






A soon as winter was over and the primrose began to bloom, the Miller went to

visit little Hans.

“Good morning, little Hans,” said the Miller.

“ Good morning,” said Hans, smiling from ear to ear .

“ And how have you been all winter?” asked the Miller.

“ Well, really,” cried Hans, “ it is very kind of you to ask. I had a hard time, but now spring has come, and I am quite happy. All my flowers are growing well.”

“ How lovely your primrose are!” exclaimed the Miller.

“ Yes, they are very lovely.” Said Hans. “ I am going to sell them at the market, and buy back my wheelbarrow with the money.”

“ Buy back you wheelbarrow? The means you have sold it. What a stupid thing to do!”

“ Well, you see, I had a bad time last winter. So I first sold the silver buttons off my Sunday coat, and then I sold my silver chain, and then I sold my pipe. Finally I sold my

wheelbarrow. But I am going to buy them all back again now!”

“ Hans,” said the Miller, “ I shall give you my wheelbarrow. It is not in very good condition; one side is gone and there is something wrong with the wheel; but in spite of that I shall give it to you.”

“ Well, really, it is very generous of you,” said little Hans. “ I have a plank of wood in the house and can easily repair it.”

“ A plank of wood!” said the Miller. “ that is just what I want for my roof. There is a large hole in it and I must mend it . I have given you my wheelbarrow, so you should give me your plank.”

“ Certainly ,” cried little Hans, and he ran into his house and brought the plank.

“ And now as I have given you my wheelbarrow, I am sure you will give me some flowers in return. Here is the basket. Fill it quite full.”

“Quite full?” said little Hans. It was really a very big basket, and he knew that he had to pick all his flowers to fill it. He looked sad. But the Miller told him that true friends must not be selfish, so little Hans ran and picked all his pretty primroses and filled the Miller’s basket.

“ Good-bye, little Hans,” said the miller as he went up the hill with the plank on his shoulder. And the big basket in his hand.

The next day the Miller came and asked Hans to carry a sack of flour to the market and sell it for him. The day after, he asked him to mend his roof for him. So little Hans did one thing after another for the Miller and the Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about friendship.

One evening little Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door. It was a very cold night and a terrible wind was blowing. He ran to the door and there stood the Miller with a lantern in his hand.

“ Dear little Hans, “ cried the Miller,” my little boy has fallen from a ladder and hurt himself. I am going for the doctor, but he lives so far away, and it is such a bad night that I have decided to ask you to go instead. You know I am going to give you my wheelbarrow, and you must do something for me in return.”

“ Certainly,” cried Little Hans. “ I shall start at once, but you must give me your lantern; the night is so dark that I am afraid I may fall into a ditch.”

“ I am sorry,” answered the Miller, “ but it is my new lantern, and I am afraid something may happen to it.”

“ Well, never mind, I shall go without it ,” cried little Hans and he put on his coat and hat and set off.

It was a stormy night. It was so black that little Hans could hardly see anything, and the wind was so strong that he found it difficult to stand on his feet. It was raining harder and harder. Little Hans lost his way. He fell into a deep hole full of water and was drowned. The next day some goatherds found his body and brought it to the cottage.

Everybody went to little Hans’ funeral. The Miller walked at the head of the procession in a long black coat, saying:” I was his best friend, so it’s only right that I should be the chief mourner.” And every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief.






























1.“Good morning,” said Hans, smiling from ear to ear.


He looked at me from head to foot.他上下打量着我。(从头到脚)

They ate their heads off at the public expense.他们借公款大吃大喝。(把头也吃


He’s been holding his nose in the air since he won the prize.他自从得奖后,就自以为是,目中无人。(鼻朝天)

Peter kept licking his lips over the delicious Chinese food.彼德对中国的美味佳肴不住地添嘴欣赏。(添嘴)

The authority turned a blind eye to this problem.当局对这个问题不予理睬。(闭眼不看)

His life is hanging by a hair.他生命垂危(悬于一发)


2.It is very kind of you to ask.谢谢你对我的关心。(常用句型)

It was careless of him to lose his key.

It was considerate of you to say so .你这样说太周到。

It was wrong of your boss to dismiss him.

It is generous of you give me this as a present.

3.How lovely your primroses are!

what a stupid thing to do!

这两句都是感叹句,常用what or how,

What 修辞名词


How beautiful her eyes are!

How very thoughtful of you to take me to dinner!你带我去吃饭,真是太周到了。

What a tall building (it is ) !多高的楼房啊!

What a mistake (it is ) to have rejected his suggestion!拒绝接受他的建议是多么错误啊!

How time flies!

How you’ve grown!你长大了!


The bridge is absolutely unsafe!这座桥绝对危险!

Wasn’t it a wonderful film!多么精彩的电影!

