
Edge-Forming Methods for Color Image Zooming
Youngjoon Cha and Seongjai Kim
Abstract—This paper introduces edge-forming schemes for image zooming of color images by general magni?cation factors. In order to remove/reduce artifacts arising in image interpolation, such as image blur and the checkerboard effect, an edge-forming method is suggested to be applied as a postprocess of standard interpolation methods. The method is based on nonconvex nonlinear partial differential equations. The equations are carefully discretized, incorporating numerical schemes of anisotropic diffusion, to be able to form reliable edges satisfactorily. The alternating direction implicit (ADI) method is employed for an ef?cient simulation of the model. It has been numerically veri?ed that the resulting algorithm can form clear edges in 2 to 3 ADI iterations. Various results are given to show th eeffectiveness and reliability of the algorithm. Index Terms—Anisotropic diffusion, checkerboard effect, edge forming, image zooming, interpolation.
I. INTRODUCTION MAGE interpolation is the ?rst of two basic resampling steps and turns a discrete image into a continuous function, which is necessary for various geometric transform of discrete images. There are two kinds of interpolation methods: linear and nonlinear ones. For linear methods, diverse interpolation kernels of ?nite size have been introduced, in the literature, as approximations of the ideal interpolation kernel (the sinc function) which is spatially unlimited; see [11], [17], and [28]. Two of the simplest approximations are related to the nearest-neighbor interpolation and the bilinear interpolation. Higher order interpolation methods involving larger number of pixel values have shown superior properties for some classes of images. However, most of the linear interpolation methods have been introduced without considering speci?c (local) information of edges. Thus, they bring up the smoothing effect in resulting images. Furthermore, when the image is zoomed by a large factor, the zoomed image looks blocky; such a phenomenon is called the checkerboard effect. Recently, some nonlinear interpolation methods have been suggested to reduce the artifacts of linear methods [3], [13], [18]. The major step in the nonlinear methods is to either ?t the edges with some templates or predict edge information for the high resolution image from the low resolution one. A color image is usually represented as a three-dimensional vector such that each components represents intensity of RGB (red, green, and blue) three colors. For color image denoising,
Manuscript received February 3, 2005; revised August 3, 2005. The work of S. Kim was supported in part the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS-0312223. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Vicent Caselles. Y. Cha is with the Department of Applied Mathematics, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Korea (e-mail: yjcha@sejong.ac.kr). S. Kim is with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5921 USA (e-mail: skim@math. https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd15794400.html,). Digital Object Identi?er 10.1109/TIP.2006.875182
we ?rst observe the work of Sapiro and Ringach [24] and Blomgren and Chan [1], [2]. Recently, the variational method has been generalized to non?at features [5], [6], [16], [22], [25], [26], [27]. In this paper, we are interested in the development of edgeforming methods to be applied as a postprocess of standard image zooming methods for color images, with the hope of removing the checkerboard effect. As the model, we consider a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) in the angle domain, which can be viewed as a variant of the model in Vese and Osher [29]. Then, separable anisotropic numerical schemes are incorporated for the model to form reliable edges. The alternating direction implicit (ADI) method is adopted to compute the resulting algebraic system ef?ciently. For a closely related method, see a total variation (TV)-based interpolation method suggested by Guichard and Malgouyres [12]. See also [19], where some linear and nonlinear interpolation methods are analyzed mathematically and experimentally, including the TV-based interpolation. An outline of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we brie?y review the anisotropic edge-forming method for grayscale images, which has been suggested by the authors [4]. Section III contains an extension of the edge-forming method for color images. For a choice of edge-forming model, we have modi?ed the model of Vese and Osher [29], which was ?rst introduced for -harmonic ?ows and its application to denoising. The ADI method is employed, as an iterative procedure for the integration in the direction of arti?cial time. In Section IV, a new constraint parameter is considered in order for the new algorithm to be able to form edges for image zooming by general (noninteger) magni?cation factors. Section V shows numerical experiments; our new algorithm turns out to be able to form clear edges for various color images, satisfactorily in 2 to 3 ADI iterations. The last section concludes our development and experiments. II. PRELIMINARIES In this section, we brie?y review an effective edge-forming technique, suggested by the authors [4], as a postprocess of standard interpolation methods for grayscale images. A. Nonlinear Semi-Discrete Model be a given image which is zoomed by one of linear Let interpolation methods. Then, we can write
where is the desired image (hopefully, having sharp and reliable edges) and denotes the noise involved during the in-
1057-7149/$20.00 ? 2006 IEEE

terpolation and resampling. Consider the following nonlinear semi-discrete model of the form (1) where denotes a constraint parameter and diffusion matrix, i.e., for is a
is an intermediate solution. Note that when the mawhere are composed with a three-point stencil, each sweep trices in (3) can be carried out by inverting a series of tri-diagonal matrices. B. Anisotropic Edge-Forming Schemes We will consider an effective edge-forming scheme for for anisotropic diffusion (AD); it is straightforward to apply the . same scheme for Let be the th pixel in the image and . corresponding to the pixel We construct the row of , which consists of three consecutive nonzero to and elements which represent the connection of
The diffusion must be anisotropic and carefully designed in order to preserve and construct reliable edges. as Note that the recovered image becomes closer to grows. When images are to be magni?ed by an integer factor , one can manage the interpolation algorithm such that th pixel can be assigned directly the values at each from the original image without approximation. It is then desirable that we try not to alter those original values during the postprocessing of edge forming. Thus, we may set in (1) large elsewhere. In this at the pixels of original values and let paper, such is said to be two-valued. For an ef?cient simulation of (1), we will select separable, i.e.,
(4) where
(5) and We wish to determine the algorithm (2) can form edges. Let in such a way that
where and are submatrices that represent connections of pixel values in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. In Section II-B, we will show an explicit construction of the diffusion matrix that shows an ability to form edges. We ?rst consider an ef?cient (linearized) time-stepping procedure for (1). . Set and Denote the timestep size by for . Then, the problem can be linearized by evalfrom the previous time level. Consider uating the matrix the linearized method for (1) of the form
(6) where the regularization parameter has been introduced to prevent the denominator in (4) from approaching zero and is to be de?ned as ?nite difference approximations evaluated at , the midpoint of and of
(2) . Note that the method turns out to where be the explicit, the implicit, and the Crank–Nicolson methods, , and . Let respectively, for
Then, the ADI method [7]–[10], [21] is a perturbation of (2), with a splitting error of (7) The numerical realization of the model (1), the method (2) incorporating the schemes (4)–(7), has shown an excellent per-

