八年级上Unit4 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)同步练习(2)

八年级上Unit4 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)同步练习(2)
八年级上Unit4 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)同步练习(2)

Unit 4 SectionA(Grammar Focus -3c) 同步练习(第2课时)Ⅰ.用所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空。

1.David is the ________ (outgoing) of the three boys.

2.Han Mei thinks English is the _______ (easy) of all the subjects. 3.The Yangtze River is the third _______(long) river in the world. 4.Li Ming is one of the __________________ (hard-working) students in our class.

5.Of all the cities, Hangzhou is the ________ (beautiful), I think. 6.Which do you think is the ____________ (important), English, Chinese or French?

7.Nick did ________ (badly) than any other player.

8.Last Sunday Linda sang the ________ (well) and won the singing competition.

9.Blue Moon has the ________ (comfortable) seats in town. 10.The ________ (much) you speak, the ________ (well) your English will be.


11. I didn't do very well in this exam. Unluckily, he did it ______.

A.worse B.badly C.better D.worst 12. —________ is it from your home?

—About 10 minutes by bus.

A.How long B.How far C.How often D.How soon

13. Our Chinese teacher is pretty ________ in our school.

A.friendly B.friendlier

C.more friendly D.friendliest

14. This temple is one of ________ buildings in the town. We must

take action to protect it.

A.old B.older C.oldest D.the oldest

15. I have been to quite a few restaurants, but I can say this one is


A.good B.better C.the better D. the best


16. How do you like your trip on National Day? (改为同义句)

_______ do you _______ _______ your trip on National Day?

17. It's about 15 minutes' walk from here to school. (改为同义句)

It's about 15 ________ ________ ________ from here to school. 18.A meal is about 8 yuan in our school. (就画线部分提问) ________ ________ is a meal in your school?

19.This jacket is worse than the other two. (改为同义句) This jacket is ________ ________ ________ the three. 20.Lucy is quieter than any other girl in our class. (改为同义句) Lucy is ________ ________ ________ all the girls in our class. Ⅳ.阅读短文,用括号内所给形容词的适当形式填空。

My sister went on a school trip to a large outdoor swimming

pool last week. Early in the morning, all the children got onto a bus with their teacher. It was a very (21) ________ (small) bus, so it was not (22) ________ (comfortable) trip of all their trips. After two hours, they reached their destination (目的地). It was (23) ________ (hot) day of the year. When they saw the pool, the children couldn't believe their eyes. It was (24) ________ (big) swimming pool of all. There was even a big water slide (水滑道)! My sister said it was much (25) ________ (enjoyable) than the roller coaster (过山车). Everyone had a (26)________ (fantastic) time. When their teacher asked if they had enjoyed the trip, they all agreed that it was much (27) ________ (good) than having lessons at school.


Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the north 28 Europe. Near Greenland is 29 island. Its 30 is Iceland.

Do you 31 that Greenland is green and warm, and Iceland is white with ice? If you do, you are 32. Not many people live in Greenland. There must be 33 people in your hometown than in Greenland. That is because Greenland is not green. Greenland is 34.

It is covered with lots of ice. What about Iceland? Is it 35 than Greenland? No, it is not. Iceland has ice, but it doesn't have so much ice 36 Greenland. Iceland has a lot of hot springs (温泉). They give out vapor (蒸汽) and heat (热量). And there are a lot more people 37

in Iceland.

28.A.of B.to C.at D.on

29.A.a B.the C.another D.other 30.https://www.360docs.net/doc/a315270899.html, B.age C.height D.address 31.A.care B.think C.mean D.worry 32.A.smart B.free C.right D.wrong 33.A.many B.more C.fewer D.few

34.A.blue B.yellow C.white D.black 35.A.colder B.warmer C.rainy D.snowy 36.A.with B.like C.than D.as

37.A.living B.hanging

C.studying D.traveling


The coldest and most difficult place in the world in which to live is Antarctica (南极洲). Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole. Most people do not think there is much life in the icy waters around it. They are wrong.

Antarctica's seas are full of life. There are many kinds of fishes, water birds, seals and whales. They eat the thick plant life in the sea and the smaller water animals. Some whales, for example, eat more than a ton of food every day.

The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin. It struts

(趾高气扬地走) around the icy land as if it were a movie star walking down the street.

38. The best title is ________.

A.Thick Plant Life

B. Life Around Antarctica

C. Tons of Food

D. Penguins

39. The most famous animal of Antarctica is the ________.

A.whale B.seal C.penguin D.fox 40.Antarctica has ________.

A.much ice B.warm weather

C.flocks of geese(鹅) D.warm water

41. Around Antarctica there ________.

A.are many people B.is little plant life

C.are many animals D.is little snow

42. Some ________ eat more than a ton of food every day.

A.water birds B.seals

C.whales D.penguins


Every year, lots of students choose to study abroad (到国外) for the summer, six months, a year or longer. (43)________

Why do it?

