Unit 2 A telephone call

Unit 2  A telephone call
Unit 2  A telephone call

Unit 2A telephone call


本单元的主要功能项目是“谈论疾病”。重点学习How do you feel now? What’s wrong with you? 及其答语以及八种疾病的名称。本单元教学内容情境性较强,因此教师在整个教学过程中,无论是呈现新知识,还是复习、巩固旧知识,都应尽可能让学生通过表情、手势、实物、情景明白句子的意思和使用场合,使学生能把语言和它所表达的情境直接联系起来,达到学以致用的目的。


1 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词her, speak, bad, get, feel,cold。

2 能按照要求三会掌握散会单词。

3 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型How do you feel now? I feel …

What’s wrong with you? I have got…

4 能听得懂会说会读日常交际用语或句型May I speak to…? This is …

speaking.I’m sorry to hear that. See you soon. Sorry, wrong number.

5 了解元音字母o在闭音节单词中的读音。

6 会诵读歌谣I’m ill。


1 能听得懂会说会读和会拼写单词, speak, bad, get, her,feel, cold。

2 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型How do you feel now? I feel …

What’s wrong with you? I ’ve got…3. 熟练运用日常交际用语。


1 掌握打电话的语言。

2 How do you feel now ? I feel hot . (.tired.…)跟的是形容词。

3 What’s wrong with you ? (her ,him ,us,them…)的使用。

Unit 2 The First Period(第一课时)

一教学内容:5B. Unit 2 A部分Read and Say


1 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语。

3 初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词lunch, speak, a headache, bad, cough, get, feel和句型。三教学重、难点:能正确理解、掌握A部分会话。

四课前准备1. 准备录音机和磁带。

2. 准备A部分会话的投影片。

3. 准备本课会话中出现的有关疾病的图片。

4. 两具玩具电话机和一个卡通玩偶Bily。


A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Wish you are happy every day.

B Free talk. 师生交流

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning,

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Hello××,How are you?

Ss : ......

C Presentation and drill新授和操练

1 在学生Free talk中若回答Not so good 时,教师可以及时询问“What’s the matter?”或“What’s wrong with your?并引导学生表达(可用手势)出来。“What’s wrong with you? I’ve got......

这是本篇会话中的重点句型之一,学生已经学过what’s the matter?


然后,师可关切的说I’m sorry. I hope you get better soon.


板书课题 A telephone call 集体朗读。

2. 师出示玩具电话机向学生教授如何打电话。May I speak to ......? This is ......,然后与卡通玩偶Billy对话示范再与学生反复模拟操练达到熟练掌握。

引出speak 进行单词教学。T讲解字母组合ea的发音,然后请学生试着自己朗读.请学生静听模仿跟读.

3 在此基础上,教师可出示挂图并用语言直接导入Helen is not at school. She’s absent today. She’s ill.

4 引导学生理解absent的意思,然后指着挂图,说Helen is in her bedroom. Su Yang is calling her. 让学生理解第二句中her的意思。然后放录音,让学生整体感知本篇话。

5 教师同时出示投影片,让学生看图听录音,整体了解会话内容。

(1)让学生听第一部分的录音,启发学生看图中时钟时间是中12:30,帮助学生理解after lunch 的含义,并重点学习四会单词lunch。



(2)在听第二部分对话录音时,教师可模仿第一部分加上引言After school. Su Yang calls Helen again.这样安排,可以使学生更加清晰的理解课文结构。在学习How do you feel now?

I still feel ill. 是要求四会掌握的句型,应重点学习,多加操练。

(3)Are you taking any medicine?中take 在这里的意思是吃药,教师可简单介绍。教师作出生病状,拿药吃,同时说:I am taking some medicine. Are you taking any medicine? No you aren’t .

(4) 学习I can …for you.时,教师可先演示Get a book.等等。再引出Get for…。Get是三会单词,它的用法有很多种,教师可根据课堂情况介绍几种。

6 听录音,学生模仿、跟读会话。

D Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1. 完成书后的习题。

2 学生小组内分角色朗读会话。

3 学生小组汇报朗读会话。

S1:Who is on duty today ?

S2:I am .

S3: Who is absent today ?

S4: xxx is ill.

4 学生小组内看图运用本课会话内容作问答。

5 情境表演。

用玩具电话设置与课文内容相仿的情境,请小组推荐组员到台前进行本课会话内容的表演。A: May I speak to …?

B: This is XXX Speaking .

A: Are you absent today ?

B: Yes,I am ill.

A: What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got … .


1 听录音跟读本课会话。(必做)

2 小组进行会话,准备下节课表演会话。(必做)

3 向家长介绍各种疾病。(必做)

4 给老师打电话。


1. at school ________________________

2.call her ______________________________

3. after lunch _______________________

4.be absent ____________________________

5. stay in bed _______________________

6.What’s wrong with---__________________

7. have got a headache ________________

8. a bad cough _________________________

9. sorry to hear--- ____________________ 10.get better soon ______________________

11. feel ill __________________________ 12.take some medicine __________________

12. get some fruit for you ______________ 13.be over ____________________________ 七板书内容:

Unit 2 A telephone call

What’s wrong with you?

I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.

How do you feel now? I still feel ill.


Unit 2 The Second Period(第二课时)



A. Read and say


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词lunch, speak, bad, medicine


May I speak to …? This is …speaking. I’m sorry to hear that. See you soon.

Sorry, wrong number.等句,并能在日常生活中正确运用。



1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词lunch, speak, bad, medicine, absent


May I speak to …? This is …speaking. I’m sorry to hear that. See you soon.

Sorry, wrong number. 等句,并能在日常生活中积极运用。


4. 能熟练运用打电话的专业用语进行交际。







a tape, a recorder, pictures of Part A、B, cards of words

板书准备:黑板上预先写上课题Unit 2 A telephone call 六.教学过程

A. Free talk

1. T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.



1. 依次出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答,发音和拚读。

2.操练句型How do you feel now? I feel…

I can get a /some… for you.

C. Presentation and practice

1. T: Hello, 。。How are you ?

S1: I’m fine, thanks.

T: Hi, how are you?

S2: Not so good..

T: What’s wrong with you?

S: I’ve got a fever( toothache, headache, cold, cough…)

T: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.

S: Thanks.

( Like this ask some students)

--- What’s wrong with you? = What’s the matter?

--- I’ve got …

---I’m sorry to hear that.

--- I hope you get better soon.

(1) Read the sentences

(2) Students make a dialogue like this.

2. (出示a telephone model )

T: (做打电话状) Hello, may I speak to …(说一学生名字)?S: This is … speaking.

