


absorption n. 吸收

accelerated adj. 加速的

advancement n. 前进,进步

afflict vt. 使痛苦,折磨

agriculture n. 农业

air pollutant 空气污染物

alter v. 改变

Antarctic adj. 南极的,南极地带的Antarctica n. 南极洲

atmosphere n. 大气,空气atmospheric adj. 大气的

atmospheric concentrations of

carbon dioxide 大气中的二氧化碳浓

atmospheric temperatures 大气温度attributable

adj. 可归于 ... 的benign adj. ( 病) 良性的, ( 气候) 良好的

biosphere n. 生物圈

blizzard n. 大风雪

breakthrough n. 突破

buildup n. 组合,形成

burning of fossil fuels 燃烧燃料byproduct 副产品

carbon dioxide emissions 二氧化碳的排放

carbon monoxide n.[ 化] 一氧化碳catastrophic adj. 悲惨的,灾难的chemical composition of the atmosphere 大气层的化学成分

cholera n.[ 医] 霍乱

circulation n. 循环

climate zones 气候区


adj. 气候上的

colorless adj. 无色的

combustion n. 燃烧

complexity n. 复杂的事情,复杂性composition n. 成分,合成物compound n. 混合物, [ 化] 化合物concentration n. 集中,浓度conserve vt.保存

crack n. 裂缝

cropland n. 农田

cyclone n. 飓风,龙卷风, [ 气] 气旋

deadly adj. 致命的 decompositon n. 分解,腐烂

deforestation n. 采伐森林,森林开

deluge n. 洪水,豪雨; v. 使泛滥

descendant n. 子孙后代

desert n. 沙漠; adj. 沙漠的,不毛


desertification n. 沙漠化

deteriorate v. ( 使) 恶化

detrimental adj. 有害的

devastate vt. 毁坏

devastating adj. 破坏性的

dike n. 堤防

disaster n. 灾难,灾祸

displace vt. 移置,取代,转移

disrupt v. 使陷入混乱,破坏

drought n. 干旱

ecological damage 生态破坏

ecosystem n. 生态系统

emit vt. 发出,散发

energy consumption 能源消耗

environmental awareness 环境 ( 保护 )


epidemic adj. 流行的,传染的;n. 时

erode vt. 侵蚀,腐蚀; vi. 受腐蚀,


evaporation n. 蒸发(作用) extreme adj.

极端的; n. 极端的事物 Fahrenheit adj.

华氏温度计的; n. 华氏温度计

fatal respiratory illness 致命的


fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饶的

filter n. 滤波器; vt. 过滤,渗透

fluctuation n. 波动,起伏

forest destruction 森林破坏


forest n. 森林

frequency n. 频率,发生次数

gas emission 气体排放

geological data 地质资料

geology n. 地质学,地质概况

glacier n. 冰河

global warming 全球变暖

grassland n. 牧草地,草原

greed n. 贪欲,贪婪

greenery n. 温室,草木

正Global warming is one of the most

serious environmental issues that we

face today.Scientific assessments

indicate that if the human-created

greenhouse gas emissions are left

unchecked,the excessive warming is very likely to distort climate

patterns and cause significant impacts on both natural and human systems.As the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases

in today's world, both United States

and China face great challenges of


warming and climate https://www.360docs.net/doc/32660837.html,ing quantitative data from multiple sources including surveys,newspapers,and government documents,this study

examines major dimensions,concerns and policy developments surrounding the


of global warming and climate change in the United States and China.


of the study are discussed in the


月30 日消息,随着全球气候变暖的危机越来越明显,而各国环保投资缺口明显的问


据联合国新闻中心报道,秘书长发言人蒙塔斯 6 月 29 日在纽约总部的记者会上表示,










英国政府 6 月 26 日发表了题为《哥本哈根路线图》的宣言,阐明了其在今年年底的哥本哈根气候变化大会上的基本立场。英国首相布朗还就全球应对气候变化的融资问题提出了建





布朗称,要控制气候变化的影响,全球到2050 年的温室气体排放量必须比1990 年的水










然生态环境失衡,给海岸带生态环境带来了极大的灾难。 2、水域面积增大。水分蒸发也更多了 ,雨季延长 ,水灾正变得越来越频繁。遭受洪水泛滥的机会增大、


使南极半岛和北冰洋的冰雪融化。北极熊和海象会渐渐灭绝。 4、许多小岛将会无影无踪; 5、因为还有热力惯性的作用,现有的温室气体还将继续影响我们的生活。 6、温度升高,会影响

人的生育,精子的活性随温度升高而降低?? .

7、.原有生态系统的改变。 8、对生产领域的,例如:农业,林业,牧业,渔业等部门?? 9 、将感染疾病等传染病??病菌通过极端天气和气候事件(厄尔尼诺现象,干旱,洪涝,热浪等