Living in another country will help you learn about the culture

(文化) of another place. (44)________ You can also learn to speak a second language by studying abroad. And it will help you find a better

job in the future.

Making the right choice (选择)

Choose the right country or school, and ask yourself these questions: How long do I want to study abroad? (45)________ How

much do I want to pay?

Before you go

Learn as much of the language as you can before you go, and

read about the culture of your host country. (46)________Call the

school to make sure someone can meet you when you get there.

Once you are there

After the first few weeks, you'll feel sad and miss your family and friends. (47)________ Talk to your new friends and write about your feelings. Always keep an open mind, and you will be happy.

A.Also, you can talk with people who are studying abroad.

B.And you should think about these things before you make a decision. C.Do I want to live with a host family?

D.Just ask yourself to meet new people and have new experiences. E.You will see the world in a new way.


八年级2016—2017学年度第一学期 数 学 教 案 第十三章:轴对称 2016年10月-11月 教师:李治民 第11章三角形

教学目标 〔知识与技能〕 1、理解三角形及有关概念,会画任意三角形的高、中线、角平分线; 2、了解三角形的稳定性,理解三角形两边的和大于第三边,会根据三条线段的长度判断它们能否构成三角形; 3、会证明三角形内角和 等于1800 ,了解三角形外角的性质。4、了解多边形的有关概念,会运用多边形的内角和与外角和公式解决问题。5、理解平面镶嵌,知道任意一个三角形、四边形或正六边形可以镶嵌平面,并能运用它们进行简单的平面镶嵌设计。 〔过程与方法〕 1、在观察、操作、推理、归纳等探索过程中,发展学生的合情推理能力,逐步养成数学推理的习惯; 2、在灵活运用知识解决有关问题的过程中,体验并掌握探索、归纳图形性质的推理方法,进一步培说理和进行简单推理的能力。 〔情感、态度与价值观〕 1、体会数学与现实生活的联系,增强克服困难的勇气和信心; 2、会应用数学知识解决一些简单的实际问题,增强应用意识; 3、使学生进一步形成数学来源于实践,反过来又服务于实践的辩证唯物主义观点。 重点难点 三角形三边关系、内角和,多边形的外角和与内角和公式,镶嵌是重点;三角形内角和等于1800 的证明,根据三条线段的长度判断它们能否构成三角形及简单的平面镶嵌设计是难点 11.1.1三角形的边 [教学目标] 〔知识与技能〕 1了解三角形的意义,认识三角形的边、内角、顶点,能用符号语言表示三角形 ; 2理解三角形三边不等的关系,会判断三条线段能否构成一个三角形,并能运用它解决有关的问题. 〔过程与方法〕 在观察、操作、推理、归纳等探索过程中,发展学生的合情推理能力,逐步养成数学推理的习惯; 〔情感、态度与价值观〕 体会数学与现实生活的联系,增强克服困难的勇气和信心 [重点难点]三角形的有关概念和符号表示,三角形三边间的不等关系是重点;用三角形三边不等关系判定三条线段可否组成三角形是难点。 [教学过程] 一、情景导入 三角形是一种最常见的几何图形, [投影1-6]如古埃及金字塔,香港中银大厦,交通标志,等等,处处都有三角形的形象。 那么什么叫做三角形呢? 二、三角形及有关概念 不在一条直线上的三条线段首尾顺次相接组成的图形叫做三角形。 注意:三条线段必须①不在一条直线上,②首尾顺次相接。 a b c (1) C B A


北师大版八年级上册数学整理总结 第一章 勾股定理 1、勾股定理 直角三角形两直角边a ,b 的平方和等于斜边c 的平方,即222c b a =+ 2、勾股定理的逆定理 如果三角形的三边长a ,b ,c 有关系222c b a =+,那么这个三角形是直角三角形。 3、勾股数:满足222c b a =+的三个正整数,称为勾股数。 第二章 实数 一、实数的概念及分类 1、实数的分类 正有理数 有理数 零 有限小数和无限循环小数 实数 负有理数 正无理数 无理数 无限不循环小数 负无理数 2、无理数:无限不循环小数叫做无理数。 在理解无理数时,要抓住“无限不循环”这一时之,归纳起来有四类: (1)开方开不尽的数,如32,7等; (2)有特定意义的数,如圆周率π,或化简后含有π的数,如3 π+8等; (3)有特定结构的数,如0.1010010001…等; (4)某些三角函数值,如sin60o 等 二、实数的倒数、相反数和绝对值 1、相反数 实数与它的相反数时一对数(只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数,零的相反数是零),从数轴上看,互为相反数的两个数所对应的点关于原点对称,如果a 与b 互为相反数,则有a+b=0,a=—b ,反之亦成立。 2、绝对值 在数轴上,一个数所对应的点与原点的距离,叫做该数的绝对值。(|a|≥0)。零的绝对值是它本身,也可看成它的相反数,若|a|=a ,则a≥0;若|a|=-a ,则a≤0。 3、倒数 如果a 与b 互为倒数,则有ab=1,反之亦成立。倒数等于本身的数是1和-1。零没有倒数。 4、数轴 规定了原点、正方向和单位长度的直线叫做数轴(画数轴时,要注意上述规定的三要素缺一不可)。 解题时要真正掌握数形结合的思想,理解实数与数轴的点是一一对应的,并能灵活运用。 5、估算 三、平方根、算数平方根和立方根


