


讲义中前面近200个单词和短语是7分以上学员必须要掌握的,非常高效和实用,同学们一定要记住它们,后面还编写了听说高频600多单词共计800多个单词,还有近900个各类短语.这样近2000笔财富会让同学们绝对不会输在词汇这个层面,你的高分会有保证。每个单词,大家一定要造句子,编写出自己的语境来,这样单词会有根基的,还要活学活用,彻底私有化,变成自己的东西,这样所学单词会真正达到“化”的地步,大家想这样一件事情,如果有人问你“mobile 这个单词,你会很快反应,但是如果换成sophisticated ,contaminate, deteriorate,这些单词就不行了,我个人认为就是不熟悉,经常使用熟悉了就好了,我想大家没有问题的。

Challenge yourself! Become successful! 挑战自己,追求卓越

You can fly higher than ever! , I do believe!我深信,你会飞得更高

1.low carbon 低碳

2.environmental—friendly 环保的


4.environmental protection 环境保护

5.sustainable development 可持续发展

6.deplete natural resources 耗尽自然资源

7.leave a carbon footprint 留下一个碳化足迹

8.discharge /release pollutants into the environment 排放污染物

9.green house effect 温室效应

10.global warming 全球变暖

11.toxic 有毒的

12.contaminate 污染

13.degrade 恶化,降级

14.deteriorate 变坏,变糟

15.deficiency 缺乏,不足

16.flight climate change抵制气候变化

17.improve air quality 改善空气质量

18.conserve energy 节约能源

19.fuel-efficient vehic les 燃油高效汽车

20.avoid using throw-away products 避免使用一次性产品

21.sort the daily garbage 生活垃圾分类

22.consume less and recycle more 少消耗多回收

23.surf on the internet 上网

24.hi-tech features 高科技特征

25.virtual world 虚拟的世界

26.log on the internet 登录互联网

27.gain access to any information 获得任何信息

28.cutting-edge technology 尖端科技

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,rmation explosion 信息爆炸

30.due to the proliferation of the internet 由于互联网的普及

31.biotechnology 生物技术

32.space exploration 太空探索

33.hacker 黑客

34.conventional method 传统的手段

35.on-line retailer 网上零售商

36.oversight 监视

37.cost-effective 划算的

38.cyber crime 电脑犯罪

39.offensive 令人不快的

40.pornography 色情

41.illegal gambling 非法赌博

42.questionnaire contents 调查问卷的内容

43.infrastructure 基础设施

44.welfare system 福利体系

45.basic human needs 人类的基本需求

46.public transportation 公共交通

47.affordable houses 买的起的房子

48.impose censorship on 对…….审查

49.non-profit organization 非盈利的组织

50.financial aid 财务援助

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,bat corruption 打击腐败

52.bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.缩小贫富差距

53.create job opportunities创造就业机会

54.improve the quality of service 提高服务质量

55.couch potatoes 看电视太多的人

56.twilight 晚年

57.age 变老

58.demographics 人口统计学

59.sex discrimination 性别歧视

60.aggressive 好斗的

61.pregnant 怀孕的

62.child bearing 生育孩子

63.workaholic 工作狂

64.career path 职业道路

65.intense competition 激烈的竞争

66.fast-paced 快速的

67.rural areas 乡村地区

68.urbanization 城市化

69.have access to 能获得能利用

70.widen the gap between urban and rural areas 加大了城乡差距

71.cater for audiences 迎合观众

72.unveil 揭露

73.public opinion 舆论

74.public service advertising 公益广告

75.induce 劝诱

76.preventive measures 预防措施

77.juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,mit a crime 犯罪

79.threat to public safety 威胁公共安全

80.dress parade 时装表演

81.obese 肥胖

82.celebrity 名人名流

83.esthetics 美学

84.concrete jungle 混凝土丛林

85.inevitable 不可避免的

86.multicultural 多元化的

87.interdependent 相互依赖的

88.ethnic 人种的种族的

89.culture shock 文化冲突

90.assimilate 同化

91.outdated values 过时的价值关

92.ideology 意识形态

93.incentive 激励鼓励

94.momentum 动力

95.manufacture 制造商厂商

96.breakthrough 突破

97.alternative 可以选择的

98.atmosphere 氛围

99.ideally 理想地

100.alliance 联盟联合

101.unrealistic 不符合实际的

102.superficial 肤浅的

103.vibrant 充满活力的

104.vendor 小贩

105.privilege 特权

106.mentality 心态思想

107.substitute 替代

108.ingredient 成分因素配料

109.stunning 使人晕倒的

110.ultimately 最后

111.stylishly 时髦地

112.subconsciously 下意识地

113.lenient 宽大的仁慈的

114.cynical 愤世嫉俗的

115.victim 受害人

116.benchmark 基准

117.moderation 适度

118.psychologist 心理学家

119.worthwhile 值得做的

120.interact 互相作用互相影响

121.virtual 虚拟的

122.inequality 不平等

123.critical thinking 批判性思考

124.think creatively 创造性思考

125.function 起作用

126.harness 利用

127.potential 潜能

128.subjective 主观的

129.curiosity 好奇心

130.universal 普遍的

131.odd 临时的

132.shortcut 捷径

133.racism 种族主义的

134.less-than-desirable 不尽人意的


1.improve people’s living standard.提高人民的生活水平

2.boost economic development 促进经济发展

3.adapt to 适应

4.enable somebody to do something 令(使)某人如何

5.provide something for somebody 为某人提供什么

6.invest in 投资

7.relieve stress 减轻压力

8.reach the balance between A and B 在A,B之间到达平衡

9.distinguish between A and B 区分A和B

10.be involved in 参与

11.stem from 起源于

12.give priority to something 把什么东西放在优先位置上。

13.raise the public awareness 提高公众意识

14.enact laws 颁布法令

15.be superior to 优越于

16.be obsessed with 着迷于什么

17.be compatible with 和谐共存

18.be complementary to 和什么相辅相成的

19.be indifferent to 对什么冷漠

20.cling to 依附依靠

21.in this day and age 当今

22.meet challenge 应对挑战

23.make a case for 提出充分的理由

24.do one’s part to 尽自己的职责

25.broaden one’s horizons 开阔眼界

26.peak one’s curiosity 激发好奇心

27.cloud the students’ mind 蒙蔽学生的思想

28.one size fits all 万能

29.make every effort to 尽一切努力

30.have trouble doing something 做某事有困难

31.have a serious impact on 对某事有严重的影响

32.take the appropriate action 采取合适的措施

33.fix problems=solve problems 解决问题

34.have a responsibility to do something 有责任做什么事情

35.have a close relationship with 和什么有密切的关系

36.be flooded with 充满着什么

37.in an age of globalization 全球时代

38.across the world 全世界

39.tap into 利用

40.the purpose of doing something 做什么事的目的

41.dig into 钻研

42.in terms of 在….方面

43.for sure 确认

44.to some extent 从某种程度上

45.have a crucial role to do something在某事上起到很重要的作用

46.set the tone for something 为某事定调子

47.have a better idea of 有更好的了解

48.in a nutshell 简而言之(put it in a nutshell 长话短说)

49.cause damage to one’s health 对身体造成伤害

50.stay healthy 保持健康

51.for the public good 为了公众利益

52.share something with somebody

53.narrow the gap between rich an poor 缩小了富人和穷人差距

54.aim for 力求

55.be responsible for 对什么有责任


1.bather 游泳衣I forgot to buy my bather the day before yesterday.

2.casual clothes 休闲装My wife likes wearing casual clothes.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,pass 指南针In the forest people use the sun as a compass.

4.excursion 短途旅行Mike went for an excursion to the small town.

5.expedition 远征,探险Most of people are afraid of going on an expedition to the North Pole.

6.extension 延期I would like to have an extension of my visa, actually.

7.get lost 迷路I often get lost in the city. It is the second time.

8.helmet 头盔with his right hand ,he took his helmet promptly

9.hiking boots 登山靴子Have you got a pair of hiking boots?

10.insect 昆虫My child is interested in insects, just like other kids

11.irritation 疼痛There are some irritation plants in the mountain .

12.mosquito 蚊子I lay under my mosquito net and waited.

13.non-open time 非对外开放时间It is non-open time, sorry.

14.picnic 野餐In summer, we sometimes go on picnics together.

