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一、总的来说,名词分为专有名词和普通名词两类. 专有名词:用来表示某个(些)人、地方、机构等专有名称的词。如Marx、Beijing、USA等,其中的实词第一个字母要大写。如the Great Wall等。


1、可数名词(个体名词和集体名词):(1)单数(前加a或an表“一”); (2)复数(词尾加“-s”或“-es”)。其规则如下:

A.规则变化:(1、以s、x、sh、ch结尾的,加-es / iz /; 如boxes, glasses, watches, brushes等;

(2、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,加-es; 如families, babies, countries等;

(3以f、fe结尾的,变f、fe为v,加-es; 如knives, wives, halves等;

(4、以“辅音字母+o”结尾的,加-es; 如potatoes, tomatoes等,但外来词和缩写词只能

加-s,如pianos, kilo(kilogram)——kilos, photo(photograph)——photos.而zero——


(5、一般情况加-s,清辅音后发/s/,如desks, maps等,浊辅音和元音后发/z/.如apples, holidays, boys。但houses

/′hauziz/, mouths/mau z/.

B.不规则变化(child---children man----men woman---women policeman----policemen foot—feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice)(复数名词: people police shoes public clothes)

(1、单数、复数形式相同的:sheep, deer, fish, Chinese, Japanese等。

(2、表示民族、国家的名词,除Chinese, Japanese的复数不变,Englishman, Frenchman的复数变-man 为-men外,其余的均在词尾加-s.如Americans, Germans,

Russians, Australians



①在中心词上加-s或-es, 如:pencil-boxes.

②在第二个组成部分上加-s或-es, 如:boy-friends,



——men-teachers, woman-driver——women-drivers.

2、不可数名词(抽象名词和物质名词):不能以数目来计算的名词。如water, meat, rice, air, food, time, work, bread等等。它们只有单数形式,不能在前面加a(an)或数词来表示一个或几个。只能用“of词组”来表达。如“五块肉”five pieces of meat,“三袋小麦”three bags of wheat,“四则新闻”four pieces of news.




1、基本构成方法: (1)以s结尾的名词,其所有格只加“′”。如the students’ teacher the twins’ bedroom. 但以s结尾的单数名词,也可在词尾加“′s”。如Ross’s bag. (2)其他情况加“’s”。如:Jane’s father,Women’s Day

2、其他规则:(1)并列名词的所有格:①共同所有,只需在最后一个名词词尾加-’s,如:Kate and Joan’s


②分别所有,则在每个名词词尾加-’s,如Kate’s and Joan’s.(2)表示无生命的事物名词,一般用of表示所属关系。如:the map of China, the legs of the table.(3)双重所有格:①用of结构与名词所有格-’s结合构成双重所有格:a friend of my father’s, one book of his brother’s.②用of结构加名词性物主代词构成双重所有格:a pen of mine, a neighbour of his.

(4)表示时间、距离、城镇、国家等的名词常用-’s形式:an hour’s walk, yesterday’ news, China’s population, twenty minutes’ walk.

(5)可用-’s表示店铺、某人家:the Gree ns’, my uncle’s.

典例() 1.This is ____ news. A.such a good B.a very good C. such good

()2. _____ knowledge of space develops very quickly. A.People’s B.Man’s C.Men’s ()3. The number of people invited to the party _____ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons. A. was/were B. was /was C. were/were

()4. “Would you like ___?” “____, please.”

A. a drink/ A coffee

B. drink/A cup of coffee

C. a cup drink/A cup coffee

()5. Two thirds of the work ____ done. A. are B. is C. have ()6.The rich ____ not always happy. A. is B. have C. are

()7. She is the only one of the ____ writers who _____ stories for children.

A. woman/writes

B. women/writes

C. women/write

()8. I met him at _____. A.Mr. Green’s B.the Greens C.Greens’

()9.Playing football is _____. A.a great fun B.great funs C.great fun

()10.The sheep on the hill _____ theirs. They are all white. A.is B.was C.are 提高训练一、用所给名词的正确形式填空:

1.My shirt is much cheaper than ________.(John)

2.The girl in red is ______________ (Tom and Kate)

3.The _________ (Brown) are watching TV now.

4.Our school is about ten __________ (minute) walk.

5.March 8 is _______________ (woman day).

6.Who won the _________ (boy) 400- _______ (meter) race?

7.This is ___________ (today) newspaper. 8.There are twenty-five _________ (man) workers in my factory.

9.I like ___________ (chicken) very much. T hey’re lovely. So I never eat _________ (chicken).

10.Although he is a thirty- ___________ (year old) man, you can see few ________ (hair) on the head.


一、冠词的种类:不定冠词a(an), 定冠词the。冠词不能单独使用,必须置于名词前。



1如:(1)I bought a new book. (2)He met an old woman on the way to school.

2、表示人或物的某一类。如:(1)I’m a boy. (2)Would you like an orange?

3、表示数量“一”,但没有one强。如:(1)She has a pencil.(侧重pencil, 而非其他物品) (2)She has one pencil.(侧重数量“一支”,而非“两支、三支”)

4、表示“每一”,相当于every。如:They go to see the old man once a week.

5、用于带修饰的抽象名词之前,表示“一种”。如:That’s a great surprise to her.

6、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人、何物。如:A boy is waiting for you.

7、用于固定搭配词组中。如:a lot of, a little, a piece of.

三、定冠词的用法:定冠词在单复数可数名词和不可数名词前都可使用,表特指,有“this/that或these/those”之意。 1、特指某人或某物。The man under the tree is his father.

2、指上文提到过的人或物。I bought a new book yesterday. The book is very useful.

3、指说话双方都提到过的人或物。A: Where is the dirty sock, Tom? B: It’s on the bed, mum.

4、表示世界上独一无二的事物。the sun, the moon, the earth.


(1)He is the tallest boy in our class. (2)The first lesson is about English name.

6、用于姓氏复数前,表“……一家人”。the Blacks, the Wangs.


The horse is a useful animal. 8、用于固定搭配中:in the morning, all the same, on the right.

9、用于专有名词前。the Great Wall, the White House.


1、三餐、球类、学科、语言前。(1)I have supper at school from Monday to Friday. (2) Maths is very important.

2、季节、星期、月份、节日前。In spring, on Sunday, in September, Women’s Day.

3、专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词前。Japan, milk, music.

4、名词前已有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或数词作修饰语时。(1)Come this way. (2)My book is here.

5、复数名词表泛指时。They’re students, and we’re workers.
