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Part 1. Colonial America浪漫主义American Romanticism(1815-1865)

早期浪漫主义early romanticism——Irving欧文, Cooper库柏, Bryant布莱恩特

先验主义transcendentalism and symbolic representation——Emerson 爱默森,Margaret Fuller玛格丽特福勒,Thoreau 梭罗

三位重要的小说家——Hawthorne 霍桑,Melville 梅尔维尔,Poe 坡

二位重要的诗人——Whitman 惠特曼,Dickinson 狄更生

现实主义American Realism(1865-1914)

带有地方色彩的写作local color writing——Mark Twain马克吐温

现实主义literary realism——James 詹姆士,Howells 豪斯尔斯

自然主义literary naturalism——Garland 加兰特,Grane 格雷恩,Frank Norris 弗兰克诺里斯,Jack London 杰克伦敦,Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱塞

现代主义American Modernism(1914-1945)

现代主义在欧洲American modernism in Europe——Gerturde Stein 格特鲁德斯坦因,Ezra Pound 艾兹拉庞德,Amy Lowell 艾米洛威尔,H.D.(Hilda Doolittle) 杜丽埃尔

战时的现代派小说modern fiction between the wars——William Faulkner 威廉福克纳,Hemingway 海明威,Fitzgerald 费兹杰罗,Passos 帕索斯,Steinbeck 斯坦贝克

现代派诗歌modern American poetry——T.S. Eliot 艾略特,Wallace Stevens 史蒂文斯,William Carols Williams 威廉姆斯,卡明斯

Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代

Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans 纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地

Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended The Nature of True Virtue

Benjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Moneyoor Richard’s Almanack穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传

Part 2. American Romanticism

Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;

Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉

James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie 大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者

Part 3.New England Transcendentalism

Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature 论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar论美国学者;Divinity;The Oversoul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说

Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhodo杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日子-首开自由诗之先河

Henry David Threau亨利?大卫?梭罗1817-1862 Wadden,or Life in the Woods 华腾湖或林中生活;Resistance to Civil Government/Civil Disobedience抵制公民政府;A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利?沃兹沃思?朗费罗1807-1882 The Song of Hiawatha海华沙之歌----美国人写的第一部印第安人史诗;V oices of the Night夜吟;Ballads and Other Poens民谣及其他诗;Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems布鲁茨的钟楼及其他诗;Tales of a Wayside Inn路边客栈的故事---诗集:An April Day四月的一天/A Psalm of Life人生礼物/Paul Revere’s Ride保罗?里维尔的夜奔;Evangeline伊凡吉琳;The Courtship of Miles Standish迈尔斯?斯坦迪什的求婚----叙事长诗;Poems on Slavery奴役篇---反蓄奴组诗

Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔?霍桑1804-1864

Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事;Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔:Young Goodman Brown年轻的古德曼?布朗;The Scarlet Letter红字;The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子--------心理若们罗曼史;The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇;The Marble Faun玉石雕像

Herman Melville赫尔曼?梅尔维尔1819-1891 Moby Dick/The White Whale莫比?迪克/白鲸;Typee泰比;Omoo奥穆;Mardi玛地;Redburn雷得本;White Jacket 白外衣ierre皮尔埃iazza广场故事;Billy Budd比利?巴德

Walt Whitman沃尔特?惠特曼1819-1892 Leaves of Grass草叶集:Song of the Broad-Axe阔斧之歌;I hear America Singing我听见美洲在歌唱;When Lilacs Lost in the Doorya rd Bloom’d小院丁香花开时;Democratic Vistas民主的前景;The Tramp and Strike Question流浪汉和罢工问题;Song of Myself自我之歌

Emily Dickinson埃米莉?迪金森1830-1886 The Poems of Emily Dichenson埃米莉?迪金森诗集-----“Tell all the truth and tell it slant”迂回曲折的,玄学的

Edgar Allan Poe埃德加?爱伦?坡1809-1849(以诗为诗;永为世人共赏的伟大抒情诗人-----叶芝) Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque怪诞奇异故事集;Tales 故事集;The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌;Ligeia莱琪儿;Annabel Lee 安娜贝尔?李-----歌特风格;首开近代侦探小说先河,又是法国象征主义运动的源头