计算, 2004 年才能阐明大气中二氧化碳形成和消解的机理,这样就能发现温室

效应是如何产生的。 2006 年才能准确的预知因地球升温而造成的海平面上升。

然而真正理解这一切要到 2050 年。显然,科学家和政治家都不会等到进一步的结果出来才采


使人们不得不在50 年后自咽苦果。温室效应自地球形成以来,它就一直在

起作用。如果没有温室效应,地球表面就会寒冷无比,温度就会降到零下20 ℃,海洋就会结冰,生命就不会形成。因此,我们面临的不是有没有温室效应的问题,而是人类



砍伐,致使地球大气中的二氧化碳浓度增加,由于二氧化碳等气体的温室效应,在过去 100

年里,全球地面平均温度大约已升高了 0.3 —0.6 ℃,

到 2030 年估计将再升高 1— 3℃。当全世界的平均温度升高 1℃,巨大的变



非的萨赫勒地区从1965 年以后干旱化严重;我国华北地区从1965 年起,降水连年减少,与 50 年代相比,现在华北地区的降水已减少了1/3 ,水资源减少了

1/2 ;我国每年因干旱受灾的面积约 4 亿亩,正常年份全国灌区每年缺水 300 亿立方米,城市缺水60 亿立方米。当全世界的平均温度升高3℃,人类也已经无

力挽回了,全球将会粮食吃紧。由于气温升高,在过去 100 年中全球海平面每年以 1—— 2 毫米的速度在上升,预计到 2050 年海平面将继续上升 30— 50 厘米,这将淹没沿海大量低洼土地;此外,由于气候变化导致旱涝、低温等气候灾害加剧,造成了全世界每年约数百亿以上美元的经济损失。





而是融化的速度有多快?虽然全球变暖的许多不良影响可能要到21 世纪末才会



很快就会给人们造成麻烦。国际冰雪委员会( ICSI )的一份研究报告指出:“喜玛拉雅地

区冰川后退的速度比世界其它任何都要快。如果目前的融化速度继续下去,这些冰川在 2035 年之前消失的可能性非常之大”。国际冰雪委员会负责人塞义德·哈斯内恩说:“即使冰川融水在 60 至 100 年的时间里干涸,这一生态灾难的影响范围之广也将是令人震惊的。” 位于恒河流域的喜玛拉雅山东部地区冰川融化的情况最为严重,那些分布在“世界屋脊”上的

从不丹到克什米尔地区的冰川退缩的速度最快。以长达 3 英里的巴尔纳克冰川为例,这座冰川是 4000 万

—— 5000 万年前印度次大陆与亚洲大陆发生碰撞而形成的许多冰川之一,自

1990 年以来,它已经后退了半英里。在经过了 1997 年严寒的亚北极区冬季之后,科学家们

曾经预计这条冰川会有所扩展,但是它在 1998 年夏天反而进一步后退了。





带传染病自 1987 年以来在美国的佛罗里达、密西西比、德克萨斯、亚利桑那、加利福尼亚和







西北部温度可能会下降5- 8℃之多,欧洲可能面临一次新的冰河时代!这项研究是位于阿伯丁的苏格兰海洋实验所分析了设在兰群岛海域到法罗群岛海域

之间自 1893 年以来的 1.7 万多次海水盐度测量结果得出的。在过去的每20 年中,流向南部的深层海水盐度变得越来越小,浓度越来越低,这表明有更多的淡水从大西洋


3 年前设计的计算机模型。大气中的二氧化碳的含量急剧升高,而世界人口将在 2050 年之

前达到 100 亿。“我们的世界正在朝着由人造设施来代替现有免费自然资源的方向发展”,明尼苏达大学的戴维·蒂尔曼说。但是,我们还没有掌握自然生态系统的有关知识。在 2.45 亿年前的二叠纪大灭绝中, 96% 的物种灭亡了。后来随着许多新物种的出现,地球上终于恢




恢复一切,但这个漫长的过程对于现代人类无论如何是没有意义的。马克·吐温曾经说过,天气最动人的特质就在于它的变化多端。 1 个多世纪过去了,我们










家的温室气体排放量不断增加, 2013 年后的“减排”问题必然











人体健康( 1)全球气候变暖直接导致部分地区夏天出现超高温,心脏病及引发的各种呼吸





1, have become warmer climate, melting glaciers, sea level rise, causing coast

tidal flats, wetlands, mangroves and coral reef ecology group loss, coastal

erosion global warming of the terrible consequences, salt water intrusion

coastal underground freshwater, coastal land salinization, resulting in the

Gulf coast, estuaries, natural ecological imbalance in the coastal ecological environment has brought great suffering. 2 waters, growing area. More water evaporation and extended during the rainy season, floods are becoming

increasingly frequent. hit by floods, the opportunity to increase from crisis



increase the extent and seriousness, the Reservoir Dam shortened life expectancy. May 3, high temperatures will make the Antarctic and Arctic ice melting the Korean Peninsula. polar bears and sea will gradually as genocide.

4, many small islands will without a trace of heat inertia, because there is

the role of the existing greenhouse gas will also continue to affect our

lives. 6, temperatures will affect human reproduction, sperm and lower temperatures

with the active......... the original ecosystem changes. 8, the production, such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries sectors, to 9............ bacteria infection diseases through extreme weather and climate events, El

Nino phenomenon and drought, floods, heat, and so on......), the expansion of

the epidemic outbreak, the health hazards......

The impact of climate 2 will be more carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas

emissions to the harm caused by air, who are unable to accurately notes will be more serious? Scientists are estimated as a result of climate change. The

current level of technology, 2, 2004, atmospheric carbon dioxide to clarify and resolve the mechanism, so as to find ways to produce the greenhouse effect. The Year 2006 can be accurately predict the result of global warming and sea level rise. However really understand this to the year 2050. It is clear that

scientists and politicians will not wait until further results come out to take measures to combat the observation and research results to the public should understand that they will not make it had to swallow the bitter fruit after 50 years. Since the earth has been a greenhouse effect, it has been in effect. If there is no greenhouse effect, the earth surface will be extremely cold temperature will drop to minus 20 degrees C, will the sea ice, life will be formed. Therefore, we face is not whether the greenhouse effect, but human

through the burning of fossil fuels Significant greenhouse gas emissions into

the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect and the Earth climate changed

dramatically. What kind of impact will greenhouse effect? the combustion of

fossil fuels and massive deforestation, as a result of the global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration 2, 2 the carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse gases, such as in the past 100 years, the global average surface temperature

has risen by around 0.3-0.6 degrees C, estimated to rise to 2030-1 3 0 c.

