



Part A: Listening Comprehension (50分)


1-5 D A D B C

6-10 B D A C B

II.True or False (10分,每个1分。)

11-15 A B A A B

16-20 B B B A B

III.Conversations and Passage (30分,每个2分)

21-25 C C A D B

26-30 C D A B A

31-35 A A D D B

Part B: Listening and Translation (50分)

I.Sentence Translation (20分,每句5分。)








II.Conversation Translation (30分,每句3分。)

41.A: 刘先生,中国目前的投资环境确实不错。不过我们想了解一下外国投资者在你们这


42.B:Our local government is working hard to create a better environment for foreign investment,

including low-interest loan and even government -funded training program.


44.B: Your investment will surely bring high economic return. How much do you intend to invest

in this project?

45.A: 我想我们准备在起步阶段投资5千万美元。那么我们投资双方出资的比例应该是多


46.B: That’s a pleasant amount. The proportion could be flexible. Usually, it is no less than 30%.

47.A: 这对我们来说不成问题。其实我们愿意出资60%,如果你方能负责提供工厂设施。

48.B: That’s not a problem. As a matter of fact, we’ve already acquired a factory building and


49.A: 很好。看来目前一切都很顺利。不过,在签协议前还有很多事要处理。

50.B: Don’t worry. Leave the details to our assistants.


Unit1 P8 1.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。 2.贵方若能报优惠价并保证收到订单后四周内交货,我方将定期订购。 3.如能报到岸价,折扣以及发货日期等详细情况,将不胜感激。 4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。 5.关于贵方9月29日的询价信,我方就如下产品报价,以我方最后确认为准。 6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。 7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。 8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。 9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。 10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。 Unit1 P9 1.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details. 2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. 3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment. 4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present. 5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter. 6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount. 7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services. 8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that we have settled the price. 9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom. 10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month. Unit1 P10 1、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。如果你们接受,我们将说服客户向你们订货。如果你方不能做进一步的让步,我们就没有必要再谈下去了。我们不妨取消整个交易。顺便说一下,在考虑你方的新报价时,请考虑到我们的佣金问题。 2、我们的报价以合理利润为基础,不是漫天要价。你必须考虑到质量问题。这一行的每个人都知道三星产品质量上乘。如果我们不是朋友,我们愿意以这个价格为你们好。 Unit1 P11



inquiry, interrogate, ask, mystery,…?问题;question, problem, … !危险,警告,当心,值得注意的是;dangerous, warning, alarm, watch out, of course °人,人民,伙伴,朋友;people, partner, … ?信息,消息,情报;information, message, intelligence, … 删除,废除,放弃;delete, discard, give up, …?贸易,交换,交流,关于,关联,替代;trade, exchange, communication, relationship __ 这个,强调;emphasize a certain word/ phrase. …继续,持续,不断的,长期的,各种各样的,多的;more, continuous, … => 加强,推动,促进;enhance, promote, … × # 不仅;not only, … & 和,而且;and… @关于;about e.g . 例如,比如;for example, such as, … (三)图形符号 ?高兴,激动;happy, pleased, excited, … ?失望,不满意,生气;unhappy, unsatisfied, angry, … 会议,聚会;conference, symposium, convention, session, forum, seminar, council, congress, meeting, assembly, gathering, committee,


商务英语口译王艳答案 商务英语口译王艳答案 【篇一:商务英语阅读第二版(王艳主编)chapter1-4 课 后答案详解】 汉 chapter1 sluggish economy萧条的经济full employment 充分就业trade deficit 贸易赤字in-depth analysis深入的分析industrialized countries 工业化国家free-trade agreement 自由贸易协定 international specialization 国际专业化 product differentiation 产品差别 trade surplus 贸易盈余determinative factor决定性因素 chapter2 consumer-goods消费品 discount retailers折扣零售商brand equity品牌资产价值advertising budget 广告预算real-time sales data 实时销售数据sales promotion 促销 profit margin盈利scanner data 扫描数据 chapter3 privileged minority 享有特权的少数人gas station 加油站

marketing research 市场调查professional petence 专业技能 a sales point 卖点product design 产品设计 potential consumer 潜在顾客business disaster 商业灾难 chapter4 mobility of people 人口流动supplier works 供应商网络standardized items 标准零配件specialist manufacturing technology 特殊制造技术 plementary economies 互补经济体anti-japanese sentiment 反日情绪 foreign affiliates外方合伙人,外国附属公司go public 上市二、汉翻英 chapter1 经济双赢economic win-win关税壁垒tariff barrier 收入不平等 wage inequality劳动生产率labor productivity 解雇工人lay off works 生产要素factor of production 双边协议bilateral deal 回归分析regression analysis 市场准入market access 世界经济复苏world economic recovery chapter2 价格溢价price premium 基线销售base-line sales 减价price reductions广告支出advertising spending 营销组合marketing mix 销量溢价quantity premium


