

The introduction to dal i

Dali is a city which is located northwest of the Yunnan province in the south of China, and 300 kilo-meters northwest of Kunming. Just between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east.

Dali is an ancient city with a history of over 2000 years. It was established as the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom in the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) it became the capital of the Dali Kingdom. Now Dali is the political, economic, and cultural center of the western part of Yunnan Province.

Dali is one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations, along with Lijiang, for tourists from both within and outside China. And then I’ll take you to travel around Dali. When you arrived in Dali, the first thing come into your eyes is cangshan,Cangshan, also names the Diancang, it has 19 peaks. As the protective screen of dali, it located from the north to the south. A s you can see, it’s covered by the snow all the year, and the clouds make it more mysterious .Then I will take you to the Erhai lake,Erhai is

at the foot of cangshan, it’s in the east of Dali city , we can travel around the lake by boat, and there are a few island located at the center of the lake, we can stop by and you can feel the strong customs of our nationality. Next ,I’ll show you around the Three Pagodas temple, they are the ancient landmarks and symbols of Dali.The three pagodas are the only surviving temples through the war, so it’s make them more special. Then I’d like to show you some pictures about the Dali Ancient City, it’s very mysterious and attractive. At the last, another attractions we have to introduce is the Butterfly Spring. Travel about 27 kilometers south of Dali and here you are at the Butterfly Spring. The pool is about 50 square meters overall and above it is an ancient decumbent tree called ‘butterfly tree’, when the spring turns to summer, its fragrant blossom will attracts thousands of butterflies. It’s become a very beautiful picture.

Then it’s comes to the food part, our eating habits is basically the same with Han. But we still have some delicious special local food. Such as milk fan(乳扇)、Xizhou baba(喜洲粑粑)and so on. But the most special one is this,

we called it “eight big bowl(八大碗)”,we usually use it to entertain the guests to show our welcome.

Now I’ll introduce about the local national culture. Dali is a Minority Autonomous Prefecture(自治州),and Bai Minority making up the majority of Dali’s population(65%). The national dress is mainly in white, but now most people don’t dress all the time, except the holidays.

located northwest of the Yunnan Province, 300 kilo-mete rs (186 miles) northwest of Kunming, Dali City is the e conomic and cultural center of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. The area is surrounded by mountains on the east, west, and south, and has the Erhai Lake in its ce nter. Here you will find 25 ethnic minorities, which ha ve created a unique cultural heritage amidst the area's picturesque surroundings.

Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake are praised as Dali's leading scenic areas. Most attractions in Dali lie between these two landmarks, such as the Butterfly Spring, and the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple. Ethnic minorities have inhabited Dali for generations, with the Bai Minority making up the majority of Dali's population (65%). The customs of the ethnic minorities bring charm to daily life in Dali. Each spring, celebrations and festivals bring the city to life. Celebrations such as the March Street Festival and Butterfly Fest provide excellent opportunities to learn about local folk customs.少数民族世代居住大理,白族占多数人口的达利(65%)。海关的少数民族的日常生活带来的魅力,在大理。每年春天,庆祝活动和节日将城市生活。庆祝活动,比如3月的街头艺术节和蝴蝶节提供优质的机会来了解当地的民俗风情。


As early as 4,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Bai p eople settled in the Dali area. In the Second Century A D, it was brought into the territory of the central gov ernment of Han Dynasty (206 BC-220AD). Two ethnic state s, the Nanzhao State (738-937) in Tang Dynasty (618-90 7), and the Dali State (937-1253) in Song Dynasty (960-1279), were once established here as well. Throughout t he ages, Dali remained an intermediary area linking eco nomic and cultural communications between ancient China and other countries via India. The remains of Dali Tai He City and the Dali Ancient City bear witness to thou

sands of years of historic changes in Dali. Together wi th the Xizhou Town and the Zhoucheng Village, the ancie nt towns in Dali show the best of historic customs of d aily life within the Bai Minority.早在4000年前,我们的祖先白族人定居在大理地区。公元2世纪,它被纳入了中央政府的领土汉代(公元前206年-公元220年)。两个民族国家、南诏状态(738 - 937)在唐朝(618 - 907),和大理状态(937 - 1253)在宋朝(960 - 1279),曾经在这里建立了

Present day Dali is a city that combines history with m odern convenience. It is divided into two areas- the An cient City and the New District (widely known as Xiagua n). The Ancient City is centered around the ancient cit y of Dali, first built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Ancient buildings, city walls and the old city moat ar e the sites most frequented by visitors. The famous For eigner Street in the Ancient City attracts visitors wit h its handicrafts, and local culinary delicacies. Xiagu an, located to the south of the Ancient City, home to t he government of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. He re hotels, public squares, and shopping centers add mod ernity to the otherwise historical city.