人教版八年级英语上册Unit4单元检测卷 (考试时间:100分钟卷面分值:130分) 一、语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下列各题,从A、BC、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 ( )1. --Do you like _______TV show The Reader? --Yes. I think it's _______most interesting TV show. A. the; / B. a: the C. the: the D. a; / ( )2. _______interesting for us to watch game shows. A. He B. That C. This D.It ( )3.- -Li Hua speaks English _______XiaoLin. -- I don't think so. I think Li Hua does better than Xiao Lin. A. as good as; a lot B. as well as; much C. as good as; a little D. as well as; more ( )4.--_______ is it from your home to school? --It's about two kilometers. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often ( )5. --How does your father go to work?--On foot. Our house is_______ his office. A. far from B. different from C. similar to D. close to ( )6. --Is there a cinema around here? --_______ A. Yes, please B. Yes. Sun Cinema is around here. C. Go down this street D. Sounds good ( )7. --Why did you _______Mike for the job? --Because he is serious enough. A. dislike B. act C. share D. choose ( )8. There are_______ books in this bookstore. And they are cheap. A. all kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of ( )9. Parents play an important role in_______their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching ( )10. --What do you think of the movie Zootopia? --It is _______one I've ever seen. A. more exerted B. more exciting C. the most excited D. the most exciting ( )11. Which is_______ the sun, the moon or the earth? A. smaller B. smallest C. the smaller D. the smallest


人教版八年级上册数学知识点汇总第十一章全等三角形 1.全等三角形的性质:全等三角形对应边相等、对应角相等。 2.全等三角形的判定:三边相等(SSS)、两边和它们的夹角相等(SAS)、两角和它们的夹边(ASA)、两角和其中一角的对边对应相等(AAS)、斜边和直角边相等的两直角三角形(HL)。 3.角平分线的性质:角平分线平分这个角,角平分线上的点到角两边的距离相等 4.角平分线推论:角的内部到角的两边的距离相等的点在叫的平分线上。 5.证明两三角形全等或利用它证明线段或角的相等的基本方法步骤:①、确定已知条件(包括隐含条件,如公共边、公共角、对顶角、角平分线、中线、高、等腰三角形、等所隐含的边角关系),②、回顾三角形判定,搞清我们还需要什么,③、正确地书写证明格式(顺序和对应关系从已知推导出要证明的问题). 6.第十二章轴对称 1.如果一个图形沿某条直线折叠后,直线两旁的部分能够互相重合,那么这个图形叫做轴对称图形;这条直线叫做对称轴。 2.轴对称图形的对称轴,是任何一对对应点所连线段的垂直平分线。 3.角平分线上的点到角两边距离相等。 4.线段垂直平分线上的任意一点到线段两个端点的距离相等。

5.与一条线段两个端点距离相等的点,在这条线段的垂直平分线上。 6.轴对称图形上对应线段相等、对应角相等。 7.画一图形关于某条直线的轴对称图形的步骤:找到关键点,画出关键点的对应点,按照原图顺序依次连接各点。 8.点(x,y)关于x轴对称的点的坐标为(x,-y) 点(x,y)关于y轴对称的点的坐标为(-x,y) 点(x,y)关于原点轴对称的点的坐标为(-x,-y) 9.等腰三角形的性质:等腰三角形的两个底角相等,(等边对等角) 等腰三角形的顶角平分线、底边上的高、底边上的中线互相重合,简称为“三线合一”。 10.等腰三角形的判定:等角对等边。 11.等边三角形的三个内角相等,等于60°, 12.等边三角形的判定:三个角都相等的三角形是等腰三角形。 有一个角是60°的等腰三角形是等边三角形 有两个角是60°的三角形是等边三角形。 13.直角三角形中,30°角所对的直角边等于斜边的一半。 14.直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半 第十三章实数 ※算术平方根:一般地,如果一个正数x的平方等于a,即x2=a,那么正数x叫做a的算术平方根,记作。0的算术平方根为0;从定


