2019学年度深圳市初中英语七年级下 期末测试题

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C. leave
()3. — When I lost my way in the new place, an old ladyappearedand helped me.
—How lucky you were!
A. looked upB. put up
C. turned up
()4. — Did youdiscussthe plan with your parents yesterday evening?
A. For three days.B. For four days.
C. For five days.D. For one week.
()27. How did Sally go to Dali?
A. By train.B. By plane.
C. By car.D. By bus.
()28. What did Sally do in Lijiang?
()1. — This book will behelpfulfor you to learn Maths.
—Thank you for your advice.
A. grow upB. go out
C. rush out
()15. — Could you __________ your bedroom? It is really in a mess.
—I’m really busy these days. I will clean it later.
A. give upB. tidy up
A. friendlyB. useful
C. foolish
()2. — Linda, would you like to go swimming with me after school?
— I’d love to, but I have tofinishmy homework first.
A. completeB. take
—Oh, my God! I forgot.
A. listen toB. make up
C. talk about
()5. — We’d betterarrive atthe hotel before 10.
— Why? The meeting will begin at 10:40.
A. add toB. get to
A. take inB. wake up
C. look after
()9. If someone is __________, he or she is not unusual in any way.
C. important to
()7. —Switch offthe TV if you don’t watch it.
—OK, Mom.
A. Get offB. Turn off
C. Take off
()8. — Why didn’t Lisa come to work yeste百度文库day?
—Her son was ill and she had totake care ofhim at home.
▲ Went back to Kunming by train
▲ Visited the Stone Forest
Friday 7, July
▲ Visited the flower market
▲ Went back home at 13:27 by plane
()26. How long did the journey last?
▲ Went to Lijiang by bus
Wednesday 5, July
▲ Climbed Yulong Snow Mountain
▲ Traveled around in the Old Town of Lijiang
▲ Bought presents
Thurs- day 6, July
C. dry up
When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me. He wanted me to16him for a walk. I was too17, so I had breakfast first. Then I put on a heavy coat because it was18outside. Fox was already impatient (没耐心的). He jumped up and down near the door. And then, we both went out, and walked to the19near our home. On the way, he was very20so he ran and jumped. After we got to the park, I21on a chair all the time. When my hands were cold, I thought it was22to go back home. Fox didn’t want to, so he shook his head. I23hard to take him back. When we got to the front door, I found that I didn’t have my24with me, so we stayed out in the cold for about an hour! Fox waved his tail and played25outside, but I was late for work!
Sally is from Luoyang. She went to Yunnan for a trip last year. The following was her schedule (时间表).
Monday 3, July
▲ Arrived at 16:20 by plane
A. She took a boat tour.
B. She watched a dancing show.
C. She visited a flower market.
D. She climbed Yulong Snow Mountain.
()29. When did Sally go back to Luoyang?
()16. A. helpB. takeC. leave
()17. A. nervousB. busyC. hungry
()18. A. coldB. hotC. warm
()19. A. museumB. bankC. park
()20. A. weakB. nervousC. cheerful
()21. A. cleanedB. satC. dug
▲ Relaxed at the hotel
▲ Went to Dali at 22:23 by train
Tuesday 4, July
▲ Took a boat tour on Erhai Lake
▲ Watched a dancing show
▲ Visited Butterfly Spring Park
()22. A. factB. timeC. problem
()23. A. triedB. studiedC. worked
()24. A. skillsB. hobbiesC. keys
()25. A. happilyB. quicklyC. badly
My grandmother is seventy-three years old. She likes reading newspapers every day. Every morning after doing the housework, she always reads the newspaper for at least an hour. In fact, everyone else in the house asks her for the important news. My grandmother’s habit of reading news is of great help to the other members of my family, especially my parents because they’re too busy to read news. My elder brother is interested in the sports news, but he only watches it on his computer or smart phone. My sister and I like reading storybooks.
()11. — You should not __________ the wall. It’s dangerous.
—Sorry, Mrs Zhang. I won’t do it again.
A. paintB. clean
C. climb
()12. — What are you doing, Mike?
—Why? I don’t think I am wrong.
A. addB. lead
C. apologize
()14. — I want to be a policeman when I __________. What about you?
—A doctor. I want to save people’s lives.
A. ordinaryB. strict
C. patient
()10. If you __________ with someone, you always have the same opinion about something as someone else.
A. talkB. agree
C. fight
B. Sally bought some presents in Lijiang.
C. Sally visited the Stone Forest on Friday.
D. Sally didn’t visit the Old Town of Lijiang.
Do you love reading? Do you have the habit of reading every day?
—I am __________ my dog. I hope he can stand up when he hears my order.
A. trainingB. saving
C. producing
()13. — I think you should __________ to your brother.
C. reply to
()6. — Sanya isfamous forits beautiful beaches and good weather.
— That’s true. I will take a trip there with my friends next month.
A. known forB. good at
A. On Monday 3, July.
B. On Tuesday 4, July.
C. On Thursday 6, July.
D. On Friday 7, July.
()30. What can we learn from the schedule?
A. Butterfly Spring Park is in Lijiang.