ESX服务器配置为Qlogic BIOS实现SAN Boot

如果需要将ESXi/ESX服务器配置为Qlogic BIOS实现SAN Boot,有很几个地方需要配置。首先需要激活HBA BIOS,然后设定和激活选定的、用于启动ESX的LUN,具体步骤如下:

1、启动服务器时,按Ctrl + Q组合键进入到Fast!UTIL配置界面;

o 如果只有一块HBA卡,则它会自动被选定,同时Fast!UTIL选项会出现;
o 如果有多块HBA卡,则需要手动炫动需要设置的对象,在Select Host Adapter屏幕上上下移动选定需要设置的HBA卡后回车;

备注:SAN BOOT建议尽可能使用较小的HBA卡LUN序号;

3、在Fast!UTIL Options界面选择Configuration Settings后回车;

4、在Configratoin Settings界面选择Host Adapter Settings后回车;

5、在Host Adapter Settings界面选择Host Adapter BIOS后回车,将值调整为Enabled模式,这意味着为HBA卡激活BIOS;

6、按ESC退出,然后选择Selectable Boot Settings后回车;

7、在Selectable Boot Settings界面,选择Selectable Boot后回车将值调整为Enabled;

8、选择在列表的中Storage Processor,选定第一个后回车打开Select Fibre Channel Device界面;
9、Use the cursor keys to select the first entry in the list of storage processors and press Enter to open the Select Fibre Channel Device screen.

10、Use the cursor keys to select the chosen storage processor (SP) and press Enter.

Note: Booting from SAN requires selecting the SP with the lowest target ID that has an attached LUN. That is the SP/LUN combination that is seen first in a scan from the HBA. The wwpn sequence does not necessarily correspond with the target ID sequence. If your storage array is an active-passive type, the selected SP must also be the preferred (active) path to the boot LUN. If you are not sure which SP has the lowest target ID or which one has the preferred connection to the boot LUN, use your storage array management software to determine that information.

11、Perform one of these:

If the SP has only one LUN attached, it is automatically selected as the boot LUN, and you do not need to enter the Select LUN screen.

If the SP has more than one LUN attached, the Select LUN screen opens. Use the cursor keys to select the chosen LUN, then press Enter.

Note: Booting from SAN requires choosing the lowest numbered LUN attached to the SP.

12、If there are any remaining storage processors showing in the list, you should position to those entries and press C to clear the data.

13、Press Esc twice to exit and press Enter to save the setting.
