专题11 完成句子、连词成句、单词拼写及翻译题

专题11 完成句子、连词成句、单词拼写及翻译题
专题11 完成句子、连词成句、单词拼写及翻译题

1.【2018年四川省宜宾】完成句子根据中文意思完成英语句子,每空一词。51. 在许多国家,朋友们第一次见面时都应该握手。

In many countries, friends are _________shake hands when they meet for the first time.

52. 曼迪和苏珊都不喜欢这本书。

____Mandy _____Susan likes this book.

53. 在科学家们的努力下,中国已经能够制造像C919 这样的大飞机。

With scien tists’ great efforts, China has _________to make big planes like C919.

54. 为了实现中国梦,我们必须努力学习和工作。

____to achieve our Chinese Dream, we must study and work hard.

55. 2018 年世界杯就要到来了。你对足球感兴趣吗?

Are you _________World Cup 2018 which is coming soon?

2.【2018年浙江省金华】用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次Canada influence our season throw away

31. Which ______ do you like better, spring or autumn?

32. Our new English teacher comes from a small ______ town.

33. To everyone’s surprise, their plan sounded similar to ______.

34. Before we ______ rubbish, we usually divide it into different groups.

35. Parents should know that very often they ______ their children in many ways.

3.【2018年浙江省绍兴中考】用方框中所给单的透当形式填空,每词仅用一次。thirsty her grape since produce

31. How sweet these _____ taste!

32. Drink whenever you feel____during exert.cise.

33. that's not mary's son. ____ has a round fac.

34. Tea is____in many different areas in China.

35. we've been friends ____ we were at school together


76. An apple_________(keep )the doctor away.

77. Too much sugar is bad for your________(tooth).

78. The days of spring are_________(wind) and bright.

79. You shouldn’t be too hard on ________(you).

80. Many April Fool’s jokes may end up __________(be) not ve ry funny.

81. I haven't seen them _____________(recent).

82. This machine can______________(translate) simple messages into 24 different languages.

83. I have already asked him________________(two)but he hasn’t given me any reply.

84. Please be quiet. The children_____________(sleep).

85. My father usually goes to work early_____________(avoid)heavy traffic.


86. The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late.

A. reached

B. got

C. left

D. passed

87. A lot of people are coming to the meeting.

A. A few

B. A little

C. A bit of

D. A large number of

88. The table is inexpensive but well-made.

A. cheap

B. comfortable

C. wonderful

D. colourful

89. Acting has brought me great enjoyment.

A. movement

B. pleasure

C. luck

D. success

90. The little boy finished his painting all by himself.

A. his own

B. along

C. alone

D. together with him

6. 【2018年甘肃省白银】按括号内要求转换下列句型。

91. The sweater is 20 dollars.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ is the sweater?

92. Could you please be there at 5:00?(改为祈使句)

_______ _______ at 5:00, please!

93. How’s the weather today?(改为同义句)

______ the weather _______ today?

94. At first, he didn’t know what he could do in the new group.(改为简单句)

At first, he didn’t know _________ _________ do in the new group.

95. This volleyball must belong to Carla.(改为否定句).

This volleyball _________ __________Carla’s.


96. 改过不嫌晚。

It’s never _______ late ______ mend.

97. 除非我们仔细点,否则我们不能把工作做好。

_________ we are careful, we can’t do our work __________.

98. 我国已和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

Our country has established diplomatic relations with __________ _________ 100 countries.

99. 只剩一份儿了,我们得分享着看了。

_________ only one copy left, we’ll have to ________.

100. 罗马不是一天建成的。

Rome _________ _________ in a day.



51. it,outside, hot, is


52. on time, to, remember, arrive


53. for lunch, we, what, do, have


54. a cup of, Lucy, me, tea, brought


55. your, beautiful, are, how, kites



55. 你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。(turn)

You are supposed to learn ________ others' invitation politely.

56. 当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利·波特》这本书。(sell)

By the time we arrived at the bookstore, they _________ Harry Potter.

57. 志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。( make)

The volunteers ________ to provide Russia World Cup with better service.