Did she look upset!他当时可显得忐忑不安啊!

If only I knew French!我懂法语就好了!

5.I shall give you my wheelbarrow. (助动词,表示单纯的将来时)

I shall telephone you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.我一到北京就给你打电话。(可


6.You should give me your plank.(情态动词,应当,多表示说话者的主观意愿)

(should\ ought to意思相近,但前者更为婉转)

The Miller should call on Hans in winter.磨坊主应当去看看汉斯。(表示应当这样做,但不是必需的责任)

The Mille r ought to c all on Hans in winter.按理磨坊主应当去看看汉斯。(表示应尽的责任)

4)Study of the text:(课文学习)

1.It is very kind of you to ask. 多蒙您好意问起(这事)。


It is very generous of you (to give it to me).

It was stupid of him to do such a thing.他这样做是愚蠢的。

2.What a stupid thing to do ! 这是件多么傻的事!

1)这可以当作省略句来分析:它省略了it is; what 引起的惊叹句常可这样省略,例如:what lovely weather!

2) to do 在这里是定语,修饰thing,类似的例子如:

That’s not the right thing ( for children) to read.

3.There is something wrong with the wheel. 车轮子有些毛病。

Wrong 在这是“坏了“的意思,如:

Something has gone wrong with my watch.我的表出了毛病。

What’s wrong with your eyes?你眼睛怎么啦,有什么不舒服吗?

4.But in spite of that I shall give it to you.

In spite of 是“尽管如此“的意思,它后面一般跟一个名词,如:

We’ll hold the sports meet in spite of the rain.

In spite of great difficulties. He finished the work according to plan.

5.That is just what I want for my roof这正是我补房顶所需要的

What 这里等于the thing which,

6.And it is such a bad night that I have decided to ask you to go instead.



It was such a wonderful film that we all wished to see it once again.

The story was so interesting that I couldn’t put it down until I had read it through.

7.It was raining harder and harder. 再下得越来越大。


Our country is becoming a stronger and stronger.

You’ll run faster and faster if you keep on training.

8.The Miller walked at the head of the procession in a long black coat.磨坊老板穿


1)in 常可用来表示“穿着(什么衣服”,如:

Who is that girl in a red jacket?




9.As soon as winter was over and the primroses began to bloom, the Miller went

to visit little Hans.

Bloom 和blossom的意思都是开花,都可以作名词或动词用,但前者指花草,后者指树木。

The roses are in bloom.( The roses bloomed。)

The trees burst into blossom. (The trees blossomed.)

10.…smiling from ear to ear.


11.I had a hard time.

I had a bad time last winter.

12.So if first sold the silver buttons off my Sunday coat, and then I sold my silver

chain, and then I sold my pipe.

Sunday coat 指星期天上教堂时穿的好衣服。

One’s Sunday clothes or one’s Sunday best.

13.It is not in very good condition.

To be in good/bad condition指:某件东西处于完好/损坏状态。

14.And now as I have given you my wheelbarrow, I am sure you will give me some

flowers in return.

I have given you my wheelbarrow, so you should give me your plank.

As 说明原因+so说明结果

15.The next day the Miller came and asked Hans to carry a sack of flour to the

market and sell it for him.


Flour不可数名词,“一代面粉”是a sack of flour,同样的说法还有。

A plank of wood一块木头

A pail of milk 一桶牛奶

A cup of tea

A bottle of wine

A glass of water

A bowl of rice

16.The day after第三天

The day after the next.

17.So little Hans did one thing after another for the Miller and the Miller said all

kinds of beautiful things about friendship.


One (thing) after another.用于三个以上的人或物。

One after another ,the students came into the classroom.

He read one book after another during the vacation.

18.One evening little Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at

the door.

19.He ran to the door and there stood the Miller with a lantern in his hand.


比较:There was once upon a time a Miller此句中的there则是虚词

20.I am going for the doctor.


21.Everybody went to little Hans’ funeral.


这句话里用went to是习惯用法,汉语在这里要说参加,但英语中不能to take

part in

22.Every now and then, he wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief.


Every now and then 意同now and then ,(every )now and again 和from time to





a.Can I get a seat in the next plane to Paris?

b.I’m afraid it’s over booked.

a.But I booked last week.

b.I’m very sorry.

a.Look, I must be in Paris by ten. If there is seat in economy, give me that.

b.I’m afraid the whole plane is full. The next flight doesn’t arrive until 9:35. Is that

too late?

a.No, it’s all right.

b.I’ll see if there is a seat.

a.What happens if there isn’t ?

b.Don’t worry. We’ll get you a seat with another if we have to.














1)Can I get a seat in the next plane to Paris? I booked last week.

请求别人做某事时,用can I (常用于口语中),may I(较正式的用法), could I(口气较婉转),如:

Could I borrow your bike?