15.repellent 驱虫剂Here is insect repellent .take it please.

16.sock 短袜I just need to put my socks and shoes on.

17.sunblock 防晒霜I never go out without my insect repellent and waterproof sunblock

18.sunburnt 嗮伤的Look at my sun burnt shoulders.

19.sunglasses 太阳镜He then took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket.

20.tan 褐色的肤色I wish I could get a tan like that.

21.tent 帐篷Our tent is so comfortable to live, give it a try?

22.torch 手电筒I need a torch to find my way here.

23.visa 签证I am living in China ,trying to get a visa for Korean.

24.acre 英亩They own 2000 acres of farmland.

25.backpack 背包My backpack must have weighed 20 pounds.

26.brochure 小册子Y ou may get some information from this travel brochure

27.conference room 会议室The manager abruptly left the conference room .

28.cycling route 骑车路线It is a new cycling route .

29.directory 电话薄I did not find my directory.

30.driving license 驾驶执照He showed his driving license to the policeman.

31.embassy 大使馆I called the officials of the embassy.

32.expire 过期My passport is due to expire.

33.extra charge 额外的收费Please avoid any extra charge .

34.fare 票款The boss is counting the fare with a greedy smile.

35.go camping 去露营The executive suggested that we should go camping.

36.handicapped 残疾的we shouldn’t look down upon the handicapped.

37.hectare 公顷A hectare is equal to 10000 square meters.

38.heritage 遗产We Chinese have a great cultural heritage.

39.itinerary 旅行计划Their itinerary is not decided.

40.leisure 空闲He had hardly any leisure nowadays.

41.leisure activity 休闲活动Fishing is a popular leisure activity.

42.passport 护照She has lost her passport, which is so important .

43.picnic 野餐Having a picnic is a good idea.

44.profile 轮廓The profile of the mountain is very clear.

45.recreation 娱乐We worked in the recreation office.

46.reservation 预定I would like to reconfirm my reservation.

47.schedule 日程表Let me look at the schedule.

48.survival 幸存His chance of survival is dim ,I think.

49.travel agency 旅行社I like working in a travel agency.

50.vacant seat 空座There is a vacant seat over there.

51.amusement park 游乐场Children like going to the amusement park with their parents.

53. ancient 古代的Most foreigners want to study ancient history.

54.aquarium 水族馆He wanted to visit the aquarium himself.

55.art gallery 画廊There was a fire in the art gallery.

56.bird watching 野鸟生态研究My students are doing their bird watching

57.bungee jumping 蹦极跳He is afraid of bungee jumping.

58.bush walking 丛林探险He is eager for a bush walking.

59.cafe 咖啡馆Alcohol is not usually served in British or American cafes

60.castle 城堡Before the castle fell, thousands of soldiers have died.

61.cathedral 大教堂They had their wedding at the cathedral.

62.scenic spot 风景区I can recommend some scenic spots here.

63.oak 橡树The table is made of solid oak(实木)

64.brook 小河There is a brook nearby. I used to swim in it.

65.desert 沙漠The Sahara desert is famous.

66.geography 布局He made a careful study of the geography of the province.

67.charity 慈善机构The Red Cross is an international charity.

68.cliff 悬崖I heard that he fell over the cliff.

69.coral 珊瑚True coral needs no painter’s brush.

70.cost 代价The bottle was won at a great cost of lives.

71.cycle 骑自行车Cycling is the second most popular sport.

72.demonstration 示范I gave a simple demonstration

73.dial 拨电话Put in the coins before dialing .

74.diving gear 潜水设备Y ou had better buy some diving gear first.

75.exhibition 展览会There will be an exhibition of children’s artwork here

76.extra pay 额外款项Y ou are required to give me some extra pay .

77.facility 设施The college has excellent research facilities.

78.feature 特点Everyone has their own feature in my school.

79.feed 喂养My sister will feed the cats when we are on vacation.

80.fishing farm 养育场My aunt operated a fishing farm last year.

81.focus 焦点He immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.

82.formal park.布局整齐的公园We went for a walk in this formal park after supper.

83.fossil化石It is said that several dinosaur fossils were found there.

84.glass-bottom boat 玻璃底船It is a beautiful glass-bottom boat.

85.guided tour (有导游带领的游览) They have gone on a guided tour.

86.gymnasium 体育馆The school has recently built a new gymnasium.

87. hang gliding 悬挂式滑翔运动I enjoy hang gliding ,and you?

88. Harbour 港口This harbour is a natural one.

89.historical interest 历史景观Xi’an is a famous city with long history and plenty of historical interests

90.hot spring 温泉There is a hot spring near our city.

91.in advance 事先We had better book the room in advance.

92.industrial 工业的Many European countries are developed industrial countries, as we know.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,rmation board 通知板Write some notes on the information board.

94.local guide 当地导游The local guide led us through many caves.

95.national park 国家公园It is a famous national park.

96.notice board 布告栏That notice board says: No Camping.

97.Olympic 奥林匹克The Olympic Games will be held in London

98.parachute 跳伞The soldiers parachuted safely to the ground.

99.rain forest 热带雨林Preserving rain forest is important for us.

100.reproduction 复制品The painting is a reproduction .

101.resort 胜地There is a famous resort nearby.

102.rock climbing 攀岩She is fond of rock climbing.

103.rose garden 玫瑰园Mike is working in the rose garden.

104.route 路线We came by a longer route than usual.

105.safari park 野生动物园(虽然难点但记住) We will go to the safari park.

106.scuba diving 水肺潜泳I am keen on scuba diving.

107.sculptuer 雕像He is observing that strange sculpture.

108.shelter 遮蔽物we took a shelter from the storm in a deserted house.

109.sign one’s name 签名Please sign your name here.

110.skiing 滑雪运动He intend to go skiing in Europe.

111.souvenir 纪念品This is a special souvenir that I bought in China.

112.special feature 特别之处Her sexy eyes are her special feature.

113.stadium 体育场The stadium has a capacity of over 10000.

114.sunrise 日出The sunrise was a beautiful scene.

115.surfing 冲浪运动The beach is good for surfing.

116.survival course 生存训练As time goes by, survival courses are getting more important than ever before,which is accepted by most people.

117.unavailable 得不到的The luxury item is unavailable to ordinary people

118,white water rafting 漂流White water rafting is a new sport to many

people nowadays. So I want to have a try in summer holidays.

119.woodcarving 木雕Woodcarving is a kind of famous artwork here.

120.motel 汽车旅馆Y ou had to a motel tonight.

121.alarm system 报警系统The company will install an alarm system.

122.brake 刹车He stepped on the brake promptly when he saw a dog.

123.double –decker 双层公汽My father is a driver of double-decker.

124.drop off 顺路送人Just drop me off here, I will walk the rest of the way

125.hike 远足If the weather is fine , we will go hiking tomorrow.

126.metro 地铁系统The metro is much more convenient than the bus system

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,eage allowance 交通补贴I will get a mileage allowance this month

128.off-road 越野的That is a kind of off-road vehicle.

129.platform 站台our train will depart from platform 10.

130.shuttle service 往返的运送服务Do you notice a shuttle service from the city centre to the airport? 131.subway 地铁(美国)My friend is standing in the subway station.

132.taxi 出租车We should take a taxi to go there .

133.wheelchair 轮椅We should give more help to the disabled in wheelchair

134.baggage 行李We may have lost some of our baggage.

135.book a ticket 订票Can you help me to book a ticket for Tokyo?

136.book in advance 事先预定Y ou’d better book in advance.

137.check in 办理登机手续My husband is checking in there.

138.destination 目的地Finally we approached the destination.

139.duty-free shop 免税商店Let’s walk around the duty-free shop.

140.make a reservation 预定They made a reservation of the hotel last night.

141.stewardess=flight attendant 空姐She used to be a stewardess.

142.take off 起飞My flight will take off at 10 this morning.

143.centigrade 摄氏度It is -35degrees centigrade .It is terribly cold

144. accent 口音His accent is so strong that I cannot understand his words.

145.dialect 方言There are over 50 dialects in China.

146. air conditioner 空调Let’s turn on the air conditioner.

147.cable TV 有线电视Cable TV is broadly spread nowadays.

148.accommodation 住宿I share accommodation with my best friend.

149.balcony 阳台I grew many flowers in my balcony.