When the world average temperatures 1 o C, great changes in the will of sea

level rise, the mountain glaciers will retreat, snow areas will be reduced. As global warming will lead to uneven rainfall in some areas increased rainfall, while some regions precipitation. In the West African Sahel region in 1965

after years of drought of north China, in 1965, the rainfall years, compared

with 50 years, the North China' s rainfall has decreased by 1/3, the water resources has been reduced by 1/2; every year due to drought affected an area

of about 400 million mu, normal national water irrigation area every year, 30 billion cubic meters of water shortages in cities 6 billion cubic meters. When

the world


average temperatures 3 o C, mankind has been unable to restore the global food will be critical. The temperature rise in the past 100 years in the global sea level on an annual rate of 1-2 mm on the rise in sea level is expected to 2050 will continue to rise 30-50 centimeters, and this will be inundated large low-lying coastal land; in addition, droughts and floods caused by climate change, low temperature, increasing climate disasters, resulting in the world each year approximately US dollars more than 10 billion in economic losses.

In recent years, the people of Trinidad and Tobago, the Swiss Alps region

because of the "ice" greenhouse gas emissions and generally believed that the accelerated melting of glaciers in Antarctic

全球变暖会引起温度带的北移, 进而导致大气运动发生相应的变化, 全球降水也将随之发生变化。 一般地,低纬度地区现有雨带的降水量会增加, 高纬度地区冬季降雪量也会增多, 而中纬度地区夏季降水量将会减少。 对于大多数干旱、 半干旱地区,降水量增多是有利的。而对于降水减少的地区,如北美洲中部、中国西北内陆地区,则会因为夏季雨量的减少变得更加


据估算,在综合考虑海水热胀、 由于极地降水增加导致南极冰帽增大、 北极和高山冰雪融化等因素的前提下, 当全球气温升高 1.5~4.5 °C 时,海平面将可能上升 20~165 厘米。海平


前海拔较低的沿海地区将面临被淹没的危险。 海平面上升还会导致海水倒灌、 排洪不畅、土


尽管存在着许多的不确定性, 但显而易见的是, 全球气候变暖对气候带、 降水量以及海平面


的,必须给予应有的重视。 认为这种影响从长远来看是无关紧要的看法是不负责任的 Global warming will cause temperatures with the north, which led to corresponding changes in atmospheric motion, the global precipitation will subsequently change. In general, the low-latitude regions, the existing precipitation will increase with the rain, snowfall in winter at high latitudes will increase, while the mid-latitudes in summer precipitation will be reduced. For most of the arid and semi-arid regions, increased precipitation is beneficial. As for the reduction in precipitation, such as central North America, northwest China inland, the summer rainfall will decrease because of increased drought and water even more tense. It is estimated considering the water in the thermal expansion, due to increased precipitation led to the


Start at 59" ) This is Bill White with the VOA Special English


向T A 求助

A new United Nations report says poor countries would (1)suffer the most from the effects of the warming of the Earth. The report says (2)shortages of food


and water would affect some of the poorest parts of Africa, Asia

and Latin America. These areas also would suffer an increase in

diseases. The report says small island nations are most at (3)risk.

However, it warns that (4)industrial countries would also be


The (5)Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the

report in Geneva, (6)Switzerland. Government representatives

from one-hundred countries (7)approved the report.

The findings were based on research from hundreds of scientists

around the world. They examined how global warming will affect

different areas of the world.

The report (8)confirmed the increasingly strong evidence of the effect of human

activities on the world ’ s (9)climate. It says burning (10)fossil fuels

such as oil, gas and coal are mostly to(11)blame.

These fuels release gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. An

earlier report said global warming could cause the average

temperature to increase almost six degrees Celsius during the next

one-hundred years.

Experts say global warming may cause sea levels in heavily

populated coastal areas to rise. The most (12)widespread direct

risk to people is from flooding and landslides. Experts say global

warming may also cause an increase in diseases such as malaria.

They also say many plants and animals may disappear as their

(13)environments are destroyed.

The report said poor countries are most at risk. However, it said

rising sea levels in the United States may cause flooding and

destruction of coastal areas. And it said melting ice caps in

polar areas of the world may continue to change the climate for

hundreds of years.

Scientists have warned for years about the effects of global

warming. But government experts say the new report is the first

to show areas of the world most at risk. Environmental groups

called for government action. The latest study is one of three

reports dealing with climate change. The reports are part of U-N

talks aimed at putting an international climate change

(14)treaty into effect.

Some experts, however, reject the Geneva report. They say

there is no real scientific way to tell the full extent of

global warming.

This VOA Special English ENVIRONMENT REPORT was written by Cynthia Kirk.