Tamerlane and Other Poems帖木儿和其他诗;Al Araaf,Tamerlane and Minor Poems

艾尔?阿拉夫,帖木儿和其他诗;The Raven and Other Poems乌鸦及其他诗:The Raven乌鸦;The City in the Sea海城;Israfel 伊斯拉菲尔;To Hellen致海伦

Harriet Beecher Stowe哈丽特?比彻?斯托1811-1896 Uncle Tom’s Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋;A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp德雷德阴暗大沼地的故事片;The Minister’s Wooing牧师的求婚;The Pearl of Orr’s Island奥尔岛的珍珠;Oldtown Folks老城的人们

Part 4. The age of Realism

William Dean Howells 威廉?狄恩?豪威尔斯1837-1920 The Rise of Silas Lapham赛拉斯?拉帕姆的发迹;A Modern Instance现代婚姻; A Hazard of Now Fortunes时来运转;A Traveller from Altruia从利他国来的旅客;Through the Eye of the Needle透过针眼----乌托邦小说;Criticism and Fiction;Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading小说创作与小说阅读

23、Henry James享利?詹姆斯1843-1916 小说:Daisy Miller苔瑟?米乐;The Portrait of a Lady贵妇人画像;The Bostonians波士顿人;The Real Thing and Other Tales真货色及其他故事;The Wings of the Dove鸽翼;The Ambassadors大使;The Golden Bowl金碗

评论集:French Poets and Novelists法国诗人和小说家;Hawthorne霍桑;Partial Portraits不完全的画像;Notes and Reviews札记与评论;Art of Fiction and Other Essays小说艺术

Part 5. Local Colorism

Mark Twain马克?吐温(Samuel Longhorne Clemens)---美国文学的一大里程碑 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙;The Innocent’s Abroad傻瓜出国记;The Gilded Age镀金时代;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆?索耶历险记;The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利?费恩历险记;A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court亚瑟王宫中的美国佬;The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson傻瓜威尔逊;Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc冉?达克;The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg败坏哈德莱堡的人

How to Tell a Story怎样讲故事---对美国早期幽默文学的总结

Part 6. American Naturalism

Stephen Crane斯蒂芬?克莱恩1871-1900 Magic:A Girl of the Streets街头女郎梅姬(美国文学史上首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运);The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章;The Open Boat小划子;The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky新娘来到黄天镇

Frank Norris弗兰克?诺里斯1870-1902 Moran of the Lady Letty茱蒂夫人号上的莫兰(romantic);Mc-Teague麦克提格(naturalistic);The Epic of the Wheat(realistic)小麦诗史(The Octopus章鱼,The Pit小麦交易所);A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the Old and New West小麦交易所及其他新老西部故事

Theodore Dreiser西奥多?德莱塞1871-1945 Sister Carrie嘉莉姐妹;Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic);An American Tragedy美国的悲剧(被称为美国最伟大的小说);Nigger Jeff黑人杰弗

Edwin Arlington Robinson鲁宾逊1869-1935 Captain Craig克雷格上尉---诗体

小说;The Town Down the River河上的城镇;The Man Against the Sky衬托着天空的人;Avon’s Harvest沃冯的收成;Collected Poems诗集

40、Jack London杰克?伦敦1876-1916 The Son of the Wolf狼之子,The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤;The Sea-wolf海狼;White Fang白獠牙;The People of the Abyss 深渊中的人们;The Iron Heel铁蹄;Marti Eden马丁?伊登;How I become a Socialist 我怎样成为社会党人;The War of the Classes阶级之间的战争;What Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么;Revolution革命;Love of Life热爱生命;The Mexican墨西哥人;Under the Deck Awings在甲板的天蓬下

Upton Sinclair厄普顿?辛克莱尔1878-1968 Spring and Harvest春天与收获;The Jungle屠场(揭发黑幕运动的代表作家);King Coal煤炭大王;Oil石油;Boston波士顿;Dragon’s Teeth龙齿