150.blind 百叶窗Please draw up the blinds ,it is too hot.

151.decorate 装饰They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.

152.deposit 押金Y ou have to pay the deposit first when you check in.

153.dormitory 宿舍All of the graduates are required to live in the dormitory.

154.flat 公寓Our flat is far from here. It will take you an hour to get there.

155.for rent 出租The house is for rent now. Y ou should call him right now.

156.insurance 保险I will take property insurance.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,undry 洗衣房There is a laundry on the ground floor.

158.lobby 大厅I will meet the clients in the lobby.

159.maximum 最大的最高的What is the maximum rent you can afford?

160.minimum 最低的I found out the hotel with minimum rental at last.

161.privacy 隐私She likes talking about other’s privacy.

162.real estate agency 房屋中介He works in a real estate agency.

163.rent 房租Y ou must pay your rent in advance.

164.residence 宿舍楼,居住的地方The building is the student residence.

165.shower 淋浴I took a shower after a long work on the farm.

166.surroundings 环境Y ou will get used to the surroundings quite soon.

167.urban 城市的The problem of air pollution is serious in urban areas.

168.corridor 走廊Y ou should wait for me in the corridor.

169.department store 百货商店I know how to get to the department store

170.intersection 十字路口The intersection is one of the busiest in the city.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,ndmark 标志性建筑The statue over is the landmark in this city.

172.nursery 托儿所Children can do whatever they want in the nursery,

that’s the reason why they like going there.

173.parallel 平行的The road and the railway are parallel to each other.

174.path 小径The path will lead you to the driving way

175.checkup 体检The company offers checkup every year.

176.chronic 慢性的He suffered from chronic diseases.

177 .diagnosis 诊断The patient must have an overall diagnosis.

178.fatigue 疲劳Symptoms of the illness include fatigue and loss of appetite

179.injection 打针The child hate having injections.

180.prescription 处方I got the prescription from the doctor.

181.psychological 心理的Sleep disorders is a serious psychological problem

182.remedy 药物疗法I often use herbal remedies.

183.sleeping pill 安眠药We are short of sleeping pills for the time being.

184.sprain 扭伤I sprained my knee while kicking off.

185.swell 肿胀His ankles are starting to swell and getting worse and worse.

186.therapy 疗法If you want to get a full recovery ,you had better have years of physical therapy. 187.barbecue 烧烤Having barbecue on the open is really funny for anyone.

188.takeaway 外卖We can get something to eat from the Chinese takeaway.

189.vegetarian 素食主义者She is a vegetarian.

190.vending machine 自动售货机There is a vending machine over there.

191.audience 听众The hall was crowed with audience.

192.blockbuster 大片The so-called block buster is boring.

193.circus 马戏My father never took me to the circus.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,edy 喜剧Actually ,I like watching comedies.

195.puppet 木偶I used to watch puppet plays.

196.release 发行The blockbuster will be released next year.

197.spectator 观众Spectators are waiting for the actor

198.aerobics 有氧健身How often do you do your aerobics ?

199 .athlete 运动员The athlete failed to cover the distance .

200.beach volleyball 沙滩排球Beach volleyball is very popular in Brazil .

201.bowling 保龄球Do you want to go bowling with us this Friday?

202.cheerleader 啦啦队长She is a good cheerleader.

203.court club 壁球或者是网球的俱乐部Tom is running a court club.

204.cricket 板球My dream is to become a radio commentator on cricket.

205.cycle 骑自行车Cycling is good for health.

206.gym 健身馆She goes to gym everyday in order to keep fit.

207.ice hockey 冰球Canada is a great ice hockey team around the world.

208.jogging 慢跑Judy is jogging around the campus every morning.

209.referee 裁判The referee was booed for his decision.

210.rugby 橄榄球Today the rugby club isn’t open .

211.snooker 斯诺克台球They meet up everyday to play snooker.

212.squash 壁球Jane is good at playing squash.

213.tournament 联赛The football tournament will be on next week.

214.yoga 瑜伽I attend yoga course on Monday.

215.bank holiday 公众假日New year’s Day is a bank holiday.

216.discount 折扣Members will get a 20 percent discount.

217.entertaiment 娱乐节目The channel provides a lot of entertainment.

218.refund 退款She demanded a refund, but the shop assistant refused.

219.sport articles 运动器材体育用品I am wondering where you purchased the sport articles yesterday. 220.weekday 工作日I am rather busy during the weekdays.

221.account 账户My salary is paid into my bank account in my school.

222.bank statement 银行对账单Clients will get their bank statements by the end of each month.

223.bonus 奖金How much is your bonus if you don’t mind.

224.branch 分支机构The private school has may branches in China.

225.corporate loan 企业贷款Many banks have released corporate loan for small firms.

226.credit card 信用卡We don’t accept credit card, only cash now.

227.eligible 合格的,有资格的Being a qualified teacher is eligible for you now.

228.gross 毛利My gross is relatively high.

229.interest 利息The interest on the loan is 20000 per year.

230.loan 贷款They are processing a loan for the students.

231.Mortgage 抵押贷款I want to take our a 10-year mortgage.

232.overdraft 透支额The bank allows an overdraft of 10000 RMB.

233.withdraw 提取My wife has withdrew all of the money .

234.accountant 会计师He is a famous accountant

235.applicant 申请人Applicants need to have at least 2years’ experience.

236.cashier 收银员Please checkout at the cashier’s bank.

237.challenging 挑战性的The job is so challenging and attractive for them.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,mission 佣金She got his first commission from the company.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,munity 社区The community is equipped with sports articles.

240.contract 合同Did you sign the contract with the firm ?

241.council 委员会I work in the council for environment conservation.

242.day shift 白班He has been used to working the day shift.

243.disabled 残疾的Society should respect the disabled

244.full-time job 全职工作Y ou should seek a full-time job.

245.identity 身份I have no idea about your identify.

246.job interview求职面试I have been processing many job interviews since last week.

247.night shift 夜班Are you on the night shift?

248.pension 退休金My father has a good pension from his factory now.

249.personnel manager 人事经理Our personnel manager will transfer to Boston next year.

250.recruit 招聘the grocery recruit the staff locally.

251.register 登记The father seemed to be registering his name.

252.routine work 日常工作My routine is rather boring.

253.sack 解雇The staff was sacked for his incompetence.

254.stimulating 使人兴奋的(想想还有哪些这样的词语?)

News reporting has been a stimulating job to many young people.

255.vacant position 空缺职位(招聘时常用)

I am sorry to tell you the truth that there is no vacant position now.

256.welfare 福利In Canada most old men have good welfare.

257.average height 中等个子I am of average height.

258.blond 金发的Do you know the girl who has blond hair.

259.casual clothes 休闲装The boss like wearing casual clothes,

260.cheek 脸蛋儿She has a sexy cheek.

261.crew cut 平头Many boys like crew cut.

262.curly 卷发的The boy teased the new student about his curly hair.

263.freckle 雀斑Most Americans have freckles.

264.full lips 厚厚的嘴唇The woman has full lips.

265.jeans 牛仔裤Y oung people like to wear jeans nowadays.

266.lean 瘦的I like eating lean meat, how about you?

267.long eyelashes 长睫毛She has long eyelashes.

268.loose 宽松的I like to wear loose clothes.

269.pal 笔友My pal wrote to me talking about the school.

270.plump 丰满的The nurse was a plump lady.

271.pullover 套头毛衣My wife purchase a pullover for me.

272.scar 疤痕The attack left a deep scar on his forehead.

273.slender 苗条的I enjoy chatting with a girl who is slender.

274.sportswear 运动服I like to wear sportswear in my spare time.

275.sturdy 健壮的He is a sturdy young man.

276.wear a tie 戴领带I don’t wearing a tie during the weekdays.

277.wrinkle 皱纹Her face was a mass of wrinkles.

278.air crash 空难News is coming in of an air crash over the Atlantic.

279.ambulance 救护车The ambulance will pick up the patient straight away.

280.burglar 窃贼The police caught the burglar last night.

281.casualty 伤亡人员our aim is to reduce road causality .

282.disaster 灾难Natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes are very common nowadays. 283.fire brigade 消防队The fire brigade has put down the fire.

284.hurricane 飓风Suddenly a fierce hurricane will descend upon this city.

285.illeagal 违法的It is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 18.