formance for edge forming for two-dimensional images when (a heuristic ?nding). It has been also observed from various numerical experiments that the resulting algorithm does not exhibit apparent differences depending on angles of image features (“rotational invariance”), although the diffusion matrix is separable. The authors [4] analyzed stability for the method, as in the following two theorems. Theorem 2.1: [4]: Suppose that the image is to be magni?ed , where and are positive integers. by a factor of , incorporate the edge-forming Let the method (2), schemes (4)–(7) and satisfy the following condition: (8) Suppose the solution of (2) , have a local maximum or minwhere . Then, it is constant, for imum at a point all , on the block of pixels that contains the . point , incorTheorem 2.2: [4]: Let the method (2) porate the edge-forming schemes (4)–(7) and satisfy (9) Then
Thus, the discrete model (1) incorporating the anisotropic edgeforming schemes (4)–(7) can be viewed as a linearized spatial discretization of the following nonlinear PDE (12) which is a variant of the denoising PDE model suggested by either Rudin et al. [23] (the TV model) or Marquina and Osher [20]. B. Edge-Forming Model for Color Images For edge-forming schemes for color images, we have been motivated from the observation in Section III-A. In this section, we will ?rst consider a denoising model for color images and then it will be modi?ed and approximated to be able to form edges. In the RGB representation, a color image is a mapping
which can be decomposed into brightness and chromaticity
(10) (13) to be not larger For instance, if it is desired for than 1% the given image at the pixels where , one (for the numerical results in Section V, should choose for the two-valued ). we set III. EDGE-FORMING METHODS FOR COLOR IMAGES A. Interpretation for the Semi-Discrete Model We begin with a numerical interpretation for the semi-discrete model (1) and the edge-forming schemes (4)–(7), from which we will try to obtain motivation for an effective model for color image zooming. The schemes can be obtained from a numerical approximation of a diffusion operator of the term
where is the least-squares norm. Thus, the brightness represents the length of the RGB color vector, and the chromaticity denotes the normalized color component, which lies on the unit sphere . In [5] and [6], it has been veri?ed that in denoising, the use of the chromaticity-brightness (CB) decomposition results in better restored images than conventional approaches such as the channel-by-channel model and the HSV system. The brightness can be treated as the same way as for grayscale images, applying the edge-forming model (1). On the other hand, we need to develop an appropriate mathematical model to handle the chromaticity effectively in the angle domain. Based on the elegant mathematical work by Vese and Osher [29], Kim [15] has experimented an angle domain algorithm to denoise color images ef?ciently and reliably. Let and
where . Indeed, the scheme can be obtained with the following differences: (it should be noted that and, therefore, ; there is no dif?culty for the issue of “ -modulo”). Associated with the minimization problem (11) (14)

the Euler–Lagrange equations in the angle domain read [15], [29]
Then, for the chromaticity components, the counterparts of and in (5) can be de?ned as
(15) where
for (18) Here, we have introduced the regularization term to prevent the denominators in (15) from approaching zero. To get an edge-forming model for the chromaticity components, we 1) multiply both sides of the equations in (15) by , 2) introduce an arti?cial time for the parameterization of the energy descent direction, and 3) impose a constraint term. It should be noted [20] that the scaling will not make the stationary solution of the resulting model differ from that of (15) by a signi?cant amount. Then, the complete set of edge-forming model, including the equation for the brightness, can be formulated as follows: Find by solving Equation (18), as well as (5), complete the construction of as in (4), where denotes , or . One can similarly. construct Thus, for each component, one can compute the solution in by employing the ADI (3) as follows: the new level
(19) where , and
(16) where tion of , and . denotes an initializaHere, denotes a ?nite difference approximation of (in this paper, we adopt the second-order central scheme for it). We will call (19) the -ADI. A) Remark: When the image is magni?ed by a large factor, e.g., 8 8, one may try to enlarge the image by three recursive applications of 2 2 magni?cation and edge-forming rather than once 8 8 magni?cation followed by edge forming. For the interpolation alone, a recursive application introduces no observable improvement/difference from the image of one-time application, for most cases. On the other hand, the edge-forming algorithm turns out to be able to develop reliable edges in 2 to 3 -ADI iterations for image zooming by magni?cation factors of 2 to 3, while it requires a relatively larger number of iterations . Thus, one can speed up for image zooming by factors the simulation by a recursive application of smaller factors, because the earlier recursions are applied to smaller images and, therefore, much more ef?cient in computation. It also has been veri?ed for recursive applications of edge forming to improve the quality of resulting images (see [4]). IV. NEW CHOICE OF When the image is magni?ed by a factor of , where and are positive integers, one can manage the interpolath pixel can tion algorithm such that the values at each
C. Anisotropic Edge-Forming Schemes for Color Images For the discretization of the diffusion terms in the chromaticity equations in (16), we adopt the idea of the edge-forming schemes for grayscale images presented in and Sections II-B and III-A. We ?rst de?ne , as the counterparts of and in (6)
(17) where is de?ned as in (7) and

Fig. 1. Grayscale Lena images: (a) the original image in 64 64 pixels and (b) the magni?ed image by the bilinear interpolation by a factor of 4 4.
be assigned directly from the original image without approximation. Then, we must set in (1) large at the pixels of original values not to alter them (see Theorem 2.2). At other pixels, one may set small or simply zero, which allows the values alter easily. However, such a strategy might not be applicable for image zooming by general (noninteger) factors, because it is rare for the values in the original image to be directly assigned to the zoomed image without approximation. In this section, we will introduce an effective strategy to overcome the dif?culty. We begin with an observation on the checkerboard effect. For simplicity, consider a grayscale image which is magni?ed by the bilinear interpolation by an integer factor, as in Fig. 1. The checkerboard effect appeared in the interpolated image [Fig. 1(b)] is originated from the image blocks on each of which , where the image is bilinear. Consider the quantity denotes the Laplacian and is the interpolated image. Then, it is not dif?cult to verify that for each image blocks, the quantity must be zero at interior pixels and its local maximum appears at one of the four corner points. The more dramatic changes the image has, the larger the Laplacian is at the corners (and the sides) of the image blocks. The above observation has motivated an effective strategy for the choice of , given as follows: (20) where and are positive parameters to be determined and is , or . The parameter is introduced for a global scaling of , while must put an emphasis of on the corner pixels . Unfortunately, we do not know of any rigorous when analysis for the choice of and . Here is a guideline for their choices from various numerical experiments: Set and choose such that the maximum of is about 1000 (for and the numerical results presented in Section V, we set select the scaling factor such that for each of the three color components). Note that the strategy in (20) does not require information on the pixels whether the image values are original or not; it
works along with information integrated from the image Laplacian only. With the strategy, every bilinear image block is a candidate for modi?cation to form reliable edges, based on the minimization principle in (14). Thus, there is no guarantee to set suf?ciently large to tightly keep the original image values during the edge forming. However, since is relatively large at pixels where the image content varies rapidly, and since the edge-forming schemes in Section III-C can form reliable edges fast, the strategy is applicable for various situations, in particular, for image zooming by general (noninteger) magni?cation factors. In this paper, we call the parameter in (20) the image-Laplacian constraint (ILC) parameter. When the image is magni?ed by a bicubic interpolation, the Laplacian now may not be zero at the interior pixels of image for blocks. Thus, one may consider the quantity the place of , which guarantees to become zero at the interior pixels of image blocks. However, the Laplacian is still a favorable choice for ; it has been experimentally veri?ed that the ILC parameter is better than the one from the fourth-order differential operator for most real images we have tested. V. NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS This section presents numerical experiments carried out with the -ADI (19), the edge-forming schemes discussed in Section III-C, and the parameter choice in Section IV. We select in (17) and and for the -ADI. The choice of is heuristic; it turns out to be insensitive enough for a predetermined value to be utilized for various images. It has is not only a timestep but been analyzed that the quantity also a parameter for the algorithm to be able to reduce more effectively a certain range of frequency components in the image (see [14] for details). In Fig. 2, we test performances of the new edge-forming algorithm performing for a synthetic color image. Fig. 2(a) is the original image containing 60 60 pixels and it is magni?ed by 8 8 by a bicubic interpolation as in Fig. 2(b). Fig. 2(c) and (d) depict enlarged images obtained by three recursive applications of the 2 2 bicubic interpolation and edge forming with the two-valued and the ILC parameter in (20), respectively. For each recursion, three -ADI iterations are applied. As one can see from the ?gure, the cubic interpolation has revealed a severe checkerboard effect and the edge-forming algorithm can form reliable edges in just three -ADI iterations, with the ILC parameter performing better than the two-valued . Fig. 3 presents an example which shows how the edgeforming algorithm affects other features, i.e., features that are not edges. The smooth image incorporates three features: a sphere (yellow), a swollen-up square (purple), and a magnitude-change with a gradually increasing curvature from top right to bottom left (in grayscale). As one can see from Fig. 3(d), the change made by the edge-forming algorithm is negligible, except for the region of large curvatures (the bottom left of the magnitude-change). There, the algorithm has tried to form an edge, which one can also see from a comparison between Fig. 3(b) and (c). It has been observed from this example and others that the edge-forming algorithm forms edges in the regions where the curvature is large, while it may alter smooth regions by a negligible amount.