(1)suffer[ 5sQfE ]vt. 遭受 , 经历 , 忍受 vi. 受痛苦 , 受损害

(2)shortage[ 5FC:tidV

]n. 不足, 缺乏


(3)risk[ risk ]vt.冒 ... 的危险 n. 冒险 , 风险

(4)industrial[ in5dQstriEl ]adj.工业的 , 产业的 , 实业的 , n. 工业工人 , [ 商 ] 工业股票

(5) intergovernmental[ 7intE^QvEn5mentEl ]adj. 政府间的

(6) Switzerland[ 5switsElEnd ]n. 瑞士 ( 欧洲中部国家)

(7) approved[ E5pru:vd ]adj. 经核准的 , 被认可的

(8)confirm[ kEn5fE:m ]vt. 确定 , 批准 , 使巩固 , 使有效 v. 确认 , ( 基督教中 )

给 ... 行按手礼

(9) climate[ 5klaimit ]n. 气候 , 风土 , 思潮

(10)fossil[ 5fCsl ]n.化石 , 僵化的事物 adj. 化石的 , 陈腐的 , 守旧的

(11)blame[ bleim ]n.过失 , 责备 vt. 责备 , 谴责

(12) widespread[5waIdspred, -5spred]adj. 分布广泛的 , 普遍的

(13) environment[ in5vaiErEnmEnt ]n. 环境 , 外界

(14) treaty[ 5tri:ti ]n. 条约 , 谈判


暖已经成为世界关注的焦点,应该采取的措施有 1,各个承诺国家应该继续履行《京都协议

书》。 2,发达国家应该向发展中国家无偿转让清洁能源使用的技术,提高资源利用率。 3,


据yahoo 网站 2007 年 12 月 15 日报道,联合国气候会议代表同意在未来所有有关全球




的20% ,世界各国政府开始不顾一切地想






(约有80% 的二氧化碳排放来源于森林采伐)受猖獗非法伐木、生物燃料的不断上升需求和其它诸如大豆之类的农作物种植的影响最

重。热带国家政府和环保人士称只要投入230 亿美元资金(该计划可能能够募集到这批资金)就可以带来新的希望,森林减少的趋势就可能会得到逆

转。绿色和平组织的保罗 .安达里奥称,“这是一项非常重要的协议,因为我们需要将减少排放纳入巴厘路线














英语演讲稿,全球化 篇一:全球化英文演讲稿 This is opposites becomes globalization,we know that some place’s economics get great,however some poorest than they ever we promote globalization or not Is globalization the arch-criminal to the poverty gap What is globalization That is ,diffuse market economy from one country to all of the world,make capitalism cover every corner of the globe. And we all know, if one country carry out the Capitalism and market economy in the same time ,it can get great efficiency ,increase the productivity. But everybody knows market economy have its own shortcomings ,first,it can lead to poverty gap easily. The rich richer, the poor poorer. This is the nature of the market economy. But, because of this, we should stop globalization If there is no globalization, how the Multi-National Corporation make Listing and financing, put their product to every place in the world to every people’s there is no globalization,many problem couldn’t be solved by peace ways. Like country in Africa get


Globalization and Internet (全球化/Internet) The drawing vividly unfolds …(Describe the picture描述图画) This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small village. Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, enrich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and harm. (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meaning含义) 这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的 国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。 We must first understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world. On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American culture. 我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球扩张和一统天下。 I have some suggestions about dealing with this problem. First and foremost, Globalization/Internet can bring benefit. In the past twenty years, in the process of globalization and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment of people's living standard, so we should accept. Secondly, it can also bring harm. China has been experiencing the collapse of own traditional virtue in the process.


引起全球变暖的原因及对策 全球气候变暖是一种“自然现象”。由于人们焚烧化石矿物以生成能量或砍伐森林并将其焚烧时产生的二氧化碳等多种温室气体,由于这些温室气体对来自太阳辐射的可见光具有高度的透过性,而对地球反射出来的长波辐射具有高度的吸收性,也就是常说的“温室效应”,导致全球气候变暖。近100多年来,全球平均气温经历了冷-暖-冷-暖两次波动,总的看为上升趋势。进入八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。全球变暖的后果,会使全球降水量重新分配,冰川和冻土消融,海平面上升等,既危害自然生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。 一、引起全球变暖的因素 (一)人为因素 1.人口剧增因素。近年来人口的剧增是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。同时,这也严重地威胁着自然生态环境间的平衡。这样多的人口,每年仅自身排放的二氧化碳就将是一惊人的数字,其结果就将直接导制大气中二氧化碳的含量不断地增加,这样形成的二氧化碳“温室效应”将直接影响着地球表面气候变化。 2.大气环境污染因素。目前,环境污染的日趋严重已构成一全球性重大问题,同时也是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。现在,关于全球气候变化的研究已经明确指出了自上个世纪末起地球表面的温度就已经开始上升。 3.海洋生态环境恶化因素。目前,海平面的变化是呈不断地上升趋势,根据有关专家的预测到下个世纪中叶,海平面可能升高50cm。如不采取及对措施,将直接导致淡水资源的破坏和污染等不良后果。另外,陆地活动场所产生的大量有毒性化学废料和固体废物等不断地排入海洋;发生在海水中的重大泄(漏)油事件等以及由人类活动而引发的沿海地区生态环境的破坏等都是导致海水生态环境遭破坏的主要因素。 4.土地遭侵蚀、盐碱化、沙化等破坏因素。造成土壤侵蚀和沙漠化的主要原

