双语版c++ 第四章答案

双语版c++ 第四章答案
双语版c++ 第四章答案

Chapter Four Selection and Iteration


1. Rewrite the following if-else using a switch statement:

if ( marriage_status == 'S' )

cout << "single" ;

else if ( marriage_status == 'M' )

cout << "married" ;

else if ( marriage_status == 'W' )

cout << "widowed" ;

else if ( marriage_status == 'E' )

cout << "separated" ;

else if ( marriage_status == 'D' )

cout << "divorced" ;


cout << "error: invalid code" ;


switch (marriage_status)


case ‘S’:

cout << "single" ;


case ‘M’:

cout << "married" ;


case ‘W’:

cout << "widowed" ;


case ‘E’:

cout << "separated" ;


case ‘D’:

cout << "divorced" ;



cout << "error: invalid code" ;


2. The following program segment displays an appropriate message depending on the values of three integers: n1, n2, and n


if ( n1== n2 )

if (n1 == n3 )

cout << "n1, n2 and n3 have the same value" << endl ;


cout << "n1 and n2 have the same value" << endl ;

else if ( n1 == n3 )

cout << "n1 and n3 have the same value" << endl ;

else if ( n2 == n3 )

cout << "n2 and n3 have the same value" << endl ;


cout << "n1, n2 and n3 have different values" << endl ;

Use spaces to improve the readability of this code.

To test the various branches in this code you will need to construct five sets of test data, each set testing one of the branches. Construct the five sets of test data for n1, n2, and n3.


/*测试用例为:1 1 1 ,1 1 2 ,1 2 1 ,1 2 2 ,1 2 3*/


using namespace std;

int main(){

int n1,n2,n3;




cout<<"n1,n2 and n3 have the same value"<


cout<<"n1 and n2 have the same value"<

else if(n1==n3)

cout<<"n1 and n3 have the same value"<

else if(n2==n3)

cout<<"n2 and n3 have the same value"<


cout<<"n1,n2 and n3 have the different value"<

return 0;


3. Write a program to read in two integers and check if the first integer is evenly divisible by the second. (Hint: use the modulus operator %.)



using namespace std;

int main(){

int n1,n2;

cout<<"please input the two numbers:";






return 0;


4. Input two numbers and find the smaller of the two using the conditional operator ?:.



using namespace std;

int main(){

int n1,n2;

int smaller;

cout<<"please input the two numbers:";




cout<<"the smaller one is "<



return 0;


5. In a triangle, the sum of any two sides must be greater than the third side. (triangle:三角形)Write a program to input three numbers and determine if they form a valid triangle.



using namespace std;

int main(){

double a ,b ,c;

cout<<"please input the three sides of a triangle:";



cout<<"the three number can form a valid triangle."<

return 0;


cout<<"the three number can not form a valid triangle."<

return 0;


6. Input a person’s height in centimetres and weight in kilograms and display a message indicating that they are either underweight, overweight or normal weight. As an approximation, a person is underweight if their weight is less than their height divided by 2.5 and they are overweight if their weight is greater than their height divided by 2.3.



using namespace std;

int main(){

double height,weight;

cout<<"please input your height in centimetres and weight in kilograms:";




else if(weight

cout<<"normal weight!"<



return 0;


7. Write a program that reads a single numeral from the keyboard and displays its value as a word. For example, an input of 5 will display the word ‘five’.



using namespace std;

int main(){

int num;

cout<<"please input a single numeral:";



case 0:cout<<"zero"<

case 1:cout<<"one"<

case 2:cout<<"two"<

case 3:cout<<"three"<

case 4:cout<<"four"<

case 5:cout<<"five"<

case 6:cout<<"six"<

case 7:cout<<"seven"<

case 8:cout<<"eight"<

case 9:cout<<"nine"<

default: cout<<"please input a single numbera l"<


return 0;


8. Write a program to input a number 1 to 7 from the keyboard, where 1 represents Sunday, 2 Monday, 3 Tuesday, etc. Display the day of the week corresponding to the number typed by the user. If the user types a number outside the range 1 to 7, display an error message.



using namespace std;

int main(){

int theday;


int flag=1;



case 1:cout<<"sunday"<

case 2:cout<<"monday"<

case 3:cout<<"tuesday"<

case 4:cout<<"wednesday"<

case 5:cout<<"thursday"<

case 6:cout<<"friday"<

case 7:cout<<"saturday"<

default: cout<<"error.please input a number between 1-7";cin>>theday;



return 0;


9. Add the increment operator (I or i) and the decrement operator (D or d) to the simple calculator program P4D.



using namespace std;

int main(){

double a,b;

double result;

char opt;

cout<<"please input like :1 i 3 or 1 d 3 "<




else if(opt=='d'||opt=='D')



cout<<"input error!"<

cout<<"the result is "<

return 0;


10. Write a program to input the time of day in Ireland and display the equivalent time in Washington (- 5 hours), Moscow (+ 3 hours), and Beijing (+ 8 hours). Input the time in th e 24-hour format, e.g. 22:35 (11:35 p.m.).



int main(){

int hour,minute;

int h;

printf("please input the time of day in Ireland in 24-hour format ");



if((h=hour-5)<0) h+=24;

printf("the equivalent time in Washington is %d:%d ,in Moscow is %d:%d ,in Beijing is %d:%d .",h,minute,(hour+3)%24,minute,(hour+8)%24,minute);



printf("error input!");

return 0;


11. Write a program to display the effects of an earthquake based on the Richter scale value:

Richter scale value Effects

Less than 4 Little.

