冠词 名词 代词 副词的强化训练题

冠词 名词 代词 副词的强化训练题
冠词 名词 代词 副词的强化训练题


1. When Linda was a child, her mother always let her have ______ bed.

A. the breakfast in

B. the breakfast in the

C. breakfast in

D. breakfast in the

2. Beyond ______ stars the astronaut saw nothing but ______ space.

A. the, 不填

B. 不填,the

C. 不填,不填

D. the, the

3. Alexander Graham Bell invented ________ telephone in 1876.

A. 不填

B. a

C. the

D. one

4. After watching ____ TV, she played _____ violin for an hour.

A. 不填,不填

B. the, the

C. the, 不填

D. 不填,the

5. Many people are still in ____ habit of writing silly things in ____ public places.

A. the, the

B. 不填,不填

C. the, 不填

D. 不填,the

6. Paper money was in ____ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ____ thirteenth century.

A. the, 不填

B. the, the

C. 不填,the

D. 不填,不填

7. Have you seen ______ pen? I left it here this morning.

Is it ____ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a, the

B. the, the

C. the, a

D. a, a

8. She is _____ newcomer to ____ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

A. the, the

B. the, 不填

C. a, 不填

D. a, the

9. Many people agree that ___ knowledge of English is a must in ____ international trade today.

A. a, 不填

B. the, an

C. the, the

D. 不填,the

10.______ usually go to church every Sunday.

A. The Brown

B. A Brown

C. Browns

D. The Browns

11. The train is running fifty miles ______.

A. an hour

B. one hour

C. the hour

D. a hour

12. ___ earth we live on is bigger than___ moon.

A. The, a

B. The, the

C. An, a

D. An, the

13. —What’s the matter with you ?

—I caught ___ bad cold and had to stay in ___bed.

A. a, /

B. a, the

C. a, a

D. the, the

14. —Do you know ___ lady in blue?

—Yes. She is a teacher of a university.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. /

15. —Where’s ___ nearest supermarket?

—It’s over there, just around the corner.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

16. The young man will work in ___ school as a maths teacher.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. /

17. Most of the representatives think that ______ the meeting was very successful.

A. on whole of

B. on a whole

C. on the whole

D. on the whole that

18. The investigators found that more should be done for ______ in India.

A. those poor

B. a poor

C. poor

D. the poor

19. He grabbed me ______ and pulled me onto the bus.

A. a arm

B. an arm

C. the arm

D. by the arm

20. “How did you pay the workers?”

“As a rule, they are paid ______.”

A. by an your

B. by the hour

C. by a hour

D. by hours

21. What _____ exciting football match! Our team beat Tom’s team at last.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

22. In the United States, Father’s Day falls on _____ third Sunday in _____ June.

A. the,不填

B. the, a

C. 不填, the

D. a, 不填

23. I have two dogs. ______ black one is two years old and ______ yellow one is three years old.

A. A, a

B. The, a

C. The, the

D. A. the

24. ______ new bridge has been built over ______ Huangpu River.

A. The, a

B. A, /

C. A, the

D. An, an

25. -What colour is ______ orange?

-It’s _____ orange.

A. an, an

B. an, the

C. an, /

D. /, an


1. C

2. A。太空中的星体或世界上独一无二的东西前应加定冠词。Space 作“宇宙空间”解时,也是抽象名词,通常不加冠词

3. C。作invent宾语的名词只能用“the+单数可数名词”,表示发明的某类东西。

4. D。watch TV是习惯搭配,不必用冠词。表示乐器的名词前应用定冠词。

5. C。in the habit of是习惯用语,正如in the morning, on the other hand一样,其中的定冠词不可或缺。Public places是复数名词短语,表示泛指概念,其前面不必用定冠词。

6. C。be in use是习语,在这习语中没有任何冠词。Thirteenth是序数词,在序数词前应用定冠词。

7. D。问句和答语中的pen均非特指,而是泛指,故应用不定冠词。

8. C。newcomer是单数可数名词,泛指某类人中的一个,要用不定冠词。抽象名词或学科名称前不加任何冠词,chemistry是表示学科的抽象名词,因此前面不加the。

9. A。虽然knowledge是不可数名词,但有of English修饰,故用不定冠词。Trade是抽象名词,前面不应加the。

10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A

14. A。考查the 表示特指的用法。根据题意知道是特指“穿蓝色衣服的那个夫人”。

15. C。考查“the 用在形容词的最高级前”的用法。题意为“最近的超市在哪里?”

16-20 ADDDB 21-25 BACCC


1、---What would you like to drink, ________ or orange?