Throughout its years of development, local endeavors fo r advancement have been rewarded with a great rise in a rea living standards. Nowadays, Dali is a tourist desti nation replete with every convenience in transportation and public facilities, making it accessible for visito rs from home and abroad.


大理导游词英文版范本 大理导游词英文版范本1: Dali is located in the west of yunnan province, Dali bai autonomous prefecture of state government headquarters. Erhai lake in Dali is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau plain, zhon mountain foothill, shore of erhai lake, the ancient capital city of nanzhao and Dali kingdom, as the ancient yunnan region s political, economic and cultural center, for more than five hundred years. In 1982, Dali by the Chinese government as one of the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural city. The Dali as China s first top ten charm city, is the bai nationality as the main body of ethnic minority areas, covers an area of 1468 square kilometers, the population of the city of 610000 people, including bai accounted for 65%. Governs 10 towns and 1 township, a total of 20 neighborhood committees and 109 administrative villages. The municipal people s government in shimonoseki town. Dali always is permeated with light of languid is lazy. Foreigner that many books in the streets, bars, small gallery,


云南大理苍山洱海英文导游词 关键词:英语学习-云南大理苍山洱海英文导游词 Fellow friends: Hello! Toured the Dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; Now we watch the CangshanErhai, understands the Dali"s America of scenery. First, we ride the yacht to go to the Erhai park. The Erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the Hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative. WhenNanzhao country, here is king"s deer park. In 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, Occupiesdi 1,600 Chinese acres. On the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the Dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour. Now the pleasure boat to the Erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill Binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps AscendsLevel on, we arrive the summit.Everybody looked that, this Curls upwardsAngle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: Jade Er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the Chinese inadmiration of somebody"s fame painter Wu Zuoren"s writing skill. Looksthe sea building is understands "the jade Er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:East side Erhai vast, boundless, west Cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray. Fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to Erhaiin. But I first must to everybody introduction be actually amCangshan. Formerly, we in the Dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the Cangshangrand appearance well. Just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; Looks thesea building in the Erhai park, the angle of view Inclines, also onlycan see the Cangshan terminal. Now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye Cangshan is not clearer? Somepeople said that, a Hengduan pulse condition great arm, the Tibetplateau extended west Yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, Cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.


大理苍山洱海英文导游词 大理白族自治州地处云南省中部偏西,海拔2090米,地处低纬高原,四季温差不大,干湿季分明,以低纬高原季风气候为主,境内以苍山、洱海、大理古城、崇圣寺、蝴蝶泉、三塔等景点最有代表性。 大理苍山洱海英文导游词 fellow friends: hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dali's america of scenery. first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is king's deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour. now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group


The introduction to dal i Dali is a city which is located northwest of the Yunnan province in the south of China, and 300 kilo-meters northwest of Kunming. Just between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east. Dali is an ancient city with a history of over 2000 years. It was established as the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom in the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) it became the capital of the Dali Kingdom. Now Dali is the political, economic, and cultural center of the western part of Yunnan Province. Dali is one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations, along with Lijiang, for tourists from both within and outside China. And then I’ll take you to travel around Dali. When you arrived in Dali, the first thing come into your eyes is cangshan,Cangshan, also names the Diancang, it has 19 peaks. As the protective screen of dali, it located from the north to the south. A s you can see, it’s covered by the snow all the year, and the clouds make it more mysterious .Then I will take you to the Erhai lake,Erhai is


大理概况导游词 大理地处云南省中部偏西,市境东巡洱海,西及点苍山脉。这里气候温和,土地肥沃,山水风光秀丽多姿,是我国,远在四千多年前,大理地区就有原始居民的活动。 在漫长的历史岁月中,大理曾有着显赫的地位和作用。秦、汉之际,大理是“蜀·身毒国道”(从四川成都,经云南大理、保山进入缅甸,再通往印度)的必经之地,这条通道,对促进大理地区和内地的联系、对促进中国和东南亚诸国友好往来和经济文化交流起着重要的作用。 大理州,全名大理白族自治州,地处云南省中部偏西,东邻楚雄州,南靠普洱、临沧地区,西与保山地区、怒江州相连,北接丽江地区。 大理州历史悠久,素有“文献名邦”的美称,是云南最早的文化发祥地之一。唐宋五百多年间(即从南诏国建立至大理国覆灭),大理一直是云南的政治、经济、文化中心。地处低纬高原,四季温差不大,干湿季分明,以低纬高原季风气候为主,常年气候温和,土地肥沃,以秀丽山水和少数民族风情闻名于世,境内以蝴蝶泉、洱海、崇圣寺三塔等景点最有代表性。大理山水风光秀丽多姿,有“风花雪月”的美称,即下关风、上关花、苍山雪、洱海月。 旅游景点有: 大理古城——总是不经意的会那大理古城和丽江古城

