英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit 2 Wildlife Conservatin听力原文

英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit 2 Wildlife Conservatin听力原文
英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit 2 Wildlife Conservatin听力原文

Listen this way 听力教程第三册-2

Unit 2 Wildlife Conservation

Part Ⅰ Getting ready




on the brink:在边缘

can't afford to wait any more:不能再等待

take action:采取行动

abbreviations :缩写


IUCN -- International Union for the Conservation of Nature:世界自然保护联盟

convention:会议;全体与会者;国际公约;惯例,习俗,规矩CITES -- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species:华盛顿公约,濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约conservation:保存;保护;避免浪费;对自然环境的保护

UNEP -- United Nations Environmental Program:联合国环境规划署

WWF -- World Wide Fund for Nature :世界自然基金会regulate:调节;控制,管理

promote the conservation:促进保护

under the auspices of:在…的帮助或支持下;有…赞助的prohibit:禁止

endangered species:濒危野生动植物种

encourage partnerships in doing sth:鼓励伙伴partnership:伙伴关系;合伙人身份;合作关系;合营公司inspiring information:鼓舞人心的信息

improve their quality of life:改善生活品质

without compromising:不妥协

enable sb to do sth:使……能

raise funds for :筹款

giant panda:大熊猫

a global network:全球网



biological diversity:生物多样性

ecosystem services:生态系统服务


a breathable atmosphere:洁净的(能够呼吸的)空气reduce in number :数量减少





marine turtles:海龟






sea sanctuary:海洋保护区

protected-nesting sites :受保护的营巢区nesting site:营巢区;筑巢区;巢址pollute:污染



come into force:开始生效


roll off:辗轧;下降


public appeal:公众诉求;呼吁


make a donation:捐款

Wild animals and wild plants and the wild places where they live are gravely threatened almost everywhere. One species has become extinct in each year of this century; and many hundreds are now on the brink. We can't afford to wait any more. It is time that we take action.

A The following words and phrases will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions.

1. habitat: the natural home of a planet or animal

2. species: a group of plants or animals of the same kind, which are alike in all important ways and can breed together

3. bludgeon: hit with a heavy object

4. census: a count of a total population

5. logistics: the planning and implementation of the details of any operation

6. degrade: bring down

7. adversely: in the manner of going against, opposing

8. refuge: a place that provides protection or shelter from danger

9. aquatic: living in or on water

10. mussel: a small sea animal living inside a black shell whose soft body can be eaten as food (淡菜)

11. staple food: basic food or main food that one normally eats

12. picky eater: someone who is very careful about choosing only what they like to eat

13. shrink: to become or cause to become smaller in size

14. case study: a detailed analytical study of a person or something with a view to making generalizations

B Listen to some abbreviations and acronyms of some organizations and some information about them. Fill in the blanks.


1. IUCN -- International Union for the Conservation of Nature, is the organization established by the United Nations to promote the conservation of wildlife and habitats as part of the national policies of member states.

2. CITES -- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. is an international agreement under the auspices of the IUCN with the aim of regulating trade in endangered species of animals and plants. The agreement came into force in 1975 and by 1991 had been signed by 110 states. It prohibits any trade in a category of 8,000 highly endangered species and controls trade in a further 30,000 species.

3. UNEP -- United Nations Environmental Program, aims to provide leadershi p and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment by inspiring information and enabling nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.

4. WWF -- World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund), is an international organization established in 1961 to raise funds for conservation by public appeal. Projects include conservation of particular species, for example, the tiger and giant panda. With almost five million supporters distributed throughout

five continents, WWF has a global network active in over 90 countries. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland.

Biological diversity provides us with a variety of special "ecosystem services", such as clean water, a breathable atmosphere and natural climate control. However, many kinds of wild animals have been so reduced in number that their role in the ecosystem is negligible. Animals like the great apes, the whales, seals, and marine turtles are under particular pressure.

C Listen to the conversation. Match column A, which is a

list of the names of some endangered animals, with column B, which gives the information about those endangered

animals. Then anwser the questions.