(Ask some students)


---May I speak to …? 找某人接电话

---This is …speaking. 我是。。。

Teach the word and sentences

Use the sentences, Practice in pairs

3. Show a picture of Part A

T: Today Helen isn’t at school. She is absent today.Why?

S: She is ill. She’s in her bedroom.


T: Now Su Yang is calling her.

4. T: Let’s listen to the tape. And think some questions.

(1) What time is it?

(2) What’s wrong with Helen?

(3) After school, How does Helen feel now?

5. Answer the questions




---a bad cough

---stay in bed

---get better soon

---take some medicine 否定句或疑问句中some 应变为any

---get … for…

---See you soon

Read and spell

Read the words and phrases And then make some phrases


Review the sentences: What’s wrong with you/ your watch/your stomach?

I’ve got a …

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon. Learn the sentence, ask and answer in pairs.

5. Listen to the tape and students repeat after it

6. T: Read the books by yourselves.


7.Read together 分角色读

D. Consolidation




What’s wrong with you/ your watch/your stomach?

I’ve got a …

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.

How do you feel now?

I feel …

I can get … for you.

4.Practice in pairs and act it out.

E.Assign homework

1 Listen read and recite the dialogue. Act it

2.Listen read and spell all the words and phrases.

3. Copy words, phrases, sentences.

4.Prepare for D、E、H。


1. ()My uncle _______ work at the weekends.

A. don’t

B. doesn’t

C. aren’t

2. ( ) ---May I speak to Jenny?

---_____ Jenny speaking.

A. I’m

B. That’s

C. This is

3. ( ) _____ do you feel?

A. How

B. What

C. Why

4. ( ) He’s staying ______ bed.

A. at

B. on

C. in

5. ( ) I’m sorry ________ that.

A. to hear

B. hear

C. hearing

6. ( ) I can get some flowers ______ you.

A. to

B. give

C. for

7. ( ) Are you taking _____ medicine?

A. lot of

B. some

C. any

8. ( ) Look at these bananas. Please choose one _______.

A. eat

B. to eat

C. have

9. ( ) What subject ______ they _______?

A. does, like

B. do, like

C. are , like

10. ( ) Are the students ______ to the teacher?

A. listen

B. listening

C. to listen


Unit 1 A new term


What’s wrong with you/ your watch/your stomach?

I’ve got a …

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.

How do you feel now?

I feel …

I can get … for you.


Unit 2 The Third Period(第三课时)


5B. Unit 2 B部分Look, read and learn


1 进一步掌握四会句型。

2 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇, lunch, speak, bad, cough, get, feel, fever, cold。三教学重、难点:



1 准备好B部分的词汇图片。

2 在黑板上预先写好课题。

3 人体部位图。


A Sing a song: Touch your nose.


B Free talk 师生交流Ss: Good morning,

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Hello××,How are you?

Ss : ......

C Revision 复习

1 出示A部分会话投影片,看图进行师生会话。

T: May I speaking to xxx?

S: This is xxx speaking.

T: Why are absent today ?

S: I am ill .

T: What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a … .

2 学生看图进行小组会话。学生小组会话表演。


What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got a … .



3 运用不同的话题给老师或者同学打电话。

May I speak to xxx?

This is xxx speaking.


D Presentation and drill 新授和操练

1 出示图片,学习本课B部分出现的词汇。

2 教师出示图片,让学生看图快速人读:

headache, cough, fever, cold,…


如:toothache, an earache, a headache, a stomach ache, a backache并与人体部位图相对照,引导学生理解词义启发学总结此类单词的词尾特点,即后缀-ache。给学生做简单的构词法的讲解。

3 师生操练单词,运用句型T: What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a … .

4 学生小组内练说,使学生尽快掌握这些词汇。


5 出示a fever的图片,学生听读、模仿跟读。同法学习a cough, a cold,a headache, a fever,

a cough, a cold。


T: What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a … .

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1 学生听B部分录音,跟读单词。

2 游戏活动:听听、做做。


如:toothache, an earache, a headache, a stomach ache, a backache。

3 出示图片和学生问答:

What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got a…

4 学生看黑板上的贴图进行问答练习。

5 分组问答比赛, 运用句型:What wrong with you ? I’ve got a …

6 学生之间运用句型表演操练巩固单词。


S1:What’s wrong with you /

S2:I’ve got a stomachache.


7 请学生板演刚学习的疾病单词。

8 教师集体订正。


1 朗读并抄写本课四会单词各一行,每行抄写单词四遍。(必做)

2 同学之间表演动作猜单词。

3 跟读课文并能朗读课文。(必做)

4 同学之间表演猜单词。


A: Hello. May I speak to Da Ming?

B: Sorry, wrong _________. This is Helen.

A: Oh, ________. Bye.

B: Bye.

A: Hello. May I ________ to Da Ming?

C: Hello. This is Da Ming’s mother . Da Ming is ill today. He ____ staying in bed now.

A: I’m sorry to_______ that. What’s wrong with ______?

C: He fell off the tree. He ______ got a backache.

A: Oh, dear! What a pity! He is not lucky. Anything _________?

C: Nothing. The doctor ______ it does not _______. Just take _______ medicine and have a lot of ______ in bed for some days.

A: Oh, thank god for that. I’ll go to see him this afternoon__________ my classmates. And we will ______ some fruit and some _______ for ______. Bye.

C: Thank you very much. Bye.


Unit 2 A telephone call

What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got a …(各种疾病单词)

I’m sorry to hear that.


Unit 2 The Fourth Period(第四课时)


5B. Unit 2 C部分Ask and answer


1 复习本单元所学词汇。

lunch, speak, bad, cough, get, feel, fever, cold。

2 进一步掌握How do you feel now?句型及其答语。I feel …

3 掌握句型I can get a/some …for you。


四会掌握句型How do you feel now? I feel …。


1 疾病单词的正确使用。

2 日常交际用语的使用。


1 准备C部分出现的图片。

2 在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 2 A telephone call


A Listen to a rhyme 听本课的歌谣

B Free talk 师生交流Ss: Good morning,

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Hello××,How are you?

Ss : ......

T: What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a …

C Revision 复习

1 出示A部分会话投影片,看图进行学生会话。

2 教师板书课文会话中的重点句子,让学生参考。

May I speaking to xxx?

This is xxx speaking.

Why are absent today ?

I am ill .

What’s wr ong with you ?

I’ve got a … .

3 学生可以根据教师提供的片段表演

4 分组表演竞赛。

5 游戏活动:用B部分的单词图片,让学生进行猜谜游戏,加入cold, hot, tired和ill,这样可以为C部分的学习作好铺垫。

6 看图学生分层次拼读本课四会单词。

lunch, speak, bad, cough, get, feel, fever, cold,

D Presentation and drill新授和操练

1 教师出示投影,运用投影中人物的头饰与一个学生示范第一幅图的会话。T : How do you feel now?