May I borrow your bike?

2)I booked last week.


a)Book a seat in the plane预订机票

b)Book a seat at the theatre

Make a theatre booking

c)Book a room

Make a room booking

3)If there is a seat in economy, give me that.


I want to get a seat in economy class. 我想乘坐经济舱。

I want to get a seat in first class.我想乘坐头等舱。

I want to fly economy class.

I want to fly first class.

4)We’ll get you a seat with another airline if we have to .

(三)WORD STUDY: (词汇学习)

1.want v.t.


How much do you want? I want a kilo.

How many do you want? I want two.

Is there anything else you want?

You are wanted on the telephone.有人打电话找你

2)Want to 想要:

Which one do you want to take?

That’s what I want to know.

3)Want somebody to do something要某人做某事:

The teacher wanted each of his pupils to write an essay.

Miss Barry didn’t want him to be a factory hand.


1)v.i. 动身:

They told us to start early.

We’ll start for Nanking at eight tomorrow.

2)v.t. , v.i. 开始:

She started (=began) to learn English in middle school.

The show will start in five minutes.

3)n. 开端:

We’ve made a good start.

3.Bring vi. 带来:(注意:“带去”要用take表示)

Please bring your notebooks with you when you come to class.

You can take this book home today, but don’t forget to bring it back tomorrow.


1)v.t.v.i. 介意:

Do you mind if I open the window?

“I’m sorry I forgot to bring you the book you asked for.”“never mind.”

2)N. 主意:

Have you made up your mind about it?

I’ve changed my mind.


1.Answer the following questions:(据课文回答)


1)Why do you think the Miller was willing to give Hans his wheelbarrow?

I think it was because his wheelbarrow was not in good condition. One side is

gone and there is something wrong with the wheel. He did not want it himself.

2)What did the Miller want in return for the wheelbarrow?

He asked little Hans to give him a plank of wood and a big basket of flowers in


3)What did the Miller ask Hans to do one stormy night?

He asked little Hans to go for a doctor for his son, who had fallen from a ladder

and hurt himself.

4)What happened to little Hans that night?

He fell into a deep hole full of water and was drowned.

5)Why do you think the Miller wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief from time to time?

I think he wanted to show that he was Hans’ true friend and was extremely sad

over his death.


6)Why did the Miller go to see little Hans when winter was over? What did he say to him?

He went go see little Hans because flowers were beginning to bloom again in

Hans’ garden.

He asked little Hans how he had been all winter.

7)How was life with little Hans during the winter? How did he manage to live?

Little Hans had a hard time.

He suffered from cold and hunger.

First he sold his silver buttons, then his silver chain and his pipe, and finally his wheelbarrow.

8)What did the Miller say when he heard Hans was going to buy back his wheelbarrow?

The Miller said he would give Hans his wheelbarrow. But he said his wheelbarrow was not in good condition. One side of it was gone and there was something wrong with the wheel.

9)What did big Hugh ask little Hans to do in return? Did the Miller get what he wanted? How?

He asked little Hans to give him a plank of wood and a basket of flowers in return.

Hans was kind-hearted as ever and he did give the Miller what he wanted.

10)What else did the Miller ask Hans to do ?

He asked Hans to go and pick flowers in his garden and fill the Miller’s big basket quite full. So all the flowers in Hans’ garden went into the basket.

11)Who called one evening when Hans was sitting by the fire? Why had he come at such an hour?

The Miller called.

He said his son had fallen from a ladder and hurt himself. He wanted little Hans to go for a doctor.

12)What was the weather like that night? What happened to little Hans?

It was a stormy night.

It was so dark that little Hans could hardly see anything. The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to stand on his feet. It was raining harder and harder.

Little Hans soon lost his way. He fell into a deep hole full of water and was drowned.

13)Were there many people at his funeral? Who marched at the head of the procession? What did he do from time to time? Why did he do that?

Yes, everybody in the village went go little Hans’ funeral.

The Miller marched at the head of the procession.

From time to time he wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief.

He wanted to show that he was Hans’ true friend and was extremely sad over his death.



Children today tend to have old heads on young shoulders.


I only asked you a question. There’s no need to bite my head off.


He is still a young man wet behind ears.


The company turned a deaf ear to our request.


Don’t ask questions and poke your nose into other people’s business.


The rumor went from mouth to mouth.


He always keeps a stiff upper lip.


The sight of blood turns my stomach.


It is clever of you to do so.


It is stupid of little Hans to be in the service of the Miller.


It is impudent of big Hugh to say so many beautiful things about friendship.


What beautiful eyes she has!


How selfish the Miller was!


I shall write to you as soon as I arrive in America.


I ought to go to work today, but I don’t think I will.


1)The largest island in China is Taiwan. It’s an inseparable part of China.

