




1 我想预定一张去纽约的机票。I want to book a seat to New York.

2 我想订一张6月23号的单程机票。I want a one-way ticket for June 23rd.

3 我想明天上午动身。I want to depart tomorrow morning.

4 我要一张往返票。I want a round trip ticket.

5 明天到亚特兰大的航班都是几点的? What time are your flights to Atlanta tomorrow?

6 您要头等舱的,还是要经济舱的? Will you be traveling in first class or economy?

7 打折吗? Is there a discount?

8 这趟航班要飞多长时间?How long will this flight take?

9 我想搭乘直飞的航班。I want to take a direct flight.


10 我想取消我预定的去伦敦的航班。I'd like to cancel my reservation to London.

11 如果我想推迟我的航班怎么办?What if I want to put off my flight?

12 如果可能的话,我想改一下我预定的机票。I'd like to change my reservation if possible.

13 我可以等退票。You can put me on standby.

14 我应该提前几个小时退票?How many hours in advance should I return the ticket?

15 这些机票退不了吗?Are these tickets non-refundable ?

16 我若退票的话有罚款吗?Is there a penalty for returning the ticket?

17 我刚刚错过了航班,需要重新确定时间。I just missed my flight,I need to reschedule it.

18 下一个航班何时起飞?When does the next flight leave?

19 还有座位吗?Are there seats still available?


20 看一下您的机票和护照好吗?May I see your ticket and passport, please?

21 我可以携带30公斤的行李吗?Can my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos?

22 我可以随身携带几件行李?How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted?

23 随身的行李允许我带多少?How much hand luggage am I allowed?

24 我想要靠窗的座位。I’d like a window seat.

25 请给我靠道旁的座位好吗?Can I have an aisle seat, please?

26 什么时候起飞?What’s the departure time?

27 飞机何时抵达那/这里?When does the plane get there/here?

28 我们很快就要登机了We will begin boarding soon.。

29 哪个登机口是去往纽约的?Which gate is for the flight to New York?


30 我能看一下您的登机牌吗?May I see your boarding pass please?

31 您能带我去座位吗?Can you show me the way to my seat?

32 您介意和我换位置吗?Would you mind exchanging seats with me?

33 我能把它放进头顶行李舱吗?Can I put it in the overhead compartment(隔间,划分)?

34 我需要一直系着安全带吗?Do I have to keep the seat belt fastened at all times?

35 我现在可以使用卫生间了吗?Can I use the toilet now?

36 能帮我调一下空调的气流吗?Would you please help me adjust the air flow?

37 可以拿条毯子给我吗?Could I have a blanket?

38 能给我份快餐吗?Can you offer me a snack?

39 能给我点喝的吗?Can I have something to drink?


40 请问在哪儿取行李?Excuse me, where can I get my luggage?

41 从中国来的行李在哪个行李传送带上?Which carousel is for the baggage from China?

42 请问行李区在哪儿?Where is the luggage claim area?

43 请出示行李票。Please present your luggage tag.

44 我能用这辆行李车吗?Can I use this baggage cart?

45 我的一个包好像不见了。One of my bags seems to be missing.

46 你们要为我的行李负责。You need to take responsibility for my luggage.

47 我需要有人帮我搬行李。I need someone to help me with the luggage.

48 我的行李被撕了道口子。There’s a rip in my luggage.

49 我的行李受损了。My luggage is damaged.


50 你有签证吗? Do you have your visa?

51 您是什么国籍? What's your nationality?

52 我的签证有效期只剩一天了。My visa expires in one day.

53 这是我的最终目的地。This is my final destination.

54 您计划呆多久? How long do you plan on staying?

55 您来这里的目的是什么?公务还是旅游? What's the purpose of your visit, for

business or for pleasure?

56 我计划停留20天左右,我是来出差的。I ’m planning to stay for 20 days or so,

I'm here for business.

57 我是来开会的。I have come for a conference.

58 我把护照弄丢了。I lost my passport.


59 八次列车每天几点发车?What time does the No.8 train leave every day?

60 您要软座硬座,还是软卧硬卧?What do you prefer,cushion seat,ordinary

seat,cushion berth,ordinary berth?

61 我要两张软卧床铺.Two berth in the cushion sleeper, please.

62 这列火车在我们这站停留多久?How long does this train stay at this station?

63 请问乘坐四次列车应该去哪个站台?Which platform is for the No.4 train?

64 列车为什么晚点了那么久?What is delaying the train so long?

65 请帮我把行李放在上面的行李架上?Please help me put my luggage on the


66 你们在火车上有什么纪念品卖吗?Do you sell any souvenir on the train?

八、. 乘坐公交车

67 你知不知道2路车隔多久来一次?Do you know how often the No.2 Bus runs?

68 这是去图书馆的车吗?Is this the bus to the library?

69 我到博物馆要多少钱车费?How much is the fare to the museum?

70 你刷卡了吗?Did you swipe your card?

71 到站了请叫我一声好吗?Could you tell me where to get off?

72 到芝加哥要多长时间?How long will it take to get to Chicago?

73 我需要转车吗?Do I have to change buses?

74 这有人坐嘛?Is anyone sitting here?

75 请坐过去一点。Please move over.

76 我们到那,还要坐几站How many more stops before we get there?

77我应该在这下车吗?Is this where I should get off?


78 请问这附近有地铁吗?Is there any subway nearby?

79 我找不到地铁入口。I can’t find the subway entrance.

80 坐地铁要花多长时间?How long it will take by subway?

81 先生,这是去往中央公园的地铁吗?Sir,is this the right subway to central


82 你坐反了。You are in the opposite direction.

83 我该怎样转车呢?How do I change?

84 哪个站是换乘站?Which is the transfer station?

85 到西单还有几站?How many stops are there to Xidan station?

