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Warming-up Questions:

1.How do you understand “a hero”/ “heroism”? You could set some examples.

2.How do you appreciate encouraging people (even the normal ones) to be heroes?

3.If the one/ ones we save from disasters has/ have less contribution to the society, will you

still sacrifice your life to rescue them?

4.Can normal people be heroes? Why or why not?


释放Release 地震海浪Seismic sea waves 泄漏Spillage暴风雨Storms

台风Typhoons 应急减灾措施Emergency relief measures

灾难清理作Disaster clean-up operations 防灾准备Disaster preparedness

防灾Disaster prevention 灾难救援Disaster relief 流离失所人员Displaced persons

紧急救援Emergency relief 应急避难所Emergency shelter

环境应急计划Environmental contingency planning 防洪Flood control

放射性污染清除Radioactive decontamination 临时住房Temporary housing

临时避难所Temporary shelter 生境破坏Habitat destruction

陆地活动Land-based activities自然改变Physical alterations

灾难现象Catastrophic phenomena 生物体的意外释放Accidental release of organisms 雪崩Avalanches 旋风Cyclones 沙漠蝗虫Desert locusts 地震Earthquakes

环境事故Environmental accidents流行病Epidemics洪水Floods飓风Hurricanes

山崩Landslides 人为灾难Human-made disasters核事故Nuclear accidents

放射性污染Radioactive contamination

1) a charity performance 义演

2) a homeless shelter 收容所

3) a miserable cold 重感冒

4) a plane wreck 飞机失事

5) a refugee camp 难民营

6) accident n.事故,意外;

7) accidental a.意外的,偶然的

8) accidental collision 意外碰撞

9) accidental damage 意外损伤

10) accidentally ad.意外地

11) Acid Rain酸雨

12) aftershock 余震

13) Alarm警报

14) Asteroid小行星撞击地球

15) at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震

16) Avalanche雪崩

17) burst into flame 猛烈的燃烧

18) bury掩埋

19) buoy救生圈

20) calamity大灾祸,不幸之事

21) casualty伤亡事故。

22) cataclysm剧变,灾难;常指洪水或地震

23) catastrophe突如其来的大灾难

24) charitable a. 仁爱的,慈爱的

25) charity n.救济金,施舍;慈善(团体)

26) claim for 要求

27) claim vt.声称,索取,提出要求;(灾难)使死亡n.索赔

28) collapse vi. 倒塌;崩溃;突然失败;

29) collision n.碰撞;冲突

30) come to one's rescue 拯救…

31) corrosion腐蚀

32) crash 空难

33) damage 损害,损伤

34) death toll 死亡人数

35) Debris flow泥石流

36) Desertification土地沙漠化

37) destroy 毁坏,破坏,摧残

38) destruction n. 破坏,毁灭

39) destructive a.破坏性的,毁灭性

40) derailment脱轨

41) devastate 蹂躏,破坏,使荒废,毁灭

42) disaster灾难,灾害

43) disastrous a. 灾难性的

44) doctors医生

45) do sb/oneself an donation

46) donate vt.捐赠,赠送

47) donation n. donator n.捐赠人

48) drought n. 干旱,旱灾

49) earthquake monitoring 地震监控

50) earthquake resistance抗震加固措施

51) earthquake disaster灾害

52) earthquake disaster prediction灾害预测

53) earthquake resistant design抗震设计

54) emergency response plan scenario for destructive earthquake应急预案

55) earthquake emergency response administration应急指挥机构

56) strengthening measure for

57) urgent measure for应急措施

58) earthquake stricken area灾区

59) earthquake situation consultation震情会商

61) earthquake shelter避难场所

62) earthquake emergency紧急

63) earthquake disaster affection灾情

64) educational foundations 教育基金会

65) El Nino厄尔尼诺