高考地理二轮复习专题六 常考点一 全球气候变暖的原因、影响及对策练习

常考点一全球气候变暖的原因、影响及对策 (2018·中原名校五联)美国国家海洋和大气管理局的科学家表示,通过多种不同方法进行的研究发现,大约到2050年,北极地区将会迎来没有冰的夏天!或许这个时间还要提前。据此回答1~2题。 1.“北极地区将会迎来没有冰的夏天”的原因是( ) A.太阳辐射增强B.沿岸暖流加强 C.极昼时间变长D.全球气候变暖 2.下图中与北极地区夏季没有冰关系最密切的是( ) A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 答案 1.D 2.C 解析第1题,“北极地区将会迎来没有冰的夏天”是由于全球气候变暖,导致北极夏季冰川融化,故选D。第2题,北极地区夏季没有冰,是由于全球变暖导致的,与人类排放温室气体关系密切,由于温室气体增多,导致大气逆辐射增强,从而保温效应明显,图中③为大气逆辐射,故选C。 关键原理全球气候变暖的原因、影响及对策 1.原因:化石燃料的燃烧和大面积毁林造成大气中二氧化碳等温室气体增多。 2.影响:海平面上升;导致干旱、暴雨、洪涝等灾害事件增加;导致生态系统调整;对人类健康的威胁增加。 3.对策: (1)减少温室气体排放:改变能源消费结构,发展新能源,提高能源利用率。 (2)植树造林。 (3)培养新的作物品种,调整农业结构,建设海岸堤坝。 (4)鼓励公众参与。

(5)加强国际合作。 累计距平值是指某要素值与多年平均值差值的累计值。下图示意某区域近50年的年均气温(a)与年降水量(b)的累计距平值。读图回答1~3题。 1.该区域气温最接近多年平均气温值的时段是( ) A.1965~1975 B.1975~1985 C.1985~1995 D.1995~2005 2.1965~1975年间,该区域气候趋于( ) A.暖湿B.暖干 C.冷湿D.冷干 3.2005~2015年间,该区域最可能( ) A.粮食单产增加B.地表径流减少 C.土壤趋于干旱D.风力侵蚀加强 答案 1.C 2.D 3.A 解析第1题,读a图可知1985~1995时段,年均气温的累计距平值曲线较平直,说明该时段该区域气温与多年平均值的差值较小,最接近多年平均气温值,C正确。第2题,该时段年均气温与年降水量的累计距平值均下降,说明该时段趋于冷干。第3题,2005~2015年间,该区域年均气温的累计距平值升高,年降水量的累计距平值升高,说明该时段该区域气温上升,降水增多,水热状况较好,故该区域最可能粮食单产增加,A正确;降水增多,地表径流增多,B错误;土壤趋于湿润,C错误;降水增加,空气湿度增大,风力侵蚀减弱,D错误。故选A。


经济全球化英语作文 Prepared on 22 November 2020

This phenomenon of economic globalization is one of numerous international phenomena which has become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Econo mic globalization, in brief, makes the whole world a smaller village. Economic globalization offer s abundant opportunities for every country in this world to develop their economy, enrich their culture,improve their regime, update their technology and so on, but of course it is a two-edge d s w o r d:i t c a n b r i n g b o t h b e n e f i t a n d h a r m. It is important that we must understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand,economic globalization offers a mass of opportunities for every country . On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects is that there are many people think the America can dominance th e global economy. I have some suggestions to deal with this problem. As we all know, economic globalization can bring benefit to everyone. In the past twenty years, in the rapid process of economic globalizati on and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapider economic grow th, social progress and so on, so we should accept economic globalization. Secondly, in the proce ss of explosive development of economic globalization, China has been experiencing the disintegration of the traditi onal should keep our own basic principles into the economic globalization to get more benefit.


全球气候变暖的原因和应对措施 全球气候变暖已经成为世界上的重大问题之一。那么是什么造成的,如何应对呢?以下是小编整理的关于全球气候变暖的相关内容,欢迎阅读和参考! 全球气候变暖的原因和应对措施 自西方工业化以来,世界人口在 (1)人口剧增因素:近年来人口急剧地增长,人类在日益强大的大规的剧增是导致全球变暖的主要因素之模生产和经济活动中,大量开垦耕地、一。同时,这也严重地威胁着自然生掠夺与毁坏森林资源,大量地燃烧化态环境间的平衡。这样多的人口,每工原料,释放了大量的温室气体,致年仅自身排放的二氧化碳就将是一惊使大气成分发生变化,导致了全球气人的数字,其结果就将直接导致大气候日趋变暖。中二氧化碳的含量不断地增加,这样 全球变暖将给地球和人类带来复形成的二氧化碳“温室效应”将直接影杂的潜在的影响,既有正面的,也有响着地球表面气候变化。 负面的。例如随着温度的升高,副极(2)大气环境污染因素:目前,地地区也许将更适合人类居住;在适环境污染的日趋严重已构成一个全球当的条件下,较高的二氧化碳浓度能性重大问题,同时也是导致全球变暖够促进光合作用,从而使植物具有更的主要因素之一。现在,关于全球气高的

固碳速率,导致植物生长的增候变化的研究已经明确指出了自上个加,即二氧化碳的增产效应,这是全世纪末起地球表面的温度就已经开始球变暖的正面影响。但是与正面影响上升。 相比,全球变暖对人类活动的负面影(3)海洋生态环境恶化因素:目响将更为巨大和深远。今年8月份前,海平面的变化是呈不断地上升趋CCTV报道,由于气候变暖的影响,势,根据有关专家的预测到下个世纪珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰下降了米。祁中叶,海平面可能升高50cm。如不采连山冰川缩减危及河西走廊:近年来,取及对措施,将直接导致淡水资源的祁连山冰川融化比上个世纪70年代减破坏和污染等不良后果。另外,陆地少了大约10亿立方米,冰川局部地区活动场所产生的大量有毒性化学废料的雪线正以年均米的速度上升。和固体废物等不断地排入海洋;发生专家分析,冰川退缩,雪线上升除自在海水中的重大泄(漏)油事件等以及然气候因素外,另一个主要原因是人由人类活动而引发的沿海地区生态环口膨胀,超载超牧,过度开垦,乱砍境的破坏等都是导致海水生态环境遭 破坏的主要因素。 滥伐,滥采地下水有关。 (4)土地遭侵蚀、沙化等破坏因 素。造成土壤侵蚀和沙漠化的主要原因是不适当的农业


全球化的影响 范文(一) Nowadays we can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference between countries is disappearing. To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this? Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture. However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization. During the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization. For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.


