




Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by blacken the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)

The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary West.

In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a 33 bill that will propose making payments to witnesses 34 and will strictly control the amount of 35 that can be given to a case 36 a trial begins.

In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he 37 with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not 38 sufficient control.

39 of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a 40 of media protest when he said the 4l of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges 42 to Parliament.

The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which 43 the European Convention on Human Rights legally 44 in Britain, laid down that everybody was 45 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.

“Press freedoms will be in safe hands 46 our British judges,” he said.

Witness payments became an 47 after West was sentenced to l0 life sentences in l995. Up to l9 witnesses were 48 to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised 49 witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to 50 guilty verdicts.

31. [A] as to [B] for instance [C] in particular [D] such as

32. [A] tightening [B] intensifying [C] focusing [D] fastening

33. [A] sketch [B] rough [C] preliminary [D] draft

34. [A] illogical [B] illegal [C] improbable [D] improper

35. [A] publicity [B] penalty [C] popularity [D] peculiarity

36. [A] since [B] if [C] before [D] as

37. [A] sided [B] shared [C] complied [D] agreed

38. [A] present [B] offer [C] manifest [D] indicate

39. [A] Release [B] Publication [C] Printing [D] Exposure

40. [A] storm [B] rage [C] flare [D] flash

41. [A] translation [B] interpretation [C] exhibition [D] demonstration

42. [A] better than [B] other than [C] rather than [D] sooner than

43. [A] changes [B] makes [C] sets [D] turns

44. [A] binding [B] convincing [C] restraining [D] sustaining

45. [A] authorized [B] credited [C] entitled [D] qualified

46. [A] with [B] to [C] from [D] by

47. [A] impact [B] incident [C] inference [D] issue

48. [A] stated [B] remarked [C] said [D] told

49. [A] what [B] when [C] which [D] that

50. [A] assure [B] confide [C] ensure [D] guarantee


31. 答案为D。本题要求填入的词能正确表现出填空前后两部分的关系。such as可以填入句

中,表示Rosemary West一案是令人瞩目的案件之一。B. for instance也表示“例如”,但它是一个插入语,往往后接一个句子,不能填入此处。A. as to(关于,至于)和C. in particular(尤其)均与题意不符。

32. 答案为A。本题要求填入的词能与legal controls形成动宾结构。A. tightening除了常用

意“拧紧,绷紧”外,还可以表示“使……更严格,加强……使更有效”,因此可以与legal controls搭配,表示“使法律控制更加严格”。B. intensify(加剧,使强烈; C. focusing(聚焦,集中注意力)和D. fastening(系牢,绑紧)均与题意不合。

33. 答案为D。本题为词义辨析题。A. sketch意为“草图;梗概,概要”; B. rough意为“粗

糙的;粗略的”; C. preliminary 意为“初步的;预备的”; D. draft意为“底稿,草稿,草案”。比较来说,draft与bill搭配最为恰当,表示“草案”。

34. 答案为B。本题考查对上下文的理解。从第一段可知,政府将禁止报纸收买证人。由此

可知,草案将提议使收买证人成为非法行为,故选B. illegal(非法的)。A. illogical(不合逻辑的); C. improbable(不可能的)和D. improper(不适当的)均不符合题意。35. 答案为A。本题考查对上下文的理解。从第一段可推知,报纸之所以要收买一些令人瞩

目的案件中的证人,一定是为了尽早报道这些案件。A. publicity意为“宣传”,可以填入句中,句子相关部分意为:严格控制对案件的宣传。B. penalty(处罚),C. popularity.

(流行)和D. peculiarity(特色,特殊性)均不符合题意。

36. 答案为C。本题考查填空前后两部分的逻辑关系。根据上下文,这里要用before,表示“在

案件审判前要严格控制对案件的宣传”。A. since(自从),B. if(如果)和D. as(当……


37. 答案为D。本题为动词词义、用法辨析题。四个选项都可以与with搭配,但词义、用法

不同。A. side with 的宾语一般为人,表示“站在某人一边”;B. share一般用于share something with someone 的结构中,表示“与某人分享某物”;C. comply with表示“遵守”,宾语多为法律、规定、要求等。只有D. agree with可以与report搭配,表示“同意这一报告”。

38. 答案为B。本题为动词词义辨析题。B. offer意为“提供,给予”,可以填入句中,相关

部分意为“自我管理没有提供足够的控制”。A. present(赠送,交出),C. manifest(使表明,显示)和D. indicate(指示,表示)均与题意不符。

39. 答案为B。本题为名词词义辨析题。B. publication可以表示“发表,公布”,填入句中符

合句意,表示“信被公布”。A. release 一般表示新闻、消息的发布或电影、唱片的发行,因此不能选。C. printing(印刷)和D. exposure(暴露)也不符合题意。

40. 答案为A。本题为名词词义辨析题。A. storm意为“风暴”,B. rage意为“愤怒”,C. flare

意为“闪耀的火光;怒气的爆发”,D. flash意为“闪耀”。storm与media protest搭配最


41. 答案为B。本题为名词词义辨析题。B. interpretation意为“解释,说明”,可以填入句中,

相关部分意为:对欧洲法律中有关隐私权的解释。A. translation(翻译),C. exhibition (展览;展示)和D. demonstration(证明;示范)均不符合题意。

42. 答案为C。本题考查固定搭配。C. rather than 意为“是……,而不是……”,可以填入


A. better than(比……好),

B. other than(除了……;与……不同)和D. sooner than(比……


43. 答案为B。本题为动词词义、用法辨析题。根据句子结构,这里要用动词+ 名词+ 形

容词的结构,选项中除了A. change都有这种用法。B. makes表示“使得……”,C. set 表示“使……成某种状态”,D. turn表示“把……改变成……”。通过比较,makes最符合句意,

44. 答案为A。本题为形容词辨析题。A. binding意为“有约束力的”,可以填入句中,相关

部分句意为:使得欧洲人权公约在英国具有法律约束力。B. convincing(有说服力的),

C. restraining(抑制的,控制的)和

D. sustaining(用以支撑的;资助的)均不符合题意。

45. 答案为C。本题为动词词义、用法辨析题。C. entitle意为“把……权利给……”,常用于

be entitled to something 的结构中,表示“有……权利”,因此可以填入句中,表示“每个人都有隐私权”。A. authorized意为“授权给(某人)”,后边要用不定式;B. credited 意为“相信”,credit to 表示“把……归于”;D. qualified意为“赋予某人……资格”,一般用于qualify someone for / to do something 的结构中。

46. 答案为A。本题考查介词的用法。with可以表示“由……负责或处理”。例如,He left the

children with their grandmother. 意为“他把孩子交给祖母带”。因此with可以填入句中,意思是:由我们英国的法官负责,新闻自由是可靠的。其他介词无此用法。

47. 答案为D。本题为名词词义辨析题。D. issue意为“问题,议题,争论点”,填入句中符

合句意,表示“收买证人已经成为一个人们争论的问题”。A. impact(影响),B. incident (事件)和C. inference(推测)均不符合题意。

48. 答案为C。be said to为固定搭配,意为“据说……”,可以填入句中,句意为:据说多


49. 答案为D。本题考查连接词。从句子结构可知,此连接词要引导一个同位语从句,解释


50. 答案为C。本题为动词词义、用法辨析题。C. ensure意为“担保,保证”,可以填入句中,

句意为:人们担心,证人会被鼓励在法庭上夸大其辞以保证有罪的裁决。D. guarantee 与ensure近义,但一般指对事物的本质或人的行为进行担保。例如,The art dealer guaranteed the picture genuine. 意为“那个工艺商保证这幅画是真品”。A. assure意为“使……确信,向……保证”,通常用在assure someone of / that 结构中。B. confide意为“吐露(秘密等)”,也不可选。


Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened 21 . As was discussed before, it was not 22 the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic 23 , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in 24 of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution 25 up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading 26 through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and

motion pictures 27 the 20th-century world of the motor car and the airplane. Not everyone sees that process in 28 . It is important to do so.

It is generally recognized, 29 , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, 30 by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, __31__ its impact on the media was not immediately 32 . As time went by, computers became sharper and more powerful, and they became “personal” too, as well as 33 , with display becoming sharper and storage 34 increasing. They were thought of, like people, 35 generations, with the distance between generations much 36 .

It was within the computer age that the term “information society” began to be widely used to describe the 37 within which we now live. The communications revolution has 38 both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been 39 views about its economic political, social and cultural implications. “Benefits” have been weighed 40 “harmful” outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.

