

We signed a contract for medicines.


A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.


I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.


We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it.


Our current contract is about to expire, and we'll need to discuss a new one.


We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract.


Do you always make out a contract for every deal?


These are two originals of the contract we prepared.


We enclose our sales contract No.45 in duplicate.


May I refer you to the contract stipulation about packing (or shipping....)?


There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause...)


We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations.


The contract states that the supplier will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery.


The contract comes into effect today, we can't go back on our word now. 合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了。

Once the contract is approved by the Chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties.


We always carry out the terms of our contract to the letter and stand by what we say.


You have no grounds for backing out of the contract.


In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract.


This contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two parties. 合同一经双方签定即生效。

Are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our part?


You cannot cancel the contract without first securing our agreement. 如果没有事先征得我们同意,你们不能取消合同。


常用外贸口语200句 1、 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one. 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。 2 、You're going out of your way for us, I believe. 我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 3 、It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient for you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 4 、I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在能够先草拟一具临时方案。 5 、If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then. 如果他有什么意见的话,我们还能够对计划稍加修改。 6 、Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7、 So our evenings will be quite full then? 那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8 、We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you. 如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。


I. Comprehension questions. 1. Generally speaking, practical English writings can be classified into eight kinds: letters, commercial documents, etiquette documents, contract or deed, informative and revelational documents, bills and vouchers, documents for meeting affairs, etc. 2. The special commercial documents include quotation sheets, letters of credit, certificate of entrustment, letters of intent, letters of complaint, letters of claims, etc. 3. Etiquette documents can be divided into congratulatory documents and condolatory documents. 4. Contract or deed includes intention agreement, sales confirmation, agency agreement, contract cultural exchange agreement, letter of appointment, stipulation of agreement. 5. Informative and revelational documents are used to inform the public of sth. or to bring sth. into a public notice. 6. Expository writing is used to explain or illustrate something. For example, the instruction is used to explain the properties, quality and model of a products;


外贸合同 Contract( sales confirmation) 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买方:__________________________The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________Address: _________________________电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 卖方:___________________________The Seller:_________________________地址:___________________________Address: __________________________电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2. 数量(Quantity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3. 单价(Unit Price): 4. 总值(Total Amount): 5. 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 6. 原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7. 包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头(Shipping Marks): 9. 装运期限(Time of Shipment):


外贸英语口语大全:产品介绍 以下是###整理的《外贸英语口语大全:产品介绍》,希望大家喜欢! A: Thank you. l'm very glad to be here. As Ms. Tina said. the purpose of my presentation today is to familiarize you with the new EBP. As you probably know. EBP stands for Electronic Book Player. Our company put the original EBP on the market a year ago.but we have since all developed an improved model which we believe will be a big seller in both China and the U. S. A:谢谢,我很高兴能在这儿演讲。正如蒂娜女士所说,今天我讲 演的目的就是向大家介绍新的电子书。我想大家可能已经知道,EBP就是Electronic Book Player(电子书)的缩写。一年以前我们推出EBP到市场上。之后我们公司又继续研发出一款改良型产品,我们相信在中国和美国都会非常畅销。 B: Ms. Yang.can you tell us in what ways the new EBP is better tIhan the old model? B:杨女士,您能不能为我们介绍一下新款的EBP在哪些方面比旧 款的好? A: Certainly. First of all.the old model had a rather small screen.so not much information could appear at one time. So on the new model.we have made the screen much bigger and A:当然。首先旧款因为画面小,所以无法显示很多的信息。而在 新款机种中,我们把画面增大了很多。还有…… B : Excuse me.but what are the EBPs mainly used for: B:对不起,请问EBP最主要的用途是什么?

实用外贸英语函电(第二版)PPT练习答案AN (12)

I. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words given below and translate them into Chinese. 1. We will cover WPA insurance.. 我们将投保水渍险。. 2. This insurance policy covers us against TPND. 该保险单为我们保了偷窃、提货不着险。 3. The documents will be sent to you under separate cover. 单据将另邮寄送给你方。 4. We have to point out that our letter of January 10 has fully covered this matter. 我方不得不指出,我方1月10日函已全面概括了此事。 5. We send you herewith a copy of B/L covering shipment of 50 metric tons Walnuts. 现随函附寄50公吨核桃的提单一份。 6. We have pleasure in advising shipment of your Order No. 3225 covering 50 metric tons of Small Red Beans. 很高兴通知你方关于你方3225号订单下的50公吨红小豆装船事宜。 7. Insurance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110% of the CIF value. 货物保险将由我方按CIF价值的110%投保。 8. Please insure against All Risks. 请投保一切险。 9. We shall provide such insurance at your cost. 我方将替你方(由你方出资)投保。 10. Insurance is to be effected by the buyers under FOB terms. 货物将由买方按FOB价格投保。 11. Buyer’s request for insurance to be covered up to the inland city can be accepted on condition that such extra premium is for buyer’s account. 如果额外保险费由买方负担,那么买方提出的货物保险到内地城市的要求可以接受。 12. Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only. 关于保险,货物是按发票金额110%投保,并且只保至目的港。 II. Translate the following into English. 1. 客户认为由你方办理保险比他自行投保更为方便。 The client thinks it more convenient for the insurance to be covered/to be taken care of by you than by himself. 2. 按照买主的要求,请按该货发票金额的150%投保一切险和战争险。 Please effect insurance for 150% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk, as requested by the buyer. 3. 我们只能根据合约规定按照发票金额的110%进行保险, 因此抱歉很难按你方要求办理。 We can only ocver insurance for 110% of the invoice value according to the contract stipulations and therefore we regret being unable to comply with your request. 4. 中国人民保险公司由于收费低廉,理赔公平迅速,在中外贸易界人士中享有很高声誉。 The P.I.C.C. enjoys high prestige among trade circles at home and abroad for their low rates as well as prompt and equitable settlement of claims. 5. 在货损发生后,被保险人(the insured)可向保险公司或其他代理递交保险单和检验报告


一、询盘例文 敬启者: 我们是最大的家具进口商之一,现对转椅(Swivel Chairs)感兴趣。 盼望贵公司早日报来温哥华CIF最低价,说明支付条件、最早交货期及可供数量。如有产 品目录,也请寄来两份。如果报价合理,我们将大量订购 如蒙早日回复,将不胜感激。 此致 北京长城进出口公司 加拿大温哥华东方贸易公司经理 John Smith 2010年5月 Orient Trading Co. Vancouver, Canada May 10,2010 Beijing Great Wall Imp.& Exp. Corp. Dear Sirs, Re: Swivel Chairs We are one of the largest importers of furniture. At present we are interested in Swivel Chairs and would appreciate your giving us the lowest price CIF Vancouver, the earliest time of delivery and quantities available. Please also send us two catalogues if available. If your price is reasonable, we will place a large order. We are looking forward to your early reply. Best regards, John Smith Orient Trading Co. Vancouver, Canada 一、报盘例文 敬启者: 感谢您5月21日的询盘。我方现报盘如下,此报盘须经本公司最后确认方为 效。 品名:110号, 111号转椅 颜色:黑色、棕色和金色 价格:货号110,每把100美金,CIF旧金山价 货号111,每把95美金,CIF旧金山价 装运:2007年8月19日 付款:电汇


S ALES CONTRA C T NOo : BS0812 5 DATE: NOV. 6 , 2008 THE S ELLER: BLUE SKY INTE R NATI0 NAL TRADING CO o ,LTD ? 118# 5TH NORTH RI NG ROAD, BE I GINQ P.R. CHINA THE BUYER: STAR CORPORATION 5 KINGROA D DU BAI, UAE T h i s C o ntra c t is made by and b e tw e e n the Buyer and S e llei; wh e reby the Buy e r agree to bu y and the Seller a gree to sell the un d ermen tioned c ommodity a c c ording to t lie term s a nd co n ditions st i pulat e d b e 1 o w 数量和金额可以上下浮动5% P A C K I NG: 2 0 piece s of Baby B 1 anke t s a r e p acked i n one