1、一支蜡烛长20厘米,.点燃后每小时燃烧5厘米,燃烧时剩下的高度n (厘米)与燃烧时间t(时)的函数关系的图象是( ) A B C D 2、已知正比例函数kx y =(0≠k )的函数值y 随x 的增大而增大,则一次函数k x y +=的图象大致是( ) A C D 3、甲、乙两人同时沿着一条笔直的公路朝同一方向前行,开始时,乙在甲前2千米处, 甲、乙两人行走的路程S (千米)与时间t (时)的函数图象(如图所示),下列说法正 确的是( ) A 、乙的速度为4千米/时 B 、经过1小时,甲追上乙 C 、经过0.5小时,乙行走的路程约为2千米 D 、经过1.5小时,乙在甲的前面 4、当14+a 的值为最小值时,a 的取值为( ) A 、-1 B 、0 C 、4 1 - D 、1 5、若错误!未找到引用源。是169的算术平方根,错误!未找到引用源。是121的负的平方根,则(错误!未找到引用源。+错误!未找到引用源。)2的平方根为( ) A. 2 B. 4 C.±2 D. ±4 6、满足-3<x <5的整数x 是( ) A 、-2,-1,0,1,2,3 B 、-1,0,1,2,3 C 、-2,-1,0,1,2 D 、-1,0,1,2 7、如图,有一圆柱,它的高等于8cm ,底面直径等于4cm (π=3).在圆柱下底面的A 点有一只蚂蚁,它想吃到上底面与A 相对的B 点处的食物,需要爬行的最短路程大约等于 ( ) A .10cm B .12 cm C .19cm D .20cm 8、直线y kx b =+经过点(1,)A m -,(,1)B m (1)m >,则必有( ) A. 0,0k b >> .0,0B k b >< .0,0C k b <> .0,0D k b << 9、如果0ab >, 0a c <,则直线a c y x b b =-+不通过( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 10、如图,两直线1y kx b =+和2y bx k =+在同一坐标系内图象的位置可能是( ) x y x y x y x y O O O O S(千米) 1 2 3 4 0.5 1 乙 甲 O t (时)


Unit 4 Whereas my schoolbag? Section A 提升练习 本课时编写:心远中学王新玲一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词填空。 in? sofa, it are, schoolbag 1.Her books are on the ________ ? 2.Jack's ___________ i s under the chair. 3.Liu Mings ruler is __________ the schoolbag? 4? My computer games ________ in the bookcase. 5 ? —Where is my pen? —______ i s in the pencil box. 二、根据首字母提示补全对话 A: Excuse me, Kate. W 1 is my English book? B: It is o 2 the sofa.

A: And where are the keys? B: T 3 are in the bookcase? A: Is mv computer g 4 on the table? B:N 5 , iti 6 . It's under the bed? A: OK. Where'! > my watch? I 7 it in your schoolbag? B: Y 8 , it is. H 9 you are. A:T 10 you. B: That's OK. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. & 9? 10. 三、完形填空 Bob is my friend. This is ] room? Ifs a nice room, and its always 2 His bed is in the middle of the 3 ?And a green qui It is 4 the bed. Bob loves(喜欢) green. Look! The bookcase is 5 , too. In it, you can s ee some 6 ? He loves reading(阅读).A white computer is on the table, 7 ifs not Bob's. Its his father's. What's that next to the computer? Ifs a photo of his 8 . His parents, his sister and he are 9 it. Where is his 10 ? Oh, it's on the sofa? His phone number is 6568977? ()1. A. my B? your C. his D. her ()2. A. last B. first C. tidy D. Old ()3. A. room B. library C ? school D. photo ()4. A. in B. on C. at D. under ()5. A. red B. yellow C. black D? green ()6. A. books B ? pencils C. tapes D. cups ()7. A. and B. but C. too D. always ()8. A. parents B. friends C. family D. classroom ()9. A. on B. at C. of D. in ()10. A. jacket B? phone C- pencil D. clock


八年级上英语unit4单元测试题 放城中学刘奎斌 一、选择填空。(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1. Peter is ________of the three boys, but he’s _______than the other two. A. the tallest, younger B. taller, older C. tallest, younger D. tall, oldest ( ) 2. ________ the best movie theatre?—Showtime Cinema A. Where’s B. How’s C. What’s D. Who’s ( ) 3. This theatre has _______ seats than that one. A. comfortable B. the most comfortable C. more comfortable D. the more comfortable ( ) 4. The People’s Cinema is close _______ my home. A. in B. out C. to D. of ( ) 5. —These moon cakes are delicious. —Yes. But I think the ones with nuts are __ of all. A. delicious B. the most delicious C. more delicious D. the delicious ( ) 6. The weather in Beijing is colder than ________. A. in Hainan B. Hainan C. that in Hainan D. that of Hainan ( ) 7. You can buy ticket _________ here. A. the most quick B. the more quick C. the most quickly D. the more quickly ( ) 8. _________ talent show was a great success. A. Last week’s B. Last weeks C. Last weeks’ D. Last week ( ) 9. —Who do you think is actor? —I think Zhao Benshan is. A. the most funny B. most funny C. the funniest D. funniest ( ) 10. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _______ one. I think you can find her easily. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest ( ) 11. —The weather is _________ today than yesterday. A. bad B. worse C. badder D. badly ( ) 12. Shu-how Lin is now one of _________ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B, more popular C. the most popular D. the popularest ( )13. .We decide _________ to Beijing tomorrow. A. going B. go C. to go D. goes ( )14. They make the little boy_ _________ the room every day A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning ( )15. What do young people think places in town ? A. for B . over C. of D. out 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


