Yuan in the SDR

Yuan in the SDR
Yuan in the SDR

Yuan in the SDR


The Chinese renminbi joins the IMF’s reserve-currency basket


Its new status might make for a weaker yuan


Nov30th2015|SHANGHAI|Business and finance

PASSING through the Suez Canal became easier earlier this year,thanks to an expansion completed in August.Now it is about to become a little bit more complicated. Transit fees for the canal are denominated in Special Drawing Rights,a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund(IMF)as its unit of account.Today the IMF decided to include the yuan in the basket from next year,joining the dollar,the euro,the pound and the yen.


If lots of things were priced in SDRs,the IMF’s decision would have forced companies around the world to buy yuan-denominated assets as soon as possible,to hedge their exposure.That would have prompted China’s currency to strengthen dramatically.But the Suez transit fees are a rare case;few other goods or services are priced in SDRs. Instead,admission to the currency club is significant mainly for its symbolism:the IMF is lending its imprimatur to the yuan as a reserve currency—a safe,liquid asset in which governments can park their wealth.Indeed,far from setting off a groundswell of demand for the yuan,the IMF’s decision may pave the way for the yuan’s depreciation.如果许多物品都是以SDR来定价的话,那么IMF此番决定将会迫使世界各地的公司纷纷立即购入以人民币计价的资产,来对冲其资产风险,这就会令中国的货币快速走强。但苏伊士运河过船费情况特殊:只有很少的货物或服务是以SDR定价的。相反,人民币这次能够跻身一篮子货币俱乐部更多的是象征意义:储备货币是各国政府储存财富的安全港,具有较高的流动性,而人民币“入篮”则表示了IMF对中国货币的认可。确实,这不会导致全球对于人民币的迫切需求,但IMF的决定可能会为人民币贬值铺平道路。

The reason is that the People’s Bank of China(PBOC)will now find itself under more pressure to manage the yuan as central banks in most developed economies do:by letting market forces determine their prices.In bringing the yuan into the SDR,the IMF had to determine that it is“freely usable”.This is a large leap of faith in a currency which is still heavily managed,so before coming to this decision,the IMF asked China to make changes to its currency regime.



Most importantly,China has now tied the yuan’s exchange rate at the start of daily trading to its previous day’s close;in the past the starting quote was effectively set at the whim of the PBOC,creating a big gap with its actual traded value.It was the elimination of this gap that lay behind the yuan’s2%devaluation in August,a move that rattled global markets.Though still far from being a free-floating currency—the central bank has intervened since August to prop the yuan up—the cost of such intervention is now higher.The PBOC must spend real money during the trading day to guide the yuan to its desired level.


Inclusion in the SDR will only deepen expectations that China let market forces decide the yuan’s exchange rate.The point of the SDR is to weave disparate currencies together into a single,diversified unit;some have suggested,for example,that commodities be quoted in SDRs to reduce the volatility of pricing them in dollars.But if China maintains its de facto peg to the dollar,the result of adding the yuan to the SDR will be to boost the dollar’s weight in the basket,undermining its purpose.


What would happen if China really did give the market the last word on the yuan?For some time it has been under downward pressure.The simplest yardstick is the decline in China’s foreign-exchange reserves,from a peak of nearly$4trillion last year to just over$3.5trillion now,a reflection,in part,of the PBOC’s selling of dollars to support the yuan.Were it not for tighter capital controls since the summer,outflows might have been even bigger.


And the yuan does look overvalued.Despite China’s slowing economy,the yuan’s continued link to the surging dollar has put it near an all-time high in trade-weighted terms,up by more than13%in the past18months(see chart).With the Federal Reserve

set to start raising interest rates,at the same time as China is loosening its monetary policy,the yuan is likely to come under more downward pressure,at least against the dollar.


It would be foolhardy to predict that China will suddenly give the market totally free rein. That would go against its deep-seated preference for gradual reform.But while basking in the glow of its SDR status,China must also be aware of the responsibility to minimise currency intervention that comes with it.A weaker yuan may well be the result.




1.Special Drawing Rights:特别提款权:亦称“纸黄金”(Paper Gold)是国际货币基金组织根据会员国认缴的份额分配的,可用于偿还国际货币基金组织债务、弥补会员国政府之间国际收支逆差的一种账面资产。是基金组织分配给会员国的一种使用资金的权利。

2.International Monetary Fund(IMF):与世界银行同时成立、并列为世界两大金融机构之一,其职责是监察货币汇率和各国贸易情况,提供技术和资金协助,确保全球金融制度运作正常。



5.Starting quote开盘价:又称开市价,是指某种证券在证券交易所每个交易日开市后的第一笔每股买卖成交价格。


7.Foreign-exchange reserves:外汇储备:又称外汇存底,是一个国家或经济体的货币当局持有并可随时兑换他国货币的资产,通常以美元计算。外汇储备是一个国家或经济体国际清偿力的重要组成部分,同时对于平衡国际收支、稳定汇率有重要影响。

8.People’s Bank of China(PBOC):中国人民银行,是世界上资产仅次于美国联邦储备系



1.A groundswell of:a sudden increase in a particilar feeling among people[群情的]突然高涨。

2.De facto:adj.existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not;

adv.in reality or fact.实际上,事实上。

3.Peg sth to sth:与……挂钩E.g.Peg to the dollar钉住美元制;与美元挂钩


5.At the whim of sb:they are at the whim of the boss,他们配合老板的步调行事.