做对比,大理虽然缺乏丽江的柔媚韵致,但却有更为朴质的味道和大气的帝王风范。 苍山洱海——苍山横亘在洱海西岸,就像一对情侣相依相伴。 玉矶岛——建筑原始二古朴,最能反映大理几千年的民居风格。 崇圣寺三塔——旧时的大理国崇尚佛教,许多皇帝都在这里出家,可见其地位之高。它曾今是南诏的象征。如今也是大理的标志性景点。 蝴蝶泉——蝴蝶泉只所以得名,是因为这里曾今有过蝴蝶成团翩飞的独特景象而它的闻名却是借助于五十年代的电影《五朵金花》。 天龙八部影视城——它不仅仅是一个影视拍摄基地,同时还是主题公园。影视城按照“大理特点、宋代特点、艺术要求”三结合的原则,参照《清明上河图》的设计风格。在这里,游客可以体验的穿越千年时空的奇妙。圆一个武侠梦! 最佳季节:2-5月。大理处于云南,冬暖夏凉,是个非常适宜居住的地方,大理三月好风光,所以在春季,无论是前往大理古城,或是登苍山、游洱海,都再适合不过了。但是特别注意大理日温差有时可高达10度左右,在夏天,只要一下雨,就会像冬天一样冷,当地有“一雨成秋”的说法。来大理,不管什么季节,都可能遇到一天之内有很大温差变


云南大理英文导游词 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

云南大理英文导游词 Welcome, everyone!Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali” As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized , everyone, we are now at the Three three pagodas make a beautiful picture,rightThree Pagodas are the?symbol of Dali,they have a history of more than 1,000 years. The major Pagoda, we call it “千寻”,built during the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. Its front"s four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.”I a m sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century during the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from visiting the temple, we will go to enjoy the other place of interests, Ok ,Let’s go, everyone.


云南大理古城导游词 大理古城在唐、宋500多年的历史间是云南的政治、经济、文化的中心,在古城 内分布了14处市级以上的重点文物保护单位,承载着大理历史文化、宗教文化、民族文化,是大理旅游核心区。下面是小编收集整理的云南大理古城导游词范文,欢迎借 鉴参考。 云南大理古城导游词(一) 各位游客大家好: 欢迎来到云南大理古城,我是你们的导游。下面就让我来为大家介绍一下云南大 理古城。 大理古城位于云南省西部,又名叶榆城、紫城。古城其历史可追溯至唐天宝年间,南诏王阁逻凤筑的羊苴咩城,为其新都。古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),占地面 积3平方公里。 大理为1982年2月8日国务院公布的中国首批24个历史文化名城之一。大理古 城在唐、宋500多年的历史间是云南的政治、经济、文化的中心,在古城内分布了14处市级以上的重点文物保护单位,承载着大理历史文化、宗教文化、民族文化,是大 理旅游核心区。 历史沿革 西汉元封二年(前109年),设置叶榆县,隶属益州郡。 唐宋时期,大理相继建立过南诏、大理国两个地方政权。唐开元二十七年(739年),太和城被南诏国选做其都城。太和城分为外城和内城。外城筑有南北两道城墙,两道 城墙的西端在金刚山顶相连接,南城墙长约3350米向东延伸;北城墙长约3225米。 唐贞元四年(779年),皮逻阁之曾孙将都城迁至羊苴咩城,即大理旧城。 唐天复二年(902年),南诏权臣郑买嗣夺权,建立“大长和国”。南诏天应元年(927年),杨干贞扶持赵善政建立“大天兴国”,随后又自立为王,建“大义宁国”。 后晋天福二年(937年),段思平于羊苴咩城定都建国,国号大理。 元朝灭大理国,城毁于兵燹。 明洪武十五年(1382年),明军攻占大理,大理路改为大理府,仍治太和县,并筑 新的府城,即大理古城。 1982年,重修南城门,门头“大理”二字是集郭沫若书法而成。