全球气候变暖的原因与对策 全球气候变暖问题日趋严峻,由此导致的各类问题正在严重地威胁着人类赖以生存的环境。气候变暖已成为不可回避的重大理论和实际问题。气候变暖的明显化,让各种危害逐步进入人们的日常生活,因此气候变化已经不仅仅是一个学科问题而日渐成为人们共同关心的重大社会问题。气候变暖引发的问题也从单一性向多样化转变,从已知向未知发展。它引发的各种新现象改变着人类的生存状态。最主要是它所引发的灾害以不同形式出现,让人们不能预知,同时它又是全球范围的,这使得气候变暖成为了全世界所共同关注的问题。 全球气候变暖的原因有一下几点: 一是人口剧增因素:近年来人口的剧增是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。同时,这也严重地威胁着自然生态环境间的平衡。这样多的人口,每年仅自身排放的二氧化碳就将是一惊人的数字,其结果就将直接导致大气中二氧化碳的含量不断地增加,这样形成的二氧化碳“温室效应”将直接影响着地球表面气候变化。 二是大气环境污染因素:目前,环境污染的日趋严重已构成一个全球性重大问题,同时也是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。现在,关于全球气候变化的研究已经明确指出了自上个世纪末起地球表面的温度就已经开始上升。 三是海洋生态环境恶化因素:目前,海平面的变化是呈不断地上升趋势,根据有关专家的预测到下个世纪中叶,海平面可能升高50cm。陆地活动场所所产生的大量有毒性化学废料和固体废料等不断地排入海洋,发生在海水中的重大泄油事件以及由人类活动而引发的沿海地区生态环境的破坏等都是导致海水生态环境遭破坏的主要因素。 四是森林资源锐减因素:在世界范围内,由于受自然或人为的因素而造成森林面积正在大幅度地锐减。 五是地球周期性公转轨迹的变动:地球周期性公转轨迹由椭圆形变为圆形轨迹距离太阳更近。根据某科学家的研究地球温度曾经出现过高温和低温的交替,是有一定的规律性的。 碳循环是地球上最主要的生态地化循环,它支配着大部分陆地生态系统的物质循环,深刻影响着人类赖以生存的生物圈。全球气候变化与碳循环动态及其反馈效应密切相关。碳循环失衡,改变了地球生物圈的能量转换形式。因此,针对全球气候变暖的影响因素我们有以下措施: 一是保护森林的对策方案:今日以热带雨林为生的全球森林,正在遭到人为持续不断的


全球气候变暖的原因、影响、措施近100多年来,全球平均气温经历了冷-暖-冷-暖两次波动,总得看为上升趋势。1998年和2005年是近一千年来温度最高的两年。近百年来全球平均地表温度上升了0.74℃,其中尤以1910~1945年和1979~2005年的升温最为明显。20世纪后半叶北半球平均温度很可能比近500年中任何一个50年时段的平均温度都高,并且可能至少在最近1300年中是最高的。 全球气候变暖的原因有两方面: 1、大气层遭到破坏,严重的污染以及温室效应。 大气层和地表这一系统就如同一个巨大的“玻璃温室”,使地表始终维持着一定的温度,产生了适于人类和其他生物生存的环境。在这一系统中,大气既能让太阳辐射透过而达到地面,同时又能阻止地面辐射的散失,我们把大气对地面的这种保护作用称为大气的温室效应。造成温室效应的气体称为“温室气体”,它们可以让太阳短波辐射自由通过,同时又能吸收地表发出的长波辐射。这些气体有二氧化碳、甲烷、氯氟化碳、臭氧、氮的氧化物和水蒸气等,其中最主要的是二氧化碳。近百年来全球的气候正在逐渐变暖,与之同时,大气中的温室气体的含量也在急剧地增加。许多科学家都认为,温室气体的大量排放所造成温室效应的加剧可能是全球变暖的基本原因。 排放温室气体的人类活动包括:所有的化石能源燃烧活动排放二氧化碳。在化石能源中,煤含碳量最高,石油次之,天然气较低;化石能源开采过程中的煤炭瓦斯、天然气泄漏排放二氧化碳和甲烷;水泥、石灰、化工等工业生产过程排放二氧化碳;水稻田、牛羊等反刍动物消化过程排放甲烷;土地利用变化减少对二氧化碳的吸收;废弃物排放甲烷和氧化亚氮。人类燃烧煤、油、天然气和树木,产生大量二氧化碳和甲烷进入大气层后使地球升温,使碳循环失衡,改变了地球生物圈的能量转换形式。自工业革命以来,大气中二氧化碳含量增加了25%,远远超过科学家可能勘测出来的过去16万年的全部历史纪录,而且目前尚无减缓的迹象。 2、人口膨胀,超载超量,过度开垦,乱砍滥伐,滥采地下水有关。 近年来人口的剧增是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。同时,这也严重地威


