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1 前言....................................................... - 1 -

1.1建筑电气简介 (1)

1.2工程概况 (1)

1.3设计原则 (1)

1.4设计内容 (1)

1.4.1电气照明系统设计 (2)

1.4.2低压配电系统 (2)

1.4.3防雷接地系统 (2)

2电气照明系统设计............................................. - 3 -

2.1总则 (3)

2.2办公楼电气设计需求分析 (3)

2.3光源选择 (3)

2.4照明灯具选择 (4)

2.5设计结果 (5)

2.6照度计算 (5)

2.6.1本设计采用利用系数法计算灯具数量....................... - 5 - 3低压配电系统设计............................................. - 8 -

3.1负荷等级及供电要求 (8)

3.1.1负荷等级分类 (8)

3.2负荷计算 (8)

3.2.1计算照明负荷 (8)

3.2.2断路器的选择 (11)

3.3设备选型结果 (13)

3.4配电方式 (13)

4防雷接地系统设计............................................ - 15 -

4.1建筑物的防雷简介 (15)

4.2本次工程分析 (15)

4.3第三类防雷建筑物的防雷措施 (16)

4.4本建筑物防雷接地系统设计 (18)

4.4.1屋顶防雷系统设计 (18)

4.4.2接地系统设计 (18)

5结论 ..................................................... - 20 -参考文献..................................................... - 21 -致谢....................................................... - 22 -附录......................................................... - 23 -





The graduation design for a building in hefei the electrical design. In the whole design, I according to relevant state design specifications and standards and relevant professional design material, to the project in high voltage system design. The design of the main content including low voltage distribution system, a second floor electrical lighting system and lightningproof grounding system, lighting system that major general lighting lamps and lanterns and socket choice, intensity of illumination and lighting calculation load calculation, emergency lighting selection and installation, etc, with the utilization coefficient method for the calculation, each room right out the lamps and lanterns of quantity. Distribution and wiring, the power supply circuit design each corresponding distribution box and go line way, calculate the calculation of the loop load, and finally choose good each loop the cable,Finish the graduation design of building electrical can have a comprehensive understanding of the architectural electrical design .

Key Words:Electrical lighting; Distribution system;Equipment selection; Lightningproof grounding;