S1.: I feel hot.

T : I can get a glass of/some water for you.


2 教师领读然后学生集体朗读。

3 教师和学生进行几组对话练习。

T : How do you feel now?

S1: I feel cold .

S2: I can get some jackets for you .

S4: I feel tired .

S5: I can get a chair for you .

4 出示C部分投影,师生问答。

5 让学生模仿以上对话,分小组练说四幅图。

6 教师检查练习情况.

7 小组学生汇报练习情况。教师抽查三到四组。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1 分小组分别由学生自己挑选其他五幅图的内容,自由练说。

2 各小组汇报练说结果。

3 教师给出评价。

4 创设情景打电话同时要求学生运用C部分的句型。

5 教师说问句,学生笔头回答。

T: What’s wrong with you ?

T : How do you feel now?



6 请一学生板演,教师对学生集体订正。

7 学生摹仿、书写句型。



1 看图模仿教师板书内容造句。

2 朗读课文并表演。

3 打电话询问同学的病情。

4 询问父母的感觉。



Why ______________ Helen _____________ today?


My dog ____________ _____________. _______________ staying in __________ small house. 3.你的自行车怎么啦?

______________ wrong with ______________ bike?


I _______________ your grandma _________________ better soon.


________________ father ________________ sorry to hear that.


Unit 2 A telephone call

How do you feel now?

I feel hot.

I can get a glass of/some water for you.


Unit 2 The Fifth Period(第五课时)


5B. Unit 2 D部分Work in pairs


1 复习本单元所学词汇。

her, speak, bad, get, feel, fine , a cold

2 学习并掌握What’s wrong with you? I’ve got ...句型。

3 听懂、会说、会读并理解句型I’m sorry to hear that.


四会掌握句型What’s wrong with you? I’ve got ...


1 准备D部分出现的图片。

2 在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 2 A telephone call

3 医生道具(医生帽、听诊器等)。


A Listen to a rhyme and learn to say it.听读本课的歌谣。

B Free talk 师生交流

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Hello××,How are you?

Ss : ......

T:What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a …

T: How do you feel now?

S: I feel ….

C Revision

1 出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生认读并拼读四会单


her, speak, bad, get, feel, fine ,a cold, headache, cough, hear,

better ,soon, still, take ,medicine, toothache, earache, backache, stomachache, fever, 学生之间互相用句型问答复习巩固单词。

What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got a …

How do you feel now?

I feel ….

2 出示A部分会话投影片,看图学生进行会话。


3 看图问学生What’s wrong with you?

让学生根据图片内容回答:I’ve got ...

D Presentation and drill

1 教师运用肢体语言创设情景引出句型。

T: What’s wrong with you ?

S:I’ve got a …


2 教师板书句型并领读句型。


3 教师出示D部分第一幅图,与学生进行问答。

4 Talk in pairs then ask .


E Practice

1 学生以小组的形式进行表演。

2 小组汇报各组所造的句子,请一学生板书,然后集体订正:

S1: What’s wrong with you?

S2: I’ve got a backache.

S1: I’m sorry to hear that.

3 教师出示D部分其他的图,请学生继续在小组内自学。

4 根据图片内容进行会话。

S1: How do you feel now?

S2: I feel ….

S3: I can get a ... .

5 学生再次小组汇报进行表演。

6 教师说问句学生写答句,然后集体检查。

What’s wrong with you ?

How do you feel now?

7 看图学生自己写句子,教师检查学生句子书写情况。

E Consolidation and production

1 分组看图学生自己讨论。


2 学生分小组任意选择D部分图片内容,自编会话,进行表演。

3 游戏活动:小医生。




1 根据D部分图片内容分小组自编会话。(必做)

2 学生抄写所学句型。(必做)

3 表演动作互相之间问答。

4 询问父母的身体情况。




I’d ________________ some medicine __________________ my cold. ___________________ else?



How _____________ you ______________ now?

I ________________ a little _________________.


Look ______________ these numbers. Please _______________ to _______________.



_______________. May I ______________ ___________________ Linda?

Sorry, ___________________ __________________.


Unit 2 A telephone call

What’s wrong with you?

I’ve got a backache.

I’m sorry to hear that.


Unit 2 The Sixth Period(第六课时)


5B. Unit 2 E部分Read and act, F部分Play a game, G部分

Listen and repeat


1 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇。

2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语和四会句型。

3 听懂、会说、会读并理解E部分Read and act。

4 了解元音字母o在单词中的读音。

5 能熟练诵读本单元出现歌谣。


1 要求学生能正确地运用句型

What’s wrong with you? I’ve got ... Take some medicine …,并能在具体情景中以口或笔头形式进行交流。

2 熟练运用日常交际用语。


1 准备E、G部分出现的投影片。

2 准备医生道具(医生帽、听诊器等)。

3 准备G部分的单词卡片。


A Learn to say a rhyme学习歌谣I’m ill.



B Free talk 师生交流:

Ss: Good morning,

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Hello××,How are you?

Ss : Not so good.

T: What’s wrong with you ?

Ss: I’ve got a …

C Revision 复习

1 出示B部分词汇图片,进行游戏:眼明手快。


2 出示A部分会话投影片,看图让学生用所学句型描述。

S1: What’s wrong with you?

S2: I’ve got a backache.

S1: I’m sorry to hear that.

S1:What’s wrong with you ?

S2: I’ve got a …

S3: How do you feel now?

S4: I feel ….

3 学生自己创设情景打电话表演会话。

May I speak to xxx?

This is xxx speaking.

What’s wrong with you ?

D Look and read

1 教师扮演医生,佩戴医生道具,模仿E部分内容进行师生问答。

让学生熟悉E部分的会话。如:Open your mouth and say “Ah”.等

2 出示E部分投影,指导学生看图,放录音,让学生整体理解对话内容。

3 学生跟读对话。

4 在小组内朗读,在熟练的基础上进行表演。


5 分角色表演E部分。

G listen and repeat

1 教师出示单词卡片,让学生认读brother, love, monkey, mother。

2 学生自由朗读单词,让学生体会单词中的共同音素。

3 学生看G部分投影,听录音跟读单词和句子,教师通过表情、手势让学生体会该句的意思。

4 请学生自己找出含有相同发音的单词。

5 请学生做记录。

F Play a game

1 教师将学生分成四人一组,其中3人各写一个7(可灵活掌握)位数



2 若学生打错电话,教师适时交授他说Sorry, wrong number.



