新概念英语同步测试卷 22

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新概念英语同步测试卷(lesson73 ~ 76)

I. 把左右化纤部分发音相同的单词连在一起

1.truant A. gap

2.shame B. fool

3.sneer C. gorge

4.stamp D. gear

5.stalk E. lame

II. 用下列单词的适当形式填空,每个词只用一次

shame border evade thick fan sneer scene stamp fool gather

1.Do you need a passport to cross the ______ ?

2.She is _____ enough to believe is a Prince Charming waiting for her somewhere.

3.In some places, the walls are over two meters _______ .

4.The tiger _____ the hunters.

5.He is a _____ of the Beatles.

6.I felt that everyone here _____ at me.

7.The farmers are _____ in the corn.

8.The unjust peace agreement set the _____ for another war.

9.We _____ the ground to keep our feet warm.

10.______ on both of you.

III. 选词填空

1.Australia is very large, but ___ its land is sand.

A. none of

B. all of

C. many of

D. much of

2.Mrs. Green asked Jim ____ climb the ladder.

A. doesn't

B. don't

C. not to

D. to not

3.We have never heard _____ wonderful news.



C.such a

D.so a

4._______ does your mother go shopping?

A. How many

B. How often

C. How much

D. How long

5.The doctor asked me ______.

A.if I coughed at night

B. Did I coughed at night

C. I coughed last night

D. whether did I cough last night

6.It's raining hard. Y ou'd better ____ out.

A.don't go

B.not to go

C.not go

D.to not go

7._______ Mike _______ his sister are interested in Chinese.

A. Eight, or

B. Neither, nor

C. Not, but

D. Both, and

8.Mr. Hu said to them, "Congratulations _______ everybody!"





9.Stamps _____ for sending letters.

A.are used

B.is used

C.be used


10.He _____ from Beijing for a long time.


B.has left

C.has been away

D.has been far

IV. 课内阅读理解

1.Which of the following is true about Lesson 73?

A.The boy mentioned in the text was unimaginative.

B.The boy was sent to England by a French policeman.

C.The boy was sent back to England by a Spanish policeman.

D.The boy traveled from Calais to Paris a boat.

2.Which of the following is true about Lesson 74?

A.The actors and actresses disguised themselves too perfectly to be recognized by

the sheriff.

B.The actors and actresses wanted to make a rehearsal on the dry river bed.

C.The actors and actresses enjoyed being reported by the newspapers.

D.The sheriff thought the group of people were robbers.

3.Which of the following is true about Lesson 75?

A.The police on the plane saw the signal and landed to save the woman and the child.

B. There were four persons on the crashed plane.

C. The woman's child died because it was so cold.

D. The woman got into the case to keep herself warm.

4.Which of the following is true about lesson 76?

A.The television announcer told lies for it's April Fools' Day.

B.The television announcer told truth to the audience.

C.The television announcer tried top teach the audience a lesson.

D.The television announcer tried to introduce a new movie.

V. 课外阅读

Life in the twentieth century demands preparation. Today, all individuals in a country must have adequate schooling to prepare them for their work as well as for their responsibilities as citizens on the education of the young. In the Untied States, government