云南大理导游词范文 大理古城简称叶榆,又称紫城,其历史可追溯至唐天宝年间,南诏王阁逻凤筑的羊苴咩城(今城之西三塔附近),为其新都。古城始建于明洪武十五年(公元1382年),方圆十二里,城墙高二丈五尺,厚二丈。东西南北各设一门,均有城楼,四角还有角楼。解放初,城墙均被拆毁。1982年,重修南城门,门头“大理”二字是集郭沫若书法而成。由南城门进城,一条直通北门的复兴路,成了繁华的街市,沿街店铺比肩而设,出售大理石、扎染等民族工艺品及珠宝玉石。街巷间一些老宅,也仍可寻昔日风貌,庭院里花木扶疏,鸟鸣声声,户外溪渠流水淙淙。“三家一眼井,一户几盆花”的景象依然。 古城内东西走向的护国路,被称为“洋人街”。这里一家接一家的中西餐馆、咖啡馆、茶馆及工艺品商店,招牌、广告多用洋文书写,吸引着金发碧眼的“老外”,在这里流连忘返,寻找东方古韵,渐成一道别致的风景。 古城的历史可追溯至唐天宝年间,南诏王阁逻凤筑的羊苴咩城(今城之西三塔附近),为其新都。古城始建于明洪武十五年(公元1382年),方圆十二里。 1982年2月8日,国务院公布大理古城为中国首批24个历史文化名城之一。 大理古城的城门云南省首批重点文物保护的“世祖皇帝

平云南碑”,就耸立在三月街街场上。 在古城西北1公里处,就是被国务院列为全国第一批重点文物保护单位的大理三塔,与古城西南角的弘圣寺一塔遥遥相对,为古城增添了一层灿烂的色彩。 大理古城的城区道路仍保持着明、清以来的棋盘式方格网结构,素有九街十八巷之称。南北对峙的两座城楼被修复一新。 洋人街城内由南到北,一条大街横贯其中,深街幽巷,由西到东纵横交错,全城清一色的清瓦屋面,鹅卵石堆砌的墙壁,显示着古城的古朴、别致、优雅。 从苍山俯看大理古城,文献楼、南城门楼、五华楼,北城门楼一字排开,巍峨雄壮,使古城透出一种诱人气韵。街道两旁,白族民居古香古色。 大理古城鸟瞰图古城第一门——文献楼。位于大理古城南门外1公里的文献楼,素有古城第一门之称,是大理古城的标志性建筑。始建于清康熙年间。楼额悬挂云南提督偏图于康熙四十年(公元1701年)所题的“文献名邦”匾额,故名文献楼。文献楼横跨在南面进入大理古城通道上,道路两旁柳树成荫,拂面依依,颇有诗情画意,是官府迎送达官贵人的门户。文献楼为两层歇山式土木石结构的镝楼,具有典型的白族建筑特色,它矗立在砖石结构门洞上面,雄伟壮丽。 洋人街——护国路。古城内东西走向的护国路,被称为


云南大理英文导游词 Welcome, everyone!Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place. OK, everyone, we are now at the Three Pagodas.These three pagodas make a beautiful picture,right? Three Pagodas are the symbol of Dali,they have a history of more than 1,000 years. The major Pagoda, we call it “千寻”,built during the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. Its front"s four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains a nd Rivers Forever.” I am sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century during the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is 第 1 页


关于云南大理导游词 关于云南大理导游词【一】 大理古城简称榆城,位居风光亮丽的苍山脚下,距大理市下关13公里。大理古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),是全国首批历史文化名城之一。 大理白族自治州位于云南省西北部,首府大理市,是中国首批优秀旅游城市、国家级历史文化名城、国家级风景名胜区和自然保护区。全州国土面积2.95万平方公里,总人口328万,有13个世居民族,少数民族占50%,白族占总人口的三分之一。 大理历史悠久,山河壮丽。唐宋时期先后建立的“南诏国”、“大理国”等地方政权延续500年,一度是云南政治、经济、文化的中心。全州可供观光旅游景点达130多处。苍山洱海珠联璧合、相互辉映;剑川石宝山唐代石窟被誉为“西南敦煌”;佛教圣地鸡足山与中国四大佛教名山齐名;巍宝山系南诏发祥地,有规模宏大、保存完整的道教观宇建筑群;洱海源头的茈碧湖、温泉闻名中外。加之独特的旅游条件,海外媒介将大理誉为“东方日内瓦”。 关于云南大理导游词【二】 大理古城简称榆城,位居风光亮丽的苍山脚下,距大理市下关13公里。大理古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),是全国首批历史文化名城之一。 大理古城东临洱海,西枕苍山,城楼雄伟,风光优美。大理城的规模