3 学生理解后请削弱上集体朗读。

4 请学生自己表演。

5 教师检查表演结果。


1 同学之间表演本课会话。

2 同学之间打电话询问身体情况。

3 背诵本单元的四会内容。(必做)

4 看图写句子,B部分. 选择填空。(20)

()1 I’m ill. I’ve got .

A toothache

B a toothache

C some toothache

()2 Hello, may I speak to Mike? This is Mike .

A to speak

B speak

C speaking

()3 Dad, I’ve got . Oh, dear! A an earache B a earache C earache

()4 What are you doing? I in bed. A am staying B am stay C are staying

()5 What’s wrong you? I’m ill. A in B with C on

()6 He’s hot. I can an ice cream for him. A got B getting C get

()7 How do you now? I still feel cold. A feel B feeling C feel

()8 Oh, you’ve got a cold. some medicine, please.

A Take

B take

C Taking

()9 wrong with you? A What B How C What’s

()10 Open mouth and say ‘Ah’. A you B your C my


Unit 2 A telephone call

Anything else?

Take some medicine and have a lot of rest.

wrong number


Unit 2 The Seventh Period(第七课时)


1 5B. Unit

2 的四会单词和句型。

2 运用日常交际用语的使用。

3 表演课文。

4 本单元的练习。


1 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇。

2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语和四会句型。

3 能表演课文。

4 能独立完成本单元的练习。


1 能正确地运用句型:

What’s wrong with you? I’ve got ... Take some medicine.并能在具体情景中以口或笔头形式进行交流。

2 独立完成练习。


1 准备A部分出现的投影片。

2 准备医生道具(医生帽、听诊器等)。

3 练习题目的投影片。


A say a rhyme学习歌谣I’m ill.


B Free talk 师生交流

Ss: Good morning,

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Hello××,How are you?

Ss : ......

T:What’s wrong with you ?

Ss:I’ve got a …

T:How do you feel now ?

Ss:I feel ….

C Revision 复习

1 听写本单元的四会单词和句子。

her, speak, bad, get, feel, fine , a cold

What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got a …

How do you feel now ?

I feel ….

2 请学生集体朗读课文。

3 分组讨论表演课文,评选出优胜组。

4 学生运用肢体语言,让同学运用句型来问答。

What’s wrong with you ?

I’ve got a …

How do you feel now ?

I feel ….

5 创设情景表演会话,教师板书主要的用语



打电话拨错号码wrong number



6 学生看图完成句子的书写。

7 教师进行个别检查。

8 教师投影练习题让学生完成。


wrong , you ,what ,with ,is \ I’ve a ,got ,fever.

do, you ,how, feel\ feel, ill, I, now.

hope ,you, better, I, get , soon.

am, taking, I, a, of, lot medicine


How do you feel now?

What’s wrong with you ?

Why are you absent today?

Are you taking any medicine ?

9 学生完成后集体订正。


1 按照要求掌握本单元的四会内容。(必做)

2 询问父母老师的身体状况,并写下来. (必做)

3 同学之间互相打电话询问情况。

4 熟练背诵课文。(必做)

5 当个小医生,同学之间表演。 Translate the phrases 英汉互译(10%) 1. the first lesson _______________ 2. 星期一早晨 __________________ 3. stay in bed __________________ 4. 午饭后 ______________________ 5. take some medicine ___________ 6. 带些水果给你 ________________ 7. get better ____________________ 8. 八门学科 ____________________ 9. have a lot of rest ______________ 10. 上课 _______________________ 七 板书内容和设计: Unit 2 A telephone call May I speak to …? This is …speaking. What’s wrong with you? This is the wrong number. 八 教后记: Unit 2 TheEighth Period (第八课时) 五年级英语第二单元课堂练习卷 听力部分(30分) 一、 听录音,选择你所听到的选项。(每小题读两遍。10分) ( )1. A. trick B. tree C. try ( )2. A. Sunday B. Science C. study ( )3. A. at once B. at nine C. at school ( )4. A. feel B. five C. fever ( )5. A. toothache B. backache C. headache ( )6. A. after breakfast B. after lunch C. after supper ( )7. A. stay at school B. stay in bed C. stay at home ( )8. A. Welcome to my school. B. Welcome to school. C. Welcome back to school. ( )9. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. I’m sad to hear that. C. I’m happy to hear that. ( )10. A. Take a lot of rest. B. Take some notes. C. Take some medicine, please. 二、听录音,选择正确的回答。(每小题读两遍。10分) ( )1. A. How do you do? B. Nice to see you, too. C. Thank you. ( )2. A. It ’s fine. B. It ’s March. C. It ’s Friday. ( )3. A. We have three. B. There are three. C. We are three. ( )4. A This is Mike speaking. B. I am Mike. C. It is Mike. ( )5. A. He has some lessons. B. He is not at home. C. He ’s got a headache. 三、听录音,完成下列句子。(每小题读三遍。10分) 1. A: How do you _____________ now? B: I _____________ _____________. A: I can __________ some __________ ___________ for you.


____________ 姓名______



______________ --





















































































B: Thank you.

2. It is _____________. Helen is _________ at school. She is ___________. Su Yang calls ____________ after lunch.


四、单词辩音判断下列单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“√”表示, 不相同的用“×”表示。(6分)

( )1. A. clock B. hot ( )2. A. Tuesday B. Sunday

( )3. A. Chinese B. minus ( )4. A. coffee B. mother

( )5. A. love B. Monday ( )6. A. doctor B. computer


( )1. This is Su Yang ______.

A. saying

B. speaking

C. speak

( )2. —I feel ______.

—Here’s a glass of water for you.

A. thirsty

B. hungry

C. tired

( )3. We work _______Monday _______ Friday every week.

A. from; on

B. to; from

C. from; to

( )4. Are you taking _______ medicine?

A. some

B. any

C. many

( )5. Classes ________ over. Let’s go home now.

A. is

B. are

C. am

( )6. —______ are you absent today? —I’m ill.

A. How

B. What

C. Why

( )7. —I’ve got a fever. —__________________.

A. I’m sorry to hear that.

B. Great!

C. Thank you.

( )8. Look at these _________. Please choose one.

A. a flower

B. flower

C. flowers

( )9. Hello! _______ I speak to Helen?

A. Do

B. May

C. Am

( )10. What’s wrong with ________? He’s got a headache.