It 代表名词


2)My grandfather has recovered now. we are very glad of it .


3)It was a very cold night and a terrible wind was blowing.


4)It is from the sun that we get heat and light.


5)It wa s the Miller who said all kinds of beautiful things about friendship.


6)It is t he CD player that I want to buy, not the walkman.


7)It was very generous of the Miller to promise to give Hans his broken wheelbarrow.


8)It is very unhealthy for teenagers to smoke.


9)I found it difficult to convince him.


10)It took more than 100,000 slaves twenty years to build the Great Pyramid.


11)It’s been a great pleasure showing you the sights of Beijing.


12)It is good seeing you again.


13)It was no use my trying to dissuade him. He went on as before.



4.Give the opposites of the following:(写出词意相反的词)

5.Give English equivalents of the following:(中译英)



6.Analyze the following sentences and give their meaning in Chinese:(分析成份并译


1)What he said is true.他说的是实话。

2)That is what we should always keep in mind.这是我们要永远记住的

3)We must do what the Party tells us to do.我们必须按党的指示做。

4)He will tell us about what he saw in the country-side.他将要告诉我们他在乡间


5)We are not satisfied with what we have done.我们不满足所取得的成就。

6)That is what interested her most.那是她最感兴趣的。

7.Study the following models. Make sentences like them by using the words given


1)You should put on more clothes. You mustn’t catch cold.

a.Hurry up; be late.

You should hurry up. You mustn’t be late.

b.Be careful; be so careless.

You should be careful. You mustn’t be so careless.

c.Ask someone to help you; do it alone.

You should ask someone to help. You mustn’t do it alone.

d.Finish the work today; leave anything for tomorrow.

You should finish the work today. You mustn’t leave anything for tomorrow.

2)You can either play basket-ball or volley-ball

a.Go by bus, by boat.

You can either go by bus or by boat.

b.Ring me up, send me a note.

You can either ring me up or send me a note.

c.Do it yourself, ask someone else to do it.

You can either do it yourself or ask someone else to do it.

d.Recite a poem, tell a story.

You can either recite a poem or tall a story.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3113081324.html,plete each of the following sentences with an infinitive phrase: (用不定式短


1)When did you begin…

When did you begin to study English?

2)They decided…

They decided to help Xiao Zhang with his studies.

3)Can you show me how…

Can you show me how to operate the machine?

4)He asked us (not)…

He asked us not to overlook these points.

5)We’ll continue…

We’ll continue to discuss the question tomorrow.

6)She is learning…

She is learning to swim in real earnest.

7)She’ll tell you when…

She’ll tell you when to be in the sound lab.

8)They wanted us…

They wanted us to do exactly as we were told.

9.Translate the following into English:(中译英)


Have you started preparing for the English Evening?

No, not yet.


Don’t forget bring your dictionary next time you come to class.


That is what I wanted to tell you.


Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.


There is something wrong with the machine. We have to get it repaired.


He is such a very kind old man that all the villagers like him.

He was such a kind old man that all the villagers liked him.


Though the weather was bad, we decided to go on with the work.

In spite of the bad weather, we decided to go on with the work.


They have been working so carefully that there have been no errors over the past three years.

They have worked so carefully that not a single mistake was made over the past three years.

10.Oral practice:(口语练习)

(A)Imagine yourself to be one of little Hans’ neighbors and tell about the Miller.

(B)Speak on one of the following topics:

1)Little Hans in winter.

2)The miller at home.

3)What happened one stormy night.

(C)Turn part of the text into a sketch and perform it in class.

11.Reading material:(阅读材料)



When the day came , thousands of people crowded to see Androcles fight the lion. The door opened, and poor Androcles came in. His face was white with fear, for he could already hear the roars of the lion.

The hungry lion rushed in. He gathered himself for a spring, but stopped short when he saw Androcles. Androcles gave a great cry- not of fear, but of joy. It was his old friend, the lion of the cave.

The people were filled with wonder. They saw Androcles put his arms round the lion’s neck; they saw the lion lie down at his feet, and lick them lovingly; they saw the great beast rub his head against the slave’s face as though he wanted to be petted. They could not understand what it all meant.

After a while they asked Androcles to tell them all about it. So he stood up before them, and with his arm round the lion’s neck, told how he and the beast had lived together in the cave.