21. [A] between [B] before [C] since [D] later

22. [A] after [B] by [C] during [D] until

23. [A] means [B] method [C] medium [D] measure

24. [A] process [B] company [C] light [D] form

25. [A] gathered [B] speeded [C] worked [D] picked

26. [A] on [B] out [C] over [D] off

27. [A] of [B] for [C] beyond [D] into

28. [A] concept [B] dimension [C] effect [D] perspective

29. [A] indeed [B] hence [C] however [D] therefore

30. [A] brought [B] followed [C] stimulated [D] characterized

31. [A] unless [BJ since [C] lest [D] although

32. [A] apparent [B] desirable [C] negative [D] plausible

33. [A] institutional [B] universal [C] fundamental [D] instrumental

34. [A] ability [B] capability [C] capacity [D] faculty

35. [A] by means of [B] in terms of [C] with regard to [D] in line with

36. [A] deeper [B] fewer [C] nearer [D] smaller

37. [A] context [B] range [C] scope [D] territory

38. [A] regarded [B] impressed [C] influenced [D] effected

39. [A] competitive [B] controversial [C] distracting [D] irrational

40. [A] above [B] upon [C] against [D] with


21. 正确答案是A。本题考查副词的用法。A. between在这里意为“在…其间”解,是指20

世纪与15、16世纪之间的一段时间。第一句里就有between。但是,有些考生只知between 作介词,而不知between在句中也可作副词。

22. 正确答案是D。本题考查语法结构。It was not until...that…是强调句型,意思是“直到…


23. 正确答案是C。本题考查近义词汇辨析。C. medium “媒介,传媒”,因为前面提到了报

纸,应与“传媒”搭配。A. means “方法,手段”;B. method是“方法”;D. measure “措


24. 正确答案是B。本题考查近义词汇。B. company意思是“伙伴”,in the company of是

“与….一起”的意思。A. process “过程”;C. light “灯,亮光”;D,form “形式”。

25. 正确答案是B。本题考查词汇。B. speeded “急行,速进”。Speeded up是“加速”的意思,

是一固定词组。A. gathered “集合,收获”;C. worked “工作,奏效”;D. picked “拾起”。

26. 正确答案是A。本题考查动词词组。on有“继续”的意思,词组leading on意思是“继


27. 正确答案是D。本题考查的动词后的介词的用法。介词into与前面的leading搭配为固


28. 正确答案是D。本题考查词汇。D. perspective意思是“正确的眼光”。in perspective意思

是“正确地”。A. concept “概念”;B. dimension “尺寸、空间”;C. effect “效果、后果”。

29. 正确答案是C。本题考查连接副词的用法。目的是让考生读懂文章的上下文。C. however

是“然而,但是”,表示转折。A. indeed “事实上”,表示并列;B. hence “因此”,表示结果;D. therefore “因此,所以”,表示结果。

30. 正确答案是B。本题考查动词的用法。B. followed (by)“紧随其后的是……”。A. brought

“带来”;C. stimulated “刺激”, D. characterized是“以……为特点”。

31. 正确答案是D。本题考查连词的用法。D. a1though “虽然,尽管”表示让步。A. Unless “除

非”,表示条件;B. since “自从,因为”,表示时间或原因;C. lest是“以免”,表示目的,后边须接虚拟语气。

32. 正确答案是A。本题考查词汇的用法。A. apparent “明显的,可见的”。B,desirable “可

取的,理想的”;C. negative “否定的,负面的”;D. plausible “合理的,可信的”。

33. 正确答案是A。本题考查词汇的用法。A. institutional “组织的,机构的”,与前面的

personal相对应。早期的计算机体积庞大,主要供团体机构用,以后才有了personal computer (PC)。B. universal “宇宙的,普遍的”;C. fundamental “基本的”;D. instrumental “工具的,有作用的”。

34. 正确答案是C。本题考查近义词辨析。四个词似乎都有“能力”的意思。但是,capacity

还有“容量”的意思,storage capacity意思是“存储量”。A. ability “能力”;B. capability (of)“能力”;D. faculty “才能,能力”。

35. 正确答案是B。本题考查介词词组的用法。此句意为:人们谈论计算机也说“第几代机

器”,就像谈论人—样。B. in terms of是“以…方式,依据…”。A. By means of “用…手段,以…方式”;C. with regard to “关于”;D. in line with “同意,符合”。

36. 正确答案是D。本题看似考形容词比较级,实际上是考词汇搭配。with the distance between

generations much smaller是with + 名词+ 形容词(比较级) 的结构,smaller是the distance逻辑上的表语,其他三个词都与distance不搭配。

37. 正确答案是A。本题考查近义词辨析。A. context “情况,事情的前后关系, 社会”。B. range

“范围”;C. scope “范围,余地”;D. territory是“领土,领域”。

38. 正确答案是C。本题考查词汇的用法。C,influenced “影响”。A. regarded “对待”; B.

impressed “打动,留下印象”;D. effected “生效,起作用”。

39. 正确答案是B。本题考查形容词的辨析。B. controversial “争论的,有争议的”。A.

competitive “竞争的,有竞争力的”;C. distracting “分心的,转移的”;D. irrational “不理智的,不合理的”。

40. 正确答案C是。本题考查动词与介词的搭配。C,Weigh against “衡量,权衡考虑”,符

合句意。A. weigh above “超过”;B. weigh upon “成为……的负担”;D. weigh with “起作用”。


Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can best 22 such changes. Growing bodies need movement and 23 , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 24 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges; teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 26 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, 28 ,publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 29 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide 30 opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful 31 dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the 32 of some kind of organization with a supportive adult 33 visible in the background.

In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have 34 attention spans.

A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37 . This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. 38 , they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by 39 for roles that are within their 40 and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.

21. [A] thought [B] idea [C] opinion [D] advice

22. [A] strengthen [B] accommodate [C] stimulate [D] enhance

23. [A] care [B] nutrition [C] exercise [D] leisure

24. [A] If [B] Although [C] Whereas [D] Because

25. [A] assistance [B] guidance [C] confidence [D] tolerance

26. [A] claimed [B] admired [C] ignored [D] surpassed

27. [A] improper [B] risky [C] fair [D] wise

28. [A] in effect [B] as a result [C] for example [D] in a sense

29. [A] displaying [B] describing [C] creating [D] exchanging

30. [A] durable [B] excessive [C] surplus [D] multiple

31. [A] group [B] individual [C] personnel [D] corporation

32. [A] consent [B] insurance [C] admission [D] security

33. [A] particularly [B] barely [C] definitely [D] rarely

34. [A] similar [B] long [C] different [D] short

35. [A] if only [B] now that [C] so that [D] even if

36. [A] everything [B] anything [C] nothing [D] something

37. [A] off [B] down [C] out [D] alone

38. [A] On the contrary [B] On the average [C] On the whole [D] On the other hand

39. [A]making [B] standing [C] planning [D] taking

40. [A] capabilities [B] responsibilities [C] proficiency [D] efficiency


21. 答案为A。give serious thought to 是一固定搭配,意思是“认真考虑…”。

22. 答案为B。B. accommodate容纳、适应;A. strengthen加强;C. stimulate 刺激;D. enhance


23. 答案为C。A. care关心;B. nutrition营养; C. exercise练习、锻练;D. leisure休闲。此句

意为:学生成长的身体需要运动和锻炼。Exercise和movement并列使用最为贴切。24. 此句考句法。答案为D。A. if 引导条件状语从句;B. Although引导让步状语从句;C.

whereas (然而)引导一个表示转折的并列句;D. Because引导一个原因状语从句。此句意为:因为学生的身体需要调整去适应新的变化,所以,他们需要自信。

25. 答案为C。A. assistance 帮助;B. guidance指导;C. confidence; D. tolerance容忍。此


26. 答案为B。A. claim 声称;B. admire羡慕;C. ignore忽略;D. surpass超过。此句意为:


27. 答案为D。A. improper 不合适的;B. risky有风险的;C. fair公平的;D. wise聪明的。


28. 答案为C。此句明显是在举例说明上句的含意。所以,for example最为贴切。

29. 答案为A。A. display展示;B. describe描写;C. create创造;D. exchange交换。此句意


30. 答案为D。A. durable耐用的;B. excessive过分的;C. surplus赢余的;D. 多样的。此


31. 答案为A。A. group 群体;B. individual个人的;C. personnel人事的;D. corporation

社团, 公司。此句意为:既有练习合群的机会,也有锻炼当领导的机会。故答案为A。

32. 答案为D。A. consent同意;B. insurance保险;C. admission承认;D. security安全。此


33. 答案为B。A. particularly尤其地;B. barely光秃秃地;明显地;C. definitely肯定地;

D. rarely罕见地。此句意为:明显地有大人的支持。

34. 答案为D。此句意为:少年学生的注意力时间很短。

35. 此句考句法,答案为C。A. if only要是…,一般, 后须接用虚拟语气,故A错。B. now

that 既然,一般只用于句首,故B错。C. so that引导目的状语从句。D. even if引导让步状语从句。此句意为:学生的注意力时间短,所以举办活动要能保持他们的活力。36. 此题是考代词辨析的语法题,答案为D。everything一般不能和else连用,故应排除。

因此句是肯定句,故应用something else。

37. 此句考词组搭配,答案为B。let … down意为“使…下降”。此处指使别的参加者处于下


38. 答案为A。A. on the contrary 正相反;B. on the average 平均地讲;C. On the whole总的

来讲;D. On the other hand另一方面。此句意为:这不意味着成年人可以不管,正相反,成年人应帮助青少年。根据上下文,此处需用表示转折的副词词组。

39. 答案为C。空格后有介词for,如果与make, stand和take连用,意思不对。词组Plan for


40. 答案为A。A. capability能力;B. responsibility责任;C. proficiency流利;D. efficiency

效率。此句意为:在学生的能所力及的范围内,within their capabilities. 故答案为A。


Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories 21 on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior 22 they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through 23 with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in 24 to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, 25 as a rejection of middle-class values.

Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, 26 the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes 27 lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are 28 to criticism.

Changes in the social structure may indirectly 29 juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that 30 to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment 31 make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in 32 lead more youths into criminal behavior.

Families have also 33 changes these years. More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents; 34 , children are likely to have less supervision at home 35 was common in the traditional family 36 . This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other 37 causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased 38 of drugs and alcohol, and the growing 39 of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, 40 a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.