壮阔,方围12里,原城墙高7.5米,厚6米,东西南北原有四座城门,上有城楼。如果说,自治州首府下关给人以繁盛、喧闹的印象,那么大理古城则是古朴而幽静。 城中有一贯穿南北的大街,街边有各种专卖大理石制品、扎染、草编等名特产品的店铺和风味十足的白族饮食店。 城内流淌着清澈的溪水,到处可见古朴雅的白族传统民居,这里居民不论贫富,都有在庭院内养花种草的习惯。大理古城也就有“家家流水,户户养花”之说。 大理古城距下关很近,乘公共汽车十多分钟即可到达,城内各汽车站和主要宾馆前都有车前往。也可由下关乘小马车前往,不过千万要在上车前谈好价钱。 到大理古城旅游,如要留宿,城内有许多按照白族传统民居建造的旅馆可供选择,价格不算贵。 关于云南大理导游词【三】 大理古城的门面是不太好的——我是说,一下车,你就会遭遇锲而不舍的中年“金花”“阿鹏”们。他们很有耐心,耐心得你都会没了耐心。一些游客常见的地方,比如车站、古城南门、博爱门外,都聚集着大批这样拉客的人。对他们的建议最好保持冷静,谨记天上没有掉馅饼这回事。 进入大理古城,多一些了解之后,你就会喜欢上这个地方。 大理古城地处云南省中部偏西,东临洱海,西望苍山,城在山水之间。涓涓不断的清澈泉水滋润着这一方水土,仁者智者都没了话说。从都市来到这里,会明显感觉到时间放慢了节奏——城墙环绕,青石板铺地,屋瓦


云南大理古城导游词介绍5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。下面是小编搜集的云南大理古城导游词介绍5篇,希望对你有所帮助。 云南大理古城导游词介绍(1) 大理古城简称榆城,位居风光亮丽的苍山脚下,距大理市下关13公里。大理古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),是全国首批历史文化名城之一。 大理白族自治州位于云南省西北部,首府大理市,是中国首批优秀旅游城市、国家级历史文化名城、国家级风景名胜区和自然保护区。全州国土面积2.95万平方公里,总人口328万,有13个世居民族,少数民族占50%,白族占总人口 的三分之一。 大理历史悠久,山河壮丽。唐宋时期先后建立的“南诏国”、“大理国”等地方政权延续500年,一度是云南政治、经济、文化的中心。全州可供观光旅游景点达130多处。苍山洱海珠联璧合、相互辉映;剑川石宝山唐代石窟被誉为“西南敦煌”;佛教圣地鸡足山与中国四大佛教名山齐名;巍宝山系南诏发祥地,有规模宏大、保存完整的道教观宇建筑群;洱海源头的茈碧湖、温泉闻名中外。加之独特的旅游条件,海外媒介将大理誉为“东方日内瓦”。 延伸阅读: 导游词功能 1.引导游客鉴赏 导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。 2.传播文化知识 传统文化知识即向游客介绍有关旅游胜地的历史典故、地理风貌、风土人情、传说故事、民族习俗、古迹名胜、风景特色,使游客增长知识。 3.陶冶游客情操 导游词的语言应具有言之有理、有物、有情、有神等特点。通过语言艺术和技巧,给游客勾画出一幅幅立体的图画,构成生动的视觉形象,把旅游者引入一


( 云南导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-031034 大理景点导游词 Tour guide of Dali scenic spots

大理景点导游词 要欣赏大理的四大景色必须在不同季节来,下面是为大家带来的大理景点导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 大理景点导游词范文1: 大理是一座很美很有韵味的古城。下关风、上官花、苍山雪、洱海月是它精华的代表。 大理至今保留着古老的城墙,沿着城墙一步步地走,用手抚摸着古老的砖石。脚踩石板路,古老的气息向你扑来。 现在,大理的新城是下关。下关的风很特别:不象东北的风那么寒冷,不象新疆的风那么刺骨,更不象沿海的风那么凶猛。下关的风在傍晚,一路呼啸而来,吹得人睁不开眼,头发跳舞,衣服象鼓风机,一个个缩着脖子走路。这里的风凉,特别清爽,一年四季都是这样的风。怪不得这里的居民个个脸上都是高原色。 大理蝴蝶泉以蝴蝶飞舞蜚声中外。明代的旅行家徐霞客曾经来到这里。每年四月,蝴蝶飞来千万只,缤纷起舞七彩云。蝴蝶们翩翩起舞,围成圈停留在泉中心的“夫妻”树上。蝴蝶们飞到树旁,邀请这一对情人与它们共舞,它们唱呀跳呀别提多高兴了,四月人们要在蝴蝶泉边举行各种各样的活动,游客可以真切地感受到与蝶共舞的精彩场景,这就是有名的蝴蝶会。

