

Yunnan is a moutainous province ,so ,When thinking about travelling in Yunnan Province, high mountains and beautiful valleys may be the first things that come into a tourist's mind. But there's more than spectacular mountain scenery in Yunnan - there's also a spot that is as pretty as any to be found in East China's provinces.

The name Puzhehei, in the dialect of the Yi Nationality, literally means: " a Lake Abundant in Fish and Shrimps".sounds amazing ,right? But, does the place really live up to its name? Let’s go and take a closer look, check it out.

Here ,standing on the dock, we can see the crystal clear water and strange-looking hills right before us,actually, there are more than 300 mountain peaks scattered in the scenic region, some low, some high, some thin, some fat, some close, some far, all stand compactly and dot amidst the lake water.

P is a basin scenic area , puzhehei scenic area covers an area of 165 square kilometers, consisting of 3 parts ---- puzhehei chongtou and wenliu. Altogether there are about 109 scenic spots in these areas. amaong them,P is the major and well developed part, boasting of beautiful Karst landforms, lakes and the unique cultures of the Zhuang, Miao, Yi and Bai ethnic groups which are living a peaceful live there In the area .

Popular Chinese saying states that, topography of Guilin in Guangxi Province“tops the china in landscape”, and Puzhehei is hailed as south Yunnan's answer for Guilin,or rather, a miniature of Gui lin because its mountains and lake water look so similar to and perhaps are even more beautiful than those in Guilin. Chinese believed that “moutains come alive when there are rivers for company”and that ”rivers gain in beauty when flowing around montains ” therefore, artists, scholars and painters all retreated to this "Venice of the East" to seek inspiration and to relax.

A visit to puzhehei would not be complete without a boat excersion on the river, but something unusual is about the boat, to protect the environment, power boats are not allowed on the lake so the boat we are taking is rowed by local people. the traditional canoe is no more than 3-feet wide, merely spacious for 5 people, it is narrow and it sails fast in the water.

As you cruise on the zigzagging waterway, you may notice that the water in these lakes is actually mobile. It is a fact that there is a lake group here, about 56 lakes, and 16 of them connected, the major water route is about 21 kilometers long, consisting of three lakes connecting to each https://www.360docs.net/doc/335744618.html,ly the Luoshuidong Lake, Puzhehei Lake and Xianren Lake.All the lakes here are fed by underground water. as the saying goes, "running water is never stale," which explains why these lakes are so clear.and the water make the lake free from pollution,Because the water is pollution-free, the fish and shrimps have a more delicious taste than those available in other places in china .

July to August is the best time to admire the most beautiful country landscape of Puz hehei, because the lotus blossoms are in their best.Cruising the lakes of Puzhehei is a very relaxing experience. As the canoe sails forward, you will feel that we are cruising in a painting , around us, the weeping willows on the river banks are shading the river, fish and shrimps are swimming in the water. Lotus flowers send forth their delicate fragrance, local Sani people picking lotus seeds and lake seaweed. You can take your time sit here,thinking of anything ,thinking of nothing, a way to kill time.

Besides the water, the karst caves are another attraction in Pzh, There are about 100 karst caves in this region, most with two floors--a higher dry cave and a lower wet cave, in

the cave,there is a spacious hall with stalactites ,stalagmite

. Among the caves , the cave of immortal is most legendary, it is about the story of the local sani people’s ancestors,A liang and fairy of lotus flower were regarded as the ancestors of sani people in PZH, the cave they lived in was named “the cave of the immortal”.the village and the lake nearby were also named after them.

Sani people is a branch of Yi ethnic group, Sani People call themselves “Ni”, meaning happy people, As a part of Yi, Sani People enjoy some common cultural features such as similar character, religion with the other branches of Yi. But they have their own features in costumes and buildings and customs.Among the customs, the blacken face ,To the Yi people in Qiubei County,the blacken-Face Festival is quite unique, it is an occasion for the worship of fire and to offer sacrifices to the mountain gods. On that occasion, young women and girls will mix soot with lard, and try to put them on other’s faces, the more the better, some young men and girls take that occasion to choose their loved ones and express their love to each other, however, the ceremony today not restrain strictly to that tradition, it is also held as a special welcoming ceremony for tourists.


最新一些云南景点导游词 束河导游词 丽江的束河位于丽江城北侧,沿着柏油马路向雪山的方向行驶,约五公里处左转,会进入一碎石小路段,再前行大约2公里,你便可见到一个古老的村落,这就是人们口中所说的束河,又名龙泉村。 进入束河村,你可直抵束河中心集市,在这里你会有一种似曾相识的感觉,这是一个类似大研镇古城四方街的广场,面积约250平方米,亦称束河四方街,赶集的日子里异常热闹,曾是丽江皮毛交易集散之地。广场四周均为店铺,古老的木板门面,暗红色油漆。还有店前黑亮的青石,脚下斑驳的石坡路面,以及闲坐的老人,勾勒出束河古朴自然本色。站在广场中心,你细细观察体会,大研古城四方街完全是束河的翻版,纳西民族由游牧向农耕,再走向城市,从这里你可找出一些痕迹。 沿束河街北走100米,便可找到溪流的源头"九鼎龙潭",潭水透明清澈,日夜涌泉,束河人奉为神泉,于是建有北泉寺。寺内陈设与古城其它寺院没有什么区别,倒是源边临水一角,有一个"三圣宫"