86 去图书馆应该走哪个出口?Which exit is for the library?

87 这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗?Is this the transfer station for the loop line?


88 送我去机场。Take me to the airport.

89 请在一小时之内赶到国际机场。Please get to the International Airport within one hour.

90 你可不可以帮我把行李放到行李箱里?Could you help me put the luggage in

the trunk?

91 请到这个地址。Take me to this address please.

92 再快一点行吗?Can you speed up a bit more?

93 请把车窗往上摇。Please roll up the window.

94 我赶时间,请抄近路。I'm in a hurry, please take a short cut.

95 计价器上显示多少?How much does the meter(taxi meter计价器) read?

96 请让我在校门口下车。Please drop me at the school gate.

97 我要发票。I need the receipt.


98. 你能告诉我一些关于这个城市的情况吗?Could you please tell me something

about the city?

99 这个旅行要多少钱?How much is the tour?

100 我想参加城市一日游。I like to take a one day sightseeing tour around the city.

101 你能推荐一些观光的好去处吗?Could you recommend some places for


102你们能给我提供更详尽的信息吗?Can you give me some further information?

103 你能告诉我那里的气候怎么样吗?Could you please tell me something about the climate there?

104 旅客信息咨询处在哪里?Where is the tourist information office?


105你能告诉我怎样办理通关手续吗? Can you tell me how to go through


106 请让我看看您的护照和证件好吗? Would you please show me your

passport and papers?

107 我已经填完所有的通关表格了。I filled out all the customs forms.

108 这是我的报关单。I have my declaration form here.

109我没什么可申报的。I have nothing to declare.

110 那些东西是免税的?What articles are duty-free?

111 我能把这个带入境吗? Can I bring this into this country?

112 我能带多少? How much can I take with me?

113 您能解释一下这条规定吗? Can you explain this regulation for me?

114 务必写清它的产地、品牌和序列号。Be sure to put down its origin, brand and serial number.


115 你们宾馆能住得下50名游客吗?Can your hotel accommodate 50 tourists?

116 我想预订一个单人间。I’d like to book a private room with single bath.

117 外加床铺要收费吗? Is there any charge for an extra bed?

118 我打电话来是想确认一下,我预定的5月5日的房间。I’m calling to conform my reservation for May 5th.

119 我想我已经预订了。I believe I have reservation.

120 还有空房吗? Do you have any vacant rooms?

121 我想预订房间。I’d like to make reservation.

122 我想办理入住登记。I’d like to check in, please.

123 前台提供24小时服务吗?Do you offer 24-hour service at the front-desk?


124 怎么叫客房送餐服务? How do I get room service?

125 如何请人早上叫醒我? How do I arrange a wakeup call?

126 请在7点叫我起床。I’d like a wakeup call at 7 o’clock.

127 请收拾一下浴室好吗? Could you tidy up the bathroom?

128 帮我把窗帘拉上好吗? Could you help me draw the curtains?

129 我的热水瓶空了。My thermos is empty.

130 我们想订明天的早餐。We’d like to order breakfast for tomorrow.

131 我想打国际长途到中国。I’d like to make an overseas call to china.

132 你们提供洗衣服务吗? Do you offer laundry service?

十五、. 结账退房

133 我是现在退房还是一会儿再退。Shall I check out now or later ?

134 现在可以结帐吗?Can I settle my bill now ?

135 能给我账单明细表吗?Can you give me an item of my bill?

136 这款项是什么费用?What does this amount for?

137 我没有打国际长途。I didn’t make any overseas calls

138 你们这里能用信用卡支付吗? Do you take credit card ?

139 请给我发票。I'd like an invoice please

140 你能帮我拿一下行李吗?Can you help me with my luggage ?

141 非常感谢您的帮助。Many thanks for your help.

142 过了结账离店时间会收罚金吗?Is there a penalty for late check- out ?


143 我想请人给咱们照张相。I’d like to ask someone to take a photo for us.

144 这照片拍出来效果应该不错。It would be a good shot.

145 你站的离她近点,好吗? Please stand closer to her.

146 这样不行,我需要用闪光灯。Now,I need to use flash.

147 我要从不同角度给这个雕塑拍照。I’ll shoot the sculpture from various angles. 148 说茄子,好吗? Say cheese, OK?

149 我们得把胶卷洗了。We need to have the films developed.

150 这台数码相机的内存不够了。The memory of this digital camera is not enough.

151 你们这里有这种电池吗? Do you have this kind of battery?


152 你能说的慢一点吗?Can you slow down, please?

153 我说不好英语。I can’t speak English very well.

154 你刚才说什么?What did you say?

155 你能表达的简单一点吗? Can you use an easier expression?

156 我表达不清楚。I can’t make myself understood.

157 我不知道这个用英语怎么说。I don’t know how to say it in English.

158 我听不懂你的意思。I can’t follow you.

159 你能再说一遍吗? Would you please repeat yourself?

160 请你再说一遍好吗? I beg your pardon?


161 你能帮我一下吗? 我迷路了。Can you help me? I’m lost.

162 这条路通向哪? Where does this road lead?

163 我走错方向了。I’m walking the wrong direction.

164 请指出我在地图上的位置。Please point out where I am on the map.

165 我该在哪换车? Where should I change?

166 哪条路线不堵车? Which road has no traffic jam?

167 有多远?How far away is it?

168 步行要花多长时间? How long will it take to get there on foot?

169 你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗? Could you tell me how I can find the railway station?

170 附近有什么标志性的东西吗? Are there any landmarks nearby?


171 我觉得不舒服。I don’t feel well.

172 我觉得冷,并且发抖。I’m cold and shivering.

173 我要看医生越快越好。I need to see the doctor as soon as possible.

174 我头特别疼。I have a terrible headache.

175 我吃的药不管用。The medicine I took isn’t helping.

