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人教版八年级英语unit4试卷Written test part (共95分)

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( )21. Liu Jing s mother is very kind and she often speaks _______ a kind way.

A. for

B. by

C. in

D. of

( )22. Her own twelve pictures sold very well, _______ to friends and family.

A. usually

B. Mostly

C. Hardly

D. recently

( )23. I don t like this house with only two small bedrooms. Let s ask for _______.

A. one

B. another

C. the other

D. others

( )24. Susan, I went to the 31st International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin.

Really? I have _______ heard about it.

A. already

B. ever

C. never

D. yet

( )25. I forgot to take the _______ with me to Portugal, so I didn t take any photos.

A. camera

B. alarm

C. report

D. record

( )26. Sally is interested in English. Her teacher encouraged her _______ it well.

A. learn

B. learning

C. to learn

D. learned

( )27. Linda, is that man your English teacher Mr. Huang?

No, it can t be him. He _______ Beijing for training.

A. has gone to

B. has been to

C. was in

D. goes to

( )28. About _______ of the students in that village go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.

A. two fifth

B. two fifths

C. second five

D. second fives

( )29. The car is five years old but is in almost _______ condition.

A. poor

B. perfect

C. serious

D. typical

( )30. As soon as the iPhone 6 came out, _______ people couldn t wait to buy one.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C. thousand of

D. thousands of

( )31. I got there early so that I _______ others ideas about the plan before the meeting began.

A. introduced

B. protected

C. collected

D. controlled

( )32. When I left the hospital, the doctor said to me, Don

t be worried. You ll be all right in _______ days.

A. a couple of

B. a kind of

C. a piece of

D. a bit of

( )33. What is the best time of day for us _______ you?

Oh, any time is OK.

A. visit

B. to visit

C. visiting

D. visited

( )34. Health experts _______ that lots of people would have flu this winter because the weather is unusual.

A. discussed

B. promised

C. feared

D. advised

( )35. I haven t been to the Bird s Nest. What about you?

_______. I am planning to go there this weekend.

A. Me too

B. Me neither

C. So did I

D. Neither did I

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


When I was young, I liked climbing mountains with my father. When we walked together, my father and I 36 a lot. He always told me, You should have goals (目标) like climbing the mountain. 37 the mountain-climbing, we didn t have enough time to be together because my father was very 38 . I really got a lot from mountain-climbing.

Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so 39 for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours,