Fig. 2. Synthetic color disk: (a) the original image in 60 60 pixels, (b) a bicubicly interpolated image by a factor of 8 8, (c) the edge-formed image with the two-valued

, and (d) the edge-formed image with the ILC parameter. (Color version available online at https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd15794400.html,.)
Fig. 3. Synthetic color image: (a) the original image in 80 80 pixels, (b) a bicubicly interpolated image by a factor of 5 5, (c) the edge-formed image with the ILC parameter, and (d) an ampli?ed difference between images in (b) and (c): 3 ; (b) (c) + 128. (Color version available online at https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd15794400.html,.)
0 g
In Fig. 4, we continue investigating the performance of the edge-forming algorithm for a real image, Cherry, in 85 85 pixels. We have carried out the same experiment as in Fig. 2, except setting the magni?cation factor 4 4. Consequently, two recursive applications of 2 2 magni?cation are applied for image zooming and edge forming. For real images, we have reached at the same conclusion for the performance of the edgeforming algorithm, as in Fig. 2. It is ef?cient and its results are reliable; the ILC parameter in (20) performs satisfactorily and better than the two-valued parameter. For numerical results in the remainder of the section, we utilize the ILC (20) for the constraint parameter. In Fig. 5, we present an example for the performance of the anisotropic edge-forming algorithm for general magni?cation factors. The original Lena Face is in 100 100 pixels and it is by the bicubic interpolation as demagni?ed by
picted in Fig. 5(b) (the enlarged image is in 374 374 pixels). The interpolated image is utilized to get an edge-formed image [Fig. 5(c)]. As one can see from the ?gure, the edge-forming algorithm has eliminated the checkerboard effect in the interpolated image and formed reliable edges. For this example, each of pixel values in Fig. 5(b) and (c) is approximated; none of them are directly assigned from the original image. Fig. 6 contains images of Cat Face. The original image is in , by the bicubic in60 65 pixels and it is magni?ed by terpolation [Fig. 6(b)] and by two recursive applications ( followed by 2 2) of zooming and edge forming [Fig. 6(c)]. As expected, the edge-formed image shows clear and reliable edges, although some texture information for hair has been missed during the anisotropic diffusion of edge forming. For the above example, one may apply the recursive application in the opposite order: magni?cation by a factor of 2 2

Fig. 4. Cherry: (a) the original image in 85 85 pixels, (b) a bicubicly interpolated image by a factor of 4 4, (c) the edge-formed image with the two-valued

, and (d) the edge-formed image with the ILC parameter. (Color version available online at https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd15794400.html,.)
Fig. 5. Lena: (a) the original image in 100 100 pixels, (b) a bicubicly interpolated image by a factor of version available online at https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd15794400.html,.)
p14 2 p14, and (c) the edge-formed image. (Color
followed by . The resulting images show no signi?cant differences. For a more systematic analysis for the edge-forming algorithm, we shrink a selected set of images (see Fig. 7) by 2 2 or 4 4, magnify by the same factors, and then measure the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) de?ned as dB is the original image and denotes the recovered where image. As shown in Table I, the edge-forming algorithm improves the PSNR for all cases. The improvement is greatest for
the grayscale synthetic image in Fig. 7(a), while the improvement for the real image in Fig. 7(c) is negligible. We believe that it is due to a denoising feature of the algorithm. The image is denoised during the edge-forming operations. However, the edge-formed images have shown clear edges as in previous examples; the anisotropic edge-forming algorithm improves the image quality signi?cantly, in practice. Finally, we compare the angle domain model (16) with the classical channel-by-channel model where each of three channels is treated as a grayscale image. In Fig. 8, we present the re) and edge forming, sult of zooming (by a factor of for Lena in Fig. 5(a), carried out with the channel-by-channel model. As one can see from Fig. 8 and from Fig. 5(b) and (c),


liccode=char(['0':'9' 'A':'Z' '京津沪渝冀晋辽吉黑苏浙皖闽赣鲁豫鄂湘粤琼川贵云陕甘蒙新青藏桂宁港']); %建立自动识别字符代码表 l=1; [m2,n2]=size(subcol); for k=findmax-4:findmax+3 cleft=markcol5(k)-maxwidth/2; cright=markcol5(k)+maxwidth/2-2; if cleft<1 cleft=1; cright=maxwidth; end if cright>n2 cright=n2; cleft=n2-maxwidth; end SegBw1=sbw(rowtop:rowbot,cleft:cright); SegBw2 = imresize(SegBw1,[32 16]); %变换为32行*16列标准子图 if l==1 %第一位汉字识别 kmin=37; kmax=68; elseif l==2 %第二位A~Z 字母识别 kmin=11; kmax=36; elseif l>=3 & l<=5 %第三、四位0~9 A~Z字母和数字识别 kmin=1; kmax=36; else %第五~七位0~9 数字识别 kmin=1; kmax=10; end for k2=kmin:kmax fname=strcat('D:\sample\',liccode(k2),'.bmp'); SamBw2 = imread(fname,'bmp'); SubBw2 = SamBw2-SegBw2; Dmax=0; for k1=1:32 for l1=1:16 if ( SubBw2(k1,l1) > 0 | SubBw2(k1,l1) <0 ) Dmax=Dmax+1; end end end Error(k2)=Dmax;


