分。答对11句及以上可以通过。 考生只有在通过笔试和口试两个阶段以后才能获得《上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书》。考试的指定培训教材:《中级听力教程》(周国强编著),《中级阅读教程》(陈汉生编著),《中级翻译教程》(孙万彪、冯慎宇编著),《中级口语教程》(严诚忠、朱妙南编著),《中级口译教程》(梅德明编著),均由上海外语教育出版社出版。听力和口译教程配有磁带,mp3网上可以下载到。 推荐参考书:《中级口译真题解析》,同济大学出版社,内有八套真题并配有详细解析,必买;新东方口试考试培训班指定辅导用书系列,汪海涛、邱政政主编,世界图书出版公司,一套四本,中口用到《词汇必备》,《口试备考精要》和《中口笔试备考精要》三本;《英语中级口译实用教程》,康志峰主编,华东理工大学出版社;《英语中高级口译笔试冲刺》和《口试导考》,都是谭宝泉编著,前者是上海译文出版社,后者是东华大学出版社;《实战口译》,(英)林超伦编著,外语教学与研究出版社,讲口译速记符号的。 考试准备 1.背单词 单词是肯定要背的。口译的准备一般从寒假开始,这时离你四六级考试或英语期末考试结束已经有一段时间了,背单词可以唤醒你丧失的英语记忆。而且上面也提到口译单词涉及到诸多方面,其中绝大部分都是具有中国特色、与我国现阶段国情紧密相关的,社会实用性很强,这些都是大学英语教学所欠缺的。有些单词你可能以前都没有接触过,通过背单词,可以初步了解口译考试的考点。 我用的是新东方的《中/高级口译考试词汇必备》,这也是迄今为止我所知道的最好的口译单词书。它打破了单词书按字母顺序编写的常规,将口译常用单词和词组分为若干类,既有英译中,也有中译英,充分考虑了口译的双向性。所选内容除了来自教程外,还参考了国内外多种资料和媒体,很多翻译(特别是对外口径)都是“权威”表达。 背单词点到为止,千万不要花太多时间,毕竟考试不是考默写单词。另外这本单词书有不少



1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students

16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于她打算扩店,她开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


历年上海英语翻译中级口译汉译英真题及答案 原文: 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处——既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。 这些人对中文的态度几乎没有完全改变。曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风光,认识丰富的文化遗产。 译文: An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage. 解析: 本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。总体难度一般,以句号结束的句子即可作为一


上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试(试卷一) A卷 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…, “ “My registration number is…”. Topic: The Importance of Transportation for Shanghai’s Economic Development Questions for Reference: 1. Give a general picture of transportation in Shanghai and then compare it with that in other cities in China or abroad. 2. What are the causes of the most serious transportation problems in the city? 3.Why is transportation more important in Shanghai today? 4.How to improve Shanghai’s transportation system? 口译题 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream. // This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. // I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. // I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China. // Passage 2: I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China's automobile industry. //I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. //I appreciate all you have done for me. I really love my new house that you have


上海中高级口译考试全解析 上海外语口译资格证书考试已经进行了将近十年,目前报考的人数越来越多,依然有很多第一次接触到口译考试的朋友对此考试感到疑惑,这里出一个解答的汇总,希望能解决大家心中的疑问1、口译报考新手入门常见问题解答2、英语中高级口译考试考试对象、考试流程、证书用途口译报考新手入门常见问题解答 上海市外语口译证书考试还有很多别名。比如我们通常叫的上海口译考试、中高级口译证书考试……目前十分火热,且报考人数连年增长,这里针对新手报考口译考试通常会遇到的一些问题做了一系列整理,帮大家理清思路,搞清楚这到底是个怎样的口译考试 问:什么是上海市外语口译证书考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试是上海紧缺人才培训工程重要项目之一,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心(PCEC)负责组织实施。自1995年6月开考到现在,已有几十万人报考。考试通过者(含笔试和口试)获得由上海紧缺人才培训工程联席会议办公室颁发的《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》 问:上海市外语口译证书考试有哪些考试项目?