---Orange, please. (2004年佛山市中考试题)

A. hamburger

B. chip

C. tea (C)

2、When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad.

A. some news

B. a news

C. the news P. news (C)

3、In England, if ____ is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper.

A. food

B. lunch

C. breakfast

D. dinner (B)

4、What’s your _______ for being late again?

A. idea

B. key

C. excuse

D. news (C)

5、Where are the students? Are they in _______ ?

A. the Room 406

B. Room 406

C. the 406 Room

D. 406 Room (B)

6、The teacher said we needed to choose three for the school concert. (2006 重庆)

A. farmers

B. doctors

C. drivers

D. singers (D)

7、-What class are you in, Mike?

-I’m in .

A. Grade Three, Class Two

B. Class Two, Grade Three

C. class two, grade three

D. grade three, class two (B)

8、Don’t make so much .The baby is sleeping.

A. things

B. mistakes

C. voice

D. noise (D)

9、All the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _____of the running water.

A. shout

B. noise

C. voice

D. sound (D)

10、Lao She is the ________ of Tea House.

A. doctor

B. actor

C. scientist

D. writer (D)


1. She heard a terrible noise, ______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it

B. which

C. this

D. that B

2. The teacher gave the books to all the students except _______who had already taken them.

A. ones

B. some

C. the ones

D. the others C

3. Our manager allowed _______to take a holiday next week.

A. you and I

B. yourself and me

C.I and you

D. you and

me D

4. Although he 's wealthy,he spends___ on clothes.

A. little

B. few

C. a little

D. a few A

5. They were all tired, but _____ of them would stop to take a rest.

A. any

B. some

C. none

D. neither C

6. I don’t know whether small oranges are sweeter than big ______.

A. those

B. ones

C. one

D. that B

7. When they met, they stopped and said hello to_______.

A. each other

B. each another

C. the other each D .each one A

8. After everyone took_______ place, the meeting began.

A. his

B. their

C. there

D. the A

9. -Why don’t we take a little break?

-Didn’t we just have _______?

A. it

B. that

C. one

D. this C

10. If you want to change for a double room you’ll have to pay


A. another

B. other

C. more

D. each A

11. We should always keep ______ well-informed of the changing information.

A. us

B. ours

C. ourselves

D. we C

12. Give the message to ______ is at the table.

A. whomever

B. whosever

C. whatever

D. whoever D

13. I found _______impossible for _______to work out the maths problem.

A. it; him

B. it; he

C. that; him

D. that; he A

14. Few pleasures can equal _____ of a cool drink on a hot day.

A. some

B. any

C. that

D. those C

15. I hate ______ when people talk with their mouths full.

A. it

B. that

C. these

D. them A

16. Mary learned Chinese for about two years, _______is, from 1993 to 1995.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. he B

17. She is doing her homework.I'll do_______.

A. such

B. so

C. the same

D. the same as B

18. In some restaurants, food and service are worse than ______ used to be.

A. they

B. it

C. them

D. that A

19. Everyone who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _____ own names cut in it as a souvenir.

A. his

B. her

C. their

D. our A

20. Children can usually dress ______ by the age of five.

A. him

B. them

C. himself

D. themselves D


1. B 在非限定性定语从句中指代前面的整个句子,应用which。

2. C

3. D

4. A spend所指的是钱,不可数,只能用little或a little. 本句为although 引导的让步状语从句,由句意知后句为否定含义,因此应用little表示几乎不。

5. C 根据题干中的all和but来判断,只能选C。

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. C one代替上文提到的名词,表示同样的另一物品,在one之后无需加介词短语。