面向对象程序设计(C++课程大作业 设计题目:停车场管理系统设计 院系:计算机科学与信息工程学院专业班级: 学号姓名: 指导教师:

目录 一、成员分工 (1) 二、需求分析 (2) 三、总体设计 (3) 四、详细设计 (6) 五、系统测试 (17) 六、总结 (20) 七、参考文献 (21)

成员分工 我们小组成员共有三名,分别是,为了能按时圆满的完成这次 VC++课程设计,我们小组进行了详细的分工,以确保设计能按时完成。经过周密的考虑和详细的调查最终确定该停车场管理系统需要以下 几个功能模块: (1)需求分析 (2)界面的设计 (3)添加功能 (4)显示功能 (5)查询功能 (6)编辑功能 (7)删除功能 (8)统计功能 (9)保存功能 (10)读取功能 经过小组成员的讨论,并根据个人的特长和具体爱好做如下具体分工 神 1 具体完成以下模块的设计与实现: (1 )需求分析 (2 )界面的设计 (3 )添加功能 保存功能 (4 ) 神 2 具体完成以下模块的设计与实现: (1)显示功能 (2)查询功能 显示功能 (3) 神 3 主要具体完成以下模块的设计与实现: (1)编辑功能 (2)删除功能 (3)读取功能

二需求分析 1. 问题描述 定义车辆类,属性有车牌号、颜色、车型(小汽车、小卡、中卡和大卡)、至U达的时间和离开的时间等信息和相关的对属性做操作的行为。定义一个管理类,完成对停车场的管理。停车场的具体 要求:设停车场是一个可停放n辆汽车的狭长通道,且只有一个大门可供汽车进出。汽车在停车场 内按车辆到达时间的先后顺序,依次由北向南排列(大门在最南端,最先到达的第一辆车停放在车场的最北端),若车场内已停满n辆汽车,则后来的汽车只能在门外的便道上等待,一旦有车开走, 则排在便道上的第一辆车即可开入;每辆停放在车场的车在它离开停车场时必须按它停留的时间长短交纳费用。 2. 基本要求 (1)添加功能:程序能够添加到达停车场的车辆信息,要求车辆的车牌号要唯一, 如果添加了重复编号的记录时,则提示数据添加重复并取消添加。 (2)查询功能:可根据车牌号、车型等信息对已添加的停车场中的车辆信息进行查询,如果未找到,给出相应的提示信息,如果找到,则显示相应的记录信息; (3)显 示功能:可显示当前系统中所有车辆的信息,每条记录占据一行。(4) 编辑功能:可根据查询结果对相应的记录进行修改,修改时注意车牌号的唯一性。 (5 )删除功能:主要实现对已添加的车辆记录进行删除。如果当前系统中没有相应的人员记录,贝U提示“记录为空!”并返回操作。 (6)统计功能:能统计停车场中车辆的总数、按车型、按到达时间进行统计等。 (7 )保存功能:可将当前系统中各类人员记录和休假记录存入文件中,存入方式任意。 (8)读取功能:可将保存在文件中的信息读入到当前系统中,供用户进行使用。 3 .系统运行环境 (1)硬件环境。联想双核处理器, 2G内存,2G独立显卡,80G硬盘。 (2) 软件环境。Microsoft Visual C++6 ?0,WindosXP 系统。


停车场智能一体机管理系统 说明书 日期: 2014-07-01 版本:V2.0

目录 1.注意事项 (3) 1.1.系统结构说明 (3) 1.2.快速使用指南 (5) 2.系统介绍 (6) 2.1.系统概述 (6) 2.2.系统组成 (7) 2.3.产品特点 (7) 3.软件操作说明 (9) 3.1.系统登录 (9) 3.2.软件登录密码 (10) 3.3.操作员管理 (11) 3.4.数据备份 (12) 3.5.硬件通讯密码 (13) 3.6.通行记录 (15) 3.7.出入口设置 (17) 3.8.一体机设置 (18) 3.9.发行卡片 (20) 3.10.延期退卡 (21) 3.11.发卡数量查询 (22) 3.12.卡片延期统计 (25) 3.13.临时卡收费统计 (26) 3.14.通行记录统计 (27) 3.15.数据库转换工具 (28)

1.注意事项 1.1.系统结构说明 注意:请仔细检查,不要接错或接反,否则会损坏电路板,导致一体机系统无法使用!!! 一体机系统结构如图1.1.1:

12V GND 1.红外定位窗 2.无线接收天线 3.U盘下载模块 4.红外距离拔码(U22) 5.无线接收模块 6.预留拔码(U5) 7.压地感读卡拔码 8.电源接线端子 9.蜂鸣器 10.道闸信号输出 说明: 1. 压地感读卡拔码,第一位有效,拔上为免压地感读卡, 拔下为压地感读卡 2. 红外距离拔码(U22)共8位拔码,其中2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 拔码的理论距离依次是2米 3米 5米 6米 8米 12米 18米 25米, 也可以多位拨码同时拔上使用. KAI COM 图1.1.1


停车场管理系统 1题目要求 设有一个可以停放n 辆汽车的狭长停车场,它只有一个大门可以供车辆进出。车辆按到达停车场时间的早晚依次从停车场最里面向大门口处停放(最先到达的第一辆车放在停车场的最里面)。如果停车场已放满n 辆车,则后来的车辆只能在停车场大门外的便道上等待,一旦停车场内有车开走,则排在便道上的第一辆车就进入停车站。停车站内如有某辆车要开走,在它之后进入停车场的车都必须先退出停车站为它让路,待其开出停车场后,这些车辆再依原来的次序进场。每辆车在离开停车场时,都应根据它在停车场内停留的时间长短交费。如果停留在便道上的车未进停车场就要离去,允许其离去,不收停车费,并且仍然保持在便道上等待的车辆的次序。编制一程序模拟该停车场的管理。 【基本要求】要求程序输出每辆车到达后的停车位置(停车场或便道上),以及某辆车离开停车场是的停车时间及它应该交的费用。 2需求分析 根据题目要求,因为停车场是一个单条的序列,可以用结构体实现;在程序中,需要知道每辆来车的具体停放位置,应提供提示、查找、标记工作。车辆离开要计时计费。另外,每天开始时,停车场要初始化。 3总体设计 这个系统可以分为:初始化、有车进入、有车离开、退出四个模块。 4详细设计 main()函数体内包含了界面选则部分menu(),并单独 抽出来作为一个独立函数,目的在于系统执行每部分 模块后能够方便返回到系统界面。即main()函数写为 如下: void main()/*主函数*/ { menu();/*菜单函数*/ } 菜单函数: void menu() { int n,w; do { puts("\t\t**************MENU**************\n\n"); puts("\t\t\t 1.初始化"); puts("\t\t\t 2.有车进入"); puts("\t\t\t 3.有车离开"); puts("\t\t\t 4.退出"); puts("\n\n\t\t*********************************\n"); printf("Please choice your number(1-4): [ ]\b\b"); scanf("%d",&n); if(n<1||n>4) /*对选择的数字作判断*/ { w=1; getchar(); } else w=0; }while(w==1); switch(n) { case 1:chushi();break; /*初始化函数*/ case 2:jinru();break; /*车辆进入函数*/


