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九年级第 20期 第2版
一、1-5 BCDCA 二、1. enjoy ourselves
2. went on dancing 3. offered her a phone
九年级第 20期 第2版
Unit 7 语言知识专练
一、1. novel
2. board
3. except
五、1. them 3. was asked 5. happily 7. painting 9. came
2. On 4. to have 6. a 8. interested 10. so
九年级第 20期 第3版
U百度文库it 7 语言知识专练
Listening 一、1. owner
3. celebrated 二、1-4 CDAC
九年级第 20期 第4版
九年级第 20期 第3版
Unit 7 语言知识专练
三、1. What a pity 2. have a rest 3. think of 4. After a while 5. pick up 6. went / kept on playing
四、1-5 BABCD
九年级第 20期 第3版
Unit 7 语言知识专练
九年级第 20期 第1版
一、1. have a rest 2. After a while 3. think of 4. make fun of 5. come along 6. What a pity 7. in silence 8. picked up, turned, over
2. stranger
九年级第 20期 第3版
Unit 7 语言知识专练
三、1. is famous/ well-known for 2. am better at 3. In the end 4. turned, over
九年级第 20期 第3版
1-5 DBCAD 6-10 DCBEA
1-2 TF
九年级第 20期 第1版
(1) On Saturday morning (2) In town (3) Tom Sawyer (4) painting their fence (5) thought of (6) tricked other boys into painting (7) many new toys (8) got three coats of paint
九年级第 20期 第2版
二、1. She offered us plenty of water. 2. The boy went on singing the same song. 3. We enjoyed ourselves during the summer holiday. 4. I got a chance to visit your school just now.
4. frog
5. coat
6. task
7. fence
8. careful
9. humorous
10. Congratulations
九年级第 20期 第3版
Unit 7 语言知识专练
二、1. get a chance 2. enjoyed themselves 3. come along 4. make fun of 5. sat down 6. in silence