10. A another是不定代词,意为“另一个”,正合题意。

11. C 12. D 13. A

14. C 只能用that指代pleasures;句中的equal是动词。

15. A 空缺处只能填上形式宾语it。

16-20 BBAAD


1. The horse is getting old and cannot run ____ it did.

A. as faster as

B. so fast than

C. so faster as

D. as fast as

2. The students are ____ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.

A. most

B. almost

C. mostly

D. at most

3.This year they have produced _____ grain____ they did last year.

A. as less, as

B. as few, as

C. less, than

D. fewer, than

4. ---- Can I help you?

---- Well, I’m afraid the box is ____ heavy for you, but thank you all the same.

A. so

B. much

C. very

D. too

5. ---- Excuse me, is this Mr Brown’s office?

----I’m sorry, but Mr Brown____ works here. He left about three weeks ago.

A. not now

B. no more

C. not still

D. no longer

6. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ____ tractors in 1988 as the year before.

A. as twice many

B. as many twice

C. twice as many

D. twice many as

7. ----Will you give this message to Mr White, please?

----Sorry, I can’t. He ____.

A. doesn’t any more work here

B. doesn’t any longer here work

C. doesn’t work any more here

D. doesn’t work here any longer

8. How ___ can you finish the drawing?

A. long

B. often.

C. soon

D. rapid

9. She doesn’t speak ____ her friends, but her written work is excellent.

A. as well as

B. as often as

C. so much as

D. as good as

10. “Can you read?”Mary said ____ to the notice.

A. angrily pointing

B. and point angrily

C. angrily pointed

D. and angrily pointing

11. John plays football____, if not better than, David.

A. as well

B. as well as

C. so well

D. so well as

12. We all write____, even when there’s not much to say.

A. now and then

B. by and by

C. step by step

D. more or less

13.----Do you remember ____he came?

---- Yes, I do, he came by car.

A. how

B. when

C. that

D. if

14. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,

_______ great it is.

A. what

B. how

C. however

D. whatever

15. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ____.