楼阁,为传统四合院,里面供奉的皮匠祖师。因为是束河人的骄傲,这里有很多制皮的能工巧匠,同时也是重要皮毛集散之地。 云南丽江玉龙雪山导游词 玉龙雪山,位于玉龙县以北的15km处白沙乡境内,主峰扇子陡海拔约有5596米,是北半球纬度最低、海拔最高的一座山峰。它位于我们中国云南省的丽江西北,呈南北走向,东西宽约有13公里,南北长约有35公里,与哈巴雪山对峙,汹涌澎湃的金沙江奔腾其间。全山13峰、峰峰终年积雪不化,如一条矫健的玉龙横卧山巅,有一跃而入金沙江之势,故名"玉龙雪山"。 丽江玉龙雪山自古就是一座壮美的风景雪山,唐朝南诏国异牟寻时代,南诏国主异牟寻封岳拜山,曾封赠玉龙雪山为北岳,至今白沙村北北岳庙尚存,仍然庭院幽深,佛面生辉。拜山朝圣者不绝于途。 玉龙雪山是纳西人民心中的神山,是"三朵神"的化身。 玉龙雪山上植物资源非常丰富。从海拔1800米的金沙江河谷到海拔4500多米的永久积雪地带之间,有着亚热带到寒带的多种气候,种类繁多的植物,按不同的气候带生长在山体的不同高度上,组成了非常明显而完整的山地植物分带谱。成为滇西北横断山脉植物区的缩


华清池导游词解说华清池导游词 各位游客: 您可知天下温泉二千六,惟有华清为第一吗?举世闻名的华清池,位于陕西省临潼区(县)骊山北麓华清宫故址,西距西安30公里,东 与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水。华清池的悠久历史 可以追溯到古老的原始社会,并以其天然温泉吸引了在陕西建都的 天子帝王,周、秦、汉、隋、唐历代封建统治者,都视这块风水宝 地为他们游宴享乐的行官别苑,或砌石起宇,兴建骊山汤,或周筑 罗城,大兴温泉宫华清池,现浴池面积约有3000平方米,可供400 余人同时沐浴。温泉水每小时流量110余吨,水温达43度。它既是 一座国内罕见的大型温泉池,又是可供游人游览的文物保护场所。 下面就请大家前去游览一番吧! 【杨贵妃雕塑与生平华清宫】 各位游客,现在我们来到了华清池的大门。进入门内,只见湖 中央有一尊雕塑。不用问,这就是此处的主人公杨贵妃了。此时此刻,她脱下外装,半披俗纱,足踩暖滑的骊山温泉水,正准备沐浴 呢!这座雕塑高3.3米,重5吨,是1991年9月,华清池向西安临 控首届石榴节献礼的项目,可以说她和《杨玉环奉诏温泉宫》壁画 一样,在突出华清宫文化内涵上起到了特定作用,成为大家观赏留 影的热点。 说起杨贵妃,还有一段著名的故事呢!杨贵妃名叫杨玉环,出生 在陕西华阴,后随父入川。父亲死后,她又到了河南,受到了都市 陶冶,学会了优雅的言语举止,17岁便长得如花似玉、美若天仙。 公元735年,她被唐玄宗册封为他的儿子寿王李瑁的妃子。5年后,由于唐玄宗的爱妃武惠妃病逝,后宫三千粉黛无一人今唐玄宗中意,他便下令在温泉宫召见杨玉环,这样便拉开了唐玄宗与杨玉环的爱 情罗曼史的序幕。公元745年,杨玉环被册封为贵妃,从此,唐玄 宗对杨贵妃的宠爱成为千古绝唱,甚至于两人终日厮守,置其他嫔 妃于不顾。册封第二年,扩建温泉宫时,唐玄宗专为杨贵妃建筑了 海棠宫。杨贵妃36岁生日时,唐玄宗为她举行了盛大的宴会进行祝寿,仅乐工就有120名,满朝文武百官都呼娘娘千岁万福。大家还 记得白居易的《长恨歌》,真可谓后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。直到安史之乱,唐玄宗偕杨贵妃逃至马嵬坡前,将士相逼,玄


兵马俑英文导游词 Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China’s history. In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China’s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor. After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. He standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built. All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. They had a great and deep influence upon China’s 2,000 year old feudal society. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the Qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination a nd medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. As a result, China’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. Moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. Those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of Confucian scholars.” Emperor Qin Shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the Guanzhong Plain. These palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. Often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.