最新北师大版八年级上册数学知识点汇总 第一章 勾股定理 1、勾股定理 直角三角形两直角边a ,b 的平方和等于斜边c 的平方,即2 2 2 c b a =+ 2、勾股定理的逆定理 如果三角形的三边长a ,b ,c 有关系2 2 2 c b a =+,那么这个三角形是直角三角形。 3、勾股数:满足2 2 2 c b a =+的三个正整数,称为勾股数。 第二章 实数 一、实数的概念及分类 1、实数的分类 正有理数 有理数 零 有限小数和无限循环小数 实数 负有理数 正无理数 无理数 无限不循环小数 负无理数 2、无理数:无限不循环小数叫做无理数。 在理解无理数时,要抓住“无限不循环”这一时之,归纳起来有四类: (1)开方开不尽的数,如32,7等; (2)有特定意义的数,如圆周率π,或化简后含有π的数,如 3 π +8等; (3)有特定结构的数,如0.1010010001…等; (4)某些三角函数值,如sin60o 等 二、实数的倒数、相反数和绝对值 1、相反数 实数与它的相反数时一对数(只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数,零的相反数是零),从数轴上看,互为相反数的两个数所对应的点关于原点对称,如果a 与b 互为相反数,则有a+b=0,a=—b ,反之亦成立。 2、绝对值 在数轴上,一个数所对应的点与原点的距离,叫做该数的绝对值。(|a|≥0)。零的绝对值是它本身,也可看成它的相反数,若|a|=a ,则a ≥0;若|a|=-a ,则a ≤0。 3、倒数 如果a 与b 互为倒数,则有ab=1,反之亦成立。倒数等于本身的数是1和-1。零没有倒数。 4、数轴 规定了原点、正方向和单位长度的直线叫做数轴(画数轴时,要注意上述规定的三要素缺一不可)。 解题时要真正掌握数形结合的思想,理解实数与数轴的点是一一对应的,并能灵活运用。 5、估算


Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section A 1.Why don’t you talk to your parents? 你为什么不和你打父母谈谈呢? 【解析】Why don't you do sth ?= Why not do sth? 为什么不......呢? 【拓展】用于提建议的句型有: (1)What about doing sth ?=How about doing sth? ….怎么样? (2)Why don’t you do sth?= Why not do sth? 为什么不呢? (3)Let’s do sth.让我们一起做某事吧。 (4)Shall we/I do sth?我们做…好吗? (5)had better do/not d o sth 最好做/不做某事 (6) Will/Would you please do sth 请你做…好吗? (7) Would you like t o do sth? 你想去做某事吗? (8)Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗? 【回答】 (1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用: ◆Good idea./ That’s good idea. 好主意◆OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了◆Yes, please ./ I’d love to 是的/ 我愿意◆I agree with you 我同意你的看法◆No problem 没问题◆Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以 ◆Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想 (2).对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用: ◆I don’t think so 我认为不是这样◆Sorry, I can’t 对不起,我不能 ◆I’d love to, but…◆I’m afraid…我愿意,但恐怕…… 35.— Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? — ______. A. It doesn't matter B. Thank you C. Sorry to hear that D. Sounds great 25.—I feel really tired. —______ A. Lucky you! B. You’d better work harder. C. Congratulations! D. Why not go and have a rest? 37. —It’s a nice day, isn’t it?—Yes. ______ going hiking and relax ourselves? A. Why not B. Why don’t C. What about You look too tired. Why not _____ a rest? A. Stop to have B. to stop having C. stop having 2.I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep. 我要学的太多,因此我睡眠不足。 【解析1】(1)too many + 复数名词许多too many people (2)too much +不可数名词许多too much homework (3)much too +形容词太… much too cold 【2013山东德州1】—What’s the matter? —I have a stomachache. Maybe I have eaten ___ tonight. A. too much B. too many C. much too 【解析2】so conj. 因此 (表示因果关系,后面跟表示结果的句子,不与because同时使用) 【2013浙江舟山、嘉兴1】18. The shops were closed_______ I didn't get any milk. A. so B. as C. or D. but 3.My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.


