五年级上册 Unit 5 School Lunch Period1 练习卷及答案-年粤人版(开心英语)

五年级上册 Unit 5 School Lunch Period1 练习卷及答案-年粤人版(开心英语)
五年级上册 Unit 5 School Lunch Period1 练习卷及答案-年粤人版(开心英语)

2019-2020学年度年粤人版(开心英语)英语五年级上册Unit 5 School Lunch Period1 练习卷


—We have some sugar.

A. don’t

B. do

C. are

2.—___ Peter have any tofu? ( )

—Yes, he does.

A. Do

B. Is

C. Does

3.We need some ____ and ____. ( )

A. rice, meat

B. rices, meat

C. rice, meats

4.---What does she ____? ( )

---She _____ some meat.

A. needs, needs

B. needs, need


need, needs


1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6. _________

7. _________

8. _________ 6.根据图片提示写出问句或答语。

1. A: What do we have?

B: _____________________.

2. A: Do we have any salt?

B: ______________.

A: _____________________?

B: No, we don’t.


juice; sugar; vegetables; meat; fruit

1. Apples, bananas, and pears are ________.

2. To be healthy(健康的), we should eat more _________.

3. I’m thirsty. Can I have some ________?

4. I like _______. It’s sweet (甜的).

5. Chicken and sea food are white _______.










5.1.rice 2.salt 3.tofu 4.juice 5.sugar





6.1.We have some tofu. 2.Yes, we do. 3.Do we have any sugar?


7.1.fruit 2.vegetables 3.juice 4.sugar 5.meat



人教版五年级上册《窃读记》教学设计 教学目标: 1.知识与技能: 认识生字,正确读写文中词语,并有感情地朗读课文。 抓住主要内容,体会“窃读”的复杂滋味,感悟作者对读书的热爱,对求知的渴望并受到感染。 学习作者通过细致入微的动作描写和心理描写来表达感情的方法,体会作者用词的准确生动。 2.过程与方法:采用“自读自悟”,渗透“读、思、议、悟、写”等学法。 3.情感态度与价值观: 重点感悟描写“我”动作和心理活动的语句。体会作者热爱读书的思想感情,激励学生热爱读书,奋发向上。 教学重点:抓住主要内容,体会“窃读”的复杂滋味,感悟作者对读书的热爱,对求知的渴望并受到感染。 教学难点:抓住主要内容,体会作者的情感,领悟一些表达方法。教具准备:课前搜集读书名言及故事;制作由重点词句组成的多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、激发谈话,导入新课。

同学们,书籍能使我们增长知识、开阔视野、陶冶情操,读书是一种享受、一种快乐。读一本好书就好比吃上一顿美味佳肴。那么,你们有没有这样的经历与感受呢? 今天我们学习一篇和读书有关的文章。板题,看到这个课题你有什么感受?会想些什么?(觉得题目怪,想知道文中写了件什么事?窃是什么意思?只听过“偷窃、窃贼”那“窃读”是什么意思?读书是件光彩的事,作者为什么要窃读?怎么窃读?窃读对作者有什么影响或改变?) 二、初步感知,从“窃”中品味爱书之情。 1.带着刚才的问题浏览课文,从文中找出答案。 2.看看哪句话直接写出了作者“窃读”的滋味?勾画出句子,并谈谈你的理解。(“我”渴望读书,而又无力购买,因此只好窃读,即只读不买。“我”在阅读中感受着书籍带来的智慧与快乐,却时刻害怕被店员或老板发现受到训斥和驱赶,这种对书的沉迷,书外世界的担忧与紧张构成了一种复杂、难以言说的心理感受,这就是窃读的滋味。) 三、深入感知。 1.读书既是一种精神享受,也是一种思维的体操。读书也需要思考,比如,思考我读懂了什么?对我有什么作用?我感受到了什么……《窃读记》写的是作者小时候的一段生活经历,这样的文章,作者肯定有很多的感触,也是我们读书时需要特别留意,应仔细咀嚼的。你

