



































Name Date 注: 优秀(A)良好(B)合格(C)待改进(D)

Part I Myths and T ales神话传说

Lesson 1 Apollo 阿波罗

Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo. He was the son of Zeus and Leto. According to Greek mythology, Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on. There she gave birth to the twins, Apollo and Artemis.

Apollo was the sun-god. He wore a purple robe(长袍). He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky. During the day he drove his carriage of gold and ivory (象牙), and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Late in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.

Apollo was the god of music and poetry. He could stir up all feelings. These feelings are expressed in lofty songs. With his lyre (古希腊的竖琴) of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice he led the choir of the Muses at Olympus. The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidon build up the walls of Troy (特洛伊城). On one occasion, invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas, he won and then flayed him to death for his pride. On another occasion, he lost out to Pan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge, King Midas, into those of an ass(驴).

His son, Orpheus, took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.

Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty. His golden hair, stately manner and air all

combined to make him the admiration of the world. A beautiful girl, by the name of Clytle, was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground, her hands outstretched towards the sun god, and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racing across the blue sky. Though her love was not returned, she had never changed her mind about Apollo. The gods were moved at the sad sight, and changed her into a sunflower.

Words and Expressions(词和短语)

1. admire vt.崇拜,钦佩

2. lofty adj. 崇高的,高尚的

3. march v.行军,前进

4. rhythmic a dj. 韵律的,有节奏的

5. stately a dj. 庄严的,威严的

6. outstretch v. 伸出,伸展

7. according to 根据8. take pity on 同情,怜悯

9. give birth to生,生育10. lose to 输给……

11. take over接管12. stand for代表

Lesson 2 The Little Match Girl


Once upon a time, a little girl tried to make a living by selling matches in the street.

It was New Y ear?s Eve and the snow clad streets were deserted. From brightly lit windows came the tinkle (发出清脆的声响)of laughter and the sound of singing. People were getting ready to bring in the New Y ear. But the poor little match seller sat sadly beside the fountain. Her ragged dress and worn scarf did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. She hadn?t sold one box of matches all day and she was frightened to go home, for her father would certainly be angry. It wouldn?t be much warmer anyway, in the draughty attic (阁楼) that was her home. The little girl?s fingers were frozen with cold. If only she could light a match! But what would her father say at such a waste! Falteringly (迟疑地)she took out a match and lit it. What a nice warm flame! The little match seller cupped her hand over it, and as she did so, she magically saw in its light a big brightly burning stove.

She held out her hands to the heat, but just then the match went out and the vision faded. The night seemed blacker than before and it was getting colder. A shiver (寒噤) ran through the little girl?s thin body. After hesitating for a long time, she struck another match on the wall, and this time, the glimmer turned the wall into a great sheet of crystal. Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick. Holding out her arms towards the plates, the little match seller seemed to pass through the glass, but then the match went out and the magic faded. Poor thing: in just a few seconds she had caught a glimpse of everything that life had denied her: warmth and good things to eat. Her eyes were filled with tears and she lifted her gaze to the lit windows, praying that she too might know a little of such happiness.

She lit the third match and an even more wonderful thing happened. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering (闪烁) with tinsel (金属箔) and colored balls. “Oh. How lovely!” shouted the little match seller, holding up the match. Then, the match burned her finger and went out. The light from the Christmas candles rose higher and higher, then one of the lights fell, leaving a trail behind it. “Someone is dying,” murmured the little girl, as she remembered her beloved Granny who used to say: “When a star falls, a heart stops beating!”

Scarcely aware of what she was doing, the little match seller lit another match. This time, she saw her grandmother.

“Granny, stay with me!” she pleaded, as she lit one match after the other, so that her

grandmother could not disappear like all the other visions. However, Granny did not disappear but gazed smilingly at her. Then she opened her arms and the little girl hugged her crying: “Granny, take me away with you!”

A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road. Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches.

“Poor little thing!” exclaimed the passers-by. “She was trying to keep warm!”

But by that time, the little match seller was far away where there is neither cold, hunger nor pain.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. deserted adj.冷清清的

2. draughty adj. 漏风的

3. vision n.景象

4. fade v .消逝,消失

5. strike vt. 擦(火柴);击打

6. hesitate v. 迟疑,犹豫

7. glimpse n .v. 一瞥8. deny v.否定,否认

9. pray v. n. 祈祷10. aware adj.意识到,觉察

11. exclaim v.呼喊,惊叫

Lesson 3 The Pied Piper of Hamelin


Once upon a time, on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin. The citizens of Hamelin were honest people who lived contentedly in their grey stone houses. The years went by, and the town grew very rich. Then one day, an extraordinary thing happened to disturb the peace. Hamelin had always had rats, and a lot too. But they had never been a danger, for the cats had always solved the rat problem in the usual way—by killing them. All at once, however, the rats began to multiply.

In the end, a black sea of rats swarmed over the whole town. First, they attacked the barns and storehouses then, for lack of anything better, they gnawed(啃)the wood, cloth or anything at all. The one thing they didn?t eat was metal. The terrified citizens flocked to plead with the town councilors(委员会)to free them from the plague of rats(鼠疫). But the council had, for a long time, been sitting in the Mayor?s room, trying to think of a plan.

“What we need is an army of cats!”

But all the cats were dead.

“We?ll put down poisoned food then…”

But most of the food was already gone and no poison stopped the rats.

“It just can?t be done without help!” said the Mayor sadly.

Just then, while the citizens milled around outside, there was a loud knock at the door. “Who can that be?”the city fathers wondered uneasily, mindful of the angry crowds. They gingerly opened the door. And to their surprise, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes, with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them.

“I?ve freed other towns of beetles and bats,”the stranger announced, “and for a thousand florins, I?ll rid you of your rats.”

“A thousand florins!” exclaimed the Mayor. “We?ll give you fifty thousand if you succeed!” At once the stranger hurried away, saying, “It?s late now, but at dawn tomorrow, there won?t be a rat

left in Hamelin!”

The sun was still below the horizon, when the sound of a pipe wafted through the streets of Hamelin. The pied piper slowly made his way through the houses and behind him flocked the rats. Out they scampered from doors, windows and gutters (沟), rats of every size, all after the piper. And as he played, the stranger marched down to the river and straight into the water, up to his middle. Behind him swarmed the rats and every one was drowned and swept away by the current.

By the time the sun was high in the sky, there was not a single rat in the town. There was even greater delight at the town hall, until the piper tried to claim his payment. “Fifty thousand florins?”exclaimed the councilors, “Never…”

“A thousand florins at least!” cried the pied piper angrily. But the Mayor broke in. “The rats are all dead now and they can never come back. So be grateful for fifty florins, or you?ll not get even that…”

His eyes flashing with anger, the pied piper pointed a threatening finger at the Mayor.

“Y ou?ll bitterly regret ever breaking your promise,” he said, and disappeared.

A shiver of fear ran through the councilors, but the Mayor shrugged and said excitedly, “We?ve saved fifty thousand florins!”

That night, freed from the nightmare of the rats, the citizens of Hamelin slept more soundly than ever. And when the strange sound of piping wafted through the streets at dawn, only the children heard it. Drawn as by magic, they hurried out of their homes. Again, the pied piper paced through the town, this time, it was children of all sizes that flocked at his heels to the sound of his strange piping. The long procession soon left the town and made its way through the wood and across the forest till it reached the foot of a huge mountain. When the piper came to the dark rock, he played his pipe even louder still and a great door creaked open. Beyond lay a cave. In trooped the children behind the pied piper, and when the last child had gone into the darkness, the door creaked shut. A great landslide(山崩)came down the mountain blocking the entrance to the cave forever. Only one little lame boy escaped this fate. It was he who told the anxious citizens, searching for their children, what had happened. And no matter what people did, the mountain never gave up its victims. Many years were to pass before the merry voices of other children would ring through the streets of Hamelin but the memory of the harsh lesson lingered in everyone?s heart and was passed down from father to son through the centuries.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. multiply v.增加

2. content adj. 满足

3. swarm v.密集

4. flock v. 聚集

5. uneasily adv.不安地

6. threaten v.威胁

7. claim v.索取,索赔8. current n. 水流

9. procession n.队伍10. troop v. 群集

11. harsh adj. 严厉的12. block v. 封锁

13. all at once 突然14. rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱……

15. make one?s way 前进16. break in 插嘴,插话

PartⅡFigure stories人物故事

Lesson 1 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong流行歌星和创作者:韩红

Songs about Tibet are growing in popularity among China?s pop music circles today, and they?ve caused a lot of interest in the region. But the songs of Han Hong, a Tibetan-born young song-writer, are particularly beautiful because they?re based on her own experiences and knowledge of the culture.

Many people didn?t expect Han Hong to become a famous pop star in China, for she didn?t have the attractive look and slim figure that is usually associated with successful personalities in the pop industry. Despite discouraging comments, Han Hong has never given up her pursuit of a career in music. Now she has become famous for being one of the few all-around female musicians who not only sings well, but is a very successful songwriter.

Han Hong was born in 1971 in Xigaze, the second largest city in the Tibet after Lhasa, and was given the Tibetan name, Gesang Zhuoma. That?s why quite a number of her songs are deeply rooted with Tibetan culture and music traditions.

At the age of nine, Han Hong came to Beijing to receive professional vocal training in a children?s choru s (合唱团). This was just the start of the long way in pursuit of a professional musical career. In 1985, 14-year-old Han Hong won her first national prize in a singing competition.

Han Hong?s ambition goes far beyond just being a pop singer, though. She also writes her own music. She started composing songs in 1993, without having had any professional training. Maybe this helped her form her own style, which has become popular with so many listeners.

Quite a number of Han Hong?s songs combine elements of classical Tibetan folk music with pop music. Her songs have thrown a light on the mysterious and rich culture of Tibet and caused a lot of interest.