Unit 4单元综合检测 (考试时间:100分钟, 满分:120分) 第一部分听力(25分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ). Because they’re ou r friends. they’re dogs. we don’t have animals. ( ) year. 1921. the future. ( ) beautiful. hope not. , they did. ( ) must be fun. you think so ’m sorry to hear that. ( ) agree with you. . looks like a plate.Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分) ( ) are they going the park. the zoo. the farm. ( ) are they talking about . . countryside. ( ) was Alice’s sister doing when the UFO took off out of the window. TV. books.

( ) is the boy going to Egypt with parents. sister. friends. ( ) are they talking about map. . Great Wall. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) ( ) will our life be like without TV . . . ( ) many problems are there with TV in the passage . . . ( ) you get fatter if you watch TV too much , we will. , we won’t. don’t know. ( ) other things can we do according to the passage the Internet. pictures. football. ( ) can you make your life more interesting TV less. TV more. watching TV. Ⅴ. 听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分) The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders in the world. It is about 21 miles long. The 22 Chinese began to build such walls from 600 B. C. The first emperor, Qin Shihuang 23 the old walls together. Since then, people 24 the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation. Every year many people find great pleasure visiting the wall. But some sections of the wall are 25 out. People begin to protect and rebuild the Great Wall recently. 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( ) used the computer for shopping, _______ she ’t she she ’t she ( ) must _______ the traffic lights when you cross the road. attention to attentions to attention on attentions on ( )3.—_______ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen. —You are right. ( )4.—How many students are there in your school —_______ students, I think. of thousands thousand thousands of ( )5.—Where are you going to work next year —_______ Maybe Hefei or Nanjing. ’m not so sure. think so. ’s a good idea. hope not. ( ) and Jane were talking in the kitchen _______ I was reading the newspaper.


第十一章全等三角形 11.1 全等三角形 教学内容 本节课主要介绍全等三角形的概念和性质. 教学目标 1.知识与技能 领会全等三角形对应边和对应角相等的有关概念. 2.过程与方法 经历探索全等三角形性质的过程,能在全等三角形中正确找出对应边、对应角. 3.情感、态度与价值观 培养观察、操作、分析能力,体会全等三角形的应用价值. 重、难点与关键 1.重点:会确定全等三角形的对应元素. 2.难点:掌握找对应边、对应角的方法. 3.关键:找对应边、对应角有下面两种方法:(1)全等三角形对应角所对的边是对应边,两个对应角所夹的边是对应边;(2)对应边所对的角是对应角,?两条对应边所夹的角是对应角.教具准备 四张大小一样的纸片、直尺、剪刀. 教学方法 采用“直观──感悟”的教学方法,让学生自己举出形状、大小相同的实例,加深认识.教学过程 一、动手操作,导入课题 1.先在其中一张纸上画出任意一个多边形,再用剪刀剪下,?思考得到的图形有何特点? 2.重新在一张纸板上画出任意一个三角形,再用剪刀剪下,?思考得到的图形有何特点? 【学生活动】动手操作、用脑思考、与同伴讨论,得出结论. 【教师活动】指导学生用剪刀剪出重叠的两个多边形和三角形. 学生在操作过程中,教师要让学生事先在纸上画出三角形,然后固定重叠的两张纸,注意整个过程要细心. 【互动交流】剪出的多边形和三角形,可以看出:形状、大小相同,能够完全重合.这样的两个图形叫做全等形,用“≌”表示. 概念:能够完全重合的两个三角形叫做全等三角形. 【教师活动】在纸版上任意剪下一个三角形,要求学生手拿一个三角形,做如下运动:平移、翻折、旋转,观察其运动前后的三角形会全等吗? 【学生活动】动手操作,实践感知,得出结论:两个三角形全等. 【教师活动】要求学生用字母表示出每个剪下的三角形,同时互相指出每个三角形的顶点、三个角、三条边、每条边的边角、每个角的对边. 【学生活动】把两个三角形按上述要求标上字母,并任意放置,与同桌交流:(1)何时能完全重在一起?(2)此时它们的顶点、边、角有何特点? 【交流讨论】通过同桌交流,实验得出下面结论: 1.任意放置时,并不一定完全重合,?只有当把相同的角旋转到一起时才能完全重合. 2.这时它们的三个顶点、三条边和三个内角分别重合了. 3.完全重合说明三条边对应相等,三个内角对应相等,?对应顶点在相对应的位置. 【教师活动】根据学生交流的情况,给予补充和语言上的规范. 1.概念:把两个全等的三角形重合到一起,重合的顶点叫做对应顶点,?重合的边叫做对应边,重合的角叫做对应角. 2.证两个三角形全等时,通常把表示对应顶点的字母写在对应的位置上,?如果本图11.1─2△ABC和△DBC全等,点A和点D,点B和点B,点C和点C是对应顶点,?记作△ABC≌△DBC. 【问题提出】课本图11.1─1中,△ABC≌△DEF,对应边有什么关系?对应角呢? 【学生活动】经过观察得到下面性质: 1.全等三角形对应边相等; 2.全等三角形对应角相等. 二、随堂练习,巩固深化 课本P4练习. 【探研时空】 1.如图1所示,△ACF≌△DBE,∠E=∠F,若AD=20cm,BC=8cm,你能求出线段AB的长吗?与同伴交流.(AB=6) 2.如图2所示,△ABC≌△AEC,∠B=30°,∠ACB=85°,求出△AEC各内角的度数.?(∠AEC=30°,∠EAC=65°,∠ECA=85°) 三、课堂总结,发展潜能 1.什么叫做全等三角形? 2.全等三角形具有哪些性质? 四、布置作业,专题突破 1.课本P4习题11.1第1,2,3,4题. 2.选用课时作业设计. 板书设计 把黑板分成左、中、右三部分,左边板书本节课概念,中间部分板书“思考”中的问题,右边部分板书学生的练习. 疑难解析 由于两个三角形的位置关系不同,在找对应边、对应角时,可以针对两个三角形不同的位置关系,寻找对应边、角的规律:(1)有公共边的,?公共边一定是对应边;(2)有公共角的,公共角一定是对应角;(3)有对顶角的,对顶角一定是对应角;两个全等三角形中一对最长的边(或最大的角)是对应边(或角),一对最短的边(或最小的角)是对应边(或角).


