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******** 目錄********

項目(Item) 內容(Description) 頁次(Page)

目錄/content 1

修訂履歷revision 2

1 目的/Purpose 1

2 使用範圍/Scope 1

3 機台簡介/Machine introduction 1

4 機台操作/Machine operator 1-2

5 注意事項/Caution statement 2

6 設備保養/Maintenance 2

7 錫膏的使用/Solder paste usage 3

8 鋼板擦試/Cleaning screen 3

9 附表/An attached table 3-4-5

10 關鍵備件/Key parts list 5

修訂履歷Revision History


DEK 印刷機操作手冊/DEK printer

machine operating instructions

PAGE 1/5



為了使操作員更好的瞭解印刷機的基本操作,並給初學者以指導. /In order to make the opereator to know more of the printer basic opereate,and give a direct to the beginner.


DEK265印刷機./DEK265 printer

3. 機台名稱與參數簡介/equipment appellation and parameter introduce


AC:220V 50/60HZ 20A AIR:5~7kg f/cm² BOARD WIDTH:42.5~508.5mm

PRESSURE:0~20kg SPEED:2~150mm/s BOARD LENGTH:50~510mm

4.機台操作/equipment opereation

4.1 開機/start machine

4.1.1 將AVR 的開關置ON./Take the AVR switch to ON.

4.1.2 將Mains Lsolator Switch 置ON./Take Mains Lsolator Switch to ON. 4.1.3 開機進入主書面後根據提示按亮電腦下方的藍色按鈕(Systen Switch).

/According to the suggestion to press light the blue button in the lower of computer(System Switch ) after enter the 注:

"Mains Lsolator Switch"是DEK 印刷機正前方右門左上角的旋鈕.

/"Mains Lsolator Switch "is left the botton that on the top of the front right door . 4.2 印刷機換線/Printer changeing line.

4.2.1 將支撐Pin 移至安全處./Take the support Pin to safe place. 4.2.2 量測PCB 板的長.寬.高./Survey the long,wide and depth of PCB board.

4.2.3 調整/Adjust Stencil(PCB 板的寬度等於印刷機Stencil 架右側手輪的數值,換新版次更換Stencil). 4.2.4 點擊Load Data 換新版次選擇Edit Data 並參照4.3)選擇檔案名.

/Attack to Load data change new edition ,choose Edit Data and files name (and refer to 4.3). 4.2.5 將支撐Pin 調好(並參照5.3)/Adjust to the support Pin. 4.2.6 加錫膏(並參照7)/Add paste. 4.2.7 點擊Run./Attack RUN.

4.3 新程式製作/Edit new program.

4.3.1 開機進入主書面./Start machine and enter the main panel.

4.3.2 點擊Setup 選擇Edit Data 可進入編輯書面./Attack Setup and choose Edit Data to enter the edit panel. 4.3.3 根據提示進行編輯(輸入檔案名,PCB 板的長寬高,Mark 點的X, Y 座標,前後刮刀的壓力以及


/Edit according to the suggestions.(import files name ,the long,wide and depth of the PCB board,the X,Y coordinate of Marks pressure and printing speed of scraper,the clean mode ,frequency and speed. 4.3.4 Save Flie 並Exit./Save Files and Exit.


DEK 印刷機操作手冊/DEK printer

machine operating instructions

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4.3.5 點擊Setup 選擇Mode 使印刷模式為Step./attack Setup and choose Mode to make the printing mode to Step.

4.3.6 點擊Exit./Attack Exit. 4.3.7 點擊Run.Attack Run.

4.3.8 點擊Auto Board 選擇Step(點擊兩下)./Attack Auto Board and choose Step (attack twice). 4.3.9 根據提示矯正Mark 的Fiducial Type and Background and Accept Score 參數.

/Adjust Fiducial Type and Background and Accept Score parameter of the Mark according by the suggestion.

4.3.10 點擊LiaernFiducial 並根據提示輸入資料(Mark 的直徑以及直徑的內外偏差).

/Attack Liaern Fiducial and input data according by the suggestion( Mark's diameter and the declination of diameter both at home and abroad). 4.3.11 Exit 並點擊Locate Fiducial./Exit and attack Locate Fiducial.

4.3.12 無OK 對以上資料進行修改直到OK(OK 是指Locate 中的Score 參數Accept Score 參數).

/Revise the data until it's OK(OK is the Score parameter and Accept Score parameter in the Locate).

4.3.13 OK 後點擊Exit 選擇Step 進行下一個Mark 點的編輯(根據4.3.9 ~ 1.3.12).

/After it's OK,attack Exit and choose Step to edit the next Mark (According to 4.3.9 ~ 1.3.12). 4.3.14 剩餘兩個Mark 點依照4.3.9 ~ 4.3.13./The other two Marks according by 4.3.9 ~ 4.3.13. 4.3.15 Mark 點OK 後點擊Step 進行Mark 點的矯正./After the Mark is OK,attack Step to adjust the Marks. 4.3.16 Mark 點矯正OK,編輯完畢./The Mark is adjusted Ok ,and the edition is finished. 4.3.17 Exit 點擊Setup 選擇Mode 使印刷模式為Auto(連接4.2.5).

/Exit and attack Step to choose Mode ,in order to make the print mode become Auto.

4.4 關機/Shut off the machine.


4.4.2 根據提示將Mains lsolator Switch 置OFF./Take the Mains lsolator Switch to OFF according by

the suggestion. 4.4.3 將AVR 的開關置OFF./Take the switch of the AVR to OFF.


"Mains lsolator Switch"是DEK 印刷機正前方右門左上角的旋鈕.

/"Mains Lsolator Switch "is left the botton that on the top of the front right door . "CLOSE SYSTEM"在電腦書面的下方./"CLOSE SESTEM" is in the button of the computer panel.

5. 注意事項/Attention

5.1 不要擅自修改系統檔./Don't revise the system files to take upon yourself.

5.2 不要擅自按不理解的鍵./Don't attack the button that you don't know the use to take upon yourself.

5.3 支撐Pin 距軌道3-5mm 且均勻放置,反面有零件的要避開零件./The support Pin away from the track 3-5mm

and lay up even, if there are many components on the back and avoid it. 5.4 鋼板擦試時和換線時避免撞壞刮刀./Avoid to hit the scraper in the cleaning stencil and changing line.

6. 印刷機的保養./The maintenance of printer.

6.1 印刷機的保養請參照<>進行.