expo r t sta n dar d c a rt o n, solid co 1 or and s ize i n the s a me c a r ton. 包装:2 0条童毯被装进-项输出品标准硬纸盒、一样颜色利尺寸的装在相同的硬纸盒。 MAR KS: Shipping m a rk i n c 1 udes S TAR ,S/C No。,sty 1 e No o , port o f des tina t ion and c a r t on N o .陵头:运输吱头包括S TA R (公司名)、合同(sal e s contract)号码,款式号码,目的港和纸箱号码 Side mark m u st s how the co 1 o r t the s i ze of c a rton and p i ece s p e r carto n ? 侧唆头必须显示纸箱颜色,规格和每箱(童毯)条数 T I ME OF SHIPMENT:装运期 Wi t liin 60daysupon receip t o f the L / C wh i c h acc ord with relevant c buses o ft h i s Contract。收到符合合同的信用证^六十天内 POR T OF LOADI NG AND DESTINAT I ON:FromTianj i n, Chi nato Dub a i, UAE 装运港目的港 T r an s shipment i s all owed an d p artial shipme nt i s pro h i b i te d o 转运被允许,而且分批装运被禁止. IN S URANCE: To beeffecte d b y the Sei 1 e r for 1 1 0% o f inv o i c e value c ov e r in g Al 1 Ris k s and War Risk s a s p er CIC o f PICC d ated 01/01/1981.保险:卖方按合同金额的110%投保包含的一切险和战争险依照1981年的P I CC规则的CIC条约。 TERMS OF PAYMENT: By irrev o c able Let t er of Cre d i t at 60 d ay s a f t er s igh t, reaching the S e 1 1 er not 1 a te r t han Nov.30, 200 8 an d rem a in i ng v a li d f or n e gotiation in Ch i n a fo r f ur t her 15 days after th e a ffected s hipment o I n c a se of late ar r i v al of the L/C, the Se 1 1 er s hall not be liable for any d e lay i n ship me n t and shall ha v e the right t o res c i n d the c o ntra c t and / o r c 1 aim for damages0付款期限:不可撤销信用证,见票后6 0天付款.卖方收到信用证不得晚于08年月30号.偿付通知议付在中国装船后15天内提交单据,如果信用证迟到,卖方将不负责装船中的任何延迟而且将有权利废止合同和I或损害要求(赔偿)。 DOCUMENTS:文件 +Si g n e d invoice i n t r ipli cate, one or i g i nal o f w hicli s lioul d b e c ertifiedby Chamber of Com mere e o r CCPIT an d legalize d b y UAE em b ass y/co n su 1 ate in sei 1 er's country ? +签署的单据一式三份,一份正本应该被商会或CC PIT (贸促会)检定而且在卖方的国家被阿拉伯联合大公国大使馆I领事法律上认为正当。 +Ful 1 set (3/3) of c 1 ean on board o cean b i 11 o f lading ma r k e d <4fr e ight pr e paid" made out t o orde r blank en d o r sed n o t i fying th e app 1 icant. +全套(3 I 3)清洁海运提单标记"船货预付”空白抬头提单通知申请人。 +In s u r a n ce polic y i n dup lica te end o r s ed in b 1 a nk. +保险单一式两份空白背书。 +P a c k ing list i n t r i p 1 i c ate o +包装目录一式三份 + Cer t if i c at e of ori g in c erti f i e d by Cham b er of C o mmerce o r C CP I T and 1 e ga 1 i zed by U AE em b as s y/consulate in s e lie r "s countr y ?

外贸英语口语对话Unit 11:Shipment 装运

外贸英语口语对话Unit 11:Shipment 装运 Unit 11:Shipment 1 Having settled all the terms of payment,now Mr Joson and Mr Wang get to talk over the question of shipment. J:Now that we have satisfactory with the deal for the question of payment term.I am desired to know if it is possible to effect shipment during April. W:I am sorry we cannot effect shipment in April. J:Then,when is the earliest we can expect the shipment? W:By the middle of May,I think. J:That would be too late.You see,June is the season of this commodity of our market.And we have to find somewhere else for goods retailing.Besides,our customers formality is rather complicated and it will take quite a long time.You must deliver the goods before May.Or else we won't be able to catch the shopping season. W:It is all very well for you to say that.But I must point out that our factorys have a lot of back orders in hand.I am afraid it is very difficult to improve any other on that time. J:Can you find some way for an earlier delivery?It means a lot to us.If we place our goods on the market that time,when all the other importers has sold theirs and its preferable price we should lose out.


