



MVC是一种目前广泛流行的软件设计模式,早在70年代,IBM就推出了Sanfronscisico项目计划,其实就是MVC设计模式的研究。近来,随着J2EE 的成熟,它正在成为在J2EE平台上推荐的一种设计模型,也是广大Java开发者非常感兴趣的设计模型。MVC模式也逐渐在PHP和ColdFusion开发者中运用,并有增长趋势。随着网络应用的快速增加,MVC模式对于Web应用的开发无疑是一种非常先进的设计思想,无论你选择哪种语言,无论应用多复杂,它都能为你理解分析应用模型时提供最基本的分析方法,为你构造产品提供清晰的设计框架,为你的软件工程提供规范的依据。




















MVC Design Pattern

MVC is a widely popular software design pattern,as early as in the 70's,IBM introduced the Sanfronscisico on the project,in fact,is the MVC design pattern research. Recently,with the maturity of J2EE,it is becoming a recommendation in the J2EE platform,a design model,the majority of Java developers are also very interested in the design model. MVC model is gradually developed in PHP and ColdFusion are in use,and growth trends. With the rapid increase in web applications,MVC model for the development of Web applications is a very advanced design idea,no matter what language you choose,no matter how complicated the application,it can be for you to understand and provide the most basic application model analytical methods,structural products for you to provide a clear framework for the design,for your software projects in accordance with norms. MVC design idea

MVC in English or Model-View-Controller,an application that is input,process,output process in accordance with the Model,View,Controller isolated manner,such an application is divided into three layers - model layer,view layer,control layer.

View (View) on behalf of the user interface for Web applications can be summed up as HTML interface,but has the potential to XHTML,XML,and Applet. With the application of the complexity and scale,the interface has become challenging to deal with. An application may have different views,MVC design pattern to deal with the view of the limited view of data acquisition and processing,as well as the user's request,not included in the view on the handling of business processes. The handling of business processes to the model (Model) to deal with. For example,a view only accept orders from the model data and display to users,as well as input user interface data and the request passed to the control and model.

Model (Model): is the business process / status of the processing and business rules. Business process layer is the other black-box operation,the model view to accept the request of the data,and return the results of the final. The design of business models can be said to be the most important core of MVC.

Currently popular model of EJB applications is a typical example of the application of technology from the perspective of the model further delineation in order to make full use of existing components,but it can not be used as a framework for application design model. It only tell you that according to the design of this model will be able to use certain technology components,thereby reducing the technical difficulties. Example of a developer,you can focus on

business model design. MVC design pattern tells us that the application of the model according to certain rules of taking away the level of extraction is very important,which is to determine whether the development in accordance with good design. Abstract and concrete can not be separated too far,nor too close.

MVC model did not provide the design method,but only tell you that the management of these models should be organized in order to facilitate reconstruction and improve the model reusability. We can make an analogy with object programming,MVC defines a top-level category,the sub-class to tell it you have to do these,but you can not do these restrictions. This is the developer of the programming is very important.

There is also a business model of the model is very important that the data model. Data model mainly refers to the object data entities (continued of).

Forexample,an order will be saved to the database,to obtain orders from the database. We can separate this model,all the operation of the database is only. Limited to the model.

Control (Controller) can be interpreted as a request received from the user,matching the model and view together to complete the user's request. The role of division of control layer is also very clear that it clearly tell you that it is a distributed,and what kind of model to choose,choose what kind of view,to complete what the user requests. Control layer does not do any data processing. For example,the user clicks on a link and control layer to receive arequest,does not deal with business information,only the user's information to the model,to tell what model to choose the view to meet the requirements to return to the user. Therefore,a model may correspond to multiple views,one view may correspond to a number of models. The benefits of MVC

Most of the process of language use such as ASP,PHP developed Web applications,the development of the initial template is the mixed layer of the data programming. For example,send the request directly to the database and display HTML,development speed is often faster,but because of the separation of data pages is not very direct,and therefore reflect the business model difficult to look or model reusability. Very flexible product design efforts,it is difficult to meet the changing needs of users. MVC layered on the application of the requirements,although additional work would take,but clearly the structure of products,product application through the model can be better reflected.

