




(选修10Units 1、2)

(120 minutes150 marks)

PartⅠListening Comprehension(30 marks)

Section A(22. 5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.

You will hear each conversation TWICE.

Conversation 1

1. What does the man think of the woman?

A. Curious.

B. Warm-hearted.

C. Helpful.

2. What will the two speakers probably do next?

A. Go away.

B. Inform the police.

C. Talk about the accident.

Conversation 2

3. How did the woman and her sisters feel last night when celebrating her birthday?

4. When did the woman go to sleep last night?

A. Before 9 pm.

B. About 10 pm.

C. After 11 pm.

Conversation 3

5. What does the man teach the woman to do?

A. Write her report.

B. Use her computer.

C. Clean her room.

6. How does the woman feel in the end?

A. Worried.

B. Confused.

C. Relaxed.

Conversation 4

7. Why is the man going to the airport?

A. To fly to Singapore.

B. To meet his cousin.

C. To send off his cousin.

8. What does Christopher do?

A. A traveler.

B. A writer.

C. A painter.

9. When is Christopher expected at the airport?

A. At 10: 20 am.

B. At 10: 40 am.

C. At 11: 00 am.

Conversation 5

10. What was the man?

A. A teacher.

B. A policeman.

C. A postman.

11. Where was the woman?s husband at that time?

A. In Seattle.

B. Upstairs.

C. In the kitchen.

12. What was the man doing at the woman?s home?

A. Having an important interview.

B. Making a weekend plan for the woman.

C. Looking into what had happened.

Conversation 6

13. What is the woman?

A. A guide.

B. A reporter.

C. A governor.

14. How does the man feel about the present state of the forest?

A. Nervous.

B. Curious.

C. Worried.

15. What does the man expect the government to do?

A. To offer guidance.

B. To give them money.

C. To provide volunteers.

Section B(7. 5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You will hear the short passage TWICE.

Ways to overcome the 16. Break-up

PartⅡLanguage Knowledge(45 marks)

Section A(15 marks)

Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

21. When I couldn?t avoid meeting him, I faced an embarrassing situation I

could only keep silent.

A. who

B. which

C. when

D. where

22. Spelling Bee is a contest competitors, usually children, are asked to spell as many words as possible.

A. which

B. where

C. what

D. when

23. Only if the examination be allowed to go on holiday with your friends.

A. you have passed; you can

B. have you passed; can you

C. you have passed; can you

D. have you passed; you can

24. (2013·扬州高三检测)He, along with his brothers, how serious the situation is.

A. haven?t realized

B. hasn?t realized

C. don?t realize

D. didn?t realize

25. China?s agriculture has be en developing steadily, thus light industry with ample raw materials.

A. providing

B. to provide

C. provides

D. provided

26. Lucy a job since she was out of work, but she hasn?t found one yet.

A. has been looking for

B. had looked for

C. looked for

D. is going to look for

27. New surveys suggest that people are more stressed and working longer hours than

A. updating

B. updates

C. updated

D. to update

28. (2013·沈阳高三检测)The population of the village2, 000 and 80% of the population making their living by farming.

A. are; are

B. is; be

C. is; are

D. are; is

29. polite to others and you can get friendship in turn.

A. Be

B. To be

C. Being

D. /

30. It is doubt that Chinese leaders are well aware of the structural maladies in the economy.

A. in

B. beyond

C. with

D. before

31. Is this the best way you thought of people getting into the dangerous areas?

A. stopping

B. to stop

C. stopped

D. to have stopped

32. The jam during the national holiday is a subject we have argued for a long time.

A. of which

B. with which

C. about which

D. into which

33. Babies enjoy before they go to sleep.

A. to pat

B. to be patted

C. patting

D. being patted

34. Miami and Oklahoma City, both of were the last two undefeated teams in the NBA this season, lost for the first time on January 3rd.

35. It is easy to be thankful for the good things, a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

A. that

B. which

C. while

D. when

Section B(18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Are you a top student in your school, or at least a top one in your class? If not, you may learn something from my story.

Growing up in a poor family with uneducated parents, I was not good at my study. But a te acher changed my life. Without her, I couldn?t have36so much in my later career. I can still remember the very important day that has37my whole life.

I did so38in math that you may not imagine that I even couldn?t count from“ONE”to“TEN”, when I was in Grade Three.

Then the39day came. My father was asked to come to school to40with my teacher, Ms King. You can?t imagine how angry and41my father was when he heard about my“excellent achievement”. He42at me, “since you can?t even count from…ONE?to…TEN?, what are you able to be when you43up? Now, tell me! ”I was scared and44and didn?t know what to say and tears came immediately into my eyes.

Then the most unforgettable time in my life came. “Maybe he can be a boxing

may46him well. ”Ms King looked into my eyes and firmly said.

Now, I am in my forties, and can you believe it that thanks to Ms King, I am really a well-known boxing47of WBO(World Boxing Organization), and that I do need to count only from“ONE”to“NINE”? So are you still worried about your poor grades at school? Remember there will always be a place waiting for you!

36. A. lost B. remembered

C. achieved

D. abandoned

37. A. transformed B. conveyed

C. celebrated

D. transported

38. A. well B. badly

C. hopefully

D. doubtfully

39. A. wonderful B. amazing

C. boring

D. terrible

40. A. meet B. come C. deal D. cope

41. A. cheerful B. ashamed

C. delighted

D. jealous

42. A. laughed B. smiled C. whispered D. shouted

43. A. take B. use C. grow D. wash

44. A. embarrassed B. angry

C. curious

D. unsatisfied

45. A. suggestion B. profession

C. introduction

D. instruction

47. A. teacher B. coach

C. referee

D. apprentice

Section C(12 marks)

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

In China, Mother?s Day is becoming more popular, and car nations(康乃馨)are a very popular gift. In 1997 48. was set as the day to help poor mothers, especially to remind people 49. the poor mothers in rural areas. In thePeople?s Daily, 50. article explained that“despite originating in the United States, people in China take the holiday 51. it goes in line with(符合)the country?s traditional ethics(道德标准)—respect to the elderly and filial piety(子女的孝顺)to parents. ”In recent years many people began 52. advocate for the official adoption of Mother?s Day 53.memory of Meng Mu, the mother of Meng Zi, and some officials even formed a non-governmental organization called Chinese Mothers?Festival Promotion Society, with the support 100 Confucian scholars and lecturers of ethics. They also ask to replace the Western gift of carnations with lilies(百合花), 54. , were planted by Chinese mothers 55. children left home in ancient times.