58. 在学校你的课业已经足够了,必须删去课外学习班。(cut)

You have enough classes from school. the after-school classes must _______.

59. 我朋友第一次来黄冈时,就喜欢上了这个城市。(fall)

My friend __________ Huanggang when he came to the city for the first time.

60. 作为一名登山运动员,亚历克斯习惯于冒险。(take)

As a mountain climber. Alex is used to ______________.

61. 如果我们齐心协力,我们的中国梦一定可以实现。(pull)

If we all ___________, our China dream are sure to come true.


56. 对许多中国人来说,春节期间和家人团聚是传统。(thousand)

For ____Chinese people, it is a tradition to get together with their families during the Spring Festival.

57. 工程师们用一整天时间制定了维修这座大桥的周计划。(weekly)

It took the engineers a whole day to_____________ for repairing the bridge.

58. 你最好是勇敢面对挑战而不是逃避。(run)

You'd better face challenges bravely instead of ___________ them.

59. 你能想象人工智能将在很多领域取代人类吗?( imagine)

_____________that Al will take the place of human beings in many fields?

60. 如果你不想陷入麻烦,就不要忽略任何小错误。(leave)

If you don't want to get into trouble, please don't ____________ any small mistakes.


66. There are many________(different) between the twins. One is shy, but the other is outgoing.

67. I didn't watch TV last night, because my TV set was________(break).

68. Before you answer the question, please think it________(careful).

69. As we all know, Teachers' Day is in the_______(nine)month of the year. It is the best time for

us to show our love and respect to them.

70. It is raining outside. Why not _____________(take)an umbrella with you?

71. Though the little boy is young, he can dress ______________(he)without anyone's help.

72. After finishing ________(do)your homework, you can have a good rest.

73. Teenagers should be _____________(allow) to make their own decisions.

74. The more trees we plant in our city, the _____________(beautiful) Lanzhou will be.

75. Look! The Smiths ________________(eat) dinner in the kitchen.


76. 生活充满了出乎意料。

Life is___________ ____________ the unexpected.

77. 兰州以她美味的牛肉面而著名。

Lanzhou is __________ ___________ its delicious beef noodles.

78. 人类砍伐树木,因此动物处于极大的危险之中。

People _______ ________ many trees, so animals are in great danger.

79. 熬夜对身体不好。

It is bad for health to __________ __________ late.

80. 校长对我们非常负责,他亲自为我们做一切事情。

The headmaster is so responsible that he does everything for us ______ ________.


46. This is a _______ (地图) of china.

47. Don't worry about your grandma. There is _______ (没有什么) serious with her.

48. Mr. Miller is a very _________ (幽默的) teacher. His classes are very interesting.

49. There are about two ________ (千) students in our school.

50. Miss Li has ________ (教) us English for 3 years. She is very kind to us.

51. D_________ the summer vacation, we mustn't go swimming alone in the river. It's dangerous.

52. It has been 20 years s__________ I graduated from college.

53. Paul didn't drive to the museum. I_______, he rode his bike.

54. In s________, flowers come out and grass turns green.

55. Now all the students are w__________ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.

14.【2018年黑龙江龙东地区】Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given. Only one word for each blank.

36. There_____(be)two glasses of milk and an egg on the table.

37. Children had fun________(play) in Disneyland on Children’s Day.

38. You should learn to make a_____( decide) by yourself.

39. He is always ready to help others and he thinks______(much)of others than himself.

40. My bike is broken. I want to get it_______(repair).

41. I want to invite some of my friends to my______(twenty) birthday party.

42. ---Did you hear anything _____(usual) in the next door?

---No, I was chatting online with friends.

43. China Daily is worth_____(read), we can learn a lot from it.

44. When we go abroad, we can see many things_________(make) in China.

45. Please check your paper_____(care)after you finish it. We hope you can get good grades.


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Sunday, I take part in the “Earth Protector” activity with my classmates. In the morning, we went to a People’s Park at 8:30 by bus. When we got to there,we saw some children draw pictures by the lake. The ground and public walls was very dirty. So we began to pick up the rubbish or clean the public walls. We also planted some tree. All of them worked very hard. We think it’s our duty to take good care our environment. If everyone protects the environment, the world will become more and more beautifully.