A. he

B. his

C. him


1. 午饭后_____________________

2. 在星期一___________________

3. 打电话给我__________________

4. 重感冒______________________

5. 呆在床上___________________

6. take some medicine_______________

7. see you soon___________________ 8. anything else___________________

9. wrong number__________________ 10. have a lot of rest ________________


1. have(现在分词) ___________________

2. don’t (完全形式) _________________

3. family (复数) _____________________

4. staying (原形) ____________________

5. can not (缩写形式) ________________

6. studies (单数) ____________________

7. she (物主代词) ___________________ 8. for (同音词) _____________________

9. come (反义词) ___________________ 10. bad (反义词) ____________________


1. It’s Monday today.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ is it today?

2. I feel tired. (对划线部分提问)

_________ do you __________ now?

3. I’ve got a stomach ache. (对划线部分提问)

____________ ___________ with you?

4. I like English and Art. (改为一般疑问句)

__________ you ___________ English and Art?

5. her, are, Miss Li, a, and, lesson, having, students ( . ) (连词成句)


6. you, I, soon, hope, better, get ( . ) (连词成句)



1. 海伦得了重感冒,躺在床上。

Helen has got a bad ___________. She is staying in ___________.

2. —你怎么啦?—我生病了。—我很抱歉。

—__________ wrong _________ you? —I’m __________

—I’m sorry to hear ___________.

3. 你好,我是Mike。我可以找Helen听电话吗?

Hello, __________ is Mike. May I ___________ ___________ Helen?

4. 刘涛,你现在感觉怎么样?

Liu Tao, how do you _____________ now?

5. 放学了. 让我们弄点儿吃的.

School is over. Let’s go and ____________ something to _________.



Helen: May I come in, doctor?

Doctor: Come in and sit down, please.

Helen: Thank you.

Doctor: What’s the matter?

Helen: I’ve got a bad headache and a high fever.

Doctor: Let me have a look.

Helen: ……

Doctor: OK, I see. Here are some medicine for you. Go home and go to bed now.

Helen: Thank you, doctor


( )1. Helen is in the library now.

( )2. Helen has got a bad headache and a high fever.

( )3. The doctor gives a glass of water to Helen.

( )4. The doctor wants Helen to have a good rest.

( )5. Helen is going to school.


Hello. I am John. Today is Monday. I have three teachers. They are Mr Carter, Miss Green and Mrs Black. Mr Carter is a new teacher, he comes from the U.K(英国)and he teaches us Maths.

His lesson is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our Art teacher , she is strict(严格的) but she is very kind(善良的). Mrs Black is so smart . They are all nice that we all like them.


( )1. I have ______________ new teacher(s).

A. three

B. two


( )2. Mr Carter is a ________________ teacher.

A. English

B. Maths

C. Chinese

( )3. Tomorrow is________________.

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

( )4. ______________ is an Art teacher.

A. Mr Carter

B. Mrs Black

C. Miss Green

( )5. _______________ is smart.

A. Mrs Black

B. Mr Carter

C. Miss Green





3.at once



6.after supper

7.stay in bed

8.Welcome back to school. 9.I’m sorry to hear that. 10. Take some medicine, please.


1.Nice to see you.

2.What day is it today?

3.How many English lessons do you have on Monday?

4.Hello,may I speak to Mike?

5.What’s wrong with Mike?


1. A: How do you feel now?

B: I feel cold.

A: I can get some hot water for you.

B: Thank you.

2. It is Wednesday. Helen is not at school. She is ill. Su Yang calls her after lunch.





三、1. feel, feel, cold, get, hot, water 2. Wednesday, not, ill, her




六、1. after lunch 2. on Monday 3. call her 4. a bad cold 5. stay in bed

6. 吃药

7. 很快见到你

8. 还有别的事

9. 错的号码10. 多休息


考研英语与大学英语四六级的区别 准备考研的同学大部分都考过英语四、六级,那么是英语六级难还是考研英语难,有些同学英语六级考了560分,但考研只得了50分,有些同学本科是英语专业过了专业八级,但考研也只得56分,究其原因,是因为英语四、六级与考研英语是完全不同的两个体系的考试。 四、六级是资格考试,只要能达到了一定的水平就能得高分。而考研英语是筛选性的考试,每年国家招的人数是有限制的,因此国家会利用英语这门考试筛选一部分人。考研英语与六级考试有四点不同。 一、考试的题型不同 考研的题型有完型、传统阅读、新题型、翻译、作文。其中完型由280个单词构成,给出20个空,每空2.5分,共10分,这道题全国的均分是2.5-3.5分,此题考查同学们的词组搭配,语法和语感能力。传统阅读由4篇文章构成,每篇文章400个单词,5个问题,每题2分,一共20个问题,共计40分。新题型是国家取消研究生入学考试听力以后新加的题型,此题来源于博士研究生入学考试的题型。翻译是平衡整张试卷难度的。如果前面出的题难就会出2个长难句,3个简单句;如果前面的题简单,此题就会出3个长难句2个简单句。建议大家把真题中的阅读认真翻译一遍,真题阅读是翻译的好的范本。作文由一篇小作文和一篇大作文构成,其中小作文10分,要求写一篇100个单词的应用文,大作文20分,要求写一篇160-200个单词的议论文,万学海文有一个超级作文模版,此模版用哲学的观点把世间万物分为4类,此模版把一篇作文变成了一个填空题,只要大家把议论的事物填进去,便可得一个很好的分数。 二、单词考核的侧重点不同 四、六级考试一般考单词的前一两个常用的意思,而考研英语考单词的最后两个意思。2005年研究生入学考试英语作文题讲得是赡养老人的问题,赡养这个单词很多同学都不会写,其实很简单就用support,可能大家只知道support有支持,提供的意思,但忘记了它还有赡养的意思。 三、语法考核的侧重点不同 四、六级考试重点考核词法,如名词、动词、形容词、介词等等,而考研英语侧重考核语法,如宾语从句、状语从句、倒装句等等。 四、文章选材与命题思路不同 四、六级考试的文章一般选自描写风土人情、人物传记的文章或小小说等,考研英语文章选自科技论文,外文期刊综述,外国产品说明书等。四、六级考试的文章大家读懂了就可以做对,但是考研英语的文章大家读懂了,也不一定做对。比如四、六会问是哪个教练带领中国足球冲向世界,但考研英语会问为什么黑哨在足球联比赛中屡禁不止。 大家了解了考研英语与四、六级的区别后,就可以采用科学合理的方法复习英语。很多同学在背单词的时候有三大误区。 一、记一个单词的时间太长,有的同学记一个单词会用5分钟,这就浪费了4分钟10秒,人的记忆力在50秒时达到顶峰,再往后就急剧下降,所以大家在记单词时要加大单位时间内的频率。这就如同我们见到了一个美女,若我们和她谈一个小时,一个月后我们不一定还记得她,但是若我们每天和她谈5分钟,连续12天,相信2个月后,这个美女长什么样子,穿什么衣服,我们还记得一清二楚。 二、喜欢记熟悉的单词,很多同学背单词会从字母a开始,背了几天后发现自己还在背以字母a开头的单词,于是又从z开始背,结果背了几天还在以字母z开头的单词里。最后认识的还是认识,不会的照样不会。建议大家记单词时把生词做个标记,下次看时重点看生词。 三、边背边写,这个习惯也不好。因为考研英语词汇分为5级,其中大家只要记住一级