Part 7. The 1920s

Imagism Ezra Pound艾兹拉?庞德1885-1972 The Spirit of Romance罗曼司精神;The Anthology Des Imagistes意像派诗选;Cathay华夏(英译中国诗);Literary Essays文学论;Hugh Swlwyn Mauberley;A Few Don’ts by Imagiste意像派戒条;Personage面具;Polite Essays文雅集;The Cantos of Ezra Pound庞德诗章(109首及8首未完成稿)

Thomas Stearns Eliot托马斯?艾略特1888-1965 Prufrock and Other Observations普罗夫洛克(荒原意识);The Waste Land荒原(The Burial of the Dead 死者的葬礼;A Game of Chess弈棋;The Fire Sermon火诫;Death by Water水边之死;What the Thunder Said雷电之言);

名诗:Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三;Four Quarters四个四重奏

诗剧:Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案;Family Reunion大团圆;Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会

Wallace Stevens华莱士?史蒂文斯1879-1955 Harmonium风琴;The Man With the Blue Guitar弹蓝吉他的人;Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction关于最高虚构的札记(Peter Quince at the Clavier彼得?昆斯弹风琴;Sunday Morning礼拜天早晨);The Auroras of Autumn秋天的晨曦;Collected Poems诗集

History and Anthology of American Literature 美国文学史及选读 笔记

History and Anthology of American Literature Part I The Literature of Colonial America 1.Historical Introduction ·The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. ·Among the members of the small band of Jamestown settlers was Captain John Smith. His reports of exploration have been described as the first distinctly American literature written in English. 2.Early New England Literature ·The American poets who emerged in the 17 century adapted the style of established European poets to the subject matter confronted in a strange, new environment. Anne Bradstreet was one such poet. John Smith 1.The first American writer. 2.Works: (1)A true Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony (2)A Map of Virginia with a Description of the Country (3)The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles William Bradford & John Winthrop 1.William Bradford: 曾任普利茅斯总督 ·Work: Of Plymouth Plantation《普利茅斯垦殖记》 2.John Winthrop: 曾任马萨诸塞湾总督,波士顿总督 ·Work: The History of New England from 1630 to 1649《新英格兰历史:1630-1649》 John Cotton & Roger Williams 1.John Cotton: 清教徒牧师和作家 ·The first major intellectual spokesman of Massachusetts Bay Colony was John Cotton, sometimes called “the Patriarch of New England”. 2.Roger Williams: 出生于伦敦的进步宗教思想家,曾长期受到英国殖民当局的迫害 ·He was interested in the Indian language ·Work:A Key into the Language of America 《阿美利加语言的钥匙》 Anne Bradstreet & Edward Taylor 1.Anne Bradstreet:美国第一位作品得以发表的女诗人 ·Work:The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America《第十位缪斯》 2.Edward Taylor:美国清教派牧师和诗人,被公认为美国19世纪前最重要的诗人 ·The best of the Puritan poets Part II The Literature of Reason and Revolution 1.Background: In the seventies of the eighteenth century the English colonies in North America rose in arms against their mother country. The War of Independence lasted for eight years(1775-1783) and ended in the formation of a federative bourgeois democratic republic—the United States of America. 2.American Enlightenment(美国启蒙运动)dealt a decisive blow to the Puritan traditions and brought to life secular


美国文学史作品作家汇总美国文学 Part 1. Colonial America Thomas Paine托马斯潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代Philip Freneau菲利普弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地 .Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will 论意志自由The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended论原罪The Nature of True Virtue论真是德行的本原Benjamin Franklin本杰明富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money; Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传 Part 2. American Romanticism Washington Irving华盛顿欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Brace bridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travelers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉


美国文学史梗概 一、殖民地时代和美国建国初期 最早来自这片新大陆的欧洲移民主要是定居在新英格兰的清教徒和马萨诸塞的罗马天主教徒,二者虽然在教义上有很多不同之处,但他们都信奉加尔文主义:人生在世只是为了受苦受难,而他们唯一的希望是争做上帝的“选民”,死后进天国,相信“原罪”。这时的文学作品也主要反映了这些思想,和欧洲文学一脉相承。 代表作家:考顿·马瑟,乔纳森·爱德华兹,安妮·布拉兹特里特,爱德华·泰勒。 二、18世纪独立战争胜利后,美国经济社会进入稳步发展时期 这一时期是启蒙运动时期(the Enlightenment),从字面上讲,启蒙运