51. Don’t ______ alone on weekends.


52. It ______ a mountain on snowy days.


53. Tommy ______ the dog and broke his front teeth.


54. Factories ______ pouring polluted water into river and lakes,

必须阻止工厂向江河湖泊排放污水。( prevent)

55. He always asks me ______ my homework.

他总是问我作业做完了没有。( finish)


46. Molly studies______than her best friend Mary. ( hard )

47. When I was free, I really enjoyed______around the town. (walk)

48. We take_____in our traditional Chinese culture.(自量,骄傲)

49. My grandfather keeps______by eating well and exercising regularly(健康的)

50. The students in the village go on a ropeway to_____the river to school. / kr?s/

51. This piece of sweet music reminds us_____the beauty of the countryside.


38. Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few_______(步) further.

39. How______(幸运的) they are to have such a good teacher!

40. Mr Sigmund Friend is used to________ (处理) with all kinds of problems.

41. Confidence is an important _______ (条件) if you want to achieve success.

42. A long time ago it was ______ (广泛地) believed that there was life on Mars.

43. With all her efforts, the children finally_______(接受) her as one of the family.

44. When talking to British people, we should ________(避免) subjects like age, weight or money.

45. —Can we put another bed in this room?

—Sure. It is big________for a third one.

46. —Is this your English book?

—No, it isn’t.________is in my schoolbag.

47. —Keep your hair away from fire, Lucy.

—I see, mum. Hair_______fire easily.


48. 这个暑假你打算做什么?

49. 我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。

50. 养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。

51. 旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。

52. 阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。


46. 早饭你通常听吃什么?

What do you usually have ______________ ____________?

47. 把你的自行车借给我好吗?当然可以。

-----Would you ____________ _________ me your bike?

-----Of course not.

48. 这辆新车是属于妈妈的,未经允许我不能使用。

The new car _________ __________ my mother. I can’t use it without permission.

49. 我不确定露西是否来参加晚会。

I’m not ___________ ___________ Lucy will come to the party or not.

50. 这个小男孩没够到树上的苹果。

The little boy __________ to _______ the apple on the tree.


63. 那首用二胡演奏的乐曲尤其使我感动。

The music which was ___________ on the erhu ___________ moved me.

64. 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。

The ____________ kids learn to be ______________, the better it is for their future.

65. 趁来得及,立刻采取行动!

_____________ ____________ at once before it’s too late!

66. 许多次我都想放弃,但我奋力坚持了下来

Many times I thought about ______________ up, but I fought ______________.

22.【2018年山东省临沂】用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空, 每空格限填一词。

41. Children will be in danger in a swimming pool if their parents don’t take good care of ________. (they)

42. Chinese scientists have successfully cloned (克隆)two _______. They are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. (monkey)

43. The oceans are __________ polluted by plastic waste. (heavy)

44. An American father made pretty dresses for his daughter out of his __________ old shirts. (wife)

45. Every year, about 6.5 million people die because of air ________. (pollute)

46. (2018·山东临沂) Jimmy could not sleep at first. He finally fell _______ when the rainstorm stopped at midnight. (sleep)

47. (2018·山东临沂) It is very ______ for me to have conversations with friends in English every day. My speaking skills have certainly improved. (help)

48. (2018·山东临沂) We should protect the endangered wild animals, or they will _______ in the near future. (appear)


