




2、与adj.的关系:公式:复合不定代词+ adj.


4、所有格:人+’s; 人+ else’s; 物不能有+‘s 。 nobody’s business; anybody’s seat; someone else’s name


6、合与分:someone,anyone,everyone都只能指人,且不和介词of连用;some one,any one,every one则既可指人又可指物,可与介词of连用。no one 与none 的区别。

Anyone should be polite to every one of them

None of these questions is easy, and none of us can even answer any one of them

1. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing . —Do you have ______ to say for yourself?—No, I have ______ to say.

A. something; everything

B. nothing; something


everything; anything D. anything; nothing

. Why not ask ______ to help you? A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. none

. Everything ______ ready. We can start now. A. are B. is C. be D. were

. There’s ______ with his eyes. He’s OK.

A. anyth

ing wrong B. wrong something C. nothing wrong D. wrong nothing

. —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read.

—But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by ______.

A. everybody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. nobody . She listened carefully, but heard ______. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. nothing

. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing

. —Everyone is here today, ______?—No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill.

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t he

C. are they

D. isn’t


10. Everything goes well, ______?

A. is it

B. isn’t it

C. do they

D. doesn’t it


1. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

. —Do you have ______ to say for yourself?—No, I have ______ to say.

A. something; everything

B. nothing; something

C. everything; anything

D. anything; nothing . Why not ask ______ to help you?

A. everyone

B. someone

C. anyone

D. none

. Everything ______ ready. We can start now.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. were

. There’s ______ with his eyes. He’s OK.

A. anything wrong

B. wrong something

C. nothing wrong

D. wrong nothing

. —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read.

—But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by ______.

A. everybody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. nobody

. She listened carefully, but heard ______.

A. anyone

B. someone

C. everyone

D. nothing

. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing

. —Everyone is here today, ______?—No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill.

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t he

C. are they

D. isn’t everyone

10. Everything goes well, ______?

A. is it

B. isn’t it

C. do they

D. doesn’t it 答案:1B D B B C A D A B 10D

注解 :

1, 用于肯定句或语气委婉的句子,意思是”一些东西”

2, 含any-的一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中.意为”一些东西” . 而且,后面有否定词,那肯定是”一无所有或啥都没有”才能相互对应 .

3, any-通常放在疑问句或否定句中,作为”一些人或任何人”讲.但此处需要”某人或某些人” .

4, 作为事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词

只能用单数 .

5, wrong作为定语放在复合不定代词即被修饰词之后 .另外,nothing与OK相互照应 .

6, not…everything是否定,,意思是“尽管我喜欢它,可它恐怕不被每个人所喜欢” .

7, 表示否定,跟前面正好相互照应 .

8, not…everything是否定,意思是“我并不同意你所讲的一切” .

9, 指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能用单数形式,相应的人称代词也只能用 he或she,而并不是用 they .

10, 指事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能用单数形式,相应的人称代词也只能用 it,而并不是用they



1. There was _________________wrong with my bike,so I went to school on foot yesterday.

A. anything

B. something

C. somebody

D. everything

2.---Do you know_______________about that boy? ----Sorry, I don’t know.

A. anything

B. something

C. somebody

D. everybody

3.Mrs.Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook___________for me during my stay in Canada.

A. something different

B. anything different

C. different something

D. nothing different

4.---Do you have_____________else to say for your mistake?

----____________but sorry.

A. anything, Something

B. something, Everything

C. something Anything

D. anything, Nothing

5.You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is __________in it.

A. nothing special

B. anything new

C. something interesting

D. everything important

6.---What else do you need for your trip?

---____________else. I’ve packed everything.

A. Something

B. Everything

C. Nothing

7.”Your tea, please.” “There must be _________in the tea. I like this kind of tea with sugar.

A. nothing sweet

B. something sweet

C.sweet something

D. sweet nothing

8.Is there ______________in today’s newspaper? -----No, nothing.

A. anything important

B. something important

C. important anything

D. important something


anything everything, nothing everyone no one Dear Bill,

How was your vacation? Did you do ___________interesting? Did _______________in the family go with you? I went to a friend’s farm in the countryside with my family.___________was

great. We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was _______________much to do in the evening but read. Still _______________seemed to be bored. Bye for now. anything everything nothing anyone everyoneno one

1. A:Did ____________go on vacation with you last month?

B:Yes, my family went to the countryside with me.

2. A: Did your family go to the beach with you last weekend?

B:NO.__________________from my family went,but my friend went with me.