A. badly

B. hardly

C. strongly

D. heavily

16. I walked 8 miles today. I never guessed that I could walk ______ far.

A. much

B. that

C. such

D. as

17. They _____ to our proposal.

A. have not still responded

B. have not responded still

C. have still not responded

D. still have not responded

18. True hibernation takes place only among ______ animals.

A. whose blood is warm

B. blood worm

C. warm-blooded

D. they have warm blood

19. He works ______.

A. lone

B. lonely

C. alone

D. lonesome

20. A _____ road goes ______ from our college to the center.

A. straight…straight

B. straightly…straightly

C. straight…straightly

D. straightly…straight

20. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. when

21. We’ll have to finish the job,_____.

A. long it takes however

B. it takes however long

C. long however it takes

D. however long it takes


定义:表示某一事物,有具体的和抽象的之分。分为可数名词和不可数名词。 强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,动词用is或者was;不能根据some、any、a lot of等词来判断。 1、可数名词如何变“复数形式”: ①.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ; 读音:清辅音后读[s],浊辅音和元音后读[z]。 ②.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches ; ③“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries ; “元音字母+y”结尾,直接加-s,如:boys,toys ④.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives ,thief-thieves;读音:[z]。 顺口溜:妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌;躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。 (贼的妻子一生用两把刀、三片叶杀死两只狼,一半放在架子上,自己吃面包loaf)wife(妻子),knife(刀子),wolf(狼)thief(小偷),shelf(架子),self(自己),life (生命)half(一半),leaf(树叶)。这9个名词变复数时,都要改“f(e)”为“ve”再加“s”。 特殊情况是直接加-s的: 顺口溜:海湾边、屋顶上,首领农仆相望;谁说他们无信仰,语气定在手帕上。 gulf, roof, chief, serf, belief, proof, handkerchief。这些词是直接加-s的。 ⑤.以“o”结尾的词,分两种情况: 1)有生命的+es 读音:[z] 如:mango-mangoes,tomato-tomatoes,hero-heroes, negro—negroes (袋鼠除外cangro-cangros) 顺口溜:两人两菜一火山(黑人英雄在火山上吃土豆,西红柿,芒果和河马) 2)无生命的+s 读音:[z] 如:zoo-zoos, radio-radios, photo-photos, piano-pianos, (袋鼠除外cangro-cangros)zero-zeros, bamboo(竹竿)-bamboos, tobacco(烟丝)-tobaccos 顺口溜:动物园里挂着一张照片,照片上是一片竹林前的钢琴上放着一台收音机 ⑥. 部分单词的单复数同形 顺口溜:中日警察来聚会,鹿、羊、鱼、牛把家回。(中日瑞不变,英法都要变,其他国人加S)(中国人,日本人赶着绵羊、梅花鹿去河边看鱼) 解释:Chinese,Japanese,police, deer, sheep, fish,cattle ,people, Swiss--Swiss Englishman--Englishmen, American—Americans,German--Germans. 除人民币的元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。 如:one yuan,two yuan;a dollar, two dollars; ⑦. 不规则名词复数:(鹅身上的牙和脚复数oo变ee、) 顺口溜:男士女士a变e;鹅牙双脚o变e;孩子后面加ren;老鼠虱子爱公牛, mouse, louse和ox. 解释:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,snowman-snowmen。 goose- geese; tooth-teeth, foot-feet。child-children。mouse-mice, louse-lice,ox-oxen。 2、不可数名词没有复数。如果要计算不可数名词所表达的数量,就用“量词+of”。 例如:a glass of water, a piece of paper, a bottle of juice,a bottle of,a pair of 3、复合名词的复数变化:(顺口溜:属性不变、性别变)解释:three apple trees;three men teachers


名词性从句练习题 第一部分: 1. _______ makes his shop different is that it offers more personal services. A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever 2. —It?s thirty years since we last met. —But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _______ we got lost on a rainy night. A. which B. that C. what D. when 3. See the flags on top of the building? That was _______ we did this morning. A. when B. which C. where D. What 4. —Could you do me a favor? —It depends on _______ it is. A. which B. whichever C. what D. whatever 5. These shoes look very good. I wonder _______. A. how much cost they are B. how much do they cost C. how much they cost D. how much are they cost 6. Doris' success lies in the fact _______ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others. A. which B. that C. when D. why 7. Mary wrote an article on _______ the team had failed to win the game. A. why B. what C. who D. that 8. Do you have any idea _______ is actually going on in the classroom? A. that B. what C. as D. which 9. —Why does she always ask you for help? —There is no one else _______, is there? A. who to turn to B. she can turn to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn 10. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _______ it is rough or smooth. A. / B. whether C. how D. what 11. Danny left word with my secretary _______ he would call again in the afternoon.


