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上海金融学院 英语应用写作文模拟试卷(八)

I. Translate the following sentences into English. (20%)
Directions: There are TENChinese sentences in this section, appropriate way to translate the sentence into English and WRITE answers on the corresponding ANSWER SHE.ET
coated with spilled soda, bubble gum, and crushed Raisinets.
[Second Supporting Paragraph] (1) Second, the theater offers temping
snacks that I really don ’t need. (2) Like most of us, I have to battle
use the most your
1. 学生还没有到齐。 2. 我不能什么都不做待在这儿。 3. 他们一无所获。 4. 我死也不会做。 5. 胡说,我认为他 的画比你好不到哪去。 6. 我祖父快 90 岁了,什么事都需要别人来做。 7. 一次得手,再次不愁。 8. 橡胶很容易变形。 9. 他大惊失色。 10. 如果你认为他是好人,那你就大错特错了。
Americans this year will swallow 15000 tons of
aspirin , one of safest and most effective drugs 1.__________
invented by man. The most popular medicines in the 2.__________
to persuade myself to just have a diet Coke, the smell of fresh popcorn
dripping with butter soon overcomes me.
(7) Chocolate bars the sizes of
small automobiles seem to jump into my hands.
fever by in terfering with some of the body
’s reactions.
Specifically , aspirin seems to slow down the formation
of the acids involved in pain and the complex chemical
a snail ’s pace until I spot another driver backing out.
(5) Then it ’
s time to stand in an endless line, with the constant threat that tickets
for the show I want will sell out.
of aspirin. By 1915 , aspirin tablets were available
in the United States.
A small quantity of aspirin
(two five-grain tablets

relieves pain and inflammation. It also reduces down 9.__________
(7) I have to
Fra Baidu bibliotek
shell out a ridiculous amount of money
— up to $8 — for a ticket.
(8) That entitles meto sit while myshoes seal themselves to a sticky floor
(6) If we do get tickets, the theater
will be so crowded that I won ’t be able to sit with my friends, or we

ll have to sit in a front row gaping up at a giant screen.
(8) I risk pulling out
fillings as I chew enormous mouthfuls of Milk Buds. (9) By the time I leave
the theater, I feel disgusted with myself.
[Third Supporting Paragraph] (1) Many of the other patrons are even more
poisoning among children. it has side effects that
, if 4.__________
relatively mild , are largely unrecognized between users. 5.__________
Although aspirin was first sold by Germam company
of a problem that the concession stand.
(2) Little kids race up and down
the aisle, usually in giggling packs.
(3) Teenagers try to impress their
friends by talking back to the screen, whistling, and making what they
a thing of the past, I have to drive for fifteen minutes to get to the
nearest multiplex. (3) The parking lot is shared with several restaurants
and a supermarket, so it ’s always jammed. (4) I have to drive around at
corresponding letter on the
The Hazards of Moviegoing
[Introductory Paragraph] (1)
I am a movie fanatic. (2) My friends count
in 1899 , it has been around much longer than that.
Hippocrates , in ancient Greece , understood the medical value
of the leaves and tree bark which today is known to 6.__________
world today , it is an effective pain reliever. Its bad
effects are relatively mild
, and it is cheap.
For millions of people suffered from arthrities
, 3.__________
on me to know movie trivia (who was the pigtailed little girl in E.T.:
The Extra-Terrestrial? Drew Barrymore) and to remember every big Oscar
awarded since I was in grade school(best picture 1994? Forrest Gum)p. (3) My
friends, though, have stopped asking meif I want to go out to the movies.
(4) While I love movies as much as ever, the inconvenience of going out,
the temptations of the theater, and the behavior of some patrons are
II. Error Detection. (10%)
Directions: Identify the part of the sentence or sentences that are
INCORRECaTnd WRITEthe corresponding letter on the
reasons for me to wait and rent the video.
[First Supporting Paragraph] (1) general hassle of the evening.
To begin with, I just don
’ t enjoy the
(2) Since small local movie theaters are
it is the only thing that works. Aspirin
, in short , is
truly the 20th-century wonder drug. It is also the
second largest suicide drug and is the leading cause of
contain salicylates , the chemical in aspirin. During the
19th century , there was a great number of experimentation 7.__________
in Europe with this chemical , and it led in the introduction 8.__________
(5) Going to
the theater, however, is like spending my evening in a Seven-Eleven that ’
s been equipped with a movie screen and comfortable seats.
(6) As I try
an expanding waistline. (3) At home I do pretty well by simply not buying
stuff that is bad for me.
(4) I can make do with snacks like celery and
carrot sticks because there is no ice cream in the freezer.
reactions that cause fever. The chemistry of these acids
is not fully understood , and the slowing effect of aspirin 10.__________
is well known.
III. Reading Comprehension of the Traditional Essay Structure. (20%)
Directions: There is a model of an essay form in this part. Each part of
the essay is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four
choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the