176 我感到既想呕吐,又想拉肚子。I feel like vomiting and having diarrhea.

177 我有点反胃。I feel a kind of queasy.

178 我会因为受不了胃部的疼痛而晕倒的。I will faint from this unbearable pain in my stomach.


179 我的护照丢了。My passport is missing.

180 我哪也找不到。I can’t find it anywhere.

181 我因为疏忽丢了钱包。I lost my wallet because of my carelessness.

182 我的钱包在地铁上被偷了。I have my wallet nicked on the subway.

183 我已经向警方报案说我丢了钻戒。I have reported the loss of my diamond ring to the police.

184 我找到了丢失的手机。I recovered my lost cell phone.

185 我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李。I claimed my lost luggage in the Lost and Found.


186 咨询台在门口,你可以去那里问问。The information desk is at the gate, you can make an inquiry there.

187 这里有公共厕所吗?Is there a public restroom here?

188 5楼卖什么?What’s on the 5th floor?

189 男士用品在几层? What floor is men’s shop on?

190 女装在哪里?Where is ladies’wear?

191 请问你们这儿卖鞋吗?Do you have shoes here?

192 我在哪可以找到童装?Where can I find children’s clothes.

193 电梯在7层停吗?Does the elevator stop on the 7th floor?

194 请问这里有电梯吗?Is there a lift here, please?

195 你们这儿有售后服务吗? Do you have after sale service here?

196 我找不到自动扶梯。I can’t find the escalators.

197 你们的营业时间是什么时候? What are your hours?

198 周末你们营业吗?Are you open on weekends?


199 我只是看看。I’m just looking around.

200 打扰了,我想买一条领带。Excuse me, I’d like a tie.

201 这酒减价销售吗?Is this wine on sale?

202 多少钱?How much is it?

203 我想给我妻子卖一双凉鞋。I’d like to buy a pair of sandals for my wife.

204 这些商品还有吗? Do you have more of these goods?

205 有没有跟着相配的衬衫?Do you have a shirt to match this?

206 这种鞋你们有7号的吗?Do you have these shoes in size seven?

207 这一件有尺寸大一点的吗?Do you have this in a larger size?

208 这上面没有标价。There’s no price on this item.

209 有没有便宜点的?Do you have anything less expensive?


210 我想试试这一件。I want to try this on.

211 试衣间在哪? Where’s the fitting room?

212 我可以在试衣间试几件?How many items can I take in the changing room?

213 你穿上真好看。That looks nice on you.

214 肩膀处太窄了。It’s too narrow across the shoulders.

215 这正是我所需要的。That’s just what I need.

216 镜子在哪?Where’s the mirror?

217 我还得再看看别家的。I have to keep looking for what I want.

218 我喜欢宽松一点的。I prefer something loose.

219 这件上衣非常合身。This coat fits like a glove.

220 对我来讲太小了。It’s too small for me.


221 我买了。I’ll take it.

222 总共多少钱How much is it altogether?

223 给你,这是100美元。Here you are. 100 dollars.

224 我可用支票支付吗? Can I pay by check?

225 我没有零钱。I don’t have small change.

226 我的现金不够。I don’t have enough cash.

227 我会用分期付款,分20个月付清。I pay the money in 20 monthly installments. 228 你多收我钱了。You overcharged me.

229 请给我开张收据。Please give me a receipt.

230 能不能给我开张发票?Can you make an invoice for me?


231 我想开个账户。I’d like to open an account.

232 这是我的身份证。Here is my ID card.

233 其他的证件行吗? Is other identification OK?

234 你能告诉我怎么办理吗?Could you tell me how to do it?

235 你能告诉我开定期账户的程序吗?Can you tell me the procedure for opening

a time deposit account?

236 开账户我必须存多少钱? How much do I have to deposit to open an account?

237 开一个储蓄账户的最低存款额是多少? What’s the minimum deposit saving account.?

238 开活期账户有服务费吗?Is there a service charge if I open a checking account?

239 我想申请一张信用卡。I’d like to apply for a credit card.

240 我想要存折。I want a bank book.

241 我现在可以输密码了吗? Can I press my pin number now?

242 收手续费吗? Is there a handling charge?


243 我想存钱。I’d like to make a deposit.

244 有利息吗?Is there any interest?

245 利率是多少?What’s the interest rate?

246 我需要填写存款单吗?Do I need to fill out the deposit slip?

247 我需要填写取款单吗?Do I need to fill out the withdraw slip?

248 你能告诉我账户余额吗?Could you tell me the account balance?

249 我想把钱转到储蓄账户上。I’d like to transfer money in my savings account. 250 我想取200美元。I want to make a withdraw of 200 dollars.

251 请给我些零钱。Please give me some change.

252 能给我兑换50块钱零钱吗?Can I have change for a fifty?

253 自动取款机在哪?Where is the automatic teller machine?


254 我把存折弄丢了。I lost my passbook.

255 我是来办理存折挂失的。I’ve come to report the loss of my bankbook.

256 你们能给我一个新的银行卡吗?Can you give me a new bank card?

257 我想销户。I’d like to close my account.

258 我想把账单先还清,然后再把信用卡账户消掉。I’d like to pay the bills first, and then close this credit card account.

259 我还欠这个银行钱吗?Do I still owe money in this bank?

260 我想把这个账户中的钱都取出来。I want to draw all the money in this account. 二十八、汇款

261 请给我一张汇款单。Give me a post order, please?

262 我想汇1,000美元到北京。I’d like to send a sum of 1,000 dollars to Beijing. 263 这张表这样填对吗? Is this form filled in properly?

264 往北京寄400元汇款的手续费是多少? What’s the charge for a 400RMB remittance to Beijing?

265 这笔钱要多久能汇到上海?How long will it take to get to Shanghai?

266 转账要花多长时间?How long will it take to transfer the money?