The song Brilliant Rays on a Snowy Landscape (《雪域光芒》) is one of Han Hong?s early works, which conveys the vastness (广博) and beauty of Tibet. It swept various pop song billboards across China, receiving more than 20 awards.

As a pop singer in Beijing, she also tried different styles of music, such as Jazz, R&B, Rock and Roll and Latin music.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. popularity n. 流行

2. personality n. 性格;人物

3. despite prep.尽管,虽然

4. comment n.v.评价

5. pursuit n. 追求

6. professional adj.专业的

7. combine v. 结合,联合8. element n.要素,元素

9. mysterious adj.神秘的10. convey v.揭示

11. be based on 以……为基础12. be associated with 相联系

13. thrown a light on 解释

Lesson 2 Special Fund in Honor of Hong Zhanhui


A special fund has been set up to support students who are suffering hardships in honor of a young man named Hong Zhanhui, a 23-year-old college student in Huaihua of Hunan Province. Hong was born in a poor rural family in Xihua County in 1982. When he was 12 years old, his father caught a mental illness and killed his sister. Later, the family adopted a girl, naming her Chenchen. A year later, Hong?s mother walked out because she couldn?t stand the beatings from her husband.

Hong has since shouldered all the burdens on his own. He had to split his time and energy into

earning money, looking after Chenchen, treating his father, and educating himself. He took on a lot of part-time jobs, such as selling instant noodles(方便面), selling ball-point pens, books, potatoes, and so on. “Many people looked down upon me for selling then,”Hong recalled, “But I didn?t care.”

After his stories were known by the public, he received a large amount of donation. He thought he himself had passed the worst time and there were many other people who needed help much more than him. “I think it is more important for a man to support himself and be strong. I want to be such a man, who brings opportunities to other people instead of myself.”

He tried his best to return all of them. He put those from the donators who didn?t leave their names into the fund to help others. But he insists that those who accept help from the fund must pay back the money after they pass the hardships. He says that the help which doesn?t need to be repaid may be something selfish, because it may hurt a person?s pride as a human.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. mental adj.心理的,精神的

2. adopt vt. 收养;采纳,采取

3. burden n. v. 负担

4. split v. 分离,分裂

5. recall v. 回忆

6. opportunity n. 机会,机遇

7. in honor of 为了纪念……,向……表示敬意

8. took on 承担;呈现;雇佣

Lesson 3 Louis Armstrong


Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong (1900—1971), an African-American musician, is one of the most important figures in the history of jazz. In the 1920s, this trumpeter, singer and bandleader began exploring the boundaries of jazz technique and style. Masters of jazz today admit their debt to this pioneer.

Armstrong?s gift was obvious from the start of his career. His earliest recordings first with a band led by his former teacher, Joe “King” Oliver, and then with his own band earned Armstrong international fame for technical originality. He freed his playing from the ordinary rhythms (节奏) of early jazz by creating musical phrases that seemed to go against the pulse of a song, only to combine them in the place later. His deep and rough voice became as special as his cornet (短号)playing, especially in his scat performances. Scat is a singing style in which meaningless syllables (音节) are repeated without preparation. Armstrong?s scat was among the earliest ever recorded.

By 1930, Armstrong had turned to more commercial, less experimental jazz. Some musicians criticized him for this. But others insisted that the real power of Armstrong?s art lay in its grace and sensitivity, fine qualities of the heart which remained in his music.

In the following years, Armstrong traveled around the world as the leading “goodwill ambassador” of American jazz music. The gentleness and great attraction of “Satchmo” filled his music and made him one of the world?s most beloved performers for over forty years.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. explore v.探索

2. boundary n.边界,界线

3. former adj.原先的,前面的

4. originality n. 创造力,独创性

5. commercial adj.商业的

6. criticize v.批评

7. grace n.优雅8. ambassador n.大使

9. go against 违背,违反10. turn to 转向

Part 3 社会风情

Lesson 1. American Breakfast美国早餐

Popular breakfast foods in the United States, as in many other countries

around the world, include coffee, milk , juice, eggs, and bread. Some other breakfast items served in the United States are thought by many to be traditionally American. However, they actually come from other cultures.

A very popular breakfast food in America is the pancake--- a thin , flat cake made out of flour and often served with maple syrup. The idea of the pancake is very old. In fact, pancakes were made long ago in ancient China.

Bagels, a round thick bread with a hole in the middle , are also popular for breakfast in America. Polish people in the late 1600s came up with the idea for the first bagels and this new kind of bread soon took off across Eastern Europe.

In the late 1800s, thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe travelled to the United States and brought the recipe for bagels with them. Today, New Y ork bagels are said to be the best in the world. Many people have them with cream for breakfast on the go.

Doughnuts (usually spelled “donut”in the United States) came from France. They were served to American soldiers in France in the World WarⅠ.After the war, American soldiers asked cooks in the United States to make doughnuts for them. Now , served with coffee, they are a very popular breakfast food across the United States.

Lesson 2Getting married 结婚

Every culture in the world has marriage and wedding ceremonies . Usually marriages are between one woman(the bride) and one man ( the groom). However, in other parts of the world a man may have several wives, or, as in some areas of India, a wife may have more than one husband..

There are also many different kinds of wedding ceremonies practiced around the world. These ceremonies can be very short and simple, or very long and complicated.

One of the largest and most expensive wedding ceremonies in recent times was held in Dubai in 1981. The couple tying the knot at this wedding were the son of Sheik ( a male Arab ruler) Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum and Princess Salama. The wedding ceremony took seven days and cost $44 million. It was held in a large building which was specially built for the ceremony and looked like a stadium. The bride and groom needed a large place for their wedding because more than 20,000 guests were invited.

The reasons why a man and woman get married also vary. Sometimes they marry because they are in love, sometimes they marry because someone they meet through a matchmaker, and sometimes they marry because their parents tell them that they must marry.

One unusual example of an arranged marrige took place in Bangladesh in 1986. The groom was an eleven-month-old boy and the bride was a three-month-old girl. They were the youngest married couple ever.

The parents of the bride and groom arranged the marriage as a way of ending a

fight between the two families who had been arguing over a farm for twenty years. Both families thought they owned the farm, but no one knew exactly . The fight ended for good when the young boy married the young girl. By arranging this marriage, neither famlily was forced to lose face. The two families agreed to give the farm to the young people.

Lesson3 Seattle's Coffee Culture 西雅图的咖啡文化

It is one o'clock in Seattle. You are walking down the street. A lot of people are outside for lunch. You see a woman. She is holding a white and green paper cup. You see another person. He is also holding a cup in his hands. You see another and another. Everyone has a cup in their hands!What are they all drinking?You smell the Seattle air. It's coffee!

People in Seattle love coffee. Some say it's because Seattle has many rainy days and people need coffee to be happy. Others say coffee shops are popular because Seattle people are very laid-back and relaxed.

Coffee shops in Seattle are a lot like teahouses in China. In Seattle,people go to coffee shops to talk to friends,read,play games,work on the computer,or relax. Coffee is an important part of people's day.

The world's largest coffee shop chain,Starbucks,first opened in Seattle in 1971. But Starbuck is not the only popular coffee shop in the city. There are other large chains,like Seattle's Best Coffee,Caffe Ladro,or Tully's. Seattle also has many small neighborhood coffee shops. Everyone has their favorite.

The best coffee shops in Seattle:

Bauhaus Books and Coffee(Capitol Hill国会山庄))

Great place to spend an afternoon. Floor-to-ceiling used books and paintings on sale. Sit at a table downstairs and use the Internet or sit outside on the balcony. Enjoy the great coffee!

Espresso Vivace Sidewalk Bar街边吧(国会山庄(Capitol Hill)

Seattle's best coffee. Vivace motto is“Una bella tazza di caffe.”It means“a beautiful cup of coffee.”People wait in long lines for Vivace famous espresso. This is caffeine with class!

Victrola Coffee and Art(Capitol Hill)

Everything a coffee shop should be. High ceilings,lots of room,and art on the walls. Free live music a few times a week. Great coffee,friendly baristas,and wonderful carrot cake. Wireless internet.

Part 4 Life Inspiration人生感悟

Lesson1 What will matter?人生的意义

Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.

Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.

So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will all expire. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

It won't matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived.

It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant. Your gender, skin color, ethnicity will be irrelevant.

So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.

What will matter is not your success, but your significance.

What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage and sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence, but your character.

What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.

What will matter is not your memories, but the memories of those who loved you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what. Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.

It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice.

Choose to live a life that matters.

Lesson2 It's worth it!


Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. Caught in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head, the soldier asked his lieutenant if he might go out into the "No Man?s Land" between the trenches to bring his fallen comrade back.

"You can go," said the Lieutenant, "but I don?t think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your own life away." The Lieutenant?s words didn?t matter, and the soldier went anyway.

Miraculously he managed to reach his friend, hoisted him onto his shoulder, and brought him back to their company?s trench. As the tw o of them tumbled in together to the bottom of the trench, the officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. "I told you it wouldn?t be worth it," he said. "Your friend is dead, and you are mortally wounded."

"It was worth it, though, sir," the soldier said.

"How do you mean …worth it??" responded the Lieutenant. "Your friend is dead!"

"Yes sir," the private answered. "But it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive, and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, …Jim, I knew you?d come.?"

Many a time in life, whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on how you look at it.

Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in life.

Lesson3 Love is a two-way street

A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when his young son rushed in and announced,

“Dad, because this is your birthday and you?re 55 years old, I?m going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year!” When the boy start ed making good on his word, the father exclaimed, “Oh, Andrew, don?t do it now; I?m too busy!”

The youngster immediately fell silent as tears welled up in his big blue eyes. Apologically the father said, “You can finish later.”

The boy said nothing but quietly walked away, disappointment written over his face. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didn?t respond.

Unfortunately, a few days later after this incident, the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote...

“If only I could tell him how much I regret my thoughtless words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is aching.”

