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1、粮食政策:Grain Policy

2、中华人民共和国:People's Republic of China

3、粮食生产及政策:Grain Production and Policy

4、奴隶社会: the Slavery Society

5、土地私有农业社会:in the Agricultural Society Private

Land Ownership

6、土地兼并:Land Annexation

7、农民起义:Peasants Revolts

8、农业改良思想:Agricultural Improvement Ideas

9、农村改造运动:the Rural Construction Movement

10、中国近现代:in Modern China

11、晚清:Late Qing Dynasty

12、土地思想和土地改革:Land Thought and Land


13、民国时期:the Republic of China

14、乡村建设运动:The Rural Construction Movements

15、粮食政策及改革:Grain Policy and Reform

16、苏联东欧国家: Soviet Union and Eastern European


17、农业思想: Agricultural Theory

18、粮食生产产出行为: Behavior of Grain Output

19、粮食生产函数估计: An Estimation of Grain

Production Function

20、粮食产量的行为分析: An Analysis on Behavior of

Grain Output

21、粮食生产要素投入行为: Input Analysis on Grain

Production Factors

22、土地投入行为分析: Input Analysis on Land

23、劳动力投入行为分析: Input Analysis on Labor

24、资本投入行为分析:Input Analysis on Capital

25、粮食生产要素; Other Grain Production Factors

26、粮食生产规模化:Scale Economy of Grain Production

或Large-scale of Grain Production

27、中国农业土地制度及改革:Rural Land System of

China and the Reform

28、土地非市场配置:Non-Market Mechanism of Land


29、农业土地私有化:Land Privatization

30、土地权利束: Right Arrangement of Land Property

31、中国粮食流通体制改革: The Reform of Grain

Distribution System in China

32、粮食补贴政策: Grain Subsidy Policy

33、支农悖论:The Paradox of Subsidy Policy

34、粮食安全: Food Security

35、粮食储量模型: A Model of Optimal Level of Grain


36、最佳粮食储量估计:Optimal Level Grain Reserve

37、国际化战略思考: A Strategic Thinking on


38、户籍制度: Household-Registration-System

39、城中村: Urban Villages

40、粮食生产的市场化选择:Marketization of Grain


41、粮食生产流通市场化路线图: Route Map of

Marketization of Grain Production and Distribution