最新译林五年级上册 Unit1复习练习

Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 姓名__________ 一、默写 1、在森林 2、在房子里 3、又饿又渴 4、在餐桌上 5、太冷 6、太硬 7、正好、正合适 8、在房间里 9、太烫 10、太硬 11、太软 12、在他的前面 13、记住这些单词14、得了感冒 15、穿上你的外套 16、脱下你的夹克 17、一杯牛奶 18、在椅子上 19、西方国家 20、吃一些蛋糕 21、在厨房里 22、在冰箱里 23、找到他们的表弟 24、一座漂亮的房子 25、害怕狗 26、在……和……中间 27.在···前面________________ 28.Four eyes see more than two____________________ 二、语音 ( )1. A. picture B. music C. nice ( )2. A. bus B. ruler C. cup ( )3. A. juice B. orange C. girl ( )4. A. horse B. house C. nose ( )5. A. come B. soft C. dog 三、适当形式填空 1._________(be) a lot of milk in the glass? Yes, there _______. 2.There _______(be) a tree and some flowers in the garden. 3.The soup _________ (be) very hot. 4.There _______(be) any cakes in the fridges. 5.Can you show _____(we) around your school? 6.Give ______(they) some water. They are very thirsty. 7.Look at the cat. ______(it) eyes are blue. 8.He often plays football with _______(they). 9.Look at _______(that) apples. They are bad. 10.Miss Chen teaches ________(we) Maths. 11.11. Liu Tao can __________ (play) basketball.

小学五年级(上)英语Unit 6 Christmas 单元练习卷(含答案)

小学五年级(上)英语Unit 6 Christmas 单元练习卷 (含答案) 小学五年级(上)英语Unit 6 Christmas 单元练习卷(含答案) 小学五年级(上)英语Unit 6 Christmas 单元练习卷 一、按要求写出下列词的正确形式。 1. take (对应词) _______ 2. bring (现在分词) _______ 3. star (复数形式) _______ 4. animal (复数形式) _______ 5. big bag (同义词) _______ 二、英汉词组互译。 1. help yourselves _______ 2. at Christmas _______ 3. the poor _______ 4. 假装是_______

5. 装饰圣诞树 _______ 三、读句子,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. People s_______ cards to their friends at Christmas. 2. Parents often p_______ to be Santa and give presents to their children. 3. “Help y_______, please.” Linda’s mum says to us. 4. What p_______ did you get, Jenny? 5. The girl will d_______ the Christmas tree. 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. ---_______ is Christmas Day? ---It is December 25. A. What time B. When C. How ( ) 2. Let’s _______ the Christmas tree.


五年级英语上册Unit 1练习题 姓名班级 一、听音,根据你听到的对话,完成下面的调查表。 thin short strong tall old young kind funny subject Family name science Miss Ma 二、听音,选出你所听到的单词,把其编号写在左边的括号里。 ( ) . young B. funny C. sunny ( ) . old B. long C. short ( ) . pretty B. windy C. strong ( ) . thin B. tall C. kind ( ) . smart B. strict C. active 三、看图,听音,根据听到的内容给下面各图标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音,根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. A. Mr Zhao. B. Mr Ma . C. Miss Liu. ( ) 2. A. He’s very funny. B. He’s very kind. C. He’s very young. ( ) 3. A. No, she isn’t. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 4. A. She’s short and thin. B. She’s tall and thin. C. She’s tall and strong. ( ) 5. A. He’s a music teacher. B. He’s a . teacher. C. He’s an art teacher.五、听音,写出下列各句的顺序。 ( ) I know. He’s my father. ( ) What’s he like


人教版PEP五年级英语上册【同步练习】Unit6PartB(人教)Part B 同步练习 1.h_u_s(房屋) 2.h_g_(高的) 3.b_il_i_g(建筑物) 4.br_d_e(桥) 1. Is there a fish in the river? A.We have tomatoes. 2. Can you set the table? B.No, there isn't. 3. What can he do? C.Yes, I can. 4. What's your favourite fruit? D.He can cook the meals. 5. What do you have for lunch? E Apples. 1.there, Is, forest, nature park, the, a, in ? 2.there, many, fish, in are, river, the ___ . 3.any, in, the, Are, there, pandas, mountain ? 4.many, There, houses, my, are, in, village . 5.can, many, see, You, fish . ()1.white clouds A.在农场 ()2.blue sky B.白云 ()3.on the farm C.蓝天