3. A: I didn’t bring back anything from Paris. B:_______________________at all? Why not?

4. A: Did you buy______________in the shopping center?

B: No,I didn’t. __________________was very expencive.

5. A:How was the volleyball game yesterday?

B: Great! __________________ha



不指明替代某个人、某个事物的代词叫不定代词。由some-,any-,no-,every-加上-one,-body,-thing连用,构成复合不定代词。复合不定代词包括something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等十二个。这些复合代词具有名词性质,在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。


1、含-body和-one的复合代词只用来指人,含-body 的复合不定代词与含-one的复合不定代词在功能和意义上

完全相同,可以互换。只是用-body时显得较通俗些,多用于口语中,用-one时显得较文雅些,更常见于正式场合及书面语中。如: Someone/Somebody is crying in the next room.有人在隔壁房间哭。


Are you going to buy anything?你会去买东西吗?



Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.大家的事情没人管。 Is this anybody’s seat? 这儿有人坐吗?


Can you remember someone else’s name? 你还记得其他人的姓名吗?




Is everyone here today? 今天,大家都到齐了吗? Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。



1、含-one和-body等指人的复合代词,其代词应该是he/she, him/her,其-‘s属格形式的代词应该是his/her, his/hers。如:

Everyone has his/her own words. 每个人都有他自己的说辞。

但是,这样一来就会因为性别的差异而使得在代词的运用上具有不确定性,所以为了避免这种别扭的情况,我们一般都是用they/them/their/theirs,尤其是在口语中以及非正式场合下。如:No one gave you a ticket, did they? 没人给你票,是吗?


Something goes wrong, doesn’t it?出问题了,是吗?


复合不定代词的定语必须后置,即放在复合不定代词的后面。如: Can you tell something interesting? 你能讲些有趣的事情吗?




He found something strange but interesting.他发现了一些奇怪但却有趣的事情。 Do you have anything to say ?你有话要说吗?

I can’t meet anybody on the island. 在岛上,我没遇见任何人。

2、在表示请求、邀请、提建议等带有委婉语气的疑问句,和希望得到对方肯定答复的疑问句,以及表示反问的问句中,也用something,someone,somebody等复合不定代词。如:Would you like something to eat?要些吃的东西吗?


Anything is OK. 什么都行。

Anybody knows the answer.任何人都知道答案。


1、“not every-”表示的是部分否定,意为“并非都,


Not everything will go well. 并非一切都会那么顺


The teacher didn’t call everyone’s name. 老师

并没有点所有?a href=“http:///fanwen/shuoshuodaquan/”

target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>说拿?/p> 2、“not any-”和no-均表示全否定。例如:

He listened, but heard nothing.他听了听,但什么


= He listened, but didn’t hear anything.

You haven’t called anyone/anybody up, have you?

你没给谁打过电话,是吗?= You have called no

one/nobody up, have you?



1、someone/somebody, anyone/anybody的意义是“重


人”,no one/nobody则意指“无关紧要的人,小人物”。例如:



1、 someone,anyone,everyone都只能指人,且不和介词of连用;some one,any one,every one则既可指人又可指物,可与介词of连用。例如:

Anyone should be polite to every one of them.任何人都要礼貌对待他们中的每一个人。

---Which toy would you like? ---Any one is OK. ---你要那个玩具?---随便。

2、no one“没有人”,只用来指人,通常不和介词of 连用;none“没有一个”,既可以用来指人也可用来指物。例如:

No one can do it better. 没有人能做得更好。

None of these questions is easy, and none of us can even answer any one of them.这些问题没有一个是容易的,我们中没有一个人能答出其中的一题。

回答who引导的特殊疑问句时用no one;回答how many 引导的特殊疑问句时用none。例如:

---Who was late ? ---No one. ---谁迟到了?---谁也没有迟到。

---How many pigs do you keep? ---None. ---你养几头猪?---一头也没养。


1.Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 人人管等于没有人管。

2.Everybody’s friend is nobody’s friend. 每个人的朋友就不是任何人的朋友。

3.Everything is good for something. 是东西都有用处。

4.Everything has two sides. 事物都有两面性。

5.He who has no conscience has nothing. 没有良心的人一无所有。

6.Nothing succeeds like success. 一事成功,事事成功。

7.Nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

8.Money isn’t everything. 钱不是万能的。

9.To know everything is to know nothing. 样样皆通,样样稀

10.Everything is good when new, but friends when

old. 东西是新的好,朋友是老的好。



1. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

. —Do you have ______ to say for yourself?