PartⅢReading Comprehension(30 marks)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information


After moving to the United States, immigrant groups trying to fit in tend to choose high-calorie fatty foods in an attempt to appear more American, a new study finds. That?s one reason why immigrants approach US levels of obesity within 15 years of moving to America.

The researchers also did an experiment that measured

whether ornot the threat of appearing un-Americaninfluenced

respondents?food choices. After being questioned about their

ability to speak English, 75 percent of Asian-Americans identified a typical American food as their favorite. Only 25 percent of Asian-Americans who had not been asked if they spoke English did the same.

When their American identity was called into question during a follow-up study, Asian-American participants also tended to choose typical American dishes, such as hamburgers and cheese sandwiches. In that experiment, 55 Asian-Americans were asked to choose a meal from a local Asian or American restaurant. Some participants were told that only Americans could participate in the study. Those who chose the more typical American fare ended up consuming an extra 182 calories, including 12 grams of fat and 7 grams of saturated fat(饱和脂肪).

“People who feel like they need to prove they belong to a culture will change their habits in an attempt to fit in, ”said Sauna Cheryan, an author of the study and assistant professor of psychology(心理学)at the University of Washington. “If immigrants and their children choose unhealthy American foods over healthier

health. ”Cheryan added.

Social pressures, the study concluded, are at the heart of the prob lem. “In American society today, being American is associated with being white. Americans, who don?t fit this image even if they were born here and speak English, feel that pressure to prove that they?re American, ”said Cheryan.

56. The author wants to show that.

A. more and more Asians enjoy high-calorie snacks

B. immigrants tend to eat American junk food to fit in

C. most Americans are at the risk of heart disease

D. all the American people have a bad eating habit

57. According to the survey, .

A. Asian-Americans care less about their health

B. 25 percent of Americans like junk food

C. choosingfood is related to Asian-Americans?situation

D. immigrants are forced to eat junk food

58. The underlined word“fare”in Paragraph 3 most probably means“”.

A. food offered as a meal

B. a person taking a taxi

C. money spent on food

D. an arranged thing to do

59. According to Sauna Cheryan, .

A. what immigrants have done is ridiculous

C. immigrants risk their health in order to fit in

D. American culture affects immigrants deeply

60. According to the study, the main cause of immigrants?being fat after immigration is.

A. social pressure

B. American tradition

C. too many unhealthy foods

D. changing their habits


A serious threat to farmers in many parts of the world is

erosion. Erosion occurs if a large area of land is cleared of trees

and is then badly treated by the farmers. The rain and winds

may gradually wash away, or blow away much of the topsoil. When this happens, crops of wheat or corn become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well. If erosion continues, it will turn good land into a desert.

In the past, when erosion appeared, farmers sometimes moved to a new place to farm. Sometimes they could not move, but continued to try to grow food in the unhealthy soil. This caused them to sink into poverty. Soon some people realized that there was little rich, fertile soil in the world, government began to try to stop erosion.

One of the first experiments to stop erosion began in the United States in 1933. The experiment was carried out in the area of the Tennessee River. Floods and bad farming in this area had ruined(毁坏)land that had once been rich. As a result, most

The government built big dams across the river and stored the water for use during the dry season when there was no rain. The government workers also helped farmers to fertilize their soil and to learn new farming methods which could stop erosion.

At the beginning, the farmers were not interested. But soon, good healthy crops began to appear on the land where new methods were used. Ten years after the extreme prosperity, the great success of this experiment had led similar projects in the other parts of the world.

61. The underlined word“erosion”in the first paragraph means.

A. the clearing of trees

B. good use of the land

C. the destruction of crops

D. gradual loss of topsoil

62. The passage tells us that erosion is a problem which.

A. first began in the United States in 1933

B. occurs mainly in river areas

C. affects many parts of the world

D. is becoming more and more serious

63. People continued to grow food where erosion appeared, causing them.

A. to stop erosion

B. to have a good harvest

C. to become very poor

64. The main purpose of this passage is to tell people.

A. how erosion occurs

B. the importance of using new farming methods

C. something can be done to prevent erosion

D. the serious outcomes(后果)of erosion

65. What made the land in the area of the Tennessee River poor?

A. Clearing of trees

B. Floods and bad farming

C. Experiments to stop erosion

D. Building big dams


Everyone knows a storm isdangerous. A storm is often

announced. Though there is expert broadcasting and we have cell

phones, there?re still some instances when th e violent weather

takes us by surprise.

While most Atlantic hurricanes form off the coast of Africa giving plenty of early warning, sudden Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico hurricanes form and move rapidly in less than a day?s time, endangering everyone and ev erything in their path.

Oil workers have been stuck off the shore when sudden storms appeared. Field archeologists have been trapped in coastal areas without storm warning. It wasn?t but a few decades ago that a Texas National Guard group was trapped on the beach by rain-forced flooding and had to ride out a major hurricane during a training exercise.

coastal area and unable to escape in time.

Escaping from the storm-threatened areas is generally a choice for most of us—but not for all. Each year thousands of islanders across the Caribbean face the danger of hurricanes without so much as a public shelter to hide in. Most ride out the storm in their homes.

But there?re a few t hings you can do to prepare yourself for some unexpected emergencies. Being prepared for the unexpected may be your best and only defense. If you?re headed outdoors for a few days or weeks, you should always carry a flashlight with extra batteries, a GPS d evice, and a basic medical box. If you?re traveling in your car, remember you may suffer from high winds. You?d better not stay inside to avoid being blown away along with your car. Keeping your head and your courage up is essential to survive in any type of danger. Let common sense guide you and always be prepared for the worst.