Column A

1. Whales

2. Seals

3. Turtles

4. Crocodiles

5. 'Walruses (海象.) 2





Column B

bludgeoned to death for fur coats

killed to make handbags and shoes

hunted for their ivory

hunted to extinction

eggs rolled off and slaughtered for meat and oil

6. Dolphins


1. What do people at the World Wildlife Fund work for according to the woman?

They work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife.

2. What are they doing in order to protect those endangered animals? They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species. Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up.

3. Can you guess the meaning of "sea sanctuaries"?

It refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected and allowed to live freely.


A: Hello, I'm calling on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund.

B: The what?

A: The World Wildlife Fund. If you've got a few minutes I'd like to tell you what that means.

B: Oh, all right.

A: We work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife. The seas, for example, have become polluted by the industrialized world; whales are being hunted to extinction;

turtles are rolled off their eggs when they come ashore to breed or are slaughtered for their meat and oil...

B: Oh.

A: Crocodiles are killed to make handbags and shoes; walruses are hunted for their ivory.

B: I see.

A: Seals are bludgeoned to death to provide fur coats and the threat of extinction hangs over several species of whale, dolphin and porpoise.

B: Really.

A: We are now campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.

B: Very interesting.

A: Aided by our campaign, protected nesting sites for turtles have already been set up. As you can see, this is very valuable work and I wonder therefore if you'd like to make a donation?

Part II Christmas bird counts

be deemed:(被)认为,视为,断定

fortunes :命运



at risk of :有……危险

imminent extinction:即将灭绝

lose a species:丧失一个物种





sustaining the quality of lives :维持生活质量

John James Audubon :约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦,1785年4月26日-1851年1月27日),美国画家、博物学家,他绘制的鸟类图



in their natural habitats:自然居住地



sponsored by :赞助;发起

the National Audubon Society:全国奥杜邦(鸟类保护)协会Bermuda:百慕大群岛(北大西洋西部群岛)

Pacific islands:太平洋岛屿


bird count:鸟类的清点


bird watcher:野鸟观察者,鸟类观察家



actually :实际上,实质上,事实上,几乎








identify :识别,认出


esthetic value:审美价值


habitat alteration:栖息地变更






Christmas bird counts:对诞(岛)数鸟


One in eight of the world's bird species is deemed globally threatened and the fortunes of 198 critically endangered species are now so perilous that they are at risk of imminent extinction. Many people feel that every time we lose a species, the world becomes a poorer place. The more successful we are at maintaining or improving the living conditions of the Earth's

many residents, the better our chances will be of sustaining the quality of all species' lives on Earth.

A Listen to a news report. While listening for the first time, add more key words in the notes column according to the following cues. While listening for the second time, supply the missing information.

Event: Christmas bird counts

Time: from Christmas to Jan. 3rd

Sponsored by: the National Audubon Society


Numbers:more than 40,000 volunteers

Background: from all 50 states of the U.S., every Canadian

province, parts of Central and South

America', Bermuda, the West Indies

and Pacific islands

Number of bird counts this year: more than 1 600 separate bird counts

The logistics of bird counts: Each individual count is in a 15 mile diameter circle around the exact center point.

Origin of the National Audubon Society: It was named after an American artist John James Audubon, who illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The Society was founded in the late

1800s by conservationists concerned with the decline of birds.

B Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the report. Complete the summary of this year's Christmas bird counts.

Christmas bird counts will start from Christmas to January 3rd., sponsored by the National Audubon Society. This year more than 40 000 volunteers from the U.S., Canada, parts of Central and South America, Bermuda, the West Indies and Pacific islands will be outside counting birds. The counts are not only for experienced bird watchers but anyone that is interested or concerned as well.

This year more than 1 600 separate bird counts have been scheduled. Some would have as few as 10 people taking part, others with hundreds. Every individual count is in a 15 mile diameter circle around the exact center point. Bird counters can get a good idea of the total bird populations within the count circle based on t he number of birds they actually see.

The traditional Christmas bird count is the longest-running bird census in ornithology.