267 两个小时内能到账吗?Will it arrive within two hours?

268 金额是要用文字而不是阿拉伯数字写吗?Should I write the sum of money in words, not digits?

269 我在哪签名? Where do I sign?

270 我的朋友没有收到我的汇款。My friend didn’t receive my remittance.

271 我来问一下汇款到了没有。I’ve come to inquire about whether the remittance has arrived.

272 这笔汇款还没到。The remittance hasn’t arrived yet.

273 我可以在这儿兑换汇款单吗?Can I have this money order cashed?


274 你们这里办理外汇业务吗? Do you handle foreign exchange here?

275 我想换些外币。I’d like to change some foreign currency.

276 汇率表在哪? Where’s the exchange rate list?

277 如果我想把人民币换成加元怎么办? What should I do if I want to exchange RMB for Canadian dollars?

278 我想把人民币换成美元。I’d like to exchange RMB for US dollars.

279 我想换1,050元人民币的欧元。I’d like to exchange 1,050 RMB for Euros. 280 当前的汇率是多少? What’s the current exchange rate?


281 你能替我配这个处方吗? Can you fill this prescription for me?

282 非处方药不需要处方就能买。OTC medicine doesn’t require a prescription. 283 我拉肚子,有什么药可以吃吗?I have diarrhea. Is there a medicine for it?

284 我想买点止痛药。I’d like some pain killing drugs.

285 那种感冒要好一些?Which cold medicine is better?

286 这些药片在柜台处可以买到吗?Are these tablets available over the counter? 287 这是退烧的,这个可以消炎止痛,对吗?This is for reducing the fever, and this will relieve the pain and subdue the inflammation, right?

288 您能告诉我这要怎么服用吗?Could you tell me how to use this medicine? 289 这要每天吃几次?How many times a day should I take this medicine?

290 这要有副作用吗?Does this drug have any side effects?


291 我的腿受伤了。I have injured my leg.

292 我的左脚踝肿了。My left ankle is swollen.

293 我的脚踝扭伤了。My ankle is twisted.

294 我在楼梯上摔了一跤,受伤了。I fell on stair and hurt myself.

295 我的手腕骨折了。I broke my wrist.

296 关窗户时,我把手指夹伤了。The window pinched my finger as it shut. 297 我的腿要打多长时间的石膏?How long will I have my leg in the cast?

298 我的手指被锋利的刀刺伤了。My finger was pricked by a sharp knife. 299 我的手杯开水烫伤了。My hand was scalded with boiling water.

300 我做这个动作时,这儿就痛。It hurts when I do this.


Outline 1. Introduction 2. The Linguistic Characteristics of Tourism English 2.1 Conciseness and Vividness 2.2 Hospitality and Infectiousness 2.3 Comprehensiveness and Exposition 3. The Theory and Skills of Translation in Tourism English 3.1 Theory of translation 3.2 Translation skills 3.2.1 Addition and Explanation 3.2.2 Deletion 3.2.3 Paraphrase 3.2.4 Rewriting 4. Conclusion 旅游英语的特点及其翻译技巧 Tourism English's Characteristics and Its Translation Skills 1. Introduction Tourism English, as it is so called, is the English language used for tourism and is a particular variety of English in terms of linguistics. It appears with the development of tourism industry, especially international tourism. When people make a visit to some place, they will be provided with all kinds of services needed during the tour. 2. The Linguistics Characteristics of Tourism English


旅游英语的正确翻译-旅游管理 旅游英语的正确翻译 孙阳王永 随着全球化速度加快,人类的经济文化交流日益热络,国际旅游业呈现了蓬勃发展的态势。英语作为国际化语言成为交际成败的重要因素。如何正确的翻译旅游英语已成为翻译界面对的一大课题,笔者首先分析旅游英语的语言特点和文化背景,继而提出正确翻译英语的技巧和策略。以期为正确翻译旅游英语和提升跨文化交际水平提供可行性建议,以促进旅游业的繁荣发展。 一、引言 国际旅游业的繁荣与否,很大程度上取决于语言交际的成败。当前,国内从业者的英语表达和跨文化交际水平较低,成为制约国际旅游业进一步发展的瓶颈。加之旅游英语的特殊性、中西方文化差异(潘洞庭2007)导致英汉两种语言表达上的不同加剧了旅游英语翻译的困难。笔者以翻译的视角通过分析作为旅游英语的特点,深入探讨语言背后的文化差异,分析出其中的原因;继而总结出有利于旅游英语翻译的方法和策略,为从业者英语水平提高和规范表达提供参考。 二、旅游英语的特点 旅游英语在礼仪、用词、风格和文化上均有较大的特点。我们必须意识到这一点,笔者从以下几方面进行分析: (一)在礼节上多用敬辞和情态动词以使语境氛围热情大方,如“please”、“dear”“May I help you ?”等口语中就是最常见的表达。 (二)行业俗语大量出现,这些俗语和习惯用语的出现构成旅游英语翻译的最大特色。如,“a brochure of scenic spot”“景区观光手册”。