66. According to the text, most Atlantic hurricanes.

A. form in the Caribbean Sea

B. come from Mexico

C. are from the Pacific Ocean

D. develop off the coast of Africa

67. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. The bad situations of oil workers.

B. People trapped by sudden storms.

C. The danger of traveling on an island.

68. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To encourage traveling.

B. To give some advice.

C. To underline the danger of hurricanes.

D. To give some warnings.

69. The underlined p hrase“ride out”in the fourth paragraph probably means“”.

A. hide from

B. rule out

C. work out

D. manage to get through

70. The text is most probably found in the website of.

A. technology

B. sports

C. life

D. culture

PartⅣWriting(45 marks)

Section A(10 marks)

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

A bicycle helmet is a helmet intended to be worn while riding a bicycle. They are designed to reduce impacts to the skull(头颅骨)of a cyclist in falls. However, there is a debate on whether helmets are useful for road cyclists.

The World Health Organization promotes the use of helmets as a strategy for

cycling helmets is supported by numerous groups in the United States. US-based cycling activist John Forester suggests that helmet wearing could prevent 300 deaths a year in the United States out of a total of 1, 530 preventable deaths. Public Health Law Research reports that there is enough evidence to establish that bicycle helmet laws are an effective public health intervention(干涉)aimed to reduce the number of head-related deaths. Received opinion in some countries is that bicycle helmets are useful and that every cyclist should wear one. Professional bodies elsewhere have agreed, such as the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention.

Mayer Hillman, a transport and road safety analyst from the UK, does not support the use of helmets, reasoning that they are of very limited value in the event of a collision(碰撞)with a car. He compares it to drawing conclusions on whether it is worthwhile to buy lottery tickets. Cyclists?representative groups complain that focus on helmets diverts(转移)attention from other issues which are much more important for improving bicycle safety, such as road danger reduction. The UK?s largest cyclists?organization, the CTC, believes that the“overall health effects of compulsory helmets are negative. ”The same report estimated(估计)that universal helmet use would save the life of one child aged 0 to 15 each year.

Up to now, the debate is with no consensus(共识), but an organization has published a review of studies in 2011, saying there is a good deal of evidence that those wearing a helmet are more likely to crash than bareheaded cyclists.

Section B(10 marks)

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

My First Long Run

Two weeks ago, I had a quarrel with my husband. After he had driven off in anger, I realized that I wasn?t going to feel any better just sitting there. Feeling abandoned and guilty, I put on my gym shoes to get some fresh air.

Our driveway has a slope(斜坡)that is easier just to jog down if you are lazy, taking advantage of gravity. Instead of stopping at the end of the slope, I decided to see if I could just jog to the end of the street. I had tried a few months ago and failed miserably. Since that first attempt I had been jogging regularly and was

significantly fitter, but still very lazy. However this time around I managed to reach the stop sign with ease and I figured I would go a little further.

After about one kilometer, however, I noticed that my upper body was tense. To make the movement easier I had to relax my body, and tried to take deep breaths of fresh air.

I kept giving myself the excuse to stop. No one would be disappointed. No one would even know. But I did n?t stop. I wanted to keep going harder, better, faster, stronger. To my great surprise, I ran 4. 9 kilometers in 31 minutes. When I got back, I had tears in my eyes. I did something I thought I could never do.

It was the first long run of my life. Since then, I have improved my stride(步幅)and time. After every run I feel fitter, happier and motivated to keep progressing.

I normally jog because I want to look good. I want to run because it makes me feel good.

81. Why did the author feel guilty? (No more than 9 words)(2 marks)

____________________________________________________________________ 82. What did the author fail to do miserably a few months ago? (No more than 11 words)(2 marks)

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 83. What excuses did the author keep giving herself to stop? (No more than 9 words)(3 marks)



____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Section C(25 marks)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.

以“The Importance of Water”为题, 用英语写一篇不少于120个词的短文, 要点如下:

1. 没有水就没有生命。

2. 随着现代工农业的迅速发展, 越来越需要更多的水。现在许多地方的水已经变得越来越缺乏。

3. 许多河流和湖泊开始被工厂排出的污水污染。

4. 为了保护水资源, 防止水污染, 我们必须采取措施, 与各种污染做斗争。

5. 人们该如何节约用水, 保护水资源。

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。 阶段质量评估(一) 第一至五单元 (60分钟 100分) 一、选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2.5分,共50分) 1.(2012·新余模拟)半地穴式的房屋,冬天人住在里面可以避风避寒。建造这种有特色的房屋的原始居民是( ) A.半坡原始居民 B.河姆渡原始居民 C.北京人 D.山顶洞人 2.传说中,他的发明为我们今天的衣食住行奠定了基础,他被称为“人文初祖”。他是( ) A.尧 B.炎帝 C.舜 D.黄帝 3.历史文物是后人了解历史的第一手资料。通过右 图所示文物,我们可以了解哪一时期的历史( ) A.夏朝 B.商朝 C.秦朝 D.西汉 4.(2012·聊城学业考)人们常将山东称作齐鲁大地,将河北称作燕赵大地。这源于西周实行的( ) A.分封制 B.郡县制 C.科举制 D.行省制

5.(2012·邵阳学业考)右图所列是儒家学派的代表人 物。儒家学派的创始人是( ) A.老子 B.孔子 C.孟子 D.荀子 6.广告词:“这里是丝绸之路的起点,这里是兵马俑的故乡。”“这里”是( ) A.陕西西安 B.河南洛阳 C.江苏南京 D.甘肃敦煌 7.(2012·昆山模拟)史学家曾指出,中国历史上某一时期“有极关重要者四事”:一为中国版图之确立,二为中国民族之抟成,三为中国政治制度之创建,四为中国学术思想之奠定。这指的应是我国的( ) A.商周时期 B.秦汉时期 C.隋唐时期 D.宋元时期 8.(2012·连云港中考)“伦乃……用树肤、麻头及敝布、鱼网以为纸。”这一历史现象发生在( ) A.春秋 B.战国 C.秦 D.东汉 9.某班在举行讲故事的比赛中,李明犯了一个历史知识方面的错误,请你把它找出来( ) A.官渡之战后,曹操基本上统一了北方 B. 在赤壁之战中,周瑜利用火攻大败曹军 C.吴国派船队到达夷洲,加强了内地和台湾地区的联系