21. [A] acting [B] relying [C] centering [D] commenting

22. [A] before [B] unless [C] until [D] because

23. [A] interaction [BI assimilation [C] cooperation [DJ consultation

24. [A] return [B] reply [C] reference [D] response

25. [A] or [B] but rather [C] but [D] or else

26. [A] considering [B] ignoring [C] high lighting [D] discarding

27. [A] on [B] in [C] for [D] with

28. [A] immune [B] resistant [C] sensitive [D] subject

29. [A] affect [B] reduce [C] check [D] reflect

30. [A] point [B] lead [C] come [D] amount

31. [A] in general [B] on average [C] by contrast [D] at length

32. [A] case [B] short [C] turn [D] essence

33. [A] survived [B] noticed [C] undertaken [D] experienced

34. [A] contrarily [B] consequently [C] similarly [D] simultaneously

35. [A] than [B] that [C] which [D] as

36. [A] system [B] structure [C] concept [D] heritage

37. [A] assessable [B] identifiable [C] negligible [D] incredible

38. [A] expense [B] restriction [C] allocation [D] availability

39. [A] incidence [B] awareness [C] exposure [D] popularity

40. [A] provided [B] since [C] although [D] supposing


21. 答案为C, 考查动词短语。C. centering on 意为“以…为中心/重点”,符合句意,且与

上下文呼应(作者一直在使用与center on 近义的词组focus on),为正确答案。A. acting on 意为“按照…行事”;B. relying on 意为“依靠”;D. commenting on 意为“对…进行评论”。

22. 答案为D, 本题涉及动本题涉及上下句的句义理解。答案为D,because 引导由or 连接


23. 答案为A, 本题考查考生的词汇知识。A. interaction (互动) 符合句意,应为正确答案。

B. assimilation (同化,吸收);

C. cooperation (合作);

D. consultation (咨询) 。

24. 答案为D, 本题考查介词短语。四个选项中,能与空格前后介词in 和to 搭配的只有

D。介词短语in response to 意为:答复,反应,回应。

25. 答案为A, 本题考查考生对上下句句义的理解。空格后as 引导的为原因状语,与in

response to 引导的原因状语并列,都是“孩子们犯罪”的原因,故答案为A。

26. 答案为B, 本题涉及词汇知识。B. ignoring 意为“忽视,不顾”带入后,上下文语义连

贯,为正确答案。A. considering 意为“考虑到”; C. highlighting 意为“强调,突出”; D.

discarding 意为“抛弃”。

27. 答案为C, 本题涉及介词短语知识。C. for lack of 意为“由于缺少…”,符合句意。

28. 答案为D, 本题涉及形容词短语知识。D. be subject to 意为“受…支配;遭受…影响”;

符合句意,为正确答案。A. be immune to 意为“不易受…影响”。B. be resistant to意为“对…有抵制力”。

29. 答案为A, 考核词汇辨析。A. affect 意为“影响”,符合句意,为正确答案。

30. 答案为B, 考核动词短语。B. 1ead to 意为“导致”,符合句意,为正确答案。A. point to

意为“指向”;D. amount to 意为“总数达到…”。

31. 答案为A,本题涉及介词短语知识。A. in general 意为“总的来说”; “一般来说”,为正

确答案。B. on average “平均而言”; C. by contrast 意为“相反”;D. at length意为“终于:详尽地”。

32. 答案为C, 本题同样涉及介词短语知识。C. in turn 意为“依次,接着”,为正确答案。

A. in case 意为“以防,万一”:

B. in short意为“总而言之”; D. in essence 意为“本质上”。

33. 答案为D, 考核词汇辨析。D. experienced (经历) 符合句意,为正确答案。A. survived

意为“幸存”; B. noticed 意为“注意到”;C. undertaken 意为“承担,答应”。

34. 答案为B, 考核词汇辨析。B.consequently (因此) 符合句意,为正确答案。A. contrarily

意为“相反”;C. similarly意为“相似”; D. simultaneously 意为“同时”。

35. 答案为A, 本题涉及比较状语从句的知识。原句认为,现代家庭中的家长对孩子的管教

比传统家庭中的管教要少,故此,A. than为正确答案。该从句常用省略形式,空格后省略了that(代supervision)+ which was common in the traditional family structure;并且,比较状语从句可用倒装语序。

36. 答案为B, 考核词汇辨析。本题涉及上下文的准确理解。由于上文讲述现代家庭组成的

变化,那么对应的当然是传统家庭的组成结构,故答案为B. structure。A. system 意为“制度”,与上下文不太对应。

37. 答案为B, 考核词汇辨析。B. identifiable 意为“可以识别的”,为正确答案。A. assessable

意为“可以评估的”;C. negligible意为“可以忽略的”;D. incredible意为“难以置信的”。

38. 答案为D, 本题涉及词汇知识。D. availability 意为“可以提供,可以找到”,符合句意,

为正确答案。A. expense 意为“花费”; B. restriction 意为“限定”;C. allocation 意为“分


39. 答案为A, 本题涉及词汇知识。A. incidence 意为“事件,发生率”。此处意为“发生率”

符合句意,为正确答案。B. awareness 意为“意识” C. exposure 意为“暴露”; D.

popularity 意为“流行”。

40. 答案为C, 考核句法知识, 本题涉及上下句逻辑的把握能力。C. although 代人后,语义



The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact, 5 , we are extremely sensitive to smells, 6 we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million.

Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, 9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough.

The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary. This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be .We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone else?s. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.

1. [A] although [B] as [C] but [D] while

2. [A] above [B] unlike [C] excluding [D] besides

3. [A] limited [B] committed [C] dedicated [D] confined

4. [A] catching [B] ignoring [C] missing [D] tracking

5. [A] anyway [B] though [C] instead [D] therefore

6. [A] even if [B] if only [C] only if [D] as if

7. [A] distinguishing [B] discovering [C] determining [D] detecting

8. [A] diluted [B] dissolved [C] dispersed [D] diffused

9. [A] when [B] since [C] for [D] whereas

10. [A] unusual [B] particular [C] unique [D] typical

11. [A] signs [B] stimuli [C] messages [D] impulses

12. [A] at first [B] at all [C] at large [D] at times

13. [A] subjected [B] left [C] drawn [D] exposed

14. [A] ineffective [B] incompetent [C] inefficient [D] insufficient

15. [A] introduce [B] summon [C] trigger [D] create

16. [A] still [B] also [C] otherwise [D] nevertheless

17. [A] sure [B] sick [C] aware [D] tired

18. [A] tolerate [B] repel [C] neglect [D] notice

19. [A] available [B] reliable [C] identifiable [D] suitable

20. [A] similar to [B] such as [C] along with [D] aside from


1. 答案为C, 考核上下句的语义连贯性。本文首句是文章的主题句,它的意思是“人们低估

了鼻子的嗅觉作用”。但事实上,我们对气味是非常敏感的,只不过是我们没有意识到这一点罢了。此文中,作者在后文肯定了鼻子的嗅觉作用。句子和句子之间的上下文逻辑关系是转折关系,这种转折的上下文逻辑关系是完形填空中常考的一种关系。But则用来表达上下文之间的转折关系。上下文逻辑关系也是每一次完形填空考试的重点。2. 答案为B, 考核介词的用法。这句话的意思是将人和动物进行对比,指出人不如动物的嗅


3. 答案为A, 考核动词词义辨析。此文第三句话是对第二句话的意思进行说明,指出“这就

意味着人的鼻子只局限于察觉飘浮于空气中的气味;而错过大部分粘附于物体表面的气味。” 选项A. limited 比较合适。说到数量有限,英文用limited来表达,而不用confined。

4. 答案为C, 考核动词词义辨析。此句话的意思是:人的鼻子只局限于察觉飘浮于空气中的

气味;而错过大部分粘附于物体表面的气味。故选项C. missing为正确答案。

5. 答案为B, 考核上下文语义的连贯及副词词义辨析。这四个副词的词义和用法各不相同。

必须注意文章上下文的语义连贯性。此句话的意思是:事实上,我们对气味是非常敏感的,只不过是我们没有意识到这一点罢了。故选项B. though为正确答案。注意提示词In fact,如果选C或D,那么就与In fact无法搭配。

6. 答案为A, 考核句法结构和连词用法。even if 即使是,接让步状语从句。if only 要是…,

接虚拟语气。only if 只有…,接条件状语从句。as if 似乎是…,接方式状语从句。此处是让步关系,符合这一要求的只有A. even if。句法结构和连词用法是完形填空必考的考点。每年考二至三题。例如下面的第九题。关键是要搞清主句和从句的关系。

7. 答案为D, 考核动词词义辨析。此处要求选一个能跟气味搭配的动词,由前一句话可以了

解到其实就是要捕捉气味的意思。那么,选项D. detecting为正确答案。

8. 答案为A, 考核动词词义辨析。此题是这次完形填空的难点之一。四个词的词义太接近,

令人难以区分;且diluted还是今年新增词汇。难怪考试完后,网上帖发的答案大都不对,包括一些所谓的专家点评。此句话的意思是:我们的鼻子能够捕捉到某些气味,即使这些气味的浓度淡化到原来的百万分之一。根据句意,选项A. diluted为正确答案。

9. 答案为D, 考核句法结构和连词用法动词词义辨析。when和since是从属连词, 用于状语

从句;when接时间状语从句;since接时间或原因状语从句。for 和whereas是并列连词, 用于连接并列句;for表达原因;whereas表达转折。第二段的第一个词“Strangely”,已经提示这里要出现一个转折,那么第九个空要填的词必须要表达出这种对比。故选项

