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一.With 结构专练

1. We are sure that everything will be better ___________________(随着时间的推移).

2.____________________________(做完那些工作之后), we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees, and ______________(在离开之前), we took some photos to record our green action.

3.______________________________ ___________(随着科学和技术的发展), the world is changing every day.

4. _______________ (所有的事都做完之后), they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.

5. ______________________(由于那噪音的持续), I couldn’t go on studying. [with 的复合结构]

6. _______________________________ ______(随着社会的快速发展), it’s quite necessary that we (should) have a good knowledge of English and computer. 二.巧用名词/介词/形容词短语

1 ____________________(一听到铃声),students ran into the classroom as quickly as they could.

2. (what surprise him most is that )the little girl knows so many things.

__________________, the little girl knows so many things.

3. Because the weather was good, out journey was comfortable.

_______________________, our journey was comfortable.

4. when she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow.

__________________________, she went pale with sorrow.

5. Mr. Smith is a professor who comes from Xiamen University. He will give us a lecture at 3:00pm .

Mr. Smith ,_________________________, will give us a lecture at 3:00pm.

6. He went back home and he felt really tired and hungy.

He went back home, ____________________.

7. whether it was wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.

__________________, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.

8. Because he was afraid of being caught, the thief hid himself under a bed.

____________________________, the thief hid himself under a bed.


1.As she knows English very well, she has translated this article without any


__________________________, she has translated this article without any difficulty.

2.She likes to read books which were written by Luxun.

She likes to read books ___________________________.

3._____________________,(我被深深地打动了)I thanked him again and again.

4.He left in a hurry and left the work half done.

He left in a hurry, __________________.

5.He sat there silently and thought that he should do.

He sat there silently, _____________________.

6.The exhibition hall is located on the first floor of the library and covers an

area of 300 square kilometers.

__________________________________________, the exhibition hall covers an area of 300 square kilometers.

7.The song Gangnam Style,____________________________(发行于2012年7

月),was written,composed and sung by PSY,a famous South Korean musician.

8.The amusing dance in different backgrounds____________________(MV 中

展示的)is especially welcomed and imitated by millions of fans.


__________________________________________,(involve) many different activities, space travel I becoming more and more popular.


1.The lack of sleep has a great effect on students health, potentially causing

distraction on learning and health problems.

2.If a consumer buys some fake medicine , he will inevitably suffer much pain.

3.Fake commodities will undoubtedly so harm to both the individual and society.

4.Briefly, we should take the food safe into account.

5.The situation of the children’s addiction to computer games is extremely severe

that parents definitely need to keep an eye on it.

常用的副词还有:also,consequently, frankly, extremely,firstly ,first of all , to begin with , in the first place , to start with for one thing (...for another)on the one hand (...on the other hand ) generally speaking , in general,in the begining ,currently,recently , lately,in hence ,in conclusion,in short , in brief ,in summary, briefly,as a result ,eventually,accordingly ,obviously…





__________________________________________________________________ 4.做游戏时有些孩子闭上了眼睛。(keep)


六.There be 句型专练

1. 曾有一位非常勤劳的农夫。

_________________________________________________who worked very hard.