—No, I have ______ to say.

A. something; everything

B. nothing; something

C. everything; anything

D. anything; nothing

. Why not ask ______ to help you?

A. everyone

B. someone

C. anyone

D. none

. Everything ______ ready. We can start now.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. were

. There’s ______ with his eyes. He’s OK.

A. anything wrong

B. wrong something

C. nothing wrong

D. wrong nothing

. —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read. —But I’m afraid

it won’t be liked by ______.

A. everybody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. nobody

. She listened carefully, but heard ______.

A. anyone

B. someone

C. everyone

D. nothing

. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing

. —Everyone is here today, ______?

—No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill.

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t he

C. are they

D. isn’t everyone

10. Everything goes well, ______?

A. is it

B. isn’t it

C. do they

D. doesn’t it

11. ________ of us is active in English class.

A. Every

B. Every one

C. Everyone

D. Anybody

12. — The exam was d ifficult, wasn’t it?

— No,but I don’t think______ could pass it.

A. somebody

B. anybody

C. nobody

D. everybody

二、用something, anything, anyone, nothing, everything, no one, every one填空。

1. —Look! Can you see_____ behind the tree?

—Yes, I think it’s a cat.

2.—Do you know _____ in the store?

—Sorry, I don’t know them.

3.______ is in the room. It’s empty。

4. This was my first time in Wuhan, so_______ was really interesting.

5. —Could you give me______ to drink?

—Sure!Here you are.

6. — Kangkang, is______ here today?

—No, Jim isn’t here. He is in hospital.

7. —Jim! Can you see the words on the blackboard?

—Sorry! I can see _______.

三、写出与some, any, every构成的复合词。



二、 1.anything.anyone.No one.everything.something.everyone.nothing



1. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing . —Do you have ______ to say for yourself? —No, I have ______ to say.

A. something; everything

B. nothing; something

C. everything; anything

D. anything; nothing

. Why not ask ______ to help you?

A. everyone

B. someone

C. anyone

D. none

. Everything ______ ready. We can start now.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. were

. There’s ______ with his eyes. He’s OK.

A. anything wrong

B. wrong something

C. nothing wrong

D. wrong nothing

. —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read. —

But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by ______.

A. everybody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. nobody . She listened carefully, but heard ______.

A. anyone

B. someone

C. everyone

D. nothing

. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’

t agree with ______.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing

. —Everyone is here today, ______? —No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill.

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t he

C. are they

D. isn’t everyone

10. Everything goes well, ______?

A. is it

B. isn’t it

C. do they

D. doesn’t it

11. ________ of us is active in English class.

A. Every

B. Every one

C. Everyone

D. Anybody

12. —The exam was difficult, wasn’t it?

— No,but I don’t think______ could pass it.

A. somebody

B. anybody

C. nobody

D. everybody

二、用something, anything, anyone, nothing, everything, no one, every one填空。

1. —Look! Can you see_____ behind the tree? —Yes,

I think it’s a cat.

2.—Do you know _____ in the store? —Sorry, I don’t know them.

3.______ is in the room. It’s empty。

4. This was my first time in Wuhan, so_______ was really interesting.

5. —Could you give me______ to drink?—Sure!Here you are.

6. —Kangkang, is______ here today?—No, Jim isn’t here. He is in hospital.

7. —Jim! Can you see the words on the blackboard? —Sorry! I can see _______.

三、写出与some, any, every构成的复合词。



二、 1.anything.anyone.No one.everything.something.everyone.nothing


1.写出与some, any, every构成的复合词(4个) 2.用somebody,anybody,anything,nobody填空 1)_____broke the window last night. 2)Did _________ see or hear__________? 3)I didn't hear or see___________. 4)I heard a big noise and I looked out, but I didn't see_________. 5)I heard a noise outside last night. There was a strong wind. I think the window wasn't closed. It broke in the wind. I think you are right. ____________broke it. It was the wind.

