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课题:M3U1P o i n t t o t h e d o o r.


2、单词:the, door, please, window, blackboard, bird

3、句子:Stand up, please. Sit down, please.

Point to the door.

教学难点1、Stand up, please. Sit down, please.的辨认


学程序1.Sing a song. Good morning. / Good afternoon.

2. Ask and answer. (以开火车的形式)

Step 2: Presentation and practice

1. 上课问候,呈现stand up和sit down词条。

2. 教学Stand up, please. Sit down, please.

3. Listen and do. (师生,生生)

4. 直观引入教室里的物品

5. Teach the new words.

6. Listen to the text and repeat.

Step 3:Production

1. Listen and do.

2. Say and do.

Step 4: Homework

1. 听读15分钟

2 识别教室里的物品。(小组完成)

课题:M3U2 Point to the desk.


2、单词:desk, chair

3、句型:Point to the …

教学难点1. desk和door, bird和blackboard的认读

2. Point to the…的灵活运用。

学程序1、Listen to the song. Please stand up.

2、Revision. 看谁反应快

T先把U1的新单词door, window, blackboard, bird词卡贴在黑板上,T: Point to the door.

Ss: 指向门,并请一学生在黑板上找出door的卡片贴在门上,并让同学们一起念出“Point to the door.”


以次导出desk, chair新单词

Step 2:Presentation and practice

1、Teach “Point to the desk/chair.”

2、Listen to the tape and point.

3、Listen, point and say.

4、Say and do the actions.

Step3: Production

1、Play a game. 让学生在课前做好一个骰子,六面写上本单元的单词:door, window, blackboard, bird,desk, chair。4人小组做游戏,每个组员滚动骰子,正面哪个单词,就用Point to句型说出并指动作。


Step 4: Homework


课题:M4U1 It’s red.


2、单词:my, it( it’s=it is), a, panda, red, blue, yellow, green, black

3、句子:It’s red. My name is Panpan.



3、正确说出red, blue, yellow, green, black五种颜色

学程序2.Sing a song. “Please stand up.”

2. 游戏“Simon says”

Point to the desk/blackboard/chair…

Step 2: Presentation and practice

1. 利用Point to the blackboard. 教学颜色:black

2. 利用词卡教学red, yellow, blue和green

3. 利用教室里的东西

Find and say. “It’s red/ yellow/ blue….”

4. Listen to the tape. Teach the words : my, a , panda, chameleon

5. Practice: What’s your name My name is…

6. Listen, point and say.

Step 3:Production

1. Do SB Activity 3 in pairs. Point and say the colour.

2. 4人小组抢水彩笔,说出颜色

3. 卡片贴在黑板,眼明手快按卡片,巩固单词的认读Step 4: Homework

1. 制作颜色卡片,说颜色

2 背诵或熟读课文

课题:M4U2 It’s a black dog.


2、单词:cat, cap, dog, an

3、句型:It’s a/an +物品+颜色

教学难点1. cat和cap,dog和door的正确发音和区别

2. It’s a/an…的灵活运用