(三)旅游英语具备清析易懂,亲切自然的风格。由于游客面对的是陌生的环境,情感交流成为融入当地文化必要途径,因此从业者语言成为感情交流的载体,力求避免出现僵硬的文学教条表达,使语言亲切、自然、大方。如,“您不到长城就是没到北京。” 译:“The Great Wall is a must for you to BeiJing.”貌似简单的交流,但其中热情好客的感情自然流露。 三、旅游英语的中的文化差异 由于英汉两种语言的背后反映了思维方式的差异;加之,我国丰富的文化资源具有深厚的历史,加剧了中西文化思维的差异。 (一)语句结构和表达习惯上的差异;汉语往往为了突显旅游资源的优美,大量使用华丽优雅的词句,而英语恰恰注重平实性。 (二)中外习俗上的差异,导致语言认知上的差异。比如,玉林狗肉节,就导致旅游英语在进行翻译与狗相关的文化时困难较多。 (三)文化上的差异,导致理解上的障碍。(屠玉荣2014)例如,苏州的寒山寺,英译“Cold Mountain Temple”,寒山寺的“文气”尽失,就会缺乏文化底蕴。 四、旅游英语翻译的方法和策略 旅游作为一种跨文化交流行为, 蕴涵着丰富的文化因子(王君2008)。因此,我们要想正确地翻译旅游英语就必须将旅游英语的特点和语言文化、行业特点相结合。 (一)我们应该尊重双方文化的差异,中英文化存在多样性、具有各自的文化理解、行为方式和价值认同,因此我们在翻译时不能强求根据历史的认知去翻译和理解,而应尊重文化的差异,以跨文化的视角在尊重文化本质的基础上寻求


假设你选择的是国外航空公司,同时该公司没有中文服务人员。这时候该怎么办呢?快点储备一些出国旅游实用句型吧~ 1. 托运行李 - 递给对方护照和机票,对方可能会问: How many luggages are you checking in? (有多少件托运行李?) Do you have a carry on? (有手提行李没?) Can you place your baggage up here? (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子)) - 出票前可能会问: Do you prefer window or aisle? (想靠窗还是靠走廊)如果对方不问你,但 是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说 Can I have a seat closest to the window? - 最后,对方给你登机牌,会告诉你登机门号和时间: Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you." * 如果你行李超重,对方会说 your luggage is overweight. 以上问题回答都 是yes, no的就不写了 2. 飞行过程中的英语 - 其实没什么好说的,无非是让你选餐时,你选chicken还是beef此类的.....你就说 Chicken please 一切OK. 如果想要东西时,句型很简单,就是 Excuse me, Could I have a cup of orange juice, please 这种. * 如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说 Could I get another blanket, please, I'm a little cold. * 如果要在飞机上填入境表,没有笔可以说: Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form? * 如果要找个人换座,可以说:Would it be possible to change seats with someone? * 如果有人坐在你椅子上了,可以说: I'm sorry, I think you are in my seat. * 机场广播一般.....不用听懂.....空乘可能会提醒你的就是: Please fasten your seat belt (请系紧安全带)这类。 3. 在境外转机 转机时,先看机票上的航班号,然后从机场的航班指示屏幕上找到该航班在那个GATE登机,最后顺着机场标示走到这个GATE就好,不需要说话。但特殊情况可能是,你到了后,发现屏幕上有你要转的航班号,但是后面的GATE是空的,这 时候你可以向机场工作人员确认下 hello, could you tell me which gate is for the flight XXX(航班号) please,一般他们都会回答这个飞机delay了,或者在maintain , 需要再等待一下。


1.Is this where we can check in for flight 237 to Los Angeles? 请问飞往洛杉机的237号班机是在这里办理登机手续吗? 2. We’d like a seat with plenty of leg room and a window. 我们想要一个伸脚空间宽阔而且靠窗的座位。 3. When will the flight board?航班什么时候起飞? 4. Excuse me. I didn’t hear the announcement clearly. Please tell me what they said. 抱歉,我听不清楚广播,请告诉我广播些什么? 5. Where should I board? 我应该在什么地方登机? 6. Is the flight for Seattle leaving on time? 往西雅图的班机会准时出发吗? 7. May I have your ticket and passport, please? 请让我看你的机票和护照好吗? 8.When am I supposed to check in? 我应该什么时候办理登机手续? 9.I’d like to check in for Flight No. 72. 我想办理72次航班的登机手续。 10. I’d like to consign my luggage by air. 我想航空托运这些行李。 11. How much is the airport tax? 机场税多少? 12. How much extra do I have to pay? 我要再付多少? 13. Would you please help me adjust the air flow? 请您帮我调节一下空调好吗? 14. Why are you interested in working with this travel agency? 你为什么对在这家旅行社工作感兴趣?


简单的旅游英语口语精选 随着全球经济发展一体化以及我国经济的全面发展,英语作为国际通用语言的地位日益突出。整理了简单的旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读! 简单的旅游英语口语一苏州一日游 Excuse me,is this the Gusu Travel Agency? 对不起,这里是姑苏旅行社吗? What can I do for you,sir? 先生,要我为您做什么吗? Would you please tell me something about the city? 你能告诉我有关这个城市的一些情况吗? It is called the Venice of the East because of its net work of canals. 它河道密布,被称为东方的“威尼斯”。 It is world-famous especially for its landscaped gardens. 它尤其以它的园林闻名于世。 These gardens are not large but curious in their de-signs. 这些庭园规模不大,但设计巧妙。 They bring together the beauties of nature,architecture and painting.

这些庭园,集自然美、建筑美和绘画美于一体。 I'd like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around the city. 我想参加苏州一日游。 They can give you further information. 他们能给您提供更详尽的说明。 I really want to see these places:Zhuozheng Yuan Garden,Shizi Lin Garde,Hanshan SiTemple and Huqiu(Tiger Hill)。 我很想去看看这些地方:拙政园、狮子林、寒山寺和虎丘。 Do you have any tours that include all of them? 你们有没有包括这些地方的一日游? How long does the tour take? 这趟旅行要花多长时间? What is the cost of the tour? 这趟旅行费用要多少? it's ninety yuan,including lunch. 90元,包括午餐。 简单的旅游英语口语二逛豫园 Where do you intend to take a trip today? 您想到什么地方去旅游呢? I suppose we'd better go to famous Yu Yuan Garden which is located in the southern partof the city of Shanghai.