演讲稿-西安华清池导游词 精品

西安华清池导游词 西安华清池导游词一 各位朋友 大家好。 欢迎来华清池参观,我是导游--,很高兴能为大家服务。 华清池是我省仅有的三处五级景区之一,曾是皇家园林,这里山美、水美,美女杨玉环与唐玄宗流传了千年的爱情故事更美。 游览之前我先给大家简介一下华清池。 华清池,位于陕西省临潼区骊山北麓华清宫的故址,西距西安30公里,东与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水。 大家请看前方山峦,由于从远处看,尤如一匹青苍色的骏马,因此得名"骊山""周幽王峰火戏诸侯,褒姒一笑值千金"的典故就出自这里。 每当夕阳西下,骊山在斜阳的影子中,好像披上了艳丽的红装。 "入暮晴霞红一片,疑是烽火自西来",令人误以为当年烽火还在燃烧,故有"骊山晚照"之称,是关中八景之一。 华清池是历代帝王游幸之地,相传周幽王曾在这里修建骊宫。 秦始皇时,以石筑室为宇,改名‘骊山汤’。 汉武帝时,在秦汤基础上休修葺扩建为离宫。 隋文帝重加修饰,"列植松柏数千株"唐太宗诏令在这里营建宫殿楼阁,取名"汤泉宫",后高宗改名"温泉宫"唐玄宗时再次扩建,并正式定名华清宫。 今天的华清池是在清代基础上经多次修缮扩建及发掘复原唐遗址后形成的,占地85560平方米,但也仅为唐华清宫的十分之一,分为东区、中区和西区。 好了,各位游客,现在我们一边一向前走一欣赏。 我们面前的这片碧波荡漾的水面叫做九龙湖,有5300平方米。 何以"九龙"为名呢?其实这个湖分成上下两池,中有九龙长堤东西横贯。 堤壁间有八龙吐水,与大龙头合为九龙之数,体现了皇帝的九五之尊。 长堤西边有座龙石舫,用小石拱桥相连,形似渡口。 两只龙头高高扬起,犹如一座华丽的龙舟,正欲破浪前行。 与其相连的是九曲回廊,好像龙身。



云南普者黑旅游导游词 1、江边大桥------普者黑景区 各位朋友、大家好!跨过这座桥,我们就由红河州的弥勒县来到了丘北县境内。丘北县位于云南省的东南部,文山州北部,距州府文山113公里,东连广西省和我州广南县,南接文山州砚山县,红河州开远市,西隔南盘江与红河州弥勒、泸西相连,北与曲靖师宗毗邻,往南经文山州麻栗坡县可直达越南,往东经文山州富宁县可到广西,往北经曲靖罗平可到贵州,具有很好的区位优势。丘北县资源丰富,是云南省林业基地县、生猪基地县、牛羊示范基地县、商品粮基地县,是驰名中外的“中国辣椒之乡”。 丘北是一个历史悠久、文化源远流长的少数民族聚居的地区。全县总人口45.5万人,境内居住有壮、苗、汉、彝、回、白、瑶等7种民族,形成了以多元文化为特征的文化形态。境内少数民族有着丰富的民间文学、优美的民间音乐、古朴的民族器乐、鲜艳的民族服饰、多彩的民族舞蹈、众多的民族节日、独特的习俗及悠然自得的民族村寨,自然与文化艺术交融,构成别具一格的民族风情园。 各位朋友,下面,我向大家介绍一下普者黑旅游区的基本情况:国家级重点风景名胜区---普者黑,普者黑景区为典型的喀斯特地貌,分布着众多的孤峰、湖泊、溶洞。奇丽景色以独特的孤峰群、高原湖泊群、溶洞群为主体,辅以古 人类文化遗址、革命纪念地、大峡谷、高原草场、高原喀斯特湿地植物园、瀑布、暗河、云海、古树及绚丽多姿多彩的少数民族风情等人文自然景观组成。景区范围广、景点多、容量大,而且比较集中,景观独特、类型多样、环境优美。在景区165平方公里的范围内,256个景点各具千秋,312座孤峰星罗棋布,83个溶洞千姿百态,54个湖泊相连贯通,水质清澈透明。 普者黑景区1993年国家旅游局将普者黑确定为涉外景区;同年,普者黑景区被云南省政府批准为省级风景名胜区;1996年云南省政府又批准普者黑景区为省级旅游区;2001年国家旅游局将普者黑批准为国家aaa级旅游区;2002年普者黑景区又被国务院命名为国家级重点风景名胜区。 普者黑景区可分为3个旅游片区,即:普者黑核心景区、六郎洞景区、猴爬岩景区及其他景点。普者黑景区总面积165平方公里。 现在我们所在的位置就是六郎洞景区。六郎洞景区位于丘县城西80公里,南部与开远市相望,面积11平方公里,区内景观以六郎洞暗河系统、地下水发电站为中心,热带植物郁郁葱葱,自然景观与人文景观相辅相衬。主要景点有: 六郎洞暗河:六郎洞位于新店乡中寨村东,传说因北宋年间杨文广追侬智高驻兵于此而得名。六郎洞暗河为省内目前发现最大的暗河系统,全长110公里,总补给面积2064平方公里。六郎洞因暗河水位变幅厅内石钟乳、石柱、石幔等十分发育,千恣百态,琳琅满目,色彩十分丰富,造型细腻而密集,有灰篇二:普者黑导游词doc 普者黑导游词