()4.in the city D.在草地上 ()5.on the grass E.在城市里 ()6.near the village F.高山 ()7.path G.自然公园 ()8.mountain H.在村庄旁边 ()9.nature park I.小道 ()10.fresh air J.新鲜空气 Hi, I am Li Ping. I am from a small village. There are many houses and rivers in my village. The houses are very beautiful. The water is clean. You can see many fish in the river. There is a mountain near our village. There aren’t any pandas in the mountain. But there are many trees on the mountain. A big forest is not far from the mountain. My village is pretty. I like my village. ( ) 1. Where is Li ping from? ( ) 2. --Are there any houses and rivers in the village? -- __________ A. No, there aren’t. B. Yes, there are. ( ) 3. --What can you see in the river? --_______________ A. ducks B. fish ( ) 4. There are many __________ in the mountain. A. trees B. pandas ( ) 5. The big forest is _____________ the mountain. A. near B. far 参考答案 1. house 2.high 3.building 4.bridge 1-B


人教版五年级上册单词表和常用表达法 Unit1 Is he young? 他年轻吗? No,he isn ’t.不,他不年轻。 What ’s she like?她什么样? She ’s kind.她很和蔼。 Unit2 old 老的,年纪大的 young 年轻的,岁数不大的 funny 滑稽的,可笑的 kind 体贴的,慈祥的,宽容的 strict 要求严格的,严厉的 polite 有礼貌的,客气的 hard -working 工作努力的,辛勤的 helpful 有用的,愿意帮忙的 clever 聪明的,聪颖的 shy 羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的 know 知道,了解 our 我们的 MS 女士 will 将要 sometimes 有时,间接 speak 会说,会讲(某种语言),用(某种语言)说话 finish 完成,做好 robot 机器人 him 他 Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 read books 看书 play football 踢足球 cooking 烹饪,烹调 often 时常,常常 do homework 做作业 weekend 周末 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch TV 看电视 park 公园 tired 疲倦的 sport 体育运动 play sports 做体育运动 should 应该,应当 schedule 工作计划,日常安排

What do you have on Thursday?星期四你有什么课? I have maths,English and music.我有数学,英语和音乐课。 Do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园里看书吗? No,I don ’t.不,我不经常在这里看书。 Unit3 What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? A sandwich ,please. 请给我一个三明治。 What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? I'd like some water. 我想喝点水。 What's your favourite food ? 你最喜欢吃什么食物? Noodles.They are delicious. 面条,面条很好吃。 favourite 特别喜爱的 food 食物 Dear 亲爱的(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前) onion 洋葱,葱头 hot 辣的,辛辣的 sweet 含糖的,甜的 drink 喝,饮 thirsty 渴的,口渴的


五年级上册Unit1复习课教案 My Teachers 一、教学内容与分析 My Super Teacher My English teacher is Steven. He’s from America. He is an old man. What's he like? He has short curly hair and green eyes. He’s very smart. He is good at English, Chinese, math and music. He's very friendly. He has 100 friends. Is he hard-working? Yes, he is. He often gets up at 5:30 a.m. and goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. He's very strong. He can do Chinese kung fu very well. This is my super teacher. I like him very much! 本语篇是根据PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit1创编的,围绕主题“My Teachers”展开。这是一节复习课,其主要内容为复习本单元描述人物的主要词汇和句型,以及新授单词friendly和hard-working。语篇以笔者自己的英语老师Steven为载体,将形象生动的“Steven自我情况描述”视频引入课堂,让学生乐“看”、乐“听”、乐“说”,帮助学生感知人物形象,自然交流人物体貌特征及性格特点,并在语篇阅读时将策略深入心灵,让学生乐“读”、乐“写”,帮助学生掌握学习语篇的方法和技巧。本节课的教学重点是帮助学生牢固掌握本单元四会单词和句子的书写;教学难点是单词friendly和hard-working的理解及运用,以及帮助学生在原有知识和经验的基础上,运用所学语言进行表达、交流的能力。 本语篇适合小学英语五年级学生学习。 二、学情分析 授课对象为小学五年级学生,他们通过近五年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的口语表达能力和阅读能力。教师需要不断创造机会,提高学生在阅读中输入和内化语言、重组并输出语言的能力,同时让学生体验学习语言和交流表达的快乐。 三、学习目标 1. 知识目标 a.复习本单元主要词汇:young, funny, tall, strong, kind, old, short, thin, strict, smart, active和quiet。 b.复习本单元主要句型 ①What’s he/ she like? He/ She is… . He/ She has… . ②Is he/ she …? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/ she isn’t. c.能听、说、认读新授词汇friendly和hard- working。 d.能通过阅读,学会用不同的方式描述自己的老师,并学会描述身边的人。 2. 能力目标 a.能用不同的形容词描述人物,培养学生用英语交际的能力。 b.能通过在语篇中完成不同的阅读任务,形成提取信息的能力。 c.能掌握简单、有效的阅读方法和技巧。 T: Is she tall? Yes, she is .