北师大版《数学》(八年级上册)知识点总结 第一章 勾股定理 1、勾股定理 直角三角形两直角边a ,b 的平方和等于斜边c 的平方,即2 2 2 c b a =+ 2、勾股定理的逆定理 如果三角形的三边长a ,b ,c 有关系2 2 2 c b a =+,那么这个三角形是直角三角形。 3、勾股数:满足2 2 2 c b a =+的三个正整数,称为勾股数。 第二章 实数 一、实数的概念及分类 1、实数的分类 正有理数 有理数 零 有限小数和无限循环小数 实数 负有理数 正无理数 无理数 无限不循环小数 负无理数 2、无理数:无限不循环小数叫做无理数。 在理解无理数时,要抓住“无限不循环”这一时之,归纳起来有四类: (1)开方开不尽的数,如32,7等; (2)有特定意义的数,如圆周率π,或化简后含有π的数,如 3 π +8等; (3)有特定结构的数,如0.1010010001…等; (4)某些三角函数值,如sin60o 等 二、实数的倒数、相反数和绝对值 1、相反数 实数与它的相反数时一对数(只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数,零的相反数是零),从数轴上看,互为相反数的两个数所对应的点关于原点对称,如果a 与b 互为相反数,则有a+b=0,a=—b ,反之亦成立。 2、绝对值 在数轴上,一个数所对应的点与原点的距离,叫做该数的绝对值。(|a|≥0)。零的绝对值是它本身,也可看成它的相反数,若|a|=a ,则a ≥0;若|a|=-a ,则a ≤0。 3、倒数 如果a 与b 互为倒数,则有ab=1,反之亦成立。倒数等于本身的数是1和-1。零没有倒数。 4、数轴 规定了原点、正方向和单位长度的直线叫做数轴(画数轴时,要注意上述规定的三要素缺一不可)。

人教版英语八年级上册 Unit4 检测题

2020-2021第一学期人教版新目标八年级上册Unit4 检测题 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) (略) 二、单项填空(共10小题,计10分) 16.Sun Cinema is the ______ one in town. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. cheap 17.Town Cinema has the shortest _____ time to buy tickets. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting 18.—Hello! I’m a reporter. Can I ask you ____ questions? —Sure. A. any B. a C. some 19. You can sit the most______ because They have the_____seats. A. comfortable;bigger B. comfortably; biggest C. comfortably;big 20.Thanks for _____ me the good news. A.telling B. told C. tell 21.—_____ do you think of 970AM? —Pretty good. A. What B. How C. What about 22. It’s always interesting ____ other people _____ their talents. A. to watch;are showing B. to watch; show C. watch; to show 23.Talent shows are getting _______. A. more and more popular B. more popular and more popular C. popular and popular