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译检测1 答案版

Sentence 1--6 and Unit 1&2 Name ________ Class ________ Score ________ I. Phrases 1.不知道 be ignorant of/about sth 2.据报道 It's reported that 3.在...的帮助下 with the help of 4.对...开放 be open to 5.情不自禁地做...can't help doing sth. 6.把笔记本留在学校 leave the notebook at school 7.在历史上 in history 8.发现钱包被偷 find the wallet stolen 9.毫不犹豫 without hesitation 10.采取...的新方法 take a new approach to II. Sentences 1.记住任何孩子都需要爱和关注。(bear) Bear in mind that every child needs love and attention. 2.这是如此重大的一个项目,我们不得不十分小心。(such…that…) It is such an important project that we will have to be very careful. 3.我们别无选择只能接受多数人的决定。(choice) We have no choice but to accept the majority decision./decision made by most people. 4.我似乎从前读过这篇文章。(seem to) I seem to have read this article before. 5.别管那个男孩,他会自己作出决定的。(leave) Leave the boy alone, and he can make up his own mind. 6.由于缺乏睡眠,我有黑眼圈了。(lack of) I’ve got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep. 7.在公众场合,用手机大声打电话被认为是粗鲁的,并且要避免。(consider) In public places, talking loudly on the mobile phone is considered rude and should


山西省2018-2019学年八年级上学期阶段三质量评估数学试 题(华东师大版) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.已知一个等腰三角形的一个内角是80°,则它的顶角为() A.20°B.50°C.40°D.20°或80°2.下列各组数中,能构成直角三角形的是() A.3,7B.4,5,6 C.3,4,6 D.15,20,24 3.下列命题中是假命题的是() A.角的内部到角两边距离相等的点在角的平分线上 B.在△ABC中,若∠A∶∠B∶∠C=3∶4∶5,则△ABC是直角三角形 C.有一个角为60°的等腰三角形是等边三角形 D.三边长分别为a,b,c且最长边为a的直角三角形,满足222 -= a b c 4.如图,在△ABC中,∠A=36°,点D为AC边上一点,连接BD,若BD=AD=BC,则∠C为() A.36°B.54°C.60°D.72° 5.如图,△ABC≌△ABD,则有() A.AB垂直平分CD B.CD垂直平分AB C.AB与CD互相垂直平分D.CD平分∠ACB 6.如图,在△ABC中,AD是∠BAC的平分线,AB=4,AC=3,S△ACD=3,则S△ABD=

A.3 B.4 C.9 D.12 7.已知点A,B是两个居民区的位置,现在准备在墙l边上建立一个垃圾站点P,如图是4位设计师给出的规划图,其中PA+PB距离最短的是() A.B. C.D. 8.如图,点E在正方形ABCD内,满足∠AEB=90°,AE=BE=2,则阴影部分的面积是() A.B.6 C.8 D.4 9.如图,在△ABC中,边AB的垂直平分线交BC于点D,交AB于点E.给出如下结论: ①AE=BE;②∠DAB=∠B;③AD=BD;④AD+DC=BC.其中正确的有()


1-3单元 1.一位同学猜想:绿色植物需要沙子才能更健康地生长。为了证明自己的猜想,她准备了两盆植物,其中一盆所处的环境和条件如图所示,则另一盆所处的环境和条件应该是(B) 2.制作人的口腔上皮细胞临时装片时,在载玻片中央滴一滴生理盐水,其作用是(A) A.保持细胞的形态 B.避免细胞皱缩 C.避免细胞涨破 D.离散口腔上皮细胞 3.当低倍镜换为高倍镜后,如果视野模糊,应怎么调节显微镜(B) A.来回转动细准焦螺旋并换用小光圈 B.来回转动细准焦螺旋并换用大光圈 C.来回转动粗准焦螺旋并换用大光圈 D.来回转动粗准焦螺旋并换用小光圈 4.蝙蝠与菊花在其结构层次上的主要不同是蝙蝠具有(C) A.细胞 B.器官 C.系统 D.组织 5.预计王大爷家今年粮食大丰收,你认为贮藏粮食的最佳环境条件应该是(C ) A.高温、潮湿 B.低温、潮湿 C.低温、干燥 D.高温、干燥 6.对绿色植物各种生理活动的叙述,不正确的是(D ) A.气孔是植物体与外界进行气体交换的“窗口” B.通过光合作用吸收二氧化碳、产生氧气,维持碳—氧平衡 C.蒸腾作用产生的蒸腾拉力,促进了植物对水分和无机盐的吸收与运输 D.在光照下只进行光合作用和蒸腾作用,在黑暗中只进行细胞呼吸 二、非选择题(本题共4小题,共55分) 1.(8分)(2010·长春模拟)显微镜的使用。 (1)正常情况下在用显微镜观察时,眼睛和镜筒的相关位置应该是下图的() (2)某同学在观察“口腔上皮细胞临时装片”时,发现视野中细胞有流动现象。请你帮他想一个补救的办法:_______。 (3)用显微镜观察临时装片时,在下列细胞中没有看到叶绿体的是() A.洋葱鳞片叶内表皮细胞 B.黄瓜表层果肉细胞 C.黑藻叶片细胞 D.菠菜叶肉细胞 2.(10分)如图是某生物细胞的结构示意图,请据图回答下列问题: (1)图示为__________细胞结构; (2)茂名是中国水果之乡,山楂素有“开胃第一果”之称,吃起来酸 甜可口。这些酸甜物质主要存在于[]_______。 (3)假设山楂细胞的细胞核内遗传物质数量为A,则这个细胞经过 两次细胞分裂后,所得到的其中一个细胞遗传物质数量为_______。