更让人惊叹不已的是蝴蝶大世界。你一走进去,就会看到数不清的蝴蝶。这里的蝴蝶品种繁多,珍品不少,它们在花丛中飞舞,让你感觉这里的芬芳气息。瞧!一些蝴蝶正聚精会神地采花,不管你走多近,它都毫无察觉;一些蝴蝶对游人的照相机很感兴趣,飞到游人的帽子上和游人一起照相;还有的蝴蝶在花丛中寻找同伴,一会儿低飞,一会儿高飞。。。。。。 我们接着参观了大理三塔。三塔位于大理城北约一公里处,后面是巍峨的苍山,波涛万里的洱海在它的前面。三塔修建于唐宋,如同玉柱横空,雄浑壮丽,在苍山洱海间静静地屹立千余年。 大理景点导游词范文2:蝴蝶泉 蝴蝶泉,在大理城北40公里的苍山云弄峰下。由于长期的山水冲刷,砂石成片,山坡上树木稀少。但当你缓步上坡,行约半里,却见一片绿荫耀眼。走过古朴的石坊,迎面有一块高约3米的大理石碑挺立,碑呈棱形,正面右侧有郭沫若手书“蝴蝶泉”三个大字.左例刻郭老咏蝴蝶泉诗的手迹;碑的背面,书徐霞客游大理蝴蝶泉的一段日记。沿林荫小道曲折前行约三四十米,只见古树林立,浓荫蔽天,一方清泉嵌于其间,底铺青石,泉水明澈,常有人掷金属钱币于池中,观其缓缓旋落,阳光从树顶筛下,池底银光闪烁,倍感泉水清例。 泉池周围有大理石栏板,泉边一株高大古树横跨泉上,此树因花形似蝶,因此人们称为“蝴蝶树”。每当夏季来临,“蝴蝶树”开花,苍洱之间的蝴蝶成群来此聚汇,翻飞起舞,热闹非常。最奇的是万千彩蝶交尾相衔,倒挂横于泉止的蝴蝶树上,形成无数蝶串,垂至水面,五彩缤纷,蔚为壮观。最盛之期在农历四月十五日前后,所以农历四月十五日被定为“蝴蝶会”。 大理景点游记范文3:


云南大理导游词5篇精选范文 今天我带大家来大理逛逛,大理是座美丽的城市,在大理市中有许多国家级的风景名胜,今天我就带大家来看看! 我们的第一站就是大理三塔。大理三塔,位于大理城北约一公里处。主塔名为千寻塔,高69。13米,是典型的唐代建筑,东面正中有个醒目的石壁,上面有“永镇山川”四个大字,在这四个大字中,只有“永”字是在一次大地震后保存下来的,剩下的三个字是由黔国公沐英后裔沐世阶题的。在一千多年前的大地震中,三座塔都被震斜了,主塔在其后的余震中又恢复原样,其余两塔仍有不用程度的倾斜,左塔倾斜10度,右塔倾斜8度。可是,经过一年又一年,那两座塔还是矗立在那,一动不动。在三塔旁还有一个崇圣寺,寺中有五宝:三塔、巨钟、雨铜观音、证道歌碑和佛都匾。 接着,我们就来到了大理古城。大理古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),是全国首批历史文化名城之一。它位于苍山脚下,在古城的大门的正上方有一块大匾,上面写着楷书的“大理”二字,在城外还有城墙,城墙高7。5米,厚6米。可惜的是出于保护的目的,古城现在已不让游人登城游览了。在大理古城内居住的大部分居民是白族人,城内由许多白族传统民居,城内的居民不论贫富,都有养花的习惯,所以大理古城也有“家家流水,户户养花”之说。大理古城的建筑还保存这原来的旧貌,古色古香。 最后,我们花了半天的时间乘“杜鹃号”游船游览洱海。洱海其实不

是海,是云南省容量最大的`淡水湖,由于面积大,所以人们称之为海。它的海拔有1966米。在船上我们欣赏了洱海的美丽景色,还观看了大理的“三道茶”、“白族歌舞表演”等节目。 “风花雪月”是大理著名的景色,上关花:是指大理的茶花举世闻名;下关风:下关(一个地方)的风很大,夏天的风还有点刺骨的感觉;苍山雪:在冬季,苍山雪白雪白的,这个季节是大理的雨季,所以看不见雪,只见满山云雾缭绕,更增添了许多神秘的色彩;洱海月:是说在洱海上看月亮,晚上,月亮倒映在水面上,水面上波光粼粼,美不胜收。要欣赏大理的四大景色必须在不同季节来。 云南大理导游词2 各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到大理古城参观游览。我是此次大理古城的导游_X,我很荣幸陪同大家一起参观游览,下面将由我来为大家讲解大理古城。 大理古城位于云南西部,又名叶榆城、紫城,属于国家AAAA级景区。其历史可追溯至唐天宝年间,南诏王阁逻凤筑的羊苴咩城,为其新都。明洪武十五年(1382年),古城始建,占地面积3平方公里。方圆十二里,城墙高二丈五尺,厚二丈。东西南北各设一门,均有城楼,四角还有角楼。解放初,城墙均被拆毀。1982年,重修南城门,门头“大理”二字是集郭沬若书法而成。1982年2月8日,国务院公布大理古城为中国首批24个历史文化名城之一。在古城内分布了14处市级以上的重点文物保护单位,承载着大理历史文化、宗教文化、民族文化,是大理旅游核心区。由南城门进城,一条直通北门的