…Love is a two-way street. Any loving act must be warmly accepted or it will be taken as rejection and can leave a scar. If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too busy! Nothing is more important than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us. Because... there may be no chance at all as in the case of the little boy...


The Real Meaning of Peace

There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them. One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all.

But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest — in perfect peace. Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture. Do you know why?

“Because,” explained the king, “peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”

PartⅤ History and Culture历史文化

Lesson 1 Studying difference学习差异

I always knew that China had a different education system to America. But, I did not know just how different our schools were. This summer, an American classmate and I spent a week in Tianjin No 2 Middle School. There we realized that there are major differences between students in China and the United States.

In the US, we have many college entrance examinations but extracurricular (课外的) activities and experiences are also considered important when applying for college. We could not imagine having class in the summer, nor could we imagine being in a class with 50 students. Most classes in the United States have 29 students at most and we often joke with our teachers and classmates. In English class, Chinese students study grammar and practice listening comprehension most of the time. In the US, our language classes include a lot about the culture of the country whose language we are studying. Also, during these classes we can only speak in the language we are studying.

What struck us the most was how they specialized their studies in Senior 2. Students who choose to major in the humanities (人文科学) do not take any science classes. Students who choose to major in the sciences do not take any history or geography classes. But in US high schools, students are required to take all the major subjects: history, science, maths, a foreign language and literature. Most American students enjoy studying a broad range of subjects which allows them to have an interest in sciences, history and music, for example.

Yet, specialization allows Chinese students to have a much more in depth knowledge base than American students. As we sat in their maths and science classes, we were astounded at (惊讶于) the level of difficulty. We were taken aback when they told us that in maths class, they never use calculators. In the US, we always use calculators. We could never imagine doing all those calculations by hand!

The best part about Chinese education is the focus on very neat, readable handwriting. Unfortunately, in the States too many people do not write well. The worst part is that both the males and females must have short hair. This made it very difficult for us to tell the difference between the guys and girls from the back of the room where we sat.

Yet, learning about the many differences between these two education systems was rewarding. If asked to visit that classroom again, my answer would definitely be yes.

Words and expressions

1. strike vt. 给予……印象

2. specialize v. 专门研究,专攻

3. literature n.文学

4. focus n. 焦点;重心

5. rewarding adj. 值得的

6. calculation n. 计算

7. definitely adv. 一定地,必定地8. at most 至多

9. apply for 申请10. major in 主修

11. tell the difference between… and…区别

Lesson 2 Spring Festival’s Symbols 春节符号

Symbols are an important part of Chinese culture, and are more than just pretty decorations. Each decoration has its own tale to tell.


The character fu, usually painted on red, diamond-shaped paper, can be seen almost every household and is usually hung upside down. Those who hope for extra luck and fortune do this on purpose: The pronunciation of “fu dao”is similar to the phrase “luck arrives”. In other words, good luck will arrive and is welcome to enter the house.

Paper cuts (jian zhi)

Making jian zhi is an ancient Chinese folk art that dates back to the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589). Traditionally, professional craft men (工匠)made paper cuts by hand; today, most paper cuts are made by machine. Red paper cuts are a sign of good fortune and are put on house and restaurant window. The bat is a popular cutting, as the Chinese word for bat is fu, which sounds like the character for good fortune. Fish are also a common paper cut, as the Chinese word yu sounds like the term for plenty.

Chinese knots (zhong guo jie)

The ancient folk art of knotting was developed in the Tang and Song Dynasties (618-1279). Each knotted shape has a special meaning: the most common is the red, diamond-shaped knot, which means “forever happy”. Other knots include “prosperity”knots (decorated with chili peppers); “romance”(in heart-shaped patterns); “fortune” (tied with ancient coins); “happiness”(featuring the double-happiness character); and “longevity (长寿)”(100 coins connected with red thread). It?s popular for women to wear a small piece of the knots as a necklace.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. symbol n.符号

2. decoration n.装饰

3. diamond n. 钻石

4. dynasty n. 朝代

5. prosperity n.兴旺

6. feature vt. 以……为特色

7. on purpose 故意地8. be similar to 和……相似

9. in other words 换句话说10. date back to 追溯到……

Lesson 3 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt


Cleopatra was the regular name of the queen of Egypt in the Ptolemaic dynasty (托勒密王朝). The best known was Cleopatra Ⅻ. The name “Cleopatra” is Greek for “father?s glory”; her full name, “Cleopatra Thea Philopator” means “the Goddess Cleopatra, Beloved of Her Father.”Cleopatra Ⅻwas never in fact the only ruler of Egypt; she only co-ruled with her father, brother, brother-husband, and son. However, in all these cases, her co-rulers were king in name only, with her keeping the true power.

Cleopatra was far from beautiful, although her image today is attractive. Her face on ancient coins had a long hooked nose and strong features. Y et she was clearly a very attractive woman. She had a musical voice and extraordinary charm. She was also highly clever. She was the first of her family who could actually speak Egyptian! She spoke nine languages and was a smart politician.

At the age of seventeen she became the queen of Egypt, and ruled the country together with her 12-year-old brother. However, she dropped his name from official documents. And it was

Cleopatra?s face alone that appeared on coins. Perhaps because of her independence, she was removed from power in 48 BC. And she was soon forced to flee Egypt. She made preparations to recover her rights by force or arms.

At this moment Julius Caser followed Pompey into Egypt. He was attracted by her beauty. In Rome Cleopatra lived openly with Caser as his wife until his death. Then she returned to Egypt. Later she became the ally (同盟) and wife of Mark Antony. Their connection was highly unpopular at Rome, and they were defeated in 31 BC. Having no prospect of final success, Antony committed suicide, and then Cleopatra did so in the thirty-ninth year of her age.

With her ended the dynasty of the Ptolemies, Egypt was made a Roman province.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. regular adj.规则的,定期的

2. extraordinary adj.非同寻常的

3. charm n.魅力

4. hooked adj钩状的

5. politician n. 政治家

6. official adj.官方的;正式的

7. document n. 文件8. independence n.独立

9. remove v. 去除10. flee v. 逃离,逃跑

11. recover v. 恢复12. prospect n. 可能性;前景

13. commit suicide 自杀14. in name 名义上


Lesson 1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Y ears Ago


It is common sense nowadays that too much carbon dioxide in the air caused by too much lumbering (伐木) leads to global greenhouse effects.

A team of archaeologists from China and the United States is saying that the greenhouse effect started about 5,000 years ago, much earlier than people might expect.

This is the conclusion reached by a group of Chinese and US archaeologists based on a research on the relics excavated (发掘) from the ruins of a Neolithic site in Rizhao City, Shandong Province in east China, over the past twelve years.

The experts from Shandong University and US scholars began its survey at the ruins of the ancient Liangcheng Town in suburban Rizhao in 1995, focusing on the relationship between plants and human activity.

They collected wood samples from the site and did research on 21 pieces of waterish logged timber (木材) and three pieces of charcoal (炭). Archaeologists found that the wood excavated at the site were mostly the remains of burning or construction activities.

Prehistoric human beings probably burned wood in cooking, lighting, molding pottery (制陶) and even bronze smelting(冶铜), while large numbers of relics of ancient housing facilities show that people of that time lumbered much to build houses.

The team also concluded that prehistoric human beings used plants for other purposes, such as curing diseases, making furniture or tools and feeding animals, but these plants were hardly preserved and found.

Experts concluded that the remains of plants and trees at the site showed that prehistoric humans had started lumbering and that the increase of carbon dioxide therefore probably started before the industrial age.

The traditional view was that human beings affected the environment little in ancient times and that it was not human beings but climate change or catastrophes (大灾难) that promoted

ancient cultures or made them disappear.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. archaeologist n. 考古学家

2. conclusion n.结论

3. ruins n. 废墟

4. scholar n. 学者

5. survey n.v.调查

6. construction n.建筑

7. prehistoric adj. 史前时期的8. facility n.设施

9. conclude v. 得出结论10. furniture n. 家具

11. preserve v. 保护,保存12. promote vt.促进

13. common sense 常识14. lead to 导致

15. focus on 集中16. in ancient times 在古代

Lesson 2 China’s New “Four Great Inventions”


The four great inventions—paper making, printing, gunpowder and compass—were achievements in ancient China. Are there new “four great inventions” in modern China? Experts have recently put forward their “four new great inventions”, wishing real new “four great inventions” can come into being soon.

Wu?s Method is selected because it puts new life into traditional Chinese mathematics.

Wu Wenjun is the creator of Wu?s Method, a computerized method for geometrical theorem proving(几何定理证明). He inherits and carries forward the traditions of China?s ancient mathematics, and turns to studies of mechanical proof of geometrical theorems. His study has completely changed look of the field.

Y uan Longping?s hybrid rice (杂交水稻)is selected because it is regarded as the fifth great invention of China and “the second green revolution”.

Hybrid paddy rice is named “oriental magic rice”in the West. Y uan?s achievement not only solves the food problem for Chinese people, but is regarded as a magic weapon to solve the global food problems.

Synthesized crystalline bovine insulin (合成牛胰岛素晶体) is selected because it is the first time that humans have synthesized living body.

Chinese scientists succeeded in synthesizing crystalline bovine insulin on Sept. 17, 1965, making an important step in the course of understanding life and exploring life?s secrets.

This is the first time that zoetic(有生命的) protein has been synthesized by humans in history. In the past it was a universal belief that that man could by no means synthesize living body.

The land facies oil-forming theory (土地外观石油形成理论) by Li Siguang is selected because it brings “oil deficiency in China” to an end.