答:目前的考试项目有四个。它们是英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译、英语口译基础能力。 问:这四个项目的考试费用是怎样的? 答:在上海地区,考试收费标准由上海市物价部门审核批准。英语高级口译笔试、口试各210元; 英语中级口译笔试、口试各180元;日语口译笔试、口试各200元; 英语基础能力笔试、口试共200元。 (以上费用为上海地区考务费、报名费,外省市考点的考生另增加代办费)。也就是说不同地区的报名费会略有高低不同,以当地报名点的报名费用为主。 问:通过考试,我可以拿到什么证书? 答:英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》; 笔试合格者可办理《上海市外语口译笔试合格证书》;对英语口译基础能力笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市英语口译基础能力合格证书》。 问:要拿到《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》,我需要通过哪几项考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试通常分为两部分,即笔试和口试。考生必须首先报考笔试,通过笔试部分考核的考生才能报考口


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(4) Questions 16-20 We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single action replace a thousand men. Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information. The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their


翻译中级口译第二部分口试试题(二) 一、Interpret(本大题2小题.每题25.0分,共50.0分。 Interpret the following passage from English to Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting) 第1题 【正确答案】: 人脑平均有100亿个神经细胞,分为两个大致对称的半球,有时称右半球和左半球。 人脑的两半球虽然就其大小和形状而言比较相像,却各司其职。 大多数人的左半球主要负责语言,左半球的这种语言功能优势似乎在婴儿出生前便已存在。 另一方面,(人脑的)右半球掌管着视觉和空间技能,并负责对非语言的声音以及音乐旋律的感知。 [本题分数]: 25.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] The human brain which contains an average of ten billion nerve cells, is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, sometimes called right and left brains. The two sides of the brain, while fairly comparable in size and form, appear to specialize in handling various tasks. In most individuals, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language and this left brain dominance in linguistic functions appears to exist prior to birth. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls visual and spatial skills as well as the perception of nonlinguistic sounds and musical melodies. 第2题 【正确答案】: 我将向你们展示一张印度尼西亚的美丽地图。你会从这张地图中看到印度尼西亚共和国是位于亚洲和澳洲大陆之间重要地理位置上的最大岛国。 因此,许多外国的投资者把他们的资金投在印度尼西亚,目的是为了建厂或和印度尼西亚建立合资企业。 此外,印度尼西亚有许多岛屿,大约13677个岛,五个主要的岛屿大约占陆地面积的92%。 这个区域行政划分为30个省,其中的两个是特区。印度尼西亚是世界上人口密度第四大的国家,有超过2.5亿的人口,年人口增长率为1.6%。


1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students 16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于他打算扩店,他开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代表。 5.“广告”这个词最简单的涵义就是“让某事物引起他人注意”。或者“将某事物告知某人”。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1. 请各位注意,图书馆马上就要关门了。请把参考书放回原处,如果要外借备用书籍以 便当夜使用,现在可以办理(手续),多谢各位合作。 2. 30年前,我还是个小孩子的时候,我父亲曾安排我去乡下一个农场过了两个暑假。他 认为那对我有好处,他是对的。那使我懂得了不少有关自立的重要意义。那地方非常偏僻,农场主的地位当时肯定已是二十出头的女儿说她从未离开过家门,也未见过火车。


2013年3月上海中级口译考试翻译真题及答案解析汇总 【原文】 朝气蓬勃,充满活力,丰富多彩的上海是现代中国的缩影。虽然上海的文化遗迹不能与北京媲美,但是上海迷人的城市风貌,风格各异的万国建筑为这座城市注入了无限的魅力。今日之上海,已经成为享誉中外的国际大都市。 漫步在这座日新月异的现代大都市里,你会发现许多精彩的历史亮点,隐现在众多摩天大楼背后的是上海发展变化的轨迹。它们记述了上海自十九世纪末开埠以来,尤其是新中国成立以后,是如何迅猛发展的。 【参考译文】 Shanghai is a dynamic, diverse and stimulating city - the very epitome of modern China. Though Shanghai cannot rival Beijing in cultural heritage, its varied architectural styles and cosmopolitan feel give it a charm of its own. Today's Shanghai has become a world-famous international metropolis. A walk through this booming city reveals many glimpses of its colorful past. Hidden amongst the skyscrapers are remains of the original Shanghai. They keep on showing how Shanghai has been developing fast and enormously since its opening as a commercial port in the late 19th century, especially after the founding of new China. 【评析】 该篇翻译属于经典话题,类似于上海城市介绍,考生如果熟悉教材,注意积累相关句型词汇,特别是对“朝气蓬勃、充满活力dynamic, diverse and stimulating、缩影epitome、遗迹heritage、城市风貌cosmopolitan feel、万国建筑varied architectural styles”等常考的表达,应该可以顺利取得高分。 If you’ve ever been on a jury, you might have noticed that a funny thing happens the minute you get behind closed doors. Everybody starts talking about themselves. They say what they would have done if they had been the plaintiff or the defendant. Being on a jury reminds me why I can’t tolerate talk radio. We Americans seem to have lost the ability to talk about anything but our own experiences. We can’t seem to generalize without stereotyping or to consider evidence that goes against our own experience. I heard a doctor on a radio show talking about a study that found that exercise reduces the incidence of Alzheimer’s. And caller after caller couldn’t wait to make essentially the opposite point: “Well, my grandmother never exercised and she lived to 95.”We are in an age summed up by the saying: “I experience, therefore I’m right.”Historically, the hallmarks of an uneducated person were the lack of ability to think critically, to use deductive reasoning to distinguish the personal from the universal. Now that seems an apt description of many Americans. 【参考译文】 如果你曾经当过陪审员,你可能会注意到一件有趣的事情:一旦关上了门,所有人就开始谈论他们自己。他们会讨论,如果自己是原告或被告的话会做什么。担任陪审员的经历让我明白了我为什么无法忍受谈话性的广播节目。我们美国人似乎只剩下了谈论自己经历的能力。我们似乎无法抛开固有的成见进行总结,也无法客观地分析与自身经历相悖的证据。 我曾听过一位医生在之声节目上讲述一项研究,该研究发现锻炼能降低阿兹海默症(老