建设监理质量评估报告基础阶段性质量评估报告 工程名称:华林逸墅住宅小区项目一期工程3#楼 建设单位:运城市泰森房地产开发有限公司 勘察单位:保定市建筑设计院有限公司 设计单位:山西华鼎建筑设计有限公司 监理单位:高碑店佳诚工程建设监理有限责任公司 施工单位:高碑店市建筑企业(集团)公司 项目总监: 2018年12月10日

一、工程概述: 本工程为高碑店市华林逸墅住宅小区一期工程3#楼工程位于河北省高碑店市新华大街东侧、康华路南侧、永和大街西侧、正阳路北侧。总建筑面积约9618.5万平方米。3#地下2层,地上13层,3#楼地下二层高2.7米;地下一层3.0米,3#楼地上1-12层层高3.0米,13层层高4.8米,室内外高差为0.75米。建筑总高度为46.5米,高层建筑结构形式为剪力墙结构,设计使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度,建筑耐火等级二级,地上地下均为一级。地下室防水等级为II 级,配电室防水等级为I级,屋面防水等级为I级。该工程由运城市泰森房地产开发有限公司建设,山西华鼎建筑设计有限公司设计,高碑店佳诚工程建设监理有限责任公司监理,高碑店市建筑企业(集团)公司施工。 一、监理依据 a)国家批准的工程项目建设文件; b)建设单位与监理单位签定的建设监理合同; c)建设单位与施工单位签定的工程承包合同; d)建设部、省建设厅现行的建设法规、建设监理规定、建设工程监理规范; e)国家现行的建筑工程质量评定标准及施工验收规范,操作规程和标准; f)设计图纸及说明文件、地质勘察报告;图纸会审纪要、变更通知; g)施工单位编制并经批准的施工组织设计或施工方案; h)建设行业有关施工工艺、技术标准; i)有关原材料、半成品和设备、产品的技术说明文件及样本资料。 三、质量控制情况


牛津高中英语模块十单词表 Unit1 1.short-term短期的,近期的adj. 2.long-term长期的,长远的adj. 3.rainfall降雨;降雨量n. 4.Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚n. 5.gravity严重性;重力,地球吸引力 n. 6.headline(新闻报道的)大标题n. 7.make the headlines成为重要新闻 8.put pressure on somebody(to do something)促使,迫使 9.politician从政者,政客n. 10.statesman政治家n. 11.wrestle努力对付或解决;摔跤 vi.vt. 12.dilemma(进退两难的)窘境,困境 n. 13.agency(政府的)专门机构;服务机 构 14.pregnant怀孕的adj. 15.beyond超出(……之外);非……所 能及;在(或向)……的那一边prep. 16.beyond doubt毫无疑问 17.at a crossroads处于关键时刻 18.loaf一条(面包) 19.permanent永久的,长久的adj. 20.infrastructure基础建设,基础设施 n. 21.irrigation灌溉n. 22.framework(体系的)结构,机制;构 架,框架n. 23.enterprise经济活动;企业n. 24.housewife家庭主妇n. 25.Nigeria尼日利亚n. 26.problem-solving解决问题n. 27.work of art艺术品n. 28.conventional传统的,常规的,依照 惯例的adj. 29.water buffalo水牛n. 30.OX牛;去势的公牛n. 31.tractor拖拉机n. 32.dam水坝,堤坝n. 33.expense费用,开销n. 34.repay偿还;报答vt. 35.repayment偿还债务;分期偿还额n. 36.catch up on补上,补做 37.weaken削弱,减弱 38.moreover此外,而且 39.squeeze拮据,经济困难;挤压 n. 挤压;挤出,挤入 vt. 40.fascinating很有趣的;极有吸引力 的adj. 41.fashion时装业;时尚;流行款式n. 42.fashionable时尚的,流行的adj. 43.basement地下室n. 44.creativity创造力n. 45.catering餐饮服务,酒席承办n. 46.alarm bell警钟n. 47.adjustment调整,调节n. 48.sustainable可持续的adj. 49.health care医疗(服务)n. 50.housing(统称)住房,住宅n. 51.put something into practice实 施,把……付诸实践 52.grandchild(外)孙子,(外)孙女 n. 53.deposit沉积物;存款 n. 使沉积;存钱 vt. 54.oilfield油田n. 55.on top of除……之外;在……上 面(方) 56.push for something迫切要求,反 复争取 57.solar太阳能的;太阳的adj. 58.solar energy太阳能n. 59.hydroelectricity水电n. 60.flour面粉n. 61.tentative暂定的,不确定的;踌躇 的,犹豫不定的adj. 62.Costa Rica哥斯达黎加n. 63.hopefully可望,有望;抱有希望地 adv. 64.systematic蓄意的;系统的;成体系 的adj. Unit2 65.edition(报刊的)一期;版本


中心商务区东西明望社区安置区B3区四标段 (5-a#及5-c#楼) 基础施工阶段质量评估报告 编制: 审批: 青岛泰鼎工程管理有限公司 2013年4月 工程项目基础施工阶段质量评估报告

