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2. _______________n.坚果;果仁

3. _______________n.肌肉;瘦肉

4. _______________adj.给予保护的

5. _______________n.豆科植物;豆

6. _______________n.黄瓜

7. _______________n.豌豆8. _______________n.茄子

9. _______________n.蘑菇10. _______________n.胡椒粉;辣椒11. _______________n.桃子12. _______________n.柠檬

13. _______________vt.平稳;权衡14. _______________n.羊肉

15. _______________vt.&n.烧烤;烤肉16. _______________adj.烤制的

17. _______________vt&vi油煎;油炸18. _______________n.熏咸肉;腊肉19. _______________adj.苗条的;纤细的20. _______________n.好奇心

21. _______________n.女主人;女主持人22. _______________adj.生的;未加工的23. _______________n.醋24. _______________n.谎话;谎言

25. _______________n.顾客;消费者26. _______________n.折扣

27. _______________n.强项;长处28. _______________n.虚弱;弱点

29. _______________vt.咨询;请教30. _______________n.纤维;纤维制品31. _______________vt.&vi消化32. _______________n.胡萝卜

33. _______________vi.怒目而视34. _______________adj.有限的

35. _______________nt.利益;好处36. _______________n.胸部;乳房

37. _______________vi.叹息;叹气38. _______________vt&vi.联合;结合39. _______________n.合作;协作40. _______________n.味道与气味;特性重点短语

1. _______________平衡膳食

2. _______________应当;应该

3. _______________减肥

4. _______________出于好奇

5. _______________受到从轻发落

6. _______________说谎

7. _______________赢回;重新获得8. _______________谋生

9. _______________欠债10. _______________瞪着某人

11. _______________暗中监视;侦查12. _______________从…得利

13. _______________将…与…结合起来14. _______________削减;删节

15. _______________不久以后16. _______________增加体重


1. A b___________ diet provides nutrition for your body, as is known to us.

2. They were very ____________(好奇的)about the people who lived upstairs.

3. They were selling everything at a ___________(折扣,打折).

4. The teaching of history should not be_________(限制的,有限的) to dates and figures.

5. I stopped worrying and started advertising the ____________(好处,利益)of my food

6. We are still looking for someone who __________(联合,结合)all the necessary qualities.

7. He has been working for a long time, but he is still full of e___________.

8. The boy lifted the stone with all his ____________(力量).

9. This restaurant was not giving its __________(顾客) energy-giving food.

10. Proper d_______ and exercise are both important for health.

11. She did not look happy but __________(生气的看)at him.

12. Have you___________(咨询,请教) your physician about possible treatments?

13. The leaves of certain trees are ___________(有毒的)to cattle.

14. We would be grateful for your ___________(合作、协作)in clearing the hall as quickly as possible.

15. You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to____________(消化).


1. Wang Bin, you should surf the Internet for more information.

Wang Bin, you _______ _______ surf the Internet for more information.

2. If you cheat in the exam, you will be punished for it.

If you cheat in the exam, you will never _______ _______ _______ it.

3. Johnson lives a hard life, for he owes a lot of money.

Johnson lives a hard life, for he is _______ ______.

4. He often lies, so no one believes him.

He often _______ _______ _______, so no one believe him.

5. His restaurant ought to be full of people.

His restaurant ought to be ________ _________ people.


1. He’s been ill for weeks and doesn’t __________ for work yet.

2. She ______________ by singing in a nightclub.

3. He was angry yesterday and said he would not come back. But he returned today ___________.

4. How many countries will be _______________ the games?

5. He _______________ Hamlet in the play.

6. I just stopped cycling to ________ running over the cat in the street.

7. All the women ____________ their children.

8. The firm __________ me with a car since I worked here.
