
“老茧”怎么说?= callus “googolplex”

1. plex: ← complex (复杂=多)

(? co-: cooperate; company; cohabitation; collaborate) 2. googol: 字母重复出现表“多”

3.1. Suffix(词性)

-ive= 抽象adj. (=n.: rich; poor; preservative )

-ity: 抽象n. ?personality ?productivity)

-ate= 厚道之人(intimate? intimacy)

-or /-er = 主动方的人initiative

-ee=被动方的人(passive)(employee; refugee)

-ist= 专家physicist;specialist

-al= 专业人士professional

-ian= 在某方面执着并有兴趣的人(politician€ statesman)

3.2. Suffix:(词性)


mature (n.) ? amateur (n.)


(a, e, i, o, u, y)

symmetry (n.) =相称← sym=same=sem metry=meter thermometer

symmetry ? asymmetry symmetric ? asymmetric


dialogue= dia对面 + log(说话=loq=log)

diagnose=诊断 eloquence = e(e=ex=out) + loq


-Prefix (向上↑): up-: ↑

uphold (v.)

upsurge surge

uproar roar 咆哮,大声疾呼== riot / disturbance

sup-; sus-: ↑

sustain (v.) 持续,坚持 obtain tain=stay/catch obtain one’s approval detain

→with the sustainable development of…

→geilivable: 给力的

sus-: sustain -tain

maintain: ?a.=维修 b.=维持 c.=主张=set forth

养家糊口=~ a family = make both ends meet

ends: income ? expenditure/expense outcome=结果,结局

Disastrous outcomes/consequences ?breadwinner=持家者

Who wins the bread in this family? 汽车保养=vehicle-maintenance

sup-, super: ↑↑(过犹不及)

superficial (a) 表面的,肤浅的

superior (a/n) ?inferior (a/n) 下属;下等的 superiority inferiority

suf-, sur-

on-line surfing (f与飞有关)

sufficient (a) sufficiency (n.) suffice ~ sb. in ...

?deficient insufficient efficient energe-efficient house

over-: a/b a: 上; 重叠 overlap (v.) 重叠

lap lapse collapse eclipse

overlook (v.) 忽视?supervision (n.) 监督

over-: a/b b: 过 (Bite off more than one can chew.)

over-sensitive over-insistence 忍,坚持?偏执

“Only Paranoia Survive” overwhelm (v.) 淹没

drown=sink oblivion 湮没

The flood overwhelmed the whole village.

?An overwhelming number of …


-merse (v.) 沉在… be immersed in sth. abandon oneself to grief/pleasure

M&A: Merger and Acquisition

acquire ?acquisitive (a.) 贪婪的 merse=merge=吞并: M&A

?submerge: sub=下面be submerged in ... = be engaged in ... ??saturate=饱和 satisfy immerse?? immense 巨大的 vast/enormous tremendous

over-: a/b

Over = overawe (v.): awe=敬畏

awful awesome?威慑

overcome=克服(你是弱者) ?conquer=征服(你是强者)

hyper-: 过hypersensitive (a) ? ~ skin

hypercritical (a):

hypocritical?critic vs. critique

critic: skeptic= 怀疑论者skeptical: be ~ of 对什么表示怀疑

?critical 至关重要的It is ~ that


groundbreaking (a.) 奠基的,根本的?* 意义重大的,重要的:

signal / striking / crucial / vital / substantial / underlying grub (v.) 挖掘up / out 寻找,挖掘出


前缀-Prefix (向下↓) hypo-, hyp- ↓

hypocritical 虚伪?hy’pocrisy (n.) ‘hypocrite

*hypothesis (n.) 假设,前提 thesis

→Under the ~ of …

?hypothetical 以什么为前提的

→* Hypothetically, 在这样的前提之下(作文好词)

hypnosis (n.) 催眠

→hypnotic (n/a) 催眠的 therapist

mal-: ↓

malice?be malicious to = be hostile to?hostility 敌意(主人不好客)hostage hospitality hospitalize

maltreat (v.) 虐待 abuse

mis- : ↓

mistreat = maltreat (v.)

mislead (v.)

misunderstanding (n.)

misjudgment (n.)


the: 定

-ism: 主义,信仰,制度,精神




screw (n.) 螺丝; 螺丝钉的精神

?You screw (mess, fuck) up the whole thing!