关于乘机旅行的词汇 来源:日期:2006年01月04日02:02:31阅读13555 次作者: boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞行 bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight 平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯 altitude, height 高度 extra flight 加班 non-stop flight 连续飞行 circling 盘旋 forced landing 迫降 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度 cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 first class 头等舱

night service 夜航 airsick 晕机 to taxi along 滑行 landing 着陆 to face the wind 迎风 air route,air line 航线 climbing,to gain height 爬升 economy class,tourist class 经济舱 connecting flight 衔接航班 direct flight, straight flight 直飞 to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸 to lose height, to fly low 降低 to take off, take-off 起飞 to board a plane,get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane,alight from a plane 下飞机 旅行常用词汇之机票篇 来源:日期:2006年01月04日02:02:08阅读6725 次作者: 飞机票(指限定条件) endoresement/restrictions


第八章 旅游文本中典故、诗词、俗语、楹联等的翻译 第一模块:热身练习 翻译下列文本,看旅游文本中一些文化现象在翻译中该如何处理: 1.whicheven part of Scotland takes you fancy,history is never far away.You feel it in the brooding presence of Glencoe,evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonads as they slept. You touch it when you hike tyrough the hills and stumble across the ruins of a deserted shieling. You see it in the weatherworm stones of turreted castales. You hear in in rousing Border ballads and haunting Hebridean melodies. 1.苏格兰令人心仪的地方都连着一段历史。置身格伦科山谷,会感到历史之森然。1692年那个背信弃义的冬夜,坎贝尔上尉率兵趁麦克唐纳族人熟睡时将他们杀害。穿越绵绵山丘,偶见荒屋废墟时,能触摸到历史的脉搏。在古堡塔楼那些风雨侵蚀的石块上,会看见历史的印记。在动人的边区歌谣和难忘的赫布里底音乐中,会听见历史的回音。 2.Englishman Lesline Stephen wass one of the true pioneers of mountaineering. In 1871, when tourism in Switzerland was still in its infancy,he publishesd a book on climbing in the Swiss Alps, aptly titled The Playground of


简单旅游英语对话 T:Thanks you. Shall we stand a bit further? I would like to take the tower in.谢谢,我们能站远点吗?我想把这塔照进去。 S:No problem.没问题。 T:That's OK. If you want the photo I will mail it to you.好了,如果你想要照片的话,我会把它寄给你的。 S:No need, sir.不用了,先生。 简单旅游英语对话二Old Town旧城After consulting their guidebook, Kathy and Evandecide to visit Old Town, the oldest section ofStockholm.凯西和艾凡查阅旅游指南后,决定去参观斯德哥尔摩最老旧的城区─旧城。 E:This is right up my alley. A whole medieval town in its original condition.艾凡:这正合我的胃口。 一整座原始风貌的中古城镇。 K:Leave it to you to get off on ancient buildings. Me? I like the modern world better.凯西:只有你才会喜欢那些古老的建筑。 我呢?我比较喜欢现代化的世界。 E:Come on, Kathy. You know I like the modern world, too,艾凡:拜托,凯西。 你知道我也喜欢现代化的世界,but I really appreciate knowing how people used to live and what their lives were like. K:I have to admit that I'm a little interested in it, too. This Old Town is


旅游英语复习资料 选择 20*1 TEXT A后面的exercises 答案:unit1:ABBDB ACD unit2:DABCC ABD unit5:BABDA CCD unit6:BBAAD CDB unit8:BAABD BCB unit9:C-BAB AAD 简答题:6*5 Page3:1、Why do people like travelling so much? Because traveling can not only broaden one’s mind, but also provide ample chances to satisfy the need of one’s self-actualization or self-realization which is at the top of the hierarchy of human needs 2、What helps to stimulate the tourist industry both at home and abroad? The desire to know about other places or countries, to search for all kinds of experiences, to meet new people and make new friendships, etc. helps to stimulate the tourist industry Page29:3、What do you think of tourism as a thriving business? When one travels away from home, it is necessary for him to use a certain means of transportation and to have food and shelter if he is away for more than one day. As a result, a lot of people have developed a thriving business catering to tourists. In a word, tourism is a movement of people that gives rise to a variety of economic activities. 6、How is tourism defined by WTO in 1992?


旅游常用英语 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

2楼. 机场英语(托运行李、飞机上、转机、入海关、返回时过安检) 3楼. 交通工具 4楼. 酒店英语(入住、退房) 5楼. 用餐(快餐、正式餐馆) 6楼. 购物 7楼. 其他 (银行兑换旅行支票,问路等) 机场英语 假设你选择的是国外航空公司,同时该公司没有中文服务人员。如果选择的是国航等,那就不用考虑托运行李,飞机上的英语了。 1.托运行李 2.飞行过程中的英语 3. 在境外转机 4. 抵达目的地,入关 5. 从目的地返回时过安检 1. 托运行李 - 递给对方护照和机票,对方可能会问: How many luggages are you checking in (有多少件托运行李) Do you have a carry on (有手提行李没) Can you place your baggage up here (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子)) - 出票前可能会问: Do you prefer window or aisle (想靠窗还是靠走廊)如果对方不问你,但是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说 Can I have a seat closest to the window - 最后,对方给你登机牌,会告诉你登机门号和时间: Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you." * 如果你行李超重,对方会说 your luggage is overweight. 以上问题回答都是yes, no的就不写了。2.飞行过程中的英语