Unit 1 Active reading (1) 5 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 achieving good results (productive) 2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance) 3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance) 4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious) 5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance) 6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script) 7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive) 6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5. (1) attendance (2) ambitious (3) productive (4) impressive (5) resistance (6) script (7) acceptance 7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. 1 (mortgage) 2 (deck) 3 (surf) 4 (coastal; defy) 5 (lengthy) 8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions. 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (b) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (b) Active reading (2) 4 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 involving three things of the same kind (triple) 2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery) 3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)


大学英语精读课改革模式 关键词:教学模式;二语习得;阅读技巧;交际能力 长期以来,外语一直把精读课作为基础教学阶段的一门主课。笔者认为,有必要尝试一下改变精读课的传统做法。下面透过目前精读课存在的主要问题,提出几点改进建议。 一、主要问题 目前,基础教学阶段的精读课,名为精读,实为融听、说、读、写、译为一体的语言综合入门课。这在语言素材信手拈来的今天,对于入学时已掌握1600个单词、已具有基本语法知识,而听、说、读、写、译却又发展极不平衡的学生来说,这种传统精读课的教学模式已不再完全适用。其弊端在于:(1)语言素材不足。精读课基本是围绕有限的几篇文章进行解释和训练,不利于语言的自然习得,无法增强学生的语感。(2)忽视对阅读技能的训练。精读课注重对课文中语言现象的分析、讲解和操练,而对一系列阅读技能却没有必要的指导和训练。(3)无法兼顾学生入学时听、说、读、写、译的能力发展不平衡的状况。学生入学时的阅读能力远比其他能力强,但为了照顾其他能力的培养,只能选用语言较简单、内容较肤浅的素材。教材不能满足学生提高阅读水平的需求,限制了学生阅读能力的发展,抑制了学生的求知欲,影响了他们的知识面扩展。(4)忽略书面语和口语的差异。精读课十分重视围绕课文所进行的口语表达的准确性。为表达准确,学生往往要使用课文的语言,其结果是将书面语与口头语混为一体,忽视了语言的得体性。(5)忽略学生能力的发展。在精读课上,教师精讲,学生操炼。教学常常以掌握课文为目的,不重视对学生学习方法的指导,不重视学生独立思考、综合、分析能力的培养和发展。 二、建议 1.课程设置 目前新生入学时已掌握1600个单词并掌握了一定的语法知识,鉴于学生 的听、说、读、写、译能力发展不平衡,建议开设阅读、听力、口语、语法、写作等课程。这些课程分别将各门课程的技能训练作为教学的主要内容,并兼顾其他课程的技能训练,以促进和保证学生听、说、读、写、译五项技能的全面发展。 2.关于阅读课 阅读课旨在提高学生对书面语言的处理和表达能力。为此,一方面要不断扩大学生的词汇量和巩固语法知识;另一方面则要指导学生运用自己已有的阅读母语的技能,进行阅读技能的训练。因此,阅读课应注意以下原则:(1)提供数量为精读教材三倍的语言素材,以创造语言习得的条件。(2)教材的题材和体裁力


高中生活和大学生活的区别 提纲 高中生活:大学生活: 1忙碌的学习生活1闲暇自主的学习生活 2 紧张有序的日常生活 2 多多姿多彩的日常生活 3对大学的期待 3 工作的焦虑、 4 充实的的理想 4 无聊疲惫的身心 正文: 在高中生活中,我们在学习中整天忙忙碌碌,许多课程和大量作业等待我们完成,我们甚至没有理由不去完它们。学习在紧张有序的进行着,每一天都有学习任务需要完成。对于大学的期待我们总是去努力记忆,即使在梦中我们也要象呼唤上帝一样呼唤它的名字。总之,对于大学生活我们充满了期待和希望。这是因为,吃饭和理想似乎就要通过它来实现。不过,值得高兴的是,我们个理想总是令人觉得充实和满意的。对于未来的理想,我们通过大学使它变得充实,这是值得骄傲的一件事情了。 进入到大学生活,我们首先在学习生活中发现了我们失去的闲暇时光。于是我们的学习生活变得可以自主,重要的是,我们拥有很多可以自由支配的闲暇的时间。在课余时间里,我们可以参加各种各样多多姿多彩的活动来消闲时间,增加见闻。不过总有让人焦虑的事。例如,工作的不确定性。为此,我们非常焦虑。我们没有理由不为自己的将来的吃饭问题而感到焦虑。这样一来,我们的理想又变得难以触摸。于是我们的理想让我们觉得无聊和疲惫。 高中生活是忙碌紧张充实并充满期待,大学生活闲暇多彩却焦虑疲惫 In high school life, we are busy all day in study, many courses and a lot of work awaiting us, we even have no reason not to complete them. Learning in an order and carrying on, each day to learn the task to be done. We are always looking for the universities to work on memory, even if in a dream we have to call it the same as calling the name of God. In short, for we are looking forward to university life and hope. This is because eating and seemed to be ideal to achieve through it. However, I am pleased that we feel that an ideal is always full and satisfied. Vision for the future, we make it through college enrichment, it is a matter of pride.

大学英语精读1 第三版 课文英汉对照

UNIT 1 As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier. 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies for Learning English Learning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort. 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them. 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary. 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2. Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things. Have you ever wondered why we say, "I am interested in English", but "I am good at French"? And have you ever asked yourself why native English speakers say, "learn the news or secret", but "learn of someone's success or arrival"? These are all examples of idiomatic usage. In learning English, you must pay attention not only to the meaning of a word, but also to the way native speakers use it in their daily lives. 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I'm interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I'm good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或秘密”是“learn the news or secret”,而“获悉某