一、工程概况: 本工程为中心商务区东西明望社区安置区B3区四标段(5-a#5-C#楼),位于威海路以西,新营中学以北。地上5-a#、5-b#为32层,5-c#为3层公建,建筑总高度95.8m,5-a#住宅楼总长44.4米,宽17.9米,地下三层,地上32层,总高度 95.8m,建筑面积20090平方米。5-C公建总长56.65米,宽 29.8米地下3层,地上三层,总高11.7米,建筑面积13865 平方米。工程建筑面积共为70687.5m2,本工程地下车库2层,主楼与车库相连,车库为框架结构,主楼建筑结构形式为剪力墙结构。基础形式为:主楼采用筏板基础,车库层采用独立基础加抗浮板;地基基础设计等级:甲级。主楼剪力墙抗震等级为二级,框架部分为二级。车库东西以3-11与3-12轴间和3-12与3-13轴间后浇带西侧;南北以H与G轴间后浇带北侧(不包含后浇带)。,建筑结构的类别为丙类。防火设计的建筑分类为一类,耐火等级为一级,建筑结构的安全等级为二级,合理使用年限为50年,抗震设防裂度7度。 人防工程易地建设。 (1)工程建设单位:日照城市投资有限公司 (2)工程设计单位:日照市规划设计研究院 (3)工程监理单位:青岛泰鼎工程管理有限公司 (4)工程施工单位:日照山海天建筑安装工程有限公司开竣工日期:2013.2.17---2014.9.15

二、评估依据 1、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建筑工程质量管理条例》; 2、《中华人民共和国合同法》、《工程建设监理规定》、《建筑工程施工质量验收规范》; 3、工程地质勘察资料、设计施工图纸、设计变更文件、现行标准图集; 4、《建筑工程施工合同》、《建设工程委托监理合同》; 5、其它有关工程建设的法律、法规和地方规定等。


牛津版高一英语上学期复习教案(第七讲) 主讲教师:邵磊 主审:孙德霖 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一(复习) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: attend, earn, achieve, respect, prepare, drop, miss, experience, introduce, develop, donate, display, please, regret, inform, run, approve, select, require, broadcast, continue, trust, leave, punish, upset, insist, suggest, forbid, stay, recover, contain, include, follow, consider, affect, risk, recognize, concentrate, count// assembly, grade, literature, dessert, article, field, culture, gift, speech, attention, flat, dynasty, host, generation, nature, vacation, trash, mess, charge, adult, reason, teenager, fault, scene, scenery, explanation, behavior, period, argument, relationship, figure, failure, chemical, match, damage, pressure, diet, effect, energy, calorie, system, amount, loss, suggestion// challenging, average, former, latter, recent, close, scary, crazy, rude, boring, valuable, spare, selfish, unloving, slim, ashamed, priceless, harmful, harmless, exactly, attractive, embarrassed, overweight, skinny, regular, relaxed// recently, mainly, truly, sincerely, seldom, properly. 二、重点词组: at ease with 和….相处不拘束 school hours学校作息时间 earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬 sound like听起来象 for free 免费 get a general idea 了解大意 as well as 除….以外, 也 key words 关键词 word by word 逐字逐句地 find one’s way around 认识路 develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣 surf the Internet网上冲浪, expect….from 期望 refer to 指 , , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short

高中英语牛津英语模块10unit1 单选选修十

模块10 Unit1 单选 1.He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _____the good opportunity. A. to lose B. losing C to be lost D. being lost 2. After graduation from high school, I went to college; _____,all my friends got well-paid jobs. A. meanwhile B. while C. when D. besides 3. He tried many times to pass the examinations, and _____he succeeded. A. by the end B. at the end C. in the end D. on the end 4. --Why don’t you get a car? --well, ___, I can’t drive. A. so B. however C. also D. For one thing 5. He didn’t reply. _____, he turned on his heel and left the room. A. Moreover B. Instead C. Therefore D. Besides 6. Everyone is encouraged to ____food or clothing for those who suffered a great deal in the flood. A. construct B. contribute C. supply D. distribute 7. ---You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. What’s wrong? --- Oh, I'm suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, _________. A. though B. yet C. indeed D. anyway 8. The girl ___not only because of her strange clothes but also because of her perfect performance. A. stands by B. stands out C. stands for D. stands aside 9. ____was known to all, Tom broke his promise ____he would give us a ride. A. It; that B. it; which C. As; which D.As; that 10. He has ___on his farm.


高一阶段质量评估(一)触景生情 一、基础过关(18分,每小题3分) 1.下列加点字的注音完全正确的一组是() A.落蕊.(ruǐ)颤.动(zhàn) 细腻.(nì) 独处.(chǔ) B.宅.院(zéi) 遗憾.(hàn) 桑.树(sānɡ) 家畜.(chù) C.点缀.(zhuì) 倩.影(qiàn) 涸辙.(zhé) 揠.苗助长(yà) D.深邃.(suì) 羞涩.(sè) 踱.着步(dù) 急不暇.择(xiá) 解析:A.“颤”应读chàn;B.“宅”应读zhái;D.“踱”应读duó。 答案: C 2.下列语句中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是() A.五亩之宅,树.之以桑树:种植。 B.五十者可以衣.帛矣衣:穿。 C.申.之以孝悌之义申:反复陈述。 D.斯.天下之民至焉斯:这样。 【解析】D项,斯:则、那么。 【答案】D 3.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是 A.五十年来,我国取得了一批批举世瞩目的科研成果,这同几代科技工作者殚精竭虑 ....、忘我工作是密不可分的。 B.博物馆里保存着大量有艺术价值的石刻作品,上面的各种花鸟虫兽、人物形象栩栩如生,美仑美奂 ....。 C.家用电器降价刺激了市民消费欲的增长,原本趋于滞销的彩电,现在一下子成了炙手可热 ....的商品。 D.美国国务卿鲍威尔的中东之行,并未从根本上解决美伊之间的矛盾,海湾地区的局势也不会从此一劳永 ...逸.。 【答案】A [解析]该题考查语境中成语的意义和用法。殚精竭虑,用尽精力,费尽心思,用来描写科学工作者,正确。美仑美奂,只能用来描写建筑的华丽,对象错。炙手可热,手一挨近就感觉热,比喻气焰很盛,权势很大。不能用来形容商品。一劳永逸,辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就不再费事了。词语意义与语境不吻合。 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.说实话,当时对自己的稿子能否被刊用,没抱太大的希望,因为那时经常在该报发表文章的都是一些大家。 B.种种迹象表明,购房者的观望非但没有像往日那样,坚持几日就选择放弃,重新加入到购房大军中去,而且政策的从严,让购房者对房价下降充满信心。 C.那些以繁体字作为生活、工作、创作必需品的书法家,与生活、工作中不需要繁体字也使不上毛笔的人比较,其作品的味道是不同的。 D.扶起老人反被讹诈,一个历来以“助人为乐”为传统美德的民族遭遇了严峻考验。我们应该如何防止此类事件不再发生呢? 解析:A项,属两面对一面的错误,可去掉“能否”或“否”。B项,主谓搭配不当,“观望”不能“坚持”“加入”,“从严”不能让购房者充满信心,应改为“观望的购房者”“从严的政策”;关联词位置不对,“非但”调到“观望的购房者”之前。D项,不合逻辑,“防止此类事件不再发生”有误,可去掉“不再”。