First of all,the most important thing is that there should be a number of view corresponds to the ability of a model. In the current rapidly changing user requirements,it may have access to a

wide range of applications. For example,orders for the model may be orders of the system as well as online orders,or orders for other systems,but the handling of orders is the same,that is to say the handling of orders is the same. MVC design pattern in accordance with a orders for models and multiple views can solve the problem. This reduced the code to copy,that is,a reduction of the maintenance code,once the model changes,but also easy to maintain.

MVC Design Model

Secondly,the data returned as a result of the model without any display format,so these models can also be directly applied to the use of interfaces.

Third,as a result of an application to be separated into three,it is sometimes one of them will be able to change to meet changes in the application.

An application of business processes or business rules change simply changes the model layer MVC.

The concept of control layer is also very effective,because of its different models and different views together to complete various requests,the control layer can be said to be included in the concept of a user request for permission.

Finally,it is also beneficial to the management of software engineering. Because each different layer,each layer of different applications have some similar characteristics,is conducive to the adoption of engineering and management tools of program code generated.

The shortcomings of MVC

Design and implementation of MVC is not very easy,easier to understand,but for developers the requirements are relatively high. MVC is just a basic designidea,but also the need for careful design and planning.

Model and the strict separation of view may make debugging more difficult,but easier to find errors.

Experience has shown that,MVC as a result of the application is divided into three,means that the number of code files,so the need for document management. Costs point thought.

Above,MVC is a very good software to build a basic model,at least the separation of processing and display,forcing the application is divided into model,view and control layer,making you seriously consider the additional complexity of the application of these ideas into the structure,an increase of application scalability. If we can grasp this,MVC model will make your application stronger,more flexible and more personalized.


On the vehicle sideslip angle estimation through neural networks: Numerical and experimental results. S. Melzi,E. Sabbioni Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25 (2011):14~28 电脑估计车辆侧滑角的数值和实验结果 S.梅尔兹,E.赛博毕宁 机械系统和信号处理2011年第25期:14~28

摘要 将稳定控制系统应用于差动制动内/外轮胎是现在对客车车辆的标准(电子稳定系统ESP、直接偏航力矩控制DYC)。这些系统假设将两个偏航率(通常是衡量板)和侧滑角作为控制变量。不幸的是后者的具体数值只有通过非常昂贵却不适合用于普通车辆的设备才可以实现直接被测量,因此只能估计其数值。几个州的观察家最终将适应参数的参考车辆模型作为开发的目的。然而侧滑角的估计还是一个悬而未决的问题。为了避免有关参考模型参数识别/适应的问题,本文提出了分层神经网络方法估算侧滑角。横向加速度、偏航角速率、速度和引导角,都可以作为普通传感器的输入值。人脑中的神经网络的设计和定义的策略构成训练集通过数值模拟与七分布式光纤传感器的车辆模型都已经获得了。在各种路面上神经网络性能和稳定已经通过处理实验数据获得和相应的车辆和提到几个处理演习(一步引导、电源、双车道变化等)得以证实。结果通常显示估计和测量的侧滑角之间有良好的一致性。 1 介绍 稳定控制系统可以防止车辆的旋转和漂移。实际上,在轮胎和道路之间的物理极限的附着力下驾驶汽车是一个极其困难的任务。通常大部分司机不能处理这种情况和失去控制的车辆。最近,为了提高车辆安全,稳定控制系统(ESP[1,2]; DYC[3,4])介绍了通过将差动制动/驱动扭矩应用到内/外轮胎来试图控制偏航力矩的方法。 横摆力矩控制系统(DYC)是基于偏航角速率反馈进行控制的。在这种情况下,控制系统使车辆处于由司机转向输入和车辆速度控制的期望的偏航率[3,4]。然而为了确保稳定,防止特别是在低摩擦路面上的车辆侧滑角变得太大是必要的[1,2]。事实上由于非线性回旋力和轮胎滑移角之间的关系,转向角的变化几乎不改变偏航力矩。因此两个偏航率和侧滑角的实现需要一个有效的稳定控制系统[1,2]。不幸的是,能直接测量的侧滑角只能用特殊设备(光学传感器或GPS惯性传感器的组合),现在这种设备非常昂贵,不适合在普通汽车上实现。因此, 必须在实时测量的基础上进行侧滑角估计,具体是测量横向/纵向加速度、角速度、引导角度和车轮角速度来估计车辆速度。 在主要是基于状态观测器/卡尔曼滤波器(5、6)的文学资料里, 提出了几个侧滑角估计策略。因为国家观察员都基于一个参考车辆模型,他们只有准确已知模型参数的情况下,才可以提供一个令人满意的估计。根据这种观点,轮胎特性尤其关键取决于附着条件、温度、磨损等特点。 轮胎转弯刚度的提出就是为了克服这些困难,适应观察员能够提供一个同步估计的侧滑角和附着条件[7,8]。这种方法的弊端是一个更复杂的布局的估计量导致需要很高的计算工作量。 另一种方法可由代表神经网络由于其承受能力模型非线性系统,这样不需要一个参