“大学英语A”和“大学英语B”教育部网络统考(机考) 新题型及备考注意事项 Ⅰ.机考新题型 大学英语B(90分钟) 一、交际用语:5个题,每题3分,共15分。 二、阅读:两篇,10个题,每题3分,共30分。 三、词汇与结构:5个题,每题3分,共15分。 四、完型填空:10个题,每题2分,共20分。 五、写作:一篇,共20分。 大学英语A(90分钟) 一、阅读:三篇,15个题,每题3分,共45分。 二、词汇与结构:5个题,每题3分,共15分。 三、完型填空:10个题,每题2分,共20分。 四、写作:一篇,共20分。 Ⅱ. 备考注意事项及教学建议 一、征订教材时,就要求一定要给学生定购价格相同的带“学习系统“的教材,不要定购带 磁带的教材。 二、在抓好正常教学的基础上,高度重视考前练习。 三、经常登陆“中国现代远程与继续教育网“(https://www.360docs.net/doc/f02428210.html,)看一下,做机考模拟练习。 四、分配好答题时间(共90分钟)。 五、备考要有针对性(交际用语、词汇与结构、写作)。 六、加强文字录入能力和速度,尽快熟悉“写字版”的有关操作方面的功能(因为要求是 只能用“写字版”录入作文的)。 七、指定复习资料:要求学生除了学好教材外,必须还是要参考两本有用的资料,一本是《大学英语》(中国财经出版社);二是《网考直通车》(中央电大出版社),两本书都属于模拟题集。注意:交际用语部分可利用《网考直通车》上的同类题进行练习。 八、教学方法的建议及指导:1、要求选择教学经验丰富的教师进行授课;2、采取行之有效的教学措施;3、要求各地必须提前对学生进行集中辅导,并有针对性地开展各项强化训练

和考前大练兵。 九、《大学英语A》对应电大开放教育本科教学计划中的《英语综合实践》课程, 《大学英语B》对应电大开放教育本科教学计划中的《英语Ⅱ(2)》课程。


大学英语精读课的教学心得 本学期本人任教一年级大学英语课程,工作中自觉遵守教学规律,贯彻党的教育方针,以身作则,教书育人。关注本学科及相关的学术发展动态,刻苦钻研,努力提高自身业务水平,坚持学习,与同事进行交流合作,积极参加科组教研活动,例如到深圳职业技术学院参观学习,学院第二英语角活动,主动提出意见建议,促进教学教改。关心学院发展与建设,服从工作安排,遵守各规章纪律,保持全勤,参与学院的集体活动。以下是本人的几点教学心得: 我们的学生在中学阶段已经掌握了较系统的语法知识,故目前在教学中重点是提高学生的阅读理解能力,进而培养学生的书面表达能力。据学生反映,他们的难题主要是单词和课文内容。相应的教学方法是: 一、单独讲解单词。如果只是简单地解释词性、意思、词组,然后做翻译练习,不免显得枯燥,而且学生很难整节课都集中注意力,因而达不到良好教学效果。本人采用的方法是尽量地把本课单词有机地串联起来,帮助学生形成一种记忆链条,并且给他们定一个目标:Try to put everything in mind instead of on the notebook!例如,在这个单元中,主要探讨科学的发展及其对我们生活的影响。上课的时候,首先从手机(mobile phone)展开话题,由其体积大小、价格的变化,引出技术发展两个新词:technology,develop,(development),继而是技术发展的动力之一“竞争”(competition),而当今的竞争是激烈的(severe)、“全球性的”(global),创造力(inventiveness)、自创精神(initiative)尤为重要,接下来讨论科技发展(technology development)对我们日常生活的影响或关联(relevance)。到此,让学生尝试用几句话把这些词串连起来:Technology develops at a rapid rate nowadays. Anyway, the rapid development has been brought about by the force of competition, which is severe and global, and needs initiative. Does the development have any relevance to our daily life? Sure. Ten years ago, it was impossible for a student to have a mobile phone. 在讲解完一组相关的词后,让学生做课本的选词填空练习,巩固对单词词义的理解和掌握正确用法。其次,以游戏的方式练习词汇。由一或两名学生背对黑板,教师写上词或词组,全班同学给提示直到他们猜出词语。这样既活跃课堂又使学生有机会练习口头表达能力,也可锻炼当众表演的胆量。例如,dream一词,提示有:something in your mind when you sleep, sometimes it is true, sometimes it is imagination, people may appear, animal may also come into sight, you might be happy, might be frightened, even in horror……大量旧词汇得到复习。 二、课文讲解。由于课是两节或三节连堂,如果按照传统的语言点、加语法、再加句子分析翻译,学生很难完全接受。较可行的方法是分成三部分。第一,先完成整篇的理解性问题,课本的“content question”,让学生了解课文大概。第二,语言点、语法结构讲解,分段落完成。学生们逐段阅读,留一定时间给他们提问,然后就学生忽视的内容个别提问、再总结,形成教与学的互动,促使学生思考。第三,完成第一、第二阶段的教学后,再分析整篇文章的结构,每部分的main ideas,总结全文观点。让学生练习表达能力。同时回顾一些重要的细节或段落、句子,构成完整的篇章学习。部份故事性趣味性强的文章,采用分组表演,促进学生团对合作。很受欢迎。 三、课后练习:时间充裕的话,可让学生在课堂完成,再评讲,或者布置为家庭作业,课堂评讲。这也可作为语法、语言点的练习与复习。尽量运用本单元新学的知识,再与先前所掌握的作比较。 四、随堂测验。每讲完一小单元,如单词、语法或语言点之后,用十分钟左右进行随堂测验,可用口头或书面形式。可深化学生的记忆,达到良好的教学效果。 五、作业批改。学生首先关注的是分数,往往忽视错误部分,故批改时只圈出错的地方,学生自己改正后再上交,然后针对个别辅导。真正巩固知识。 以上是本人的教学心得。在今后的工作中,本人将继续努力,不断提高教学水平,高质量完成教学任务。


The Difference Between My High School Life and My College Life 对外汉语4班 张斯妍 11065079

The Difference Between My High School Life and My College Life I have been a college student for three months. It’s hard to express my feelings about my collegial life. All I want to say are some words like wonderful colorful and comfortable. Before I came to my college I often dreamed about the life in there. First I hope I will have some lovely roommates so that I can have a peaceful life in my dorm. Then I hope my school will be as beautiful as what I expected. Last I hope I will have a good environment to study. On the day term begins, all these have come true. ●School My school is beautiful and huge. It takes more than an hour to visit the whole school. I t’s almo st ten times as big as my high school. There are many rivers, small forests, two playgrounds and a mini zoo in my school and you can see trees and flowers everywhere. How beautiful it is! ●Life Before I came to my college, I have never lived without my family. So they were very worried about whether I could live myself. But the truth was that I have done a good job. I can live myself very well. What’s more, I could manage my money very well, too. When I was a high school student, I always thought I was a child and I