4.0 to 4.9 Windows shake.

5.0 to 5.9 Walls crack; poorly built buildings are damaged.

6.0 to 6.9 Chimneys tumble; ordinary buildings are damaged.

7.0 to 7.9 Underground pipes break; well-built buildings are damaged.

More than 7.9 Ground rises and falls in waves; most buildings are destroyed. (Richter scale value:里氏震级)



int main(){

float rsvalue;



int value=rsvalue;


case 1:;

case 2:;

case 3:cout<<"Little effects!"<

case 4:cout<<"Windows shake!"<

case 5:cout<<"Walls crack;poorly built buidings are damaged!"<

case 6:cout<<"Chimneys tumble;ordinary buidings are damaged!"<

case 7:cout<<"Underground pipes break;well-buildings are damaged!"<

default:cout<<"Ground rises and falls in waves;most buildings are destroyed!"<



cout<<"error input!"<

return 0;


12. What is the output from the following?

for ( int j = 1, int i = 10 ; i > 0 ; i /= 2, j++ )

cout << i << j ;



13. Modify program P4F to calculate the average along with the total of the numbers entered. 解答:


using namespace std;

int main(){

double a,b;

double result;

char opt;

int num=0;

double sum=0;

double ave=0.0;


cout<<"please input like :1 i 3 or 1 d 3 "<





else if(opt=='d'||opt=='D')



cout<<"input error!"<


cout<<"the result is "<

cout<<"the average along with the total of the numbers entered is "<


return 0;


14. Rewrite the following using a for loop.

int i = 0, total = 0 ;

while ( i < 10 )


cin >> n ;

total += n ;

i++ ;




int main(){

int i=0,total=0;

int n;




if(i<10) goto loop;


return 0;


15. What is displayed when the following program is run and the number 1234 is entered?

int num ;

cout << "Please enter a number " ;

cin >> num ;



cout << num % 10 ;

num /= 10 ;


while ( num != 0 ) ;


16. The following program segment is intended to compute 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 ... + 99.8 + 99.9. It contains

a flaw. What is it, and how would you correct it?

float sum = 0.0 ;

float i = 0.1 ;

while ( i != 100.0 )


sum += i ;

i += 0.1 ;




int main(){

double sum=0.0;

double i=0.1;

int j=1;






return 0;


17. What is the output from the following?


for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )

for ( int j = i ; j < 5 ; j++ )

cout << i << j << en dl ;


for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )

for ( int j = 0 ; j < 5-i ; j++ )

cout << i << j << en dl ;


(a)输出为:00,01,02,03,04,11,12,13,14,22,23,24,33,34,44 (b)输出为:00,01,02,03,04,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,30,31,40

18. Write a for loop to

(a) display the numbers 0, 5, 10, 15, ..., 100

(b) display the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ..., 1024.




int main(){

for(int i=0;i<=100;i+=5)




return 0;




int main(){

int sum=1;

for(int i=1;i<=11;i++)





return 0;


19. Write a program to find the sum of all the odd integers in the range 1 to 99.



int main(){

int sum=0;

for(int i=1;i<=99;i+=2){




return 0;


20. Write a program that outputs all the numbers from 5 and 50 that are divisible by 3 or 5.




int main(){

for(int i=5;i<=50;i++)



return 0;


21. Write a program to display all the hour and minute values in a 24-hour clock, i.e. 0:00 0:01 ... 23:59. How would you display the values in fifteen-minute intervals?




int main(){

for(int h=0;h<=23;h++)

for(int m=0;m<=59;m++)





return 0;


22. Write a program to display the following triangles:








Input the size of the triangles from the keyboard.




int main(){

int i,j,k;








cout<<" ";





return 0;


23. Write a program that lets a teacher enter the percentage marks for a class. The teacher enters a negative mark to indicate that there are no more marks to be entered. Once all the marks have been entered, the program displays the average mark for the class. (negative mark:负数标记)



int main(){

float mark;

float sum=0.0;

float ave;

int num=0;










return 0;