初中英语专项练习一 名词、代词、冠词 1.----How is your skirt, Marry? ---- It ’ s more beautiful than ____/. A. my sister’ s B. my sister C. sister D. mine 2. I ’ m going on holiday on the 12th and I have to be back at work on the 26th, so I ’ ve got two ____ holiday. A. weeks B. week’ s C. weeks ’ D. week 3. Look! The kites in the sky are in different ____, some are big and some are small. A. sizes B. colors C. prices D. names 4. I ’ ve read ____ sports news about the FI race today. A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of 5. All the ____ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8 th, because it was their own holiday. A. man B. men C. woman D. women 6. Mark met an old friend of ____ on a train yesterday. A. he B. him C. his D. her 7. I need ____ paper, Mum. I want to write ____ letter to my English teacher. A. any, some B. some, a C. a, some D. some any 8. There are two ____ and three ____ on the table. A. knifes, forks B. knifes, forks C. knives, forkes D. knives, forks 9. We have got a lot of ____ today. A. newspaper to read B. homework to do C. homeworks to do D. book to read 10.We could see ____ children and hear ____ noise in the park. A. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many 11.Will you pass me ____? A. a few pieces of chalk? B. a few chalks C. a few of chalks D. some chalks 12.This toy was made by a ____ boy. A. ten-year-old B. ten-years-old C. ten-year-older D. ten-years-older 13.____ are big and bright. A. The classroom window B. The window of the classroom C. The windows of the classroom D. The classroom’ s windows !4. ----Would you like ____ milk, please? ----No, thank you. I still have some. A. some more B. an C. a little of D. all 15.There are two ____ in the city. A. car ’ s factory. B. car’ s factories C. factories of car D’.cars factories 16.Take more ____, and you will be thinner and healthier. A. exercise B. homework C. medicine D. meals 17.At the root of the hill you could hear nothing but the ____ of the running water. A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound 18.Brian is so kind that he o ften gives me a ____ when I’ m in trouble. A. reply B. seat C. hand D. reason 19.You should express your thanks by returning the kindness when you get help from ____. A. other B. another C. others D. the other 20.We had plenty of paper but ____ ink. A. a few B. few C. not many D. not much 21.My car is not so expensive as ____. A. him B. he ’ s C. he D. his 22.Lily and Lucy have arrived, but ____ students aren’ t here yet. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 23.There are high buildings on ____ side of the road. A. both B. every C. any D. either 24.----What do you usually have for breakfast? ---- ____ eggs and ____ milk. A. Little, a few B. A little, a little C. A few, a little D. A few, a few, 25.____ is difficult if you put your heart into it.


名词 一、名词的复数: 1.名词变复数的规则形式 1).一般情况下直接加s book------books cup-----cups 2).以辅音字母+y结尾的,先变y为i再加es . city-------cities family-----families 3).以s、x、sh、ch结尾的加es . bus-----buses wish------wishes watch------wathes 4).以o结尾的多数加S 初中阶段只有三个单词加es . tomato-----tomatoes potato------potatoes hero-----heroes 5).以f、fe 结尾的,先把f、fe变v 再加es leaf----leaves self---selves shelf----shelves life----lives thief---thieves 2.少数名词的复数形式是不规则的 man----men woman---women child----childre foot-----feet tooth----teeth mouse---mice 3.单数和复数形式相同。deer---deer fish----fish sheep----sheep Chinese ----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 4.某国人的复数。 1). 中、日不变。Chinese----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 2). 英、法变。Englishman----Englishmen Frenchman----Frenchmen 3). 其余s加后面。American -----Americans German----Germans Australian---Australians 二、不可数名词: 1.不可数名词:1).不能直接用数字表数量2).不能直接加a或an 3).没有复数形式 4).可用some、any 、lots of、plenty of 、much 修饰5).可用“量词短语”表示 2.不可数名词的数量的表示方法:a / 数字+ 量词+ of + 不可数名词 a piece of paper a cup of tea a glass of milk 三、名词的所有格: 1. ’s 所有格。 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有关系时,这时只在最后一个名词后加“’s.”This is ____________________(Mary and Lily) bedroom . 2). 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示各有关系时,这时分别在每个名词后加“’s.”These are ________________(Tom and Jack ) school bags . 3).以s结尾的名词,变所有格时在s后加“’”,不以s 结尾的复数名词,仍加“’s” Teachers’Day Children’s Day 4).表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加’s 代表全称。at the doctor’s at the Bob’s 5).由some、any、no、every与one、body 结合的复合不定代词something 、anything 等和else 连用时,所有格应加在else的后面。This is _________________(somebody else ) pencil . 6).表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加’s 来构成所有格。 an hour’s ride two weeks’ time China’s capital 2.of 所有格: 1).of 用来表示无生命的名词所有格。the map of China the door of the room 2).双重所有格:of + 名词所有格of + 名词性的物住代词 He is a friend of my _________(brother ) . Is she a daughter of __________(you)? 四、名词作句子成分: 1.名词作主语


