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• you: /juː/→/ju/
• • • • •
如果一个单词被强读 那么这个单词中的: 长元音会被读的很清楚,并且显得更长一些; 双元音会被读的很饱满,并且显得很有弹性; 落在重音上的短元音都会显得更长一些; 重音所在的音节可能带着不同的语调(升调、降调、降升 调)…… 如果一个单词被弱读,那么这个单词中的: 长元音会变得短一些(几乎与短元音的长度相当); 重音音节会变得与非重音音阶一样轻; 很多元音都会发生变化,向/ə/靠拢; 轻辅音/s/、/t/、/k/、/f/之后的元音/ə/可能会直接被省略 掉……
• [u:] : back, rounded, close, long vowel
• (Liu's version)
• • •
high, back, tense/long, rounded vowel (Hu's version) [ɔ]: back, rounded, open and short
What is liaison?
Such a phenomenon of the linking of words in speech, in particular when the second word begins with a vowel, is called liaison.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• our: /ɑʊɚ/→/ar/
• shall: /ʃæ l/→/ʃəl, ʃl/ • she: /ʃiː/→/ʃi/ • should: /ʃud/→/ʃəd, ʃd, ʃt/ • so: /səʊ/→/sə/
• some: /sʌm/→/səm, sm/
• such: /sʌʧ/→/səʧ/ • than: /ðæ n/→/ðən, ðn/
1. The criteria of Vowel description Vowels are normally described with reference to four criteria: • the height of the tongue raising (high, mid, low) • the position of the highest part of the tongue(front, central, back) • the length or tenseness of the vowel (tense & lax or long & short) • lip-rounding
Lecture 4 Chapter 2 The Sound of Language
September, 2013
2.2 Phonetics
• 2.2.4 Classification of English speech sounds: English consonants and Vowels • 2.2.5 Variations of sounds: • Liaison & Elision & Assimilation
• 1 Vowel description: • [u:]: back, rounded, close, long vowel
• (Liu's version)
• high, back, tense/long, rounded vowel • (Hu's version) • [ɔ]: back, rounded, open and short
Strong forms and weak forms强读与弱读
Strong forms and weak forms 强读与弱读
• 大多助动词、系动词、介词、连词、冠词、代词,都有两 种发音形式:强读式、弱读式。 • 这些单词往往都是单音节单词。以下是其中最常见最普及 的强读式、弱读式对照列表。
• her: /həː/→/hə, əː, ə/
• him: /him/→/im/ • his: /hiz/→/iz/ • I: /ai/→/aː, ə/ • is: /iz/→/s, z/
• many: /'meni/→/mni/ • me: /miː/→/mi/ • must: /mʌst/→/məst, məs/ • my: /mai/→/mi/ • of: /əv/→/əv, v, ə/
• 注意,以下的列表不能当作规则使用,不是所有 的虚词在任何情况下都必须弱读;也不是所有的 实词都必须被强读。下面的列表只是在描述现象。
• • • • • • • • • • •
a: /eɪ/→/ə/ am: /æ m/→/əm, m/ an: /æ n/→/ən, n/ and: /æ nd/→/ənd, nd, ən, n/ any: /'eni/→/ni/ are: /a:/→/ə/ as: /æ s/→/əz/ at: /æ t/→/ət/ but: /bʌt/→/bət/ can: /kæ n/→/kən, kn, kŋ/ could: /kud/→/kəd, kd
English vowels
Front Central Back
High (close)
i: i e mid-high εmid-low æ a ə ə:
u: u ʌ ɔ: a: ɔ
Mid (semi-close semi-open) Low (open)
Vowel description (two Versions)
• do: /duː/→/du, də, d/ • does: /dʌz/→/dəz, z, s/ • for: /fɔː/→/fə/ • from: /frɔm/→/frəm, frm/ • had: /hæ d/→/həd, əd, d/ • has: /hæ z/→/həz, əz, z, s/ • have: /hæ v/→/həv, əv, v/ • he: /hiː/→/hi, iː, i/

low, back, lax/short, rounded vowel
Monophongs and diphthongs
• Diphthongs are also called gliding vowels, as in contrast to pure vowel or monophthongs. Theay are produced by moving form one vowel position to another through intervening positions. • There are 8 diphthongs in English: • [ei] [ai] [ɔi] [əu] [au] [iə] [εə] [uə]
Classification of vowels
• Monophthongs (pure vowels) and diphthongs (vowel glides) • Tongue rising: open (low), half-open (midlow), half-close (mid-high), close • Raised part: front, central, back • Tenseness (length): tense (long), lax (short) • Lip rounding: rounded, unrounded
• low, back, lax/short, rounded vowel
1 Vowel description:
• [i:] [i] [e] [ε] [æ ] [a] • [ə:] [ə] [ʌ] • [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [a:] [ɔ] 2 Draw the diagram that indicates the positions of vowels in the oral cavity.
• the symbol ":" and its absence are used for the lenght of the vowels. • Long vowels: [i:] [ə:] [u:] [ɔ:] [a:]
• • • • • Rounded vowels: Back vowels: [u:] [u] [ʌ] [ɔ:] [a:] [ɔ] Unrounded vowels: Front vowels: [i:] [i] [e] [ε] [æ ] [a] Central vowels: [ə:] [ə]
• Front vowels: [i:] [i] [e] [ε] [æ ] [a] • Central vowels: [ə:] [ə] [ʌ] • Back vowels: [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [a:] [ɔ]
(3)the length or tenseness of the vowel
• that: /ðæt/→/ðət/ • the: /ði:/→/ði, ðə/ • them: /ðem/→/ðəm, ðm, əm, m/ • then: /ðen/→/ðən/
• to: /tuː/→/tu, tə/
• us: /us/→/əs/ • was: /wɔ/→/wəz, wə/ • we: /wiː/→/wi/ • were: /wəː/→/wə/ • when: /wen/→/wən/ • will: /wil/→/əl, l/ • would: /wud/→/wəd, əd, d/
(1)the height of the tongue raising (high, mid, low)
• Alternatively, tongue height can be described ad Close, Close-Mid, Open-Mid, and Open, in reference to the way the two lips are rounded when producing sounds with different tongue height. • the inverse relationship between tongue height and openness of the mouth
• 辅音+元音型
An apple In April His eyes At Easter Some oil Keep on
Classification of English speech sounds
Definitions of Consonants and Vowels:
Vowels are produced when the airstream meet with no obstrucution. Consonants are sounds produced by constructing the flow of air in the oral cavity.
(1)the height of the tongue raising (high, mid, low)
• High: [i:] [i] [u:] [u] ——Close • Mid: • Low: [æ ] [a] [ɔ] [a:]——Open
(2)the position of the highest part of the tongue (front, central, back)
• • • • •
• 一般来说: 实词重读,如动词、名词、副词等; 虚词弱读,如介词、代词等 • 弱读的规则一般是:元音音节弱化成 [ə] 比如说如下几个单词:for/to/some/does/of
Types of liaisons (4 types)
• (1) To blend or join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following words, as in "post office".