外文翻译 通常,应变计应用在两个方面:在机械和结构的实验力分析中和应用力,扭矩,压力,流量以及加速度传感器结构中。非粘贴丝式应变计通常是当作专门的转换器来使用,其结构是使用一些有预载荷的电阻丝连接成惠斯登电桥,如图4.11: 在最初的预载荷中,四根金属丝的应变和电阻在理论上是相等的,它们组成一个平衡电桥,并且e0 = 0 (参考第10章电桥电路特性)。输入端一个小的位移(满量程≈0.04 mm)将会使两根金属丝的拉力增大而使另外两根的拉力减小(假设金属丝不会变松弛),引起电阻阻值的变化,电桥失衡,输出电压与输入位移成比例。金属丝可以由砷镍、镍铬和铁镍等多种合金制造,直径约为0.03 mm,可以承受的最大应力仅为0.002 N,灵敏系数为2到4,每个桥臂的电阻为120Ω到1000Ω, 最大激励电压5到10V,满量程输出典型值为20到50mV。 粘结丝式应变计(现在主要被粘贴箔式结构的应变计取代)应用于应力分析和作为转换器。具有很细丝式敏感栅粘贴在待测试件表面,来感受应变。金属丝被埋入矩形的粘合剂中,不能弯曲从而如实地反映待测试件的压缩和拉伸应力。因为金属丝的材料和尺寸与那些非粘贴应变计相似,所以灵敏度和电阻具有了可比性。 粘贴箔式应变计采用与丝式应变计相同或类似的材料,现在主要用于多用途力分析任务及多种传感器中。 其感应元件是利用光腐蚀工艺加工成厚度小于0.0002的薄片,当其形状改变时,它具有很大的灵活性。如图4.12: 例如,这三个线形敏感栅应变计被设计成端部宽大的形状。这种局部的增大将会减小横向灵敏度,以及在测量应变沿敏感栅单元的长度方向的分量时产生的干扰输入信号。在丝式应变计中,这种端部形状也应用在纵向单元的连接处,以便增加横向抗干扰能力。并且在制造过程中也非常方便在图4.12上的全部四个应变计上焊接焊盘。

电子 电流 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 高度稳压直流电源

高精度稳压直流电源 文摘:目前对于可调式直流电源的设计和应用现在有很多微妙的,多种多样的,有趣的问题。探讨这些问题(特别是和中发电机组有关),重点是在电路的经济适用性上,而不是要达到最好的性能。当然,对那些精密程度要求很高的除外。讨论的问题包括温度系数,短期漂移,热漂移,瞬态响应变性遥感和开关preregualtor型机组及和它的性能特点有关的的一些科目。 介绍 从商业的角度来看供电领域可以得到这样一个事实,在相对较低的成本下就可以可以获得标准类型的0.01%供电调节。大部分的供电用户并不需要这么高的规格,但是供应商不会为了减少客户这么一点的费用而把0.1%改成0.01%。并且电力供应的性能还包括其他一些因素,比如说线路和负载调解率。本文将讨论关于温度系数、短期漂移、热漂移,和瞬态的一些内容。 目前中等功率直流电源通常采用预稳压来提高功率/体积比和成本,但是只有某些电力供应采用这样的做法。这种技术的优缺点还有待观察。 温度系数 十年以前,大多数的商业电力供应为规定的0.25%到1%。这里将气体二极管的温度系数定位百分之0.01[1]。因此,人们往往会忽视TC(温度系数)是比规定的要小的。现在参考的TC往往比规定的要大的多。为了费用的减少,后者会有很大的提高,但是这并不是真正的TC。因此,如果成本要保持在一个低的水平,可以采用TC非常低的齐纳二极管,安装上差动放大电路,还要仔细的分析低TC绕线电阻器。 如图1所示,一个典型的放大器的第一阶段,其中CR1是参考齐纳二极管,R是输出电位调节器。