《华清池讲解词》 华清池讲解词(1): 华清池 长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。这座美丽的骊山,它是一座真山。骊山的峰顶有一个烽火台,当年周幽王烽火戏诸侯就是在那里点的这把烽火。 美人一笑倾天下的故事,大家都明白了。还有一个传说,女娲娘娘补天,当时的工作地点就在 我们骊山。山顶上有一个老母殿,那就是女娲娘娘的庙。我们的华清池就在骊山的脚下。骊山 晚照红满天这是长安八景之一。 进了华清池的西门就进了芙蓉园,美丽的芙蓉园还有已经复原的长生殿。七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。我们在这个复原的长生殿里能够看一下 华清宫的模型,十分之壮观,当时大唐王朝的华清宫是此刻华清池的十倍。为什么要在那里建 华清宫呢?第一,那里风景秀丽;第二,那里有温泉水,温泉水终年43度。每一年到了秋天,皇帝带着三宫六院七十二嫔妃,移驾到那里,来年穿暖花开,又会回到大唐长安。很多历史大 事件都在那里发生。长生殿里有很多文物,还有一个蜡像组合,那就是万国朝圣。我们来到九 龙湖,九龙湖的北面有一个殿,叫飞霜殿。它是杨玉环和唐明皇休息的寝宫。九龙湖有一个龙 石舫,它像一艘船,两个龙头即将起航。长廊还有两个亭子。把九龙湖游完之后,我们要看一 下浴汤。先看杨玉环沐浴的地方,也叫贵妃池。形似海棠花,于是又叫海棠汤。春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时。的故事就发生在那里。唐玄宗李隆 基沐浴的莲花汤规模很大,原先有许多时刻,被打掉了,只留下了莲花。因此,誉为莲花汤。 院子里还有一个太子汤,即皇帝儿子洗澡的地方。到了星辰汤,能够看到唐太宗李世民沐浴的 地方,旁边还有李世民的更衣室。 再看一下,大臣宫女沐浴的尚食汤。 看完汤池之后,进环园。首先看到一个荷花河,一个门卫房,这是一个老门卫房,是给蒋 介石做门卫的门卫房。原先不叫门卫也不叫收发室叫启程室。这边我们还能够看一下,老佛爷 沐浴的地方,1900年八国联军进北京,慈禧老佛爷和光绪皇帝逃难到西安,游览华清池,就 住在五间厅,以前在这洗过澡。梅兰芳也在这洗过澡。1936年12月,蒋介石为了剿共,也 住在五间厅,当时也在那里洗澡。我们看一下这五间厅,它是由五间房子构成,这五间房子很 不简单。康熙大帝西巡时便住在那里,老佛爷光绪帝也住在那里,蒋介石也把这作为自我的行园。1936年12月12号,爆发了震惊中外的西安事变。张学良和杨虎城对蒋介石实行兵谏。东北军五点钟由西安到那里,枪声一响,蒋介石衣服还来不及穿整齐,跌跌撞撞的来到半山之中。大家抬头往上看,那儿有一个亭子。原先没有亭子,是一个小山窝,有个大石头,叫虎斑石。蒋介石就躲在那里。搜山部队到八点钟才把蒋介石抓住,之后,把他囚在新城的黄楼。1946年,胡宗南为了讨好蒋介石,派工兵部队修了这座亭子,当时把这个亭子命名为委员长 蒙难之处,蒋介石不高兴,又改为正气亭,新中国成立之后,叫捉蒋亭,但来大陆参观的台湾 游客较多,他们不愿看到这样的字。所以,之后就改 为兵谏亭。出了环园以后,我们能够看到周恩来当年沐浴的地方,60年代,周恩来陪着 尼泊尔的贵宾游览华清池,当时,我们的周总理就在那里沐浴。这个地方还有一个梨园遗址, 唐玄宗还开创了我国历史上第一所皇家音乐艺术学校――梨园,把梨园作为音乐、舞蹈、戏剧 活动的中心,且以教习和演奏法曲为重点,并结合诸多音乐名师和舞蹈家,它也因此被尊奉为 中国戏曲艺术的鼻祖。