51. It rained heavily. It was too dark for us to see the road________. (清楚)

52. Scrooge is mean and only thinks about himself. And he doesn't _____others nicely.(对待)

53. The story Yu gong Moves a Mountain shows us that a_______is possible if you work hard.

54. Such bad books shouldn't be allowed to sell at any bookstore. They are h_____to children.

55. Grace will go to a u________for further education after she finishes high school.


Words and expressions Unit 1 1、She was really u_____ about the way her father treated her. 2、It was very stupid of you to i_____ your mother’s advice. 3、He made a good s_____ in last exam. 4、All the people are c_____ about the growth of the younger generation. 5、She’s h_____ my book away somewhere. 6、My summer vocation was completely spoiled by a_____ of wet days . 7、The boy is c____ about skating. 8、It’s against n_____ for a mother to hurt her child. 9、He came here on p____ to discuss it with you. 10、How d______ you say so? 11、Design a_____ to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. 12、I live all a____ but I don’t feel lonely. 13、I want your a_____ on this work. 14、It is a little difficult to c____ someone down when he or she is excited. 15、He was caught c_____ in the exam. 16、No matter what he says, don’t ____ him. 17、C_________ with other countries was difficult during the war. 18、He formed the h______ of getting up early. 19、Both of them are e_____ of China Daily. 20、List what a good friend should do and ____ the list with your partners.(分享) 21、They are _____ .(骗子). 22、He paid no attention to their_______(自尊心) 23、Arrange the exhibits_______ to size.(根据) 24、He’s_____ from loss of memory.(患有) 25、The politician is really in a dangerous______.(境遇). 26、Why don’t you ____your idea ____on paper?(写下) 27、He _________________his English study(有困难) 28、She ___________________a foreigner.(爱上) 29、____________to change the situation.(努力) 30、____________snow can cause trouble.(过多)


3b连词成句并翻译句子 ★清华大学★英语系测试:更适合中小学生英语使用 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2b16355297.html,/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 3年级连词成句并翻译句子专项练习 答题注意点:句子开头字母大写;结尾标点符号!细心点!! 1. have Shall now we lunch _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 2. You go to can school now _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 3. zoo the to Let’s go _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 4. is It to time go home _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 5. is What please time the _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 官方网站: 6. two is four What plus _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 7.man Who the is _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 8. this Is mother your _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________?

【英语】 中考英语连词

【英语】中考英语连词 一、初中英语连词 1.He is getting fat, _______________ he has decided to go to work on foot. A. because B. though C. so D. and 【答案】 C 2.It is hard to review the knowledge we learn in class ___________ we take notes. A. if B. unless C. when D. after 【答案】 B 3.The Great Wall is famous lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year. A. so; that B. such; that C. enough; that D. very; that 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:长城是如此著名,以至于每年都有许多世界各地的游客来参观它。enough和very不引导从句,故C,D选项被排除,so+形容词+that,引导结果状语从句,such+名词+that,引导结果状语从句,famous是形容词,故选A。 【点评】考查连词辨析,注意such+名词+that,引导结果状语从句的用法。 4.Although he is a little boy, _____he speaks English well. A. / B. but C. so D. and 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:虽然他是个小男孩,但他英语说得很好。although引导的让步状语从句,不和but同时出现,故选A。 【点评】考查连词,注意although不和but同时出现的用法。 5.______________ you use your dictionary often, your spelling will improve. A. Whether B. If C. Though D. While 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你经常使用字典,你的拼写就会变好。A:Whether是否,不能引导条件状语从句。B:If是否,可以引导条件状语从句;C:Though虽然;D:While当……时,然而。根据前后句的意思,可知前句是后句发生的条件,要用连词if,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析。理解连词的意思和用法,根据前后句的关系,选择正确的连词。 6.You'd better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide ______________ you want to know more about its culture. A. unless B. until C. although D. if 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你想了解南京的文化,最好带着当地的导游游览一下。A:


M1U3Reading 随堂练习 一、单词拼写。 1. Education __________ children’s future life, as a result, the parents spend much money sending them to school (影响)。 2. You can’t do anything well if you suffer from too much __________. (压力) 3. The girl felt a _________ because she had not passed the exam. 4. Everyone knows that f________ is mother of success. 5.He felt so (尴尬)when he couldn’t answer the teacher’s question. 6.We made a c experiment in the science class. It was so interesting. 7.The earthquake caused great d_________; many people died and many more lost their homes. 8. A person who practices sports and games is called an a__________. 9. Many people were killed in the big earthquake that broke out in Haiti, i___________ many women and children. 10. Amy is now recovering from liver ________ (衰竭) and thinks it a really painful experience. 12.Young ladies are running after a slim f__________ ,aren’t they? 13. My little brother was s__________ from an upset stomach because of eating something that was not clean. 14. The earthquake caused great d_________; many people died and many more lost their homes. 15.Nobody can ___________(与…相匹敌) him in the field of Outer Space Physics. 16. Many people, some of whom are not o____________ at all, are always going on a diet or taking weight-loss pills. 17.My father is working under great pressure so he is not always e____________.(精力充沛的) 18. Every woman wants a slim and a_________ figure these days, especially here in Canada. 19. My parents often tell me that being unable to answer a teacher’s questions in class is nothing to be a___________ of. 20. It will take two or three weeks before you r__________ from illness. 二、完成句子。 21.I think you look great_________ _________ _________(你现在的样子) 22. 为了减肥,她目前正在尽力节食。 In order to lose weight,she is trying to go on ______ ______at the moment. 23. 这些药片真的很有效!The pills really _______! 24.我觉得你现在这个样子看上去很棒,而且你是个非常优秀的人。 I think you _______ _______ as you are and you are a wonderful person. 25.约翰每天总要在健身房锻炼2小时. John usually ________ _________ in the gym two hours a day. 26.我以前常去健身房,一周三次,可我现在不再锻炼了。 I _________ ________ go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more. 27.我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是个非常优秀的人。 I think you look great _______ _______ _______, and you’re a wonderful person. 28.妈妈喜欢吃巧克力,我也喜欢。


3年级连词成句并翻译句子专项练习 答题注意点:句子开头字母大写;结尾标点符号!细心点!! 1. have Shall now we lunch _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 2. You go to can school now _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 3. zoo the to Let’s go _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 4. is It to time go home _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 5. is What please time the _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 6. two is four What plus _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 7.man Who the is _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 8. this Is mother your _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 9. minus eleven is What six _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 10. She your I daughter think is _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 11. This friend David my is _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。 12. nice What a telephone _______________________________________ ! ___________________________________! 13. in is English What this _______________________________________ ? __________________________________? 14. on desk What that is the _______________________________________ ? ___________________________________? 15. her new knife at Look _______________________________________ . ___________________________________。


中考英语连词的用法总结 真诚为您服务][ 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及连词是一种虚词,句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用来连接 平and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, yet, 行的词、词组和分句。如:however, for, hence, as well as, both…and, not only…but 等等。also, either…or, neither…nor, (and)then ) They sat (错and 与or判断改错:并列连词引导两个并列的句子。1)) They started to dance (错down and talk about something.) I saw two men sitting behind and whisper (错and sang. ) (对(对) They sat down and talked about something.there. )I saw two men sitting 对They started to dance and sing. (behind and whispering there. talk and 连接两个并列的谓语,所以应改为解析:第一句:连接两个 并列的动词不定式,第二个不定式往往省略第二句:and talked。 后面的用saw 第三句:and 连接感观动词sang to,因此应改为 sing。and

应改为whispering。注意:whisper作的宾补的两个并列分词结构,因此 or 也有此用法)还可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件。( = If Make up your mind, and you'll get the chance. One more you make up your mind, you'll get the chance. = If you make one more effort, effort, and you'll succeed. you'll succeed. She plays (both) the piano and the 两者都both …and 2)guitar. She plays 而且) 3)not only…but (also), as well as不但…not only the piano, but (also) the guitar. not not only… but also 关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词注意: Not only does he like reading stories, but 而必须倒装。also he can even write some. 后nor也不……甥??甥??谓语动词采用就近原则,与既不意思为 4)neithe…nor Neither you nor he is to blame. 的词保持一致。


英语句子翻译打开你的铅笔盒。 让我看看你的卷笔刀。 去上学。 合上你的书。 让我看看你的尺子。 你好! 你的名字是什么? 再见! 我有一只铅笔。 我也有。 早上好! 我有一个书包。 我的名字是陈洁。 下午好! 见到你很高兴。 见到你也很高兴! 让我们一起去上学! 你好吗?