2020 云南导游词大理洱海导游词3篇 精彩范文_0179 EDUCATION WORD

云南导游词大理洱海导游词3篇精彩范文_0179 前言语料:温馨提醒,教育,就是实现上述社会功能的最重要的一个独立出来的过程。其目的,就是把之前无数个人有价值的观察、体验、思考中的精华,以浓缩、 系统化、易于理解记忆掌握的方式,传递给当下的无数个人,让个人从中获益,丰 富自己的人生体验,也支撑整个社会的运作和发展。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 大理洱海是大理人民赖以生存的基础,具有调节气候、农灌、饮用、旅游等多种功能,是大理滇西中心城市建设和全州经济社会可持续发展的基础,是大理各族人民的母亲湖。本文是大理洱海的导游词,仅供参考。 大家好,欢迎各位来到“五朵金花”的故乡——大理。 现在我们的游船正行驶在洱海的泄水河道——西洱河之上。游船的航行方向是由西向东的,再往前行,大家便可以看到烟波浩淼的洱海了。 洱海,是云南著名的高原湖泊,位于大理市区的西北,为中国第七大淡水湖。形成于冰河时代的末期,其主要成因是沉降侵蚀,属构造断陷湖。洱海,北起洱源,长约42.58公里,东西最大宽度9公里。湖面面积256.5平方公里,虽没有滇池大,但蓄水量比滇池要大很多。这是由于洱海的平均深度有10米,最深处

可达到20米。古称“叶榆水”、“昆弥川”。但是小徐呢,更喜欢它现在的名字——洱海。因为这个名字更加的贴切可爱。从空中往下看,她宛如一轮新月,静静地依卧在苍山和大理坝子之间,像极了一只可爱的大耳朵。这也就是大理“风花雪月”中的‘洱海月’了。 现在我们的游船已经行驶在碧波荡漾的洱海了。 大家看,湖水清澈见底,就像无瑕的美玉,秀丽无比,它正以广阔的胸怀欢迎各位来自远方的宾朋。如果在农历十五月明之夜到这儿,月亮会特别的圆、特别的圆,那景色,我也是醉:水中,月圆如轮,浮光摇金;天空,玉镜高悬,清辉灿灿,仿佛才从湖里沐浴过。水天辉映,都分不清是天月掉海,还是海月升天。洱海月为什么如此明亮呢?科学的结论是:一、洱海水质特别纯净,透明度相当高,反光极强;二、洱海海面尘埃较少,空气清新,使得水天相映,月光更加明亮。此外,洱海月之著名,还在于洁白无瑕的苍山雪倒映在洱海中,与洱海月交相辉映,构成“银苍玉洱”这一大奇观。 在我们的前方,大家所能看到的这个玲珑剔透的小岛,就是洱海中最小、但又最负盛名的岛屿——小普陀了,在介绍大理的画册中少不了它。小普陀周长只有200多米,全由石灰岩构成,总面积约有70平方公尺。这里为什么叫小普陀呢?普陀,是梵文普陀珞伽山的缩写,意思是小白花山或小花树山,传说是观音在印度修行的地方。因此啊,凡是传说中观音显圣地大都称为普陀山。比如,我国四大佛教名山之一的浙江普陀山。由于小普陀的


大理的导游词5篇 1、云南大理导游词 大理位于云南省中部偏西,总面积 29459平方公里,地域辽阔,资源丰富,山川秀丽,四季如春,是祖国大西南一块待开发的宝地。全州辖一市十一县,是一个居住着汉、白、彝、回、傈僳、藏、纳西等26个民族的地区,1999年末总人口326.09万人,少数民族人口约占50%,其中白族人口108.53万人,是一个以白族为自治民族的自治州,是闻名于世的电影“五朵金花”的故乡。 州府所在地大理市,是滇缅、滇藏公路交汇地,滇西的交通枢纽;是历史上我国与东南亚各国文化交流、通商贸易的重要门户;是唐代南诏和宋代大理国五百年都邑所在地,素称“文献名邦”;以“风、花、雪、月”著称的大理,现为国家对外开放城市、全国首批公布的24个历史文化名城和44个风景名胜区之一、全国文化先进市、中国优秀旅游城市。 大理白族自治州境内的南诏崇圣寺三塔,剑川石宝山石窟,宾川佛教圣地鸡足山,以及挺拔雄伟的苍山,明媚清澈的洱海,蝴蝶泉的湖光山色,构成了一幅美丽而又神奇的画卷。大理以其秀丽的自然风光,丰富的文物古迹,优美的民族风情为特色而闻名遐迩,吸引着无数中外游客。 2、大理崇圣寺三塔导游词