The land facies oil-forming theory plays an important role in construction of China?s Daqing, Dagang and Shengli oilfields. Before the theory was created, people believed that big oil fields could only be formed in sea facies stratum(地层). This is the reason why Westerners thought China was oil deficient.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. compass n.指南针

2. creator n. 创造者

3. inherit vt.继承

4. revolution n.革命

5. magic adj. 有魔力的,神奇的

6. weapon n.武器

7. universal adj. 宇宙的,普遍的8. deficiency n.缺陷

9. construction n.建设10. deficient adj.有缺陷的

11. come into being 形成12. bring… to an end 使……结束

Lesson 3 China’s launching plans for Shenzhou 7


China has mapped out plans for its new launches in the Shenzhou program on the next flight. But one conclusion seems to have escaped most reports in the aerospace media. The flight of Shenzhou 7 could be timed to coincide with the Beijing Olympics. Plans for 2008 Summer Olympics call for the events to be held between the 8th and 24th of August that year. It?s reasonable to expect that China will use the event to display its achievements to the world, and human spaceflight is China?s most significant recent breakthrough.

Shenzhou 7, China?s next manned space mission, was originally advertised for 2007. This fit the pattern of staging a two-gap between crewed Shenzhou missions, which have previously launched in 2003 and 2005. But Chinese media statements have amended(修正,改正) this to 2008. Chinese media have reported that the whole program is going well, and more time is needed to work on spacesuit that will be used on this flight to stage China?s first spacewalk. It?s possible that Chinese engineers want to make the best preparations for this complex mission.

China could intend to carry out the mission of Shenzhou 7 just as media attention is focused on the lead-up to the Olympics. The crew of the flight, and possibly China?s other flown astronauts, could then take part in the opening ceremony. China has previously honored her space travelers in great celebrations, such as the Hong Kong event that saw Y ang Liwei singing with Jacky Chan.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. launch n.v.发射

2. escape v. 逃跑,逃避

3. reasonable adj.合理的

4. display n. v.展示

5. achievement n.成就

6. breakthrough n.突破

7. stage vt. 实行,进行8. previously adv. 在以前

9. map out 拟定(计划) 10. coincide with 吻合


备课时间:8月15日 上课时间:8月24日 §3.1.1倾斜角与斜率 一、 教学目标: (1)知识与技能:理解直线倾斜角和斜率的概,掌握过两点的直线的斜率公式及其应用. (2)过程与方法:培养学生对数学知识的理解应用能力及转化能力;使学生初步了解数形结合分类讨论思想. (3)情感态度与价值观:从学习中体会到用代数方法解决几何问题的优点,能够从不同角度去分析问题,体会代数与几何结合的数学魅力。 二、教学重难点: (1)教学重点:直线的倾斜角和斜率的概念,过两点的直线的斜率公式; (2)教学难点:斜率概念的学习,过两点的直线的斜率公式。 三:课时计划:1课时 四、教学过程: 学习目标: 1、 理解直线的倾斜角和斜率的概念,掌握它们之间的关系; 2、 掌握过两点的直线的斜率计算公式及其简单的应用。 (一)课题导入 前面,我们学习了两点确定一条直线。 问题1:一点能够确定一条直线? 问题2:了加多一个点外,在已知一个点的基础上能不能加上另外一个条件使到它能确定一条直线? 【老师板书】画坐标平面以及一条直线,点出直线上一点,过此点画多条直线。 问题3:这些直线有什么共同点(过同一点,倾斜程度不一样) 如何刻画直线的倾斜程度呢?这就是本节课我们要学习的内容…… (二)讲授新课 1、 直线倾斜角的定义:当直线l 与x 轴相交时,我们取x 轴作为基准,x 轴正向与直线l 向上方向之间所成的角叫 做直线l 的倾斜角。 例题:最后在黑板上用尺子依照定义说法比画出倾斜角将直线倾斜角的可能情况显示出来(共四种情况:平行于x 轴,经过一、三象限,垂直于x 轴,经过二、四象限) 注意:(1)直线的向上方向;(2)x 轴的正方向;(3)倾斜角范围是)180,0[??。 练习:下列三个图中所指的角是不是直线的倾斜角? 命制:王露 校对:高一数学组 审核:刘金琼 第三章 第1节 直线的倾斜角与斜率(第1课时)


2020年高三年级各备课组高考备考计划 一、备考要求 科学备考、合作备考、激情备考、人文备考 (一)科学备考:明确目标加强研究 要做到: 根据教学进展、学生发展状态,分阶段确定指标并采取恰当措施保证完成与逐步提高,力争完成或超额完成; 研究学科最切合学生实际最见实效的教法学法,研究调剂学生学习、运动与休息以及教师身心的办法; 研究教学、检测考试、质量分析以及调整改进各个环节最省事、直接、有效的办法。(二)合作备考:学科内合作班级内合作综合学科合作 推广常吃此物,肝干净了,睡眠好了,三高降了,可惜很少有人知道~ 要做到: 学科备课组要合理分工、合作研究,教学内容、方法、过程、资料等有共用、共享、基本一致的资源; 班级内班主任与科任教师、科任教师之间对共性的问题协商解决,对时间、作业、重点对象协商统筹安排;文科综合、理科综合做好学科之间的沟通、协作。 (三)激情备考:信心恒心勇气豪气 要做到: 学生对学习对老师充满信心,老师对班级对学生充满信心; 通过问题的得以解决、方法的得以运用、效果的得以显现增强教的自信、学的自信; 有计划、有步骤、有达成度地坚持做完、做透、做好每一项教的事、学的事,让恒心在耐心、细心、专心、热心中体现出来; 敢面对现实与困难,不松懈、不停滞、不放弃,用坚毅的精神去寻求解决的办法; 保持乐观心、平常心、进取心,精神饱满,精力旺盛,不服输、不言败、敢争先。 (四)人文备考:知行和谐学科和谐人际和谐 要做到: 学生在老师指导督促下将懂知识、知方法与重训练、讲规范、见效果融合统一起来; 老师将老经验、新想法切实转化为实际有效的行动,体现在学生学习的过程与效果上; 学科内注重基础、落实知识与讲究方法、提升能力相协调,学科之间注意均衡发展与突出优势;加强相互沟通与交流,学会宽容与欣赏他人,能够反思与严律自己,师生和谐、师师和谐、生生和谐、干群和谐。 二、树立三种意识 目标意识、责任意识、奉献意识 年级根据阶段、班级等情况,找准工作面、工作点,抓好“600门(总分过600的人数)”“重点门(上重点线的人数)”目标落实的过程; 班级根据年级要求与班级特点,将目标与学生挂钩,注意学生的分别提高、分类达标; 学科根据班级与学生状况,努力保证保优率与有效率; 让学生也明确自己的可能目标并为之努力奋斗;用目标明确责任,用责任心、奉献精神努力追求目标。 三、强调工作纪律 有序、规范、严谨


高中数学人教版备课 必修一 第一章 集合与函数的概念 1.1.1 集合含义与表示 教学目标: (1)了解集合的含义,体会元素与集合的属于关系; (2)知道常用数集及其专用记号; (3)了解集合中元素的确定性,互异性,无序性; (4)会用集合语言表示有关数学对象; 教学重点难点 重点:集合的含义与表示方法. 难点:表示法的恰当选择. 新课导入: 在小学和初中,我们已经接触过一些集合,例如,自然数的集合,有理数的集合,35-x >的集合,到一个定点距离等于定长的点的集合(即圆),到一条线段的两个端点距离相等的点的集合(其垂直平分线)... 那么集合的含义是什么呢? (一)集合的有关概念 1.定义:一般地,把一些能够确定的不同的对象看成一个整体,就说这个整体是由这些对象的全体构成的集合(或集),构成集合的每个对象叫做这个集合的元素(或成员)。 2.表示方法:集合通常用大括号{ }或大写的拉丁字母A,B,C …表示,而元素用小写的拉丁字母a,b,c …表示。 3.集合相等:构成两个集合的元素完全一样。 4.元素与集合的关系:(元素与集合的关系有“属于∈”及“不属于?”两种) (1)若a 是集合A 中的元素,则称a 属于集合A ,记作a ∈A ; (2)若a 不是集合A 的元素,则称a 不属于集合A ,记作a ?A 。 5.常用的数集及记法:非负整数集(或自然数集),记作N ;正整数集,记作N*或N+;N 内排除0的集. 整数集,记作Z ;有理数集,记作Q ;实数集,记作R ; 6.关于集合的元素的特征 (1)确定性:给定一个集合,那么任何一个元素在不在这个集合中就确定了。如:“地球上的四大洋”(太平洋,大西洋,印度洋,北冰洋)。“中国古代四大发明”(造纸,印刷,火药,指南针)可以构成集


快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。 高一语文集体备课记录 周次 4 时间 周二 地点 语文组办公室 参加人员 高一备课组全体成员 主讲人 朱欢敏 一、主要内容:《绝版的周庄》 二、老师讲解《绝版的周庄》的讲课思路(一)《梦里水乡》的音乐导入 播放关于水乡的画面 (二)作品介绍 (三)文本解读 1、赏赏景--品味周庄之美景 (1)品一品写美景的句子 找句子、朗读、品析 (2)找一找写美景的顺序 分组朗读"春日晨阳"的周庄和"入夜酣睡"的周庄(3)欣赏陈逸飞《故乡的回忆》 2聊聊人--感受周庄的意义 (1)沈万山的故事--周庄的富贵气 (2)三毛的故事--周庄的故乡感、家园感 3品品情--挖掘作者的情感 (1)情感最浓的是那一段? (2)这段中哪个词说明了作者情感开始变化(3)作者情感变化的原因是什么? (四)文本提升 谈一谈对"绝版"的理解 总结:守住我们的精神家园 保存好我们的民俗文化 因为它是我们民族的根 (五)拓展讨论 如果你要在周庄开一个餐厅 你会取一个什么样的名字 才不会辜负周庄的古典气息? (六)作业 写一篇追忆温州文化的随笔