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十四课》 (一)课文: 1)课文: INSPECTOR HORNBERG VISITS A SCHOOL The classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall. But not one pair of eyes stayed from the history books which twenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly. This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. A large part of Poland had been conquered by Russia. The Russia Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language. But here the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians had spies everywhere in Warsaw. Among the children was Manya Sklodovska. She was a very bright pupil. She was deep in the book she was reading. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. Manya listened fearfully. Was it the signal? Yes! Two long rings, two short rings. Every head came up. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away. The girls swiftly took sewing materials from their desks. They began to embroider little squares of cloth. The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg. Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. With him was Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school. “ We have tow sewing classes a week, Mr. Inspector.” explained Mademoiselle Tupalska, the teacher “ I read to the children while they work.” “And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle?”inspector Hornberg demanded. She held up her book “ Russian fairy tales.” She said. The inspector gave a grunt of approval. “Now,”he said, “I should like to question one of your pupils.” “Manya Sklodovska, please stand up.” The teacher said quietly. Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble. “Recite the Lord’s Prayer in Russian.” Inspector Hornberg ordered. Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings. “Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family.” Manya gave the names. “now tell me.” Hornberg demanded, “ who is our ruler?”


2013中考“补全对话”专项训练 (一) 补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 根据对话内容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。A: ___________21____________sir? B: I want to buy a shirt for my son. A: ___________22______________ B: Blue. A: ___________23______________ B: I think it’s too large. _____________24_____________ A: Yes. This one looks nice. How do you like it? B: Very much. ___________25_____________ A: Thirty yuan. B: Ok, I’ll take it. (二) 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据对话内容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。Jim—B salesgirl—A A:_____________21_______________ B:I would like a pair of trousers. A:_____________22________________ B:Size 29. A:_____________23________________ B:I like blue. A:How about this one? It’s nice. B:I think it’s nice, too. ______________24_______________ A:Sure. It fits you well. B:I think so. _____________25________________ A:150 dollars. B:It’s not expensive. I’ll take it. Here’s the money. A:Thank you. (三) 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据对话内容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。A: What can I do for you?


Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing ?' she asked. ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.

2018年最新中考英语 补全对话专项练习(含答案)

补全对话 (一) Li Lei: H ey, Bruce. I’m going home this weekend. Bruce: 1 Li Lei: To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Bruce: 2 Li Lei: It is an important time for family. Bruce: 3 Li Lei: We’ll have dinner together, watch the moon and eat mooncakes. Bruce: Mooncakes? Are they delicious? Li Lei: Yes. 4 We can celebrate it together. Bruce: 5 Thank you! Li Lei: You are welcome. 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ (二) A: Hey, Tony. You look so excited. What’s up? B: 1 And we will be in the final(决赛). A: You mean the school soccer games? B: Yes. It was quite hard for us to beat Class Two. A: Congratulations to you all! B: 2 But now I am a little nervous. A: Take it easy. You should be confident and believe in your team. B: But sometimes I feel that we don’t work well enough as a team. A: Teamwork is very important. 3 B: Sounds good. I’ll do it right away. A: 4 B: Next Tuesday. A: 5 I will be free then and I can watch the game. B: See you then. Bye!


版word册课文2新概念英语第 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking

loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 2 新概念英语第二册 'What are you doing ?' she asked. ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.