1.Somebody 2.anybody\anything 3.anything 4.anybody 5.Somebody 复合不定代词的三个重要语法特点 复合不定代词包括something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothin g, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等。它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。something, someone 等和anything, anyone等的区别与some 和an y 的区别一样,前者一般用于肯定句,后者一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句。具体使用时应注意以下几个语法特点: 特点1 其定语修饰语的位置:复合不定代词受定语修饰时,定语应放在它们后面。如:There is nothing wrong with the radio. 这收音机没有毛病。 Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗? 特点2 复合不定代词与指示代词:指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词一般用单数,相应的人称代词和物主代词也用单数he, him, his (不一定指男性)。但在非正式文体中常用复数代词they, them, their。如: If anybody comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。 指事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能用单数,相应的人称代词也只能用i t,而不用they。如: Everything is ready, isn’t it? 一切都准备好了,是吗? 特点3 其后是否接of短语:anyone, everyone 等只能指人,不能指物,且其后一般不接of 短语。若是指物或后接of 短语,可用any one, every one (分开写)。如:any one of the boys (books) 孩子们(书)当中的任何一个(本) every one of the students (schools) 每一个学生(一所学校)


1.You may come to my house ____ this week____ next week. A .neither; or B .from; to C .either;or D. either; nor 2.I don't think we can do it all ____. A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves 3.I don't want this shirt. Please show me____. A .others B .the others C .another D .the other 4.I can't repair the model ship ____. Can you help ____ ? A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself;me D. me ; myself 5.Does your brother often wash clothes ? A. he B .himself C. herself D .him 6. We study Chinese, English , maths and some _____ subjects. A .the other B. one C .other D .another 7.I have two sisters.___of them are doctors. A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither 8.The book on the shelf is ___ . She wrote ____ name on its cover______ . A .Hers; her ;herself B. Her; hers; herself C. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself 9. "Don't worry . There's ______ wrong with you." said the doctor. A. nothing B .everything C. something D .very 10.Thee shoes are too small. You may buy some ____ shoes. A .another B .other C .the .others D. others 12.They are ____ the same size , so you may take ____ half of the cake. A. at; each B. in; both C .at; neither D .in; either


小学不定代词练习题及答案一.常用不定代词有:some,any, no, every,all,each,both,much,many,little,few,other,another,none,one,either, neither 等。一般来讲,修饰不定代词的词要置于其后。 不定代词的用法 不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语和定语。 1.作主语 Both of them are teachers.他们两人都是教师。 2.作宾语 .我对这个人一无所知。 3.作定语 There is a little water in the glass.玻璃杯里有一些水。 二.some和any的区别 some和any都有“某人/物/事”的意思,一般情况some用在肯定句中,而any用在疑问句或否定句中。 Did you hear anything? 你听到什么了吗? Yes, I heard something. 对,我听到了。 Did you see anyone in the shop? 你在商店看到有

人吗? I didn’t say anything. 我什么也没说。 Someone has taken your umbrella. 有人拿走了你的伞。 但是,有一种特殊情况需注意,some可用于表示征求意见的问句中。 Would you like something to drink? 你要喝点什么吗? Do you want some milk? 你要牛奶吗? 另外anything有两种意思1,一些事,任何事 当它是第一个意思的时候,通常用于在否定以及疑问句中替代something,因为something一般用于肯定句中。 第二个意思很好理解,它强调的是任何事,任何个体。 一个有名的广告语,Anything is possible.一切都有可能。 I think I can do anything for you.为了你,我愿意做任何事。 小学英语代词测验 1. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than ________ in Shenyang. A. that B. It C. this D. one 2. Mr. Green is our English teacher. _____comes from U. S. A.A. he B. she C. it D. they


复合不定代词用法和练习 复合不定代词的用法: 不指明替代某个(些)人、某个(些)事物的代词叫不定代词。由some-,any-,no-,every-加上-one,-body,-thing连用,构成复合不定代词。复合不定代词包括something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等十二个。这些复合代词具有名词性质,在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。 一、复合不定代词的指代对象 1、含-body和-one的复合代词只用来指人,含-body的复合不定代词与含-one的复合不定代词在功能和意义上完全相同,可以互换。只是用-body时显得较通俗些,多用于口语中,用-one时显得较文雅些,更常见于正式场合及书面语中。如:Someone/Somebody is crying in the next room.有人在隔壁房间哭。 2、含-thing的复合不定代词只用来指事物。如: Are you going to buy anything?你会去买东西吗? 二、复合不定代词的属格 1、含-one和-body等指人的复合代词可有-’s属格形式。如: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.大家的事情没人管。 Is this anybody’s seat? 这儿有人坐吗? 2、含-one和-body等指人的复合代词后跟else时,-’s属格应加在else之后。如: Can you remember someone else’s name? 你还记得其他人的姓名吗? 3、含-thing等指事物的复合不定代词没有-‘s属格形式。 三、复合不定代词的数 1、复合不定代词都具有单数的含义,因此通常被看成是单数第三人称。当它们充当句子的主语时,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。如: Is everyone here today? 今天,大家都到齐了吗? Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 四、复合不定代词的替代问题 由于复合不定代词都具有单数的含义,所以在正规的英语中用来替代它们的代词也应该是单数形式。 1、含-one和-body等指人的复合代词,其代词应该是he/she, him/her,其-‘s属格形式的代词应该是his/her, his/hers。如: Everyone has his/her own words. 每个人都有他(她)自己的说辞。 但是,这样一来就会因为性别的差异而使得在代词的运用上具有不确定性,所以为了避免这种别扭的情况,我们一般都是用they/them/their/theirs,尤其是在口语中以及非正式场合下。如:No one gave you a ticket, did they? 没人给你票,是吗? 2、含-thing等指事物的复合不定代词,不会因性别上的差异而使得在代词的运用上产生不确定性,因此我们就使用it。如: Something goes wrong, doesn’t it?出问题了,是吗? 五、复合不定代词的定语 复合不定代词的定语必须后置,即放在复合不定代词的后面。如: Can you tell something interesting? 你能讲些有趣的事情吗?