图1 电源输入级 图2 等效的齐纳参考电路 假设该阶段的输出是e3,提供额外的差分放大器,在稳定状态下e3为零,任何参数的变化都会引起输出的漂移;对于其他阶段来说也是一样的,其影响是减少了以前所有阶段的增益。因此,其他阶段的影响将被忽略。以下讨论的内容涵盖了对于TC整体的无论是主要的还是次要的影响。 R3的影响 CR1-R3分支的等效的电路如图2所示,将齐纳替换成了它的等效电压源E'和内部阻抗R2。对于高增益调节器,其中R3的变化对差分放大器的输入来说可以忽略不计,所以前后的变化由R3决定。 如果进一步假定IB << Iz;从(1)可以得到 同时,


河北科技师范学院 本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 LTC3105-DC/DC转换器 院(系、部)名称:机电科学与工程系 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名:陈莹 学生学号:9310080219 指导教师:杜殿会 2012年4月7日 河北科技师范学院教务处制

LTC3105 - 400mA Step-Up DC/DC Converter with Maximum Power Point Control and 250mV Start-Up 1.Overview 1.1 Features ●Low Start-Up V oltage: 250mV ●Maximum Power Point Control ●Wide VIN Range: 225mV to 5V ●Auxiliary 6mA LDO Regulator ●Burst Mode? Operation: IQ = 24μA ●Output Disconnect and Inrush Current Limiting ●VIN > VOUT Operation ●Antringing Control ●Soft Start ●Automatic Power Adjust ●Power Good Indicator ●10-Lead 3mm × 3mm × 0.75mm DFN and 12-Lead MSOP Packages 1.2 Typical Application 1.3 Description The LTC3105 is a high efficiency step-up DC/DC converter that can operate


Electronic scales Electronic scales are weighing technology in a new type of instrument is widely used in various occasions. Electronic scales and mechanical scales have more small size, light weight, simple structure, low price and practical value of strong, convenient maintenance and so on can be in a variety of environmental work, the weight of the signal can be Remote, the weight of display is easy to implement digital, easy-to-computer network, production automation, higher labor productivity. Scale labels in the supermarket is in the application of face value. A small label contains: name, price, weight, etc. 11 list in this small electronic label. Greatly accelerated the use of label machine sales pace, but also convenient for customers. Top barcode labels have many remarkable features of scale, Ethernet feature makes the management more convenient. Electronic Scale Classification (scales can be divided into mechanical and electronic type) 1.How it works: electronic works in electronic components (weighing sensor, AD conversion circuit, microcontroller circuits, display circuit, keyboard circuitry, communications interface circuits, regulated power supply circuit circuit. 2.using the function: electronic weighing the use of modern sensor technology, electronics and computer technology integration, electronic weighing devices, in order to meet and solve real life's "fast, accurate, continuous, automatic" weighing requirements, while effectively eliminating human error, to make it more in line with the management of legal metrology and industrial production process control applications. 3. Three health scales are weighing the use of features in a category (divided into mechanical and electronic), inexpensive, it can help people to effectively monitor their own body weight changes, new products also can detect their fat content, but also Some human-oriented subsidiary functions. May not be part of measuring equipment. 4.Electronic Scale is a measurement of the state compulsory test apparatus, and his qualified products are test indexing the value of D values of e and subdivision standards, is subject to the protection of the national metrology products. In the electronic weighing there is a category called "human scale" products, which can test in the measurement sector, weighing very precise. Block diagram interpretation of the principle of electronic balance The first part of the electronic scale principle block diagram:


中英文翻译 电子商务时代企业文化的再造 随着网络时代电子商务大规模发展,电子商务企业文化随之产生,它在一个企业在产生的一种新的价值观,使企业内部资源得到从新整合,在为企业带来降低交易成本,提高效率,缩短生产周期等诸多好处的同时,也对已有的企业文化发起了挑战。电子商务的兴起是一场由技术手段飞速发展而引发的商业运作模式的变革,传统经济活动的生存基础、运作方式和管理机制均发生了彻底改变,传统的企业文化也面临着巨大的冲击。 一、企业文化对企业价值的贡献