Globalization With the rapid social and economic development, globalization comes not to be an unfamiliar word to all of us. Though we are living in the affection of it, yet it is hard to tell it’s advantages and disadvantages. Globalization phenomenon is an outcome of social development. The typical types are economic globalization, cultural globalization. As we all know, it is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we must pay more attention on this phenomenon and it’s development trend. Globalization has so many advantages, such as it makes the world become a small village and let people touch each other more convenient and easy, it increase free trade between nations and give the developing countries a terrific opportunity to develop themselves in all aspects quickly. What’s more, it can reduce the cultural barriers and let various of cultural get a better communication and development. On the contrary, it also has a lot of disadvantages. Because under globalization, every country’s economy can make a great influence of others, it make the economy of the world more fragile. In order to possess the good chance and precious resources, the disputes and even wars may take place between nations. In recent years, great risk of diseases being transported between nations has also become a threaten to people. As the globalization has become an irrevocable trend, we must adjust it. This phenomenon is an opportunity as well as a challenge. Consequently, every person, every


经济全球化:国家经济融入国际经济通过贸易,外国直接投资,资本流动,迁移,和传播技术的集成。 地球村:世界上形成一个社区的所有的不同部分电子通信,尤其是互联网连接在一起。 熔炉:社会文化的不同背景和国籍的人同化。 文化多样性:在劳动力充分混合的文化和亚文化的成员属于不同背景的人组合。 文化:一个博学多才设置共享的信念,价值观,和规范,从而影响到一个比较大的人的行为的解释(文化概念)。 什么是文化的三种成分? 1。工件(人产生的物质和精神产品) 2。行为(他们做了什么) 3。观念(信念,价值观,世界观... ...)(他们认为) 文化冰山 上文化的各个方面,是明确的,可见,教 下,是无形的,而不是直接教的文化方面。 文化的特征 1,文化是共享的。 2,文化的了解。 文化化(文化习得):学习文化的所有活动被称为文化化。 3,文化是动态的。(第6页) 涵化(文化适应):采用另一种文化所带来的变化和发展增加了两种文化之间的相似性的过程。 4,文化是民族中心主义(文化中心主义)。 种族优越感:相信自己的文化背景是优越的。 通讯 通讯:意义,与大家分享或共同向另一部分或分享您的想法,希望,和知识,在。 跨文化交际:人与人之间的文化观念和符号系统,是独特的,足以改变通信事件(P.9 - 10)沟通。 通讯组件 来源:源是一个主意,他或她的欲望沟通的人。 编码:编码是一个符号把一个想法的过程。 消息:长期消息标识编码的思想。编码的过程中,动词;,该消息所产生的对象。 频道:长期通道是用于在技术上是指编码的消息传输的手段。渠道或媒介,那么,可能是印刷,电子,或面对面沟通的光线和声波。 噪音:长期的噪音在技术上是指任何歪曲源编码的消息。 接收器:接收器的人参加到消息。 解码:解码是编码一样多一个积极的过程相反的过程。 接收响应:它是指任何出席和解码消息后接收机。 反馈:反馈是指该接收器的响应源知识和源出席并指派意义部分。 背景:沟通的最后一个组件是上下文。一般情况下,上下文可以定义为通信发生,这有助于定义通讯的环境。 通信的特点: 通信是动态/通信是不可逆转的,是象征性/通讯 通信是系统的/是事务性的通信/通讯是上下文 单元2-4言语交际


关于全球变暖的原因和危害解析 全球变暖指的是在一段时间中,地球大气和海洋温度上升的现象,主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升。目前世界范围内认为主要原因很可能是因为由于温室气体(代表气体二氧化碳)排放过多造成。 全球变暖的几大原因 1.人口剧增因素 近年来人口的剧增是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。同时,这也严重地威胁着自然生态环境间的平衡。这样多的人口,每年仅自身排放的二氧化碳就将是一惊人的数字,其结果就将直接导制大气中二氧化碳的含量不断地增加,这样形成的二氧化碳“温室效应”将直接影响着地球表面气候变化。 2.大气环境污染因素 目前,环境污染的日趋严重已构成一全球性重大问题,同时也是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一。现在,关于全球气候变化的研究已经明确指出了自上个世纪末起地球表面的温度就已经开始上升。 3.海洋生态环境恶化因素 目前,海平面的变化是呈不断地上升趋势,根据有关专家的预测到下个世纪中叶,海平面可能升高50cm。如不采取及对措施,将直接导致淡水资源的破坏和污染等不良后果。另外,陆地活动场所产生的大量有毒性化学废料和固体废物等不断地排入海洋;发生在海水中的重大泄(漏)油事件等以及由人类活动而引发的沿海地区生态环境的破坏等都是导致海水生态环境遭破坏的主要因素。 4.土地遭侵蚀、沙化等破坏因素 造成土壤侵蚀和沙漠化的主要原因是不适当的农业生产。众所周知良好的植被能保持水土流失。但到目前为止,人类活动如为获取木材而过度砍伐森林、开垦土地用于农业生产以及过度放牧等原因,仍在对植被进行着严重的破坏。目前全世界平均每分钟有20公顷森林被破坏,10公顷土地沙化,4.7万吨土壤被侵蚀。土壤侵蚀使土壤肥力和保水性下降,从而降低土壤的生物生产力及其保持生产力的能力;并可能造成大范围洪涝灾害和沙尘暴,给社会造成重大经济损失,并恶化生态环境。 5.森林资源锐减因素 在世界范围内,由于受自然或人为的因素而造成森林面积正在大幅度地锐减。 6.地球周期性公转轨迹的变动 地球周期性公转轨迹由椭圆形变为圆形轨迹,距离太阳更近。根据某科学家的研究地球的温度曾经出现过高温和低温的交替,是有一定的规律性的。 全球变暖可能造成的影响 全球变暖将给地球和人类带来复杂的潜在的影响,既有正面的,也有负面的。 例如随着温度的升高,副极地地区也许将更适合人类居住;在适当的条件下,较高的二氧化碳浓度能够促进光合作用,从而使植物具有更高的固碳速率,导致植物生长的增加,即二氧化碳的增产效应,这是全球变暖的正面影响。但是与正