John James Audubon was an American artist in the early 1800s, who illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The Society named after him was founded in the late 1800s by conservationists concerned with the decline of birds, which were being killed so their feathers could be used in the manufacture of women's hats.

Sponsored by the National Audubon Society, more than 40 000 volunteers will be outside counting birds from today until January

3rd. Volunteers from all 50 states of the United States, every Canadian province, parts of Central and South America, Bermuda, the West Indies and Pacific islands have begun to count and record every individual bird and bird species observed during the two and one half week period of the count.

Jeffrey LeBaron is the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count editor. He says the count is the longest-running bird census in ornithology.

This year, according to Mr. LeBaron , more than 1 600 separate bird counts have been scheduled. Some would have as few as 10

people taking part, others with hundreds. The logistics of the Christmas bird count, he adds, are simple.

"Each individual count is in a circle. It's a 15 mile diameter circle, um, around the exact center point. And it's always the exactly same area that's done every year, usually, even on the same weekend during the count period. And what the ideal would be, which is virtually impossible, is this census: every single individual bird within that circle on the count day."

Mr. LeBaron says experienced bird counters can get a good idea of the total bird populations within the count circle based on the number of birds they actually see. The editor points out, however, that the counts are not only for experienced bird watchers.

"Anybody that is interested or concerned can become involved. Beginners will go out in a party with experienced individuals who know both the area and the birds in the area, in the field where more eyes and ears are better. And then anybody can point out a bird, and someone in the field will always be able to identify the bird."

C Now listen to what Mr. Lebaron says about the information concerning birds. Complete the outline.


I. Total number of known species -- about 9 300

II. Habitat

A. Larger numbers living in the warmer climates

e.g. more than 300 different species counted in Panama

B. far fewer species native to colder climates

III. Value

A. importance to the environment

1. indicator of the quality of environment

2. sensitive to habitat alteration

B. esthetic value

1. getting pleasure out of looking at birds and

listening to birds

2. mental quality of life degraded without birds IV. Birds' population

A. some species -- declining

B. many types -- increasing


Mr. LeBaron says there are about 9 300 different known species of birds. Larger numbers of them live in the warmer climates. For example, more than 300 different species have been counted in Panama, while far fewer species are native to colder climates. Aside from their esthetic value, Mr. LeBaron says birds are important to the environment because they can signal changes in it.

"Birds are one of the best indicators that we have of the quality of the environment within the given area. Whether it is a relatively local area, or even primarily on the worldwide bases, they are one of the first things to be altered. They are quite sensitive to a habitat alteration or to other threats. And often times when birds are disappearing out of the area, it just means there is a degradation of the quality of the habitat within that area which will adversely affect everything in there including humans."

National Audubon Society editor Jeffrey LeBaron calls the world's bird populations a source of wealth that humans must protect. "People get so much pleasure out of looking at birds and listening to birds. And if they start disappearing just the er, the quality of life,

um, may be not physically, but the mental quality of life can be degraded quickly."

Jeffrey LeBaron says that while the National Audubon Society's annual Christmas bird counts show a decline in some species, many types of birds are actually increasing their populations.

Part III Dolphin captivity

in captivity:养在笼子(或池子,等)里;囚禁announcer:播音员

thesis statements:文意,简述论文,论文主题

Colorado Public Radio:科罗拉多州公共广播电台

aquatic park:水上公园



dolphin :海豚


a former navy dolphin trainer :前海军海豚训练员




concrete tank:混凝土水箱,混凝土油罐,混凝土贮水池


bounce off:试探(某人对某一新设想和意见),大发议论ocean explorer:海洋探险家


suicidal:自杀的,自杀性的;自我毁灭的,自取灭亡的;于己不利pool :池子

a very sophisticated brain:发达的大脑



captive dolphins :被捕的海豚

Sarasota Bay:萨拉索塔湾(佛罗里达州)