三维激光扫描仪点云数据处理软件需求说明 点云数据处理软件是专用扫描软件、数据处理软件、CAD软件接口及应用于检测监测、对比分析的软件。 基本描述 点云数据处理软件能够用于海量点云数据的处理(点云数量无限制,先进内存管理)及三维模型的制作。支持模型的对整、整合、编辑、测量、检测监测、压缩和纹理映射等点云数据全套处理流程。能够基于点云进行建模,拥有规则组建智能自动建模功能(一键自动建模)要求能够精细再现还原现场。具有真彩色配准模块,扫描物体点云的颜色即为物体真实的颜色。相机彩色图片可以配准贴图到三维模型。 1.可直接操作激光扫描仪进行数据采集、输入及输出。可接受多种数据格式,如AutoCAD dxf、obj、asc、dgn、pds、pdms等,可接受自定义格式的文本文件输入。 2.软件应具高精度和高可靠性,能够进行点云数据拼接、纹理贴图、特征线的提取、具有点云数据渲染、点云数据压缩、三角网模型生成、几何体建模等功能,软件快速、准确、易操作性。 3.可以智能地自动提取出特征线,同时也可提供人工方式进行特征线的提取。 4.能够提供多种断面生成方式,可以方便地生成一系列的断面线。生成的断面可以方便的导出到CAD及其它软件中做进一步加工处理和应用。应能够提供非常精确的量测物体尺寸的方法。 5.需要一体化软件且具备完整功能1). Registration模块:多种点云拼接模式、导线平差、引入地理参考、目标识别2). Office Survey模块:任意点云导入导出;点云的裁剪、取样、过滤;提取线形地物;在办公室任意量测数据;任意纵横断面;点云矢量化;3D等高线及标注;三角格网生成;任意形体建模;隧道及道路;任意体积面积计算;点云着色;纹理贴图;连续正射影像3).Modeling模块:


上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统研究 姓名:王璐 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电工理论与新技术 指导教师:陈洪亮 20090101

基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统研究 摘 要 近几年,车牌识别系统作为智能交通的一个重要方向越来越受到重视。车牌识别系统可以应用于停车场管理系统、高速公路超速管理系统、城市十字路口的“电子警察”、小区车辆管理系统等各个领域,对国家的安全发展有很大的作用。虽然目前已有一些车牌识别系统相关产品出现,但是对其算法的研究发展从没有停止,仍有许多学者在做着进一步的研究改进。 本文首先对车牌识别系统的现状和已有的技术进行了深入的研究,在研究的基础上开发出一个基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统。确定了整体设计方案,其中软件部分包括车牌定位、车牌字符切分及车牌字符识别三个模块。车牌定位模块中提出了基于小波变换的车牌边缘提取的算法,以及车牌二次定位的算法,提高了系统在光照条件较差的情况下的定位准确率,该算法对于各种底色的车牌具有良好的适应性;车牌的二值化采用了改进的Otus算法,重新划分了其两维直方图的区域,改进后的算法大大减少了运行时间,对于各种类型的车牌都能达到较好的二值化效果;针对BP神经网络字符识别算法,采用有动量的梯度下降法训练网络,减小了神经网络学习过程的振荡趋势,使得BP网络能够较快的达到收敛,完成车牌字符的识别。对模板匹配算法和BP网络算法进行对比,证明了BP网络算法要优于模板匹配算法。 根据上述算法搭建了一个测试平台。整个测试平台的软件部分采用MATLAB的M语言编写。通过测试平台,对353幅卡口汽车照片进行车牌识别,测试系统的性能。测试结果表明,本课题设计的车牌识别系统可有效地实现车牌识别,为今后的产品化奠定了很好的技术基础。 关键词:车牌识别,小波变换,Otsu算法,模板匹配,BP网络,MATLAB I


目录 一电脑配置要求 (1) 1.1两路硬识别电脑配置 (1) 1.2两路至四路硬识别电脑配置 (1) 1.3四路至九路硬识别电脑配置 (1) 二安装软件、数据库 (2) 2.1车辆管理系统的安装 (2) 2.2 电脑设置 (6) 2.3数据库连接方法 (8) 三停车场调试 (10) 3.1 建立电脑主机IP地址 (10) 3.2 软件续期 (12) 3.3 相机设置 (12) 3.4 通道设置 (15) 3.5显示屏设置 (17) 3.6建立小区基础信息 (18) 3.6车辆管理 (19) 3.7查询 (21) 3.8新增账号 (22) 3.9数据库维护设置 (23)

一电脑配置要求 电脑装系统时要用Administrator用户;装好系统后,在网上下载一个“驱动精灵”更新驱动程序,不然会导致监控画面无图像。 1.1两路硬识别电脑配置 1.奔腾处理器( G4560); 2.4G内存(内存条不能混用); 3.500G硬盘(C盘100G,D盘最少200G); 4.win7 32位或64位操作系统(纯净版,系统用户名为administrator); 5.显示器尺寸:19宽屏液晶显示器(最佳分辨率:1440*900); 6.主板(推荐B85M-G/K主板,不需要COM口); 7.电源功率:380W; 8.千兆网卡、千兆交换机、千兆光纤收发器; 1.2两路至四路硬识别电脑配置 1.I3处理器(4170、6100); 2.4G内存(内存条不能混用); 3.500G硬盘(C盘100G,D盘最少200G); 4. win7 32位或64位操作系统(纯净版,系统用户名为administrator); 5.显示器尺寸:19宽屏液晶显示器(最佳分辨率:1440*900); 6.主板(推荐B85M-G/K主板,不需要COM口); 7.电源功率:380W; 8.千兆网卡、千兆交换机、千兆光纤收发器; 1.3四路至九路硬识别电脑配置 1.I5处理器(4590、6500); 2.4G内存; 3.500G硬盘(C盘100G,D盘最少200G); 4. win7 32位或64位操作系统(纯净版,系统用户名为administrator);


// 停车场管理系统 #include #include #define OVERFLOW 0 #define ERROR 0 #define OK 1 #define STACKSIZE 2 /车/ 库容量 // 时间节点typedef struct time{ int hour; int min; }Time; // 车辆信息typedef struct{ char CarNum; float time; int pos_a; // 车在停车场中的位置int pos_b; // 车 在便道上的位置int flag; }Car,Car2; // 车库信息 (顺序栈) typedef struct{ Car *top; Car *base; int stacksize; }SqStack; // 初始化int InitStack(SqStack &S){ S.base=new Car[STACKSIZE]; if(!S.base) exit(OVERFLOW); S.top=S.base; S.stacksize=STACKSIZE; return OK; } // 判空int StackEmpty(SqStack S){ if(S.top==S.base) return OK; else return ERROR;