英语句子翻译摸摸你的头。 打响你的手指。 扭扭你的身体。 翘翘你的双腿。 拍拍你的手。 摸摸你的鼻子。 挥挥你的胳膊。 让我们画画。 棒极了! 我有一把尺子。 我也有。 你叫什么名字? 我的名字是约翰。 下午好! 见到你很高兴。 见到你也很高兴! 你好吗? 我很好,谢谢你。

给我看看你的红色铅笔给我看看你的黄色书包给我看看你的绿色铅笔盒给我看看你的白色圆珠笔给我看看你的黑色橡皮擦给我看看你的橙色蜡笔我有一只兔子。 让我们一起去上学! 我可以看一看吗? 当然可以。给你! 早上好! 下午好 你好吗? 我很好,谢谢你。 见到你很高兴。 见到你也很高兴! 模仿小猫表演。 模仿小狗表演。

像狗熊一样爬。 像松鼠一样跳。 像大象一样走路。 像老鼠一样搜寻。 像小鸟一样飞。 我可以看一看吗? 当然可以。给你! 我有一只大象。 让我看看(你的)汉堡包。 把炸薯条递给我。 闻闻鸡肉。 做蛋糕。 吃热狗。 尝尝茶。 让我看看牛奶。 喝果汁。 切面包。 喝果汁。

我可以看一看吗?当然可以。给你!吃一些炸薯条。 谢谢你。 你喜欢什么? 我喜欢热狗。 我喜欢面包。 我喜欢果汁。 我能吃一些鸡肉?当然可以,给你。我能吃一些蛋糕吗?我能和一些牛奶吗?我能喝一些果汁吗? 谢谢你。 别客气。 放风筝。 扔出飞机。 开车。


一、完成句子 1.现在你可以在拥有锻炼的热情的同时和孩子们享受快乐时光。Now you can find your passion for exercise and your 二1. 汤姆食言了,并没有出现在会场 Tom broke his word and didn’t at the meeting.

2.我们又见面了,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他。 When we met again, he apologized to me for not having and asked me to forgive him. 3.我们都屏住呼吸以免被发现。 We all in order not to be discovered. 4.他们担心会下雪而受到耽搁,就早早出发了 They early fearing that the snow might delay(耽搁) them. 5.这个人向他的经理道歉因为没有提醒他开那个重要的会议 The man apologized to the manager for not him that important meeting 5.对你昨天晚上对我所说的话,我决不原谅。 I'll never you what you said to me last night. 6.竞争智能,或者换句话说,弄清楚谁是你的竞争者,以及他们做什么和怎样在做,是任何商业的要义。 Competitive intelligence or knowing who y our competitors are and what they do and how they do it is essential (重要)for any business. 7.那张照片使我想起我在那个村庄度过的童年。 The picture reminded me of my childhood in the village. 8.在没有得到允许的情况下不要拿朋友的东西,即使你知道朋友不会介意。Never take something even 三、单句语法填空 1.You must keep your word.Please set early. 2.I'll never forgive myself making such a mistake. 3.She apologized the shopkeeper having no ready cash on her. 4.Keep up your courage,since life is made up of joy and (sad)


中考英语连词专题经典 一、初中英语连词 1._____________ my brother arrived in Thailand, he visited the local biggest temple at once. A. As soon as B. While C. Until D. Before 【答案】 A 2.Tom won't play computer games __________ he finishes his homework. A. if B. so that C. unless D. although 【答案】 C 3.Emily, you are playing video games again! Study hard, ______ you will fail in the coming exam. A. then B. so C. and D. or 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:Emily,你又玩游戏!努力学习,否则你将在接下来的考试中失 败。A.然后;B.所以;C.和;D.否则。祈使句+and/or+句子,固定搭配,根据句意可知是努 力学习,否则会失败,故选D。 【点评】考查连词辨析,注意平时识记固定搭配,理解句意。 4.Love your parents __________ they are alive. Don't wait until it is too late. A. while B. though C. because D. unless 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:当你父母活着时爱他们。不要等到太迟才行动。while当……时 候;though虽然;because因为;unless除非,故选A。根据句意只有A选项是正确的,其 它选项翻译不通,故选A。 【点评】此题考查连词辨析。弄清每个连词意思,根据语境和句意确定所使用的连词。 5.Your dream will come true ______________ you put your heart and soul into it. A. if B. unless C. although D. until 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你全心全意,那么你的梦想将会实现。A.如果;B.除非;C.虽 然;D.直到……为止。分析句子可知,这是一个主从复合句,挖空后引导一个条件状语从 句,引导词应用if,如果,故选A。 【点评】考查从属连词辨析。注意if,unless,although和until的词义和用法。 6.Some people waste food___________ others haven't enough. A. while B. during C. when D. which