文化现象是一个国家和民族文明的主要见证。广义的文化,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗和任何人作为一名社会成员而获得的能力和习惯在内的复杂整体。作为“亚文化”的企业文化,对企业的生存与发展亦起着举足轻重的作用。企业文化是商品经济和市场经济的产物,符合市场经济的客观规律,体现企业的竞争实务、竞争精神和整体形象。所谓企业文化就是企业的经营管理哲学,企业面对所处的社会和商业环境,在长期的生产经营活动中,形成全体员工所接受和认同信守的、为争取事业成功的一套非正式规则。它表明企业奉行何种管理哲学,以及企业通过管理要达到一个什么样的目标。是经济管理的重要内容之一。企业文化意味着一个公司的价值观,而这些价值观成为公司员工活动和行为的规范。 企业文化的本源问题是如何增加企业利润,降低企业的成本和费用。它的要义就是怎么使企业能够有效的整合资源,以达到对外部的适应性,使公司在竞争中生存,进而实现持续发展。企业文化建设为企业开展文化管理指出一个明确的方向。企业文化建设的根本目的是建设能够对外竞争环境具有高度适应性,并能根据环境变换做出迅速反应的行为方式能力,这种能力其实就是企业所拥有的根据外部竞争的环境需要而对内部资源进行整合运用的能力。企业文化建设应促进这一能力系统的形成,并维持好这一能力系统。中国的许多企业例如海尔、联想等企业成功的秘诀之一就是发展了一整套公司理念、经营哲学,形成了自己独特的企业文化。 1、企业文化体现企业的形象和精神。树立良好的企业形象,需


xx大学 毕业设计外文翻译 系别职业技术教育学院专业电子信息工程 班级电子Z091 学号 x 姓名 x 指导教师 x 2013年5月16日

MM420 inverter energy-saving measures in the water supply system -Nanjing Hangda Yihang Technology Co., Ltd. Because the frequency conversion velocity modulation does not need to construct the tradition for the aqueous system for the aqueous system top digit water tank, the water tank, avoided two times polluting and reducing the construction investment, moreover designed reasonably can achieve the good energy conservation effect. In gives in the aqueous system, the constant speed pump only then in its highly effective section movement can guarantee the system normal work also does not have the energy dissipation.In the design, (this time current capacity is generally biggest by the pipe network most unfavorable situation, must lift is also biggest) takes the choice water pump unit the main basis, but when the pipe network current capacity reduces, the energy waste is inevitable, when also possibly creates the low current capacity in pipeline overpressure question.The water pump basis system current capacity real-time change realization stepless speed regulation movement, is solves above problem well, achieves one of energy conservation goal ways. The water pump velocity modulation may through the very many way realization, in which frequency conversion velocity modulation be the present ideal one kind.The frequency conversion velocity modulation is through will give on the aqueous system pipe network the pressure transmitter to carry on the sampling to the pipe network hydraulic pressure, transforms the pressure signal into the electrical signal, and delivers to the PID regulator and the user establishment value of pressure it carries on the comparison and the operation, finally will transform for the frequency control signal delivers to the frequency changer.The frequency changer basis transmits frequency control signal adjustment water pump electrical machinery supply frequency, thus realizes adjusts the water pump the rotational speed. May divide into two kinds according to the customer in actual use request frequency conversion velocity modulation for the aqueous system: The live pressure variable gives the aqueous system for the aqueous system and the constant pressure variable. The live pressure variable establishes for the aqueous system pressure transmitter in the service pipe net terminal, the PID regulator setting value the service flood peak


本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译 院(系部)电气工程与自动化 专业名称电子信息工程 年级班级 04级7班 学生姓名 指导老师

Infrared Remote Control System Abstract Red outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application. The purpose that design this system is transmit cu stomer’s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 题目:基于DSP的单相恒压逆 变器设计 教学院:电气与电子信息工程学院 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 学号:201040220221 学生姓名:明寿 指导教师:马学军 2014 年5月10日