第四章数组参考答案 一、选择题:1、 B 2、C 3、D 4、C 5、C 6、B 7、D 8、B 9、B 10、A 二、填空题: 1、首地址 2、按行存放 3、一个字符 4、′\0′ 5、字符数组名或字符串 6、9 0 7、6 8、j-1 str[j-1] 9、62 10、s1[i]=s2[i]; 三、改错题 1、错误语句:int a[3][ ]={2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18}; 正确语句:int a[ ][3]={2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18}; 2、错误语句:if (str[2]>string) string=str[2]; 正确语句:if (strcmp(str[2],string)>0) strcpy(string,str[2]); 3、错误语句:char c[5]={'C','h ','i','n','a '}; 正确语句:char c[6]={'C','h ','i','n','a '};或char c[ ]={“China”}; 4、错误语句:int a[3]={3*0} ; 正确语句:int a[4]; 5、错误语句:scanf(“%d%d%d”,&a); 正确语句:for (i=0; i<3; i++) scanf(“%d”,&a[i]); 或scanf(“%d%d%d”, &a[0], &a[1], &a[2]); 四、编程题 1、用数组来处理,求解Fibonacci数列前40项:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21…。 #include void main() { int i; int t[40]={1,1}; for(i=2;i<40;i++) t[i]=t[i-2]+t[i-1]; for(i=0;i<40;i++) { if(i%5==0) printf("\n"); printf("%15d",t[i]); } } 2、用选择法对20个整数排序(由大到小)。 #include void main() {int i,j,min,t,x[20]; for(i=0;i<20;i++) scanf("%d",&x[i]); for(i=0;i<19;i++) {min=i; for(j=i+1;j<20;j++) if(x[min]>x[j])min=j; t=x[i];

大学物理课本答案习题 第十三章习题解答

习题十三 13-1 如题图13-1所示,两条平行长直导线和一个矩形导线框共面,且导线框的一个边与长直导线平行,到两长直导线的距离分别为1r , 2r 。已知两导线中电流都为0sin I I t ω=,其中I 0和ω为常数,t 为 时间。导线框长为a ,宽为b ,求导线框中的感应电动势。 解:无限长直电流激发的磁感应强度为02I B r μ= π。取坐标Ox 垂直于 直导线,坐标原点取在矩形导线框的左边框上,坐标正方向为水平向右。取回路的绕行正方向为顺时针。由场强的叠加原理可得x 处的磁感应强度大小 00122() 2() I I B r x r x μμ= + π+π+ 方向垂直纸面向里。 通过微分面积d d S a x =的磁通量为 00m 12d d d d 2()2()I I B S B S a x r x r x μμΦππ?? =?==+??++?? 通过矩形线圈的磁通量为 00m 01 2d 2()2()b I I a x r x r x μμΦ??=+??π+π+???012012ln ln sin 2a r b r b I t r r μω?? ++=+ ?π?? 感生电动势 0m 12012d ln ln cos d 2i a r b r b I t t r r μωΦεω?? ++=- =-+ ?π?? 012012()()ln cos 2a r b r b I t r r μωω?? ++=- ??π?? 0i ε>时,回路中感应电动势的实际方向为顺时针;0i ε<时,回路中感应电动势的实际方向 为逆时针。 13-2 如题图13-2所示,有一半径为r =10cm 的多匝圆形线圈,匝数N =100,置于均匀磁场B 中(B =0.5T )。圆形线圈可绕通过圆心的轴O 1O 2转动,转速1 600r min n -=? 。求圆线圈自图示的初始位置转过 题图13-1 题图 13-2 解图13-1


Unit 4 5 One of the difficulties that overseas students have to overcome has to do with adapting to foreign culture. One of the challenges that faces us has to do with coping with global warming. Winning a scholarship starts with getting excellent grades. Succeeding in a job interview starts with making a good impression. This is true in spoken language as well as in written language. This is true in modern societies as well as in ancient societies. Being sorry that I had broken his cell phone, I hurried out to buy him a new one. Being happy that I had got a pay raise, I spent much money in a big shopping mall. These lectures are sure to help you achieve face with new challenges. The promotion plans are sure to help us increase the sales of our new models. Don't just sit in front of the computer all day long and expect your parents to do everything for you. Don't just stay at home and expect a good job to come to you. Unit 5 Language may be a big problem, but there are many other things you can do to help. The short time schedule may be a big problem, but there are many other things we can do to catch up. Crying is not wrong. We just have to cheer up after it. Dreaming is not wrong. We just have to work on to realize our dreams. Whenever she is in bad mood, she goes to the seaside for a walk. Whenever you feel like talking with me, give me a call. If you're going with us, come and meet us at eight. If you're traveling to other places, go online for some helpful information.



生物化学第二版答案 【篇一:医学生物化学答案】 【篇二:生物化学2010-2011-第二学期-a-答案】 ass=txt>第1 页(共12 页) 年级:09 课程号:1403010140 冈崎片段 dna复制过程中,2条新生链都只能从5’端向3’端延伸,前导链连续合成,滞后链分段合成,这些分段合成的新生dna片段称冈崎片段,细菌冈崎片段长度1000-2000核苷酸,真核生物冈崎片段长度 100-200核苷酸。 1.(√)蛋白质在低于其等电点的溶液环境中解离为带有净正电荷的状态。 3.(√)凯氏定氮法都可以用来测定氨基酸、肽和蛋白质等物质的含量,但是双缩 脲试剂法不能测定氨基酸含量。 去氨基。 机体代谢产生的二氧化碳和氨。 6.(√)酶的变构调节是指酶分子的空间结构受到效应分子的影响而发生一定改变, 从而使酶的活性增强或减弱,其一级结构不受影响。

a.精氨酸b.组氨酸c.酪氨酸d.亮氨酸 3.( b )利用蛋白质分子量的差异进行分离的方法是: a.等电点沉淀b.凝胶过滤层析 c.离子交换层析d.吸附层析 4.( b )在鸟氨酸循环中,中间代谢物中会出现的氨基酸有:a.脯氨酸和苏氨酸b.瓜氨酸和精氨酸 c.酪氨酸和缬氨酸d.鸟氨酸和赖氨酸 5.( d )下列过程不能脱去氨基的是: a.联合脱氨基作用b.氧化脱氨基作用 c.嘌呤核甘酸循环d.转氨基作用 第4 页(共12 页) ―― ―― ― ― ― ― ― :名― 姓― ― ―