三、集体讨论 1、本文《绝版的周庄》 是属于一篇十分唯美的散文 字里行间有一股说不出的宁静和深沉的忧郁 因此怕旅游照太过热闹 而破坏了整体的美感 当然只有一张画作的PPT的确显得单薄 2、本文字词比较简单 没有生僻的字词 关键在于引导学生体会作者对周庄的情感 3、的确有点辛苦 由于紧张和过分拘泥于先前备好的资料当中 因此 辛苦的引导有着过于执着的意味 在以后的教学中 会更加努力的将引导做的更加自然 学生老师都能够从中受益 4、本次授课主要的思路是"赏赏景---聊聊人----品品情" 所谓一切景语皆情语 因此先将"景"作为切入点 让学生有一个直观的印象 但没有直接由景入情 其中穿插了一个人的话题 比如沈万三比如三毛等于周庄有着密切联系的人 由这些人对周庄的情感继而转至作者对周庄的情感 显得比较好理解 过渡比较自然 在引导中 由于紧张和过分拘泥于先前备好的资料当中 因此 辛苦的引导有着过于执着的意味 在以后的教学中 会更加努力的将引导做的更加自然 学生老师都能够从中受益 本次授课主要的思路是"赏赏景---聊聊人----品品情" 所谓一切景语皆情语 因此先将"景"作为切入点 让学生有一个直观的印象 但没有直接由景入情

高一数学备课组活动记录 - 长沙市实验中学

高一数学备课组活动记录 时间:2010 年5月5日(星期三下午) 参加人员:谭著名朱光彭本辉颜新国唐道文宋红健蒋军益,周智军 教学内容:空间几何体; 活动内容: 1.1“空间几何体的结构” 教学目标 ⒈知识目标:由学生对棱柱、棱锥、棱台的图片及实物进行观察、,比较、分析,使学生理解并能归纳出棱柱、棱锥、棱台的结构特征. 2.能力目标:在棱柱、棱锥、棱台的概念形成的过程中,培养学生的观察、分析、抽象概括能力,几何直观能力,合情推理能力,及类比的思想方法,逐步培养探索问题的精神,善于思考的习惯.3.情感目标:通过创造情境激发学生学习数学的兴趣和热情,鼓励合作交流、互助交流,培养创新意识. 重点难点 1.教学重点:感受大量空间实物及模型,概括出棱柱、棱锥、棱台的结构特征. 2.教学难点:如何让学生概括棱柱、棱锥、棱台结构特征. 教材分析 课标对空间几何体的结构的教学要求为:认识柱、锥、台、球及其简单组合体的结构特征,并能运用这些特征描述现实生活中简单物体的结构,发展几何直观能力.教材首先让学生观察现实世界中实物的图片,引导学生将观察到的实物进行归纳、分类、抽象、概括,得出柱体、锥体、台体的结构特征,在此基础上给出由它们组合而成的简单几何体的结构特征. 加强几何直观的训练,在引导学生直观感受空间几何体结构特征的同时,学会类比,学会推理,学会说理. 课时安排:约3节课 1.2空间几何体的直观图 教学内容 1.水平放置的平面图形的直观图画法. 2.空间几何体的直观图的画法. 教学目标 1.了解空间图形的表现形式,掌握空间图形在平面的表示方法. 2.会用斜二测画法画水平放置的平面图形以及空间几何体的直观图. 教学重点,难点 1.用斜二测画法画直观图. 2.空间几何体的直观图画法 教材分析 画出空间几何体的直观图是学生学好立体几何的必要条件.本节课主要是介绍了最常用的、直观性好的斜二测画法.而水平放置的平面图形的直观图画法,是画空间几何体直观图的基础.教学的重点是斜投影画平面图形直观图的方法,即斜二测画法.教材给出了正六边形、长方体、圆柱直观图画 法。教学时可以适当延伸,讨论正五边形、圆锥、圆台、球的直观图画法. 课时安排:约4节课


高一语文组集体备课方案 一、指导思想 以新课改精神为指针,以学校实际情况为依据,充分发挥备课组的集体智慧,以“集体备课,资源共享,讨论吸收,课后反思,经验共享”的集体备课思路,创设研究氛围,形成一种研究的工作习惯,努力提高教学水平,促进教师专业成长,全面提升教师素养。集体备课必须立足在个人备课的基础上,在充分研究课程标准和教材的前提下,集体商讨教学方法,确定教学目标,共同研究教学中应注意的问题,兼顾学生的基础和实际,建立最佳教学方案,实现资源共享和资源互补。 二、主要内容 1、关注教学目标的准确定位,关注教学结构的优化组合,引领深入解读。 2、充分挖掘教学资源,吃透教材,研究教法,关注学法,关爱每一个学生,关心每个学生的发展。 3、充分体现新课标理念,重点探究教学过程,引导重难点突破和问题探讨;如何让学生在课堂上动起来,如何让学生在动中体验感悟,展示思维,发展个性,提高素养。 4、注重教案的理论框架、基本观点、基本概念,应突出的重点、新意,应解决的难点,充分发挥集体备课的实效性,达到资源共享,经验共享。 三、基本要求 一条原则:让思维碰撞思维,用智慧点燃智慧,以情感沟通情感。 二个效度:针对性,实效性。 三项内容:备教材、备教法、备学法。

四个固定:固定时间,固定地点,固定内容,固定中心发言人。 五个统一:统一目标,统一内容,统一进度,统一作业,统一测试。 六个环节:熟悉教学内容,钻研教学大纲,讨论教学问题,理清教学思路,提出教学主张,设计教学策略。 七个要求:要求全员参与,注重脚踏实地,杜绝形式主义,避免空壳化;要求真诚合作,注重教学相长,杜绝信息封闭,避免虚伪化;要求集思广益,注重责任分担,杜绝唱独角戏,避免专制化;要求百花齐放,注重张扬个性,杜绝按图索骥,避免同质化;要求兼收并举,注重以点带面,杜绝生搬硬套,避免机械化;要求总结反思,经验得失理论化,写成教研论文,发表推广,杜绝浮光掠影,浅尝辄止,避免无效化。 四、实施方法和程序 1、集体备课以各年级文化课备课组为单位,要求各年级文化课教师全部参与集体备课研讨活动。 2、时间统一定为每周一前两个晚自习(即18:——19:40),地点为学校原定的各教研组活动办公室。 3、开学初备课组长先对整本教材每一单元的目标、重难点、教学法进行分析,根据课标要求合理制定集体备课计划(时间、内容、主备人等),交教务处备查。 4、为确保集体备课质量,要求超前备课,提倡超周备课,中心发言人在集体备课前3天把备课准备材料分发给其他组员,让组内同事有熟悉、研究和准备的时间。 5、创设浓郁的研究氛围,让每个人都有展示自我的空间,都有发表意见的机会。


高中语文教学案例 一石激起千层浪 ——一节公开课后的思考 学校为了提高教师业务水平,每学期都组织“周研究课”活动。2008年10月,我作为高二年级的语文备课组组长,在这次活动中讲《滕王阁序》这篇课文。这是一次引发我很多思考的一次开课。 对这篇课文,我确定的教学目标是: 1.通读全文,疏通文意,掌握重点词语。 2.了解骈文的文体特点,领悟其音乐美。 3.体会作者复杂的感情,理解作者情感。 教学重点和难点是:赏析名句:落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。在设计难点突破时,我考虑到学生独立赏析难度较大,给学生提示了景物描写赏析的角度:形、色、声、动。我的目的是通过这一课的学习让学生体会诗文的美,自己能够从不同角度揣摩、品味诗文的艺术性。 因为教两个班级,又是面对全校语文教师的一节课,所以我先在不开课的班级上了一课,在那个班,学生反映很好,我对教材进一步熟悉,自我感觉不会有什么问题了。 开课了,开始的时候很顺利,诵读,理解重点词语,把握诗人情感。一切按我原来的设计进行。然而到赏析名句这一还节,虽然我已经提示了角度,但一大部分学生仍然露出茫然的神情,感觉无从入手,有些冷场。这时,我只好另辟蹊径,用杜甫诗句“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天”作为范例,来引导学生分析景物描写语句,至此,学生才有所领悟。顺利回答。最后归纳: 点面结合: 作者首先为大家描绘出一个旷远的背景,水天相连,浩淼无边。在这水天一色的一片青碧之中,点缀以红霞、野鸭,一派宁静祥和。 色彩绚丽: 水天相连,一片青碧而红霞在天上飘动,野鸭在红霞中翱翔,造成蓝天上一红一白的色彩对照,构成的画面更为明丽鲜活 动静结合: 落霞、孤鹜写动态,秋水、长天写静景,动静结合,妙语天然。秋日佳景,跃然笔上,宛然在目 比拟修辞:无生命的晚霞与有生命的飞鸟并举,赋予画面以动感。 声韵和谐:运用对偶句,韵律优美。 学生们终于领悟了千古名句,所言不虚。我又在学生啧啧称叹时布置学生将这两句扩写为一段散文,学生们热情很高,甚至下课时还大声背诵,有点意犹未尽之感。


五原一中“打造高效课堂”集体备课记录表 年级组别高三数学组2016年10月21日第周应到12人实到 _12人请假人 姓名缺勤人姓名 参加领导张永刚中心发言人菅利军活动内容题目(第七章)数列单元备课 内容纪要重点:数列通项公式,等差、等比数列的含义、通项公式、前n和公式;非等差等比数列求通项求和。 难点:等差数列、等比数列性质的应用,一般数列通项及前n项和的公式的求法,数列是特殊的函数的理解。 近三年考点: 1.等差、等比数列的性质通项求和的应用。2.数列求和方法的应用。3., n n a S之间关系,非等差等比数列转换成等差等比数列。 教学建议 数列作为一种特殊的函数,是反映自然规律的基本数学模型.在日常生活中,大量的实际问题(如教育贷款、购房贷款、放射性物质的衰变、人口增长等)都与数列有紧密的关系.本章是高考的考察重点,选择题、填空题突出小、巧、活的特点,多属基础题和中档题.解答题以中档以上的综合题为主,涉及函数、方程、不等式、导数,或是结合生产生活实际的开放性、探索性试题等重要内容.教学中应贯穿函数和方程、等价转化、分类讨论等重要数学思想,引导学生解题时回归定义、巧用性质,熟练掌握待定系数法、数形结合法、换元法、反证法、归纳、猜想、证明等基本的数学方法. 结论和措施 注意:①填写此表时请先将前两行的内容填写完整。第几周请查“校历表”。 ②“参加领导”一栏若有领导参加就打“√”。 ③“活动内容题目”填写时在题目后括号内说明单元备课还是课时备课。 ④内容纪要填写参考教科室公共邮箱中“模板”。 ⑤下载资料教科室公共邮箱:wyyzjks@https://www.360docs.net/doc/c18931514.html,,密码:7965625。