中口口试必备口语试题准备材料(topic1-20) Topic1. China’s Developments and Achievements No one can refuse to admit that there are many achievements of China in recent decades. I know some of them, such as economic reform, joining to the WTO, and successfully bidding to host the Olympic Games in 2008 and so on. They are significant and outstanding achievements. Chinese people benefit a lot from these great achievements. Firstly, people’s living standards have been improved significantly over the past 10 years. A huge number of families have a TV, a computer, a refrigerator and so on, and the most important thing is that most families have a bright and big house. Secondly, peop le’s daily life becomes more colorful and meaningful, recent years bring people a lot of recreational activities, such as computer video games, movies, and internet. Conversely, 10 years ago, we still had not these abundant and colorful campaigns. Of course, there are still a lot of things which should be done in the next 10 years. We should continue to support our economic development and investment, to protect the environment, to cut down the greenhouse gas emissions and to consolidate our military and defense systems. Topic2. An unforgettable graduation ceremony I’d like to say the graduation cerem ony of my senior high school. The only thing that I don’t forget is the speech of principal in my senior high school hall. During the ceremony, I clearly listened to his words with great spirits for all of us. His eyes were filled with hope, which seems like that he told us about how to overcome so many difficulties in the future. His words really attracted all the students and teachers. He told us that we shouldn’t give up at any time, because we must try our best to do everything we could. After the graduation ceremony, I promised to myself that I should continue to study harder in order to have enough experience and knowledge to be a better person who can make more contributions to the whole society.


1.哮喘asthma 2.肺炎pneumonia 3.肝炎hepatitis 4.胃炎gastritis 5.关节炎arthritis 6.支气管炎bronchitis 7.肥胖症obesity 8.糖尿病diabetes 9.阑尾炎appendicitis 10.消化不良indigestion 1科教兴国战略the strategy of revitalizing China through science,technology and education 2.培养高层次创新人才to train high-level creative professional manpower 3.有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律的劳动者working people with lofty ideals,sound morals,good education and a strong sense of discipline 4.培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人to train builders and successors who are well-developed morally,intellectually and physically 5.协调发展coordinated and balanced program of development 6.优化教师队伍to optimize the teaching staff 7.培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems independently 8.启发式教学法elicitation method of teaching 9.填鸭式教学法cramming method of teaching 10.中国国际教育论坛China international Forum on Education 1. 不夜城everbright city 2. 沧海桑田ups and downs of time 3. 长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta 4. 磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train 5. 大都市metropolis, cosmopolis, metropolitan city, cosmopolitan city 6. 东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 7. 东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea 8. 高架公路elevated highway, overhead highway 9. 高架立交桥overhead viaduct 10. 国际展览局IBE (International Bureau of Exhibitions) 11. 四项基本原则:Four Cardinal Principles 12. 和平共处五项原则:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 13. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 14. "引进来"和“走出去”政策:…Bring In ? and 'Going Out? 15. 计划生育基本政策:the basic state policies of family planning 16. 改革开放:reform and opening-up 17. adjoining room 相邻的房间 18. single room 单人房(一张床) 19. twin room 双人房(两张床) 20. double room 双人房(一张床) 21. triple room 三人房 22. standard room 标准房 23. deluxe room 豪华间 24. luxury suite 豪华套房 25. presidential suite 总统套房