286.news bulletin 新闻简报He forced him to listen to the news bulletin.

287.priority 优先考虑的事情Y ou must think about this matter priority.

288.rescue 救援Survivors of the crash were rescued by a helicopter.

289.survivor 幸存者another survivor has been rescued just now.

290tornado龙卷风I have never heard of tornado around here.

291.wreckage残骸The child was rescued under the wreckage of the house.

292.alma mater 母校I love alma mater.

293.attached middle school 附中He was appointed to be in charge of the attached middle school. 294.assessment 评估Our college will have an environmental quality assessment on the city.

295.guest student 旁听生Edison used to be a guest student.

296.bachelor 学士He is a learned bachelor in our university.

297.certificate 证书Where is our marriage certificate?

298.consultant 顾问After retirement ,he kept him as a consultant in the firm

299.diploma 毕业证书I haven’t got my diploma up to now.

300.expert 专家He is an expert in this field, actually.

301.facility 设施There are a lot of facilities in our community.

302.freshman 大学一年级Are you a freshman in this college?

303.graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

A grand graduation ceremony will be held in the auditorium next week.

304.key school 重点中学I expect you to study at a key school.

305.lecture 讲师Y ou can become a great lecture in the future.

306.mentor 导师Who is your future mentor after graduation?

307.postgraduate 研究生The old professor supervises his postgraduates.

308.qulification 资格证明He had excellent academic qualification.

309.school counsellor 学校辅导员The school counsellor is a kind man.

310.semester 学期(美国)His oral English has improve a lot in this semester.

311.senior 大学四年级。He is a senior of this university.

312.supervisor 论文指导教师The college will allocate the supervisor to her.

313.teaching assistant 助教I will be employed as a teaching assistant .

314.tertiary education 高等教育Most people got tertiary education.

315.undergraduate 本科在读I am an undergraduate now.

316. Application form申请表格He has sent his application form to Cambridge university.

317.attendance 出勤I have a full attendance this term.

318.aditorium 礼堂The auditorium can seat 1000 students.

319.book list 订单I lost my book list just now.

320.campus 校园Let’s walk to our campus, ok?

321.conference room 会议室The conference room is around the corner .

322.curriculum 课程Don’t concentrate on the girl , focus on your curriculum.

323.drop out 辍学Most students dropped out because of poverty.

324.give confirmation 确认If you give confirmation ,please call me .

325.opening ceremony 开学典礼Many parents have been invited to the children’s school opening ceremony. I am one of them .

326.orientation 迎接情况介绍(新生介绍说明会等)

Here comes the orientation given by the school headmaster.

327.reference 参考书目Don’t refer to the reference I gave you.

328.score 分数I think your score is ideal .

330.teaching facilities 教学设施Teaching facilities have improved a lot.

331.academic circle 学术圈He is well known in the academic circle.

332.aptitude test 学术能力测验Y ou don’t need to have an aptitude test because of abundant knowledge. 333.confidence 信心I have great confidence in my performance.

334.course arrangement 课程安排Pay more attention to our course arrangement, then you can prepare

well for them .

335.deadline 期限Our deadline is overdue three days.

336.document 文件The document is in the drawer and you can find it .

337.draft 草稿Please thrown your draft into the dustbin there.

338.English proficiency 英语水平Y ou should brush up your English proficiency as soon as possible. 339.fail 不及格或者是失败做什么等I failed to pass the important entrance exam.

340.feedback 反馈In my opinion ,the feedback of the students is important.

341.handout 分发的材料Please read the handout of the speech carefully.

342.idle 虚度时光等。Don’t idle away your college life.

343.margin 页边的空白处Please write your name in the margin.

344.motivation 积极性He lacks motivation when learning English.

345.necessity 必须品I treat books as my life necessity.

346.prescribed textbook 指定课本According to what you said,I have to buy the prescribed textbooks. 347.presentation 口头论述It is your turn to have your presentation now.

348.review promptly 及时复习I have to review promptly after class.

349.self-esteem 自尊Self-esteem is important for everyone in the society.

350.supplementary reading material 补充的学习材料

I will hand out some supplementary reading material right now.

351.accounting 会计学My major is accounting. I enjoy it so much.

352.advanced 高级的I am eager to be an advanced learner of English.

353.archaeology 考古学I am interested in archaeology.

354.beginnner course 入门课Beginner courses are very important.

355.botany 植物学I am not fond of learning botany.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,pulsory course 必修课(required course)English is a kind of compulsory course nowadays. 357.elective course 选修课程(optional course)

Physics is a kind of elective course, so I gave it up this term.

358.elementary course 初级课程Elementary courses are not difficult.

359.available 可以获得的。The V isa is available now.

360.due 到期的The book is due on Monday.

361.expiry 到期The expiry date of the book is next Monday.

362.fiction 小说I like reading fictions, but my spouse doesn’t .

363.folder 文件夹My blue folder is broken .

364.in stock 有存货(out of stock 没有存货)This kind of item is in stock now, it doesn’t sell well now. 365.overdue 过期的The library books are overdue.

366.touch-screen information service 触摸样式的信息屏幕

367.access 存取,访问I can access the website ,please help me.

368.attachment 附件I will send the file as an attachment .

369.copier 复印机The copier is out of order now.

370.database 数据库Y ou can use the database freely.

371.e-mail 电子邮件I sent a e-mail to me yesterday.

372.Internet café网吧Children like playing games in the Internet café.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,ptop 笔记本电脑I bought a laptop for my kids last year .

374.manual 指南手册Here is the manual for traveling the city.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,work 网络The network is busy now.

376.operating system 操作系统Can you tell me your operating system?

377.password 密码My God! I forgot my password .I can’t access it.

378.upgrade 升级I strong recommend you should upgrade your software.

379.analyse data 分析数据It is hard to process the ~ .

380.conclusion 结论I cannot give you my conclusion immediately.

381.interview 访谈I will give an interview to the popular singer.

382.investigation 调查The investigation has continued for nearly 10years.

383.observation 观察I will have a careful observation.

384.opinion 观点They are divided in opinion.

385.poll 民意调查He tabulate the results of a poll.

386.questionnaire 调查问卷The school used a questionnaire to survey people’s attitudes towards crime. 386.significant difference 显著的差异They have significant difference in quality.

387.valid 有效的(无效的invalid)The passport is valid; you don’t need to worry about it.

388.kangaroo 袋鼠The kangaroo is very cute, I think.

389mammal 哺乳动物The dolphin is a kind of mammal.

390.ostrich 鸵鸟The ostrich runs very quickly but can not fly.

391.toad 癞蛤蟆The magician in the fairy turns the man into a toad.

392.consumption 消耗The consumption of the nature is serious.

393.distribution 分布The map shows the population distribution in China.

394.nuclear power 核能Tell me your viewpoint on nuclear power.

395.population density 人口密度These are the areas of low population ~.

396bacteria 细菌Y ou can see many bacteria on your hands .

397.fossil 化石There are fossils of early reptiles.

398 catering 酒席的承办I will hold a catering for my son.

399.charity 慈善机构He left all the money to charity.

400.donation 捐赠The donation is anonymous ,so you don’t know .

401.innovation 革新Innovations should be advocated.

402.public awareness 公众意识The campaign’s purpose is to increase the public awareness of it. 403.velvet 天鹅绒I like wearing a velvet coat.

404vote 投票He voted against the tax measure (议案)

405.parcel 包裹The parcel was delivered last week.

406.small scale 小范围的The schedule is spread on a small scale.

407. tile 瓦片He used to be a tile layer ,but a teacher now.

408.appealing 有吸引力的。Self-confidence makes me much more ~.

409.appearance 外表Don’t judge others by their appearance now.

410.beauty spot 美人痣She has a beauty spot.

411.in one’s early thirties 三十几岁(31~35)I want to be a rich man in my early thirties.

412.oval-shaped face 鸭蛋脸She is a pretty girl with an oval-shaped face.

413 .weather –beaten 饱经风霜的The sailor had a weather-beaten face like old leather.

414.absent-minded 心不在焉的Y ou are always absent-minded while listening to the lectures.

415.admire 钦佩He was admired for his archaeology work.

416.ambitious 有雄心的Chinese parents are ambitious for the children

417.charming迷人的The lady looks very charming.

418.considerate 体贴的I am considerate towards my students.