动就是启迪蒙昧,反对愚昧主义,提倡普及文化教育的运动。但就其精神实质上看,它是宣扬资产阶级政治思想体系的运动,并非单纯是文学运动。它是文艺复兴时期资产阶级反封建、反禁欲、反教会斗争的继续和发展,直接为一七八九年的法国大革命奠定了思想基础。启蒙思想家们从人文主义者手里进一步从理论上证明封建制度的不合理,从而提出一整套哲学理论,政治纲领和社会改革方案,要求建立一个以“理性”为基础的社会。他们用政治自由对抗专制暴政,用信仰自由对抗宗教压迫,用自然神论和无神论来摧毁天主教权威和宗教偶像,用“天赋人权”的口号来反对“君权神授”的观点,用“人人在法律面前平等”来反对贵族的等级特权,进而建立资产阶级的政权。是欧洲第二次思想解放运动。) 主要文学指导思想是“自然神论”(Deism),这个思想认为虽然上帝创造了宇宙和它存在的规则,但是在此之

后上帝并不再对这个世界的发展产生影响。自然神论反对蒙昧主义和神秘主义,否定迷信和各种违反自然规律的“奇迹”;认为上帝不过是“世界理性”或“有智慧的意志”;上帝作为世界的“始因”或“造物主”,它在创世之后就不再干预世界事务,而让世界按照它本身的规律存在和发展下去;主张用“理性宗教”代替“天启宗教”。人生在世,不再是受苦受难以换取来世的新生,而是要消灭种族、性别和信仰的不平等,建立自己的“人间乐园”。 启蒙运动中出现大量优秀的散文作品,并多出自开国元勋之手,如本杰明·富兰克林,托马斯·潘恩,以及托马斯·杰斐逊。 三、19世纪南北战争时期 这一时期的文学先后发展了浪漫主义,现实主义和自然主义。


Captain John Smith (first American writer). Anne Bradstreet;The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (colonists living) Edward Taylor(the best puritan poet) John Cotton ”the Patriarch of New England” teacher spiritual leader Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography Poor Richard’s Almanack Thomas Jefferson: Political Career Thoughts The Declaration of Independence we hold truth to be self-evidence Philip Freneau“Father of American Poetry” The Wild Honey Suckle American Romanticism optimism and hope Nationalism Washington Irving“Father of American Literature short story”The first “Pure Writer” A History of New York The Sketch Book marked the beginning of American Romanticism! “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”Rip Van Winkle James Fenimore Cooper Father of American sea and frontier novels Leather stocking Tales The Last of the Mohicans The Pioneers The Prairie The Pathfinder The Deerslayer Edgar Allan Poe father of detective story and horror fiction Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque “MS. Found in a Bottle” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” “The Fall of the House of Usher”“The Masque of the Red Death”“The


美国文学史_作者作品 Part 1. Colonial America(1607-1800) John Smith(158-1631) 约翰斯密斯The General History of Virginia 弗吉尼亚通史, A Description of New England 新 英格兰概览 William Bradford(1590-1657) 威廉布Of Plymouth Plantation 普利茅斯拓荒 莱德福 John Winthrop(1588-1649) 约翰温斯A Model of Christian Charity 基督徒慈善的典范 洛普 Anne Bradstreet(1612- 1672) “Contemplations ”, “Upon the Burning of Our House”, ” To My Dear and Loving Husband”, In Reference to Her Children ”,” The Flesh and The Spirit ” As Weary Pilgrim ” Edward Taylor(1642-1729) 爱德华泰“ Huswifery ”, “Upon a Spider Catching a Fly ” Roger Williams(1603-1683) 罗杰威廉The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience

John Woolman(1720- 1772) “Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes”, A Plea for the Poor ” Thomas Paine(1737 -1809) The Case of the Officers of Excise 税务员问题;Common Sense常识[American Crisis 美国危机[Rights of Man 人的权利:Downfall of Despotism 专制体制 崩溃;The Age of Reas on 理性时代 Philip Freneau(1752-1832) The Rising Glory of America;The British Prison Ship 英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans 纪念美国勇士同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle 野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground; The Dying Indian: Tomo Chequi Charles Brockden Brown(1771-1810) Wieland; Edgar Huntly; Ormond; Arthur Mervyn Jonathan Edwards(1703-1758) 爱德华The Freedom of the Will 《意志的自 由》The Great Doctrine of Original Sin 兹defended 《原罪说辩》The Nature of True Virtue 真美德的性质; Images or Shadows of Divine Things 《神灵的形影》;” Personal Narrative ” Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God ”愤怒的上帝手中之罪人 Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) Poor Richard?s Almanac 穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth 致富之道;The Autobiography 自传 Hector St.John de Crevecour Letters form an American Farmer 来自美国农夫的信


《美国文学史及选读》考研吴伟仁版考研复 习笔记和真题 第一部分殖民地时期的美国文学 第1章约翰·史密斯 1.1 复习笔记 I. Historical Introduction (历史背景) (1) At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the vast continental area that was to become the United States had been probed only slightly by English and European explorers. At last early in the seventeenth century, the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts began the main stream of what we recognize as the American national history. (2) The colonies that became the first United States were for the most part sustained by English traditions, ruled by English laws, supported by English commerce, and named after English monarchs and English lands. (3) The first writings that we call American were the narratives and journals of the settlements. They wrote about their voyage to the new land, about adapting to new life and dealing with Indians; they wrote letters, contracts, government charters, religious and political statements. (4) The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Among the members of the small band of Jamestown settlers was Captain John Smith, an English soldier of fortune.


美国文学部分(American Literature) 一.独立革命前后的文学(The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1).殖民地时期的文学的特点 2).主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品 2.独立革命前后时期的主要作家 本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草―独立宣言。 《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanack 《致富之道》The Way to Wealth 《自传》The Autobiography 托马斯·潘恩Thomas Paine托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。 《税务员问题》The Case of the Officers of Excise 《常识》Common Sense 《美国危机》American Crisis 《人的权利》Rights of Man 《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism 《理性时代》The Age of Reason 菲利普·弗伦诺Philip Freneau菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的―革命诗人‖。 《蒸蒸日上的美洲》―The Rising Glory of America‖

《英国囚船》―The British Prison Ship‖ 《纪念美国勇士》同类诗中最佳―To the Memory of the Brave Americans‖ 《野生的金银花》―The Wild Honeysuckle‖ 《印第安人殡葬地》―The Indian Burying Ground‖ 1二.美国浪漫主义文学(American Romanticism) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1).美国浪漫主义文学产生的社会历史及文化背景 2).主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画和语言风格 3).清教主义、超验主义、象征主义、自由诗等名词的解释 2.美国浪漫主义时期的主要作家 华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文,美国著名小说家,被称为―美国文学之父‖.《瑞普·凡·温可尔》Rip Van Winkle 《纽约外史》A History of New York 《见闻札记》The Sketch Book 《睡谷的传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀开创了以《皮裹腿故事集》为代表的边疆传奇小说,其中最为重要的一部是《最后的莫西干人》。 《皮裹腿故事集》Leatherstocking Tales 《间谍》The Spy 《领航者》The Pilot