线 ― ― ― ――:号―学― ― ― ― ― ― 订 ― ― ― ― ― :业――专― ―

C语言程序设计教程 清华大学出版社 陈明主编 第4章答案

第4章习题解答 一、选择题 1.在C语言中,函数返回值的类型最终取决于 A)函数定义时的函数首部所说明的函数类型B)return语句中表达式值的类型C)调用函数时主调函数所传递的实参类型D)函数定义时形参的类型 解析:函数返回值类型最终取决于定义函数时所定义的函数类型。 答案:A 2.设函数Fun()的定义形式为: void Fun(char ch, float x){} 则以下对函数Fun()的调用语句中,正确的是。 A)Fun("abc", 3.0); B)t = Fun('D', 16.5); C)Fun('65', 2.8); D)Fun(32, 32); 解析:选项A中"abc"是字符串,与形参不匹配:由于Fun函数的返回值类型为void,所以选项B中进行了赋值操作是不正确的;在选项C中,'65'是不合法的字符形式,单引号中应该是单个字符。只有选项D才是合法的函数调用形式。 答案:D 3.有以下程序: /* 文件路径名:ex4_1_3\main.c */ #include /* 标准输入/输出头文件*/ int f1(int x, int y) { return x > y ? x : y; } int f2(int x, int y) { return x > y ? y : x; } int main(void) /* 主函数main() */ { int a = 4, b = 3, c = 5, d = 2, e, f, g; /* 定义变量*/ e = f2(f1(a, b), f1(c, d)); f = f1(f2(a, b), f2(c, d));/* 调用函数*/ g = a + b + c + d - e - f; /* 算术运算*/ printf("%d,%d,%d\n", e, f, g); /* 输出e,f,g */ return 0; /* 返回值0, 返回操作系统*/ } 程序运行后的输出结果是。 A)4,3,7 B)3,4,7 C)5,2,7 D)2,5,7 解析:函数f1用于求两个数中的最大数,而函数f2用于求两个数中的最小数。因此有:e=f2(f1(a,b),f1(c,d))=f2(f1(4,3),f1(5,2))= f2(4,5)=4; f=f1(f2(a,b),f2(c,d)) =f1(f2(4,3),f2(5,2)) =f1(3,2)=3; g=a+b+c+d-e-f=4+3+5+2-4-3=7。


第11章 稳恒磁场 习 题 一 选择题 11-1 边长为l 的正方形线圈,分别用图11-1中所示的两种方式通以电流I (其中ab 、cd 与正方形共面),在这两种情况下,线圈在其中心产生的磁感应强度的大小分别为:[ ] (A )10B =,20B = (B )10B = ,02I B l π= (C )01I B l π= ,20B = (D )01I B l π= ,02I B l π= 答案:C 解析:有限长直导线在空间激发的磁感应强度大小为012(cos cos )4I B d μθθπ= -,并结合右手螺旋定则判断磁感应强度方向,按照磁场的叠加原理,可计 算 01I B l π= ,20B =。故正确答案为(C )。 11-2 两个载有相等电流I 的半径为R 的圆线圈一个处于水平位置,一个处于竖直位置,两个线圈的圆心重合,如图11-2所示,则在圆心O 处的磁感应强度大小为多少? [ ] (A )0 (B )R I 2/0μ (C )R I 2/20μ (D )R I /0μ 答案:C 解析:圆线圈在圆心处的磁感应强度大小为120/2B B I R μ==,按照右手螺旋定 习题11-1图 习题11-2图

则判断知1B 和2B 的方向相互垂直,依照磁场的矢量叠加原理,计算可得圆心O 处的磁感应强度大小为0/2B I R =。 11-3 如图11-3所示,在均匀磁场B 中,有一个半径为R 的半球面S ,S 边线所在平面的单位法线矢量n 与磁感应强度B 的夹角为α,则通过该半球面的磁通量的大小为[ ] (A )B R 2π (B )B R 22π (C )2cos R B πα (D )2sin R B πα 答案:C 解析:通过半球面的磁感应线线必通过底面,因此2cos m B S R B παΦ=?= 。故正 确答案为(C )。 11-4 如图11-4所示,在无限长载流直导线附近作一球形闭合曲面S ,当曲面S 向长直导线靠近时,穿过曲面S 的磁通量Φ B 将如何变化?[ ] ( A )Φ增大, B 也增大 (B )Φ不变,B 也不变 ( C )Φ增大,B 不变 ( D )Φ不变,B 增大 答案:D 解析:根据磁场的高斯定理0S BdS Φ==? ,通过闭合曲面S 的磁感应强度始终为0,保持不变。无限长载流直导线在空间中激发的磁感应强度大小为02I B d μπ= ,曲面S 靠近长直导线时,距离d 减小,从而B 增大。故正确答案为(D )。 11-5下列说法正确的是[ ] (A) 闭合回路上各点磁感应强度都为零时,回路内一定没有电流穿过 (B) 闭合回路上各点磁感应强度都为零时,回路内穿过电流的代数和必定为零 (C) 磁感应强度沿闭合回路的积分为零时,回路上各点的磁感应强度必定为零 (D) 磁感应强度沿闭合回路的积分不为零时,回路上任意一点的磁感应强度 I 习题11-4图 习题11-3图