D. whereas是正确答案。

10. 答案为B, 考核形容词辨析。此句话的意思是:这也许是因为有些人天生缺少某种基因

来在鼻腔中生成特殊的嗅觉接收器。故选项B. particular是正确答案。

11. 答案为C, 考核名词词义辨析。此句话的意思是:这些嗅觉接收器就是细胞,它们能察

觉气味并将其信息传送到大脑。故选项C. messages是正确答案。此题是这次完形填空考试最简单的一道题,区分度不高,属于送分题。

12. 答案为A, 考核介词词组辨析。此题也属于是送分题,四个介词词组多次在历年四选一

和完形填空考题中出现;其中,at large还作过答案。根据句子的意思:即使是人们原先对某种气味不敏感,但只要经常接触这种气味,也会对这种气味突然敏感起来。刚开始对某种嗅觉不灵敏的人能够灵敏起来,这表示嗅觉灵敏度变化是一个过程。而第十二个空涉及的是第一个过程,所以答案应该是选项A. at first。

13. 答案为D, 考核动词词义辨析和词组。此题乍一看是动词词义辨析题,但注意到空格后

的介词to 就应想到此题实际是在考词组。be subjected to 易受…影响的(见04年28题);be left to 留给…;be drawn to 吸引到…;be exposed to…暴露于;此处意为“接触”。根据句子的意思,选项D. exposed是正确答案。

14. 答案为C, 考核形容词辨析和上下文逻辑关系。此题表面上是考形容词义辨析。此句话

的意思是:大脑不能让所有的嗅觉接收器每时每刻都有效地工作,但是能在必要时采用一些新的嗅觉接收器。故选项C. inefficient没有效率的是最佳答案。

15. 答案为D, 考核动词词义辨析。此题也是这次完形填空的难点之一。四个词的词义太接

近,令人难以区分。只有在弄清上下文是对比逻辑关系,和理解句意后,才能做出正确选择。四选一题的另一特点是要求选择最佳(best) 答案。选择最佳(best) 答案的意思是,四个选项有可能都对,但答案只能是最贴切的。根据句意和上下文是对比逻辑关系,以及后面的new一词,选项D. create最为贴切。故是最佳答案。

16. 答案为B, 考核上下文逻辑关系。此题比较简单。这里指前一句的解释,也能解释另外

一种现象:每个人对于自己的嗅觉不太敏感。这样表示递进关系的B. also是正确答案。

A. still 表达上下文并列的逻辑关系;C. otherwise和D. nevertheless 表达对比的上下文


17. 答案为C, 考核知识点]形容词短语。注意到空格后的介词of 就应想到此题实际是在考

短语。be sure of s.th. 对…事肯定;be sick of 对…厌恶;be aware of 意识到…;be tired of 对…烦了;根据句子的意思,选项C. aware是正确答案。

18. 答案为D, 考核动词词义辨析。此句话的意思是:我们不能意识到自己家里的气息,但

拜访别人家时却能注意到新的气息。故选项D. notice (注意到)是正确答案。

19. 答案为A, 考核形容词辨析。此句话的意思是:大脑能在有不熟悉或紧急信号时,使嗅

觉接收器工作(可用的)。故选项A. available是正确答案。Available是一个在各类英语考试中出现频率很高的词。

20. 答案为B, 考核词组辨析。属于送分题。在这个空的前面提到“不熟悉的和紧急的信号”,

后面提到“对烟雾的嗅觉”,这是举一个例子,是前面所说信号的一种。所以,选项B. such as (诸如) 为正确答案。这个答案在2001年的完形填空中第一题考过。


The homeless make up a growing percentage of America?s population. 1 , homelessness has reached such proportions that local government can?t possibly __2__. To help homeless people __3__ independence, the federal government must support job-training programs, __4__ the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.

__5__ everyone agrees on the numbers of Americans who are homeless. Estimates __6__ anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million. __7__ the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is __8__, one of the federal government?s studies __9__ that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.

Finding ways to __10__ this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. __11__ when homeless individuals manage to find a __12__ that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day __13__ the street, Part

of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many others, __14__ not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday __15__ skills needed to turn their lives __16__. Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are __17__ programs that address the many needs of the homeless. __18__ Edward Blotkowski, director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts, __19__ it. “There has to be __20__ of programs. What we need is a package deal.”

1. [A] Indeed [B] Likewise [C] Therefore [D] Furthermore

2. [A] stand [B] cope [C] approve [D] retain

3. [A] in [B] for [C] with [D] toward

4. [A] raise [B] add [C] take [D] keep

5. [A] Generally [B] Almost [C] Hardly [D] Not

6. [A] cover [B] change [C] range [D] differ

7. [A] Now that [B] Although [C] Provided [D] Except that

8. [A] inflating [B] expanding [C] increasing [D] extending

9. [A] predicts [B] displays [C] proves [D] discovers

10. [A] assist [B] track [C] sustain [D] dismiss

11. [A] Hence [B] But [C] Even [D] Only

12. [A] lodging [B] shelter [C] dwelling [D] house

13. [A] searching [B] strolling [C] crowding [D] wandering

14. [A] when [B] once [C] while [D] whereas

15. [A] life [B] existence [C] survival [D] maintenance

16. [A] around [B] over [C] on [D] up

17. [A] complex [B] comprehensive [C] complementary [D] compensating

18. [A] So [B] Since [C] As [D] Thus

19. [A] puts [B] interprets [C] assumes [D] makes

20. [A] supervision [B] manipulation [C] regulation [D] coordination


1. 答案为A。本题考查上下句的逻辑关系。这种上下文逻辑关系是完形填空中着重考的一


Likewise 表达的是类比关系;Therefore表达的是因果关系;Furthermore表示的是递进关系,强调后者对前者的程度加深,或增加内容的递进。

2. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. stand 站立, 忍受; B. cope 处理,

应付(局面); C. approve 赞同, 同意; D. retain保持,维持。这句话的意思是:事实上,无家可归的人口比例已达到了地方政府无法应付的地步。我们平常学的词组是cope with…,其实,cope 也可用作及物动词。此题干扰最大的干扰项是A. stand 站立,忍受,但此词无容忍之意,不符合句意。

3. 答案为D。本题考查介词用法。我们大家都知道“help somebody with something” 意思是

“帮助某人做某事”,或者是“用某种具体的方式帮助某人”,如“help somebody with a


D. toward比较合适。

4. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. raise 抬高, 集资, 饲养; B. add 添

加, 增加; C. take 拿(最主要的意思); D. keep 保持(最主要的意思)。此句话的意思是:联邦政府就必须支持工作技能培训计划,提高最低工资标准,以及资助更多的经济适用房。故选项A. raise为正确答案。

5. 答案为D。本题考查上下句的逻辑关系及副词用法。这是四个副词,它们的词义和用法

各不相同。必须注意文章上下文的语义连贯性。此句话的意思是:人们在美国无家可归人数上并不能达成共识。也就是说,并不是人人都有此看法。故选项D. not为正确答案。

6. 答案为C。本题考查词组。cover 和change 一般只用作及物动词。range…from…to…意

思是:在…之间起伏,有差异;differ from…意思是:不同与…。此句话的意思是:据估计这个数量应在60万到300万范围之间。故选项C. range 为正确答案。

7. 答案为B。本题考查句法结构和连词用法。Now that 既然,接原因状语从句;Although 虽

然接让步状语从句。Provided 倘若,接条件状语从句。Except that 除了,接让步状语从句。此处是让步关系。根据句意,符合这一要求的只有B. Although 。句法结构和连词用法是完形填空必考的考点。每年考二至三题。例如下面的第十四题。做题的关键是要搞清主句和从句的关系。

8. 答案为C。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: 四个选项都表达“增加,扩张” 的

含义,但由于本句主语为the number,因此只能搭配increase。A选项inflate表示“膨胀”;

B选项expand表示“在面积上扩张”; D选项extend表示“在长度上延伸”。此句话的意思是:但分析家们却在一件事上达成了一致,即,无家可归的人口数量在上升。根据句意,选项C. increasing 为正确答案。

9. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. predicts 预言, 预测; B. displays 陈

列, 摆设; C. proves 证明; D. discovers 发现。属于送分题。此句话的意思是:一份联邦政府的研究预测无家可归的人口数量再有十年底将达到一千九百万。句尾的将来时态已经将答案锁定是A. predicts 预言,预测。

10. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. assist 帮助; B. track 追踪; C.

sustain 持续; D. dismiss 解雇。此句话的意思是:找到帮助这些无家可归人员的办法变得越来越难。故选项A. assist 帮助是正确答案。此题是这次完形填空考试最简单的一道题,区分度不高,属于送分题。

11. 答案为C。本题考查上下句的逻辑关系及副词用法。四个词都是副词,但能和when连

用的只有Even 和Only,先排除A和B。此句话的意思是:即使无家可归人员能设法找到一个临时避身之处,一日三餐,晚上有睡觉之地。故选项C. Even是正确答案。

12. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. lodging 寄宿; B. shelter 避难所; C.

dwelling 逗留; D. house 住房。此题也属于是送分题,四个名词意思接近,但区分度不高。



13. 答案为D。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. searching 寻找; B. strolling 漫步,

遛跶; C. crowding 聚集, 拥挤; D. wandering 闲逛, 漫游。此题是今年较有难度的一道题。

strolling 和wandering 意思接近,都有闲逛的意思,但文中说,大量的无家可归人员在白天没事干, 在大街上游荡。strolling 是休闲时的漫步,因此Wandering要更加贴切,故D是正确答案。

14. 答案为C。本题考查句法结构和连词用法。句法结构和连词用法是完形填空必考的考点。


15. 答案为C。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. life 生活; B. existence 存在; C.

survival 生存, 幸存; D. maintenance 维持。此题也是这次完形填空的难点之一。四个词的词义太接近,令人难以区分。只有在弄清上下文的关系,和理解句意后,才能做出正确选择。此句意为:很多人虽然不吸毒,精神也没毛病但是缺乏能改变他们生活的一些简单的生存技能。本题主要是区分life skills和survival skills,前者表示“生活能力”,后者表示“生存/幸存技能”,由于文章讨论无家可归者的基本生活问题,对他们而言, 首先是生存, 其次才谈的上生活。故选项C更为合适。四选一题的另一特点是要求选择最佳(best) 答案。选择最佳答案的意思是,四个选项有可能都对,但答案只能是最贴切的。