Unit1 Phrase Interpreting A 1. to recover from the jet lag 2. thoughtful arrangement 3. hospitality 4. souvenir 5. accommodations 6. to claim baggage 7. to proceed through the Customs 8. itinerary 9. farewell speech 10. to adjust to the time difference 1.倒时差2.周到的安排3.热情好客4.纪念品5.食宿 6.提取行李7.进行海关检查8.活动安排9.告别词10.适应时差 B 1.为……设宴洗尘2.向……告别3.不远万里来到…4.很荣幸…… 5.久仰大名6.欢迎词7.赞美8.回顾过去9.展望未来 10.美好回忆 1. to hold a banquet in honor of... 2. to bid farewell to... 3. to come all the way to... 4. to be/feel honored... 5. I have long been looking forward to meeting you. 6. a welcoming address 7. to pay tribute to 8. to look back 9. to look ahead 10. happy memory Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much for your gracious welcoming speech. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient nation has long been my dream. This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China. As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management practice between Chinese and Americans. We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions. I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. After all, there are strong points and weak points in both types of management. In recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management. It is a great pleasure that I can exchange views and information with you, and reach common ground here. And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days to come. Thank you! 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们: 非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明发源地之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。这次访问使我有机会重见老朋友,结交新朋友。我为自己能访问贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。我对你们为我到达贵国后所做的安排深表谢意。 作为在一家中美合资企业工作了两年的美国经理,我认为中国人和美国人在经营管理中存在着差异。基于不同的文化传统,我们的美国同事比大部分中国同行来得直率。我无法断言我们美国的经营方式一定在中国之上。毕竟各有各的优点和弊病。近年来,越来越多的美国管理人员已经认识到中国人那种更具人情味的管理方式的长处。 很高兴我们能交换意见和信息,并达成共识。我希望在今后的日子里,我能有机会就


Lesson 1 美国副总统复旦演讲 韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学99年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.” ; I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s sem inar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation. 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话 各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好! 欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动! 我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!” ` 公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。 新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。 各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使我们的业务更上一层楼。 各位经销商,我们将继续向你们提供尖端的高质量产品,以协助你们做好客户支持,改善中国和东南亚许许多多人士的生活。 各位邻居和朋友,我们将成为良好的企业公民,与各位同行一起维护在中国开展业务的规范性。 最后,我们承诺给员工们提供一个安全、舒适的工作环境。 再次感谢各位与我们共同庆祝今天的典礼! Lesson 2