人教版五年级上册语文第一单元试卷班别:姓名:座号:得分: 第一部分:基础知识积累与运用。(30分) 一、看拼音,写汉字。(6分) wūyán chōnɡ zú bàn lǚ ( ) ( ) ( ) yú lè bèi sònɡ biān xiě ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、辨别形近字,并组词(4分) 婪()尝()忧()呕() 焚()偿()扰()区() 三、找出错别字画上“”,改正后写在括号里。(4分) 1、我会豪不犹预地回答:“我会选择一本书。”()() 2、同学们应该真惜时间,尊守纪律。()() 四、把下面的词语补充完整。(6分) ()盆大()如()如()()()不同 牵()挂()()()不忘()()吞枣 五、选词填空。(4分) 鼓励激励继续陆续 1、爸爸()我努力学习,长大了为国争光。 2、他的英勇事迹永远()着我们前进。 3、同学们()来到操场上,等待文艺晚会的开始。 4、站累了,我就换条腿()读书。 六、判断对错。对的打“√”错的打“╳”(2分) 1、“走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。”这是比喻句。 () 2、季爷爷告诉苗苗,21世纪的青年应该中西贯通,古今贯通。() 七、先把下面的句子补充完整,然后再写一句你从课外学来的有关读书的句子。(4分) 1、一日无书,。 2、读书破万卷,。 3、黑发不知勤学早,。 4、 第二部分:阅读积累与运用。(30分) 一、阅读《窃读记》选段,回答问题。(12分) 我喜欢到顾客多的书店,因为那样不会被人注意。进来看书的人虽然很多,

但是像我这样常常光顾而从不购买的,恐怕没有。因此我要把自己隐藏起来。有时我会贴在一个大人的身边,仿佛我是他的小妹妹或小女儿。 最令人开心的是下雨天,越是倾盆大雨我越高兴,因为那时我便有充足的理由在书店待下去。就像在屋檐下躲雨,你总不好意思赶我走吧?我有时还要装着皱起眉头,不时望着街心,好像说:“这雨,害得我回不去了。”其实,我的心里却高兴地喊着:“大些!再大些!” …… 我低着头走出书店,脚站得有些麻木,我却浑身轻松。这时,我总会想起国文老师鼓励我们的话:“记住,你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!” 1、在文中找出下列词的近义词。(2分) 躲藏()光临()勉励()充分() 2、这片段主要写了(2分) 3、用“~~”画出表达“我”复杂心情的句子。从这句话我体会到 。(3分) 4、联系课文和生活实际,写写你对“你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!” 这句话的理解。(3分) 5、读文后,你一定能写出一些关于读书、学习的成语或名言吧。(2分) 成语:、 读书名言: 二、阅读短文,回答下面问题。(18分) 的巴尔扎克 法国大作家巴尔扎克一生都勤奋写作。一把咖啡壶,支持着他一天写十几个小时的文章。 一次,他写一部小说已经()写了一个通宵,可他还没有停笔的念头,快到中午时,巴尔扎克累(lěi lèi)得实在()不住了。碰巧,有位朋友拜访他,巴尔扎克对他说:“我睡一会儿,请你过一小时后叫醒我。记住啊,就1小时。”朋友点头答应。 一小时很快就到了。朋友看见巴尔扎克睡得那么香,心想:“他为了挤(jījǐ)时间写作,一点儿也不顾及身体,就让他这一次好好睡一觉(jué jiào)吧。”于是,这位朋友没有()把巴尔扎克叫醒。一会儿,巴尔扎克自己醒了,他一看手表,呀!自己竟然睡了近两个小时。他马上生气了。对着朋友吼起来:“你,你,你为什么不叫醒我,你可知道我已经()了多少时间