16. 答案为A。本题考查词组。此题比较简单。虽然是四个介词,但因为前面有动词turn,

就变成了词组题。Turn around 回头,转变;turn over 打翻;turn on 打开;turn up 露面。此句话的意思是:另外,很多人虽然不吸毒,精神也没毛病但是缺乏能改变他们生活的一些简单的技能。故选项A是正确答案。

17. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. complex 复杂的; B. comprehensive

理解的, 综合的; C. complementary补充的; D. compensating 赔偿的。根据上下文和根据句子的意思,选项B是正确答案。此句话的意思是:要改变现状的唯一办法是出台一部能照顾到无家可归人员的各种需求的综合性计划。另外, 全文最后一句话又提到: 我们需要的是一个一揽子解决方案。这是词汇的同现现象。

18. 答案为C。本题考查上下句的语义连贯性和连接词辨析。此句话的意思是:正如麻省本

特利大学社区服务处主任爱得华·布劳特克瓦斯基指出的那样, “应有一个相互协调的计划,我们需要的是一个整体解决方案。”故选项C. As 是正确答案。

19. 答案为A。本题考查词组。此题乍一看是动词词义辨析题,考四个动词。实际上是考词

组。s.b. put it 是固定用法,意思是“…指出”。故选项A是正确答案。这一固定用法四级都考过。

20. 答案为D。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. supervision 监督; B.

manipulation 操作; C. regulation 规章制度; D. coordination 协调。属于送分题。此句话的意思是:正如麻省本特利大学社区服务处主任爱得华·布劳特克瓦斯基指出的那样,“应有一个相互协调的计划,我们需要的是一个整体解决方案。” 故选项D. coordination 协调,是正确答案。


By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20 million 1 of these nations looked 2 to the future. Born in the crisis of the old regime and Iberian Colonialism, many of the leaders of independence 3 the ideals of representative government, careers 4 to talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the 5 to private property, and a belief in the individual as the basis of society. 6 , there was a belief that the new nations should be sovereign and independent states, large enough to be economically viable and integrated by a 7 set of laws.

On the issue of 8 religion and the position of the church, 9 there was less agreement 10 the leadership Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one 11 by the Spanish crown, 12 most leaders sought to maintain Catholicism 13

the official religion of the new states, some sought to end the 14 of other faiths. The defense of the Church became a rallying 15 for the conservative forces.

The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of everything. Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had 16 in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated. By 1854 slavery had been abolished everywhere except Spain?s 17 colonies. Early promise to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much __18 because the new nations still needed the revenue. Such policies 19 Egalitarian sentiments were often tempered by fears that the mass of the population was 20 self-rule and democracy.

1. [A] natives [B] inhabitants [C] peoples [D] individuals

2. [A] confusedly [B] cheerful [C] worriedly [D] hopefully

3. [A] shared [B] forgot [C] attained [D] rejected

4. [A] related [B] close [C] open [D] devoted

5. [A] access [B] succession [C] right [D] return

6. [A] Presumably [B] Incidentally [C] Obviously [D] Generally

7. [A] unique [B] common [C] particular [D] typical

8. [A] freedom [B] origin [C] impact [D] reform

9. [A] therefore [B] however [C] indeed [D] moreover

10. [A] with [B] about [C] among [D] by

11. [A] allowed [B] preached [C] granted [D] funded

12. [A] Since [B] If [C] Unless [D] While

13. [A] as [B] for [C] under [D] against

14. [A] spread [B] interference [C] exclusion [D] influence

15. [A] support [B] cry [C] plea [D] wish

16. [A] urged [B] intended [C] expected [D] promised

17. [A] controlling [B] former [C] remaining [D] original

18. [A] slower [B] faster [C] easier [D] tougher

19. [A] created [B] produced [C] contributed [D] preferred

20. [A] puzzled by [B] hostile to [C] pessimistic about [D] unprepared for


1. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. natives土箸人, 本地人; B.

inhabitant居民; C. peoples 民族; D. individuals个人。此句话的意思是:这些国家约俩千万的居民满怀希望地展望未来。选项B代入后, 符合句意, 为答案。选项C干扰度很高, 但people加s后, 意思不再是“人民”, 而是“民族” 的意思。

2. 答案为D。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. confusedly 困惑不解地; B. cheerful

欢乐地; C. worriedly 担忧地; D. hopefully 希望地。这句话的意思是:这些国家约俩千万的居民满怀希望地展望未来。选项D代入后, 符合句意, 为正确答案。选项B干扰度很高, 但cheerful和展望未来搭配不如hopefully贴切。

3. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. shared 分享; B. forgot 忘记; C.

attained 参加; D. rejected拒绝。此句话的意思是:许多新生国家的领导人都有一个共同的理想。因此选项A. shared 分享, 共享; 比较合适, 为正确答案。

4. 答案为C。本题考查词组。第四题空格后有一个介词to, 四个选项和to搭配后的意思分

别是: A. related to 与…有关; B. close to 不对…开放; C. open to 对…开放; D. devoted to 奉献给…。此句话的意思是:许多新生国家的领导人都有一个共同的理想,即: 建立一个具有代表性的政府、人尽其才(= 对有才能的人开放就业机会) 以及其它的理想等等。

故选项C. open to是正确答案。

5. 答案为C。本题考查词语搭配用法。四个选项与空格后介词to搭配后的意思分别是: A.

access to通往, 接入; B. succession to继承, 续接; C. right to对…的权力; D. return to返还。此句话的意思是:许多新生国家的领导人都有一个共同的理想,即: 建立一个具有代表性的政府、人尽其才、贸易自由、保护私有财产以及作为社会基础的是个人信仰。

选项C符合句子意思, 为正确答案。

6. 答案为D。本题考查上下句的逻辑关系及副词用法。四个选项的意思分别是: A. Presumably

大概地; B. Incidentally 偶然地; C. Obviously明显地; D. Generally总的来讲。根据上下句的逻辑关系, 此题后面的句子是对前面句子的总结。D. Generally总的来讲; 填入此空最能达意, 故D为正确答案。

7. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. unique 独一无二的; B. common

普遍的, 共有的; C. particular 奇特的, 独有的; D. typical典型的。本题的解答与上下文有直接的关系。上文说到这些新生国家的领导人都有一个共同的理想, 下文在总结, 选项

B. common普遍的, 共有的; 填入此处才能上下文一致, 故B为答案。另外, common和

law搭配可形成一个法律用语, 专指习惯法。

8. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. freedom 自由; B. origin起源; C.

impact 冲击; D. reform改革。此句话谈及宗教, 根据上下文, 作者在谈宗教自由的问题, 而不是在谈宗教的起源或改革。故选项A为答案。另外, freedom一词在第一段谈及贸易时已用过, 这就是词汇学上称之为词汇的复现和同现现象, 也是每年必然出现的考点, 参见04年第21题。

9. 答案为B。本题考查上下句的逻辑关系及副词用法。选项A. therefore 表达因果关系; B.

however表达转折关系; C. indeed表达重述关系; D. moreover表达递进关系。根据上下文, 上文说到这些新生国家的领导人都有一个共同的理想, 而下文又提及他们在宗教问题上意见不同。上下文是转折关系, 故选项B是答案。这也是However第四次在历年完形考题中作答案了。

10. 答案为C。本题考查介词用法。也是这次考试中最简单的一道题, 属送分题。文中提到

了许多新独立的国家, 故介词among为答案。

11. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. allowed 允许, 授权; B. preached

布道, 讲经; C. granted 授予, 赐给; D. funded提供资金。此句话的意思是:罗马天主教一直是这些国家的国教, 也是唯一一个由西班牙王室批准的宗教。选项A符合句子意思, 是正确答案。

12. 答案为D。本题考查句法结构和连词用法。四个选项的意思分别是: A. Since连接时间状

语从句的意思是“自从…”; 连接原因状语从句的意思是“既然…”。B. If主要用于连接条件状语从句, 意思是“假如…” 。C. Unless主要用于连接条件状语从句, 意思是“除非…” 。D. While连接时间状语从句的意思是“正当…”; 连接让步状语从句的意思是“虽然…”; 作并列连词连接并列句的的意思是“然而…”。此句话的意思是:虽然大部分领导人寻求将罗马天主教保持为新生国家的官方宗教, 但也有一些领导人谋求不再禁止其它宗教。故选项D是正确答案, while此处引导的是让步状语从句。

13. 答案为A。本题考查介词用法。也是这次考试中比较简单的一道题, 属送分题。此句话

的意思是:虽然大部分领导人寻求将罗马天主教保持为新生国家的官方宗教, 但…。故

介词as. 作为, 是正确答案。

14. 答案为C。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. spread 传播; B. interference干涉;

C. exclusion 排除;

D. influence影响。此句话的意思是:虽然大部分领导人寻求将罗马天

主教保持为新生国家的官方宗教, 但也有一些领导人谋求不再禁止(即排除)其它宗教。选项C符合句子意思, 是正确答案。

15. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. support 支持; B. cry哭泣, 喊叫;

C. plea 抗辨, 请愿;

D. wish愿望。此句话的意思是:保卫教堂成了保守势力召集人们的

呐喊。选项B符合句子意思, 更为合适。

16. 答案为D。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. urged敦促; B. intended意图; C.

expected 期盼; D. promised承诺。此句话的意思是:玻利瓦尔就接受过海地的援助, 作为回报, 他承诺在新解放的地区废除奴隶制。选项D符合句子意思, 是正确答案。