高一第一学期牛津英语课文 Unit one Reading Read this story in a school newspaper, Debby and Simon are college students. They have part-time jobs at a travel agency. They are sitting in the office. Student stories The City School Times Debby and Simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered. The lady glanced at them both, then walked over to Debby. Debby greeted her cheerfully. The lady said, ‘I want to go by train to…’ Simon sighed and took some papers over to the fax machine. Mr. Young, a senior employee, was standing there. ‘What’s up, Simon? You don’t look very happy.’ ‘People always prefer Debby to me. I can’t understand it.’ ‘I can. It’s the way you communicate.’ ‘How can that be?’ Simon said. ‘I don’t even get a chance to speak to them.’ ‘Communicating is more than speaking and listening. Your body language is important, too.’ ‘Body language?’ ‘It’s the way you stand and sit. It’s your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes. Your whole appearance communicates things. The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression, Simon. You often rest your head on your hand. You look downwards. You never smile. You don’t turn your head or body towards people.’ ‘Look at Debby. She’s holding her head up, she looks at people’s eyes. She smiles. Your body language is telling people to go away. Debby’s body language is making them feel welcome. That’s why they go to her for assistance, and not to you.’ After that, Simon decided to improve his body language. He sat up and smiled at people. This seemed to work. Minutes later, a very beautiful girl entered. She looked at Debby and then Simon. Without hesitation she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. A few moments later, she left, still smiling. Mr. Young came over at once and remarked, ‘You made a good impression on her.’ ‘That was my sister’, said Simon, “She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.’ More reading Eye contact Eye contact is a form of communication which can mean different things in different cultures. Read this article about eye contact on a website. Throughout the history of mankind, people have communicated with body language. In many situations, the way you say something is far more important than what you say. Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication. It can signal friendliness or hostility, interest or boredom, and understanding or confusion. In western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is necessary. As a matter of fact, a


牛津高中英语模块十单词表Unit 1 1.short-term 短期的,近期的 adj. 2.long-term 期的,的 adj. 3.rainfall降雨;降雨量n. 4.Ethiopia 埃塞俄比 n. 5.gravity 重性;重力,地球吸引力 n. 6.headline (新道的)大 n. 7. make the headlines成重要新 8. put pressure on somebody ( to do something )促使,迫使 9. politician从政者,政客n. 10.statesman 政治家 n. 11.wrestle 努力付或解决;摔跤 . 12.dilemma (退两的)窘境,困境 n. 13.agency (政府的)机构;服机 构 14.pregnant 孕的 adj. 15.beyond 超出(??之外);非??所能及;在 (或向)??的那一 prep. 16.beyond doubt 毫无疑 17. at a crossroads于关刻 18.loaf 一条(面包) 19.permanent 永久的,久的 adj. 20. infrastructure 基建,基施 n. 21. irrigation 灌 n. 22.framework (体系的)构,机制;构架, 框架 n. 23.enterprise 活;企 n. 24.housewife 家庭主 n. 25.Nigeria 尼日利 n. 26.problem-solving 解决 n. 27. work of art品n. 28.conventional 的,常的,依照例的 adj. 29. water buffalo水牛n. 30.OX牛;去的公牛 n. 31.tractor 拖拉机 n. 32.dam水,堤 n. 33.expense 用,开 n. 34.repay ;答 vt. 35.repayment ;分期 n. 36. catch up on上,做 37.weaken 削弱,减弱 38.moreover 此外,而且 39. squeeze 拮据,困;n. ;出,入vt. 40. fascinating很有趣的;极有吸引力 的 adj. 41.fashion 装;尚;流行款式 n.


新产品质量目标评估 如何评定新产品质量?一般而言,我们会从以下几个方面来考虑:指标性能、生产成品率、使用寿命、退货率。其中指标性能是客户的基本需求,平均使用寿命反映产品的长期可靠工作的能力,退货率(早期失效了)反映客户对产品的满意程度,生产成品率则和生产成本息息相关。 本文主要考察生产成品率及早期失效率这两个指标,意在对这两个指标进行量化的评估,以保证这设计阶段控制新产品的质量。 1 故障树分析及数学建模 下面按照故障树的分析方式,生产成品率和早期失效率进行故障树分析 根据以上的故障树分析,我们分别对生产成品率及早期失效率进行建模 影响生产成品率的有3个因素:工艺设计、制造过程及原材料成品率,将这三个模式看着串联模型,则 P总= P工艺设计*P熟练度*P原料