秦始皇帝陵博物苑 Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning. I’m you local guide . Now we are heading to the eighth wonder of the world –the Museum of Qin Shihuang's Warriors and Horses,which is one of the places of interest in Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Park. The museum is located at the foot of Mt.Lishan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an. There are three pits of warriors and horses and two bronze chariots have been found. The first pit was discovered in 1974 when several farmers were sinking a well. In order to protect this terracotta army, the Chinese government built a museum in 1975, and it was officially open to the public in 1979. The Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses was listed as the world heritage in 1987. Firstly, I will give you a brief introduction about the master of this underground army—the First Qin Emperor. His name was YingZheng. By 210BC when he was only 39 years old. He had annexed all the six independent states and established the first centralized autocratic feudal empire in the long history of china. As soon as he came to the throne, he ordered that a magnificent mausoleum should be built for him. He even gathered 700,000 conscripts from all parts of the country to work on his mausoleum. In fact, it took 37 years to complete this protect. And the site of these terracotta warriors and horses, we are going to visit, is just a small part of his mausoleum. Ok, now we are going to the pit 1. I’m sure you will be astonished, as we’ll face to the First Qin Emperor’s Army. We can see, Pit 1 takes an oblong shapes. It is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide and 5 meter deep. We will also find that the whole pit is divided into 11 corridors by 10 earth-rammed partition walls. The terracotta warriors and horses are arrayed in battle formation. Let’s move on. In the long corridor to the east end of the pit stand three rows of terracotta warriors facing east in battle rode, 70 in each row. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the ventured. There is one row of warriors in the south, north and west of the corridor respectively, facing outward. They are probably the flanks and rear guard, holding crossbows and arrows and other long distance shooting weapons. They took up the job of defending the whole army. There are over 6,000 terracotta warriors and horses, and most of them are infantrymen. According to these, we can get the answer that why the first Qin Emperor could annex all the six independent sates during 10 years. May be someone want to know how many kinds of the terracotta warriors and horses. Let’s go to the pit 2 to find the result.


华清池的导游词范文3篇 华清池导游词一: 大家好,我是李爱玲,可以叫我李导。我们临潼是著名旅游景点,有世界八大奇迹之一的兵马俑、华清池、骊山……我来给大家重点介绍一下华清池。 华清池南依骊山,北临渭水。大家请看前方山峦,由于从远处看,尤如一匹青苍色的骏马,因此得名“骊山”。“周幽王峰火戏诸侯,褒姒一笑值千金”的典故就出自这里。而华清池是唐玄宗与杨贵妃爱情罗曼史的历史见证。伟大诗人白居易有一首诗叫《长恨歌》,是专门为华清池写的,“七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。”描写了唐玄宗与杨贵妃爱情,而华清池就是为杨贵妃洗澡而建的。华清池的水是纯天然温泉水,滋养皮肤,欢迎各位游客来这里洗澡。每年的五月到十月,大型的歌舞剧《长恨歌》每晚为大家表演。欢迎大家前来观看。 华清池不仅在中国古代史上享有盛名,中国近代史上震惊中外的“西安事变”也发生在这里。我们现在就来看一看西安事变的旧址——环园。最著名的是五间厅,它是西安事变的重要遗址。 今天就介绍到这里,谢谢大家的聆听! 华清池导游词二: 各位旅客: 大家好!这是西安的著名的景点——华清池。这里是杨

贵妃与李隆基的浴池。下面,我带大家去看一看,对了,我姓王,大家叫我小王就行了。 进了门,大家看,这便是那俩人住的房子,周边有四个大缸,都是用来灭火的。现在请大家和我一起去泉眼那儿看一看。(到了泉眼)大家请看一下,这便是泉眼,这里长年是43℃的温度。华清池共有五处洗浴点,分别是星辰汤、莲花汤、海棠汤、太子汤和尚食汤,星辰汤是专供唐太宗沐浴的,海棠汤是唐玄宗送给杨贵妃的礼物,莲花汤是唐玄宗与杨贵妃共同洗浴的场所,下面我们去太子汤、尚食汤。(在半路上)这里有一棵老石榴树,大家可以摸一摸。一摸是好运、两摸是财运、三摸是桃花运哟!(到了太子汤)大家来看,这便是太子李世民洗浴的地方,(到了尚食汤)大家看,这是厨师们洗浴的地方,大家注意到旁边有一排小孔了吗?知道那是起什么作用的吗?因为脚在温水池中浸泡时间长了,容易脚麻麻的,那时用手抠一抠脚才好受,但是唐太宗对御师们下命令说:你们的手是用来给我做饭的,脚麻的时候往那一排小孔里蹭一蹭就行了! 下面大家自我游览看一看,16时50分回到车上,OK? 华清池导游词三: 游客朋友们: 大家好!我是今天陪大家一同走进被誉为“天下第一汤”的华清池参观游览导游员张咪。“长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开,一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。”这首诗大家都熟悉吧!