What is a Tour Guide? A tour guide is a person who leads tourists to scenic spots and historic attractions and introduces the history and culture of these places to them. Jobs done by Tour Guides navigating, communicating, interpreting, role-modeling appropriate behavior, entertaining, treating injury, ensuring safety, managing disasters etc Five Key Roles An Information Provider beaquainted with a great deal information about your country, eg. population, nationalities, geography, agriculture and industry, culture and customs, clothing and food, etc. A Teacher help inbound tourists learn and understand the history, culture, traditions and important ideas of your city as well as China. An Entertainer make yourself a humorous entertainer, not a stage actor but a friendly, active, high-spirited person to help your guests enjoy their travel. A Host take care of your guests; make them feel welcome and comfortable; feed them and accomodate them; protect them and keep them safe. A Disaster Manager know and practice the routines and procedures needed to adapt in a number of challenging and threatening circumstances; remain cool-headed enough to take right steps when threatened, a new role in a time of globalization and sustainable development. Section C Techniques of Handling Bus Tour Guiding 1. Cooperating with the driver Learn to respect your driver partner, distinguish your respective roles and try to establish a professional, friendly, positive and fun relationship with him. 2. Dealing with visitors in steps 1) deliver a welcome speech; 2) set up the ground rules for the tour; 3) learn to take a count of visitors in a subtleway; 4) try to remember visitors’ name. 3. Proper time management 1) Timing is crucial to bus tours, and design your commentary beforehand. 2) Familiarize yourself with the tour routes and match your commentary with the things within visitors’ sight. 3) Note your introduction and explanation must be brief and concise because the bus runs at a fairly high speed. 2. Check-in at a hotel steps for the local guide to follow when checking in the group: 1) The local guide should instruct his group to wait in the lobby. 2) Help tour leader to go through the check-in procedure. 3)Confirm the room arrangements with the tour leader beforehand. 4)The receptionist give the tour leader a rooming list and a packet of keys. 5) The tour leader assigns the rooms to the group. The local guide introduces the main facilities of the hotel. 6) Convey important information to the group. 7) Stay in the lobby for 20 minutes after each member gets the key. 8) The guide informs the floor attendant when tourists find their rooms dirty and in disorder, or they are having some other problems. Tourist schedule A very detailed tourist schedule should be worked out after you have read the reception plan carefully. Firstly a reception


旅游英语翻译范文 很多老外来中国旅游,除了惊叹于中国的经济发展速度,现代化的城市建筑和日益发达的交通之外,经常吐槽中国的一件事情就是大街上的英文翻译,因为中国各个地方的标语翻译都是千奇百怪,令人啼笑皆非,很多老外来中国都看不懂这些英语,闹出了不少笑话。 首先,提到中国大街上英文标语翻译上的错误,最基本的就是把英文单词拼错,比如说:把警察POLICE拼成PLOICE,听起来打击效率好像没有那么高 还有这个,新华书店把BOOK STORE写成BOOK STORY! 但是大家看看这张照片,我说哥们儿,你怎么连自己国家的名字都能拼错! 其实在公共场所还有一个标语,也是非常重要的,对,就是厕所!大家可能想说,厕所这么简单、这么常见的一个单词,出错的机率应该非常低吧!不过好像也不能这么说! 比如这个小便间的标示,把空间的“间”翻译成了BETWEEN,之间的间,当然在你和尿之间只有厕所啦!

另外提醒大家上厕所的时候,也要特别看清楚再进去,比如这个厕所把女厕写成了男厕! 或者拼成奇奇怪怪的单词! 不过我觉得最霸气的还是这个女厕的标示,WOMAN KINGDOM,女人王国! 不讲厕所了,其实不管是哪种语言,因为文化还有一些其它因素的关系,菜单的翻译经常也很容易闹笑话! 牛油多士翻译成牛油很多士兵,拿破仑炒意粉翻译成拿破仑炒点子面粉! 其实这些我都觉得还好,至少不至于影响食欲,但是有一些菜本来是很好吃的,但是如果先看英文菜名,老外们可能会立刻夺门而出,像是这个宫保鸡丁,被翻译成PUBLIC EXPLOSION CHICKEDN,公开爆炸的鸡,这可能需要叫一下PLOICE来看看了。 还有这个炒拔烂子,翻译成炒拔出来的烂掉的孩子,实在是太吓人了。


2楼. 机场英语(托运行李、飞机上、转机、入海关、返回时过安检) 3楼. 交通工具 4楼. 酒店英语(入住、退房) 5楼. 用餐(快餐、正式餐馆) 6楼. 购物 7楼. 其他(银行兑换旅行支票,问路等) 机场英语 假设你选择的是国外航空公司,同时该公司没有中文服务人员。如果选择的是国航等,那就不用考虑托运行李,飞机上的英语了。 1.托运行李 2.飞行过程中的英语 3. 在境外转机 4. 抵达目的地,入关 5. 从目的地返回时过安检 1. 托运行李 - 递给对方护照和机票,对方可能会问: How many luggages are you checking in (有多少件托运行李) Do you have a carry on (有手提行李没) Can you place your baggage up here (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子)) - 出票前可能会问: Do you prefer window or aisle (想靠窗还是靠走廊)如果对方不问你,但是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说 Can I have a seat closest to the window? - 最后,对方给你登机牌,会告诉你登机门号和时间: Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you." * 如果你行李超重,对方会说 your luggage is overweight. 以上问题回答都是yes, no的就不写了。 2.飞行过程中的英语


(课改)旅游英语1 复习资料答案 一、Translate the following words into Chinese. 1.私人旅游助理/私人导游 2.领队 3.全陪 4.白灼虾 5.龙虎斗 6.乌龙茶 7.珠江三角洲 8.地级市 9.丹霞地貌 10.九龙桥 11.地陪 12.珠江三角洲 13.清明上河图 14.北京烧瓷(景泰蓝)15.全方位的 16.登机手续 17.登机牌 18.托运行李 19.烤乳猪 20.太爷鸡 21.行李票 22.托运行李 23.烧味 24.兑换单 25.大床房 26.省会 27.市花 28.海上丝绸之路 29.五羊石像 30.珠江夜游 二、Translate the following dialogue into English with the information given. (One) 1. are you Mrs. Black from the United States 2.I’m your local guide Li Ming, from China Youth Travel Service 3.Did you enjoy your trip 4.You have a group of 30 5.Is everybody in your group here 6.How many pieces of luggage do you have 7.I’ll ask the porter to take care of them 8.Please follow me to the coach (Two) 1. What can I do for you 2. offers all kinds of tea 3. green tea, black tea, oolong tea, scented tea and tea bricks. 4. How about some oolong te a. It’s very famous in China. 5. It is often referred to as the weight loss tea in China since it may aid with metabolism. 6. No, you are not fat at all. 7. I will make some tea for you before you decide whether to buy or not. (Three) 1. Is there anything I can do for you 2. These are made right here in Guangzhou 3. The smaller ones are 90 yuan each, and the bigger ones are 120 yuan each. 4. Is there anything else you want 5. Which one do you prefer