the census data :统计数据



marine mammal:海洋哺乳动物





natural behavior :自然行为

英语听力教程 第三版 学生用书2 单词

Kindergarten: a school or class for young children, usually four to six years old, that prepares them for Nursery school: a school for very young children, usually 3 to 5 years of age Coo: speak gently and lovely wedding: the act or ceremony of becoming married Bride: a woman who has just been married or is about to be married relationship: Pick up: stop for and take or bring(person) along with one a romantic or sexual involvement Stability: steadiness, the state of being not likely to separate, break down or fall apart Discipline: strict control to enforce obedience; punishment / control, train, punish Lenient: merciful, not severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, ect. Spare the rod, spoil the child: a child who is not punished will become undisciplined and unruly. Harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or more severe than is necessary Foldaway: that can be folded together for easy storage.Detached: not connected, separate Blind: anything that keeps out light, as a window shade or shutter. Estate: landed property; individually owned piece of land containing a residence. Sink:any of various basins, as in a kitchen or laundry, connected with a drainpipe and usually, with Appliance: a device or machine for performing a specific task, esp. one that is worked mechanically Property: a building or area of land, or both together Mortgage: an agreement that allows you to borrow money from or similar organization, Tenant: a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building Counselor: someone who is paid to listen to people’s problems and provide support and advice. Make the grade: succeed; reach the necessary standard quit: stop (doing something) and leave Goody-goody: a person who likes to appear faultless in behavior so as to please others, not because Emblazon: decorate something with a design, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easily Go to pieces: lose the ability to think or act clearly because of fear, sorrow, ect. Potter about: do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing something that Plough through: make slow progress through something difficult or boring especially a book Small hours: the early morning hours just after midnight.Regulate: make work at a certain speed Well-rounded: complete; well-planned for proper balance Abstruse:deep; hard to understand Compulsory: required; obligatory; that must be done Be cut out for: be fitted for; be suited for Burn one’s bridges: destroy all means of going back, so that one must go forward Segregation: separation; isolation; the policy or practice of compelling racial groups or people of Dispel: scatter or drive away; cause to disappear Cohort: a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behavior High-flyer: a person who has the desire and the ability to be very successful in their job or their Flunk: fail to reach the required standard in (an exam, test, or course of study) Career: the general course of a person’s working life. Client: a person who buys goods or services Personnel: the department of a company or organization that deals with its employees when they need Make a fortune: earn a great amount of money, possessions, etc. Torture: severe pain or suffering caused in the mind or body Shift: a group of workers who take turns with one or more other groups Teamwork: the ability of a group of people to work together effectively Survey: a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by Cross-section: a part or group that is typicalor representative of the whole Brainstorming: a way of making a group of people all think about sth at the same time, often in order


Listen this way听力教程第三册-6 Unit 6 Find the Right Words Part I Getting ready Audioscript: The English language can be traced back to prehistoric Indo-European through the West Germanic line. However, many other influences have shaped the development of Modern English. We will review some important dates in the history of the English language. The first three are Latin influences: 1. In 5,5 B.C. Caesar conquered Britain and the Celtic people. 2. In 4 3. B.C. Rome colonized the island. 3. The Romans remained for 400 years (the first four centuries of the Christian Era). The next significant dates were: 4. The year 499 (which was the year of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of the island). 5. From 500 on, the West Germanic language was the basic language of Britain (or England).


Warm up 1. Isn't this a cute hat? It's really warm, too. 2. Look at my new sweatshirt. It has my university's logo on it. 3. These sandals are so comfortable. I hate wearing regular shoes. 4. I need a new pair of jeans for school. Mine are torn. 5. I have to wear high heels to work. They really hurt my feet! 6. I want a new jacket. This one is getting old. 7. That's a neat polo shirt. I like the little crocodile logo on it. 8. Wow, these slacks are tight. Too much junk food, I guess. 9. Ooh, that dress! It's so beautiful! 10. Cool T-shirt. What does it say? 11. These pajamas are very soft, very comfortable. 12 .I need to wear a suit for my new job. 13. The sweater is so warm. I wear it all winter. 14. My new cargo pants are so cool. They have like a million pockets. 15. I need some new socks. These have holes in them. 16.These sneakers are great. Really comfortable. Listening task 1. A: So, what do you think of these? B: Hmm. Pink slacks? I don't know. Maybe you should try these. A: The black ones? B: Yeah, black looks good on you. 2. A: Hey, hey, hey! Check it out. B: Uh ... A: Isn't this shirt great? B: Yeah, um. But I think you should try a bigger size.