最新北师大版八年级数学上册知识点总结 第一章 勾股定理 1.勾股定理:直角三角形两直角边的平方和等于斜边的平方;即222 a b c +=。 2.勾股定理的证明:用三个正方形的面积关系进行证明(两种方法)。 3.勾股定理逆定理:如果三角形的三边长a ,b ,c 满足222 a b c +=,那么这个三角形是直角 三角形。满足222 a b c +=的三个正整数称为勾股数。 第二章 实数 1.平方根和算术平方根的概念及其性质: (1)概念:如果2 x a =,那么x 是a 的平方根,记作: a (2)性质:①当a ≥0≥0;当a =a a =。 2.立方根的概念及其性质: (1)概念:若3 x a =,那么x 是a (2a =;②3 a = 3.实数的概念及其分类: (1)概念:实数是有理数和无理数的统称; (2)分类:按定义分为有理数可分为整数的分数;按性质分为正数、负数和零。无理数就是无限不循环小数;小数可分为有限小数、无限循环小数和无限不循环小数;其中有限小数和无限循环小数称为分数。 4.与实数有关的概念: 在实数范围内,相反数,倒数,绝对值的意义与有理数范围内的意义完全一致;在实数范围内,有理数的运算法则和运算律同样成立。每一个实数都可以用数轴上的一个点来表示;反过来,数轴上的每一个点都表示一个实数,即实数和数轴上的点是一一对应的。因此,数轴正好可以被实数填满。 5 (a ≥0,b ≥0) a ≥0,b >0)。 第三章 1.平移:在平面内,将一个图形沿某个方向移动一定的距离,这样的图形运动称为平移。平移不改变图形大小和形状,改变了图形的位置;经过平移,对应点所连的线段平行且相等;对应线段平行且相等,对应角相等。 2.旋转:在平面内,将一个图形绕一个定点沿某个方向转动一个角度,这样的图形运动称为旋转。这点定点称为旋转中心,转动的角称为旋转角。旋转不改变图形大小和形状,改变了图形的位置;经过旋转,图形点的每一个点都绕旋转中心沿相同方向转动了相同和角度;任意一对对应点与旋转中心的连线所成的角都是旋转角;对应点到旋转中心的距离相等。 3.作平移图与旋转图。 第四章 四边形性质的探索 1.多边形的分类: 2.平行四边形、菱形、矩形、正方形、等腰梯形的定义、性质、判别: (1)平行四边形:两组对边分别平行的四边形叫做平行四边形。平行四边形的对边平行且相等;对角相等,邻角互补;对角线互相平分。两条对角线互相平分的四边形是平行四边形;一组对边平行且相等的四边形是平行四边形;两组对边分别相等的四边形是平行四边形;两组对角分别相=b a b =


人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit4SectionA教材全解 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Unit 4 Section A教材全解 1.Don’t arrive late for class.上课不要迟到。 【重点注释】①这句是祈使句的否定形式(Don’t +行为动词原形+其他),用于表达命令、请求等。祈使句可以表达说话人的意愿、请求、叮嘱、号召、命令或建议,它的主语(听话人)通常省略,谓语动词用原形,句子末尾用感叹号或句号。例如:Don’t throw the ball like that.不要那样扔球。 ②arrive late for与be late for同义,都表示“做某事迟到”。arrive late for侧重到达的时间晚,be late for侧重状态。例如:Don’t arrive late for the meeting next time.=Don’t be late for the meeting next time.下次开会别迟到了。 ③arrive不及物动词,意为“到达,抵达,来到”,不能直接跟名词作宾语,但可以接介词at或in,构成短语“arrive at/in+地点(at+小地方,arrive at the bus stop;in+大地方,arrive in Beijing)”,意为“到达……”;arrive后若是here,there,home 等地点副词,则不需要加in或at等介词(arrive here/there/home)。例如:He arrives at the bus stop at 8 o’clock every morning.他每天早晨8点到达公共汽车站。When did you arrive in Beijing?你什么时候到北京的?I arrive home at 4:00 in the afternoon.我下午4点钟到家。 【辨析记忆】arrive,reach与get ①arrive和get都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化。两者之后均不可直接接宾语,但可直接接here,there,home之类的表地点的副词作状语。例如:What time does the train arrive?火车什么时候到?We got /arrive here last night.我们昨晚到这儿的。 ②要表示“到达某地”,需借助适当介词:arrive之后通常接介词at(一般用于较小的地方)或in(一般用于较大的地方),而get 之后通常接介词to。例如:We arrived at the station five minutes late.我们到车站晚了5分钟。They will arrive in Paris next Monday.他们将于下周一到达巴黎。When we got to the park,it began to rain. 我们到达公园时,就开始下雨了。 ③reach通常是及物动词,(较get更正式),其后可直接跟地点名词做宾语(不能用介词)。reach之后也可接here,there,home等词。例如:He reached Beijing yesterday.他昨晚到达北京。When did he reach home yesterday?昨天他什么时候到家?[注意]reach除可表示到达某地外,还用于其他意义的到达。例如:Your letter reached me last week.我是上周收到你的信的。He reached school age.他已达到上学