1 绪论 1.生物化学研究得对象与内容就是什么? 解答:生物化学主要研究: (1)生物机体得化学组成、生物分子得结构、性质及功能; (2)生物分子分解与合成及反应过程中得能量变化; (3)生物遗传信息得储存、传递与表达; (4)生物体新陈代谢得调节与控制。 2.您已经学过得课程中哪些内容与生物化学有关。 提示:生物化学就是生命科学得基础学科,注意从不同得角度,去理解并运用生物化学得知识。 3.说明生物分子得元素组成与分子组成有哪些相似得规侓。 解答:生物大分子在元素组成上有相似得规侓性。碳、氢、氧、氮、磷、硫等6种就是蛋白质、核酸、糖与脂得主要组成元素。碳原子具有特殊得成键性质,即碳原子最外层得4个电子可使碳与自身形成共价单键、共价双键与共价三键,碳还可与氮、氧与氢原子形成共价键。碳与被键合原子形成4个共价键得性质,使得碳骨架可形成线性、分支以及环状得多种多性得化合物。特殊得成键性质适应了生物大分子多样性得需要。氮、氧、硫、磷元素构成了生物分子碳骨架上得氨基(-NH2)、羟基(-OH)、羰基()、羧基(-COOH)、巯基(-SH)、磷酸基(-PO4 )等功能基团。这些功能基团因氮、硫与磷有着可变得氧化数及氮与氧有着较强得电负性而与生命物质得许多关键作用密切相关。 生物大分子在结构上也有着共同得规律性。生物大分子均由相同类型得构件通过一定得共价键聚合成链状,其主链骨架呈现周期性重复。构成蛋白质得构件就是20种基本氨基酸。氨基酸之间通过肽键相连。肽链具有方向性(N 端→C端),蛋白质主链骨架呈"肽单位"重复;核酸得构件就是核苷酸,核苷酸通过3′, 5′-磷酸二酯键相连,核酸链也具有方向性(5′、→3′),核酸得主链骨架呈"磷酸-核糖(或脱氧核糖)"重复;构成脂质得构件就是甘油、脂肪酸与胆碱,其非极性烃长链也就是一种重复结构;构成多糖得构件就是单糖,单糖间通过糖苷键相连,淀粉、纤维素、糖原得糖链骨架均呈葡萄糖基得重复。 2 蛋白质化学 1.用于测定蛋白质多肽链N端、C端得常用方法有哪些?基本原理就是什么? 解答:(1) N-末端测定法:常采用―二硝基氟苯法、Edman降解法、丹磺酰氯法。 ①―二硝基氟苯(DNFB或FDNB)法:多肽或蛋白质得游离末端氨基与―二硝基氟苯(―DNFB)反应(Sanger反应),生成DNP―多肽或DNP―蛋白质。由于DNFB与氨基形成得键对酸水解远比肽键稳定,因此DNP―多肽经酸水解后,只有N―末端氨基酸为黄色DNP―氨基酸衍生物,其余得都就是游离氨基酸。 ②丹磺酰氯(DNS)法:多肽或蛋白质得游离末端氨基与与丹磺酰氯(DNS―Cl)反应生成DNS―多肽或DNS―蛋白质。由于DNS与氨基形成得键对酸水解远比肽键稳定,因此DNS―多肽经酸水解后,只有N―末端氨基酸为强烈得荧光物质DNS―氨基酸,其余得都就是游离氨基酸。 ③苯异硫氰酸脂(PITC或Edman降解)法:多肽或蛋白质得游离末端氨基与异硫氰酸苯酯(PITC)反应(Edman反应),生成苯氨基硫甲酰多肽或蛋白质。在酸性有机溶剂中加热时,N―末端得PTC―氨基酸发生环化,生成苯乙内酰硫脲得衍生物并从肽链上掉下来,除去N―末端氨基酸后剩下得肽链仍然就是完整得。 ④氨肽酶法:氨肽酶就是一类肽链外切酶或叫外肽酶,能从多肽链得N端逐个地向里切。根据不同得反应时间测出酶水解释放得氨基酸种类与数量,按反应时间与残基释放量作动力学曲线,就能知道该蛋白质得N端残基序列。