419.diligent 勤奋的Tony is a very diligent student.

420.easy-going 随和的I want to make a friend with you ,because you are very easy-going.

421.eloquent 能言的He is an eloquent speaker.

422.energetic 精力充沛的The young man is energetic.

423.enthusiastic 热心的I am enthusiastic about help the poor.

424.generous 慷慨的It was generous of you to help me .

425.humble 谦逊的Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.

426.humorous 幽默的They like humorous teaching styles.

427.idol 偶像I have no idol ,my idol is me.

428.independent 独立的Going out to play can make you more independent.

429.intelligent 聪明的My son is an intelligent boy.

430.mean 小气的He is very mean with money.

431.modest 谦逊的She is very modest about her success.

432.naive 天真的What you think is so na?ve currently.

433.open-minded 思想开通的My parents are pretty open-minded.

434.optimistic 乐观的Y ou should keep optimistic all the time.

435.out going 喜欢交际的He is never been an outgoing type.

436.positive 有信心的乐观的She tried to be more positive about her job.

437.reliable 可靠的The company is looking for someone who is reliable.

438.sociable好交际的She is a sociable child who will talk to anyone.

439.colleague 同事She is discussing the idea with her colleagues.

440.advance 进展Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,munciation 沟通Friends need a lot of communication.

442.convention 惯例He is the first one who broke away from convention.

443.economical 经济的A small car is more economical to run .

444.electric appliance 电器Electric appliance are common in our daily life.

445.electronic 电子的The material is unavailable in electronic form.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,rmation age 信息时代Computers are widely used in the information age

447.mobile phone 手机I bought a smart mobile phone yesterday.

448.muti-functional 多功能的Y ou can listen to the lecture in the muti-functional classroom.

449.outdated 过时的Y our sweater is really outdated today/

450.portable 便携式样的Laptop is a kind of computer which is portable.

451.tiny 微小的The tiny gadget is the size of a matchbox.

452.calligraphy 书法He spent the life collecting artwork and practicing ~

453.elegant 优雅的She dressed in a typical clothe that made her look elegant.

454.handicraft 手工艺品There are so many shops selling handicrafts nearby.

455.fake articles 赝品Normal people cannot recognize the fake articles.

456.masterpiece 杰作He commented that this novel was a masterpiece .

457.sculpture 雕塑The annual exhibition of sculpture will be held next month .If you are available, I will pick you up .

458.seal 图章Y ou can find the seal at the bottom of the picture.

459.theme 主题The theme of the picture is related to the artist’s life.

460.unique 对一无二的Y our speech is unique in China.

461.abuse 滥用He abused power while in office.

462.advertisement 广告Most people dislike advertisements while watch TV.

463.album 相册等Albums can bring a lot of good memory of my childhood.

464.boast 吹嘘Don’t boast yourself even if you are successful.

465.facial expression 面部表情Y ou can recognize him from his facial ~.

466.film 电影或者是胶卷Put the film where it is dry.

467.glamour 魅力The moonlight cast a glamour over her beauty.

468.monotonous 单调的His lecture is so monotonous that I will fall asleep.

469.pose 姿态She adopted an elegant pose. so sexy.

470.promote 推销My job is to promote the new product.

471.scenery 风景I have never seen such a wonderful scenery.

472.sensational 非常好的His report is absolutely sensational.

473.shopaholic 购物狂She is a shopaholic. I cannot stand!

474.significant 重要的有深远意义的The headmaster gave a ~ speech.

475.unforgettable 令人难忘的He created many unforgettable charters in his novel.

476. dome 原屋顶The dome of the church is under the repair.

477.exhausted 耗尽He had exhausted his supply of petrol.

478 heavy traffic 交通堵塞I cannot deal with driving in heavy traffic.

479.pedestrian 行人的We enjoy all pedestrian activities .

480 residence 住宅Y ou can walk to my residence, not so far.

481.customary 习惯上It is customary for the man to propose to the woman.

482.dink 丁克族Many young people dream of having a dink family.

483.divorce 离婚His parents divorced when he was very young.

484.generation 代购It is natural that generation gap exists between us.

485.get along with 相处…Do you get along with your roommates?

486.grow up 长大成人If you grow up one day, you can understand it.

487.guide 为…引路It is necessary to find a local man to guide us.

488.harmonious 和睦的Harmonious families have an important effect onthe character of children. 489.homesick 想家的I feel homesick when I am out.

490.keep in touch 保持联系Do you keep in touch with your ex-friend ?

491.married 已经结婚的I have been married for almost 15 years.

492.personality 个性The student has a strong personality.

493.private 私人的It is a private conservation .It is none of your business.

494.resemble 类似的He resembles his father.

495.scold 责骂It is your fault to scold me without any reason.

496.backbone 骨干I become an important backbone of this school.

497.co-ordinate 协调I think you can co-ordinate the meeting well.

498.demanding 苛求的Don’t too demanding to yourself.

499.job-hopping 跳槽Job-hopping is a fashion in people’s eyes.

500.overtime 加班时间Don’t work overtime too often.

501.prospect 前途Although the prospect is bright ,the way is difficult.

502.recruit 招聘I have difficulties in recruiting highly qualified staff.

503.responsibility 责任I think you should take responsibility for it .

504.white collar 白领Becoming a white collar is a dream for him.

505.fluent 流利的His fluent English astonished me a lot that day.

506.intonation 语调In fact ,intonation is important in the language learning.

507.persist 坚持I will persist until I succeed.(persist in doing something)

508.practice makes perfect 熟能生巧(必须记住)

509.bargain 便宜货物The dress was half-price, a real bargain.

510.browse 浏览I was browsing through a book when you called me.

511.pirate 盗用It is illegal to pirate other’s masterpieces.

512.keep fit 健身We often go to the gym to keep fit with my friends.

513.bake 烤的It is not good for us to eat so much food which is baked.

514.course 一道菜I like the course, which is roast duck.

515.nutritious 有营养的Tomatoes are nutritious for our health.

516.melody 主旋律The melody of our society is harmonious(和谐)

517.keep pace with 和..并驾齐驱We should keep pace with the times

518.dedicated 有献身精神的I am a dedicated teacher ,I think.

519.contended 满足的I feel warm, cozy and contended now.

520.thrilled 兴奋的She was thrilled when she saw the actress.

521.adore 非常喜欢I adored fairy stories when I was young.

522.captivate 迷住吸引I was captivated by her beauty at that time.

523.federal联邦的The publishing company relies mainly upon federal funding.

524.issue 发行。The government issued a great number of booklets to explain its new policies last month. 525.series 系列A new television series will be on show next week.

526.corporation 公司Mr. Smith runs a corporation in China.

527.corporate 企业的We need some corporate sponsors for our event.

528.conduct 处理Police have conducted an investigation into this case.

529.recommend 建议The boss recommended that the meeting be put off.

530.recommendation 建议What is your recommendation?

531.grant 给予My father was granted a pension after retirement.

532.spur 鼓励I spurred him to invite the sexy lady out.

533.confront 面对How would you do if you were confronted with such a problem in the future?

534.distinction 卓越John graduated from Harvard with distinction .

535.maintenance 维修A thorough maintenance check had been carried out before the plane took off. 536.substantial 大量的Nowadays you can earn a substantial amount of income by selling goods on line. 537.prospective 预期的The real estate agent showed three prospective buyers around the house.

538.contemporary 现代的Although it was built a long time ago, the bridge still has a little contemporary touch.

539.alter 改变The internet has altered the way we seek information.

540.supreme 最大程度的I made a supreme effort to lose my weight.

541.execute 执行Make sure our plan to reduce costs is executed.

542.submit 递交It is a requirement that all applicants submit their resumes to the personnel manager. 543.motivate 激励Students often find out that they are motivated by the pleasure of study.

544seminar 研讨会we will hold a seminar next week.

546.essential 绝对重要的Education has become an essential part of one’s life.

547.lifelong 终身的;毕生的There seems to be a growing tendency of

lifelong education for all (全面的终身教育似乎越来越成为发展趋势)

548.background 背景,出身,个人背景

Pupils are all different in character, and they have different backgrounds.

549.involovement 参与;参加

Involvement in various kinds of activities could help make me a well-rounded person (参加社会活动有助于我全面的发展)

550.atmosphere 气氛;环境

In the first place, university provides me with an enjoyable atmosphere.