六年级小升初阅读专项训练及答案 一、默读父亲 ①我是父亲最小的儿子。“爹疼满崽”这句话便成了父亲爱的天平向我倾斜时搪塞哥哥姐姐们的托词了。在我10岁那年,我生病躺在了县城的病床上,我突发奇想地让父亲给我买冰棍吃。父亲拗不过我,便只好去了。那时候冬天吃冰棍的人极少,大街上已找不见卖冰棍的人。整个县城只有一家冰厂还卖冰棍,冰厂离医院足足有一华里地,父亲找不到单车,便步行着去。一时半晌,父亲气喘吁吁满头大汗跑回来,一进屋,便忙不迭解开衣襟,从怀里掏出一根融化了一大半的冰棍,塞给我,嘴里却喃喃地说道:“怎么会化了呢见人家卖冰棍的都用棉被裹着的呢!” ②初二那年,我的作文得了全省中学生作文竞赛一等奖,这在小镇上可是开天辟地头一遭的事儿。学校为此专门召开颁奖会,还特地通知父母届时一起荣光荣光;等到参加颁奖会的那天,父亲一大早便张罗开了,还特地找出不常穿的一件中山装给穿上。可当父亲已跨出家门临上路时,任性而虚荣的我却天大地扫了父亲的兴:“爸,有妈跟我去就成了,你就别去了。”父亲充满喜悦的脸一下子凝固了。那表情就像小孩子欢欢喜喜跟着大人去看电影却被拦在了门外一般张皇而又绝望。迎着爸妈投放给我的疑惑的眼神,我好一阵不说话,只是任性地呆在家里不出门。父亲犹疑思忖了半刻,用极尽坦然却终究掩饰不住的有些颤抖的声音说:“爸这就不去了。”父亲已经破译出了我心底的秘密:我是嫌看似木讷、敦厚且瘦黑而显苍老的父亲丢我的人啊!看看父亲颓然地回到屋里,我这才放心地和妈妈兴高采烈地去了学校。可是,颁奖大会完毕后,却有一个同学告诉我:你和你妈风风光光地坐在讲台上接受校领导授奖和全校师生羡慕的眼光时,你爸却躲在学校操场一隅的一棵大树下,自始至终注视这一切呢!顿时,我木然,心里漫上一阵痛楚…… ③父亲最让我感动的是我17岁初入大学的那年。我刚入大学的时候,寝室里住了4个同学,每个人都有一只袖珍收录机,听听节目、学学英语,很让人眼馋。后来,与其说是对别人的羡慕,倒不如说是为了维护自己的自尊,我走了60里地回到家,眼泪汪汪地跟父母说:我要一只收录机。父亲听了,一个劲地叹气,母亲则别过头去抹泪。我一软,两手空空连夜赶回学校。过了一段时间,父亲到学校找到我。将我叫到一片树林里,说:“孩子,你不要和人家攀比,一个人活的是志气。记住,不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大。”我正掂量着父亲这句话,父亲已从怀里掏出一样东西放在我手上;伸开手来,正是一只我心仪已久的袖珍收录机。事后我才知道父亲是进城抽了500 cc血给换来的。“不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大”就是父亲这句话,让我在以后的日子里一次又一次地找到了做人的自尊,也让我得以活出了一个男人的伟岸。 ④父亲没能活到60岁便病逝了。记得父亲临终的时候,他将枯槁的手伸向我,我将手放在父亲的手心里,父亲极力想握紧我的手,但父亲已无能为力了。是的,父亲虽然没能扶携和目送我走更长更远的路,但是,父亲一生积攒的种种力量已渗透到我生命中来——我的生命只不过是父亲生命的另一种延续。 1.这篇文章主要写的人物是父亲,作者通过哪三件事来刻画父亲的形象。 2 “父亲充满喜悦的脸一下子凝固了”请你联系上下文,揣摩父亲那时的心里活动,组织好语言,写在下面:3.第二段中,最后一句话“心里漫上一阵痛楚”,表达了我怎样的心情 4.第三段中父亲所说的“不喝牛奶的孩子也一样长大”,你是如何理解这句话的 5.如何怎样理解“父亲一生积攒的种种力量已渗透到我生命中来——我的生命只不过是父亲生命的另一种延续”这句话 《默读父亲》答案 1、父亲为生病在床的我买冰棍父亲躲在学校操场的大树下默默关注我的颁奖典礼父亲给我买收录机,并教育我不要和人攀比 2、略 3、为父亲爱子之行为而感动,为自己不理解父亲的心意而内疚、后悔。 4、没有优裕的物质生活条件,同样可以生存、长大,人活着要有志气。(意思对即可) 5、父亲对子女的爱和做人要有自尊、活出男人的伟岸,不与别人攀比的人生态度,对我产生了巨大的影响,我决心像父亲那样生活、做人。 二、阅读《母亲? 我? 狗》

精选七年级英语下补全对话专项训练 资料

七年级英语下补全对话专项训练一、.从对话后的方框中选择正确的句子完成对话。 A:Excuse me.1____________ B:No, but there is one on Nanjing Street. And it is a good place to have fun.You can take a taxi to get to Nanjing Street. A: Can I find a hotel near the park? B: Yes, you can. 2___________________________. A:Well, is there a band near the park? B: Yes3____________.There is a supermarket on the corner.Then pass the supermarket, and you can see a small restaurant.4_______________. A: Thank you very much. B: 5______________________________. 二、 A. Is it on the right or on the left? B. I'm sorry. C. Can you tell me how I can get there ? D. You're welcome E. Excuse me F. But the library isn't big. Jenny: 76_____________________ Is there a library in the neighborhood? Gina: Yes, there is a library near here. 77_____________________ It is small. Jenny: That's OK. 78_____________________ Gina: Well, walk down Green Street and you can see the library. Jenny: 79_____________________ Gina: It's on your left and next to a school. Jenny: Thanks a lot. Gina: 80_____________________ 三、 A: There are many new animals in the zoo. Do you know? B: Oh?76_____________________ A: Giraffes,elephants, pandas, lions, and monkeys. B: Let's go and see them. A: OK. 77_____________________ B: I want to see pandas first. A: 78_____________________ B: Because they are very cute. 79_____________________ A: I like elephants. B: 80_____________________ A: Because they big, but they are very friendly. 四、根据对话内容从下列选择恰当的句子完成对话。 A: Do you need a report? B: Yes,76______________________? A: Yes, I really like writing stories. B: 77_______________________ A: I work at school.


