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College En glish Book 3 Unit 1

Part A Exercise 1 1.






Exercise 2 Jack Smith Rm 1OO8.Peach Hotel 9 tomorrow morning West Lake Hotel, Han gzhou

V rooms for Friday ni ght, 15th of the month the best rooms in the hotel V

'property. V They talked rudely in the coffee shop.

They did not pay the acco unt whe n they left the hotel. V

Con versatio n 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.a Exercise 2

1. He is the woman

'favorite hairdresser. V He has an appointment with

another customer. V He is a popular hairdresser at the Unisex Hairdresser '. V

2. Tom is just as good as Mercel. V Tom can quickly figure out the best style for a

Unit 2

Exercise 1 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d

Part B Co nversation 1

Exercise 1 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.a

Exeercise 2 1. five room in total

2. They damaged the hotel

particular customer.

V Tom has n ever done the woma n

'hair before. V

Part D Home Liste ning


Part A

Exercise 1 Passage 1 a Passage 2 b

PartB A Co nversation

A Story Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.c

Exercise 2

1. 12-year-old bitch from a farmer 'family

2. two puppies just two mon ths ago

3. for 12 tiger cubs since 5 years ago

4. strong but she is smaller tha n the cubs

5. e no ugh milk for her own babies and the baby tigers

6. her own childre n and takes good care of them

Unit 3

PartA Exercise 1 1. To throw a surprise party for his 40th birthday. _____

2. Pulli ng on the birthday pers on 'ear 21 times.

3. To in vite three very good friends out to dinner. Part B Co nversatio n1 Exercise 1 1.d 2.c 3.d


Exercise 2 1. She is on the wrong side of 30/over 30. ____ 2. Yes. It 'pretty good. 3.


4. Betwee n 25 and 30. Because by the n you know what you want with life and how to get

5. They tend to be worried about con seque nces of what they do. ______

6. She had a good time but she would n 'tn ecessarily want to relive it.

7. No, She 'happy at her age now.

Unit 4

PartA Exercise 1 1.d





Exercise 2

1) weekly 2)fixed 3) fair 4)


5) discs 6) an

excelle nt way to teach their childre n the value of money 7) they lear n to budget their expe nses 8) they will have no money to spe nd by the end the week Part B Co nversation 1 Exercise 1 1.c 2. b 3.c 4. b Exercise 2

1)departme nt stores

malls 2) outdoor markets

1) thrift store 2) things are on sale 1) fix things for himself 2) coupons 3) that are on sale

Con versatio n 2

Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.c