全新版大学英语3听力教程原文及答案 第三册

全新版大学英语3综合教程听力原文及答案第三册 Unit 1 Part B Text 1 Dating with My Mother (Part One) After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, 'Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer.' The 'other' woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. 'What's wrong' she asked. 'I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,' I said. 'Just the two of us.' 'I would like that a lot,' she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling. 'I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They can't wait to hear about our evening,' Mother said. Questions: 1. What would make the speaker closer to his wife, Peggy 2. What do you know about the speaker's mother 3. Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy Text 2 Dating with My Mother (Part Two) We didn't go anywhere fancy, just a neighborhood place where we could talk. Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows, I had to read the menu for both of us. 'I used to be the reader when you were little,' she said. 'Then it is time for you to relax and let me return the favor,' I said. We had a nice talk over dinner, just catching up on each other's lives. We talked for so long that we missed the movie. 'I'll go out with you again,' my mother said as I dropped her off, 'but


Unit 4 Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics Stress, Intonation and Accent Script Listen to some short conversations. Has the second speaker finished talking? Tick the right box. 1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’s off ice is, please? B: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, …↗ 2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are? B: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs. ↘ 3. A: What did you do after work yesterday? B: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the carpark. ↘ 4. A: What did you do after work yesterday? B: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom, …↗ 5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works? B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10-pence pieces there, ... ↗ 6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works? B: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘Key Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking Frog Legs Script A. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words. 1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries. 2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. 3. Indian scientists have describ ed as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands. 4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.

张民伦版英语听力教程 答案

Unit 1 Under the Same Roof PartⅠ B. 1.picture two 2.picture one 3.picture four 4.picture three C. 1.He’s a cook 2.There are six people in my family 3.She turned twenty in August 4.They live in Tokyo 5.I have two brothers and one sister 6.His name is David 7.She works in a hospital 8.Since 1994 9.Yes,two daughters and one son 10.We met at my best friend’s bi rthday party PartⅡ A. 1.The parents 2.The children 3.Different but equal 4.Women’s 5.You know that you have to work at it to create love 6.Helping people learn to work at their relationships to make their relationship work B. lauthoritarian model:children have no rights permissive era:children are the bosses;they are allowed to do whatever they want to;parents run around behind them third position:parents and children are different but equal women’s movement:women demand a freer choice about who they are and how they can be appreciation for men: (1) being bread-winner and providers for families (2) being more involved with their childre arranged marriage:you have to work at it to create the love marriage out of love:you don’t know how to work at it when it gets tricky,and you are more easily to opt out PartⅢ A. 1.separate 2.Smoking,drinking 3.collecting 4.On the railway

施心远听力教程1 (第三版)第三单元文本及答案

Unit 3 Talking about People Section 1 Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics A. Listen and repeat 1. A: Where were you at one o’clock? B: At one o’clock? At my mother’s. 2. A: Let’s ask him to let us go. B: He won’t let us go. 3. A: I saw them together. B: Where did you see them? B. Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Friend: Hi, Linda. I hear you and John got married (l) last month. Linda: Yeah, we did, (smiling) Three weeks (2) ago. Friend: Well, congratulations! Linda: Thank you. Friend: Did you (3) have a big wedding? Linda: No, we got (4) married at City Hall. We didn’t want to spend very much because (5) we’re saving to buy a house. Friend: Where did you (6) have the reception? Linda: Oh- we (7) didn’t have a reception. We just (8) invited a few friends over for drinks afterwards. Friend: What (9) did you wear? Linda: Just a skirt and blouse. Friend: Oh! Linda: And John wore a (10) jacket and jeans. Friend: Where did you (11) go for your honeymoon? Linda: We (12) didn’t have a honeymoon. We went back to work the next day. Ah, here comes (13) my bus. Friend: Listen. (14) I’d love to help celebrate. Why don’t you two (15) come over for a drink next week? Linda: Sure. We’d love to. (16) I’ll talk to John and (17) call you Monday. Friend: Great. See you (18) next week. Linda: Bye. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Bob: Look at that, Angela. True-Value is going to sell hi-fi’s for 72.64 pounds. I’m going to buy one. We can save at least 20 pounds.