不定代词 1. I have two pens . One is red , is blue . A. the other B. others C. other D. another 2. There wrong with my radio . A. are something B. are anything C. is anything D. is something 3. I’m not busy . I haven’t to do . A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 4. His parents are doctors . A. each B. all C. both D. no one 5. Of the three foreign friends , one is from London, two are from New York . A.other B. the other C. others D. the others 6. Mary wanted to have a word with Tom . She had to tell him . A.important something B. nothing important C. anything important D. something important 7. There wrong with the machine . A. aren’t something B. aren’t anything C. isn’t something D. isn’t anything 8. My parents and I are interested in music . A. both B. all C. neither D. no 9. Look at those students . Some are cleaning the window , are


英语代词练习题含答案 一、初中英语代词 1.I don't want to be ______________ else. I just want to be ______________. A. anybody; myself B. somebody; myself C. everybody; me D. anybody; me 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我不想成为任何其他人,我只想成为我自己。否定句用anybody,表示某人,根据我不想成为任何其他人,可知是做自己,主语是I故反身代词是myself,故选A。 【点评】考查代词,注意否定句用anybody表示某人的用法。 2.My grandparents still live in that old village the local government has decided to keep. A. which B. where C. when D. what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的祖父母们仍然住在那个当地政府已经决定了保留的旧村庄。通过分析句子成分可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词是old village指物,要用关系代词which来引导,故选A。 【点评】考查定语从句,注意选择正确的关系代词。 3.—Do you know where the last two pictures went? —A millionaire bought ____ of them. He thought they were worthwhile. A. either B. each C. none D. both 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道最后两张照片放哪儿了吗?——一个百万富翁买了他们。他认为他们是值得买的。either两者中的如何一个,each两个或多个中的每一个,none没有,多个的否定,both两者都,根据the last two pictures 可知指的是两者,用both,故答案为D。 【点评】考查不定代词的用法。注意区别这几个不定代词的用法。 4.Shanghai is a little larger than city in Japan. A. another B. other C. any D. any other 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:上海比日本的任何城市都稍大一些。another用于泛指三个以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,后面可接单数名词,也可省略后面的名词,用作代词;other别的/其他的,修饰单、复数名词;根据句意,AB两项不合语境,可排除。any任何的,用在肯定句中修饰单数名词或不可数名词;any other任何其他的。than any…表示“比所有……都……”,不排除被比较者(或主语)本身;than any other…表示“比所有其他的都……”,排除了被比较者(或主语)本身。根据实际情况,上海并不是日本的城市,可以和日本的任何一个城市相比,需用any,故选C。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析。弄清每个代词的使用规则,根据上下文的联系确定所使用的


复合不定代词练习题及答案 一、构成: 1、含义辨析:人或物;肯与否;同义句转换 2、与adj.的关系:公式:复合不定代词+ adj. 3、数:复合不定代词做主语时为单数致。 4、所有格:人+’s; 人+ else’s; 物不能有+‘s 。 nobody’s business; anybody’s seat; someone else’s name 5、复合不定代词的替代:指人的复合代词,其代词应该是he/she;they;指事物的复合不定代词,其代词用it。 6、合与分:someone,anyone,everyone都只能指人,且不和介词of连用;some one,any one,every one则既可指人又可指物,可与介词of连用。no one 与none 的区别。 Anyone should be polite to every one of them None of these questions is easy, and none of us can even answer any one of them 1. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing . —Do you have ______ to say for yourself?—No, I have ______ to say. A. something; everything B. nothing; something C.