fuss (n./v.) 大惊小怪

?make a fuss over / of对…特别在意;大惊小怪

scrupulous 认真的,勤勤恳恳的

?unscrupulous马虎的; 死不要脸的;寡廉鲜耻的

?scrutinize (v.) 仔细审查

?scrutiny (n.)

un-; under-

unconscious=无意识的 subconscious submit subtitle subtle unfeasible=不能实施的

? ease-轻松,悠闲

undergo=经历 experience


创业 innovative undertaking

set/build up one’s own business

un- + n. → v.

fold (n./v.) → unfold 打开,表明

veil (n.) → unveil 揭幕,表明

leash → unleash

Why do you unleash all of your fuels on me?

un-, in-c, dis-



a: 在什么的里面(当后面跟着的部分并非是独立单词时)

inanity (n.): 一个人在家里?空虚

?? vanity 虚荣 va- vacant vacancy

a vacant parking place

b: 向下(当…是独立单词时)

invalidity; invalid (a): 无用的,无效的(药)


in- ill- im- imm- irr-

immune be ~ to

mu- mutual ? win-win

?? mutual benefits

[Prison Break II: Sara: He is ~ to females=gay. ]




imm: dipl=dulp=dub

?豁免,免除 exempt


diplomacy exemption



A ~ is someone who can tell you to go straight to the hell, and that you actually look forward to a trip.

diploma certificate (certify)

duplicate: (v)=复制;(n)=一式两份


mort: 摩的?死亡




董存瑞 immortal>not dead

mortgage:gage (n./v.)=抵押



be engaged to sb.=与某人订婚

be engaged to do sth

[private detective]

sb. be engaged in doing

engage oneself in ... 全身心投入做某事

=be committed to doing sth.

=commit oneself to doing sth.

=dedicate / devote (the same as commit)

?commit suicide

? in the name of slavery to commit many inhuman acts (Aristotle)

dis-(a): =away 分开

dispense (v.)= ??

expenditure; expense (n.) 开销

???dispense 分配;拨款

Be dispensed from …

?indispensable 必不可少的

compensate (v.)= ?? pens=钱?把钱全部给你?赔偿

~ for your loss of ...

dis-(a): =away 分开

*distribute (v.) = ??


pay tribute to 推崇 praise/commend

contribute: 共献=贡献

???distribute 分配,分销

?distributor/distribution 分销商

?outlet 奥特莱斯:分店,精品折扣店

retail wholesale (merchant)

dis-(b): =no 否定

dissatisfaction (n.) 不满意

discontent 不满足 contented

dispute: disputable* reputation fame

?[在这样的前提下:all in all; in a word; Hypothetically, we may firmly arrive at an indisputable conclusion that…]

en-: 使动

enlighten = ??

~ sb. on sth.

encounter = ?? counterpart

We’ve encountered some turbulence, please keep your seatbelt fastened.

encounter into / come across /

coincide with (incident coincidence)

counter en

假币: counterfeit currency

deceive deceit deception

conceive conceit self-conceited

encapsulate capsule

-cap- -le/-let


im-: a/b

a: 否定


公正的 objective/carefree

Impart(apprentice) impact impair

imprudent 谨慎的?马虎的 rude plight impudent

im-: a/b

b: =imm =ill =irr


illegal 不合法的(performance/conduct)

illegitimate 不合法的(qualification)


?delegate = ??


?legislate (v.)= ??


im-: a/b

b: =imm =ill =irr

?合法继承人= ??

a legitimate heir/successor

(based on kinship / lineage)

kin kindred

irreplaceable: 不可取代的;至关重要的?irreplaceably

em-: 在什么里面

embed (v.) 嵌入

?be embedded in

embellish (v.) 美化,装饰

embarrass =??在酒吧里像个驴



an embarrassing situation 尴尬情况

embarrassment (n.) 尴尬


?harassment (n.) sexual ~


harassed (a.) 骚扰的;心烦的


?ambassador (n.) 大使

??am-爱 bass 贝斯,重音

embassy (n.) 大使馆

disturbance (n.) 心烦意乱

OSH: office sexual harassment

ab-: off 剥离,抽离,分开

aberrant (a) = ?? err = error ? an errant boy迷途少年???aberrant变态的,不正常的? ~ manners 不正常行径

ab-: off 剥离,抽离,分开

abolish (v.) 丢弃,废弃

pol 抛 polish (+law, regulations, conventions)?abolish vs. eliminate diminish

?extinguisher 灭火器

?? extinguish

?extinct volcano 死火山

?extinction 生化危机第三部

quench: queen; squeeze( exploit ) ?扑灭, 消灭, 毁灭abate (v.)= not eat?减弱,废掉

abstract = ??

trace=track=trail 痕迹,轨迹(n.); 跟踪(v.)