C 语言课后习题答案-第四版- 谭浩强(1-7) 第一章 #include int main ( ) { printf ("**************************\n\n"); printf(" Very Good!\n\n"); printf ("**************************\n"); return 0; } #include int main() {int a,b,c,max; printf("please input a,b,c:\n"); scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a,&b,&c); max=a; if (max

printf("The largest number is %d\n",max); return 0; } 第3 章 #include #include int main() {float p,r,n; r=0.1; n=10; p=pow(1+r,n); printf("p=%f\n",p); return 0; } #include #include int main() {float r5,r3,r2,r1,r0,p,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;

p=1000; r5=0.0585; r3=0.054; r2=0.0468; r1=0.0414; r0=0.0072; p1=p*((1+r5)*5); // 一次存5 年期 p2=p*(1+2*r2)*(1+3*r3); // 先存2 年期,到期后将本息再存3 年期 p3=p*(1+3*r3)*(1+2*r2); // 先存3 年期,到期后将本息再存2 年期 p4=p*pow(1+r1,5); // 存1 年期,到期后将本息存再存1 年期,连续存5 次p5=p*pow(1+r0/4,4*5); // 存活期存款。活期利息每一季度结算一次 printf("p1=%f\n",p1); // 输出按第1 方案得到的本息和 printf("p2=%f\n",p2); // 输出按第2 方案得到的本息和 printf("p3=%f\n",p3); // 输出按第3 方案得到的本息和 printf("p4=%f\n",p4); // 输出按第4 方案得到的本息和 printf("p5=%f\n",p5); // 输出按第5 方案得到的本息和 return 0; } #include #include


6-12 用高斯定理求均匀带正电的无限长细棒外的场强分布,设棒上电荷的线密度为λ。 解:由电荷的对称性分布可知,距无限长细棒距离相等的点的场强都相等,方向在垂直于细棒的平面内且呈发散状。 取以细棒为轴心,高为l 、底面半径为r 的圆柱面为高斯面,根据高斯定理,有: 0 22s l E ds E ds E ds E ds rlE λπε?=?+?=?==???? 底侧侧 02E r λπε= 6-19 在半径分别为1R 和2R 的两个同心球面上,分别均匀带电,电荷量各为 1Q 和2Q ,且 12R R <。求下列区域内的电势分布:(1)1;r R <12(2)R r R <<; (3)2r R >。 解:由高斯定理可得场强分别为: 110r R E <=时, 2R 1Q 2Q O 1R

1 12220,4Q R r R E r πε<<=时 12232 0,4Q Q r R E r πε+>=时 取无限远处为电势零点,根据电势的定义式,可得; 1221212111212112322000121()444R R R r r R R R R r R Q Q Q Q Q V E dl E dr E dr E dr dr dr r r R R πεπεπε∞∞∞ <+=?=++=+=+?????? 时, 22221211212223220002, 1()444R R r r R r R R r R Q Q Q Q Q V E dl E dr E dr dr dr r r r R πεπεπε∞∞∞<<+=?=+=+=+????? 时 121223200, 44r Q Q Q Q r R V dr r r πεπε∞++>==?时


Everyone needs friends .If you fail to make friends,you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness , talkativeness and using slang etc. Which drive away your new acquaintances . Whatever your social faults may be , look at them honestly and make real effort to correct them. A friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel at home , wherever he happens to be. Put yourself in the other fellows' place and make them feel welcome . Try to remember names . It makes your new acquaintances feel happy when you call them by their names . It gives them the feeling that they have made an impression on you and that mean something to them because you remember them. If you don't agree with other people on a certain matter , you should be friendly . Don't argue, but discuss . You always lose friends if you argue too much . A friendly person thinks of others , and doesn't insist on his own "rights". People who refuse to consider others have few friends. Finally , don't treat people only according to their social positions . Really friendly people respect everyone at all times .


生物化学简明教程 (第四版) 习题及答案 目录 1 绪论.............................................. 32蛋白质化学5? 3 核酸.............................................. 9 4 糖类的结构与功能 ................................ 15 5 脂类化合物和生物膜2?0 6 酶 (27) 7 维生素37? 8新陈代谢总论与生物氧化 .......................... 42 9 糖代谢4?7 10 脂质的代谢 (51) 11 蛋白质分解和氨基酸代谢5?4 12 核苷酸代谢 ....................... 错误!未定义书签。13DNA的生物合成?62 14 RNA的生物合成67? 15 蛋白质的生物合成?74 16 物质代谢的调节控制?77

? 1 绪论 1.生物化学研究的对象和内容是什么? 解答:生物化学主要研究: (1)生物机体的化学组成、生物分子的结构、性质及功能; (2)生物分子分解与合成及反应过程中的能量变化; (3)生物遗传信息的储存、传递和表达; (4)生物体新陈代谢的调节与控制。 2.你已经学过的课程中哪些内容与生物化学有关。 提示:生物化学是生命科学的基础学科,注意从不同的角度,去理解并运用生物化学的知识。 3.说明生物分子的元素组成和分子组成有哪些相似的规侓。 解答:生物大分子在元素组成上有相似的规侓性。碳、氢、氧、氮、磷、硫等6种是蛋白质、核酸、糖和脂的主要组成元素。碳原子具有特殊的成键性质,即碳原子最外层的4个电子可使碳与自身形成共价单键、共价双键和共价三键,碳还可与氮、氧和氢原子形成共价键。碳与被键合原子形成4个共价键的性质,使得碳骨架可形成线性、分支以及环状的多种多性的化合物。特殊的成键性质适应了生物大分子多样性的需要。氮、氧、硫、磷元素构成了生物分子碳骨架上的氨基(—NH 2)、羟基(—O H)、羰基(C O )、羧基(—C OOH)、巯基(—SH)、磷酸基(—PO 4 )等功能基团。这些功能基团因氮、硫和磷有着可变的氧化数及氮和氧有着较强的电负性而与生命物质的许多关键作用密切相关。 生物大分子在结构上也有着共同的规律性。生物大分子均由相同 类型的构件通过一定的共价键聚合成链状,其主链骨架呈现周期性重复。构成蛋白质的构件是20种基本氨基酸。氨基酸之间通过肽键相连。肽链具有方向性(N 端→C 端),蛋白质主链骨架呈“肽单位”重复;核酸的构件是核苷酸,核苷酸通过3′, 5′-磷酸二酯键相连,核酸链也具有方向