everything; anything D. anything; nothing . Why not ask ______ to help you? A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. none . Everything ______ ready. We can start now. A. are B. is C. be D. were . There’s ______ with his eyes. He’s OK. A. anyth ing wrong B. wrong something C. nothing wrong D. wrong nothing . —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read. —But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by ______. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody . She listened carefully, but heard ______. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. nothing . I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing . —Everyone is here today, ______?—No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill. A. isn’t it B. isn’t he C. are they D. isn’t


完整不定代词的用法讲解及练习题答案 不定代词的用法 1.some,any (1)some多用于肯定句,修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词,作“一些”解。它还可修饰单数可数名词,作“某一”解。如: H-5avianinfluenzafirstbrokeoutinsomeAsiancountries. H-5型禽流感首先在亚洲爆发。 Somepeopleareearlyrisers.有些人起得很早。 (2)any通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句,修饰单数或复数可数名词以及不可数名词。Ifthereareanynewmagazinesinthelibrary,takesomeforme. 图书馆如果来了新杂志,替我借几本。 Arethereanystampsinthedrawer?抽屉里有邮票吗? Isthereanymoneywithyou?你身上带钱了吗? (3)any还可以用于肯定句,作“任何的”解。 Youcancomehereanytime.你什么时候来都行。 Youcangetitatanyshop.你可以在任何一家商店买到它。 2.either,both,all (1)either表示“两者中的任何一个”。 Eitherofthebrothersisselfish.两兄弟都非常自私。 Eitherwilldo.两个都行。 (2)both两“个都”,修饰可数名词,统指两者。 TomandJackbothmadesomeprogress汤.姆和杰克两个都有所进步。

Bothofthemshouldmakeconcessions.他们双方都应做出让步。 (3)all全“部,所有的”,修饰可数名词和不可数名词,指两个以上的人或物。Allthestudentscontributedtothefund. 所有的学生都为基金会捐了款。 Allofthemoneyhasbeenspent.钱都花完了。 Weareallforyou.我们都支持你。 Sayallyouknowandsayitwithoutreserve.知无不言,言无不尽。 3.no,neither,none (1)no不“”,可修饰单数和复数可数名词以及不可数名词。Timeandtidewaitfornoman.时不我待。 Therearenocloudsinthesky.天上没有云。 Ihavenomoneyforsuchthings.我没钱买这些东西。 (2)neither两者“中哪个都不”,其所指范围是两个人或物。 Neitheransweriscorrect.两个答案都不对。Neitherofthetwocountriesissatisfiedwiththeresultofthetalk. 两个国家都不满意会谈的结果。 (3)none“没有一个人或东西”,它既可指可数名词(其所指范围是两个以上的人或物),又可指不可数名词。Allofthetreeswerecutdown,andnonewaswere.left. 所有的树都被砍了,一棵也不剩。 Noneofthestudentsfailedtheexamination. 没有一个学生考试不及格。 Noneofthismoneyishis.这笔钱没有一点儿是他的。 4.few,afew,little,alittle


【英语】代词练习题含答案及解析 一、单项选择代词 1.He is a strict but kind teacher, is always trying to make his classes and interesting. A.one ; living B.one who; lively C.he ; lovely D.he who; live 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查代词,形容词和定语从句。句意:他是严格但善良的人,一个总是让课堂生动有趣的人。A. living活着的; B. lively生动的; C. lovely可爱的; D. live现场直播的。一空填one代替a teacher,且为先行词,在后面的定语从句中作主语,所以关系代词为who。第二空填lively“生动的”,符合句意。故选B。 2.“Made in China 2025” aims to transform China from a product-making factory into a product-making power, ______________ driven by innovation and emphasizing quality over quantity. A.the one that B.one that C.one D.the one 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查代词的用法。句意:“2025中国制造”的目标是把中国从一个产品制造工厂变成一个产品制造大国,一个以创新为导向、强调质量而不是数量的大国。one表示泛指,相当于“a(an)+名词”,代替的是同类事物中的“一个”;that表示特指,相当于“the+名词”;代词one=a/ an +n,此处one=a product-making power;而________driven by innovation and emphasizes quality over quantity中driven by 只是一个非谓语短语(be driven by 被……驱使)作定语,因此不需要连词引导。所以排除A、 B。one表示泛指,相当于“the+名词”可以排除D。故选C。 3.I’m as big as human. In fact, I look like ______ too. A.the one B.that C.it D.one 【答案】D 【解析】 考查不定代词。句意:我同人一样大,事实上,我看起来像一个人。此处用one代替前面的human,故选D。 4.---Would you like some chicken? ---Yes, please. It's my favourite. I think is more delicious than chicken. A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything


# 复合不定代词用法和习题练习 复合不定代词是由some-,any-,no-,every-加上-one,-body,-thing等所组成的不定代词。复合不定代词包括 something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等十二个。这些复合代词具有名词性质,在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。 一、复合不定代词的指代对象 1、含-body和-one的复合代词只用来指人,含-body的复合不定代词与含-one的复合不定代词在功能和意义上完全相同,可以互换。只是用-body时显得较通俗些,多用于口语中,用-one时显得较文雅些,更常见于正式场合及书面语中。如: Someone/Somebody is crying in the next room.有人在隔壁房间哭。 2、含-thing的复合不定代词只用来指事物。如: Are you going to buy anything你会去买东西吗 二、复合不定代词的数 ^ 1、复合不定代词都具有单数的含义,因此通常被看成是单数第三人称。当它们充当句子的主语时,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。如: Is everyone here today 今天,大家都到齐了吗 Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 三、含some-和any-的复合不定代词间的用法区别 由some-和any-所构成的复合不定代词(即something和anything;someone和anyone;somebody和anybody)之间的区别跟some和any的区别一样。 1、something,someone,somebody通常用于肯定句中,而anything,anyone,anybody 一般用于否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中。如: He found something strange but interesting.他发现了一些奇怪但却有趣的事情。 Do you have anything to say 你有话要说吗 ! I can’t meet anybody on the island. 在岛上,我没遇见任何人。 2、在表示请求、邀请、提建议等带有委婉语气的疑问句,和希望得到对方肯定答复的疑问句,以及表示反问的问句中,也用something,someone,somebody等复合不定代词。如:Would you like something to eat要些吃的东西吗 3、当anything表示“任何事(物),无论何事(物)”,anyone,anybody表示“无论谁,任何人”等意义时,它们也可以用于肯定句中。如: Anything is OK. 什么都行。 Anybody knows the answer.任何人都知道答案。 /


初中不定代词专项训练 1. I have two pens . One is red , _____ is blue . A. the other B. others C. other D. another 2. There ________ wrong with my radio . A. are something B. are anything C. is anything D. is something 3. I’m not busy . I haven’t _______ to do . A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 4. His parents are ________ doctors . A. each B. all C. both D. no one 5. Of the three foreign friends , one is from London,________two are from New York . A.other B. the other C. others D. the others 6. Mary wanted to have a word with Tom . She had ______to tell him . A.important something B. nothing important C. anything important D. something important 7. There ______ wrong with the machine . A. aren’t something B. aren’t anything C. isn’t something D. isn’t anything 8. My parents and I ______ are interested in music . A. both B. all C. neither D. no 9. Look at those students . Some are cleaning the window , _________ are sweeping the floor . A. the other B. other C. others D. the others 10. You may keep the book for two weeks , but you mustn’t lend it to _________ . A. other B. others C. the others D. the others 11. I study Chinese , _________English and some subjects . A. other B. the other C. others D. the others 12. Do they often talk to each _______ in English ? A. others B. the other C. Other D. the others 13. Would you like ______ milk ? 1 / 4


复合不定代词/不定副词语法 一、复合不定代词/不定副词 Someone anyone noone everyone Somebody any body nobody everybody 某人某人/任何人没有人每人/人人 Something anything nothing everything 某事/某物某事/某物没有任何事物一切/事事 (以上三行为复合不定代词) Somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 某地某地/任何地方没有地方处处 (这一行是复合不定副词) Some one Any body No thing Every where 复合不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 1、例:Everyone knows me here 2、形容词修饰不定代词时形容词在后 There is something new in today’s newspaper 3、Some以及Some构成的复合不定代词不定副词多用于肯定句,请示的疑问句、建议的疑 问句、否定疑问句和疑问点不在Some上的疑问句 ①请求的疑问句:could you /I 动原/be…? May I 动原/be Would/Do you mind 动ing…你介意做某事吗? Would/will you please 动原?请你做某事好吗? ②建议的疑问句: Would you like to 动原 What/how about +动ing?做某事怎么样 Why don’t we/you 动原。。。? Why not 动原。。。? Shall we动原。。。?我们做某事好吗? 否定疑问句用some: ①why don’t you eat some bread? ②Can’t you see some books on the desk ③Where did you plant some trees? 否定疑问句表肯定,问点不在some上