?trailer 预告片

???abstract 摘要(n.);抽象的(a); 抽象化(v.)

a concrete clue

abound = ??

boundary 边界线(象棋楚河分界)

???abound 使什么无边无界;充满;到处存在

??abound in 充满

?abundant 大量存在的

?? be abundant in

bound (v./n.) =bounce弹跳 bind

be bound up with

?be bound to 有义务的,必须做的= be destined to 命运注定的

*destiny’s child: brown eyes?be doomed to 注定不好的事情

*gloom *O’Dom

di-, de-, dis-: away ↓

Display exhibition

exposition (expose)

deforest 滥砍滥伐


【mudslide 泥石流landslide 土地流失

人流?personslide ?? abortion

dilemma = ?? ?难以抉择,进退两难

I am in a ~ about whether to study abroad or to pursue knowledge in domestic atmosphere. domain (n.) dominate (v.)

domestic violence domesticate

be predominant in 占据

be preoccupied by /with 被提前占据

re- : a/b

a: =again



?restoration renaissance R narcissism narcissistic

recommend : commend=夸奖?推荐

command recommendation


recreation: 重新创造?消遣, 娱乐






recharge = ?? Rechargeable

charge sb. with

b: =back 撤,拆

retreat* = ??

?~ tyres

recall=召回 ~ crisis

refuge: 避难(所)=shelter (交警的)安全岛

? refugee (n.)


?shield-----------lance freelance


?Shepherd dog

?Herd herb

repent: 后悔, 悔恨 +of pent=pens=money 要钱回来

resent: 送出去的东西想要回来?怨恨, 仇恨, 愤怒 +sth.

retract:tract=收缩 shrink shrimp

contraction ? inflation ?收缩 contract inflate flat repulsion: pul=pel=pull强迫, 拉?讨厌, 反感 =antipathy sympathy reclaim (re= back): 开垦,拓荒

clai m one’s rights of being informed

reclaim land from sea 围海造田

~ forests from fields 退耕还林


?我主张:I set for th that …

?foresee 预见??在可预见的未来: in the foreseeable future


rear (n./v./a): 尾部, 后方, 汽车尾部垫后=bring up the rear

There is a bird at/in the rear of your vehicle

(v.)=抚养=raise =培养(人文), 培育=cultivate

rear a child / raise an elder up

?nurture (nutrition)

?nourish (nourishment)

?make-up / cosmetic


revoke: re=back ?收回, 否认vok=voc=voice

??renounce + one’s privilege/priority/precedence

be prior to (walk)

provoke=挑衅,激起,刺激 indignant indignity dignity

Provocative (a./n.) 刺激性(的)


evoke:vok=voice =VOA ?呼唤, 唤醒evocative=被唤起的, 被引起的

*seduce; tempt; flirt(lust / porn);

Induce 诱发inducement 诱因,原因

ir=搅; tease (body;ease=easy); 脱衣舞=striptease

jog: a.=唤醒, 唤起=evoke b.=慢跑jogging c.=轻推

og one?s memory about sth.


urge sb. to do sth. urgent: be ~ to do sth. keen

ur=刺激; 马刺=spur (n./v.)

It is imperative that… impel

imperative=急切的impulse n.命令,必要的事pulse

re? -volve


evolve evolution


volume=卷;音量sales turnovers chapter charter

evolution revolutionary revolutionize = change vastly sth.

involve sb./sth. in=卷进来involve=include; involving=including



前缀-Prefix (向下↓) of-: ↓

morning breath?*offset (v./n.): =抵消

rise up the price to offset the increasing costs.

set off = set/be about doing sth.

set out to do sth.=take off outset ------ outcome

op-: ↓

oppose 反对opponent (n.) 反对者counterpart

vs. oppress 压迫

depression repress?oppressed (a/n.) 被压迫者

ruler obstacle (n.)= ?? 分析:stack 捆?一堆a ~ of


be at stake = be in danger painstaking make ~ efforts


oblige:ob=对立, 对面obstacle a.?压迫, 迫使~ sb. to do sth.

obligation= liability?be liable to=倾向于做某事, 易于...