History And Anthology of American Literature (6) 附:作者及作品 一、殖民主义时期The Literature of Colonial America 1.船长约翰·史密斯Captain John Smith 《自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍》 “A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony” 《弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述》 “A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country” 《弗吉尼亚通史》“General History of Virginia” 2.威廉·布拉德福德William Bradford 《普利茅斯开发历史》“The History of Plymouth Plantation”3.约翰·温思罗普John Winthrop 《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England” 4.罗杰·威廉姆斯Roger Williams 《开启美国语言的钥匙》”A Key into the Language of America” 或叫《美洲新英格兰部分土著居民语言指南》 Or “A Help to the Language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England ” 5.安妮·布莱德斯特Anne Bradstreet 《在美洲诞生的第十个谬斯》 ”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America” 二、理性和革命时期文学The Literature of Reason and Revolution 1。本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) ※《自传》“ The Autobiography ” 《穷人理查德的年鉴》“Poor Richard’s Almanac” 2。托马斯·佩因Thomas Paine (1737-1809) ※《美国危机》“The American Crisis” 《收税官的案子》“The Case of the Officers of the Excise”《常识》“Common Sense” 《人权》“Rights of Man” 《理性的时代》“The Age of Reason” 《土地公平》“Agrarian Justice” 3。托马斯·杰弗逊Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) ※《独立宣言》“The Declaration of I ndependence” 4。菲利浦·弗瑞诺Philip Freneau (1752-1832) ※《野忍冬花》“The Wild Honey Suckle” ※《印第安人的坟地》“The Indian Burying Ground” ※《致凯提·迪德》“To a Caty-Did” 《想象的力量》“The Power of Fancy” 《夜屋》“The House of Night” 《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship” 《战争后期弗瑞诺主要诗歌集》 “The Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly During the Late War” 《札记》“Miscellaneous Works” 三、浪漫主义文学The Literature of Romanticism 1。华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving (1783-1859) ※《作者自叙》“The Author’s Account of Himself” ※《睡谷传奇》“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” 《见闻札记》“Sketch Book” 《乔纳森·欧尔德斯泰尔》“Jonathan Oldstyle” 《纽约外史》“A History of New York” 《布雷斯布里奇庄园》“Bracebridge Hall” 《旅行者故事》“Tales of Traveller” 《查理二世》或《快乐君主》“Charles the Second” Or “The Merry Monarch” 《克里斯托弗·哥伦布生平及航海历史》 “A History of the Life and V oyages of Christopher Columbus” 《格拉纳达征服编年史》”A Chronicle of the Conquest of Grandada” 《哥伦布同伴航海及发现》 ”V oyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus” 《阿尔罕布拉》“Alhambra” 《西班牙征服传说》“Legends of the Conquest of Spain” 《草原游记》“A Tour on the Prairies” 《阿斯托里亚》“Astoria” 《博纳维尔船长历险记》“The Adventures of Captain Bonneville” 《奥立弗·戈尔德史密斯》”Life of Oliver Goldsmith” 《乔治·华盛顿传》“Life of George Washington” 2.詹姆斯·芬尼莫·库珀James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) ※《最后的莫希干人》“The Last of the Mohicans” 《间谍》“The Spy” 《领航者》“The Pilot” 《美国海军》“U.S. Navy” 《皮袜子故事集》“Leather Stocking Tales” 包括《杀鹿者》、《探路人》”The Deerslayer”, ”The Pathfinder” 《最后的莫希干人》“The Last of the Mohicans” 《拓荒者》、《大草原》“The Pioneers”, “The Praire” 3。威廉·卡伦·布莱恩特William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) ※《死之思考》“Thanatopsis” ※《致水鸟》“To a Waterfowl” 4。埃德加·阿伦·坡Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) ※《给海伦》“To Helen” ※《乌鸦》“The Raven” ※《安娜贝尔·李》“Annabel Lee” ※《鄂榭府崩溃记》“The Fall of the House of Usher” 《金瓶子城的方德先生》“Ms. Found in a Bottle” 《述异集》“Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque” 5。拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) ※《论自然》“Nature” ※《论自助》“Self-Reliance” 《美国学者》“The American Scholar” 《神学院致辞》“The Divinity School Address” 《随笔集》“Essays” 《代表》“Representative Men” 《英国人》“English Traits” 《诗集》“Poems” 6。亨利·戴维·梭罗Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) ※《沃尔登我生活的地方我为何生活》 1

美国文学史作品作家汇总 全

美国文学史作品作家汇总 美国文学 Part 1. Colonial America Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代 Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle 野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地 .Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will 论意志自由The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended论原罪The Nature of True Virtue论真是德行的本原 Benjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money; Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传 Part 2. American Romanticism Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Brace bridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travelers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 Jamie Fennimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Little page Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leather stocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deer slayer杀鹿者 Part 3.New England Transcendentalism Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar 论美国学者;Divinity; The Over soul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits 英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说 Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhoda杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日