may come to my house ____ this week____ next week. A .neither; or B .from; to C .either;or D. either; nor don't think we can do it all ____. A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves don't want this shirt. Please show me____. A .others B .the others C .another D .the other can't repair the model ship ____. Can you help ____ A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself;me D. me ; myself , your brother often wash clothes A. he B .himself C. herself D .him 6. We study Chinese, English , maths and some _____ subjects. A .the other B. one C .other D .another have two them are doctors. A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither book on the shelf is ___ . She wrote ____ name on its cover______ . A .Hers; her ;herself B. Her; hers; herself [ C. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself 9. "Don't worry . There's ______ wrong with you." said the doctor. A. nothing B .everything C. something D .very shoes are too small. You may buy some ____ shoes. A .another B .other C .the .others D. others are ____ the same size , so you may take ____ half of the cake.


英语代词练习题含答案及解析 一、初中英语代词 1.The bird can't fly. _____ of its wings were hurt. A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:这只鸟不会飞。它的两个翅膀受伤了。 A.两者都;B.都,三者或者三者以上;C. (两者中)任一的;D.两者都不。根据常识可知,鸟应该有两个翅膀,故排除B;either of修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;both of修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;根据The bird can't fly.和后面的系动词为复数were可知,此处指的是鸟的两个翅膀都受伤了。故选A。 【点评】考查代词辨析。注意理解单词词义,理解句意。 2.Here we can learn ____ every day. A. new something B. something new C. new everything D. anything new 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:在这里我们每天都能学到新的东西。something,anything,everything都是不定代词,形容词new修饰不定代词时要放在被修饰词的后面,排除A与C;又因此句是肯定句,要用something,故选B。 【点评】考查不定代词的基本用法。注意anything用在否定句与疑问句中,something用在肯定句中。 3.—Does the pink toy piggy belong to __________? —No. __________ is a purple one. A. hers; Hers B. her; Hers C. her; Her 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——这只粉色的小猪玩具属于她吗?——不,她的是一只紫色的。A. hers; Hers名词性物主代词,名词性物主代词;B. her; Hers人称代词宾格,名词性物主代词;C. her; Her人称代词宾格,人称代词宾格。第一空作宾语,表示"某人",应该用人称代词;第二空作主语,表示"某人的某物",应该用名词性物主代词,故答案选B。 【点评】考查人称代词代词和名词性物主代词,注意识记人称代词代词和名词性物主的用法。 4.— What kind of books do you like? —I like the books are about powerful and successful people. A. that B. who C. whom D. whose 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你喜欢什么样的书?——我喜欢那些关于有权势和成功人士的书。A:that 没有词义,关系代词,作主语或宾语;B:who谁,作主语或宾语;C:whom谁,宾格,用在介词之后;D:whose谁的,作定语;由句子结构可知,是定语从


复合不定代词的用法及练习 一.定义: 由some,any,no,every加上-body,-one,-thing,-where构成的不定代词,叫做复合不定代词. 二.分类: 1.指人:含-body或-one的复合不定代词指人. 2.含-thing的复合不定代词指物。 3.含-where的复合不定代词指地点。 三:复合不定代词: somebody =someone某人 something某物,某事,某东西 somewhere在某处,到某处 anybody= anyone任何人,无论谁 anything任何事物,无论何事,任何东西 anywhere在任何地方 nobody=no one无一人 nothing无一物,没有任何东西 everybody =everyone每人,大家,人人 everything每一个事物,一切 everywhere到处,处处,每一处 四.复合不定代词用法:(与some 和any 的区别一样,即some肯定,any否疑)〔特别注意:在woul d…like sth?can…?句式中,用some,不用any〕 1.作主语,看作三单,谓语三单(即主三动三) Eg. Something is wrong with my watch. Nobody likes him. Every wants to win. Anyone can do it well. 2.修饰它们的形容词或不定式一定要位于它们的后面.即 (1)复合不定代词+形容词 (2)复合不定代词+不定式(to do) Eg.There is nothing wrong with the radio.这机器没出什么毛病。 Is there anything important in today``s newspaper?今天报纸上有什么重要消息吗? Do you want anything to drink?你想喝点什么吗? Can you tell something interesting? 你能讲些有趣的事情吗? Would you like something to eat? 要来些吃的东西吗? 3、当anything表示“任何事(物),无论何事(物)”,anyone,anybody表示“无