C程序设计(第四版)(谭浩强)第一章课后习题答案 P006 向屏幕输出文字. #include<>代码均调试成功,若有失误大多不是代码问题.自已找找. int main() { printf("Welcome to \n"); return 0; } P008 求两个数的和. #include<> int main() { int a,b,sum; a=5; b=4; sum=a+b; printf("The sum is %d .\n",sum);

return 0; } P008 调用函数比较两个数的大小. #include<> int main() { int max(int x,int y); int a,b,c; scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b); c=max(a,b); printf("The max is %d .\n",c); return 0; } int max(int x,int y) { int z; if (x>y) z=x; else z=y; return(z); }

P015 三个数的大小.(数字0表示课后练习题) #include<> int main() { int a,b,c,d; int max(int x , int y , int z); printf("Please input 3 numbers :\n"); scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); d=max(a,b,c); printf("The max is :%d .\n",d); } int max(int x , int y , int z) { int m; if (x>y && x>z) m=x; if (y>x && y>z) m=y; if (z>y && z>x) m=z; return (m); }


第九章振动 习题:P37~39 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,16.

9-4 一质点做简谐运动,周期为T,当它由平衡位置向X 轴正方向运动时,从1/2 最大位移处到最大位移处这段路程所需的时间( ) A、T/12 B、T/8 C、T/6 D、T/4 分析(C),通过相位差和时间差的关系计算。可设位移函数 y=A*sin(ωt),其中ω=2π/T; 当y=A/2, ω t1= π /6 ;当y=A, ω t2= π /2 ;△ t=t2-t1=[ π /(2 ω )]-[ π /(6 ω )]= π/(3ω)=T/6

9-回图(a)中所阿的是两个简谐运动的曲线,若这两个简谐j?动可叠加* 则合成的余弦振动的初相位为() 3 1 (A)-7W (B)—IT(C)F (D)O 分析与解由振动曲线可以知道,这是两个同振动方向、同频率简谐运动, 它们的相位差是TT(即反相位)?运动方程分别为X I= Acos ωt利%2= -^-CoS(((;? + 瓷)?它们的振幅不同.对于这样两个简谐运动M用旋转欠量送,如图(b)很方便 A 求得合运动方程为x=ycos ωt.因而正确答案为(D). 9-目有一个弹簧振子,振幅4 =2-0 X 10-2 m,周期T = 1.0 s,初相<p = 3ιτ∕4.试写出它的运动方程,并作出X - 1图I e - i图和a - t图. 解因3=X∕T,则运动方程 / 2πf ≡?cos(ωt + φ) =ACUS

根据题中给出的数据得 X = 2. 0 Xio '2cos( 2irf + O- 75τr) ( m ) 振子的速度和加速度分别为 t) = dx∕(It = -4π × 10^2Rin(2ττt + 0. 75ττ) (m * s^,) (Z = ?2χ∕df2 = - 8TT2X 10 ^2cos( 2τrt + 0. 75τT) ( m ? s ^2) X-I^V-C及Oft图如图所示.


新编实用英语综合教程2第四版汉译英答案 Unit 1 P14 1) 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗? Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum? 2) 警察想知道她长什么样儿。 The police wanted to know what she looked like. 3) 你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗? Do you know what she was wearing? 4) 在报告中他们问到银行里有几个监控摄像头。 In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank. 5) 面试官问他已经工作几年了。 The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked. 6) 你想知道他什么时候去上海吗? Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai? 7) 我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色, 红色还是黄色。 I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow. 填空题 1) What's your guideline in choosing songs for your audience? 2) The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future. 3) Barclays appointed Bob Diamond, the head of its investment-banking2011. March from executive chiefnew its as business, 4) Frankly speaking, I cannot uphold such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest. 5) However, just because you can write statements in purely mathematical notations, this doesn't mean that you necessarily should. 6) That was good timing because his work was influential in shaping the project plan. 7) Those studying abroad will most likely return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad. 8) It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here. P19 1) 2) 3) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。Americans usually make a plane for their retirement well in advance. 他们通常被看成最有希望的歌 手。They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 我从你的