大理崇圣寺三塔,距离下关14千米,位于大理以北1.5千米苍山应乐峰下,背靠苍山,面临洱海,三塔由一大二小三座佛塔组成,呈鼎立之态,远远望去,雄浑壮丽,是苍洱胜景之一。 崇圣寺三塔的基座为方形,四周有石栏,栏的四角柱头雕有石狮,其东面正中有块石照壁,-“永镇山川”四个大字,颇有气魄。三塔的主塔名叫千寻塔,为方形16层密檐式塔,底宽9.9米,高69.13米,塔顶有铜制覆钵,上置塔刹,与西安大小雁塔同是唐代的典型建筑。 三塔相传建于南诏保和时期,近年来曾在塔顶发现南诏、大理中时期的重要文物600余件。南、北二小塔,位于主塔之后,两塔间距97.5米,与主塔相距70米,成三塔鼎足之势,两塔均为八斛形檐式空心砖,共10级,各高43米。崇圣寺三塔为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 交通: 游客可在下关乘班车至崇圣寺三塔,票价3元。如果从大理古城前往景区,可选择步行,只需半小时;也可乘小马车至三塔,费用4元;或者坐私人巴士直达,票价1元。 3、大理古城导游词 大理古城东临碧波荡漾的洱海,西倚常年青翠的苍山,形成了“一水绕苍山,苍山抱古城”的城市格局。从779年南诏王异牟寻迁都阳苴咩城,已有1200年的建造历史。现存的大理古城是以明朝初年在阳苴咩城的基础上恢复的,城呈方形,开四门,上建城楼,下有卫城,更有南北三条溪水作为天然屏障,城墙外层是砖砌的;城内由南到北


Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Welcome, everyone! Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingd om of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place. In the middle period of the Nanzhao reign, Buddhism was all the rage and in the late period of this Kingdom, when it reached its hayday, Buddhist temples were built all over Y unnan. In Chinese“chong shen”means admiring the Buddha, and this Buddha refers to the GY,Let’s go inside and see. The first view in the temple is 3Ps The 3 Pagodas is located at the foot of Yingle Peak of Cangshan Mountain, As its name implies, it comprise three independent pagodas ,standing harmoniously in a triangle.The Three Pagodas are made of brick and covered with white mud. The elegant, balanc ed and stately style is unique in China’s ancient Buddhist architectures, which makes it a must-see in the tour of Dali. Straight and towering, the main pogoda is Qianxun Pagoda, named after its height, a height of 69.13 meters. hightest pogoda in yunnan. it was built in the Tang Dynasty , The pagoda has 16 storeis, the even number story pagoda is rarely seen in other pagodas. on the summit,each corner hangs a golden wing bird cast by copper. each story has multiple tiers of upturned dense eaves, and each story has four shrines , buddha status on the east and west shrines,the other two shrines are the windows for the pagoda. Look closer,u will find thatthe eaves of the pagoda become narrower toward the top, forming an excellent example of multi-eave pagodas in the Tang Dynasty. whole pagoda is in the shape of an elegant curve and this can make a better distant view possible,a traditonal technique in chinese architecture. The designers of the pagoda are supposed to come from Xi’an, the capital of Tang Dynasty, Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, which shares the similar style but is two hundred years older. At the basement of the pagoda are engraved four Chinese Characters,which means ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.”it is the handwriting of grandson of Muying,the king of qian state of the Ming Dynasty.There are two interpretations about the characters,some say it means that holy structures would invoked the Buddha's protection against the frequent natural disasters like floods and earthquake. Others believe that it express the Ming court’s determination of controlling Dali because the pagodas stand firm. The pagoda is hollow inside, with stairs leading to the top, from there you can have a wonderful bird’s veiw of the C mountain and Erhai lake. The other two sm aller pagodas were built in Five Dynasties, a dynasty followed the tang dynasty, slightly later than the m ain one. they are 10 storied ,octagonal brick tower with dense eaves. The body of it are decorated with relief of Buddha im ages,lotus and vases.inside pagoda is hollow from the first to the eighth story. On top of the pagoda are placed three bronze gourds, representative of the ethnic style The Three Pagodas are also well known for their resilience; they have endured several man-made and natural damage over more than one thousand years. The most recent record of earthquake in the Dali area occurred in 1925. Only one in one hundred buildings in Dali survived, but the Three Pagodas were undamaged.still elegantly stand there, They are the symbols of outstanding architectural technology, the wisdom of the ancient labouring people and the brilliant culture of Dali. During the renovation ti the pogodas in 1978, some cultural relics were unearthed at this
