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1.If you are absent from school, it is your responsibility upon returning to school to check with

each classroom teacher to see what assignments were missed.

2.For your safety, you will only be given access to lifts and runs that your instructor determines

you are capable of skiing/boarding safety.

3.When we went into a fast food restaurant, a person came from around the counter and said to

my husband that he worked with special needs kids, and asked to say hi to our son.

4.Our son didn’t talk much fast, “Hi,” but he grinned at that man so hard; it was like pure sunshine.

5.Build and paint a wooden toy, and design and build a mixed material wooden shelf. As well,

there will be an introduction to solar power with a project.

6.What can we infer about the “hole”? – It’s located in the center of the green.

7.In the second paragraph, the word marginal is closest in meaning to dispensable.

8.What can we infer from the second paragraph? – English and French can’t coexist in Quebec.

9.Why does the author mention religious leaders? – To stress the importance of the Nile’s floods.


11.All the following have been mentioned as the reasons why the author likes road trip EXCEPT

that it can communicate with nature.

12.How did Ali feel when he heard his pot died? – Shocked.

13.What must Dawson do before going to this company? – Arrange an interview with the


14.What does Principal Webb imply about the local birds? – They are not often seen at the school.

15.In the past paragraph, the word wildlife refers to wild animals and plants.

16.I will be grateful for any consideration that will be afforded to him.

17.We are pleased to announce that Jane Doe of Doe Elementary School is the winner of our essay


18.After growing up in Akron, Ohio, LeBron spent seven years playing for the Cleveland


19.Human in Ohio were very disappointed when he left to join the Miami Heat.

st year, Mei Xiang gave birth to a cub, but it died after six days because its lungs hadn’t fully

developed and weren’t sending enough oxygen to its liver.

21.For this special occasion, the four-foot tall robot named I-Fairy wore pigtails and a wreath of

flowers around her head.

22.In the first paragraph, the word bid is closest in meaning to right.

23.What can be inferred about the Tokyo’s process of gaining the bid to host the games? – It lasted

a long time for Tokyo to gain the votes.

24.What is the best title for this story? – Murder-suicide – A Couple’s Death.

25.Why didn’t Prince the dog “become young”? – Prince’s master bought the wrong beverage.

26.What can we infer from the article? – Prince the dog might be very active when it was young.

27.In the second paragraph, the word they refers to games.

28.What can we infer from the article? – The conclusion that games can cause violence is made

from the people who don’t join in playing games.

29.Through your daily efforts at educating yourself about anything and everything that can help

your child, you’ve earned a life-experience degree in neurology, physiology, psychology.

30.If you have any questions, please see Ms. Broadwater.

31.Construction should not start until 7:30 am each day, but will affect traffic, walkers, buses and

sports teams.

32.I blamed it all on her, and denied me ever having a part with it.

33.Social art is an art related with the society.

34.In the first paragraph, the word this refers to The website.

35.In the first paragraph, the word infested is closes in meaning to existed.

36.According to the article, who turned on the taps? – The ghost of the girl.

37.Which sentence best describes the main idea of this article? – What kind of students can be

successful in math.

38.This does not involve a lot of selling, just a willingness to describe what we are doing and how

the business or organization can benefit from being a part of this T-shirt project.

39.They eat animals and are eaten by other sea creatures, thus keeping the balance of nature.

40.About 34% of the population of Vermont says they have no religion.

41.In the fourth paragraph, the word it refers to life.

42.What is the best title for this passage? – My Funny Story About Wildlife and My ADHD


43.In the first paragraph, the word legally (blind) is closest in meaning to almost.