1. would rather….than. 宁愿….也不。He would rather die than surrender.

2. work out 算出;解决;I work out the cost of the whole vacation.,then I went to Beijing.

3. work at 致力于;从事于。I am working at a new invention; I think I can make it.(成功)

4. word for word 逐个地Each student in the class is required to read it word for word.

5 .without question 毫无疑问

I am the best man for the job, without question. Please give me the chance.

6. with the except of 除。。。外

My son enjoyed all his novels with the except of that detective one.

7. with respect to 关于(联想到regarding)

As a matter of fact, all of us should plan with respect to the future.

8. with one accord 一致地;(accordingly)

They agreed to the suggestion with one accord, and hanged out together.

9. wipe out 消灭

The Indians wiped out the soldiers who were sent to stop their attacks.

10.in a sense =in a way (从某种意义来说)In a sense you are successful.

11.what if 如果。。。将来会怎么样。

What if we could not accomplish the task! I think it is unimaginable.

12.what about如何;怎么样

―What about a cup of tea?‖ Tom said to me in the pub.

13.wear out穿破,疲倦,厌倦。耗尽

①The kids have totally worn me out.②He wore out two pair of shoes .

14.wear off 逐渐消失;逐渐减少

The effects of the drug will soon wear off.药效逐渐消失了。

15.watch out for 密切注意;提防

I told my son he must watch out for the traffic near the school every day.

16.wash up 洗手;洗餐具;

It is my time to wash up today. I prevent mummy from doing dishes.

17.warm up 使暖和;使加热

The milk is warming up on the stove. It is time for us to have breakfast.

18.pack up (把...收好)Please pack up your belongs when you get off the bus.

19.turn over a new leaf 翻开展现的一页

Anyway,China has turned over a new leaf in the past years,which is known by the people. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html,e up 耗尽;用完

By the time he had used up all his savings, and he asked for help.

21.up to date 现代化的;切合目前实际的

Not all existing equipment is up to date! We still rely on some old ones.

22.under way 进行中

Since the snow is under way, nobody wants to clear off the snow.

23.under the circumstances 在这样的情况下,既然如此

Look! It is raining .under the circumstances we had better stay at home.

24.under control 处于控制下

Everything that you are taking into account is under control.

25.turn up 出现;把声音变大

The book you have lost will turn up. Please turn the radio up.

26.turn to 变成;求助于;

In the forest you will have nobody to turn to, even though you yield for help.

27.turn over 仔细考虑,翻过来,移交

Y ou should turn it over, and then you will change your idea.

28.turn out 结果是;证明是

Everything turned out to be true after investigation in recent days.

29.turn in 上床睡觉

It is late. I think I will turn in. I need a lot of rest.

30.turn down.拒绝

I asked her to marry me, but he finally turn down.

31.turn a deaf ear to 不愿意听

Nobody would like to turn a deaf to what you want to express.

32.tumble to 恍然大悟

All of a sudden, I tumbled to after he answered all my questions.

33.tumble down 倒下

The hut tumbled down in the heavy storm the night before yesterday.

34.try out 试验we have tried this out so many times, but we failed

35.try one’s best to do something尽力做I try my best to help her with English.

36.to the point 切中要害What you said just now is really to the point, I accepted your opinion


雅思小作文常用词汇与短语 1. 表示“主语” 01) 图表本身: table、 line(bar/pie) chart(graph/diagram) 02) 数据形式: figures、statistics、information 、data 03) It 形式主语、 There be 句型 2. 表示“上升”和“下降” 01) rise (to) 02) increase (to) 03) go up (to) 04) an upward trend (in) 05) fall (to) 06) decline (to) 07) drop (to) 08) a downward trend (in) 09) with a rise/drop(etc.) of … 10) surge from …to …猛增 11) be on the rise 12) be in decline 13) down??(幅度)from...(高)to...(低) 14) up—(幅度)from...(低)to...(高) 15) rise/increase/drop(etc.) further from...to.../to... 16) a rise/drop(etc.) of + 百分数 /数字 = a 百分数 /数字 rise/drop(etc.) 17) rise/drop(etc.) + 数字/百分数/倍数 = rise/drop(etc.) + a record of + 数字/百分数 3. 表示“平稳” 01) remain stable (at) 02) stay constant (at) 03) maintain the same level (at) 04) remain around that figure 05) reach a plateau到达(上升后的)平稳期 06) no change (in)


2011年在职攻硕全国联考 ——英语考前辅导 基础词汇2000词 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街2号数码大厦A.座1001室 咨询电话:010-******** 学习网址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html, MSN&邮箱:geedu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417801532.html, QQ:371808070

基础高频2000词汇的复习备考 第一部分基础词汇 词形短小易忽视,词形少有前后缀,拼写必须要记忆, 朗朗上口似亲密;句中用法很灵活;都是写作氧气词; 同等学力常出现,词性单一难判断;基础词汇分层次, 一考深意才着急。词义较多难取舍。贡献10分没问题。 [学习方式] 快速浏览一遍,在不熟悉的单词下面划一条横线,完成整体浏览后,再查考纲弄清意思。大声读一遍! 每个词都要记住其语义和使用语境。一定要做到看到单词能认出其语义,并且要完全能拼写出每个单词。 able有能力的 again再 and和 artist艺术家 basis基础 about关于 against靠、反对animal动物 angry生气的 basket篮 above在。。。上面angel天使 another另一、别的ashamed惭愧的basketball篮球accident事故、意外的事Asia亚洲 admire羡慕、赞赏announce宣布bathroom ache疼痛 agree同意 answer答案;回答 ask问 bathe洗澡Asian亚洲 attract吸引 ant蚂蚁 airmail航空邮件 beg请求 achieve vt完成、达到 agreeable使人愉快,适合 的 anxiety n焦急 asleep睡着的 across横越 agriculture农业 anxious担心的 assist vi帮助 beach海滩 act行为、动作 aim目标;针对 attack攻击 assistance帮助 become vi变成 active活动的、积极的 aircraft飞机 attend参加 assistant助手 bear负担忍受 actor演员 attain达到、获得 anything任何事 attendant出席者 actress女演员 anyhow无论如何 anyway无论如何 allow允许 advertisement(ad)-广告 airport飞机场 admit允许进入、承认 attention注意 beat打 beauty美 because因为 address地址 alike相似的 apology道歉 anywhere任何地方 begin开始 allocate分配 alive活着的 appear vi出现 apologize vi道歉 baby婴儿


一个地图题的开头: The map about the development of the village sufficiently illustrates the way of progress of this area. In this map, we can find four main sectors and two main roads intersected with one railway and one motor way. It seems the overall development of this village has strong connection with the construction of roads. 雅思小作文地图题词汇 Part 1:表时间 流程图和地图题中都可能涉及时间表达。流程题中,使用较多的是过程时长的表述,而地图题的时间使用则体现为地理变迁的时间变化。一般在方位选址图题中较少出现。确切的时间指引,既增加文章的自然和连贯度,也能体现行文的精确性。 常见表示时间的词: in few hours几小时 during the period of …在…期间after 10 days 10天后 from…to从…到… between …and在…之间 over the…year period在一个…年期间5 years before 5年前a decade earlier几十年前from that moment on从那时起after a while一会 since自从 since then自从 finally最后 over the subsequent …years近连续几年 例句:The process lasts for up to 7 day s and the products are finally distributed to customers. Part 2:表空间 空间表达地图题出现概率较高,但流程图也偶尔出现。空间应该是地图题解题关键和主要特点。许多考生容易误把地图题的空间位置写成上下左右位置,这是失分点非常大的地方。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们提示烤鸭,空间表达时需要注意区分:在空间状语里,in表内部,on表接壤,to表分开。 常用的空间词: lies 靠近


【必背】常考的雅思词汇和短语 分类:个人日志阅读:(1176) 转载评论举报 60条通用优点: 1 offer a sense of job satisfaction and security 带来工作的满意感和安全感 2lay a solid professional working experience 积累扎实的工作经验 3 reduce/cut down expenditure削减支出 4increase/generate job opportunities 创造就业机会 5meet/satisfy personalizedneeds 满足人性化的需求 6promote talentintroduction and exchange 促进人才的引进与交流 7keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落伍 8better/promote/enhance/further human resource develo pment 完善人力资源的发展 9lay a solid foundation for奠定坚实的基础 10 pave the way for the future/development 为未来铺平了道路 11foster a sense of competition andcooperation 培养合作感与竞争感 12cultivate the spirit of team working 培养团队合作精神 13master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧 14widen one’s knowledge 拓宽知识面 15enrichone’ssocial and life experience 丰富社会与人生经历 16enlargeone’s view/broadenone’s horizon 拓宽视野