Online HomeWork_U1B3 I. Reading Comprehension Section A Fast Reading Back in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children. Just to keep food on the table for the family members, the father worked almost eighteen hours a day. Two of Albrecht Durer the Elder’s children, Albrecht and Albert, wanted to pursue talent for art, but they knew that their father would never be financially able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the academy. After many discussions, the two boys decided to toss a coin. The loser would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, support his brother while he attended the academy. Then, when that brother who won the coin toss completed his studies, he would support the other brother at the academy, either with the sales of his artwork or, if necessary, also by laboring in the mines. They tossed a coin after coming back from church on a Sunday morning. Albrecht Durer won the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous mines and financed his brother, whose work at the academy was an almost immediate sensation. Albrecht’s etchings (版画), woodcuts (木刻画) and oils were far better than those of most of his professors, and by the time he graduated, he was beginning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned works. When Albrecht Durer returned to his village, the family held a big dinner to celebrate Albrecht’s homecoming. After the meal, Albrecht rose to drink a toast to his beloved brother for the sacrifice that had enabled Albrecht to fulfill his ambition. He said, “Albert, now it is your turn to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream, and I will take care of you.” Albert rose and glanced down the long table at the faces he loved, and said softly, “No, brother. Look what four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and lately I have been suffering from arthritis (关节炎) so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your toast, much less make delicate lines on canvas (画布) with a brush.” By now, Albrecht Durer’s hundreds of masterful portraits, sketches and woodcuts hang in every great museum in the world, but most people are familiar with only one of Albrecht Durer’s works. More than merely being familiar with it, you very well may have a reproduction hanging in your home or office. To pay homage to Albert, Albrecht Durer drew his brother’s hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward. He called his drawing “Hands,” but the entire world immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and named it “The Praying Hands.” Statements based on the passage: T 1. The father of Durer family could not afford any child’s study at the academy. F 2. Albrecht and Albert had to toss a coin to decide who should go to the academy, because one of them had to stay at home and help their father. F 3. Before deciding to toss a coin, Albrecht and Albert had many discussions with their father. T 4. Albrecht achieved great success at the academy, and his works were even better than most of his professors’. F 5. Albrecht decided to support Albert’s study at the academy with the sales of his artwork and by laboring in the mines. F 6. Albert said it was too late for him to go to the academy because he was no longer interested in art after working in the mines for many years. F 7. Although Albrecht had many masterful portraits, only one of them has received popular recognition. T 8. Among Albrecht’s works, “Hands” is the one which is reproduced most. T 9. Albrecht created “Hands” in order to show respect and honor for his brother Albert. F 10. People renamed Albrecht’s drawing “The Praying Hands” because they just wanted to pay homage to his great achievement. Section B Passage Reading Passage 1 Valentine’s Day probably has its origin in the ancient Roman celebration called Lupercalia(牧神节). It was celebrated on February 15. In the Roman calendar February was in the spring. The celebration honored the gods Lupercus and Faunus as well as the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. As part of the ceremony the priests paired up young men and women. The girls’ names were placed in a box and each boy drew a girl’s name. The couple was paired then until the next Lupercalia. In 260 AD the emperor Claudius II, called Claudius the Cruel, decided that young soldiers would only be distracted by marriage and so ordered that young men may not marry. Valentinus (Valentine), a Christian priest, defied the emperor and got married in secret. He was caught and executed on February 14, the eve of Lupercalia. His name became associated with young love forever after. In 496, Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor him as Saint Valentine and it has been St. Valentine’s Day ever since. In the Middle Ages some of the customs of the Lupercalia still persisted in spite of the attempts of the Church to put an end to these non-Christian customs and Christianize the holiday. Both men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear the names on their sleeves for a week. Today we still sometimes “wear our hearts on our sleeves” when we cannot conceal our feelings. In the 1600s, it became common to give flowers, particularly the rose, as a sign of love as the “language of flowers”. This came to Europe from Turkey. The color and placement of the rose held a special significance--a red rose, for example, meant beauty. Flowers have been part of Valentine’s Day ever since. D 11. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. The custom of Valentine’s Day. B. A story about how Valentinus defied the emperor. C. The relationship between marriage and religion. D. The origin of Valentine’s Day. B 12. Young soldiers were not allowed to marry because the emperor was afraid that ______. A. they would associate with St. Valentine B. they wouldn’t concentrate on their job C. they would defy the emperor’s order D. they were too young to marry


大学生怎样学习英语,和以前有什么不同大学英语学习既是中学英语学习的延续与提升,又和以往的英语学习有很大的差别。现今大学英语多采用多媒体授课,摄入的信息量较大,知识面较广。怎么样才能学好大学英语呢?这里我推荐一个还不错的成人英语培训机构叫阿卡索外教网。他平均一节课才13.8元,如果买课的话,还会赠送一些课时,非常划算,性价比非常高,而且他还是在线外教一对一的模式,外教上课互动特别多,上课体验很好,深受大家的喜欢。好了我在这也不多说了,如果需要了解的,可以去阿卡索的官网看看,里面有成人英语免费试听课可以听听看的。 我们首先要了解大学英语区别于中学英语的一些特性,做到知己知彼,方能在学习上做到事半功倍。 1. 教学目的不同 根据教学大纲,全日制高中英语教学的目的是"在义务教育初中英语教学的基础上,巩固、扩大学生的听、说、读、写的基本技能,培养在口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力,侧重培养阅读能力"。但是在大部分中学里,英语教学的实际情况是教师过多的重视语言点的传授和操练,学生整日埋头题海,听、说、写的训练都被忽视甚至省去了。主要原因自然是高考的压力,教和学都无法摆脱它的影响。而根据教育部高等教育司最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,大学英语以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学为一体的教学体系。大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高文化素养。 2. 教学要求不同 中学英语要求掌握基本语音和语法,学习2000个单词和一定数量的短语,而大学英语在基础阶段(四级)即要求掌握4200个单词,应用提高阶段(六级)5500个单词(均含中学2000词),对听、说、读、写、译也有较高的要求。仅词汇学习一项,对于已习惯了在中学里跟着老师反复操练的新生都不是一件易事。再者,原有的2000词属于核心词汇,本身简单、复现率高,中学教材学习进度


大学英语精读一课后答案(完整版) 大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册Book1 Unit1答案 1)e2)g3)j4)a5)b6)i7)c8)d9)h10)f 1) handling 2) summarized 3) process 4) absorb 5) are bound to 6) feel free 7) for instance 8) strategies 9) complained 10) has committed to memory 11) Nevertheless 12) rely on 13) Apart from 14) command 1) over and over again 2) at a time 3) put it into practice 4) watching out for

5) by no means 6) concentrate on 7) In addition t 8) in detail 1)action 2)employ 3)announce 4)examination 5)communication 6)express 7)compose 8)improvement 9)concentration 10)management 11)consider 12)motivate 13)development 14)movement 15)discuss 16)operate 17)division

18)production 19)educate 20)repeat 1) additional 2) add 3) addition 4) addition 1) effectively 2) effect 3) effective 4) effect 1) helpful 2) help 3) helpless 4) help 5) helplessly 6) helpfully 7) helpful 1) reliant 2) reliable 3) reliance reliable