云南普者黑旅游导游词 云南普者黑旅游导游词 1、江边大桥------普者黑景区 各位朋友、大家好!跨过这座桥,我们就由红河州的弥勒县来到了丘北县境内。丘北县位于云南省的东南部,文山州北部,距州府文山113公里,东连广西省和我州广南县,南接文山州砚山县,红河州开远市,西隔南盘江与红河州弥勒、泸西相连,北与曲靖师宗毗邻,往南经文山州麻栗坡县可直达越南,往东经文山州富宁县可到广西,往北经曲靖罗平可到贵州,具有很好的区位优势。丘北县资源丰富,是云南省林业基地县、生猪基地县、牛羊示范基地县、商品粮基地县,是驰名中外的“中国辣椒之乡”。 丘北是一个历史悠久、文化源远流长的少数民族聚居的地区。全县总人口45.5万人,境内居住有壮、苗、汉、彝、回、白、瑶等7种民族,形成了以多元文化为特征的文化形态。境内少数民族有着丰富的民间文学、优美的民间音乐、古朴的民族器乐、鲜艳的民族服饰、多彩的民族舞蹈、众多的民族节日、独特的习俗及悠然自得的民族村寨,自然与文化艺术交融,构成别具一格的民族风情园。 各位朋友,下面,我向大家介绍一下普者黑旅游区的基本情况:国家级重点风景名胜区---普者黑,普者黑景区为典型的喀斯特地貌,分布着众多的孤峰、湖泊、溶洞。奇丽景色以独特的孤峰群、高原湖泊群、溶洞群为主体,辅以古人类文化遗址、革命纪念地、大峡谷、高原草场、高原喀斯特湿地植物园、瀑布、暗河、云海、古树及绚丽多姿多彩的少数民族风情等人文自然景观组成。景区范围广、景点多、容量大,而且比较集中,景观独特、类型多样、环境优美。在景区165平方公里的范围内,256个景点各具千秋,312座孤峰星罗棋布,83个溶洞千姿百态,54个湖泊相连贯通,水质清澈透明。 普者黑景区1993年国家旅游局将普者黑确定为涉外景区;同年,普者黑景区被云南省政府批准为省级风景名胜区;1996年云南省政府又批准普者黑景区为省级旅游区;2001年国家旅游局将普者黑批准为国家AAA级旅游区;2002年普者黑景区又被国务院命名为国家级重点风景名胜区。


大雁塔英文导游词3篇 大雁塔英文导游词3篇 大雁塔英文导游词范文1: Yong hui in the tang dnast three ears attahed to the hart to rite. The emperor tang planning FuTu total 45 zhangs b xuan zang, ith enormous projet to ahievement, and unilling to mage toil, iting ourt grant funding 2-foot-tall toer built in the temple est uan five laer. Wild goose pagoda, this toer due later in hangan jianfu temple built a small ild goose pagoda, the temple toer as alled ild goose pagoda, jianfu temple toer as alled the small ild goose pagoda, has spread so far. Imitation of the estern regions of great ild goose pagoda Su slope shape, all brik surfae soil ore, not limbing, eah laer sarira. Master xuan zang personall presided over a toer, built in to ears. For brik topsoil heart, ind and rain erosion, more than 50 ears after the toer graduall ollapse. Wu zetian hangan ears repair again for ild goose pagoda. Later in a large earthquake happened in xi an region, the ild goose pagoda toer fell, the toer shatter. said the seond tablet quiet st. 大雁塔英文导游词范文2: Wele to here, let me to introdue for everbod!


兵马俑英文导游词介绍3篇 兵马俑英文导游词介绍范文1:Hi, dear tourists, please come with me, you see this is the qin Terra Cotta Warriors, now scientists have unearthed three pits, although only three, but with a total area of nearly 20000 square meters! Equivalent to fifty basketball court, pit there are nearly eight thousand terracotta warriors, in these three pit, no. 1 pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters! The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors is one of the most. There are about six thousand.Tourists, tell you, the Terra Cotta Warriors is not only large scale, and various types, the personality is bright, let me introduce!!!!Terracotta warriors average about 1.8 meters tall and powerfully built, they wear down with uniform, wear hard armor and weapons in hand, ready to go, you've said don't go far?The general figurines is power! Burly, wearing a crown, wearing armor in brown, hand hold a sharp sword, head high head, chest, belly of battle-hardened a look will know that is! Actually the Terra Cotta Warriors type many, said also said not over. The Terra Cotta Warriors pit or PeiZangKeng qin shi huang Lin, 1974, a few archaeologists found in the east of the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, stir in China, shocked the world, is one of the 20th century's greatest archaeological discovery.And, finally remind you: don't throw GuaGuoPi, rubbish, plastic bags, the environmental pollution!兵马俑英文


陕西的华清池导游词 女士们、先生们: 大家好!现在我们来到了著名的皇家园林——华清池。这里山清水秀,风景迷人,历史悠久。华清池作为历代帝王的离宫别苑和游览胜地,已经有近3000年的历史了。相传周幽王曾在这里建造骊宫;秦始皇时砌石起宇,改名为“骊山汤”;盛唐时期的唐玄宗李隆基又加宫殿大加扩建,起名为“冬宫”。每年冬天十月李隆基带杨玉环来华清宫避寒,直到第二年春天才回到都城长安。目前,华清宫占地面积130亩,仅相当于唐代的核心部分。按它的区域划分,大致可分为三个区:东边是沐浴区,西边的风景名胜区,南边是文物保护区。 大家现在所处的就是华清宫的风景名胜区。眼前的湖叫做“九龙湖”,为什么叫它九龙湖呢?大家看远处的长堤下有八条小龙,再往上看,还有一条老龙,关于这九条龙有一个传说,据说在大禹治水时期,关中发生了大旱,玉帝便派八条小龙为人间普降甘露。当旱情刚刚缓解后,众小龙贪玩,导致旱情再度加剧。玉帝一怒之下将八条小龙压在长堤之下,长堤两边各压晨旭亭和晚霞亭;将老龙压在龙吟榭下,让他监视着八条小龙终日口吐清泉,为民灌田。我们都知道“骊山晚照”是关中八景之一,每当夕阳西下,晚霞亭上的琉璃瓦在落日的余晖下闪闪发光,异常美丽。由于九龙湖的面积比较小,所以皇帝不可能在上面划船,因此他修建了一个石船停靠在岸边,叫做“石龙