选择题: 1. The students of Grade7 visited Mike’s farm and saw many there. A. bird B.duck C.sheep D.rabbit 2. ---How many are there on the table? ---Only two. A. Glasses of orange B. Glasses of oranges C. Glass of orange D. Glass of oranges 3.---Could you please tell me something about the two ? --- .They are exchange students of No.1 Middle school. A. Frenchmen; Yes, please B.Frenchmans; Come on C.Germen; Not at all D.Germans; All right. 4. We can see two in the picture. A.apple tree B. apples trees C.apple trees 5. When autumn comes, the the tree turns yellow. A. Leaf on B.leaves on C.leaf in D.leaves in 6.Tomorrow I’m going to my . It’s a . A.aunt; five minutes’ walk B.aunt’s;five minute’s walk C.aunt;five minute’s walk D.aunt’s; five minutes’walk. 7. mothers both work in the same hospital. A. Tim and Peter’s B. Tim’s and Peter C.Tim’s and Peter’s D.Tim and Peter 8. This desk is . A. Tom’s and John’s B. Tom and John C. Tom and John’s D.Tom’s and John 9. ---Two died in the accident. --- terrible it is! A.policemen; How B.policeman; What C.police; What D.policemans; How 10. ----It’s really hot today. What drink do we have today in the fridge? ----We have some . A.noodle B.cheese C.sausages D.lemonade 11.Near our school there are two . A. shoes shops B.shoes shop C.shoe shop 12. Nowadays, people can get much from newspapers, TV, and the Internet. A. ideas B. stories C.photos https://www.360docs.net/doc/e04638847.html,rmation. 13. Three are eating the grass at the foot of the mountain. A.sheeps B.sheep C.sheepes D.ships 14.Our school is just ten away from the school.


名词性从句专练50 题 1._____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A.What B. That C. The fact D. The matter 2._________ we can't get seems better than _______ we have. A. What, what B. What, that C. That, that D. That, what 3.It worried her a bit her hair was turning gray. A .while B. that C. if D. for 4.__________________________ ---Do you remember he came? ---Yes, I do, he came by car. A. how B. when C. that D. if 5._______________________ Go and get your coat. It's you left it. A. there B. where C. there where D. where there 6.It is generally considered unwise to give a child ? ___ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 7._____________________ Can you tell me ? A. who is that woman B. who the woman is C. whom is the woman D. that woman is 8.___________ The fact she works hard is well known to us all. A. that B. what C. why D. which 9.___________________________ The mountain is no longer it used to be. A. which B. that C. as D. what 10.______________ Jack said to meet the American friends. A. which he pleased B. he is pleased C. at he was pleased D. what he was pleased 11._______________________________ Lei Feng was always thinking of ? ?he ? could ?help others. A. that B. how C. whom D. which 12.____________________________________________ Tom was disappointed that most of the guests when he _____________________________________________ at the party. A. left; had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived 13.______________________ The question is you should do next. A. what B. that C. how D. why 14.I know nothing about her but ______ she is from Canada. A. how B. when C. that D. why 15.It depends on _________ we have enough time. A. if B. if or not C. that D. whether 16.________ he doesn't like them is very clear. A. What B. That C. Which D. Where 17.---The green typewriter is mine. -- Do you know whose typewriter ________ ? A. is this blue one B. this blue one C. it is this blue one D. this blue one is 18.The reason _________ nothing on earth is motionless ? is _______ the earth is in constant motion (运动). A. why; that B. that; why C. of; that D. that; because 19.________ proves that my advice is right. A. It will happen that B. That has happened C. What has happened D. When it happens 20.What a pity _______ is ________ you didn't arrive by day. A. there; because B. it; that C. he; when D. that; for 21.---?I believe _ you've done your best and ___ things will happen. -- T hank you. A. That; / B./; / C. what; that D./; that 22.Please give the book to wins the first prize. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever 23.The fire destroyed was in the building. A. all B. what C. that D. which 24.The question he asked was _? the electrical equipment should be stored. A. what B. which C. where D. because 25.These photographs will show you . A.what our village looks like B.what does ? our ? village look like C.how our village looks like D.how ? does ? our ? village look like