// 判满 int StackFull(SqStack S){ if(S.top-S.base>=S.stacksize) return OK; else return ERROR; } // 入栈 int Push(SqStack &S,Car e){ if(S.top-S.base==S.stacksize) return ERROR; *S.top++=e; return OK; } // 出栈 int Pop(SqStack &S,Car &e){ if(S.top==S.base) return ERROR; e=*--S.top; return OK; } // 遍历栈 int StackTraverse(SqStack S) { Car *p=S.top; Car *q=S.base; int l=1; if(StackEmpty(S)){ for(int j=1;j<=STACKSIZE;j++){ printf("\t 车牌:"); printf("\t\t 到达时间:"); printf("\t 位置%d:空空",j); printf("\n"); } return OK; } while(p!=q){ Car car=*(q); printf("\t 车牌: %d",car.CarNum); printf("\t\t 到达时 间: %5.2f",car.time); printf("\t\t 位置: %d",l++); printf("\n"); q++; return OK; } // 备用车道 (顺序栈) typedef struct { Car2 *top2; Car2 *base2; // int stacksize2; }SqStack2;


Matlab程序设计任务书 分院(系)信息科学与工程专业 学生姓名学号 设计题目车牌识别系统设计 内容及要求: 车牌定位系统的目的在于正确获取整个图像中车牌的区域,并识别出车牌号。通过设计实现车牌识别系统,能够提高学生 分析问题和解决问题的能力,还能培养一定的科研能力。 1.牌照识别系统应包括车辆检测、图像采集、牌照识别等几 部分。 2.当车辆检测部分检测到车辆到达时,触发图像采集单元,采 集当前的视频图像。 3.牌照识别单元对图像进行处理,定位出牌照位置,再将牌 照中的字符分割出来进行识别,然后组成牌照号码输出。 进度安排: 19周:Matlab环境熟悉与基础知识学习 19周:课程设计选题与题目分析 20周:程序设计编程实现 20周:课程设计验收与答辩 指导教师(签字): 年月日学院院长(签字): 年月日 目录

一.课程设计目的 (3) 二.设计原理 (3) 三.详细设计步骤 (3) 四. 设计结果及分析 (18) 五. 总结 (19) 六. 设计体会 (20) 七. 参考文献 (21) 一、课程设计目的 车牌定位系统的目的在于正确获取整个图像中车牌的区域,并识别出车牌号。通过

设计实现车牌识别系统,能够提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,还能培养一定的科研能力。 二、设计原理: 牌照自动识别是一项利用车辆的动态视频或静态图像进行牌照号码、牌照颜色自动识别的模式识别技术。其硬件基础一般包括触发设备、摄像设备、照明设备、图像采集设备、识别车牌号码的处理机等,其软件核心包括车牌定位算法、车牌字符分割算法和光学字符识别算法等。某些牌照识别系统还具有通过视频图像判断车辆驶入视野的功能称之为视频车辆检测。一个完整的牌照识别系统应包括车辆检测、图像采集、牌照识别等几部分。当车辆检测部分检测到车辆到达时触发图像采集单元,采集当前的视频图像。牌照识别单元对图像进行处理,定位出牌照位置,再将牌照中的字符分割出来进行识别,然后组成牌照号码输出。 三、详细设计步骤: 1. 提出总体设计方案: 牌照号码、颜色识别 为了进行牌照识别,需要以下几个基本的步骤: a.牌照定位,定位图片中的牌照位置;


2009 届毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目基于WEB的停车场管理系统的 设计和实现 院系名称计算机科学与技术系 专业(班级)计算机科学与技术 2005级本科1班 (学号)段景辉(0510101005) 指导教师正茂 系负责人袁暋 二O O九年五月三十日

摘要 随着现代社会的快速发展,人民生活水平快速提高,汽车的数量飞速增加,与此同时停车问题也越来越受到人们的关注,为了实现对停车场进行有效的管理,结合一些停车场的模式和现状开发出本停车场管理系统。 停车场管理系统是典型的信息管理系统,本停车场管理系统设计的主要功能包括场内车辆管理和后台数据库管理,其中场内车辆管理又分为出入场管理模块、收费模块、用户管理模块、停车场参数、停车场数据管理模块、系统管理模块等。我们从系统的设计和功能实现方面阐述了管理系统软件的开发过程。 系统采用了B/S架构,Tomcat6.0作为运行服务器,基于J2EE标准、JSP技术利用Hibernate3.1和Struts1.2框架作为开发工具,MyEclipse6.0开发环境,数据库采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000。开发过程利用MVC开发模式,层次分明。成功实现了该系统。试运行结果表明,该系统具有良好的性能和扩展性,较高的响应速度和效率,该系统符合实际的停车场管理系统,为停车场管理供一个快速,简单规范的管理平台。这对提高信息化程度,降低人力成本有着重要的意义。 关键词:停车场管理系统,J2EE,Hibernate3.1,Struts1.2

Abstract With the rapid development of modern society, people's living standards improve and the number of vehicles increases rapidly. People pay more attention to parking problems at the same time. In order to manage the parking lots more efficiently, we have developed a Parking Management System, with some modes and the actuality of present parking lots considered. Parking Management System is typically one of the information management systems. The main functions in the Parking Management System include vehicle management and background database management, and vehicle management is divided into the passing in and out module, the charging module, the user management module, the parking parameters,parking data management module, and the system management module. We discussed the management systems development process from the system design and function of the realization in the Papers. T omcat6.0 as a running server is used in this system on the basis of B/S structure. Based on J2EE standards, JSP technology as development tools which is taken advantage of Hibernate3.1 and Struts1.2 framework and MyEclipse6.0 as development environment are applied in the system. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is used as background database. We develop the use of MVC pattern in development process. T est results show that the system has good performance and scalability, high response speed and efficiency which is in line with the actual park management system and can provide a fast, simple and standardized management platform. It is important to improve the information level and reduce labor costs. Key words: p arking management system,J2EE, Hibernate3.x, Struts1.2


智能车牌识别停车场管理收费系统软件操作说明书 2017-05-17 10:56 多奥智能车牌识别停车场管理收费系统软件操作说明书 一、数据库的安装 安装数据库Microsoft SQL Server 2000 1)选择SQL Server 2000文件夹下的应用程序。 2)选择第一项,即安装SQL Server 2000组件(C)。 3)选择安装数据服务器(S)。 4)选择本地电脑(L)。 5)选择创建新的SQL Server实例,或安装客户端工具(C)。 6)选择服务器和客户端工具(S)。 7)选择默认。点击下一步。 8)选择典型,点击下一步。 9)选择使用本地系统账户,点击下一步。 10)选择混合模式与空密码,点击下一步。 11)继续下一步直到安装结束。重启电脑,数据库安装完成后。 二、停车场软件的安装 安装停车场软件 1)打开光盘,运行,根据提示安装完成后出现。

2)选择“创建本地数据库”,点击“执行选择”后出现连接数据库的界面, 3)点击“连接数据库”后,创建数据库、备份数据库、还原数据库的按钮会显示出来。 4)点击“创建数据库”,创建数据库成功后,退出。再选择“安装加密狗” 5)点击“执行选择”,出现SoftDog Windows驱动安装和卸载程序界面 6)勾选“USB狗驱动”点击“安装”,安装成功后,退出。加密狗驱动安装完成。 三、停车场软件操作 软件的登陆 1)运行软件的安装包,安装好软件。 2)创建好数据库后,点击图标打开软件 3)出现智能停车场管理系统登录窗口,如图示2,输入用户编号101,点击三次回车,进入软件操作界面。或者输入用户编号101后,直接点击“确定”按钮进入软件操作界面