逆变器 SHI TingNa, W ANG Jian 1引言 逆变器是一种电动装置,转换成直流电(DC),交流电流转换的AC(交流)可以在任何所需的电压和频率使用适当的变压器,开关,控制circuits.Solid状态逆变器有没有移动部件,用于广泛的应用范围从小型计算机开关电源,高压大型电力公司电力,运输散装直接电流应用。逆变器通常用于提供交流电源,直流电源,如太阳能电池板或电池。 逆变器的主要有两种类型。修改后的正弦波逆变器的输出是类似方波输出,输出变为零伏前一段时间切换积极或消极的除外。它是简单,成本低,是大多数电子设备兼容,除敏感或专用设备,例如某些激光打印机。一个纯正弦波逆变器产生一个近乎完美的正弦波输出(<3%的总谐波失真),本质上是相同的公用事业提供电网。因此,它是与所有的交流电的电子设备兼容。这是在电网领带逆变器使用的类型。它的设计更复杂,成本5或10倍以上每单位功率电逆变器是一个高功率的电子振荡器。它这样命名,因为早期的机械AC到DC转换器工作在反向,因而被“倒”,将直流电转换AC.The变频器执行的整流器对面功能。 2应用 2.1直流电源利用率 逆变器从交流电力来源,如电池,太阳能电池板,燃料电池的直流电转换成。电力,可以在任何所需的电压,特别是它可以操作交流电源操作而设计的设备,或纠正,以产生任何所需的voltage Grid领带逆变器的直流送入分销网络的能量,因为它们产生电流交替使用相同的波形和频率分配制度提供。他们还可以关掉一个blackout.Micro逆变器的情况下自动转换成交流电电网的电流直接从当前个别太阳能电池板。默认情况下,他们是格领带设计。

外文翻译 电子信息工程

西安邮电大学 毕业设计(论文) 外文文献及翻译 学院:电子工程学院 系部:电子信息工程 专业:电子信息工程 班级:电子1003班 学生姓名:郭欢 导师姓名:张新职称:教授 起止时间:2014年3月10日——2014年6月15日

Cloud computing — The business perspective Abstract The evolution of cloud computing over the past few years is potentially one of the major advances in the history of computing. However, if cloud computing is to achieve its potential, there needs to be a clear understanding of the various issues involved, both from the perspectives of the providers and the consumers of the technology. While a lot of research is currently taking place in the technology itself, there is an equally urgent need for understanding the business-related issues surrounding cloud computing. In this article, we identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the cloud computing industry. We then identify the various issues that will affect the different stakeholders of cloud computing. We also issue a set of recommendations for the practitioners who will provide and manage this technology. For IS researchers, we outline the different areas of research that need attention so that we are in a position to advice the industry in the years to come. Finally, we outline some of the key issues facing governmental agencies who, due to the unique nature of the technology, will have to become intimately involved in the regulation of cloud computing. 1.Introduction The emergence of the phenomenon commonly known as cloud computing represents a fundamental change in the way information technology (IT) services are invented, developed, deployed, scaled, updated, maintained and paid for. Computing as we know today reflects a paradox —on one hand, computers continue to become exponentially more powerful and the per-unit cost of computing continues to fall rapidly, so much so that computing power per se is nowadays considered to be largely a commodity. On the other hand, as computing becomes more pervasive within the organization, the increasing complexity of managing the whole infrastructure of disparate information architectures and distributed data and software has made computing more expensive than ever before to an organization. The promise of cloud computing is to deliver all the functionality of existing information technology services (and in fact enable new functionalities that are hitherto infeasible) even as it dramatically reduces the upfront costs of computing that deter many organizations from deploying many cutting-edge IT services. All such promise has led to lofty expectations —Gartner Research expects cloud computing to be a$150 billion


附录一:外文原文 Super capacitors - An Overview Key words: Electrostatic capacitor; Electrolytic capacitor; Ceramic capacitor; Electrical double layer capacitor; Super Capacitor 1.INTRODUCTION This paper offers a concise review on the renaissance of a conventional capacitor toelectrochemical double layer capacitor or super capacitor. Capacitors are fundamental electrical circuitelements that store electrical energy in the order of microfarads and assist in filtering. Capacitors havetwo main applications; one of which is a function to charge or discharge electricity. This function isapplied to smoothing circuits of power supplies, backup circuits of microcomputers, and timer circuitsthat make use of the periods to charge or discharge electricity. The other is a function to block the flowof DC. This function is applied to filters that extract or eliminate particular frequencies. This isindispensable to circuits where excellent frequency characteristics are required. Electrolytic capacitorsare next generation capacitors which are commercialized in full scale. They are similar to batteries in cell construction but the anode and cathode materials remain the same. They are aluminum, tantalum and ceramic capacitors where they use solid/liquid electrolytes with a separator between two symmetrical electro des. An electrochemical capacitor (EC), often called a Super capacitor or Ultra capacitor, stores electrical charge in the electric double layer at a surface-electrolyte interface, primarily in high-surface-area carbon. Because of the high surface area and the thinness of the double layer, these devices can have very a high specific and volumetric capacitance. This enables them to combine a previously unattainable capacitance density with an essentially unlimited charge/discharge cycle life. The operational voltage per cell ,limited only by the breakdown potential of the electrolyte, is usually<1 or <3 volts per cell for aqueous or organic electrolytes respectively. The concept of storing electrical energy in the electric double layer that is