英语听力教程第三版张民伦主编)Unit 4 Have a Nice Trip听力原文

Listen this way 听力教程第三册-4 Unit 4 Have a Nice Trip Part I Getting ready Audioscript: ★ Australia is the world's largest island and its smallest continent. Its total area of 3 000 000 square miles is about the same as that of the continental United States (excluding Alaska). ★ The area of Nepal is about 54 000 square miles. Within its borders are five of the world's highest peaks. ★ Switzerland is a small, landlocked country, 15 944 square miles in area. It's bordered by France, Austria, and Italy. ★ More than 20 000 000 people live in Argentine. About 97 percent are of European stock. Most Argentines live on the eastern plains. Fewer than 19% live in the dry western and northwestern provinces. ★ Austria is 32 376 square miles in area. This makes it twice the size of neighboring Switzerland. There are about 7 150 000 people living in Austria. More than one third of the people live in or near Vienna, the capital city. ★ Colombia is the only country in South America with a coastline on both sides of the continent. It is a big country with an area of 439 828 square miles and about 16 300 000 persons live in Colombia. ★ Saudi Arabia's area is estimated to be about 830 000 square miles.


英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit-8-The-Sound-of-Musi c听力原文

Listen this way听力教程第三册-8 Unit 8 The Sound of Music Part I Getting ready A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes. A The following words will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions. 1. panel:a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something 2. contender:a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win something 3. nomination:the act of suggesting or choosing somebody as a candidate in an election, or for a job or an award 4. cinematography:the art or process of making films 5. score:the music written for a film/movie or play


Listen this way 听力教程第三册-5 Unit 5 Meet People from around the World Part I Getting ready Audioscript: Presenter:Today Selina Kahn is in the arrival area at Gatwick Airport checking out today's topic -- national stereotypes. Selina ... Selinar:Thanks, John. I have with me Eric, who's just flown in with Virgin Atlantic from the USA. Eric:That's right. I've just come back from New York. Selinar:Is it as dangerous as they say? Eric:No, New York isn't dangerous, no more than any other big city, especially if you're careful and don't advertise the fact that you're a tourist. Selinar:And is it true what they say about New Yorkers, that they're rude, and that they only care about themselves?

Eric:Well, I found the people were very friendly. However, they do have a reputation for not caring about other people. I think the reason for this is that life in New York is incredibly stressful. People just don't have the time to think about anybody else. It isn't that they don't care. Selinar:Is there anything else you noticed about New Yorkers? Eric:Two things I had heard about before I went to New York did seem to be true, though. First is that they are always talking about money and how much things cost. Secondly, it's that people eat all the time as they go about their daily lives, you know they "graze on the hoof" as they walk about the streets. Selinar:Thanks Eric, and now I have with me, Sue, who's been to the south of France ... Part II New Icelanders Audioscript: New Zealand is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean about 1 200 miles southeast of Australia. It has about 2 575 000 people. Two thirds live on the North Islands, and one third on the larger South Island. Most of them are of British descent. Almost everyone in New Zealand knows how to read and write. The


全新版大学英语听说教程第三册听力原文及答案 Unit 1 Part B Text 1 Dating with My Mother (Part One) After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, 'Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer.' The 'other' woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. 'What's wrong?' she asked. 'I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,' I said. 'Just the two of us.' 'I would like that a lot,' she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling. 'I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They can't wait to hear about our evening,' Mother said. Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Questions: 1. What would make the speaker closer to his wife, Peggy? 2. What do you know about the speaker's mother? 3. Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy? Exercise 2: 1. She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, but you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer." 2. 1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled.