贸易术语Incoterms 2000简介 2000年国际贸易术语解释通则 E组(发货) EXW工厂交货(……指定地点) F组(主要运费未付) FCA货交承运人(……指定地点) FAS船边交货(……指定装运港) FOB船上交货(……指定装运港) C组(主要运费已付) CFR成本加运费(……指定目的港) CIF成本、保险费加运费付至(……指定目的港)CPT运费付至(……指定目的港) CIP运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地) D组(到达) DAF边境交货(……指定地点) DES目的港船上交货(……指定目的港) DEQ目的港码头交货(……指定目的港) DDU未完税交货(……指定目的地) DDP完税后交货(……指定目的地)

27种常用外贸英语函电书信文体 评论:0 条查看:99 次jianyf发表于 2007-01-15 13:36 1.请求建立商业关系 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。烦请早日赐复。此致 2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。此致敬礼 3.请求担任独家代理 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number


外贸合同常用条款中英文对照 1)买方须于____年__月__日前开到本批交易的信用证(或通知售方进口许可证号码),并须售方有权;不经通知取消本确认书,或接受买方对本约未执行的全部或一部分,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。 The Buyer shall have the covering Letter of Credit reach the Seller(or notify the Import License Number) before failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice. (2)凡以 C.I.F条件成交的业务,保额为发票价的100%,投保险别以本售货确认书中所开列的为限,买方如要求增加保额或保险范围,应于装船前经售方同意,因此而增加的保险非由买方负 责。 For transaction concluded on C.I. F.basis,it is understood that the insurance amount will be for 100%,of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation.If additional insuranceamount or coverage is required, the Buyer must have the consent of the Seller before Shipment,and the additional preminum is to be borne by the Buyer. (3)品质/数量异议: 如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起3个月内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出, 对所装货物所提任何异议属于保险公司,轮船公司其他有关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,售方不负责任何责任。 QUALITY/QUANTITYDISCREPANCY:


外贸英语口语大全(35) It'sbettertodesignateTangguastheload ingport. 在塘沽装货比较合适。AmanagerofaJapaneseCompanyandastaffmem berofaChinesecorporationholdadiscussio

nontheloadingportatBeijingHotel. 中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。 We'dbetterhaveabrieftalkabouttheloadin gport. 我们最好能就装运港问题简短地谈一谈。YoumaychooseTianjinasportofshipment. 你可以选择天津作为交货港。HowaboutshippingthemfromHuangpuinstead

ofShantou? 把汕头改为黄埔交货怎么样?YouinsistthatDalianistheloadingport,ri ght? 您坚持把大连定为装运港,对吗?NowHuangpuisfineastheloadingport. 现在可以把黄埔定为装运港。Wearealwayswillingtochoosethebigportsa stheloadingports.

我们总希望用较大的港口作为装运港 We'dliketodesignateShanghaiastheloadin gportbecauseitisneartheproducingarea. 我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货物产地比较近。Itmakesnodifferencetoustochangetheload ingportfromShantoutoZhuhai. 将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。


外贸英语函电书写格式要求 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:外贸英语函电写作技巧 外贸英语函电写作技巧 英文信函的信头也称信端,其内容包括发件公司的名称、标志、通信地址、电话号码、传真号、电子邮箱等。书写信头的目的是为了方便收件人了解信函来自何处,并为回复提供联系方式。 很多公司都会印制带信头的信纸。一般来说,人们喜欢将简单的信头放在信纸上端居中,将复杂的信头放在信纸的右侧或上下两端。在使用这种信纸打印信函时,一定要注意为信头留出足够的空间。 对于私人商务信函,如求职信等,信头通常写在信纸的右上方。 如果信函的长度超过两页,那么从第2页开始就不再需要信头了,只需写

上页码、收件人姓名及日期。 英文地址的书写和中文地址的书写有很大区别,应遵循从小到大的原则。特别值得注意的是,地址中的标点符号需正确使用。当前的习惯做法是,行末一般不加标点符号,但行中间该加标点的地方,还是不应省略。门牌号码与街道名称之间不加标点,但是在城市与国家名称之间必须用逗号分开。 英文商务信函中称呼的书写有讲究 在英文信函书写中称呼是对收信人的尊称语。一般位于信内地址下方空一行;有Attention时也一样,位于Attention 下面空一行。称呼后面一般用逗号(英式),也可以用冒号(美式)。 如果信是写给公司的,并没有直接的联系人,称呼应为:“Dear Sirs,”(英式)或“Gentlemen:”(美式)。在不能确定收信人性别的情况下,还可以使用To Whom It May Concern或Dear Madam or Sir。不过这两种称呼应尽量避免使用,因为人们觉得它们不能显示足够的友