高中语文教案范文 教案是指在教师授课之前,让教师说案标、说教材、教学过程,说教法、学法及其理论依据,口头表述一节课的教学设想的教研活动。下面是我精心为大家带来的高中语文教案范文,欢迎阅读。更多高中语文教案范文实用资料栏目! 高中语文教案范文 教案是指在教师授课之前,让教师教案标、说教材、教学过程,说教法、学法及其理论依据,口头表述一节课的教学设想的教研活动。显然,教案能够展现出教师在备课中的思维过程,并且显示出教师对课标、教材、学生的理解和把握的水平以及运用有关教育理论和教学原则组织教学活动的能力。 成功的教案,不仅层次清楚地说明了这节课怎样教,而且简炼精辟、顺理成章地揭示了这节课为什么这样教。本文就如何使教案更深刻、更生动谈几点看法。 一、精心搜集和选用材料是使教案深刻生动的根基 课题确定后,你的教案能否深刻、生动,从而吸引人、说服人,那么材料的搜集和选用是最关键的一步。否则,教案的内容不充实,只能显示出一种浅薄,而缺乏一种厚重感。应依据哪些标准?选取哪些材料呢? 1.教学课标中的教学目标,教参对教材内容的分析。 2. 有关的教育教学理论及教学原则。 3.学生的起点行为情况。这包括学生原有的知识、技能、能力、学习方法、学习态度等非智力因素情况。 4.为了突破或分散本节难点,而需要的有关铺垫材料。 二、削枝强干,锤炼教案内容是使教案深刻充实的保证 教案的显著特点在于说理,即内容与说理的有机融合要体现在整个教案过程中。这样,靠内容的充实和环环相扣,使教案具有科学性、逻辑

性、深刻性。要给听者留下深刻的印象,必须做到“说主不说次”、“说大不说小”、“说精不说粗”。所以要对教案的内容进行锤炼,削枝强干。怎样锤炼教案的内容呢? 1. 要具有清晰的结构 能抓住听者心弦的教案,必须有一个经得起推敲的逻辑结构,要在注意把握教材自身内容联系的条件下,组织好教案的结构。 2. 要确定明确的教学目标 依据课标、教材和学生实际,从知识、技能、能力、思想品德等方面确定本节课的教学目标,如果说教材是教案的“血肉”,结构就是教案的“骨架”,那么,教学目标是整个教案的“灵魂”。也就是说,目标确定后,教案的整个安排,一切一切都要服从于教学目标,目标不能虚晃一枪,不能和教学内容脱节,还要具体、明确而全面。 3. 要分析准确重点难点 要结合教材的地位、作用、内容与学生的起点行为情况分析教材重点、难点,尤其要注意分析难点的位置、程度、成因和突破难点或分散难点的关键与措施,以及在难点的教与学中培养学生思维能力的策略。 4. 要采取有效的教学方法与教学手段 教学方法的选择要有效,即要根据教材和学生实际选择能调动学生学习积极性,能有利于培养学生能力,尽可能适应学生个别差异的教学方法,即所选择的教法能和学生心中的弦对准音调,能在学生心中弹奏。另外,教学手段的采取要从正确发挥教学作用,提高课堂教学效率出发。 5. 要设计有目标控制的,有启发性的教学过程 为了确保既定教学目标的实现,在设计教学程序时,从新课引入——归纳小结,每一个环节的设计都要随时注意教学目标的控制,要与教学目标相呼应。也就是说,使教学目标的控制必须落到实处,不搞形式,不搭花架,一锤一音,一步一印。着眼于各个环节去实实在在地完成任务。要


高三教师备课工作 高考备课是很多老师要头疼的事,感觉要备好课压力很大。以下是高三的备课方法,希望能够可以分享广大高三教师进行参考和借鉴。 一、两天内所复习的内容,是教师工作的思路、行动的路线、流程。简要写出《考纲》、《说明》所牵涉的“知识点”、“单元”、“框题”,写明“教案”所使用的时间或时间间隔。写明复习备考的重点、难点、常考点、易错易混点,一轮复习常以各种小专题复习和训练的形式来准备,是对一、两天的课进行了具体、详细的设计和安排,是你一、两天工作的思路、行动的路线和流程。 主要从教师“教”的角度去设计思路和方法,就是写“老师教什么、做什么、怎么去做”。 (1)内容。依据《考试说明》上的主要内容、知识点进行学习目标的拆解分析,拓展和挖掘,要设置什么问题?提问学生什么?合作探究什么?要形成该部分内容的系统和架构,设计什么样的小专题?例题?训练题?板书?课本和资料上内容不一定全写在教案上,可标明课本或资料上的页码和段落。

(2)方法。上课时提问什么?复习巩固上节内容。精讲点拨什么?尤其是讲评课,评是精讲、是拓展、是点睛、是结论,老师必须讲规律、评思路、讲方法、讲线索、讲框架。小组合作讨论什么?设计什么样的“小专题”来带动复习。总之,要对课堂结构和顺序进行设计,优化学习结构,努力把学生的思维进行激活。 (3)设计。引导学生“学”的设计,“学”什么?记住、理解、应用什么?让学生“练”什么?巩固迁移,学以致用,实现学生从懂到会,从会到熟练应用,尽量做到使学生口、手、眼、脑同时使用。课堂上也要做到随时随机抽检学生,做好关键学生(尖子生、边缘推拉生)的把关、过关工作。 深入真实有效的备课,应成为老师的基本工作习惯和常态工作方式,每次上完课后,都要对课堂效果、学生的状态在教案后边进行一两句的反思,用不同颜色的笔写出来,要真情实感发自内心,“反思三年成名师”! 1、有角度。从学生“学”的角度去设计的引领学生自主复习的路线图、方向盘。要求内容精简、主要体现“学生学什么,做什么?”引领学生去深度学习、去精准练习。(1)列出三天学生主要的学习目标(从《考试说明》和课本上提炼出来)。(2)重点、难点、易错易混点、常考点。(3)导学环节。引导学生去归纳、去构建知识网络,可


高中数学备课教案范文 【篇一:高中数学备课教案模板[1]】 高中数学备课教案模板 【篇二:高中数学教案模版】 高中数学备课教案模板 【篇三:高中数学教案模板】 高中数学教案模板 各位老师你们好!今天我要为大家讲的课题是 首先,我对本节教材进行一些分析: 一、教材分析(说教材): 1. 教材所处的地位和作用: 本节内容在全书和章节中的作用是:《》是中数学教材第册第章第节内容。在此之前学生已学习了基础,这为过渡到本节的学习起着铺垫作用。本节内容是在中,占据的地位。以及为其他学科和今后的学习打下基础。 2. 教育教学目标: 根据上述教材分析,考虑到学生已有的认知结构心理特征,制定如下教学目标: (1)知识目标: ( 2)能力目标:通过教学初步培养学生分析问题,解决实际问题,读图分析,收集处理信息,团结协作,语言表达能力以及通过师生双边活动,初步培养学生运用知识的能力,培养学生加强理论联系实际的能力,(3)情感目标:通过的教学引导学生从现实的生活经历与体验出发,激发学生学习兴趣。 3. 重点,难点以及确定依据: 下面,为了讲清重难上点,使学生能达到本节课设定的目标,再从教法和学法上谈谈: 二、教学策略(说教法) 1. 教学手段:

如何突出重点,突破难点,从而实现教学目标。在教学过程中拟计 划进行如下操作:教学方法。基于本节课的特点:应着重采用的教 学方法。 2. 教学方法及其理论依据:坚持“以学生为主体,以教师为主导”的 原则,根据学生的心理发展规律,采用学生参与程度高的学导式讨 论教学法。在学生看书,讨论的基础上,在老师启发引导下,运用 问题解决式教法,师生交谈法,图像信号法,问答式,课堂讨论法。在采用问答法时,特别注重不同难度的问题,提问不同层次的学生,面向全体,使基础差的学生也能有表现机会,培养其自信心,激发 其学习热情。有效的开发各层次学生的潜在智能,力求使学生能在 原有的基础上得到发展。同时通过课堂练习和课后作业,启发学生 从书本知识回到社会实践。提供给学生与其生活和周围世界密切相 关的数学知识,学习基础性的知识和技能,在教学中积极培养学生 学习兴趣和动机,明确的学习目的,老师应在课堂上充分调动学生 的学习积极性,激发来自学生主体的最有力的动力。 3. 学情分析:(说学法) (1)学生特点分析:中学生心理学研究指出,高中阶段是(查同中学生心发展情况)抓住学生特点,积极采用形象生动,形式多样的 教学方法和学生广泛的积极主动参与的学习方式,定能激发学生兴趣,有效地培养学生能力,促进学生个性发展。生理上表少年好动,注意力易分散 (2)知识障碍上:知识掌握上,学生原有的知识,许多学生出现 知识遗忘,所以应全面系统的去讲述;学生学习本节课的知识障碍,知识学生不易理解,所以教学中老师应予以简单明白,深入浅出的 分析。 (3)动机和兴趣上:明确的学习目的,老师应在课堂上充分调动学生的学习积极性,激发来自学生主体的最有力的动力 最后我来具体谈谈这一堂课的教学过程: 4. 教学程序及设想: (1)由引入:把教学内容转化为具有潜在意义的问题,让学生产 生强烈的问题意识,使学生的整个学习过程成为“猜想”继而紧张的 沉思,期待录找理由和证明过程。在实际情况下学习可以使学生利 用已有的知识与经验,同化和索引出当肖学习的新知识,这样获取 知识,不但易于保持,而且易于迁移到陌生的问题情境中。 (2)由实例得出本课新的知识点