.NET Compact Framework 2.0中的新事物 介绍 .NET Compact Framework 2.0版在以前版本——.NET Compact Framework1.0版——上提供许多改善。虽然普遍改善,但他们都集中在共同的目标——改进开发商生产力、以完整的.NET Framwork提供更强的兼容性,以及加大对设备特性的支持。这篇文章提供一个.NET Compact Framework2.0的变动和改进的高水平的概要。 用户界面 相关的灵活的设备显示器的小尺寸要求:应用程序高效率地使用可用空间。这在过去是要求开发商花费很多时间来设计和实施应用的用户界面。最近的在灵活的显示能力方面的进步,譬如高分辨率和多方位支持,使得用户界面发展的工作更具挑战性。为了简化创造应用用户界面的任务,.NET Compact Framework2.0提供许多关于这方面描述的新特性。 窗口形式控制 存在于用户界面中心的是控制;.NET Compact Framework2.0提供了很多新的控制。这些新控制由除了特别针对设备之外的控制组成。这种控制是.NET Compact Framework有的与.NET Framework一样充分的控制。 MonthCalendar MonthCalendar控制是提供日期显示的可定制的日历控制,而且是有利于为用户提供一个图解方式来精选日期。 DateTimePicker DateTimePicker控制是为显示和允许用户进入日期和时间信息的可定制的控制。由于它的一个紧凑显示和图解日期选择格式的组合,它特别适用于灵活的设备应用程序。当显示信息时,DateTimePicker控制与正文框相似;但是,当用户选择了一个日期, 可能显示一个类似于MonthCalendar控制的弹出日历。 WebBrowser WebBrowser控制压缩了设备Web浏览器,并且提供强大的显示能力和暴露很多事件。这些事件除了允许你的应用程序提供对于这些事件的用户化的行为,还允许你的应用程序追踪用户与Web浏览器内容的互动。 Notification Notification控制压缩了袖珍版个人电脑的通知特性,就是允许应用程序寄给用户一个没有改变用户当前活动的上下文的通知。通知文本可以是纯文本或HTML。除显示信息之外,通知可以通过包含在通知的HTML文本中的HTML按钮和链接来接受用户的输入。 DocumentList DocumentList控制为显示和处理文件提供一个标准的机制,譬如当打开Excel Mobile and Word Mobile中的使用的文件。DocumentList控制提供给用户操纵文件系统以及删除、


附录二:中英文翻译: The develop of Electronics(computer) Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the fields of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on Electronics began in 1883, when Thomas Edison discovered the vacuum diode as part of his research on materials for a practical electric light. This first electronic device exhibited a nonlinear, unilateral characteristic but was not capable of producing amplification of a signal. In 1905 Fleming produced the first diode in England and in 1906 DeForest made the first triode in the United States. The widespread applications of vacuum tubes during that time period were in the communications industry, first in radio and later in television. The use of vacuum tubes declined rapidly when a semiconductor device was invented that could perform many of the functions previously associated with vacuum tubes. The first large digital electronic system was a special-purpose vacuum tube circuit called the electronic numerical integrator and computer (ENIAC). The ENIAC was the forerunner of the computer industry. the early transistor was invented in 1984 and made a significant contribution to electronics. The early transistors were made from germanium. The most visible application of these devices was in small, portable AM broadcast receivers. Silicon transistors began to replace germanium transistors in the late 1950s, which made possible the next revolutionary step in electronics. The commercial success of the integrated circuit industry was based on standard products representing digital logic families. The integrated circuit industry was moving from the era of small-scale circuits to large-scale integration (LSI). As the decade of the 1970s came to a close, a new era in integrated circuits was beginning. This era is characterized by the inclusion of larger and larger and larger numbers of components in a single circuit, and it is called very large-scale integration (VLSI). Electronic technology is developing rapidly in the world. And electronics industry is equipped it make yet another giant step forward.