舫”,在上面举行歌舞表演和宴饮活动。 李隆基和杨玉环在华清宫里整整呆了13个冬天,他们居住的地方就是我们身后这座非常雄伟的仿唐建筑飞霜殿。为什么叫飞霜殿呢?因为每年冬天的时候,雪花漫天飞舞,银装素裹,唯有飞霜殿前落的是白霜,这是因为殿前的九龙湖整日热气腾腾,气温较高;又因为天子的寝室里有御寒设施,使室内的温度较高,不积雪,只化为白霜。现在飞霜殿里唐代的遗物已荡然无存,已经改为接待外国元首和重要领导的接待室了。 看完飞霜殿后,请大家转过身来看我们对面这座苍翠的山。这座山的名字叫“骊山”。骊山的得名有两个原因:第一,从远处看这座山像一匹青黑色的骏马。古代的黑马称为“骊”,因此它取名叫“骊山”;第二个原因是,当时在这座山脚下是骊戎国的所在地,所以它得名“骊山”。骊山主要由三个峰组成:第一峰,也就是最高峰,它是烽火台的所在地。在那里,曾发生过“褒姒一笑失天下”的故事;第二座峰,也就是骊山索道通往的地方,那是骊山老母殿所在地。骊山老母就是捏黄土造人,炼五彩石补苍天的神话人物——女娲。人们为了纪念她,专门修了老母殿,把她工蜂在里面;第三峰,是朝元阁遗址,也就是老君殿。当年就是在老君殿中出土了珍贵的道教雕塑老子像。唐代的时候道教非常兴盛,原因是道教的始祖是老子,俗姓李,唐代的皇帝都姓李,他们认为老子是他们的远祖,自己是老子的后裔,因此在第三峰修建了老子庙,便于供奉和祭祀。 “悠悠弯汤六千年,周秦汉唐多骊宫,李堂天宝称鼎盛,五代宋


精选5篇云南黑龙潭导游词 黑龙潭内有龙泉山,山脚下有两潭池水,一清一浊,面积共600平方米,相互连 通但浊不变清,清不变浊,为一奇观。黑龙潭有“滇中第一古祠”之称。同时,它还以 唐梅、宋柏、元杉、明茶四绝(栽种于唐朝,宋朝,元朝和明朝的古树)而闻名,更有 梅树林数亩,冬季赏梅的市民络绎不绝。下面是小编收集整理的精选5篇云南黑龙潭 导游词范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 精选5篇云南黑龙潭导游词(一) 昆明黑龙潭位于昆明东北郊15公里的龙泉山麓有潭水一湫,名黑龙潭。山下潭深水碧,相传有黑龙潜居,故名。潭边林木苍翠,碧苔滋生,名胜“龙泉观”和“黑龙宫”依 山而建,均隐于修竹茂林、苍天方木之中,景致十分优美。 黑龙潭内有五奇:其一是“两水相交鱼不往,一桥横断水色殊”。当游客站在黑龙 潭中间的石桥上就会发现:潭分深浅两处,前清后混。清水潭为地下涌泉,呈黝黑色,与浑水潭以桥相接,潭水相连,但两潭之鱼却“老死不相往来”。其二龙泉观中1200多 年前的唐梅,相传为唐道安和尚手植,古干虬技,至今花香袭人。 其三是植于宋代,需四五人才能合抱的巨柏,苍翠挺拔,绿荫如盖。其四是一株 植于明代的山茶“早桃红”。龙泉观内还保留着大量历代的碑竭、题刻,集诗、书、画、刻工为一体,是珍贵的文物。黑龙潭还拥有目前中国最大的梅园,该园占地427亩, 拥有6000余株(盆)梅花,有红、白、绿等87个品种,岁末是赏梅的好地方。 潭水从石缝间涌涌喷出,依山斛清泉汇成四万平方米潭面。四周山清水秀,柳暗 花明,更令人称奇的是玉龙雪山正好倒映在黑龙潭水面上,清澈的湖水倒映着玉龙的 巍峨,这个画面曾经作为丽江的标志为很多人所熟悉。 精选5篇云南黑龙潭导游词(二) 丽江黑龙潭,始建于乾隆二年(1737年),其后乾隆六十年、光绪十八年均有重修 记载。旧名玉泉龙王庙,因获清嘉庆、光绪两朝皇帝赦封“龙神”而得名,又名玉泉公园,因其泉水从山麓岩石间涌出,汇聚成四万平方米的深潭,水碧如玉故名玉泉公园。黑龙潭不仅是丽江古城最重要的活水源头,也逝城区重要的旅游景点。以高耸洁白的 玉龙雪山为背景的黑龙潭清澈见底,四周绿树婆娑,锁翠桥、、解脱林、龙神祠、五 凤楼等古建筑掩映其间。优美的自然风景与独特的人文景观的完美结合,使黑龙潭日 益成为备受诗人瞩目的风景名胜区,曾被列为《中国名泉》、《中国风景名胜》等书。