C程序设计(第四版)(谭浩强)第一章课后习题答案 P006 1.1 向屏幕输出文字. #include//预编译. 代码均调试成功,若有失误大多不是代码问题.自已找找. int main() { printf("Welcome to https://www.360docs.net/doc/f86206946.html,\n"); return 0; //与int main对应,为了程序可移植性,建议全用int main + return 0;. } P008 1.2 求两个数的和. #include int main() { int a,b,sum; a=5; b=4; sum=a+b; printf("The sum is %d .\n",sum); return 0; } P008 1.3 调用函数比较两个数的大小. #include int main() { int max(int x,int y); //被调用函数在主函数后面,用前先声明. int a,b,c; scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b); //输入时要按格式来,此处的逗号,用空格会发生错误. c=max(a,b); //a,b作为实参传入被调用函数中. printf("The max is %d .\n",c); return 0; } int max(int x,int y) //定义了两个形参. {

int z; //z属于局部变量,可与主函数中相同名字. if (x>y) z=x; else z=y; return(z); //z作为整个程序的出口值,赋给主函数中的c. } #include int main() { int a,b,c,d; //d是用于存储最大值的. int max(int x , int y , int z); //测试可知,在VS2008中,可以不预先声明. printf("Please input 3 numbers :\n"); scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); d=max(a,b,c); //调用函数中有三个形参,这里需要传入三个实参,才可运算. printf("The max is :%d .\n",d); // d可以换成max(a,b,c). } int max(int x , int y , int z) { int m; if (x>y && x>z) //求三者之大的一种方法. m=x; if (y>x && y>z) m=y; if (z>y && z>x) m=z; return (m); //返回值m给主函数中的d. } C程序设计(第四版)(谭浩强)第2章课 后习题答案 算法——程序的灵魂


21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第四册)练习答案(上)2008-06-30 18:22 Unit 1 5. 1. forbade 2. mourning 3. charge 4. accumulate 5. begged 6. declared 7. narrow 8. penniless 9. unloading 10. stolen 11. absence 12. faithfully 6. 1. a good deal of 2. speak of 3. leaning on 4. stood on his feet 5. at (the) most 6. both…and 7. counted out 8. with the help of 9. heard of 10. be blessed with 10. 1. Driven by a strong will, he eventually fulfilled the task he had undertaken. 2. He promised to write to me as soon as he got there, but nothing has been heard of him so far. 3. The boss has never been so pleased with any employee before. The young man is a real find. 4. With the help of the doctors and nurses, the patient was able to stand on his feet once more and soon resumed working. 5. The old man’s wrinkled face spoke of the hardships he had endured in his life. 6. When she recovered somewhat, she leaned on the window watching the children play on the lawn. Unit 2 5. 1. statistics 2. versions 3. legal 4. adventurous 5. fate 6. indeed 7. chatting 8. online 9. owed 10. Internet 12. expenses 6. 1. insisted on 2. gave…notice 3. base…on 4. from the beginning 5. in the middle of


生物化学习题(答案不太全) 第一章绪论 一、问答 1.什么是生物化学?它主要研究哪些内容? 2.生物化学经历了哪几个发展阶段?各个时期研究的主要内容是什么?试举各时期一二例重大成就。 第二章蛋白质化学 一、问题 1.蛋白质在生命活动中有何重要意义? 2.蛋白质是由哪些元素组成的?其基本结构单元是什么?写出其结构通式。3.蛋白质中有哪些常见的氨基酸?写出其中文名称和三字缩写符号,它们的侧链基团各有何特点?写出这些氨基酸的结构式。 4.什么是氨基酸的等电点,如何进行计算? 5.何谓谷胱甘肽?简述其结构特点和生物学作用? 6.什么是构型和构象?它们有何区别? 7.蛋白质有哪些结构层次?分别解释它们的含义。 8.简述蛋白质的a-螺旋和b-折迭。 9.维系蛋白质结构的化学键有哪些?它们分别在哪一级结构中起作用?10.为什么说蛋白质的水溶液是一种稳定的亲水胶体? 11.碳氢链R基在蛋白质构象中如何取向? 12.多肽的骨架是什么原子的重复顺序,写出一个三肽的通式,并指明肽单位和氨基酸残基。 13.一个三肽有多少NH2和COOH端?牛胰岛素呢?

14.利用哪些化学反应可以鉴定蛋白质的N-端和C-端? 15.简述蛋白质变性与复性的机理,并概要说明变性蛋白质的特点。 16.简述蛋白质功能的多样性? 17.试述蛋白质结构与功能的关系。 18.蛋白质如何分类,试评述之。 二、解释下列名称 1.蛋白质系数 2.变构效应 3.无规则卷曲 4.a-螺旋 5.< 生物化学习题 一、最佳选择题:下列各题有A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案,请选择一个最佳答案。 1、蛋白质一级结构的主要化学键是( ) A、氢键 B、疏水键 C、盐键 D、二硫键 E、肽键 2、蛋白质变性后可出现下列哪种变化( ) A、一级结构发生改变 B、构型发生改变 C、分子量变小 D、构象发生改变 E、溶解度变大 3、下列没有高能键的化合物是( ) A、磷酸肌酸 B、谷氨酰胺 C、ADP D、1,3一二磷酸甘油酸