口译工作坊实践周 班级:10209104班 组别:第七组 组员及角色: 发言人:徐亮 译员:张知,宗蓉 记者:周倪,孔翠翠 主持人:孔翠翠

Part A: 发言稿(Statement) 主持人:尊敬的各位来宾,各位新闻界的朋友们,大家早上好!感谢大家在百忙之中抽空来参加此次广州国际时尚周的新闻发布会。广州国际时尚周作为中国最知名和最有影响力的三大盛会之一,以领导时尚为目的。 今天很荣幸能邀请到中国十佳设计师徐亮先生出席此次新闻发布会,此次的发布会议程有两项,第一项,设计师讲话时间;第二项,记者提问时间。下面让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎徐设计师发表讲话。 设计师徐亮: 尊敬的各位来宾,各位新闻界的朋友,大家好! 今天,很荣幸成为今年中国(广州)国际时尚周新闻发布会的特邀嘉宾,并代表广州服装设计师发言。从2003年中国(广州)国际时尚周的首次登场到今天现在,我一路见证她的成长和壮大。时至今日,广州已经成为中国时尚产业最发达的地区,时尚产业遍及整个广州时尚圈,广州大都市圈已成为中国最具核心的时尚制造基地。 作为知名的服装设计师,我觉得身上的担子很重。如果说一个服装设计师仅限于对服装的剪裁和设计,他并不能算是真正意义上的设计师,所以我们要肩负起时代赋予我们的使命,不断的对时尚进行诠释。我们设计师,要成为时尚的引导者与制造者。只有这样,中国的时尚才可以得到更高层次的升华,我们的设计师才能立足于本土,并在国际时尚舞台上获一席之地,拥有国际型的综合人才和时尚品牌。 此次的时尚周以创新中国时尚为主题,是中国国际广州时尚周组委会和南国时尚品牌联盟委员会联手打造的。时尚与科技的联合,为时尚界注入了更多的新鲜血液。这无疑为时尚产业朝着多元化的发展道路上跨越了一大步。 创新型广东,创新中国时尚,我们处在一个瞬息万变的资讯膨胀时代,我们需要一个在全国具有广泛社会影响力的专业平台,一个可以展示时尚产业的舞台,一个为商家与消费者搭建的交流平台,希望各届人士继续支持中国广州国际时尚周,关注我们设计师。谢谢! 主题:时尚周、中国时尚与设计师的发展与展望关键字:2003年中国(广州)国际时尚周,服装设计师,诠释,时尚品牌,科技,专业平台。


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】


P23页 1.我在上午说过,今天我们各国面临一个机会,可以分别和共同作出具体承诺和采取明确措施,确保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些无疑会利用它们的恐怖主义分子手中。 2.今晚,我可以这么说,我们成功地把握了这一机遇,作为具体的国家和国际社会,我们已经采取了措施,美国人民将因此更安全,世界将更稳定。 3.我谨在此感谢出席这一具有历史意义的峰会的全体代表,来自世界各地区的49位领导人。今天之所以能取得进展,是因为这些领导人不仅与会发言,而且采取行动;不是含糊地承诺在未来采取行动,而是承诺他们准备立即实施的有意义的步骤。 4.我还要感谢各位同仁在讨论中所表现的坦率与合作精神。今天并无冗长的讲话,亦无要求别国如何是从的训诫。我们互相倾听、互相尊重。我们认识到,虽然不同国家面临不同的挑战,但我们有着共同的利益,即确保这些危险核材料的安全。 P52页 1.在二十一世纪,你们必须承担不分国界的国际金融系统的重任。当香港和雅加达的股票市场下跌时,其影响再也不是局部性,而是全球性的。因此,贵国充满生机的经济成长同整个亚太地区恢复稳定和经济发展紧密相连。 2.在最近一次的金融危机中,中国坚定不移地承担了对本地区和全世界的责任,帮助避免了又一个危险的货币贬值周期。我们必须继续携手合作,对付全球金融系统面临的威胁以及对整个亚太地区本应有的发展和繁荣的威胁。 3.在我以上列举的每一个关键领域,显然,只要我们相互合作而不是互不往来,我们就能取得更大的成就。因此,我们应该努力,确保双方之间目前的建设性关系在下个世纪结出圆满的协作果实。 4.要做到这一点,我们就必须更好地相互了解,了解各自的共同利益、共有的期望和真诚的分歧。我相信这种公开直接的交流有助于澄清和缩小我们的分歧。更为重要的是,允许人们理解、辩论和探讨这些问题,能使他们对我们建设美好的未来更加充满信心。 P69页 1. Presenting gifts is one of the important contents of modern business activities, in order to establish friendly relations, progress friendship, and also can be applied to advertising and promoting. It’s important to select a gift, because it transmits the information of culture, economy, status, knowledge and other aspects. It’s probably both may improve the image of the company and may damage it. 2. Presenting gifts in business activities can generally divide into several conditions as following: (1) Presenting gifts for employees and rewarding their hard work. (2) Presenting gifts for enhancing the business connection with customers. (3) Presenting gifts for each other to build relationships with business counterparts. 3. Therefore, more and more companies realize that presenting gifts in business activities is not only advertising, but also a important tool to exchange and improve affection of business and customers. 4. Internationally, presenting gifts is best produced at home. In order to avoid