冠词有两种,一是不定冠词a/an,另外一种是定冠词the 一、不定冠词及其用法 二、定冠词的用法 1. 一般来说,普通名词有特指和泛指,如果特指,就要加定冠词;如果泛指,可数名词前加不定冠词,或用其复数形式 2. 定冠词the主要和名词连用,表示某些特定的人或事物 3. 由of引起的限定性短语(作定语)所修饰的词前加the 4. 表示身体的某一部位,用the代替物主代词my, our, your, his, her等 5. 表示江河海洋,海峡海湾,山脉和群岛及有些湖泊之前用the 6. 定冠词the加姓氏的复数,表示某某一家人,如果做主语,谓语动词要用复数 7. 当一个抽象名词,不表示一般的概念而是表示某一特定的内容时加定冠词the 8. 由普通名词和一些其他词构成的专有名词前加the: the People's Republic of China 三、同步练习 1. ____rose is____beautiful flower. 2. Mr. Smith always smokes____cigarette with ____cup of coffee. 3.____door of____garage is broken. 4.____donkeys are ____ stupid animals. 5.____bread is made from ____ flour,and ____flour is made from ____wheat. 6. She is ____good musician;she plays ____piano beautifully. 7. Thousands of ____visitors go to ____Great Wall every ____day. 8. When he was enghteen,he joined ____navy. 9. He sent me ____letter and ____postcard;____letter didn't arrive. 10. Li is not at ____office;I think he's gone____home. 11. Is there ____telephone here? 12. She is studying ____English and ____French. 13. I bought ____pen and some paper,but I left____pen in ____shop. 14. ____machine is made of ____steel and ____copper. 15. ____honesty is ____best policy. 16. ____coal is 60 dollars ____ton at the moment. 17. I stay at ____home last night and listened to ____radio. 18. We went to Paris and saw ____Palace of Versailles. 19. He goes back to ____ country to see his people once ____year. 20. ____Liu's are going to ____cinema. 语法系列复习专题-----名词 1. 名词的分类 专有名词:指某人,某地,某机构等专有的名称,其首字母要大写。如HongKong, China, Bill Clinton, Red Cross 个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体,如student, book 可数名词 集体名词:表示若干个体组成的集合体,如:family, school, group, people 不可数名词 物质名词:表示无法分为个体的实物,如:cotton, air, tea 抽象名词:表示抽象概念,work,happiness, news


名词性从句专项精选精练50题名词性从句的应试技巧名词性从句的考点主要是考察能否正确使用引导词。在考试时,主要分析从句的句意和句子成分: 一,从句表事实还是表疑问:表事实,用that;表疑问,用wh-。二,从句缺不缺成分:不缺成分,用that或whether/if;缺成分,用除whether/if之外的其他wh-。 还要注意:名词性从句与其他从句或句型的相互结合,如与定语从句或状语从句或强调句型结合。 1. His success was because of ________ he had been working hard. A. that B. the fact which C.the fact that D.the fact 2. The reason why I didn't go to Shanghai was ________ a new job. A. because I got B. because of getting C. I got D. that I got 3. It worried her a bit ________ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for 4. Have you seen Henry lately? My boss wants to know ________. A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting along C. what he is getting along D. what is he getting along 5. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.