人教版高一英语Book 3 Unit 2 一、单词拼写 1. He lost his b_____________ (平衡)and hurt himself when going downstairs. 2. This picture book can best satisfy children’s c___________(好奇心)about nature. 3. A person’s life is l___________(有限的), but his love is longlasting. 4. Some movies c__________ (结合)education with entertainment. 5. As I said before, we need to focus on c___________(顾客)and their needs. 6. You should know your s__________ (强项) and weaknesses before applying for a job. 7. A healthy d__________(饮食)should contain all the necessary vitamins. 8. In order to lose w_________(体重), you must say no to fast food. 9. He s__________(叹息叹气)deeply after learning that he had lost the contest. 10. The newly-built park will b__________(有益于有助于)the people living there. 1. He lost his b_____________ (平衡)and hurt himself when going downstairs. balance 2. This picture book can best satisfy children’s c___________(好奇心)about nature. curiosity 3. A person’s life is l___________(有限的), but his love is longlasting. limited 4. Some movies c__________ (结合)education with entertainment. combine 5. As I said before, we need to focus on c___________(顾客)and their needs. customers 6. You should know your s__________ (强项) and weaknesses before applying for a job. strengths 7. A healthy d__________(饮食)should contain all the necessary vitamins. diet 8. In order to lose w_________(体重), you must say no to fast food. weight 9. He s__________(叹息叹气)deeply after learning that he had lost the contest. sighed 10. The newly-built park will b__________(有益于有助于)the people living there. benefit 答案:1. balance 2. curiosity 3. limited 4. combine 5. customers 6. strenghts 7. diet 8. weight 9. sighed 10. benefit 二、单词拼写 1. To live a long and healthy life, we must learn to have a balanced d_________.(饮食) 2. She said that taking exercise is a good way of keep s___________. (苗条的) 3. As students, we should c___________(咨询)book knowledge with practice. 4. It’s certain that people in that town will b__________(有益于)from the new hospital. 5. You must b__________(权衡)the advantages against the disadvantages. 6. C__________(好奇心)drove him into the dark room without permission. 7. They know me----I am a regular c____________(顾客). 8. He thought that crying is a sign of w___________.(软弱)


复习策略 一、短文改错 短文改错的目的是测试考生发现、判断、纠正一些词法、句法以及语篇中的行文逻辑等方面错误的能力。它既能考查考生的词汇和语法方面的能力,也能考查考生的阅读理解能力。其考查要点的主要方面有: 1.词法的测试 词法的测试包括:(1)定冠词和不定冠词的用法;(2)名词的单复数和名词所有格; (3)动词的时态、语态、语气、情态动词和非谓语动词等;(4)人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等的用法;(5)介词的搭配;(6)并列连词、从属连词的用法;(7)形容词、副词的区别以及比较级和最高级的用法;(8)固定搭配和习惯用法。 2.句法的测试 句法的测试包括:(1)主谓语在数上的一致;(2)名词性从句;(3)定语从句;(4)强调句型;(5)句子结构的连贯性、完整性、对等性及逻辑性。 3.语篇的测试 语篇的测试包括:(1)上下文中的时态是否一致;(2)上下文中的代词是否一致; (3)上下文中的逻辑是否一致;(4)上下文中的词、词组、从句的替代是否正确。 4.逻辑思维的测试

