
徘徊與擺盪—論魯迅作品中的宗教向度— 楊靜欣Wandering and Vacillating─The Religious Dimension of Lu Xun’s Works─









The thesis is devoted to analyzing and interpreting Lu Xun’s texts. Based on a close examination of Lu Xun’s ideas on human beings and deity in his works, a further exploration of the religious dimension of the corpus is conducted. Seldom do Lu Xun’s writing directly touch central religious issues, however, the religious implications displayed in the works themselves, that is, the divine-human relationship implicitly expressed therein, are worth consideration.

In Lu Xun’s works we are allowed to have a glimpse of the dark side of humanity. They are filled with the judgment that suffering resulted from human folly, which is premised upon a pessimistic attitude to humanity. Even the Creator, out of his own cowardice and impotence, hides himself too facing this reality. This idea then is carried further into metaphysical investigations in Lu’s writings, most evidently in “In the Pale Traces of Blood” in the book Wild Grass.

As it is widely-known, Lu Xun devotes his whole life to searching for a “way out”, which either ends in his hope for his progeny, or in despair about himself. In a grand scale, this “way out” refers to a way for the whole nation/race; in the personal dimension, the “way out” means the spiritual liberation of the individual. In his works, scapegoat or warrior figures often emerge, and a faint hope is always rested upon children; darkness, suffering, and mournful dejection constitute the inevitable mood of the works. The texts not only fully exhibit human limitation and self-contradiction, in which humans “strive anyway with the knowledge of futility,” and even the existence of hope is viewed as a question without answer. Thus we can understand the human struggle presented in the works. Moreover, the general atmosphere therein is a sense of an inescapable, huge bondage, as a representation of the extreme predicament of life, which is expressed most fully in the short story “Blessing.” This predicament

is usually viewed as a decisive moment, a pre-stage to the understanding of religion and entering faith, as suggested by the saying “The end of human is the beginning of God.” However, the most fascinating characteristic of Lu’s works lies in that while human hopelessness has been fully uttered, there is still no walking toward the divine.

Therefore, the religious thinking presented in the texts is not rigid and dogmatic, but ever-changing. Lu Xun does not desire a superstitious faith: he intends to overthrow false gods and break superstition. Therefore, ever in the most impoverished and melancholic period of his life, he still does not comfort himself through any religion, but endlessly search for a way out in a critical and questioning spirit. And this quest never ceases until death.

Therefore, the author discovers that there are two situations presented in Lu Xun’s works: one is vacillating between hope and despair, the other is wandering between theistic and atheistic beliefs. Vacillating, a state of hesitating, is a description of the struggle between hope and despair. Wandering is a description of walking to and fro between theism and atheism. This is the main conclusion of the thesis.


中文摘要 (i)

英文摘要 (iii)

誌謝辭 (v)

目錄................................................................................ (vii)

第一章、緒論 (1)

第一節、研究動機與研究方法 (5)

一、研究動機 (5)

(一)魯迅研究的重要性 (5)

(二)魯迅作品中宗教向度研究的重要性 (7)

二、研究方法 (9)

第二節、魯迅的生平與其宗教向度 (11)

一、紹興背景的影響――早期宗教性人格的形塑 (12)

二、求學階段的信仰――前期宗教性狂熱的反撲 (18)

三、大量著作的出版――後期宗教性思想的深化 (23)

第二章、魯迅作品中的人觀 (31)

第一節、人之惡性的挖掘 (32)

一、麻木不仁 (33)

二、精神勝利法 (36)

三、愚昧無知 (39)

四、倨上傲下 (41)

第二節、人之惡性的溯源 (43)

一、階級制度 (45)

二、知識貧乏 (48)

三、吃人禮教 (51)

第三節、人之惡性的出路 (58)

一、對封建社會的反抗 (60)

二、對生存價值的追求 (63)

第三章、魯迅作品中的神觀 (68)

第一節、神之存在的不定性 (70)

一、無神論的一體兩面 (71)

二、新舊「神」的相繼消長 (72)

三、「自然」論的無限倒退 (74)

第二節、神之態度的冷漠性 (76)

一、造人動機不明 (77)

二、造人過程草率 (82)

三、與人無法溝通 (84)

第三節、神之本性的怯弱性 (86)

一、隱藏幕後者 (90)

二、歪曲不義者 (91)

第四章、魯迅作品中的宗教向度 (94)

第一節、「神」人關係的必然斷裂 (95)

第二節、苦難發生的全然絕望 (98)

第三節、戰士出現的一絲希望 (102)

第五章、結論 (112)

參考文獻 (115)