实用文档 停车场管理系统设计方案


第一章项目概述 一、项目情况说明 本次方案设计主要针对物流园区停车场管理系统进行设计,同时结合我公司对整个停车场管理系统的总体规划,提供的管理模式以供参考。 此次停车场管理系统为一进一出(可脱机收费)停车场管理系统,入口人工识别车型发卡,出口刷卡软件显示收费金额(LED同步),在停车场系统的出口设置收费管理电脑近距离读卡系统、图像对比系统、收费等。设置系统管理中心,数据的查询、管理等。 第二章系统设计思路 一、系统总体规划设计 本方案中提供停车场管理模式以供参考: 管理模式: 此为目前行业所有厂家最为通用的一种模式,停车场系统只在本地独立运行,停车场系统为独立的局域网,不借用办公网络,只能在本地存储、备份、查询和管理系统数据。 二、系统组成及功能设计 1、入口设备组成及功能设计 (1)入口设备组成 停车场入口设备由入口自动道闸(车辆检测器)、摄像机、聚光灯、近距离读卡器等组成。 一卡一车的逻辑控制功能:同一张卡如果已经入场,必须出场后才能再次入场,确

保一卡一车、一进一出的逻辑控制。 收费及记录存储功能:控制机标准设计用户数为10000,脱机记录数为10000万条。 满足大系统有更大容量要求。 手动开闸记录功能:系统具有手动开闸记录功能,给管理人员提供更多的监管手段。 图像抓拍对比功能:车辆入场时,系统会抓拍车辆的入场图片并存储,以供车辆出场时进行人工比对。 2、出口设备组成及功能设计 (1)出口设备组成 停车场出口设备由出口(含近距离读卡器、CAK3000控制器、显示屏、语音提示系统及附件)、自动道闸(车辆检测器)、摄像机、聚光灯、远距离读卡器等组成。 (2)出场功能设计 信息显示及广告发布功能:出口票箱显示屏能通过管理电脑软件加载广告信息或停车场信息,在无车情况时,显示屏会滚动显示当前时间和用户发布的广告等信息。 语音提示功能:当有车行驶至出口票箱车辆检测线圈上时,出口票箱检测到有车,会根据当前的时间,立即通过语音提示系统发出礼貌用语并在显示屏上显示礼貌用 语(提示信息:如一路顺风等等)。对于控制机使用过程中的操作,语音提示系统 也会进行相应的提示。 一卡一车的逻辑控制功能:同一张卡如果已经出场,必须再次入场后才能再次出场,确保一卡一车、一进一出的逻辑控制。 手动开闸记录功能:系统具有手动开闸记录功能,给管理人员提供更多的监管手段。 图像抓拍对比功能:车辆出场时,系统会抓拍车辆的出场图片并存储,以便操作人员与入场图像进行人工比对。 3、出口岗亭管理设备组成及功能设计 (1)出口岗亭管理设备组成 停车场出口岗亭管理设备由收费电脑、网络交换机、临时卡计费器、视频捕捉卡等组成。 (2)出口岗亭管理功能设计 临时卡收费功能:临时卡出场可通过岗亭内临时卡计费器读卡(也可在出口票箱面板读卡感应区),并根据相应的收费标准进行收费并提示收费金额、停车时间等。


TCS8000 停车场管理系统 用户使用手册 广州泰尚信息系统有限公司

前言 随着科学技术的迅猛发展,计算机技术的突飞猛进,当今世界已是计算机的世界。 各企、事业单位都争相使用计算机作为管理工具,摆脱过去的各种陈旧的管理模式,跳 跃到新的顺应潮流的计算机管理模式中。使用计算机管理停车场,必将能收到 更好的成效,更高的提升停车场管理人员的工作效率。为此,本公司推出了 TCS8000 停 车场管理系统。TCS8000 停车场管理系统由硬件(停车场内的设备)及软件(管理软件)两大部分组成。 TCS8000 停车场管理系统是 TCS8000 一卡通管理系统的子系统(软件 部分)。 在这本《用户操作手册》中,我们将对系统功能以及操作方法进行介绍。由于管 理方法本身就是多元化的,因不同的用户而不同,所以本系统中有考虑不周的地方是 在所难免的,望广大用户朋友多提宝贵意见。帮助我们进一步完善系统。谢谢! 随着技术的进步,软件的不断更新,本说明书内容可能会与软件的实际情况稍有 出入,不明之处,请与本公司技术部门联系。

免责声明 本手册的描述不代表对本产品规格和软、硬件配置的任何说明。有关产品规格和配置情况,请查阅本产品的相关协议、装箱单或向产品的直接销售商咨询。 本手册编制过程中,已力求内容的正确性和完整、但不能保证本手册没有任何错误和疏漏。广州泰尚信息系统有限公司坚持不断优化、改善自己的产品和服务,为此 保留对本手册描述的产品及本手册内容随时进行修改的权利。如您在使用本手册过程中发现本产品的实际情况与本手册有不一致之处,或您想得到最新的信息或有任何问题和想法,欢迎致电我们或登陆广州泰尚信息系统有限公司网站垂询。


//停车场管理系统 #include #include #define OVERFLOW 0 #define ERROR 0 #define OK 1 #define STACKSIZE 2 //车库容量 //时间节点 typedef struct time{ int hour; int min; }Time; //车辆信息 typedef struct{ char CarNum; float time; int pos_a; //车在停车场中的位置 int pos_b; //车在便道上的位置 int flag; }Car,Car2; //车库信息(顺序栈) typedef struct{ Car *top; Car *base; int stacksize; }SqStack; //初始化 int InitStack(SqStack &S){ S.base=new Car[STACKSIZE]; if(!S.base) exit(OVERFLOW); S.top=S.base; S.stacksize=STACKSIZE; return OK; } //判空 int StackEmpty(SqStack S){ if(S.top==S.base) return OK; else return ERROR; }

//判满 int StackFull(SqStack S){ if(S.top-S.base>=S.stacksize) return OK; else return ERROR; } //入栈 int Push(SqStack &S,Car e){ if(S.top-S.base==S.stacksize) return ERROR; *S.top++=e; return OK; } //出栈 int Pop(SqStack &S,Car &e){ if(S.top==S.base) return ERROR; e=*--S.top; return OK; } //遍历栈 int StackTraverse(SqStack S) { Car *p=S.top; Car *q=S.base; int l=1; if(StackEmpty(S)){ for(int j=1;j<=STACKSIZE;j++){ printf("\t车牌:"); printf("\t\t到达时间:"); printf("\t位置%d:空空",j); printf("\n"); } return OK; } while(p!=q){ Car car=*(q); printf("\t车牌: %d",car.CarNum); printf("\t\t到达时间:%5.2f",car.time); printf("\t\t位置:%d",l++); printf("\n");