第二部分练习篇 Exercise One Listen to the following texts and then reproduce in the same language at the end of each segment: Text 1.1 Mr Governor, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to be invited to attend the Guangdong Governor?s International A dvisory Council Meeting.// I would like to take this opportunity to highlight our report to the Governor and share with you our view on the role of telecommunications and information infrastructure (ICT) in the economic development.// International experience suggests that Information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and services can have a substantial impact on the competitiveness of firms, nations, and regions. The most important impact of ICT does not come from manufacturing ICT goods, but from investing in and using ICT infrastructure and services.// According to the ITU, global telecommunications services sales reached US$ 1.1 trillion in 2002, more than three times the value of telecommunications equipment sales of US$335 billion. The value created by use of telecommunications services is estimated to be far higher than the total services revenue. Thus investment in ICT infrastructure creates value many times that of the investment itself. // Firm level studies show that ICT investments help firms gain competitiveness through improved efficiency, reduced inventories, better designs, and faster rates of innovation. ICT allows firms to increase the efficiency of their business processes by decreasing procurement and transaction costs, improving accounting and control, enhancing management systems, and streamlining their supply chains.// Several studies also indicate that ICT is a key driver of productivity and growth. There are several distinctive features of ICT that make them particularly important to national and regional economies, which include the pervasive and cross-cutting nature of ICT, the low or declining marginal costs of using the technologies, the ability to foster efficiency gains through streamlining supply chains, the facilitation of the creation of entirely new business models and industries, and the global nature of ICT.// All of these characteristics imply that ICT can have an important impact on competitiveness and economic development.// Text 1.2 主席先生: 我很高兴参加2001’国际投资论坛。我愿意借此机会,向大家介绍一下中国加入WTO 谈判和对外开放的有关情况。// 15 年“复关”和加入WTO 的马拉松谈判到今天应该说已经到了最后阶段。继1999 年11 月中美达成双边协议,2000 年5 月中欧达成双边协议后,中国加入WTO 进程加快,截止2000 年9 月,除墨西哥外,双边谈判已经基本结束。墨方曾多次表示即使不能达成协议,也不会影响中国加入WTO 的进程。//


第二十五届湖北省翻译大赛 专业英语A组【口译】初赛试题 参考答案 Part I.Conversations(1’*15=15’) Section I. Directions:In this part of the test,you will hear10short conversations,with one question for each conversation.Listen to the conversations carefully and then choose the best answer to each question followed.You will hear both the conversation and the question ONLY ONCE. 12345678910 D C B D B D C B D A Section II. Directions:In this part of the test,you will hear a conversation with5questions followed. When you hear a question,read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.Listen carefully,because you will hear both the conversation and the questions ONLY ONCE. 1112131415 B C B D A Part II.Talks(2’*10=20’) Directions:In this part of the test,you will hear two talks.After each of these,you will hear a few questions.When you hear a question,read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.Listen carefully,because you will hear both the talk and the questions ONLY ONCE. 16171819202122232425 C D C C A B B C A D


相互介绍的常用英语口语 相互介绍的常用英语口语 1.Letmeintroducemyself.MynameisBenjaminLiu,anInt’lsales manintheMarketingDepartment. 2.Hello,IamBenjaminLiu,anInt’lsalesmanofFUZHOUE-FASHIONELECTRONICCOMPANY.Nicetomeetyou./pleasedtomeetyou./I tisapleasuretomeetyou. 3.IwouldliketointroduceMarkSheller,theMarketingdepartmen tmanagerofourcompany. 4.LetmeintroduceyoutoMr.Li,generalmanagerofourcompany. 5.Mr.Smith,thisisourGeneralmanage,Mr.Zhen,thisisourMarke tingDirector,Mr.Lin.AndthisisourRDDepartmentManager,Mr.Wang. 6.IfI’mnotmistaken,youmustbeMissChenfromFrance. 7.Doyourememberme?BenjaminLiufromMarketingDepartmentofPV C.Wemetseveralyearsago. 8.Isthereanyonewhohasnotbeenintroducedyet? 9.Itismypleasuretotalkwithyou. 10.Hereismybusinesscard./MayIgiveyoumybusinesscard? 11.MayIhaveyourbusinesscard?/Couldyougivemeyourbusinessc ard? 12.Iamsorry.Ican’trecallyourname./Couldyoutellmehowtopr onounceyournameagain? 13.I’amsorry.Ihaveforgottenhowtopronounceyourname.


