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工作单位 Work unit 为工作所困 Be stuck in an institution 增强职业培训 enhance vocational training 采取措施 Take some steps/strong measures/action / do something 创造就业机会 create job /employment opportunities

下半旗致哀 Flags flown at half mast /lower to half staff (hang out flag half high) 玩忽职守 neglect of duty/be asleep at the switch 拆迁费 relocation compensation
简历 Resume 出台新规定 Issue a new regulation 中小型企业 Small and medium-sized enterprises 低利润劳动密集型企业 Low profit labor-intensive enterprises 政府将补贴。。。 The government will subsidize

联合国 the United Nations 可持续发展 Sustainable development 表示热烈祝贺! extend warm congratulations to sb on sth 代表中国政府 on behalf of the Chinese government 划时代意义的历史性文献 epoch-making document

满足技术升级的需求 Meet the needs of technical upgrading 劳动密集型工业 Labor-intensive industries 经济结构的重整 Readjustment of the industrial structure 大都市 Metropolis global economic slowdown 全球经济下滑

国策 State policy 确立为基本国策 Take sth as a state policy 节约资源、保护环境 resources conservation and environmental protection 国家战略 national strategy 科学发展观 the Scientific Outlook on Development
补贴;补贴;补助金 Subsidies 失业现象 Unemployment 抽样调查 Random survey 失业人员 The unemployed/jobless worker

Yellow dog 小人,卑鄙之人 yellow boy 金币 Blue blood 贵族血统 奖金 bonus、 加班费overtime payments

启动项目 Start-up program 接受免费职业培训 Receive a free job training 公务员 Civil servant 国有企业 State-owned enterprises

私人企业 Private firm 外资企业 Foreign-funded/invested enterprises 合资企业 Joint venture 铁饭碗 Job-for- life
物业维修工人 Maintainer / maintenance worker 房东 Landlord /land lady 二房东;转租人 sublessor 紧凑型轿车 compact car 潜规则 Unseen rule /unspoken rule (hidden rule)

可再生能源 Renewable energy 早餐服务 Breakfast service 大型招聘会 Large –scale Job/employment fairs 家政服务 household service 家用电器 Household appliances

留守儿童 Left-behind children unattended children —children who are left unattended 良性循环 virtuous cycle 恶性循环 Vicious circle 无党派人士 (non-party personage)

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Creative vertion:There's no distance between good friends even though they are miles apart.
再就业服务中心 Re-employment service centers 下岗员工 Laid-off employees 基本生活水平 basic living standard 据估计 It is estimated that / sth is estimated to

劳动力市场 the labor market 找新工作 Seek/hunt for new jobs 城乡居民 Urban and rural residents 劳动力供给 Labor force supply 农村富余劳动力 Rural surplus labor
以人为本 putting people first people-oriented 实现全面协调可持续发展 promoting balanced and sustainable development in all areas.

制定相关政策 Formulate related policies 落实/落实到位、实施政策 Put in place the policies 减轻就业压力 Ease employment pressure 市政府 Municipal government 保障下岗员工的基本生活水平 guarantee the basic living standards of laid-off employees /layoffs
开启可持续发展的新纪元 usher in a new era of sustainable development 更加赞叹 All the more marvel at 前人 predecessors 重大责任 major responsibilities

远见卓识 vision 在中国的传统价值观中 in China’s traditional values 天人合一 unity between heaven and man 道法自然 the law of nature

贫富两极分化 the polarization between the rich and the poor 分期付款 installment payments 人均排放 per capita emissions 实体经济 the real economy 第三产业 tertiary industry
易经 The Book of Changes 二人同心,其利断金”的译法: If two people are of the same mind,they are strong enough to cut through metal/ their sharpness can cut through metal. 海内存知己、天涯若比邻 A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near; Although we reside in far corners of the world, having a good friend is akin to having a good neighbor.

他有啤酒肚 He has a beer belly 他腰部有赘肉 He has got a spare tire 花茶 Scented tea 乡巴佬 Red-neck 菜鸟 Greenhand /greenhorn