17. 答案为C。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. controlling 控制; B. former 前者; C.

remaining保留; D. original 原始的。此句话的意思是:到了1854年除了西班牙保留的殖民地, 所有地区都废除了奴隶制。根据句意, 选项C是最佳答案。四选一题的另一特点是要求选择最佳(best) 答案。选择最佳答案的意思是,四个选项有可能都对,但答案只能是最贴切的。

18. 答案为A。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. slower 更慢; B. faster 更快; C.

easier更容易; D. tougher更艰难。此句话的意思是:最初承诺终止印地安人的进贡和对混血人种的税收却进展缓慢, 因为这些新生的国家仍然需要利税。选项A符合句子意思, 是正确答案。

19. 答案为B。本题考查词汇。四个选项的意思分别是: A. created 创造; B. produced生产; C.

contributed 贡献; D. preferred更喜欢。此句话的意思是:这些产生平均主义的政策往往是由担忧民众对自治和民主毫无准备所诱发的。选项B符合句子意思, 是正确答案。20. 答案为D。本题考查词组。四个词组的意思分别是: A. puzzled by被…迷惑; B. hostile to

对…有敌意; C. pessimistic about对…悲观; D. unprepared for 对…未准备好。此句话的意思是:这些产生平均主义的政策往往是由担忧民众对自治和民主毫无准备所诱发的。选项D符合句子意思, 是正确答案。


The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is 1 to say it anyway. He is that 2 bird, a scientist who works independently 3 any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some disease not 4 thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.

5 he, however, might tremble at the

6 of what he is about to do. Together with another two scientist, he is publishing a paper which not only

7 that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explained the process that has brought this about. The group in

8 are a particular people originated from central Europe. The process is natural selection.

This group generally do well in IQ test, 9 12-15 points above the 10 value of 100, and have contributed 11 to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the 12 of their elites, including several world-renowned scientists, 13 . They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as breast cancer. These facts, 14 , have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been 15 to social effects, such as a strong tradition of 16 education. The latter was seen as a (an) 17 of genetic

isolation. Dr. Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately 18 . His argument is that the unusual history of these people has 19 them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 20 state of affairs.

1. [A] selected [B] prepared [C] obliged [D] pleased

2. [A] unique [B] particular [C] special [D] rare

3. [A] of [B] with [C] in [D] against

4. [A] subsequently [B] presently [C] previously [D] lately

5. [A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence

6. [A] thought [B] sight [C] cost [D] risk

7. [A] advises [B] suggests [C] protests [D] objects

8. [A] progress [B] fact [C] need [D] question

9. [A] attaining [B] scoring [C] reaching [D] calculating

10. [A] normal [B] common [C] mean [D] total

11. [A] unconsciously [B] disproportionately [C] indefinitely [D] unaccountably

12. [A] missions [B] fortunes [C] interests [D] careers

13. [A] affirm [B] witness [C] observe [D] approve

14. [A] moreover [B] therefore [C] however [D] meanwhile

15. [A] given up [B] got over [C] carried on [D] put down

16. [A] assessing [B] supervising [C] administering [D] valuing

17. [A] development [B] origin [C] consequence [D] instrument

18. [A] linked [B] integrated [C] woven [D] combined

19. [A] limited [B] subjected [C] converted [D] directed

20. [A] paradoxical [B] incompatible [C] inevitable [D] continuous


1. 答案为B。本题考查词组搭配。四个选项与空前后搭配成词组的意思分别是: A. is selected

to do…意为“被挑选去干…。B. is prepared to do…意为“准备去干…”。C. is obliged to…

搭配时意思则变为“感激”。如04年考研翻译第62题: We are obliged to them (我们之所以感激他们)。D. is pleased to do…意为“高兴地,满足地去做…”,此句话的意思是:但格雷戈里·克春安不论如何都准备说一说此事。前一句“人们不敢说”,本句中由“but” 一词可推出意思与上句相反,即“Cochran 准备说”,所以选项B为正确答案。另外, 语法上, 作者也提供了答题线索。如下文中is about to do; is publishing都表达了即将发生的动作。其实07年完形最后一题还考过unprepared for 这一词组。

2. 答案为D。本题考查形容词辨析和搭配。四个选项的意思分别是: A. unique唯一的,独

特的;B. particular 特殊的,独特的;C. special 特别的,特殊的;D. rare稀罕的,珍贵的。这句话的意思是:他是一位独立于任何机构之外的另类型的科学家。rare bird 是固定搭配, 意为:罕见的或较另类的人。选项D符合句意, 故为正确答案。此考点在前几年的考研完形题中多次考过。如:03年的第33题:[A] particularly, [B] barely, [C] definitely,

[D] rarely; 05年的第10题:[A] unusual, [B] particular, [C] unique, [D] typical; 和07年的

第7题:[A] unique, [B] common, [C] particular, [D] typical。

3. 答案为A。本题测试介词的语意搭配。介词是一种虚词, 不能单独使用。因此, 只要四个

选项是介词, 必须考虑空前空后的搭配关系。此空中只能用independently 与介词of 搭

配, 意为“不依赖于,独立”,所以选项A为正确答案。其他选项不能构成有意思的搭配关系。

4. 答案为C。本题考查副词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是: A. subsequently 随后发生地; B.

presently目前地; C. previously 先前地; D. lately后来地。这句话的意思是:原先认为不是由细菌引起的疾病实际上是会传染的。由“actually” 一词可知, 本句是现在和以前对疾病看法的对比,所以选项C符合句意, 故为正确答案。另外, previously一词在第14个空后又一次出现:14 , have previously been thought unrelated. 这就是词汇学上称之为词汇的复现和同现现象, 也是每年必然出现的考点, 也是大家必须掌握的答题技巧。


5. 答案为C。本题考查副词的用法及语段的连贯性。even 此处是程度副词,表示让步关系,

意为“即使他自己也…”. 这句话的意思是:但一想到将要做的事,即使他自己也可能会打冷颤的。选项C符合句意, 为正确答案。另外, 此考点在06年考研完形第11题考过:

[A] Hence, [B] But, [C] Even, [D] Only。而且答案就是even。真题是考研最好的参考书。

6. 答案为A。本题考查词组搭配。四个选项与空前后搭配成词组的意思分别是: A. at the

thought of意为“一想到…”; B. at the sight of 意为“一看到…”; C. at the cost of意为“以…为代价”; D. at the risk of意为“冒…风险”。这句话的意思是:但一想到将要做的事,即使他自己也可能会打冷颤的。选项A填入此空最能达意, 故为正确答案。

7. 答案为B。本题考查近义词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是: A. advice建议; B. suggest建

议,提出; C] protest 主张,断言; D. object 反对。这句话的意思是:论文不仅提出了某一族群人比另一族群人更聪明的观点, 而且还解释了引起这种结果的过程。选项B填入此空最能达意, 故为正确答案。另外, suggest一词在第一段最后一句出现过。在第18个空前又一次出现:Dr. Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately

18 . 这就是词汇学上称之为词汇的复现和同现现象, 也是每年必然出现的考点, 也是


8. 答案为D。本题考查词组搭配。四个选项的意思分别是: A. in progress进行中; B. in fact

事实上; C. in need在危难中; D. in question正在被讨论的。前一句在谈论“group群体” , 本句衔接上一句表达“正在被讨论的这个群体”,所以选项D是正确答案。这句话的意思是:正在被讨论的这一群人源之中欧。

9. 答案为B。本题考查词汇辨析。四个选项的意思分别是: A. attaining 达到; 获得; B. scoring

得分; C. reaching 达到; D. calculating 计算。attaining 达到或获得目的; reaching达到或抵达某一地方; calculating 用于数字计算。从该句中的12-15 points (分)可知,score的意思是得分,打分,而其他三项没有这层意思。故最佳答案为B。这句话的意思是:这一族群的人在智力测试中普遍表现上佳, 得分比均值100分要高12至15分。四选一题的另一特点是要求选择最佳(best) 答案。选择最佳答案的意思是,四个选项有可能都对,但答案只能是最贴切的。

10. 答案为C。本题考查形容词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是: A. normal 正常的; B. common

普通的; C. mean 平均的(adj); 均值(数学); D. total 全体的; 总和(数学)。此题答案是C, 也是这次考试答对率普遍不高的一道题。主要原因有三:第一, 很多考生没读懂句子。

这句话的意思是:得分比均值100分要高12至15分。第二, 缺乏答题技巧。从四个选项可看出都是形容词, mean就不能当“意味着…” 去理解。第三, 熟词新义是考研常考的考点, 无论在阅读中还是翻译中。平常要记一些常用词的特殊用法。如: 05年七选五题中, fork (叉子) 作动词是“分流” 的意思。再如: 07年翻译第49题中, story 是“新闻报道” 的意思。

11. 答案为B。本题考查副词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是: A. unconsciously 无意识地; B.