全球化与国际贸易 由于全球化的原因,国际间的贸易不断增强。 而一些不同国家的传统习惯,也慢慢进入到了贸易里。而一些大家公认的经济的常识也慢慢地被人们所用。 例如 The term globalization, is a concept, but also a process of the development of human society phenomenon. Globalization has many definitions. In the usual sense of globalization refers to the growing global links. The rise of the development of human life based on a global scale and the global consciousness will improve. Between country and country in the political, economic and trade interdependence, globalization also can be explained by the compression and the earth as a whole world. International trade is the exchange activities between different countries of goods and services. International trade is the international transfer of goods and services. International trade also called world trade. International trade is composed of two parts the import and export trade It is sometimes called as the import and export trade. 11111促进国家间特别是大国间的协调与合作 随着经济全球化的深入发展,一个统一的全球经济系统正在逐步形成。各国之间、地区之间的经济利益错综交织,你中有我、我中有你,相互依赖程度不断加深。同时各国对世界市场的争夺也日趋激烈,争端和摩擦接连不断,一波未平,一波又起。而传统经济体制下的零和、输赢规则已为经济全球化环境下的非零和及双输、双赢规则取代,要么一损俱损。因此,任何一个国家,无论其经济实力多么强大,都不能我行我素。各国,尤其是各大国,在处理相互关系和国际关系时客观要求相互沟通。协调与合作正在成为大国关系的主旋律。 近年来,中美关系的改善和发展,就与经济全球化这一因素密不可分。中国是最大的发展中国家,美国是最大的发达国家。冷战结束之后两国关系麻烦不断,一度曾面临严重危机。但是,由于两国经济上的互补性很强,中国拥有广大的市场和发展潜力,美国大量的资金和技术急需开拓国外市场,因而,中美间的经贸关系仍迅速发展。美国是中国的第二大贸易伙伴,中国是美国的第四大贸易伙伴。对中国的直接出口为美国提供了30多万个就业岗位,双边贸易至少为美国工业和服务业提供了上百万个工作岗位。经济上的互惠互利推动着两国间的接触、对话不断发展,双方搁置分歧,增进了解,加强协调,扩大合作。两国建立了面向21世纪的建设性战略伙伴关系。两国元首频繁互访,并设立首脑热线,及时就全球问题交换看法和意见。中美两国还在资源、能源、环保、安全等全球性问题上进一步加强合作。Promote inter country especially the coordination and cooperation among the great powers


G l o b a l i z a t i o n With the rapid social and economic development, globalization comes not to be an unfamiliar word to all of us. Though we are living in the affection of it, yet it is hard to tell it’s advantages and disadvantages. Globalization phenomenon is an outcome of social development. The typical types are economic globalization, cultural globalization. As we all know, it is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we must pay more attention on this phenomenon and it’s development trend. Globalization has so many advantages, such as it makes the world become a small village and let people touch each other more convenient and easy, it increase free trade between nations and give the developing countries a terrific opportunity to develop themselves in all aspects quickly. What’s more, it can reduce the cultural barriers and let various of cultural get a better communication and development. On the contrary, it also has a lot of disadvantages. Because under globalization, every country’s economy can make a great influence of others, it make the economy of the world more fragile. In order to possess the good chance and precious resources, the disputes and even wars may take place between nations. In recent years, great risk of diseases being transported between nations has also become a threaten to people. As the globalization has become an irrevocable trend, we must adjust it. This phenomenon is an opportunity as well as a challenge. Consequently, every person, every nation should try the best to get a good position in the process of globalization and make full use of such a vital chance to be stronger.


Problems: Firstly, globalization can intensify the influence of economic crisis. The instability of economy is a normal state. The economic dependence between nations will make the crisis quickly infect other countries. The crisis also becomes globalized. Secondly, I think that the conflict will increase. Globalization gives people more opportunities to communicate with others in other nations, but the huge diversity of religion, race and education still make it hard to get along in harmony. Thirdly, globalization will increase the possibility of culture hegemony and decrease the cultural diversity. Culture of nations interweaves together by frequent culture exchange. The culture of the nation is very easily influenced by other mainstream culture. Fourthly, economic globalization renders a more competitive situation for the enterprise and employed because it amplified the market which means the enterprise should make itself survive in all enterprises of the same kind and the employed should be competitive enough so that they can win themselves the opportunity of work. Benefits: Firstly, globalization can accelerate the spread of the advanced technology so to accelerate the development of the world. Secondly, developing countries can benefits a lot from the globalization. They can grasp the opportunities to develop their economy relying on the technological and financial aid. Thirdly, our life will become more convenient we can easily get the goods and product of others countries in the ordinary supermarket.