华清池导游词 华清池导游词导游词中要提醒旅游者注意自己携带的东西,保管好自己随身的物品,这是导游词最重要的组成部分。 华清池导游词篇一: 大家好。欢迎来华清池参观,我是导游--,很高兴能为大家服务。华清池是我省仅有的三处五A级景区之一,曾是皇家园林,这里山美、水美,美女杨玉环与唐玄宗流传了千年的爱情故事更美。 游览之前我先给大家简介一下华清池。 华清池,位于陕西省临潼区骊山北麓华清宫的故址,西距西安30公里,东与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水。大家请看前方山峦,由于从远处看,尤如一匹青苍色的骏马,因此得名”骊山”.”周幽王峰火戏诸侯,褒姒一笑值千金”的典故就出自这里。每当夕阳西下,骊山在斜阳的影子中,好像披上了艳丽的红装。”入暮晴霞红一片,疑是烽火自西来”,令人误以为当年烽火还在燃烧,故有”骊山晚照”之称,是关中八景之一。 华清池是历代帝王游幸之地,相传周幽王曾在这里修建骊宫。秦始皇时,以石筑室为宇,改名‘骊山汤’。汉武帝时,在秦汤基础上休修葺扩建为离宫。隋文帝重加修饰,”列植松柏数千株”.唐太宗诏令在这里营建宫殿楼阁,取名”汤泉宫”,后高宗改名”温泉宫”.唐玄宗时再次扩建,并正式定名华清宫。今天的华清池是在清代基础上经多次修缮扩建及发掘复原唐遗址后形成的,占地85560平方米,但也仅为唐华清宫的十分之一,分为东区、中区和西区。 好了,各位游客,现在我们一边一向前走一欣赏。我们面前的这片碧波荡漾的水面叫做九龙湖,有5300平方米。何以”九龙”为名呢?其实这个湖分成上下两池,中有九龙长堤东西横贯。堤壁间有八龙吐水,与大龙头合为九龙之数,体现了皇帝的九五之尊。长堤西边有座龙石舫,用小石拱桥相连,形似渡口。两只龙头高高扬起,犹如一座华丽的龙舟,正欲破浪前行。与其相连的是九曲回廊,好像龙身。九龙池的北岸,是九龙宫的主体建筑”飞霜殿” .殿前各有一对石狮和石牛。登上飞霜殿的回廊,东西眺望”沉香殿”、”宜春殿”,更觉飞霜殿的回廊富丽堂皇,端庄大度。此殿因相传为唐玄宗和杨贵妃的寝殿而建。当冬天雪花飞舞时,独此殿前雪为霜,故名”飞霜殿”. 现在呢,这里已经成为了贵宾接


The museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, Today, we are going to visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. This museum is located at the foot of mountain Li Shan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an.First, I will give you a brief introduction about the master of this underground army---the First Qin Emperor, Yingzheng. He came to the throne at the age of 13 and seized the power at the age of 22 . By 221BC, he had annexed all the six independent states and established the first centralized autocratic feudal empire in the long history of China. After the unification of the whole country, he styled himself the First Emperor and standardized the coinage, weights and measures, the legal codes, the written scripts and so on. He also ordered the linkage of the original Great Wall. All these exerted an everlasting influence on the long feudal history of China. But the First Qin Emperor was very ambitious. As soon as he came to the throne, he ordered that a magnificent mausoleum should be built for him. It took 37 years to complete this great project. Actually, the site of those terracotta warriors and horses we now see is just a small part of his mausoleum. Ok, everyone, now we are standing at the front gate of the Eighth Wonder of the world---the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. As one of the top ten places of historical interest in China, it was also listed as a world heritage site.So next, let’s go to uncover the veil of this miraculous work. In March 1974,when several farmers were sinking a well about 1.5km east of the First Qin Emperor’s Maosolem, they came upon many fragments of the terracotta figures.The results of archaeological excavation showed that is two more pits were discovered respectively.They were then named pit1,pit2, and pit3 by the order of discovery.The new discovery stirred up a sensation all over the world.In order to provide the historical artifacts with adequate protection, a musem was set up on the site of Pit 1 in 1975 upon the approval of the state council. Pit 1,covers an area of 16,300 square meters, is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. The terra cotta armies in pit 1 were arranged in battle formation. In the front of this formation, there are 210warriors in 3 lines facing forward. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the so-called vanguard. Meanwhile, there is one row of warriors on each of the borders of this pit, facing outward---they are the flanks and the rear guard. Holding long-distance shooting weapons, they took up the job of defending the whole army.Then, this way please. We may find ten partition walls