2020年大学英语四级听力短对话练习题(42) 15. W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled. M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the work load has doubled. Q: What do we learn about the man from theconversation? A) He is pleased with his exciting new job. B) He finds the huge workload unbearable. C) He finds his office much too big for him. D) He is not so excited about his new position. 16. W:I can’t decide what to do about the party tomorrow. M: Y ou don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but I’ll be glad to give you a ride if you do. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) The woman is going to hold a big party tomorrow. B) The man has no idea what the right thing to do is. C) The wom an doesn’t know how to get to the party. D) The man offers to drive the woman to the party. 15. 女:我听说你升职了,你一定很高兴吧。


许式英语复习二 一.词类 (一)名词(noun—n.)(内容在“许式英语复习一”里) (二)动词(verb—v.) (同上) (三)代词(pronoun—pron.):可分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词、不定代词九类。 1.指示代词this, that, these, those在句中可用作: 1)主语 This is Jane. That is Bob. This is a telephone. That is a TV set. This /That is not / isn‘t a computer. ―Is this a telephone?‖ ―Yes, it is.‖ ―Is that a computer?‖ ―No, it is not / isn‘t. It is a TV set.‖ These are cars. Those are buses. They are not / aren‘t jeeps. ―Are these buses?‖ ―No, they are not. They are cars.‖ Those are newspapers. They are not / aren‘t magazines. ―What are those?‖ ―They are newspapers.‖ 2) 宾语 You should always keep this in mind. 我们应当经常记住这一点。 Better take that with you. 最好把那个带着。 3) 表语 My idea is this. 我的意见是这样。 4) 定语 For these reasons we have to cancel the trip. 由于这些原因,我们只好取消这次旅行。 2. 1)作主语要用主格。(注意动词be 要随不同的人称和数而变化,即: I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are , they are.。)例如: I am / am not a teacher. You are /are not an engineer. He is /is not a CEO. She is/ isn‘t a doctor. We are students. You are civil servants(公务员). They are players(运动员). They are not /aren‘t actors(演员). ―Are you a teacher?‖ ―Yes, I am.‖ ―No, I am not.‖ ―Is he a model worker(模范工人)?‖ ―Yes, he is. ‖ ―No, he is not /isn‘t.‖


中考英语补全对话专项练习(二) Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble? Woman: I don’t feel very well. D:1._______________________________? W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher. D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”. W: Aahh D: 2._______________________________? W: Ever since last night. D: Did your sleep well? W: No, I was very tired last night. D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold? D: Maybe you overworked yourself. W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days. W: 4. _______________________________? D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. W: 5. _______________________________? D: Three times a day. W: OK. Thank you. (2) A: 1. _______________________________ ? B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match. A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Te am had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it? B: 2. _______________________________ .


中考英语听力专项训练(一) 一、时间数字题 听对话,根据问题选出正确答案,朗读两遍。 ()1. How many times has Mr. White been to France. A. Once B. Twice C. Three times. ()2. How long does the shop open every day? A. For ten hours B. For eight hours C. For nine hours ()3. When does the speech about food safety begin? A. At 2:00 B. At 2:30 C.At 4:30 ()4. Who is the oldest of the three children? A. Wei Hua B. The girl C. Zhang Lili ()5. What’s Rich’s telephone number? A. 25015281 B. 25019281 C. 29019281 ()6. What’s the date today? A. September 9 B. September 10 C. September 11 ()7. When is Ben’s birthday? A. On June 10 B. On June 18 C. On June 8 ()8. What’s the time now? A. 10:40 B. 10:45 C. 10:50 ()9. How much will the man pay in all? A. $1.50 B. $2.00 C. $3.50 ()10. How many medals did the girl’s class get? A. Nine B. Ten C. Eleven 二、地点方位题 听对话,根据问题选出正确答案,朗读两遍。 ()1. Where will John go this Sunday? A. A beach B. A zoo C. A teahouse ()2. Where are the two speakers probably talking? A. In a restaurant B. On the football field C. In a library ()3. Where does the dialogue probably happen? A. In a school B. At a hotel C. In a hospital ()4. Where are the two speakers talking? A. In a clothing shop B. In a bookshop C. In a food shop ()5. Where is the woman? A. In a car B.In a restaurant C. In a park ()6. Where are the two speakers talking? A. In a shop B. In a museum C. In a restaurant ()7. Where are the two speakers talking? A. In a bank B. In a hotel C. On a plane