be prone to (pro=向前)

be apt to aptitude altitude

be subject(ed) to

subject A to B(subjective, objective)


I am much obliged to you for your kindness in giving me first aid after that unfortunate

CRH crash. (深深)感激(来自内心强烈的呼唤)

CRH=Chinese Railway High-speed

ob-: ↓

be obsessed with

分析:…se? a.= 色:seduce 不只是吸引; seduction

?vs. tempt 勾引temptation

?【Blind Date相亲】reality show “If You Are The One”

…se? b.=盯着看:

observe (v.) 观察(第一步)?perceive 领悟(第二步)

(分析:per-: fully/through ?perfect)Perception insight insightful

?be obsessed with 被什么困扰

A lot of girls are obsessed with their weight.

se色? -lipse=-lapse=lypse


solar lunar lapse (n)= lap大腿? lapse ? (v.)下降;(n.)瑕疵

b.=没落;失势His family has been in ~.走向没落【红楼梦】


apocalypse: 天兆the Day of Judgment

1.symbol=象征, 征兆, 图腾

2.emblem=(a sign of glory)徽章

3.symptom=不好的标志=恶兆Fever is a typical ~ of many diseases.


5.hallmark (n.) 质检证明;典型特征(= characteristic)

elapse: e=out 慢慢往下走?慢慢消逝

Three years have ~d since we met with each other last time. (fly by / go by) collapse: 崩溃, 瓦解dilapidated: 废弃的, 过时的, 抛弃的

~ desire=废弃欲望=乐队

elated: 迟到了出去玩?得意洋洋的elation

anti-: ↓

anti-human offense:(挪威奥斯陆)

anti-cancer anti-body

anticipate (v.) 期望= expect

?分析:-cipate = take

??participate in = take part in

?emancipate:?解放, 释放spare liberate liberal liberation The invention of this machine can ~ a lot of labors.

counter-: ↓对,假

counterpart Counterbalance counterfeit currency: 伪造的(犯罪性质)

?词汇比较: fake-copycat-false-artificial

fake: 赝品?假花/绢花: fake flower

copycat: 山寨=“Shanzhai” cellphone /movie star

counter-: ↓假


?a false tooth

fabricate=伪造,制作fable fancy fantasy fascinate show fancy to (be fond of)

Be fascinated by

artificial: 人工的

~ Intelligence 《人工智能》

gizmo robot automatic

?《Nine》《Wall E》

counter-: ↓反

顺时针clockwise 逆时针counterclockwise

I got a counter-clockwise life. (I?m in a mess.)

pri- = pre- = pro-:

祖先:ancestor = ?? anc-arc 古??= primitive herald


a. (n.)=先驱;报信人;泄密者he her = 遗传,继承

heir inherit ?ancestor 祖先primitive (n./a.) 先人forerunner (n.) 先驱

b. (v.)=预示

?prophet (n.) 预言家phi- phil- 大爱,大智慧philanthrope

proceed (v.):推进

?Before proceeding with the movie …After shock?, Direc tor Feng has obtained the approval from the victims? families. 在拍这部电影之前,他已经获得了家属的同意

pri- = pre- = pro-:

precede (v.):

?先于某人做某事precede sb. in doing sth. (be prior to)

?I ~ u in pursuing that girl, so you should quit.

分析:cede=ced=ceed=cess=gress=ped -ade = go 走路, 向前走

precedence 优先priority 优先权

pri- = pre- = pro-:←

precedent 先例?这是一个史无前例的改变。

This is an unprecedented alternation/variation. (> a big change.)

alter (alternate) alternative vary variable invariably permanent


accede: (ac- = to) access Give sb. easy access to

a.=继位,上任: accede to the throne

b.=接纳: accede to sb. for sth. 因某事接纳某人

concede: 一起走开?让步;迁就;允许某人做某事;

?concession:a: 迁就=compromise

compromised group/company =调解公司;

中间人,裁判官=arbitrator (lawyer、attorney)arc

?? arbitrary (a) 武断的,独裁的? arbitrate


= tolerate (u just grin and bear it.一笑而过)

tolerance = inclusiveness = generosity exclusive club

concede sth. = admit sth.

concede sth. to sb.赋予,授权

= authorize sth./authorize sb. to do sth. = entitle sb. to sth.