七年级冠词、名词和代词专项练习题 一.写出下列单词的复数形式: action movie life knife fry leaf photo r adio piano zoo tomato potato bus watch box book map cat film door month horse picture class boy tooth woman eye tooth German Chinese man football child classroom monkey tree egg coat Frenchman is this that 二.将下列词组译成汉语: [1]三杯牛奶[2] 一袋大米[3]三篮子苹果 [4]一碗面条[5]四盒子书[6]七本英语书 [7]五袋子大米[8]三杯橘汁 [9]八条新闻10]一箱香蕉 三.用a\an填空: apple pear banana ship boat student teacher hour sheep orange tree tree orange pencil 四选择填空: [1]. They are________ A:man doctor B:men doctors C:men doctor D:man doctor s [2] There are five_____ in the hill. A:sheep B:sheeps C: goose D:deers [3] Those white socks____small. A:are B:is C: am D:do [4] We have many_____in our school. A:woman teacher B:women teachers C: woman teachers D:women teacher [5] Do you like _____? A:vegetable B: vegetables C:an vegetable [6] How many_____do they have? A:picture B: pictures C:a picture [7] There are six ____in the room. A:volleyball B:volleyballs C:a volleyball D:volleyballs [8] Are these ____teachers? A:woman B:women C:womans [9] It is ____. A:milk B:a milk C:an milk D:milks [10] It’s a ____.It isn’t an ____. A、apple, egg B、cake,egg C、egg,orange, D,e gg,cake


冠词 不定冠词的用法及语法说明 1. 用a 还是用an: 一般说来,在辅音或半元音开头的词前用a, 而在元音开头的词前用an。 注意: 有些以元音字母开头的单词,由于第一个音不是元音而是辅音,其前仍用a而不用an: a one-eyed man 一个独眼人 a European country 一个欧洲国家 2. 单数可数名词若泛指,其前需加a ,an, 不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠词: He is a famous film star. 他是着名影星。 3. 专有名词转化为普通名词,其前可用a (an),表示某某人或某某人的一部作品、艺术品等: a Mr Smith 一位名叫史密斯先生的人 4. 物质名词转化为普通名词,其前可以使用a (an),有时表示相应产品或种类,有时表示数量关系: a good wine 一种好酒 5. 在序数词之前使用a (an),可以表示数量或序数的增加: Soon I saw a second plane. 不久我又看到了一架飞机。 6. 与形容词的最高级连用,表示“非常”、“很”等: This is a almost interesting story. 这是一个非常有趣的故事。 7. 用于修饰名词的定语前,表示某种状态。此时的不定冠词含有类似a kind of 的意思:climate 气候→a mild climate 温和的气候 have breakfast 吃早餐→have a quick breakfast吃快餐 8. 不定冠词a (an) 与数词one 都可表示“一”,但是两者有差别: 不定冠词a (an) 表示“类别”概念,而数词one 表示“数量”概念 9. 两个单数可数名词连用表示一个整体时,只用一个冠词: He is a teacher and poet. 他既是老师又是诗人。 10. 与副词quite / rather 连用时,a (an) 一般要后置,但若其后的名词前有形容词修饰,则a (an) 放在quite rather 之前或之后均可以: He is rather a fool. 他是个大傻瓜。 It is quite a good book. 那是本很好的书。 It is a quite good book. 那是本很好的书。 11. 当too, so, as, how 等词之后接有“形容词+单数可数名词”时,不定冠词a (an) 应放在形容词和单数可数名词之间 It is too difficult a book for us beginners. She is as good a cook as her mother. 12. 不定冠词可用来表示“类属”,这是其基本用法,它表明的是某一类属中的每一个人和东西都能说明该类属的整体情况。此时也可用定冠词或名词复数形式来表示。 正:A horse is a useful animal. 正:Horses are useful animals.


名词性从句专练(一) 1. Nowadays consumers become more and more practical and buy only _______ they need. A. where B. which C. when D. what 2. She’d like to offer money to ________ needs it to continue his or her study. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever 3. ---If you are admitted to a key university, _________ as a prize? --- I’m looking for a cell phone. A. What you expect your father will offer you B. Do you expect what your father will offer you C. What do you expect will your father offer you D. What do you expect your father will offer you 4. Yesterday he sold out all his stamps at ____ he thought was a reasonable price. A. that B. which C. what D. as 5. Generally speaking, ____ we have seen seems more believable than ____ we have been told. A. what; that B. what; what C. that; what D. that; that 6. After three days’ waiting, there was a little doubt in the mother’s mind _______ the police could find her lost child. A. how B. that C. where D. whether 7. “Sustainable development” is a question _______ we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment. A. why B. when C.