包括:人物的性别及与之相对应的物主代词、句义的并列与转折、时间的顺序、数量的增减以及因果的倒置等。 复习重点: 1.熟悉设错方式,正确、多一词、缺一词、错一词,且大多符合“1126”原则(正确1处,多词1处,缺词2处,错词6处或“1225”原则(正确1处,多词2处,缺词2处,错词5处。当然,随着高考题目的多样化趋势,各地高考题有了一些差异。因此大家要看清题目。 2.多词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。如:①During her stay in the countryside,her boyfriend accompanied with her. ②I do remember you having apologized to the old lady I met her last week. (①去with ,②去her 3.缺词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to 、连词等。如:①He against the suggestion that he keep silent at the meeting. ②He was praised because what he had done for the disabled lady. (①against 前加was ,②because 后加of 4.错词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、代词、连词、词形(用动词、名词,还是用形容词及平行结构中词的正确形式。如:①He says he has a lot of letter to answer tonight. ②I feel regretful now because I don’t study hard when I was in high school. ③I will spend a week reading and prepare for the examination. (①letter→ letters,②don’t→ didn’t,③prepare→ preparing


(一) 连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。 (2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute 等。 (4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。 (6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。 (二)注意以下过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 af first 起初, next 接下来, then 然后, after that 那以后, later 后来, soon 不久, soon/shortly after ……之后不久, finally 最后, in the end 最后, eventually 最终, at last 终于, lately 近来, recently 最近, since then 自从那时起, after that 那以后, in no time 不一会儿, after a while 一会儿, afterward 后来,


班级 姓名座号 一、连词成句,并写出它的汉语意思。 1. the is library This (.) is the That (.) teachers’office the Is () The is art the on floor second (.) 5.are in class How many there your students (.) 二、抄写句子,并翻译成汉语。 ’s cool. ’s warm today. I have some beef it cold

5.It’s sunny and warm in Beijing. 三、抄写句子,并翻译成汉语。’s cold outside. it’s warm and sunny in Sydney . I have some chicken it cold ’s rainy in Beijing. 四、连词成句,并写出它的汉语意思。 1. the is report weather This (.) is the That (.) Singapore cloudy It’s (.) The is music the on floor second (.)

my Here homework (.) 6. are my these shoes (.) that green I skirt (.) jacket what your colour () is shirt whose () Mike’s sweater this (.) 五、连词成句,并能写出它的汉语意思。 How it is () they much are () Can on them try ()


单词拼写 1The young man was b _________ enough to catch the snake. 2. Would you m _________ closing the window? It’s too cold. 3. It’s so cold today that n _________ of us would like to play outside. 54. Have you heard of the n________? Some foreign teachers will come to our school tomorrow. 5. We must finish the t _________ on time no matter how hard it is. 6. The little child is learning how to c _________ from one to ten. 7. I felt so r__________ after all those exams that I decided to go to see a film tonight. 8. The policeman asked some people around some questions to find out the t_________ of the a ccident. 9. The lazy man tried his best to a__________ doing his work. 10. T________ the old man lives alone, he is happy. 11. The doctor stated that it?s n__________ for me to have a more balanced diet. 12. The children needed some new school clothes, but their father couldn’t a_________ any. 13. More and more people like to s__________their photos and good news with others on WeChat. 14. Travelling a_________ is popular nowadays because people can enjoy different views in foreign countries. 15. A trip for two to Paris! How can you be so l________ to win such a big price? 16. To be an excellent host in a TV program, you need to have a good s_________ of humor. 17. It is p________ of you to offer your seat to those people in need. 18. Will you i_________ all your friends to your New Year Party? 完成句子 1. 杰克妈妈对他的成绩很满意。 Jack’s mum _________ _________ _________ _________ his results. 2. 对你来说,经常按照自己意愿要求东西是不好的。 _________ _________ _________ _________ for you to require everything to go your way. 3. 尽管 Angela 没有准备好,但是她似乎很放松,而且也表现得很好。 _________ Angela was not prepared, she _________ _________ and did really _________. 4. 他在思考着做些坏事,这样,警察就会把他送进监狱。 He was thinking about doing something bad so the police would________ him _________ _________. 5. 在那里,白象不被允许去干活。 White elephants _________ _________ _________ _________ work there.