摘要:21世纪国的旅游业得到了迅猛发展,在我成为了个旅游资源大国,这里起着至关重要的作用。英语和翻译的旅游特色的地位,并总结了一些旅游英语翻译方法。 现在,在世界各地使用英语的人口不断增加,英语成为全球化交流的语言,同时旅游业是巩固英语的重要作用,作为一个全球性的语言,旅游英语各年龄段的人越来越多。一个国家希望旅游业的全面发展,必须要有良好的品质,英语导游,以便它可以使旅游英语语言知识和旅游专业知识紧密联系起来,在更广泛的社会效益。 一、旅游英语的特点 1.1、旅游英语,包括一个丰富的语言和文化的内涵 文化是其中最重要的因素,如旅游业,通过当地文化旅游的人可以来的情绪。每一个游客,旅游业不仅是享受当地的景观和观光,更多的是当地的风土人情,独特的地域文化,以吸引和影响情绪。因此,除了在旅游英语的技术术语,也包括物质文化的语言,旅游英语,具有深厚的文化底蕴和文化浅。浅的英语词汇,发音和语法的一些基本要素的方式铺平道路,为文化内容和材料,文化底蕴深厚的文化,是一个旅游材料,旅游用品和欣赏的文化产品分析过程的理解。 1.2、旅游英语立体美,语言特点 在旅游过程中,旅游者在旅游活动的消费,其中大部分是旅游和文化消费。因此,为了促进旅游和文化消费和审美享受,是一个至关重要的因素,促进当地文化,旅游英语的基础上,提炼的审美元素,能够表达独特的文化内涵。勤劳勇敢的中国人民在祖国美丽富饶的地球在同一时间的发展和建设,我们也留下了许多文化古迹,独特的自己独特的风俗,工艺品和美食,此山水之美和历史文化通过一个独特的旅游文化的巧妙结合。旅游英语可作为以弘扬中国文化,吸引游客观光的重要媒介,使我国的文化传统发扬光大。 二、旅游英语翻译的 非常丰富的旅游资源,在中国,但在国际舞台上的旅游资源的知名度是非常小的,很多外国人只知道一些知名的城市,如北京,上海和中国其他旅游目的地,还不是很了解。因此,外商在中国旅游业的了解甚少,他们只是一些媒体的数据,文字或互联网访问适当的信息。过去两年,许多旅游城市和著名的旅游景点都发表在中文和英文的旅游信息和指导书,内容更详细介绍。然而,在英语翻译或缺乏相应的专业人员,太多的时间编制的随意性,大量的旅游信息,从学生的手或翻译公司。此外,许多我们的旅游景点,导游的英语水平还需要到可以改善这是1指南翻译中的大差异的口头翻译的时间编写的原始严重的原因,和甚至错误,特别是在饭店,酒店和街道的翻译更是漏洞百出。全面提高旅游英语翻译的水平,今天的旅游业发展的主要目标,然而,做到这一点,我们必须抓住旅游英语翻译。 旅游英语翻译 3.1增加的词汇和注释的法律的正确使用 文化差异在语言和信息传输必须是有一些障碍,特别是外国旅游者的数量,不熟悉的历史,文化和故事。因此,文化传播时,应尽量减少读者理解的翻译,文化上的障碍,从而能够实现的文化交流更理想的目标。要求读者和原来的读者是在不同文化背景的东西,原来的读者在翻译时表示,可能是相当陌生的读者。因此,在这个时候,原来的读者在翻译的过程中,多使用一些词汇,复杂的句子或条款进行补充和票据,从而有效地缩短了原来的读者和读者之间的文化差距。放大和注释的方法是为目的,以方便外国游客了解,更有利于他们对中国文化的理解。推出的“饺子”,例如,一定会与屈原的内容,如果译者在翻译过程中,而不是屈原任何介绍,只是简单地只会使游客无法了解雾水。因此,如果翻译告诉此时的游客,屈原是1:在著名的中国学者,政治家,谁三百年livedsome之前出生Christd在这个时候如此,游客将“饺子”离开了中国龙更深的印象端午节将了解更多。 3.2注重翻译的名字


英语旅游日记简单 旅游,是一件很幸福的事情,下面就由小编为大家整理英语旅游日记简单,欢迎大家查看! 英语旅游日记简单一: I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday。It was hot and sunny that day。It took us about two hours to get there by bus。There were thousands of people in the zoo。We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on。We also saw the elephant show。The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us。At noon we had a picnic in the zoo。And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin。We didn’t go home until 5:00 in the afternoon。Although we were tired,we felt happy。 上周日我和朋友们去了动物园。那天天气很热、晴朗。我们乘公交大约两个小时才到那。动物园里有成千上万的人。我们看见了许多动物。如:熊猫、袋鼠、北极熊、长颈鹿、大象、老虎、狼、蛇等等。我们也看了大象表演。大象是如此聪明的动物,他们能象我们人类一样做动作。中午我们野餐并把垃圾扔到了垃圾箱。我们直到10点才回家。尽管我们很累,我们去非常高兴。