思路提示 爱是宽容和理解,爱使我们的生活和我们的社会更美好。爱有时意味着责任。爱是博大的,不仅要爱自己、爱亲人和朋友,还要爱社会、爱整个人类。爱的力量远远比恨强大。 名言 老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。——[战国]孟子爱是美德的种子。——[意]但丁 用温婉的怜恤叩门,再沉重的铁门也会开放。——[英]莎士比亚爱是自然界第二个太阳。——[美]查普曼 爱,既非环境所能改变,亦非时间所能磨灭。——[英]布朗宁道德中最大的秘密就是爱。——[英]雪莱 爱胜过一切。——[瑞士]希尔泰爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣。——[荷兰]梵高 爱是理解的别名。——[印度]泰戈尔 经典素材 1、权欲可以使爱心泯灭(曹植的七步诗) 曹操在66岁这年,因旧病复发,死在洛阳。曹操死后,太子曹丕继续他做了魏王和丞相,全揽朝廷大权。曹丕即位以后,有人告发他的弟弟、临淄侯曹植经常喝酒骂人,还把他派去的使者扣押起来。曹丕立即派人赶到临淄,把曹植逮住押回邺城审问。原来,曹丕和曹植都是曹操的妻子卞太后所生。曹操不但是个政治家、军事家,又是个文学家,曹丕、曹植兄弟俩也擅长诗文,文学史上把他们父子合称为“三曹”。曹植从小聪明非凡,十几岁的时候,就读了不少书,能写很出色的文章。曹操觉得曹植才华出众,对他非凡宠爱,多次想把他封为太子,只因有些大臣反对,才决定不下来。曹丕怕自己地位不稳,想方设法讨曹操欢喜。再加上左右侍从替曹丕说好话的人不少,曹操宠爱曹植的心才渐渐变了。曹丕称帝以后,仍然嫉恨曹植。这一回,就抓住机会把曹植抓起来,要处罚曹植死刑,他母亲卞太后知道了,连忙在曹丕面前替曹植求情,要他看在同胞兄弟份上,宽恕曹植。 曹丕把曹植召来以后,为了要惩罚他一下,要他在走完七步的时间里做出一首诗。假如做得出,就免他一死。曹植略略思考一下,就迈开步子,走一步,念一句,随口就念出一首诗:“煮豆燃其萁,豆在釜中泣。本是同根生,相煎何太急。”曹丕心里有愧,只好放曹植回去。2、志同道合,其爱弥笃(李清照和赵明诚) 宋朝年间杰出女词人李清照和金石家赵明诚,是一对志同道合的恩爱夫妻。他们共同鉴赏字画、勘校古籍,写诗作词一唱一和,恩爱无比。为了收集资料,夫妻俩节衣缩食。赵明诚把做太守的俸禄节省下来,两人经常外出购买名人字画和钟鼎彝器、碑碣石鼓等文物。回来后夫妇共同编写目录,切磋研究。赵明诚在爱妻李清照支持和帮助下。写出了一部30卷的《金石录》。赵明诚不幸英年早逝,李清照非常悲痛。《金石录》印行时,她写了篇《后序》。今天只要读一读后序,仍然会被他们夫妇的恩爱所感动。 3、爱应一视同仁(钱梦龙偏爱差生的故事) 有一次,上海闻名特级教师钱梦龙老师应邀到江苏省某县文化馆小剧场上示范课,观众席上坐着两三百名前来观摩的老师。上课时,钱老师忽然发现了被藏在侧幕后“旁听”的几个“差生”,他当即热情地将他们请到台中心显要位置上来,有的孩子感动得流下眼泪。上第二节课时,钱梦龙老师特意让一挂泪出场的女生回答问题,并热情夸奖她很聪明,该生泪痕未干的脸上绽开了笑意。


高中数学教案大全 教案中对每个课题或每个课时的教学内容,教学步骤的安排,教学方法的选择,板书设计,教具或现代化教学手段的应用,各个教学步骤教学环节的时间分配等等,都要经过周密考虑,精心设计而确定下来,体现着很强的计划性。接下来是小编为大家整理的高中数学教案大全,希望大家喜欢! 高中数学教案大全一 《充分条件与必要条件》 教学准备 教学目标 运用充分条件、必要条件和充要条件 教学重难点 运用充分条件、必要条件和充要条件 教学过程 一、基础知识 (一)充分条件、必要条件和充要条件 1.充分条件:如果A成立那么B成立,则条件A是B成立的充分条件。 2.必要条件:如果A成立那么B成立,这时B是A的必然结果,则条件B是A成立的必要条件。 3.充要条件:如果A既是B成立的充分条件,又是B成立的必

要条件,则A是B成立的充要条件;同时B也是A成立的充要条件。 (二)充要条件的判断 1若成立则A是B成立的充分条件,B是A成立的必要条件。 2.若且BA,则A是B成立的充分且不必要条件,B是A成立必要且非充分条件。 3.若成立则A、B互为充要条件。 证明A是B的充要条件,分两步: _ (1)充分性:把A当作已知条件,结合命题的前提条件推出B; (2)必要性:把B当作已知条件,结合命题的前提条件推出A。 二、范例选讲 例1.(充分必要条件的判断)指出下列各组命题中,p是q的什么条件? (1)在△ABC中,p:AB q:BCAC; (2)对于实数x、y,p:x+y≠8 q:x≠2或y≠6; (3)在△ABC中,p:SinASinB q:tanAtanB; (4)已知x、y∈R,p:(x-1)2+(y-2)2=0 q:(x-1)(y-2)=0 解:(1)p是q的充要条件(2)p是q的充分不必要条件 (3)p是q的既不充分又不必要条件(4)p是q的充分不必要条件 练习1(变式1)设f(x)=x2-4x(x∈R),则f(x)0的一个必要而不充分条件是( C ) A、x0 B、x0或x4 C、│x-1│1 D、│x-2│3


高二语文备课组工作计划 新的一学期开始了,为了更好的完成本学期的教学工作,现将本学期高二语文组备课工作安排如下: 一.指导思想: 以语文新课标为指导,以学校本学期工作计划和语文教研组工作计划为参考,切实提高全组教师的职业道德修养、业务水平素质和教育教学能力,落实常规工作,夯实基础,增加课外阅读量,丰富学生的知识面,激发学生学习语文的兴趣,提高学生的语文素养,使学生具有适应实际需要的现代文阅读能力、写作能力和口语交际能力,具有初步的文学鉴赏能力和阅读一般文言文的能力,掌握语文学习的基本方法和技巧,养成自学语文的习惯,提高文化品位,发展健康个性,形成健全人格。倡导“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,挖掘潜能,提高素质。 二.教学内容与重点: 人教版语文必修五及选修本教材《中国古代诗歌散文欣赏》 教学中要重在阅读技巧的指导与写作能力的训练提高 三.教学基本原则 1.立足教材,服务高考 教学中我们要做到立足于教材,服务于高考。教学中既要突出文体的特点,讲清课文内容要点,又要结合考点的设置,进行有针对性的前瞻性教学。 2.探究创新,推进课改 继续推进“自主、探究、合作”学习方式的探索与研究。 教学中要有计划地引导学生自学,引导他们自主钻研课文,得出自己的认识与结论,而不要搞大一统,一言堂;要突出研究性学习特点,拓展课堂内容,深化对课文的理解,而不要浅尝辄止,小富即安;要组织合作学习小组,鼓励学生相互切磋,问难质疑,共同提高,而不要死气沉沉,机械呆板。 四.具体措施 1.落实集体备课 明确职责,分工合作,同心协力,面对新教材、新内容,充分发挥大家的主观能动性,实行资料资源共享,按照学校要求,每次备课都要有中心发言人,详细解说本单元甚至于某一课的重点、难点、考点、疑点,要提出教材处理意见。备课组在听取这些意见后细致讨论,达成共识。 备课,我们也可以结对子,做到四个落实:课件、教学设计、配套习题(课内课外相结合,可以是自己拟的,也可以是拼版的,但不要随意拿来一份充数)、相关资料(有形的材料),一定要注重可用性和适用性。 我们力争每周都要搞一次集体备课,即使不能集中,大家也可以小范围交流。研讨的内容也可以丰富多彩,课例研讨,教材质疑,经验交流,就是自己教学上的一次失误,也可以说出来,避免我们之中的其他人犯同样的错误。 2.相互观摩学习 本学期备课组要多听课,在老教师上示导课的同时,备课组之间还要经常性听课,多借鉴吸收,多取长补短。 计划每两周上一堂研讨课,自己定课题,定时间,大家评议,共同提高。 3.强化课堂常规 课前三分钟演讲;每堂课的明确的教学目的;对教材的理解要力求广(有拓展)、透(求深入)、准(没有错误) 以上几点是从我们老师的角度谈的,以下说的是对学生的要求


高三化学集体备课记录总结 高三化学集体备课记录(一) 备课时间:2014年8月10日 (星期日、上午) 备课地点:高三理综办公室 备课教师:XXX、XXX、XXX 备课内容:§ 1-1 物质的量气体摩尔体积 中心发言人:XXX 发言内容: 本节的主要考点有:以物质的量为中心的有关计算、阿伏加德罗常数、气体摩尔体积等基本概念,主要考查关于阿伏加德罗常数的正误判断、气体摩尔体积的概念。2015年的高考仍会围绕阿伏加德罗常数、气体摩尔体积设置知识陷阱,同时又隐含对物质结构、氧化还原反应、电离、水解等知识的考查。 一、重点、难点 难点一、阿伏伽德罗常数的应用 应用物质的量及阿伏加德罗常数时的注意事项: 1.状况条件:考查气体时经常给出非标准状况,如常温常压下等. 2.物质状态:考查气体摩尔体积时,常给出在标准状况 3.物质结构:考查一定物质的量的物质中含有多少个粒子(分子、原子、质子、中子等),常涉及稀有气体He、Ne等单原子分子;N2、O2、H2等双原子分子及O3、18O2等特殊物质. 4.一些物质中化学键的数目,如金刚石、石墨、SiO2、CH4、P4、H2O2、CO2、C n H2n+2等. 5.较复杂反应中转移电子数的计算,如Na2O2及H2O或CO2的反应、Cl2及NaOH溶液的反应、Al及NaOH的溶液反应、电解CuSO4溶液等. 难点二、阿伏伽德罗定律及其应用 1.定律:在相同的温度和压强下,相同体积的任何气体都含有相同数目的分子.