2012年考研英语完形填空 The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. Thecourt cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians.Yet,inseveralinstances,justicesactedinwaysthat_3_thecourt’sreputationfor beingindependent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activitymakes itless likely that the court’s de cisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part ofthe problem is thatthe justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to thecode of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is still a _9_between the court andpolitics. TheframersoftheConstitutionenvisionedlaw_10_havingauthorityapartfrompoliti cs.Theygavejusticespermanentpositions_11_theywouldbefreeto_12_thoseinpower andhavenoneedto_13_politicalsupport.Ourlegalsystemwasdesignedtosetlawapartfro mpoliticsprecisely because they are so closely _14_. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social _15_likelibertyandproperty.Whenthecourtdealswithsocialpolicydecisions,thelawit_16 _isinescapablypolitical-whichiswhydecisionssplitalongideologicallinesaresoeasily_17_asunjust. Thejusticesmust_18_doubtsaboutthecourt’slegitimacybymakingthemselves_19_ tothecode of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and,_20_, convincing as law. 1. [A]emphasize [B]maintain [C]modify [D] recognize 2. [A]when [B]lest [C]before [D] unless 3. [A]restored [B]weakened[C]established [D] eliminated


The human nose is an underrated tool.Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals,1 this is largely because,2 animals,we stand upright.This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air,4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces.In fact5,we are extremely sensitive to smells,6 we do not generally realize it.Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million. Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another,9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers.This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose.These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain.However,it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary.This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be.We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone else's.The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of smoke,which might indicate the danger of fire. 1.[A]although [B]as [C]but [D]while 2.[A]above [B]unlike [C]excluding [D]besides 3.[A]limited [B]committed [C]dedicated [D]confined 4.[A]catching [B]ignoring [C]missing [D]tracking 5.[A]anyway [B]though [C]instead [D]therefore 6.[A]even if [B]if only [C]only if [D]as if 7.[A]distinguishing [B]discovering [C]determining [D]detecting 8.[A]diluted [B]dissolved [C]determining [D]diffused 9.[A]when [B]since [C]for [D]whereas 10.[A]unusual [B]particular [C]unique [D]typical 11.[A]signs [B]stimuli [C]messages [D]impulses 12.[A]at first [B]at all [C]at large [D]at times 13.[A]subjected [B]left [C]drawn [D]exposed 14.[A]ineffective [B]incompetent [C]inefficient [D]insufficient 15.[A]introduce [B]summon [C]trigger [D]create 16.[A]still [B]also [C]otherwise [D]nevertheless 17.[A]sure [B]sick [C]aware [D]tired 18.[A]tolerate [B]repel [C]neglect [D]notice 19.[A]available [B]reliable [C]identifiable [D]suitable 20.[A]similar to [B]such as [C]along with [D]aside from


第一章 考研翻译基础知识 一翻译的定义 二翻译的标准和翻译的方法 三翻译的基本过程 四考研翻译的核心解题策略 第二章翻译技巧:词法翻译法 一词义选择和词义引申 二词性转换 三增词法 四省略法 第三章翻译技巧:句法翻译法 一名词性从句的翻译 二定语从句的翻译 三状语从句的翻译 四被动结构的翻译 第一讲翻译的定义 翻译是一门语言的艺术,是语言之间的转换,是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另外一种语言。 考研翻译简介 (一)考研翻译考查内容和形式 根据全国硕士研究生统一考试英语考试大纲规定,考研翻译“主要考查考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。”以2007年考研翻译题为例,考生在试卷上阅读的是一篇完整的文章,翻译的是5个划线部分。如: (二)考研翻译的评分标准 根据大纲规定,考研翻译的评分标准如下: 5个小题,每题2分,共10分。 ·如果句子译文明显扭曲原文意义,该句得分最多不超过0.5分。 ·如果考生就一个题目提供了两个或两个以上的译法,若均正确,给分;如果其中一个译法有错,按错误译法评分。 ·中文错别字不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣0.5分,无0.25扣分。 (三)考研翻译今年考题特点和内容 根据对大纲和最近十几年来考研翻译已经考过的真题的分析,我们发现考研翻译具有如下明显的特点。 首先,考研翻译的短文内容大多是涉及当前人们普遍关注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、哲学、心理和科普方面的题材。其体裁基本上是议论文。如: 1990年:人的性格和行为分析 1991年:能源与农业


Section Ⅰ Use of English 2012年的完型填空是有关美国司法官伦理和政治关系的一篇文章,出自New York Times, June, 30th , 2011的“Ethics, Politics and the Law”一文。选材回归了2000年完型曾出过的法律类文章,而且和当年一样,也是包含几个小段落,不像以往的文章,三段或者四段论,脉络比较清晰,结构容易把握。而且,较去年比较“平易近人”的文章,这篇法律类文章背后有一定的背景知识,比较关注时事或者对这一块儿有所了解的同学,会相应得心应手一些。另外,20道题目中,多达13题都是在考查动词,虽然选项中基本不存在干扰项,除了15题一道考查两词的辨析之外,其他的选项含义都差别甚远,按理说值得高兴。但是这些考查动词的题目中,许多都考查对于熟词僻义的掌握情况,往年就是08年出现了3处,今年也出现3处。仅有2道题考查逻辑词,而且这两道题是送分题,不需要考虑太多。一向是命题人偏爱的以“able”作后缀的形容词依然出现(19题)。下面就真题作一个详细解析。 和以往一样,第一句话不设空,帮助同学们理解全文探讨的话题:美国高等法庭司法官的伦理道德问题。 题1选B。maintain. 此空有赖于对后文的理解。这直接体现了我们作完型的整体思路,也就是首先通读全文。尤其是看到最后一段直接给出提议:希望法官和政治划清界限从而保证自己的权威性,因此全文的导向和逻辑就非常清晰了。同时,题2答案(when)也顺势而出:如果法官们和政治家一样,法庭就不能捍卫自己作为法律卫道士的权威。 题2选A。这里的when其实表示条件关系,即“如果……。” 题3选择 weakened。上下文语义题+词义辨析。选项含义差别较大,要求对上下文逻辑关系掌握清楚。Yet表示一个转折:“即使这样,还是有很多法官这样做,损害了法庭独立和公正的名声。” 本题如果能把导向把握准,即可定位在B和D两项,D项eliminated 过于绝对,排除。 题4 选 D. accepted。上下文语义。依然是通过上下文逻辑关系,按段精度解题。这段用两个法官参与政治事件的例子说明他们的行为使得法院的裁决不偏不倚而被认可变得不太可能。A选项challenged 和C项suspected意义相反,和主旨矛盾,即肯定了法官参与政治行为。B项compromised “调停” 和主题无关。 题5 选C。上下文语义题。本段属于总分形式。首先提出法官参与政治导致的问题,然后分析问题的原因:“这种情况有一部分是由于法官们不受伦理道德准则的约束。” 其他三项不合逻辑,均不具干扰性。 题 6 选B。完型填空在历史上对于subject这个词一向情有独钟。04年,05年,08年以及10年选项中都出现,只有05年落选。而且这3年考查的意思都一致,即“易遭受……”,考查形式有“is subjected to”,“is subject to” 以及“subject sb. to sth。(使得某人容易遭受)”。今年依然是“subject”入选,但是这次取了大家最熟悉的意思,即“使服从,受…管制”,“法院应该依行为准则办事”。至于选项 A resistant 和 C immune 两个选项和subject 这三个词在04年的第8道题也同时出现。“Be immune to”指“对…免疫,不起作用”。可见很多时候命题人不总以内容为基础来设置干扰选项,也提醒大家要重视对于历年真题的复习。


2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语(一)试题 时间:2012年1月7日 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians. Y et, in several instances, justices acted in ways that _3_ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to the code of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is still a _9_between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law _10_having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions _11_they would be free to _12_ those in power and have no need to _13_ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely _14_. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social _15_ like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it _16_ is inescapably political-which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily _17_ as unjust. The justices must _18_ doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves _19_ to the code of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, _20_, convincing as law. 1. [A]emphasize [B]maintain [C]modify [D] recognize 2. [A]when [B]lest [C]before [D] unless 3. [A]restored [B]weakened [C]established [D] eliminated 4. [A]challenged [B]compromised [C]suspected [D] accepted 5. [A]advanced [B]caught [C]bound [D]founded 6. [A]resistant [B]subject [C]immune [D]prone 7. [A]resorts [B]sticks [C]loads [D]applies 8. [A]evade [B]raise [C]deny [D]settle 9. [A]line [B]barrier [C]similarity [D]conflict 10. [A]by [B]as [C]though [D]towards 11. [A]so [B]since [C]provided [D]though 12. [A]serve [B]satisfy [C]upset [D]replace 13. [A]confirm [B]express [C]cultivate [D]offer 14. [A]guarded [B]followed [C]studied [D]tied


2015年考研英语(一)深度解析:完型 1. [A] what 【解析】此题考查疑问代词辨析:题干中过去分词短语published from the University of California and Yale University…作后置定语,修饰study,而真正的句子主干是That is 1 a study has 2 .简化后的句子可以让我们清晰地看出第一题要说的是研究study的具体内容是what,不是方式how,也不是原因why,更不是时间when。 2. [B] concluded 【解析】此题考查动词辨析:同第一题一样,根据简化的句子That is what a study has 2 来解题。题目选择的动词是说明study怎样才有了上面what表示的内容。所以此题选择concluded“推断;得出结论”。其他的动词据不符合要求。 3. [D] on 【解析】此题考查介词辨析:根据题干The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects的要求,所选择的介词能用在conduct“实施;进行”之后,又得和subject 搭配,所以这个题目应该选择on,构成on some subjects“关于某类主题”。 4. [C] compared 【解析】此题考查动词辨析:通过观察题干,我们发现第4题位于which引导的定语从句之内,作从句的谓语动词。Which修饰主句的主语study“研究”,如此补全定语从句就是: The study 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers…所以正确答案选择C。该项研究是对比所选择的两个样本。其他选项都不符合题意。 5. [C] samples 【解析】此题考查名词辨析:The same people were used in both 5 .通过观察题干,我们发现第5题空前的单词是both,表示“两者都…”。而上文中提到两者的只有“unrelated friends”和“unrelated strangers”,即这项研究的两个样本,所以答案选择C. samples“样本”。 6.[A] insignificant 【解析】此题考查形容词辨析和让步关系:题干While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist句首的While引导让步状语从句,同时提示我们逗号后和逗号前的内容形成一定程度上的对立关系,而且作者的表达重点位于逗号之后,1%的数量对于基因研究者来说影响程度很大。那么对于普通人而言这个数据就显得微不足道了。正确答案只能选择A。 7. [C] know 【解析】此题考查动词辨析和转折关系:题干Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin中说“大多数人甚至不他们的第四代表亲,但是尽量选择和亲属人作为朋友”。even“甚至”这一个词就提示我们应该本题只能选择know“了解,认识”,其他选项都不符合题目要求。 8. [D] resemble