口译笔记速记符号归总 一、做口译笔记时的注意事项 1.口译笔记应记要点,切忌求记“全”。口译笔记是记忆的延伸或补充,不应也不必取代记忆。口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、先后、正反、上下、升降、因果关系等),笔记单位以表达意群的词语和符号为主。 2.口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草。 3.口译笔记可使用来源语,也可使用目标语,也可以双语兼用。只要有利于口译的准确性和流利性,不必拘泥于某种文字或符号。例如,“联合国大会”可笔录为“UN”或“联大”。 4.口译笔记使用大量常见略语,例如:cf(compare),Co(company),eg(for example),etc(and so on),esp(especially),ie(that is),max(maximum),min(minimum),ref(reference),std(standard),usu(usually),等。 二、常用速记符号 速记是一项特殊的技巧,速记语言是由一套完整的符号组成的体系。在口译实践中逐步掌握一些简单的速记符号是有益的。 口译成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员在口译表达前对感知的信息进行记录的能力。记录分为“脑记”和“笔记”两种。 人脑的记忆由短时记忆和长时记忆两部分组成。顾名思义,短时记忆是一种操作性的暂时记忆,长时记忆属于一种储存性的永久记忆。影响一个人短时记忆的因素很多,其中最主要的因素是记忆内容的意义性。即便是当感知的信息有意义时,人的短时记忆只可容纳由二十多个单词组成的句子,或者一组十位数的数字。因此,对于口译工作者来说,完全依赖人脑的记忆能力是危险的,记笔记便显得十分重要。 in Note taking Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time. Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references. S = sum f = frequency Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department Use only the first syllable of a word. pol = politics


Unit 2 Passage 1 英国女王2009 圣诞致词 过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009 年对很多人来说都是艰难的一年,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。 我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些 士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。 但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友一道作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。英国和包括加拿 大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3 万名士兵在阿富汗服役。我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。 今年是英联邦成立60 周年,今天其成员国25 岁以下人口超过10 亿,为它保持长 久的强大和实力提供了力量源泉。 最近我刚刚参加了在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的英联邦政府首脑会议,听到联邦对年轻 人是多么重要。新的通讯技术使他们能够接触到更广阔的世界,分享他们的经验和观点。对于许多人来说,英联邦的实际援助与网络可以提供技能,给予意见和鼓励进取。 令人鼓舞的是,我了解到一些年轻人正在做着一些事情,他们面对挑战,富于创造力 和创新精神。 对关系到我们所有人的问题保持讨论很重要,它让我们的大家庭产生更大的价值。在 英联邦成立以来的大部分时间里,我都同它联系紧密。 我珍视同各国领袖、人民之间在个人和生活上的紧密联系,这不单是象征意义上的, 也能促进我们的团结。 英联邦并非只是一个具有某种使命的组织,更是一个让各国人民合作、解决实际困难 的平台。在涉及我们生活的许多方面,不论是体育、环境、商业或文化,英联邦国家之间的联系生动活泼而且丰富多彩。在很多方面这展现未来的前景。随着不断的支持和贡献,我相信多元化的英联邦国家之间能加强超越政治、宗教、种族和经济环境的凝聚力。 众所周知,圣诞节是欢庆与家人团聚的时候,但我们也可以借这个时机反思那些国内 外不幸者面临的困境。 基督徒接受的教义是要爱他们的邻居,有同情心,乐于慈善和志愿工作,以减轻贫困 和弱势者的负担。 我们自己会面临一连串的困难和挑战,这些困难和挑战会令我们感到困惑,但我们绝 不能停下脚步,而应该继续努力,为自己和他人创造更美好的未来。 不论你们现时身在何处,我都祝愿你们圣诞快乐! 13 Passage 2 美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿伊丽莎白·安德森女校的演讲(节选)这是我的第一次出访,作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。你们能相信吗?虽然这不是 我第一次来英国,但我得说很高兴我的首次官方访问是来英国。美国和英国之间的特殊关系,不只是基于政府间的关系,还基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。看见你们大家就使我想到这一点。在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女性,她们在为你们所有女孩子铺路。 我也很荣幸见到你们这些英国和世界未来的领导者,尽管我们的生活背景好像相差很 远,我是作为美国第一夫人站在这里,而你们还正在上学。 但我想让你们了解我们其实有很多共同之处。因为在我生命历程中没有任何东西曾经 预示我会作为美利坚合众国的第一位非洲裔第一夫人站在这里。我的资历里没有什么东西