影响早期失效率的主要有2个因素:设计缺陷和工艺缺陷,其中设计缺陷和设计原理和原材料的选型有关,而工艺缺陷则和工艺平台的适用性、工艺的掌握情况、熟练度有关。 λ总= (λ设计*m+λ原料*n )*k 工艺 m 表示设计权重系数、n 表示原料系数、k 表示工艺成熟度系数 2 生产成品率 2.1 生产成品率中工艺设计建模 使用该方式建模的前提条件是产品的理论设计是稳定可靠的。 设产品制造工艺有N 个步骤,N 个步骤可能引发失效的故障总共有k 种,设在第i 步骤引入失效率为P i ,设在第i 步骤引起第j 种(j 包含于k 种失效故障中)故障的概率为P ij ,则: ()∏==k 1 j ij i P -1-1P 在工艺流程中N 个步骤是独立的,换句话说只要有任何一个步骤中发生故障,则必然导致产品发生失效。则由工艺设计不当引入的不良率为: ()∏==N 1 i i g P -1-1P P i 的评估: 在Qualification 阶段,已经有完整的工艺流程的设计及根据工艺流程进行风险预估的PFMEA 表,在PFMEA 中,针对每一个工艺步骤,我们都有进行详细的严重度、发生率、及探测度的评估。在这几个系数中,探测度对成品率是没有影响的,对成品率最直接的影响是严重度和发生率,只有当比较严重失效发生时,产品才会出现不合格,因此,我们需要对PFMEA 进行一些筛选以便求出P i 每一个工艺步骤,对严重度较低、不会引发产品质量问题的模式删除不予计算,对于其他模式(这些模式之间是独立不相互影响),我们按串联模型进行计算,即当所有的模式都不发生时,产品视为合格 ()∏==m 1 j ij i O -1p O ij 表示第i 道工序中第j 种失效模式的发生率,当然,这种方法是有缺陷的,因为有时候我们并不能探测到所有的失效模式,所有该值会比实际值会高一些。 2.2 熟练度


牛津高中英语模块一到模块十单词表 【牛津高中英语模块一词汇表】 enjoyable有乐趣的 experience 经历,体验assembly集会,会议headmaster校长 earn获得;赚,挣得 respect尊敬,敬重 devote致力于;献身 literature 文学 average一般的,普通的;平均的struggle奋斗,努力;挣扎,难事;斗争;努力 challenging具有挑战性的encouragement鼓励 cooking做饭;烹饪,烹调 for free免费 extra 额外的,外加的 fond喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of喜爱,喜欢 Spanish西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的) sculpture雕像,雕塑 dessert甜点 look back (on)回忆,回顾satisfaction 满意 surf 冲浪 academic学业的,学术的exchange交换;交流 former以前的 graducate毕业生,毕业 fluent流利的 painting绘画,绘画作品 donate捐赠 kindness善意 splendid 极佳的,非常好的independent 独立的 make use of 利用title(书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 dynasty朝代,王朝 somehow 不知为什么;不知怎么地 recent新近的,最近的 professor教授 inform 通知,告知 opening hours开放时间 run管理;操作 host主持人;主人,东道主approve批准,通过;赞成,同意charge使承担责任;收费,负责,掌管 in charge of负责,掌管schoolmate 同学,校友croadcast广播,播放preparation 准备,筹备 event(重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 outing短途旅行,远足graduation毕业 poet 诗人 generation一代,一代人 literary文学的 select选择,挑选 courtyard庭院,院子composition作品,成分 act(戏剧的)一幕 curtain窗帘;(舞台上的)帷幕can't wait to do something迫不及待地做某事 soccer <美>英式足球,足球frightened 受惊的;害怕的 be supposed to应该……,应当…… bend(使)弯曲,弯腰,屈身


阶段质量评估(二)Unit 2Robots (时间:120分钟满分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman like about the book? A.The plot.B.The characters. C.The style. 2.What does the woman mean? A.She knows nothing about modern art. B.She doesn’t like modern art. C.She is very excited about modern art. 3.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a department store. B.In an office. C.In a supermarket. 4.How will the man go to California? A.By car. B.By plane. C.By train. 5.What are the speakers talking about? A.A poem. B.A poet. C.A novelist. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.Why does the man want to put an ad in the newspaper? A.To sell his furniture. B.To sell his house. C.To find a new apartment. 7.What does the price of the ad depend on? A.The words. B.The size. C.The content.


八年级上学期道德与法治阶段三质量评估试卷 一、单选题 1. 人的生存和发展离不开社会,每个人都从社会中获得物质支持和精神滋养。下面对此分类正确的是() A . ①③和②④ B . ②③和①④ C . ①②和③④ D . ①②③和④ 2. 媒介素养包括人们面对各种信息时的选择、理解、质疑、评估等能力。下列活动有助于培养学生媒介素养的一组是() ①学校开展“如何正确使用互联网信息”的网络问卷调查 ②某地组织开展依法惩处网络诈骗专项整治行动 ③学校组织学生观看宣传片,加强对学生的网络安全教育 ④社区组织开展“创建文明社区你我共行”的签名活动 A . ①③④ B . ①②③ C . ②③④ D . ①②④ 3. 在一次主题班会上,老师引导大家学习学校的各项规章制度。对此同学们议论纷纷,你认为下列说法不正确的有() 甲:我们要自觉遵守学校的规章制度,学会自我约束 乙:规章制度对遵守纪律的同学来说没什么意义 丙:规章制度反映了学校和社会对我们的要求

丁:制定规章制度的目的是限制我们在学校的各项自由 A . 一个 B . 二个 C . 三个 D . 四个 4. 尊重要从自身做起,下列行为中属于不尊重他人表现的一组是() A . ①② B . ②③ C . ③④ D . ①③ 5. 下列谚语中与“礼貌经常可以代替最高贵的感情”意思相近的一组是() ①你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈 ②近朱者赤,近墨者黑 ③国兴靠贤士,家兴望子孙 ④良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒 A . ①③ B . ②③ C . ①④ D . ③④ 6. 赵老师在上课时出示了如下案例:某地一名14周岁的少年持刀将两名同学捅成重伤,其中一名同学因伤势过重死亡,该少年被判有期徒刑17年,后经当地人民检察院提出抗诉,被改判为无期徒刑。下面对此案例认识有误的一项是() A . 其行为具有严重的社会危害性,触犯了刑法,应受到刑罚处罚 B . 未成年人触犯法律受到的处罚要比成年人严重,我们要防微杜渐,杜绝不良行为 C . 我国刑法规定:已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任 D . 我们要珍惜美好生活,认清违法犯罪的危害,远离违法犯罪 7. 诉讼是人民法院在诉讼当事人的参与下,依据法定程序解决纠纷和冲突的活动。