八年级英语下册补全对话期末专题练习 (一)看病 A:Good morning. B:Good 1.___________. What’s 2.___________ with you? A:I don’t feel very 3. ___________ and I’ve a headache. B:How long have you 4. ___________like this? A:Ever since this morning. B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you 5.___________ your temperature? A:No, I haven’t. B:Can I take your temperature? A:OK. B:Oh, you’ve got a fever. A:Is it serious? B:6.___________ serious. A:What should I do then? B:You can take some 7.___________ and drink much 8.___________. A:How often should I take this medicine? B: You can take this medicine three 9. _____ ___ a day . And you should do more 10._____________. you’ll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye! B:Bye! (二)打电话 J---Jim M---Mrs Read J:Hello. 1.___________ I 2.___________ to Ann, please? M: 3.___________. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now. J:Can I leave a message for her? M:Yes, please. But 4. ___________ is that? J:This is Jim 5. ___________ . M:Hello, Jim. Can I 6.___________ a message for you? J:Yes. Could you ask her to 7. _________ me? M:Sure! 8.___________ your telephone number? J:My telephone number is 1234567. M:I’ll give the mes sage to her as soon as she 9.___________ back. J:10.___________ you. Good-bye! M:Bye! (三)购物 A:Good morning. Can I _____1______ you? B:Yes, 2. ___________ . I want to buy a 3.___________ of shoes. Can you show me one? A:What 4.___________ do you need? B:Size 38.


一、词汇 catch v. 抓到 fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 boot n. 靴子 waste n. 浪费 realize v. 意识到 ★catch v. 抓到 ①vt. 捉住,逮住,捕获 The police have caught the thief. ②vt. 抓住,握住 Can you catch the ball? ③vt. 及时赶到,赶上 catch up with 赶上,跟上 Go ahead please.I’ll soon catch up with you. ★boot n. 靴子 a pair of boots 一双靴子 ★waste n. 浪费 ①n. 浪费 a waste of… 浪费…… It is a waste of time/money/food/water. ②vt. 浪费 You are wasting time. ★realize v. 意识到 ①v. 认识,知道,明白,意识到 I went into the wrong room without realizing it. 我无意中走错了房间。 I realized that I was wrong. ②v. 实现(希望、目标、愿望等) realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想 She has realized her hope to be an actress. ③使变为事实,使发生(常用于被动语态) This plan can never be realized. 二、课文讲解 1、Fishing is my favourite sport. fishing是一个动名词,由动词+ing组成,动名词可以作主语或宾语,如eating,reading等等 ★fish ①n. 鱼(不可数名词),鱼的种类(可数)


补全对话专项训练 1、John: Let’s go to the zoo this weekend. Amy: ___________________! _____________________ John: It’s easy. ____________________. Then we can go to the zoo by subway. Amy: _______________________ John: My home is near the post office. Amy: OK! This weekend. See you. John: ____________________ A、Where is your home? B、Great! C、See you then. D、But how do we go to the zoo? E、First, come to my home by bus. 2、Liu: __________________________ Jack: I usually go to school by bus._____________ Liu: _______________________ Jack: How can I get to your home? Liu: _____________________ Jack: Can I go on foot? Liu: ______________________

A、You can take the No.15 bus. B、Sure, if you like. It’s not far C、What about you? D、How do you go to school? E、I usually go to school by bike. 3、Sarah: __________________,_________________ Policeman: Yes, there is. Sarah: ____________________ Policeman: It’s next to the hospital. Sarah: __________________ Policeman: No, it’s not far. Sarah: Thank you! Policeman: _____________ A、Is it far from here? B、You’re welcome. C、Where is the library? D、Is there a library near here? E、Excuse me! 4、Mike: _____________________ Chen: I want to buy a comic book. ________________ Mike: It’s east of the hospital.


新概念英语第2册课文 译文

1.私人谈话 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好。发挥是很有趣的。我不喜欢它。一青年男子与一年轻女子坐在我的身后。他们在大声地说话。我很生气。我听不见演员。我转过身。我看着那个男人和女人生气。他们没有注意。最后,我忍不住了。我又一次转过身去。”我不能听到一个字!”我愤怒地说。”这不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说。”这是私人间的谈话!” 2.早餐还是午餐? 它是星期日。在星期天我是从来不早起。有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上周日我起床很晚。我看着窗外。它是黑暗的外面。”多好的一天!”我的思想。”又下雨了。”正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。”我刚下火车,”她说。”我来看你。”“但我还在吃早饭,”我说。”你干什么呢。她问。”我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。”我亲爱的,”她说。”你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经一点了!” 3.请给我寄一张明信片 明信片总是破坏我的假期。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,然后坐在公园里。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语。然后他借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友寄卡片。在最后一天我做了一个重大的决定。我起得很早,买了三十七张明信片。我花了一整天在我的房间,但我没有写一张卡片! 4.激动人心的旅行 我刚刚收到弟弟的来信,提姆。他在澳大利亚。他有六个月了。提姆是一个工程师。他是一家大公司工作,他已经访问了许多不同的地方在澳大利亚。他刚买了一辆汽车和澳大利亚已经向爱丽丝斯普林斯,一个小镇的中心,澳大利亚。他将很快访问达尔文。从那里,他再飞往珀斯。我兄弟从来没有出过国,因此他觉得这次旅行非常激动。