concession b.= 租界(colonization)


access (n.) 入口;接近(v.) access to

?give sb. easy access to

An overwhelming number of free video websites give youngsters easy access to porn info. . (Pornography Incident)

accessible (a.) 可进入的,可行的,易亲近的

?? easy-going make this architecture accessible to the disabled

?feasible (a.) 可行的, 行得通的feasibility (n.) 可行性


?? a.=附属的auto accessories

?? b.=从犯,帮凶= complicity

???comply with 遵守,听从

=abide by=obey(obedient) =conform with/to=subject A to B

=be subjected to=be subject to=defer to deferential deference


adhere to 附着于,粘着;强力胶水?adhesive (a/n.)




insist on (temporary/ disposable) persist in (chronic/permanent)

stick to

?adherent 追随者,信徒?The ~ of Buddhism = Buddhist

fan=idealistic fanatical a.

coherent 一贯的,连续的cohesion ----- segregation (division)


-he. –her: a.=粘;b.=继承,遗传

inherit (v.) 继承inheritation

heir 继承人heredity (n.) 遗传(特征)


aggress 侵略?aggressive (a)



?vs. 愤青的cynical (a) irony ironical


步行街?? ??? pedestrian street





人行横道=pavement ? pave the way for

curb (n.) 边缘(v.) 控制


=curbside prophet (grassroot)

prophet: sb. who can predict future (Jason Mraz)

cushion (Snooker) ??keep/put a curb on

encyclopedia (n.)=??


-ia = 通过;en- = in;-cyclo = cycle; ped=ped = 走




prolong (v.) ?vs. elongate (v.) 延长extend/stretch

a stretch of road

extend one?s cordial gratitude to extend one?s sincere apologies to

be grateful of

propose (v.) =?? 提建议

pose=put propose=求婚

?vs. dispose (v.) 处置,处理(random)

??Man proposes, God disposes. Disposable plastic bags / chopsticks centri=center 中



eccentric:e=out?古怪的; 离心的

weird=古怪的bizarre eccentricity (n.)


ethno=ethnic=人种的, 种族的


autobiography: bio=生物,一生?自传

ethnic=种族的?ethnicity (n.) = the characteristic of a race or a tribe ethno=ethnic

ethos=文化精神, 社会底蕴The essence of culture

ethics=伦理= virtue美德=moral道德(n.)=morality


extravagant=会挥霍的, 奢侈的=deluxe

ant/ent ?ance/ence (n.)

extravagance(luxury, luxurious)





Wade (NBA): w=water 在水上走?淌水

parade (v./n.)=检阅, 行军demonstrate


Crusaders ?蹂躏, 抢劫= depredation

predator (a meat-eating animal)

with-: =back

withdraw=撤销,取款(deposit) withhold=抑制restrict, constrain / restrain + sb. from doing

refrain from,

prohibit(~ive) curative preventive wither

To: ∣

accelerate approve appraise acclaim

accelerate (v.)= ??



?celerity 敏捷(-ity = 抽象的概念)

???accelerate 加速


?celebrity [Sister Feng] Spring Festival Celebration notability=显赫的大人物[Bill Gates]

cele: celebrity ? no=not=know

notice = perceive = figure out


Spring Festival Celebration春节联欢晚会


acclaim = ??

分析:claim= nounce = log = loq = fess

??? acclaim =to claim为某人喝彩,拥戴

acclaim ? applause

?vs. applause applaud plaud lord landlord

为某人鼓掌Give sb some hands?

There are a lot of people outside thinking you should let them hear what we are doing in the air, you motherfuckers.



declaim (de- = away):大声演讲,高谈阔论


proclaim (v.): 正式宣布(formal)

?exclamation; declamation proclamation

-claim =log =loq =fess =nounce =logue =loque: speak

catalogue: 目录

分析: cata =下面away

cataclysm: 灾难;剧变(人为-苏联解体)

catastrophe catastrophic catabolism (metabolism)

epilogue 后记prologue

分析: epi- = post- =往后放?epidemic (a): 流行的;感染的

~ flu/influenza Swine Flu

Puppy kitten coyote

acclaim:-claim =logue:speak ? monologue: mono

monologue (n.):

mono- = 一个homo homosexual


?monopoly monopolize (v.)

