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big shoes
The most excellent character.
• The most excellent character of him is a tramp,but his heart is a gentleman's bearing, wearing a narrow dress, big pants and shoes, wearing a top hat, carrying a dome hard bamboo cane, keep a pie moustache image. In the period of silent film ,Chaplin is talented and one of the great influential figures
Modern TIme is story about a worker.who is so busy and he spirit belcame unusual.At the end,he lost his job.
• CIty Lights • The tramp is fall in love with the flower girl who is blind.But the tramp pretended to be rich.And he work hard to make money to help the girl.
• 最出色的角色是一个外貌流浪汉, 内心则一幅绅士气度、穿着一件窄 小的礼服、特大的裤子和鞋、戴着 一顶圆顶硬礼帽、手持一根竹拐杖、 留着一撇小胡子的形象。在无声电 影时期卓别林是最有才能和影响最 大的人物之一。
Charlie Chaplin
• • • • • • The Gold rush《淘金记》、 City Lights《城市之光》、 Modern Time《摩登时代》、 The Great Dictator《大独裁者》 Monsieur Verdoux《凡尔杜先生》、 Limelight《舞台生涯》
After makeup
Makeup before
The young
• Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor family,he learnt singing and dancing when he was a little boy.He was the best welcome little actor of Britain when he was ten,because of his talent for action.
The middle age
• 1910 ,he went to USA ,1914 he made his first film .Then he strat his act career and made a great success.
wenku.baidu.com top hat
pie moustache narrow dress a bamboo cane big pants
Charlie Chaplin
------The great comic actor
• • • • • • •
Name: Charlie Chaplin Life time :16th April 1889 – 25th December 1977 Birthplace:London England Occupation:British film actor, director, producer Title:Medal of the British empire • the wearer, AFI hundred of • big star
• 淘金热 • http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc3MjQzMjg 4.html • 卓别林的经典片段
http://v.ku6.com/show/MT2piSy ergayv4Ji.html
这些影片反映了卓别林从一个普通的人道主义者 到一位伟大的批判现实主义艺术大师的过程。卓 别林以其精湛的表演艺术,对下层劳动者寄予深 切同情,对资本主义社会的种种弊端进行辛辣的 讽刺,对法西斯头子希特勒进行了无情的鞭笞。 1952年,他受到麦卡锡主义的迫害,被迫离开美 国,定居瑞士。在瑞士期间,他拍摄了尖锐讽刺 麦卡锡主义的影片《一个国王在纽约》。1972年, 美国隆重邀请卓别林回到好莱坞,授予他奥斯卡 终身成就奖,称他“在本世纪为电影艺术作出不 可估量的贡献”。