文学史笔记: 一、Early American and colonial period (1607-1765) (religious conflicts Catholism vs.Puritanism) 1.Puritanism: 1.) Simply speaking , American Puritanism just refers to the spirit and ideal of puritans,who settled in the North American continent in the early part of the seventeenth century because of religious persecutions.In content it means scrupulous ,moral rigor ,especially hostility to social pleasures and indulgences,that is strictness,sternness and austerity in conduct and religion. 2.)with time passing it became a dominant factor in American life , one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and literature .To some extent it is a state of mind , a part of the national cultural atmosphere that the American breathes ,rather than a set of tenets. 3.)Actually it is a code of values , a philosophy of life and a point of view in American minds , also a two-faceted tradition of religious idealism and level -headed in common sense . 2.The main features of this period 1).American literature grew out of humble origins. Diaries, histories, journals, letters, commonplace books, travel books, sermons, in short, personal literature in its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period.


美国文学史及选读试题上册 姓名:班级:学号 I. Multiple Choice 20’ I. 1. Who is different from others according to the division of writing period? A. Washington Irving B.William Cullen Bryant C. Captain John Smith D. James Fenimore Cooper 2. The American Romantic Period lasted roughly from ____ to ____. A. 1798-1832 B. 1810-1860 C. 1860-1864 D. 1776-1783 3. How many syllables are there in this first line of Raven? (“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,”) A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 16 4. What dominated the Puritan phase of American writing? A. theology B. literature C. esthetics D. revolution 5. At the initial period of the spread of ideas of the Enlightenment was largely due to ____. A. typography B. journalism C. revolution D. the development of paper-making industry 6. Who has been called the “Father of American Literature”? A. Walt Scott B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Washington Irving D. Philip Freneau 7. Who is the first American prose stylist that acquired international fame? A. Captain John Smith B. Washington Irving C. Benjamin Franklin D. E. A. Poe 8. Who is the writer of To a Waterfowl? A. Anne Bradstreet B. Thomas Hardy C. William Cullen Bryant D. Walt Whitman 9. Thomas Paine is a ____. A. novelist B. dramatist C. poet D. pamphleteer 10. Edgar Allan Poe mainly writes ____ A. short stories B. literary critic theories C. poems D. dramas II. Blank-Filling 20’ 1. ____’s reports of exploration, published in the early 1600s, have been described as the first distinctly American literature to be written in English. 2. Hard work, ____, piety, and ____were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing, including the sermons, books and letters of such noted Puritan clergymen as John Cotton and Cotton Mather. 3. Most Puritan verse was decidedly plodding, but the work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor, rose to the level of____ 4. From 1732 to 1785, Franklin wrote and published his famous ____, an annual collection of proverbs. 5. On January 10, 1776, Paine’s famous pamphlet ____ appeared. It boldly advocated a


美国文学笔记整理完整版 -1776 北美殖民时期Colonial Settlements 约翰·史密斯美国文学史上第一个作家 John Smith A Ture Relation of Virginia《关于费吉尼亚的真实叙 述》(美国文学第一本书) 乔纳森·爱德华兹清教徒主义作家(Puritanism) Jonathan Edwards -1783 独立革命时期Revolution of Independence (启蒙运动) 本杰明·富兰克林Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书; Benjamin Franklin The Way to Wealth致富之道; 1706-1790 The Autobiography自传(记录作者从穷到成功的经历,“美国 梦”反映,体现启蒙倡导的理性主义和有序、教育的 观点) 托马斯·潘恩美国独立之父the father of American revolution Thomas Paine Common Sense常识(独立战争宣传册revolutionary pamphlets) -1809 American Crisis美国危机(鼓励人民抵抗英 军,共16小册) Rights of Man人的权利(支持法国革命) The Age of Reason理性时代(基督给他名誉带来的影响) 菲利普·弗伦诺独立诗人a poet of the American Revolution,美国 诗歌之父 Philip Freneau The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲 1752-1832 The British Prison Ship英国囚船 The Wild Honey suckle野生的金银花 The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地