【marriage: 】

monogamy = 一夫一妻

polygamy = 一夫多妻/一妻多夫(poly- =很多)

trigamy = 一夫三妻

monologue: mono ? bi-: 两个

bilateral (a) ~ agreement双边协定

unilateral military action

lateral a./n. 侧面的,横向的

latitude 纬度~ of exposure longitude经度biannual: 一年两次

annual/year-end bonus biennial: 两年一次

monologue: mono ? tri-: 三个

love triangle 三角恋

分析:-gle, -gon = 角,苦恼

agony 苦恼ugly ugliness (agonize)

That disastrous fire has saved us the agony of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. dispose of ( vs. cope with )

disposable (a) 一次性的


五角大楼= pentagon

多边形= polygon


his devastatingly handsome figure with a totally square face (devil devastate)

四角形= quadrangle

adequate 满

make an adequate preparation for ...

-logue, -loque

Facts speak louder than eloquence. (口才)

colloquial = 大家一起说的话?通俗的,口语化的,白话的

loque=-nounce: speak

pronounce = 发音;宣布?pronunciation

?pronouncement = 公告书

circular (n./a.) 通告(bulletin)

denounce (v.)


??~ sb. as a coward ~ sb. of sth.=charge sb. with

= sue sb. of/for (claim money from sb.) suit

God damn it = 天杀的

condemn; condemnation 强烈谴责

God-damn gifted/IQ

a God-gifted present

??blame on sb=place a blame on

??make a complaint of/about

??chide (v.) = 强烈斥责

??rap 骂人(v.)

?rapture (n.) 欣喜若狂rupture -rupt- corrupt v./a.

denounce sb. of sth. = 控告

? sue sb. of/for sth.

?? pursue-- Pursuit of Happiness

?? sue = 告状要有诉求

?? suit (n.) 官司,案件

? charge sb. with/for sth.

? prosecute (官方)起诉

nounce: denounce?persecute -secu

prosecute (官方)起诉

secu a.= 裁决,裁判,裁定

?CEO =Chief Executive Officer =


极刑= execution

?死刑= death penalty a prosecuting attorney

??persecute (v.): per=wholly=through


jury ------ verdict (n.)

secu: per=pene=through



a.=+odor evil-smelling

b.=+ voice

c.= +vision=insight/perception

penetrative=有洞察力的 a ~ view

Perspective (n.)观点(a.)透视的

spectator spectacles spectacular

permeate: an idea affects every corner of our society

perforate: 打孔, 穿孔(小孔) o=洞

打齿孔: perforate

punch +开洞,冲压?朋克-punk punctual punctuality acupuncture (acute chronic) pierce (NBA: Paul Pierce)=刺穿

Poke about/out=probe 刺探=explore

nounce: denounce ?persecute-secu

secu b.= sequ = 连续:

? consecutive (a)

??consecutive/straight wins 连胜

? a sequence of= a succession of

= a series of = a set of = a cluster of

? consequence: 连续/一起发生=后果

ensuing occurrence (recur)


accuse:cuse = curse 诅咒?控告accuse sb. of sth.

be accused of theft and fraud

?? admonish (v.) (monk和尚;monkey)劝诫,告诫

accommodate (v.) 住宿

accommodation 住宿,招待行业

(catering cater to/for)

比较词 a. habitation 长期居住

?habitant 居民(居所不等于住所)

?比较词2. reside 原住地(native) (v.)

?定居地reside in ?? resident 居民

preside over (host) insidious pleasures

比较词 3. dwell (发音) dwindle= 蹲在井上不动?居住

dwell on 回忆,追溯,沉思

? swell 死鬼从井里爬出来?浮肿

a desk-dwelling computer herd

accompany (v.) = company 陪伴?companion 伙伴?伴奏= accompaniment

account: (count on sb. / sth.)


2、占据(数字百分比)? accountant会计


a first-hand account 一手报道

[social networks]

?account for = explain (explicit inexplicable)

??take into account sth. = take sth into consideration把什么拿来考虑

V oltaire

I disapprove of what you said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

defend your right to say it to the death

ac-= to

accredit:ac-= to 授权,委托

Credit credible credibility

?an accredited ambassador特派大使(德高望重=bass,am爱amiable)

??embarrass 酒吧里如驴

An embarrassing moment


ac- ? accumulate:cumu = 积累

accumulate: cum=堆在,躺在

cumber encumber succumb to

比较词1collect collective collectivism individualism (divide by ... multiply by)

比较词2. gather 扎堆--德国人《集结号》= assembly

比较词 3. assemble (v.)(同类的)聚集sem=same 集结同样的人--士兵?? resemble (v.) 像He resembles his father badly.


? Assembly = 市政议会(地方)