本文档由实惠网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,) 外贸函电常用范文Set new business relationship 建立贸易关系,可以通过多种途径,比如通过驻外机构、国外商会、同业商行、银行、出国访问、商品交易会、报纸广告、市场调查等等。建立贸易关系的信函,要写得诚恳、热情、礼貌、得体,并将写信人的意图清楚地叙述完整,给对方留下深刻地印象,使其愿意与你交往。 Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html, that you are in the market for textiles. We 本文档由实惠网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,)

would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our website https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,,which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 本文档由实惠网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b89962140.html,)


[外贸英语]展会接待常用英语口语集锦 ____________________________________ 1.What’s the size 多大尺寸? 90X90 (Ninety by ninety) 九十乘九十。 2.What’s the CMB 体积多大? 0.07M3 (zero point zero seven cube meter) 0.07立方米。 3.What’s th e bestlast price 最低价是多少? ¥2.5 (Two point five)] 两块五。 4.How many designs 有几个款式? 3 designs . 三个款式。 5.How many colors 有几种颜色? 3 colors. Red, yellow and blue. 3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。 6.How many pcs one CTN 一箱装多少件? 12 dozen, 144pcs. 12打,144件一箱。 7.When shall we deliver 什么时候交货? 8.Where shall we deliver 货送到什么地方? 9.30% deposit. 付30%的订金。 10.Only one sample here. We can’t give you. 只有一个样品,不能给你。 11.Too expensivemuch. 太贵了。 12. Any discount 有折扣吗? 13.Cheaper 可以便宜一点吗? 14.Show me this! 这个拿下来看看。

15.Good quality or ordinary quality 质量好的还是普通的? 16.¥180 for a set . 180元一套。 17.4pcs a set. 一套4个。 18.What’s the minimum quantity 最小起订量是多少? 19.At least 1 CTN.。 至少一箱件 20.There’s minimum quantity. 有最小起订量。 21.Can they be mixed 可以混装吗? 22.Mixed packing. 混装。 23.Just a moment. Let me check. 稍等,让我查一下。 24.Same pricesize. 一样的价格尺寸。 25.I will come again tomorrow. 我明天再来。 26.Where are you from? 你是什么地方人? 27.What’s your name? 你叫什么? 28.May I have your card? 名片给一张,可以吗? 29.Card,please. 名片。 30.Stapler,please. 订书机。 31.Calculator,please. 计算器。 32.Adhesive tape,please. 胶带。 33.Here’s our catalogue. 这是我们的目录。 34.Here’s my card. 这是我的名片。 35.Your card, please.

实用外贸英语函电(第二版)PPT练习答案AN (13)

I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or expressions and than translate the sentences into Chinese.. 1. On arrival of M/T “Castle” at Port Louis, we took delivery of the consignment. Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in case No. 23. “Castle”轮一到达路易斯港,我方即行提货,除23号箱外,其余到货无误,情况良好。 2. We must ask you to inquire into the matter and arrange for the despatch of replacements at once. 我们只好请你方调查这一事故,并请立即发运替换的货物。 3. The goods we have received do not tally with the sample against which we ordered. 到货和凭以订货的样品不符。 4. We have had the cases and their contents examined and the insurance surveyor maintains that the damage was due to insecure packing and not to any unduly rough handling of the cases. 这些箱子和里面所装的货物,已均予检验,保险公司的检验员确认该货的损坏是由于包装不牢所致,而不是粗鲁搬运所造成。 5. We trust you will consider this matter seriously, and try to prevent a recurrence of this delay. 相信你方对这个问题一定会予认真考虑,并设法防止再次发生这样的延迟事故。 6. We hold you responsible any loss which may occur through this delay. 因这次延迟可能引起的任何损失,应由你方负责。 7. As the time for shipment is now considerably overdue, we should be obliged if you would inform us, by return mail, of the reason for the delay. 由于现在运期已过时较久,请即告知延迟原因。 8. The goods in question are not to our satisfaction because the quality is unsuitable for this market. 由于该货质量不适销我处市场,我方对该货不感兴趣。 9. We should appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment of those errors. 请即纠正那些差错为感。 10. This seems to be a very clear case; so we hope you will make a prompt settlement. 案情已相当清楚,望速处理解决。 11. A survey report is enclosed for your reference and your early settlement is requested. 现随函寄去检验报告一份,供参考。并请早日解决此案。 12. We regret to find on examination that 5 of the 15 cases of Menthol Crystals you sent us are in a badly damaged condition apparently due to faulty packing. 运来的15箱薄荷脑,一经我方检验,就发现有5箱已严重损坏,该项损坏显为包装