2. 二、复习策略 中学化学基本概念比较多,概念间的联系比较杂,基本理论知识也比较丰富。如何使学生牢固掌握这些概念和理论,提高复习效率,我们认为除了对照《考纲》逐一落实知识点外,还应该注意把握以下几个方面: 1.过程及结论:在双基复习中必须重视学生概念形成、理论掌握的思维过程,切忌单纯、机械地记忆某些“结论”和“规律”。 2 1、XXX


高中数学教案全套 【篇一:人教a版高中数学必修1全套教案】 课题:1.1 集合 教材分析:集合概念及其基本理论,称为集合论,是近、现代数学 的一个重要的基础,一方 面,许多重要的数学分支,都建立在集合理论的基础上。另一方面,集合论及其所反映的数学思想,在越来越广泛的领域种得到应用。 课型:新授课 教学目标:(1)通过实例,了解集合的含义,体会元素与集合的理 解集合“属于”关系; (2)能选择自然语言、图形语言、集合语言(列举法或描述法)描 述不同的具体问题,感受集合语言的意义和作用; 教学重点:集合的基本概念与表示方法; 教学难点:运用集合的两种常用表示方法——列举法与描述法,正 确表示一些简单的集合;教学过程: 一、引入课题 军训前学校通知:8月15日8点,高一年段在体育馆集合进行军训 动员;试问这个通知的对象是全体的高一学生还是个别学生? 在这里,集合是我们常用的一个词语,我们感兴趣的是问题中某些 特定(是高一而不是高二、高三)对象的总体,而不是个别的对象,为此,我们将学习一个新的概念——集合(宣布课题),即是一些 研究对象的总体。 阅读课本p2-p3内容 二、新课教学 (一)集合的有关概念 1. 集合理论创始人康托尔称集合为一些确定的、不同的东西的全体,人们能意识到这些东西,并且能判断一个给定的东西是否属于这个 总体。 2. 一般地,研究对象统称为元素(element),一些元素组成的总 体叫集合(set),也简称集。 3. 思考1:课本p3的思考题,并再列举一些集合例子和不能构成集 合的例子,对学生的例子予以讨论、点评,进而讲解下面的问题。 4. 关于集合的元素的特征


高一语文备课组个人教学计划 高一语文备课组个人教学计划 一、总体目标: 根据新课标的精神和要求,暨第一学期的教学探索,我们的教学目标继续定位为以下五个方面: (一)积累·整合、(二)感受·鉴赏、(三)思考·领悟、(四)应用·拓展、(五)发现·创新,使学生获得良好的语文素养,能力得以全面发展。 二、具体措施: (一)、积极研究课改实施办法。 高一所有的语文老师都是课改成员。所有成员都要认真学习语文新课程内容,探究其精神。充分利用每周的备课组活动时间,有计划、有步骤地讨论每个单元的教学内容、操作程序、教学方法,做到活动主题明确,有中心发言人。 (二)、积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。 语文课堂教学应为学生创设良好的自主学习情境,帮助他们树立主体意识,根据各自的特点和需要,调整学习心态和策略,探寻适合自己的学习方法和途径。而合作学习有利于在互动中提高学习效率,有利于培养合作意识和团队精神。因此,我们鼓励学生在个人钻研的基础上,积极参与讨论及其他学习活动,善于倾听、吸纳他人的意见,学会宽容和沟通,学会协作和分享。为了改变过于强调接受学习、死

记硬背、机械训练的状况,我们提倡并实施在课堂上开展自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力提高组织教学和引导学生学习的质量。 组织学习小组,开展合作性学习。 落实课前预习疑难问题收集制。 课堂教学突出学生主体地位,努力创设交流、表达空间。 (三)、多阅读,开阔眼界,陶冶情操。 除教学上安排的阅读内容外,我们将充分利用图书馆和班上的“图书角”资源,让学生阅读更多的课外知识,同时要求做好摘记,写读后感、随笔等,这样,提高学生阅读的速度、理解文章内容的水平,训练学生学会自己找资料,既达到开阔学生的视野又积累资料的目的。 课时组合:3节阅读教学+1节图书阅读(因本学期课时紧,可隔周上)+2节课堂读写连堂课。 课前语文活动突出成语、古诗词、好书介绍、美文选读等。 (四)、改变做练习的习惯 如何处理练习问题,我们尝试以下办法: 1、整合原则。将练习处理融合到课文教学当中,在课堂上解决。因为练习是围绕课文内容和单元要求而设计的,它对课堂教学起一定的引导作用。因此,决不能将课堂教学与练习的处理分割开来,而应该将二者巧妙地整合,有专家说:“老师在带领学生学习课文的过程中,练习的某些问题能够不知不觉、自然而然地解决。”这样,既让学生学得轻松,又能节省教学时间,提高课堂效率。


高三教师备课工作 一备教案: 一、两天内所复习的内容,是教师工作的思路、行动的路线、流程。简要写出《考纲》、《说明》所牵涉的“知识点”、“单元”、“框题”,写明“教案”所使用的时间或时间间隔。写明复习备考 的重点、难点、常考点、易错易混点,一轮复习常以各种小专题复 习和训练的形式来准备,是对一、两天的课进行了具体、详细的设 计和安排,是你一、两天工作的思路、行动的路线和流程。 二备思路、方法 主要从教师“教”的角度去设计思路和方法,就是写“老师教什么、做什么、怎么去做”。 (1)内容。依据《考试说明》上的主要内容、知识点进行学习目 标的拆解分析,拓展和挖掘,要设置什么问题?提问学生什么?合作 探究什么?要形成该部分内容的系统和架构,设计什么样的小专题? 例题?训练题?板书?课本和资料上内容不一定全写在教案上,可标明 课本或资料上的页码和段落。 (2)方法。上课时提问什么?复习巩固上节内容。精讲点拨什么? 尤其是讲评课,评是精讲、是拓展、是点睛、是结论,老师必须讲 规律、评思路、讲方法、讲线索、讲框架。小组合作讨论什么?设计 什么样的“小专题”来带动复习。总之,要对课堂结构和顺序进行 设计,优化学习结构,努力把学生的思维进行激活。 (3)设计。引导学生“学”的设计,“学”什么?记住、理解、应用什么?让学生“练”什么?巩固迁移,学以致用,实现学生从懂到会,从会到熟练应用,尽量做到使学生口、手、眼、脑同时使用。 课堂上也要做到随时随机抽检学生,做好关键学生(尖子生、边缘推 拉生)的把关、过关工作。

深入真实有效的备课,应成为老师的基本工作习惯和常态工作方式,每次上完课后,都要对课堂效果、学生的状态在教案后边进行 一两句的反思,用不同颜色的笔写出来,要真情实感发自内心, “反思三年成名师”! 三备“导学提纲” 1、有角度。从学生“学”的角度去设计的引领学生自主复习的 路线图、方向盘。要求内容精简、主要体现“学生学什么,做什么?”引领学生去深度学习、去精准练习。(1)列出三天学生主要的学习目 标(从《考试说明》和课本上提炼出来)。(2)重点、难点、易错易混点、常考点。(3)导学环节。引导学生去归纳、去构建知识网络,可 用“表格”“填空”“复习的提纲”,“小题带复习”。让学生去 画“架构图”、“鱼骨图”、“思维导图”“典型例题分析”“小 专题训练”……。引导学生回归课本,真正搞清知识的来龙去脉, 点与点之间的联系是什么?区别是什么?“导学提纲”上要有留白, 要求学生也要在学案上认真写、认真做,用双色笔在学案的引导下 圈点勾画。(4)年级要统一格式,从现在到明年高考前,连续标明 “期次”和“时间”,要写上编写老师的姓名。每周每组至少两个“导学提纲”。 2、有分工。老师要分好工,每次备课时,由一人负责编写“导 学提纲”,要提前手写或打印出来,要提前发到老师手里,都要提 前认真审读。集体研备时进行讨论,交流想法和观点,增减完善。“导学提纲”是学生去动手复习整理知识、去动手做题、训练验收 的最有收藏价值的资料。希望老师们要始终站在学生们自主复习的 角度去创作设计好。必须用心去准备,用我们的水平、用集体的智 慧去编选、去完善、去组织,真正达到实用有效的水平。 3、有检测。准备“周测质检卷”。一是每周一卷,周六、日使用,格式上统一要求。二是多给老师们准备各式各样的资源,跳入 题海的首先是老师们,精挑细选试题,一般不用套卷。“周测卷” 以近期复习内容为主,要求和近期所复习内容、知识点匹配,约占 卷的60~70%,前边复习过的也要进行滚动练习,综合性的练习,要 写明组卷老师的姓名。三是题型多样。选、填、计、阅读、实验、