一、选出正确答案。 1.—Who is that girl? —_____. A She is young B Yes,she is C She is my friend 2.—Is she clever? —_____. A Yes, she isn’t B Yes,he is C No, she isn’t 3.—Is she short? —No,she is_____tall . A very B much C very much 4.—Who is your English teacher? —______ A He is my brother B Mr Li is very tall C Miss Wang 5.—______pretty? —Yes,she is very pretty . A Does her B Is she C is she D she is 6.—________? —He is my brother. A Who that boy? B Who’s that boy? C Whose that boy? D What’s that boy? 7.—______? —Yes,she is. A Is she good at her school work? B Is she good her school work? C What’s she good at? D Does she good at her school work 8.—How many new teachers do you have? —_______. A I have two new teachers. B I new teacher. C I’m two new teachers. D I have new teachers. 9.—__ _? —I’m in Class One,Grade Five. A What’s class are you in? B What class do you in? C What class are your in? D What class are you in? 二、连词成句。 come I Britain ._________________________________ Her fun class is so. __________________________________ is What name ________________________________________ Is strong your ? many you How teachers new do ? ______________________________________ your Who teacher is ? My strong is and tall. teachers I three new . your this mother ? 三、读题写单词。 English teacher is ______(高的)and_______(强壮的),He is very _______(善良的) math teacher is very ______(幽默的) music teacher is very ______(年轻的)and ______(活泼的).She is very ________(聪明的) many (新的)teachers do you have ? is very (严格的),but she is .(友好的) 五、把问题和答语对应起来。

[最新]pep五年级英语上册 Unit 6《In a nature park》第5课时同步练习.doc

Unit 6 In a nature park 第五课时 一,听音,将下列单词排序 sound count mouse house about around wow cow ()()()()()()()() 二,划线部分读音相同打√,不同打× ()1,house mouse cow ()2,sound should wow ()3,about funny above ()4,count flower around 1、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky。 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。二〇二〇年八月十五日2020年8月15日星期六 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。09:158.15.202009:158.15.202009:1509:15:238.15.202009:158.15.2020 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。8.15.20208.15.202009:1509:1509:15:2309:15:23 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。Saturday, August 15, 2020August 20Saturday, August 15, 20208/15/2020 6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。9时15分9时15分15-Aug-208.15.2020 7、志气这东西是能传染的,你能感染着笼罩在你的环境中的精神。那些在你周围不断向上奋发的人的胜利,会鼓励激发你作更艰苦 的奋斗,以求达到如象他们所做的样子。20.8.1520.8.1520.8.15。2020年8月15日星期六二〇二〇年八月十五日 8、时间是一位可爱的恋人,对你是多么的爱慕倾心,每分每秒都在叮嘱:劳动,创造!别虚度了一生! 09:1509:15:238.15.2020Saturday, August 15, 2020


人教版五年级上册语文课文第一课 窃读记 作者:林海音 转过街角,看见饭店的招牌,闻见炒菜的香味,听见锅勺敲打的的声音,我放慢了脚步。放学后急忽忽地从赶到这里,目的地可不是饭店,而是紧邻它的一家书店。 我边走边想:“昨天读到什么地方了?那本书放在哪里?左边第三排,不错……”走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。我可以安心了。但我又担忧那本书会不会卖光,因为一连几天都看见有人买,昨天好像只剩下一两本了。 我跨进店门,暗喜没人注意。我踮着脚尖,从大人的腋下钻过去。哟,把短头发弄乱了,没关系,我总算挤到里边来了。在一排排花花绿绿的书里,我的眼睛急切地寻找,却找不到那本书。从头来,再找一遍。啊!它在这里,原来不在昨天的地方了。 急忙打开书,一页,两页,我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着。我很快乐,也很惧怕——这种窃读的滋味!

我害怕被书店老板发现,每当我觉得当时的环境已不适宜再读下去的时候,我会知趣地放下书走出去,再走进另一家。有时,一本书要到几家书店才能读完。 我喜欢到顾客多的书店,因为那样不会被人注意。进来看书的人虽然很多,但是像我这样常常光顾而从不购买的,恐怕没有。因此我要把自己隐藏起来。有时我会贴在一个大人的身边,仿佛我是他的小妹妹或小女儿。 最令人开心的是下雨天,越是倾盆大雨我越高兴,因为那时我便有充足的理由在书店待下去。就像在屋檐下躲雨,你总不好意思赶我走吧?我有时还要装着皱起眉头,不时望着街心,好像说:“这雨,害得我回不去了。”其实,我的心里却高兴地喊着:“大些!再大些!” 当饭店飘来一阵阵菜香时,我已饿得饥肠辘辘,那时我也不免要做白日梦:如果口袋里有钱该多好!去吃一碗热热的面条,回到这里时,已经有人给摆上一张沙发,坐上去舒舒服服地接着看。我的腿真酸哪,不得不交替着用一条腿支撑着,有时又靠在书柜旁,以求暂时的休息。 每当书店的日光灯忽地亮起来,我才发觉已经站在这里读了两个多钟头了。我合上书,嗯了一口唾沫,好像把所有的智慧都吞下去了,然后才依依不舍地把书放回书架。