下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便 5下载券 412人已下载 下载 还剩5页未读,继续阅读 List of Words Used in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 4 hair half n,adj,adv hall hammer n,v hand n,v handkerchief handle n,v hang happen happening happiness happy harbour n hard adj,adv hardly harm n,v haste n hasten hastily hasty hat

n,v hatred have he head n,adj health n healthy heap n,v hear heart heat n,v heaven heavy heel height help n,v hen her(s) pron,adj here hide v high adj,adv hill him Hindu(ism) hire v

his historical history hit n,v hold n,v hold n holiday hollow adj holy home n,adj,adv honest honesty honour n honourable -hood hook n,v hope n,v horizon horn n horse n hospital host hot

hour house n how human adj humble adj humour , humorous hunger hungry hunt v hurry v hurt v husband n hut I I -ible -ic -ical ice n icy idea if ill adj



the be of and a to in he have it that for they I with as not on she at by this we you do but from or which 1-100 one would all will there say who make when can more if no man out other so what time up go about than into could state only new year some take come these know see use get like then first any work now may such give over think most even find day also after way many must look before great back through long where much should well people down own just

because good each those feel seem how high too place little world very still nation hand old life tell write become here show house both between need mean call 101-200 develop under last right move thing general school never same another begin while number part turn real leave might want point form off child few small since against ask late home interest large person end open public follow during present without a·gain [ ?'gen ] hold govern around possible head consider word program problem however lead system set order eye plan run keep face fact group play stand increase early course change help line


核心动词: 1.想,认为 think,hold,argue,concede,assert,deem,consider,believe,maitain, 2深思熟虑,仔细考虑 ponder,deliberate,meditate,comteplate,reflect 3.培养 cultivate,foster,nurture,nourish 4.加强,巩固 strengthen,sonsolidate,reinforce, 5.显示,表明 manifest, display,show,reveal,present,suggest,demonstrate,indicate,illustrate,re flect 6.确认,证实 verify, confirm, establish,affirm 7.断言,宣称 declare,claim,allege,assert,state 8.支持,维护,拥护 support,maitain,uphold,approve,advocate,champion 9.反对 oppose,be against,disagree,disapprove,object to 10.解决(问题,麻烦)

solve,tackle,combat,address,resovle,cope with,settle 11.导致,引发,引起 give rise to,trigger,spark,lead to,bring about,result in, 12.建议,提议 suggest,recommend,urge,propose,advise,put forward, 13.阻止,阻碍,限制 prevcnt, deter,jeopardize,restrain,confine (to),restrict,refrain,limit 14.影响 have effect on, affect,influence,have an impact on,sway 15.增长,发展,提高 increase,rise,develop,enhance,improve,advance,upgrade,raise,facilita te,boost,promote 16.下降,减少 decrease,decline,fall,drop,slump 17.实现,完成 fulfil,realize,achieve,accomplish,attain 18.提供,给予 supply,provide,perform…for,offer,yield 19.占。。。(百分比) take up,amount to,account for,reach 20.适应


雅思写作task1常用词汇及词组 一.文章开头 图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph 描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent 内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion 二.表示数据 一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10% 最高(低)点:peaked; reached a peak/high(point) ;bottomed out; reached the bottom 变化:recover略有回升;increase; jump; rise/rose; climb ;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate浮动,摇摆不定 remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change 变化程度:sudden/suddenly突然的,意外的 rapid/rapidly迅速的,飞快的,险峻的 dramatic/dramatically戏剧性的,生动的 significant/significantly有意义的,重大的,重要的 sharp/sharply锐利的,明显的,急剧的 steep/steeply急剧升降的 steady/steadily稳固的,坚定不移的 gradual/gradually渐进的,逐渐的 slow/slowly缓慢的,不活跃的 slight/slightly轻微的、略微地 stable/stably稳定的 表示范围:from…to…between…and…for…to…多长时间直到


2000常用基本英语单词-按字母顺序排列 1.age[e?d?] n.年龄, 成年, 使用年限, 同时期的人, 时代v.变老, 上年纪, 成熟 2.able['eib(?)l] adj.能...的, 有才能的, 能干的, 能够的 3.April['eipr?l]四月 4.air[e?] n.空气, 样子, 天空, 空中, 曲调 vt.晾干, 使通风, 宣扬, 夸耀, 显示 5.airport['e?p??t] 机场 6.airplane['e?ple?n]飞机 7.any['eni]任何 8.anyone ['eniw?n]任何人 9.anything['eniθi?] 任何事物 10.anywhere 在任何地方 11.ask 询问 12.apple 苹果 13.absent 缺席的 14.ambulance 救护车 15.actually 实际上 16.accident 意外 17.act 行动 18.active 积极 19.activity 活动 20.after 在以后 21.afternoon 下午 22.ant 蚂蚁 23.and 和同与 24.animal 动物 25.answer 答案 26.angry 发怒的 27.anger 生气 28.ankle 脚踝 29.away 几个 30.ahead 在前 31.another 另一个的 32.about 大约 33.above 在上面 34.abroad 国外 35.accept 接受 36.across 横越 37.adult 成年人 38.address 住址 39.advice 劝告 40.advise 劝告 41.admire 欣赏

雅思小作文必备词汇和句型 (基础版)

雅思小作文基础词汇句型 Yicheng 必备同义词替换: 展示,提供(首句谓语动词): show/ describe/ indicate/ illustrate/ provide 占百分之多少:Account for/ make up/ provide/ represent/ occupy … with… 趋势:trend/ tendency 数据:number/ data/ figure 百分比,比例:percentage/ proportion 类别:category / type/ kind/ group 然后:thereafter(替换then), after that e.g. Thereafter, the number of cases dropped slowly to about 2800 in September. 从前,过去:formerly (代替past) e.g. Many formerly inaccessible places are now reached by road and rail. 段落中的连接词: 同样的:likewise 同时:meanwhile 并且:moreover 但是:however,whereas 相反:conversely 相比之下:by comparison, in contrast, compared with sth, comparatively 四大趋势灵活表达总结:上升,下降,波动,不变

Task 1 的六大句型 (一) 开头段 The table / line graph / bar chart / pie chart / graph / chart shows / illustrates /describes / … 这个表格/ 曲线图/ 柱状图/ 饼图/ 图表/ 显示了… … (二) 描述“上升、下降、不变、波动” (各个对象在一段时间内进行变化) 1.There was / is / wil be a (+adj.) + n. in the number / percentage of A(数据+) 时间 A是对象的名字(图表中肯定有,照着写) n. 是表示“上升、下降、不变、波动”的名词 (1) 表示“增加(上升)”的名词increase / rise / growth / jump / surge / boom (2) 表示“减少(下降)”的名词decrease / decline / fall / reduction / drop / slump (3 )表示“波动”的名词fluctuation (4 )表示“不变”的名词no/little change adj.是形容词 (1 ) 表示“快速的,剧烈的,显著的”的形容词rapid/ sharp/ significant/ dramatic/ drastic (2 ) 表示“逐步的,适度的,稳定的,慢的,一点点的”的形容词Gradual / moderate / steady / slow


1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey) 忠于;遵守 2.be absent from…. 缺席,不在 3.absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4.be absorbed in 全神贯注于…[近义短语: be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on ] 5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6.to have an access (to) (不可数名词) 能接近,能进入,能了解信息 7.by accident(=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外地 8.without accident(=safely) 安全地 9.of one’s own accord (=without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地 10.in accord with 与…一致. 11.out of one’s accord with 同…不一致 12.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地 13.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 14.on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益; 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责; 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 15.on account 赊账; 16.on account of 因为; 17.on no account不论什么原因也不; 18.of …account 有…重要性. 19.take…into account(=consider) 把...考虑进去 20.give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由) 21.account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明. 22.on account of (=because of) 由于,因为 23.on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 24.accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth.) ; 指控,控告 25.be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于 26.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉 27.act on 奉行,按照…行动; 28.act as 扮演; 29.act for 代理 30.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 31.adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 32.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外) 33.adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循 34.adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的 35.adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应; 36.admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地. 37.in advance (=before in time) 预告, 事先. 38.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 39.have an advantage over 胜过. 40.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件