基于matlab的车牌识别系统 一、对车辆图像进行预处理 1.载入车牌图像: function [d]=main(jpg) [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.jpg', 'JPEG 文件(*.jpg)'}); if(filename == 0), return, end global FILENAME %定义全局变量 FILENAME = [pathname filename]; I=imread(FILENAME); figure(1),imshow(I);title('原图像');%将车牌的原图显示出来结果如下:

2.将彩图转换为灰度图并绘制直方图: I1=rgb2gray(I);%将彩图转换为灰度图 figure(2),subplot(1,2,1),imshow(I1);title('灰度图像'); figure(2),subplot(1,2,2),imhist(I1);title('灰度图直方图');%绘制灰度图的直方图结果如下所示: 3. 用roberts算子进行边缘检测: I2=edge(I1,'roberts',0.18,'both');%选择阈值0.18,用roberts算子进行边缘检测 figure(3),imshow(I2);title('roberts 算子边缘检测图像'); 结果如下:

4.图像实施腐蚀操作: se=[1;1;1]; I3=imerode(I2,se);%对图像实施腐蚀操作,即膨胀的反操作figure(4),imshow(I3);title('腐蚀后图像'); 5.平滑图像 se=strel('rectangle',[25,25]);%构造结构元素以正方形构造一个se


停车场管理系统使用手册 深圳市披克科技有限公司 SHENZHEN PEAKE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 第一章系统简介 停车场管理系统简介 停车场管理系统是非接触式IC卡技术应用一卡通系统之一,该系统集非接触式IC卡技术、计算机网络、视频监控、图象识别处理及自动控制技术于一体。实现了停车场(库)的全自动化管理,包括车辆出入控制、车型、车牌校对、车位检索、引导、停车费用收取等自动管理。 具有套餐卡、临时卡、特权卡、管理卡等各种收费管理方式,具有自动出卡或自动出纸票、中英文LED显示、语音提示、对讲系统、车牌识别、图象对比、自动起落闸、防闸车、防闸人等功能。 长距离微波卡可实现无人值守,车辆通行时不需打开车窗,自动读卡开启道闸。车位引导系统利用超声波检测器检测车位使用情况,实时告知空闲车位的位置及指引停车路线。 广泛应用于智能大厦、智能小区的各种场合。 停车场管理系统组成 标准停车场管理系统由入口机、出口机、电动道闸、车辆检测器、压力电波、摄像机、射灯、图像采集卡、停车场系统管理软件等组成。 入口机包含读卡器、控制器、信息显示屏、对讲分机、语音提示、车辆检测器、自动出卡机或出票机等 出口机包含读卡器、控制器、信息显示屏、对讲分机、语音提示、车辆检测器、自动收

卡机等,如下图所示: (1)读卡器 读取IC卡的卡号、出入场时间等信息,送入控制器 ◆临时卡选择短距离非接触式IC卡读卡器,读卡距离不小于5cm ◆长期卡可远距离微波读卡器,感应距离为3-4米或以上 (2)停车场控制器 接收来自读卡器的IC卡信息,存储权限及各种信息记录,做出判断,控制输出开闸、显示等信号,并完成控制器与电脑之间的信息交换(包括上传相关信息至电脑及从电脑下载数据至控制器)。 (3)电动道闸 用于阻挡无权限的车辆、放行有效车辆


三维点云数据处理的技术研究 中国供求网 【摘要】本文分析了大数据领域的现状、数据点云处理技术的方法,希望能够对数据的技术应用提供一些参考。 【关键词】大数据;云数据处理;应用 一、前言 随着计算机技术的发展,三维点云数据技术得到广泛的应用。但是,受到设备的影响,数据获得存在一些问题。 二、大数据领域现状 数据就像货币、黄金以及矿藏一样,已经成为一种新的资产类别,大数据战略也已上升为一种国家意志,大数据的运用与服务能力已成为国家综合国力的重要组成部分。当大数据纳入到很多国家的战略层面时,其对于业界发展的影响那是不言而喻的。国家层面上,发达国家已经启动了大数据布局。2012年3月,美国政府发布《大数据研究和发展倡议》,把应对大数据技术革命带来的机遇和挑战提高到国家战略层面,投资2亿美元发展大数据,用以强化国土安全、转变教育学习模式、加速科学和工程领域的创新速度和水平;2012年7月,日本提出以电子政府、电子医疗、防灾等为中心制定新ICT(信息通讯技术)战略,发布“新ICT计划”,重点关注大数据研究和应用;2013年1月,英国政府宣布将在对地观测、医疗卫生等大数据和节能计算技术方面投资1(89亿英镑。 同时,欧盟也启动“未来投资计划”,总投资3500亿欧元推动大数据等尖端技术领域创新。市场层面上,美通社发布的《大数据市场:2012至2018年全球形势、发展趋势、产业

分析、规模、份额和预测》报告指出,2012年全球大数据市场产值为63亿美元,预计2018年该产值将达483亿。国际企业巨头们纷纷嗅到了“大数据时代”的商机,传统数据分析企业天睿公司(Teradata)、赛仕软件(SAS)、海波龙(Hy-perion)、思爱普(SAP)等在大数据技术或市场方面都占有一席之地;谷歌(Google)、脸谱(Facebook)、亚马逊(Amazon)等大数据资源企业优势显现;IBM、甲骨文(Oracle)、微软(Microsoft)、英特尔(Intel)、EMC、SYBASE等企业陆续推出大数据产品和方案抢占市场,比如IBM公司就先后收购了SPSS、发布了IBMCognosExpress和InfoSphereBigInsights 数据分析平台,甲骨文公司的OracleNoSQL数据库,微软公司WindowsAzure 上的HDInsight大数据解决方案,EMC公司的 GreenplumUAP(UnifiedAnalyticsPlat-form)大数据引擎等等。 在中国,政府和科研机构均开始高度关注大数据。工信部发布的物联网“十二五”规划上,把信息处理技术作为四项关键技术创新工程之一提出,其中包括了海量数据存储、数据挖掘、图像视频智能分析,这都是大数据的重要组成部分,而另外三项:信息感知技术、信息传输技术、信息安全技术,也都与大数据密切相 关;2012年12月,国家发改委把数据分析软件开发和服务列入专项指南;2013年科技部将大数据列入973基础研究计划;2013年度国家自然基金指南中,管理学部、信息学部和数理学部都将大数据列入其中。2012年12月,广东省启了《广东省实施大数据战略工作方案》;北京成立“中关村大数据产业联盟”;此外,中国科学院、清华大学、复旦大学、北京航空航天大学、华东师范大学等相继成立了近十个从事数据科学研究的专门机构。中国互联网数据中心(IDC)对中国大数据技术和服务市场2012,2016年的预测与分析指出:该市场规模将会从2011年的7760万美元增长到2016年的6。17亿美元,未来5年的复合增长率达51(4%,市场规模增长近7倍。数据价值链和产业链初显端倪,阿里巴巴、百度、腾