五年级英语上册 Unit 6单元练习 人教版PEP

五年级英语上册Unit6单元练习 姓名班级分数 一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。(5%) ()1.A.closet B.old C.road ()2.A.with B.fish C.1ike ()3.A.flower B.house C.our ()4.A.run B.fun C.put ()5.A.1ake B.have C.day 二、根据句意填人句子所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。(10%) 1.The man is too h_______,he can’t eat beef now. 2.I can c_______the meal and do some housework. 3.I don’t like grapes because they are s_______. 4.My home is not in a city,it is in a v_______. 5.There are many s_______in the school. 三、看图完成句子。(10%) 1.I’d like chicken,carrots,_______for lunch. 2.My parents often do_______on the weekend. 3.I can_______. 4.We have_______and_______on_______. 四、根据实际情况回答问题。(20%) 1.Where is your home? 2.What can you do at home? 3.Who’s your favorite teacher? 4.What do you do on your weekend? 5.What’s your room like? 1


Unit 1 What’s he like Part A 一.单词 1. 形容人的形容词: 外形:young 年轻的——old 年老的 tall 高的——short矮的 strong 强壮的——weak柔弱的 fat胖的——thin瘦的 性格:kind和蔼的——strict 严格的 funny滑稽可笑的 clever聪明的 shy 害羞的 polite有礼貌的 helpful乐于助人的 hard-working 努力工作(学习)的 quiet 安静的、文静的 nice 好的 lovely 可爱的 2. old旧的-----new 新的 funny(名词)------fun 二.句型 1. 问:Who’s your ( )teacher 谁是你的()老师 括号里填科目(如:C hinese,E nglish,maths,science等) 答:Mr…./ Miss…. / Ms…. / Mrs…. 某先生/某女士/某女士/某夫人 2. 问:Who’s ( ) ()是谁 括号里填人名(如:Miss White, Mrs Smith, Mr Jones等) 答:He is our English teacher. She is the head teacher. 3. Is引导的一般疑问句,谈论某位老师是否具有某方面的特征:Is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用:Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn't. 例:(1) Is she/he kind 她是和蔼的吗 肯定回答:Yes,she/he is .否定回答:No ,she/he isn’t . (2) Is she quiet Yes, she is. (3) Is Mr Jones funny No, he isn’t. (4) Is Chenjie shy Yes, she is. 4. Do you know Mr Young 你知道杨先生吗 肯定回答:Yes ,I do .否定回答:No ,I don’t . 三.字母y在单词结尾发音[ i ] happy baby sunny windy sorry many candy party family Part B 一.单词 1.称呼用词: Mr 先生 Miss女士(未婚) Ms女士(不明是否已婚) Mrs夫人(随丈夫姓) 2.频率词:often经常 usually通常 sometimes有时

人教版小学英语-五年级上册-Unit 6知识点+练习

小学英语题集 五年级上 Unit6 知识点一:四会词汇 clock(时钟) plant(植物) water bottle(水瓶) bike(自行车) photo(照片clock(时刻、钟) in front of(在…前面)between(在…中间)above(在(或向)…上面) beside(在旁边(附近)behind(在(或向)…后面) 典型例题 答案

二、选出不同类的词 答案1-5ACCAB 知识点二:四会句子 There is a nice photo on the desk. 桌上有一张很美的照片。There are a lot of flowers in front of the house. 房子前面有很多花。Your room is really nice! 你房间很漂亮! Thanks. 谢谢。 典型例题 一、单项选择 ( ) 1.There ___ a small closet in my bedroom. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 2.There ____ some pictures on the wall. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 3.My father has ______air-conditioner. A. a B. an C. some D. \