Writing Notes Date: July, 9th, 2017 Task I 1.Three Types i.Data: Bar Chart, Line Graph, Table, Pie Chart ◆图表类型:动态图、静态图 ◆动态图:有两个或以上时间 ◆重点 ●趋势 ●特殊值:起点、重点、最高点、最低点、交叉点 ◆静态图:只有一个或者没有时间 ●比较描述对象:使用倍数、比较级 ii.Process: Flow Chart iii.Map ◆Describe the change ◆Eg: Hospital is located to the west of car park 2.评分标准 i.Task Achievement/ Task Response ◆Cover the Requirements of the task ◆No off topics ◆不能添加主观想法,只能描述 ii.Coherence and Cohesive ◆使用路标性词汇:顺承和转折 iii.Lexical Resource ◆使用非高频词汇 ◆Use words and phrases naturally and appropriately ◆Vocabulary diversity ◆Accurate spelling words iv.Grammatical Range and Accuracy ◆Accurate grammar of sentences ◆Use different ranges of sentences, structures to achiever grammatical 3.写作方法 i.开头段 ◆图表词改写 ●The chart : bar chart, line chart, pie chart, table, diagram ◆动词shows改写 ●注意时态 ●Shows: illustrates, gives information about, compares, indicates, demonstrates ◆关键词(一定要改写) ●数量改写 ?The number of + 可数 ?The amount of + 不可数 ?The quantity of + 可/不可数 ?The figure for +可/不可数 ●百分比改写


雅思常见词组 accustomed to 习惯于 a couple of 一对,一双;几个 a few 少许,一些 a good deal 许多,大量, a good many 大量的,许多 a number of 一些,许多 a series of 一系列,一连串 abound in 盛产,富于,充满above all 首先,首要,尤其是abstain from 放弃,避开 access to 接近,通向…的入口according as 根据…而… according to 根据,按照 account for 说明(原因等),解释accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事)act for 代理 act on 按照…而行动 act out 演出 adapt to 适应 add up to 合计达,总计是 adhere to 黏附,坚持 admit of 容许有,有…余地 admit to 承认 advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物affect to 假装 afford to 买得起某物 after a while 过了一会,不久 after all 毕竟,终究,虽然这样agree on 同意,赞同 ahead of 先于,胜过 ahead of schedule 提前 ahead of time 提前,在原定时间以前all along 始终,一直,一贯 all at once 突然,同时,一起 all but 几乎,差一点 all in all 总的说来;同等重要 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 all one’s life 一辈子,一生 all out 竭尽全力 all over 到处,遍及,全部结束all round 行,可以,顺利,确实all the same 仍然,照样 all the time 一直,始终 all the years round 一年到头 all too 太 allow for 考虑到,估计到,体谅along with 同…一起 amount to 总共达到,实际上是amount to 等于 and all that 诸如此类 and so 所以,因此;同样 and that 而且 and the like 等等,诸如此类 and then 于是,然后 and what not 诸如此类,等等 and yet 而,然而 answer back 顶嘴,回嘴 answer for 对…负责,符合 answer up 应对迅速 any longer 再 anything but 除…以外任何事物 apart from 除…之外 apply for 提出 approach to 接近,约等于 approve of 赞成,满意 arm in arm 手挽手 around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地arrive at 到达 as...as 像,如同,与…一样 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 as a result of 由于,作为…的结果 as a rule 通常,一般来说 as a whole 总体上 as best one can 尽最大努力 as concerns 关于 as far as 那么远;直到;至于 as follows 如下 as for 至于,就…方面而言 as for as 就…而论,据… as good as 和…几乎一样


常见曲线图变化趋势动词表达用名词作同义替换表达↑rose (to) a rise (in) increased (to) an increase (in) went up (to) a growth (in) climbed (to) an upward trend (in) boomed a boom in (a dramatic rise in) ↓fell (to) a decrease (in) decreased (to) a decline (in) dipped (to) dropped (to) a drop (in) went down (to) slumped (to) a slump in (dramatic fall in) reduced (to) a reduction (in) →levelled out (at) a levelling out (of) did not change remained stable (at) remained steady (at) stayed constant (at) maintained the same level no change (in) ↑↓fluctuated (around) peaked (at) plateaued (at) stood at (we use this phrase to focus on a particular point before we mention the movement, for example: in the first year, unemployment stood at...) a fluctuation (in) reached a peak (of) reached a plateau (at) 在曲线图中表示变化程度可以用到的词汇(degree of change)形容词副词dramatic dramatically sharp sharply huge hugely enormous enormously steep steeply substantial substantially considerable considerably significant significantly marked markedly moderate moderately slight slightly


朗文词典2000基础词汇 a ability about above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according account ache acid across act action active activity actor actress actual add addition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreement ahead aim air aircraft airforce airport alcohol alike alive all allow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing an ancient and anger angle angry animal ankle annoy annoyance another answer ant anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anything anywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appoint approval approve arch area argue argument arm armor arms army around arrange arrangement arrival arrive art article artificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep association at atom attack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractive aunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward b baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad bag bake balance ball banana band bank bar bare barrel base basket


雅思小作文常用表达词语汇总 想要雅思小作文写得好,客观准确的表达方式是必不可少的。熟练运用各种句型,还能为大作文争取更多的时间。小编再为大家把相关句型整理一遍,快记下来吧!这次为备考雅思的同学介绍雅思小作文的常用词汇。 1. 雅思小作文开头 图表类型:table;chart;diagram;graph;column chart;pie graph 描述:show;describe;illustrate;can be seen from;clear;apparent;reveal;represent 内容:figure;statistic;number;percentage;proportion 2. 雅思小作文表示数据 最高(低)点:peaked;reached a peak/high point bottomed out;reached the bottom 变化:recover 略有回升; increase;jump;rise/rose;climb上升 decrease;fall;drop;decline;reduce下降 fluctuate 浮动,摇摆不定 remained steady/stable;stay the same;little/hardly any /no change稳定

雅思小作文描述变化程度: sudden/suddenly 突然的,意外的 rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的 dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的 3. 其它在描述中常用到的词 in the case of adv. 在...的情况下 in terms of/in respect of/regarding 在...方面 in contrast 相反,大不相同 in conclusion adv. 最后,总之 in comparison 相比之下 inversely adv. 相反地,倒转地 in general 通常,大体上,一般而言 range from 从…到… excessive adj. 过多的,过分的,额外 lower v. 降低,跌落 小作文的常用词就为大家介绍到这,更多雅思小作文写作方法。我们一起努力,备考雅思!


带有*的词是使用极频繁、意思极具变化的单词 A a/an ability able about above absent accept accident ache achieve across act action active activity actor actress actual add address admire admit adverb advice advise aeroplane airplane affair afraid Africa African after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreeable agreement agricultural ahead* aid aim air aircraft airport alike alive all allow almost alone* along aloud already also although altogether always amend America American among(st) amuse amusement ancient and anger angry animal announce another* answer ant anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anybody anything anyway anywhere apartment apologize appear appearance apple appoint appointment approve April Arabian area argue argument army around arrange arrival arrive art artist as* ashamed Asia Asian ask* asleep assist at atom August aunt Australia Australian author autumn avoid away awfully B baby back* backward bad badly bag ball* banana banner barely basic basketball bathroom battle be beard beautiful beauty because become bedroom bee beef beer before beg begin beginner beginning behind believe bell below beneath beside besides best* better between beyond bicycle big bike bird birth bit black blackboard blind* blood blue boat body bomb bone book boot born borrow bottle box boy brain brave bread break* breakfast breathe bridge bright bring Britain British broken brother brown build building burn* bury bus busy but* buy by C cake calm camel camera camp can* Canada Canadian cancer cap car careful carry* cat celebrate center central century certain certainly chair chairman change cheap chemical chemist chemistry chicken chiefly child chimney China Chinese choice choose Christmas cinema city classmate classroom clean clear* clever climate climb clock* cloth clothe clothes