考研英语完型填空:Use of English 在一篇240~280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整 一、完形填空文章的特点 1. 2. 1)主题(focus) 2)导向性或作者态度的倾向性(观点和态度) 3.短文通常包含三部分基本结构 1)主题呈现 ①文首直接点题 ②用引子(如与主题相关的背景,与论点相似或相对立的观点等)引出主题,主题句在文中或文末出现 2)主题展开 ①提出问题或表述观点后,要对其进行分析、论证,即展开主题 ②主题展开方式,主要体现在短文段落的划分(论述的层次)及各段主题的安排(分论点)上 3)作结 ①下结论 ②提建议 ③概括、总结全文 ④描述事件发展的结果、影响 4. 1)总述是对分述的总结和概括-(中心主线) 2)分述是对总述的展开和祥述-(确保主线贯穿全文) 5. 二、考查要求:能够熟练运用考试大纲要求的英语词汇及语法知识 1.语言要素(包括词汇、语法即表达方式和结构) ① ② 2.语段特征(如连贯性和一致性等) ① 四、完形填空考查内容: 1.词汇知识:形近词及近义词的(动词短语、介词短语)辨析;词汇搭配;一词多义 2.语法知识: 句子基本结构;逻辑关系;上下文语法搭配 ①六大逻辑关系:转折、让步、因果、并列、总分、递进 ②六类从句用法:主宾表,定状同 ③介词含义和用法 ④副词的程度与频率 ⑤句子内部语法结构 3.阅读能力:句子内部信息获取;上下文信息获取;上下文语意关系

五、命题特点: 1.一篇完整的文章=未知信息(20处填空)+已知信息,通过已知信息破解未知信息 2.文章的语言难度显然低于阅读理解题,甚至低于大纲样题 3.干扰选项也多是常用词汇,设置时考虑了内容和结构两方面的完整性与合理性 4.命题大大弱化了对词汇及语法的单纯考查,而加重了对语段特征的辨识能力的考查,即加大了测试语篇水平理解题, 特别是上下文衔接题的比列 六、真题当选选项分布特点 1.A、B、C、D的个数在4个到6个之间,5个最常见 2.几乎没有连续3个答案都一样的情况,连续两个答案都一样的情况在0到3个之间 七、解题思路: 1. ①初步把握:篇章主题、文章基调与作者观点、态度,以及文章的脉络结构(段落划分、段落主题、行文逻辑) 2. ①先解答比较容易、有把握的题目 ②先从整体着手,再根据不断增多的文章信息推断细节 3.第三步:基本完成解题后,需要再读全文,已进行检查 4.解题过程中要时刻具备“语篇意识”,注意选项在上下文语境中是否通顺、连贯、合理 八、完形“十二类”标准题型对应解决方法(相关已知信息提示-线索定位分析法) 欲解出一个未知填空,首先需要在文章的已知信息中定位所有与这个未知填空相关联的已知信息点(线索),通过这些已知的信息点的分析总结,推断出未知填空的答案 对整篇文章从结构布局、上下文关系到句子内部结构进行层层分析,从各个层次定位未知填空的相关已知线索,从已知信息破解未知信息 相关已知信息点(提示线索)的分布规律: ①句子内部:每处具体的未知填空都处在一个具体的句子之中,因此与未知填空相关联的已知信息往往处在于此句子 之中,也就是说此未知填空的附近 ②上下文:由于完形文章的上下文之间往往有着明显的逻辑关系,因此一些与填空相关联的已知信息也会分布在此填 空所在句子的上下文中 ③整个意群、段落、文章的结构中:除了看未知填空所在的句子、所在句子的上下句之外。还有一些相关联的已知 信息需要从填空处的整个意群、段落、文章的结构和文章的中心主线所包含的信息去查找


2011年考研英语完形填空答案及真题解析(沪江完美版) Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as ―a bodily exercise precious to health.‖ But __1___some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness. Laughter does __2___short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels, ___3_ heart rate and oxygen consumption But because hard laughter is difficult to __4__, a good laugh is unlikely to have __5___ benefits the way, say, walking or jogging does. __6__, instead of straining muscles to build them, as exercise does, laughter apparently accomplishes the __7__, studies dating back to the 1930’s indicate that laughter__8___ muscles, decreasing muscle tone for up to 45 minutes after the laugh dies down. Such bodily reaction might conceivably help _9__the effects of psychological stress. Anyway, the act of laughing probably does produce other types of ___10___ feedback, that improve an individual’s emotional state. __11____one classical theory of emotion, our feelings are partially rooted ____12___ physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry ___13___they are sad but they become sad when the tears begin to flow. Although sadness also ____14___ tears, evidence suggests that emotions can flow __15___ muscular responses. In an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of würzburg in Germany asked volunteers to __16___ a pen either with their teeth-thereby creating an artificial smile – or with their lips, which would produce a(n) __17___ expression. Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles ___18___ more exuberantly to funny cartoons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown, ____19___


绝密☆启用前 2020年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语(一)试题及答案解析 (科目代码:201) 考生注意事项 1. 答题前,考生须在试题册指定位置上填写考生姓名和考生编号;在答题卡指定位置上填写报考单位,考生姓名和考生编码,并涂写考生编号信息点。 2. 考生须把试题册上的“试卷条形码”粘贴条取下,粘贴在答题卡的“试卷条形码粘贴位置”框中。不按规定粘贴条形码而影响试卷结果的,责任由考生自负。 3. 选择题的答案必须涂写在答题卡相应题号的选项上,非选择题的答案必须书写在答题纸指定位置的边框区域内。超出答题区域写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题册上答题无效。 4. 填(书)写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔或者钢笔书写,字迹工整、笔迹清楚;涂写部分必须使用2B铅笔填涂。 5. 考试结束,将答题卡和试题册按规定交回。 (以下信息考生必须认真填写)

2020年考研英语一真题答案及解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Even if families are less likely to sit down to eat together than was once the case, millions of Britons will none the less have partaken this weekend of one of the nation's great traditions: the Sunday roast. __1__ a cold winter's day, few culinary pleasures can __2__it. Yet as we report now, the food police are determined that this __3__ should be rendered yet another guilty pleasure __4__ to damage our health. The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has __5__ a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked __6__ high temperatures.This means that people should __7__ crisping their roast potatoes, spurn thin-crust pizzas and only __8__ toast their bread. But where is the evidence to support such alarmist advice? __9__ studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no __10__ evidence that it causes cancer in humans. Scientists say the compound is "__11__ to be carcinogenic" but have no hard scientific proof. __12__ the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is __13__ to follow the FSA advice. __14__, it was rumored that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a __15__. Doubtless a piece of boiled beef can always be __16__ up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables,without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine. But would life be worth living? __17__, the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods __18__, but to reduce their lifetime intake. However, their __19__ risks coming across as exhortation and nannying. Constant health scares just __20__ with no one listening. 1. A In B Towards C On D Till 2. A match B express C satisfy D influence 3. A patience B enjoyment C surprise D concern 4. A intensified B privileged C compelled D guaranteed 5. A issued B received C ignored D canceled 6. A under B at C for D by 7. A forget B regret C finish D avoid 8. A partially B regularly C easily D initially 9. A Unless B Since C If D While 10. A secondary B external C inconclusive D negative 11. A insufficient B bound C likely D slow 12. A On the basis of B At the cost of C In addition to D In contrast to 13. A interesting B advisable C urgent D fortunate 14. A As usual B In particular C By definition D After all 15. A resemblance B combination C connection D pattern 16. A made B served C saved D used 17. A To be fair B For instance C To be brief D in general 18. A reluctantly B entirely C gradually D carefully 19. A promise B experience C campaign D competition


1986年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 On Wednesday afternoons Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or __16__ she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and __17__ a sharp lookout for the bargains that were sometimes to be had. And then, with all the things she needed __18__ she would leave the market for the streets of the town to spend another hour __19__ she liked best: looking in furniture shop windows. One Wednesday she found a new shop full of the most delightful things, with a notice inviting anyone to walk in and look __20__ without feeling they had to buy something. Annie hesitated for a moment before stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped __21__ before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which said: “This fine chair is yours __22__ less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week... __23__, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never miss it! A voice at her shoulder made her __24__. “Can I help you, Madam?”She looked round at the assistant who had come softly to her __25__. “Oh, well, no,” she said. “I was just looking.”“We’ve chairs of all kinds in the showroom. If you’ll just come up, you will find something to suit you.” Annie, worried at the thought of being persuaded to buy something she didn’t need, left the shop hurriedly. 16. [A] so [B] more [C] else [D] another 17. [A] taking [B] making [C] fixing [D] keeping 18. [A] buy [B] bought [C] buying [D] to have bought 19. [A] in a way [B] by the way [C] in the way [D] on the way 20. [A] behind [B] round [C] back [D] on 21. [A] doubted [B] wondered [C] puzzled [D] delighted 22. [A] at [B] for [C] with [D] in 23. [A] Why [B] When [C] How [D] What 24. [A] jump [B] leap [C] laugh [D] wonder 25. [A] place [B] back [ C] side [D] front
