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学会唱Angles watching over me。



Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Listen to a song

Angles watching over me


Step 3 Guess the meanings of the phrases.

A to Z all over black and blue under the table

Step 4 复习

1、over there 在那边

2、come here 来这里

3、on the book 在书上

4、in my purse 在我的钱包里

5、your rubber 你的橡皮

6、her ruler 她的尺

7、in the classroom 在教室里

8、in the TV room 在电视室里

9、Helen’s tape 海伦的修正带

10、Yang Ling’s purse 杨玲的钱包

11、I don’t know. 我不知道。

12、Excuse me 对不起;请原谅

13、Let me see. 让我看看。

14、Not at all. 不用谢。

Step 5 Salad English Park

Watch a video and learn some spoken English 1. some new words

Example opinion chock-full

2. main course

In one’s opinion,…

Have fun

Take the/ one’s time…

Take somebody for example

Come on


学会唱If you are happy。



Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Listen to a song

If you are happy


Step 3 Guess the meanings of the following sentences.

What’s so funny?

It can’t be helped.

Don’t just shake your head.

I’ll come. I give you my word.

Step 4 复习

1、in English 用英语

2、look at 看

3、a doll for you 给你的一个玩具娃娃

4、colour the kite 给风筝着色

5、a blue purse 一个蓝色的钱包

6、a yellow fan 一把黄色的扇子

7、Me, too. 我也是。

8、clean the car 把小汽车弄干净

9、very much 很;非常

10、like puppets 喜欢木偶

11、I like (love) 我喜欢

12、You’re out! 你出局了。

13、fly a kite 放风筝

14、this kite 这只风筝

15、That’s OK 没什么;不要紧

Step 5 Salad English Park

Watch a video and learn some spoken English

1. some new words

Harmonious elegant

2. main course

I wander who he is.

The way…

It’s better to…

I can’t take this!


学会唱My aunt came back。



Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Listen to a song

My aunt came back


Step 3 Guess the meanings of the following


Where there is a will,there is a way.

Time flies.

No pains,no gains.

Step 4 复习

1.a pair of shoes 一双鞋

2. a pair of socks 一双袜子

3.his jacket他的夹克

4. look at 看…

5.whose gloves谁的手套

6 a pretty dress一件漂亮的连衣裙

7. try…on试穿

8. a red sweater一件红毛衣

9.my mother’s scarf我妈妈的围巾

10. look so funny看上去真滑稽

11. too small 太小

12. too long 太长

13. for lunch 当做午饭

14. Don’t worry. 不要着急。

15. this long one 这支长的

16. some milk and mangoes 一些牛奶和芒果

17. a funny goat 一只有趣的山羊

Step 5 Salad English Park

Watch a video and learn some spoken English 1. some new words

tall house quiet picture photo

2. main course

Look st that dinosaur skeleton.

Isn’t it incredible.

I bet...