( ) 4.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _______Tom. A. front B. in front of C. over D. behind ( ) 5.There is a TV set ______ the closet. A. near B. in C. under D. behind ( ) 6.This is a picture _____ my room. A. on B. in C. of D. to ( ) 7.The books are _____ the bookshelf. A. in B. on C. over D. under ( ) 8.Two end tables _____ near the bed. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 9.There _____ a table ,a TV and two sofas in my room. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 10.We are rabbits. We_____ a new flat. A. have B. has C. is D. are 答案1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A 二、看图,完成短文 Welcome to my new house. There are two _____, two_______, a study a _____ _______ and a_______ . In this new house, I have my own room. In my room, there is a picture _____ the bed. There is an end table_____ bed. The phone is _____ the end table. The ___ is under the air-conditioner. The trash bin is ____the door.


五年级英语上册第六单元练习题 一、填入所缺字母,完成单词。 1.河流r__v__r 2.树tr____ 3.房子h____se 4.村庄vi____age 5.森林f__r__s__t 6.建筑物bu____ding 7.公园p____k 8.山丘h____l9.桥bri____e10.湖泊l__k__ 二、辨音题,判断下列每组单词中划线部分的读音是否相同,如相同,请写“√”,如不同,请写“×”。。 ()1.river dinner()2.window how ()3.yellow snow()4.clean speak ()5.count abo ut 三、选择填空。 ()1.___a river in the park? A.Is there B.Are there C.There is D.There are ()2.—Is there a bird in the sky?---_____. A.Yes,there are B.Yes,there isn’t C.Yes,there is D.No,there is ()3.Are there any fish in the river? A.No,there isn’t. B.Yes,there are two fish.

D. C. It in No, Yes, C. Yes, there are two fishes.No, there are. ( ) 4. There are _____apples in my bag. A. a B. an C. many D. any ( ) 5. ____ two pens on the desk? A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Are there ( ) 6. Can you see the cat in the picture? ---_____. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, there is. No, I can.D. No, there isn’t ( )7. There are_____ tall buildings in the village. A. no B. not C. many D. a ( ) 8. _____ is the desk?’is front of my bed. A. What B. Where C. Who D. How ( )9. There _____________ many people in the park. A. aren’t B. not C. isn’t 四、根据汉语完成句子。 1、公园里有一个湖。 There is a ________in the __________. 2、村庄里有一条河吗? ______ there a________ in the village? 3、森林里有河吗?不,没有。 Is there a_______ in the forest? __________. 4、自然公园里有高楼吗?是的,有。 Are there tall__________ in the nature park?_______.


-五年级英语上册unit6课堂练习2017-2018年五年级英语上册unit6课堂练习 一、填入适当的词。 1.country(复数) 2.don’t(完全形式) 3.David(所有格) 4.sisters(所有格) 5.travel(现在分词) 6.right(同音词) 7.Chinese(名词)8.aren’t(同音词) 9.swim(现在分词)10.dance(现在分词) 11.watch(第三人称单数)12.study(三单形式) 13.wait(三单形式)14.good(副词) 二、用所给词的'适当形式填空。 1._____yourparent_____(have)ane-mail? 2.DoHelenandMike(study)Musicafterschool? 3.MrGreencan’tspeak(China),butI. 4.MrBrown(live)inChina.He(speak)good.(China) 5.Helengoodat(skate)?No,she. 6.Sheisgoodat_______(make)clothes. 7.MysisterusuallyEnglishinher(study). 8.Theyaregoodat(说)English. 9.Mysisteris20_____(year)old.

10.Canyou______(send)theletterforme? 11.Doesheswim____(good)? 12.DotheyhaveChinese______(lesson). 13.Wheredothey______(live). 14.My(hobby)arereadingand(write). 15.Don’t_______(eat)alotofsweets. 三、英汉互译。 1.去踢足球 2.写个电子邮件 3.只有十八岁 4.在校 5.喜欢弹钢琴 6.去钓鱼 7.擅长钓鱼8.吃许多鱼 9.居住10.坐在河边 11.发送邮件12.来自美国 四、连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点 1.English,brother,can,my,speak(?) 2.subjects,does,what,like,LiuTao(?) 3.have,not,does,Jim,fish,any(.) 4.does,speak,Helen’s,Chinese,brother(?) 五.句型转换 1.Hedoeshishomeworkcarefully.(改成否定句) 2.MyauntusuallygoesshoppingonSundays.(改为一般疑问句)_____yourauntusually____________onSundays?
